No you’re not. I’m NC with my parents. Maybe hide posts from her unless public or mention it. Or compromise
No your husband will get over it and if he doesn’t oh Well !!! !
I would never. She could comment on every post and I wouldn’t out of respect for her and my guy.
Theres a monster in law page you might benefit from. You have no obligation to have her on her fb. Your husband shouldnt be mad at you. If anything he should be sticking up for you. I would never have my mil on my fb no matter who didnt like it
Was she being nosy or criticizing? Was she acting superior or being patronizing? Did she insult you? Did she say you didn’t know what you were talking about? If she didn’t do any of those things, or use profanity, I’m not sure if you can get too upset with her. Maybe she doesn’t have much else to do except scroll through Facebook, and she just sees your posts there. And since she knows you, she feels comfortable commenting. She probably likes the attention of making a comment, but doesn’t always feel comfortable commenting on a stranger’s posts. Can you try to take it as a compliment?
Everyone in my family except 3 ppl are blocked. If they’re not blocked, they’re not friends with me on fb.
Whether they are toxic or not, annoying or not, assert their opinions or not, I don’t need the drama.
I don’t need someone seeing what I post and then gossiping about it to someone else (another family member or not).
I went through that twice and never again.
My ex MIL used to always comment on everything single thing I post bc she just had to assert her opinion on everything- negative or not.
You’re just a mean girl
Think of it like this, one day- you’ll miss it and you’ll want to hear from her again but won’t be able to…
Turn off your notifications. She’s family and just wants to fit in and belong.
… good grief… I wish I had people care about me and my babies…you live for the drama don’t you?..
…… you’re serious, aren’t you?
Just advise them to make sure to take a break from being angry. it can kill them both
It’s she was commenting with positive remarks, then they have reason to be upset…… if she was nasty and vindictive or your posts then block.
You are so wrong and petty you should be glad she likes you
Yes. Turn off notifications. Snooze her. Hide her. You didn’t have to block her
Trust me… dealing with her on social media could be easier than in person. In my case it surety would have been!
My mother in law does the same.
Had you discussed it with her before blocking her? Did she know she was buggin’ you? She might have been trying to be part of your life…
She might have had no idea. Communication is key, and social media is so difficult because you can’t read FACES, you can’t get the FEELING of what is really happening.
You might want to just try to discuss it; and maybe, if it was as I said above, you might be able to mend the fences and discuss what you’re comfortable with having her post on your page?
The world needs peacemakers more than anything these days. Maybe you could be one here. It takes a big person to make the first move.
Atleast she commented on your stuff my mother inlaw doesnt acknowledge my stuff🤷♀️ Even my kids Birthdays on fb🤷♀️ I just let it run off my back like water on a duck’s back. Dont sweat the small stuff, lifes too short.
You should be happy someone cares.
Sounds like it’s your way or the highway. Such a petty reason to ruin a good thing. At least your MIL liked you. Past tense because you ruined a good thing
Lmao sounds like a monster n law
Comments on social media mean nothing so if she’s annoying, block her. How often does she actually show up to be an active part of the kid’s lives? She could just be commenting to try and make herself look like a better grandma. To make her feel good about herself without actual effort.
- Did you address this with her beforehand?
- Is she being rude?
If you answered no to both then yes you are wrong. Older people tend to go overboard on social media and not realize when they’re overbearing. There is other options other than blocking her. She’s your MIL - if she is good to your family than this relationship should be nurtured.
Unless she’s a complete nightmare, you should have treated her with respect.
You can block specific posts from specific people, so you can filter so she doesn’t feel so unincorporated but this is definitely something to discuss ahead of time if you can.
I love getting notified that my mother in-law has reacted or commented on my posts which she usually does within minutes of me posting it means she has made me a priority in her life! I don’t get to see her as often I would like so fb keeps us connected… Just take it as she loves you!
Depends… we’re her likes and comments supporting you and nice? Or were they negative and against you? Lol if on your side then really she was just trying to be close to you to be included
You can also restrict her on your Friends list. She will only be able to see stuff that is posted public. But I do understand what your saying and believe me I get it! Anyway that’s what I did. Except other family members would say did u see Michelles post. And she would sAy no I didn’t why ( as she’ searches your page to see what was posted) and said person was talking about and then figure out that she isn’t seeing all your post. But I would be upset that my husband was pisses about it and at least listen to your reasoning. Idk that’s just me.
It’s immaturity on your part.
I think so she sounds very offended.
I think you can include her in certain posts but not all.
Was she embarrassing you?Or was it just the sound of the notifications?
The fact that your husband doesn’t know how you feel about it is a serious indication your relationship lacks communication.
It depends on the circumstances really. Do you feel like she is stalking you? If she has gone looking for your posts then she might be checking up on you… idk!
I would take it as a good thing. If she’s doing that then she obviously likes you and is trying to show it by liking your posts.
You blocked her? yeah, you’re kind of wrong. She’s your mother-in-law, she deserves some kind of decency… unless there are other issues. If it’s JUST because of excessive notifications, then you should have just clicked the 3 little dots to the right of her notification and turned off notifications about updates from that person. You can choose to do that. Good grief.
Girl are you serious??
Wait, I need more info… you’re mad bc she sees your stuff and lines or comments on it? Are they rude comments? Cause if not, you should be happy that she takes the time to read them and see what y’all are up to. Some ppl would kill to hv their in-laws take an interest in what they’re doing and support them. if she’s actually being rude… well then that’s another story
I literally block my own mother and grandmother lol I love them but no
You blocked her? yeah, you’re kind of wrong. She’s your mother-in-law, she deserves some kind of decency… unless there are other issues. If it’s JUST because of excessive notifications, then you should have just clicked the 3 little dots to the right of her notification and turned off notifications about updates from that person. You can choose to do that.
Personally if she wasn’t saying anything rude just ignore it
I blocked my birth mother for continually belittling my posts. Do what you need to do. No judgment here.
Depends , if her comments were nice supportive and positive than yes you are being immature and petty to block her.
If her comments were nasty or not supportive than no you are not In the wrong at all.
I blocked my whole family lol do you!!
i didn’t read this all i read was “i blocked my MIL on social media” you don’t have to have ANYONE family or otherwise on your private pages that’s why a block button exists i scroll on my “people you may know” and just be blocking people that i don’t wanna see or don’t want seeing me on fb you don’t have to have anyone on your page esp if they’re causing problems for you even if they’re not problems for someone else
Its sad how people take Facebook so personal.
You can limit posts too.
If she’s toxic there is no problem with it but if not and it was just on your nerves thats kinda harsh
Not wrong at all. I’m not even friends with my in laws on any social medias and I’ve been with my s/o for 9 years.
Do what you need to do! You’re not required to have anyone on your social media accounts you don’t want on them
No some people just want to know your business when it’s really has nothing to do with them and that could be bad because she obviously let’s your hubby in on what your writing
I get it. If she constantly blowing up your stuff it can be overwhelming and without knowing the relationship… but your husband being mad bc his mom went to him is ridiculous. It’s your social media and no one including him is entitled to it. This is a red flag that he immediately got upset with you and was on her “side” instead of just checking in with you about what’s happening.
I would just talk to her about it not block her, that screams miscommunication
My husband’s mom used to do this (she’s passed now sadly,) she’d blow us up all at once. I feel like it’s just an older person thing, blocking seems a bit strange and mean but obviously anyone can do whatever they want. I don’t usually get super offended by other people existing but of course that’s everyone’s right.
I have 90% of my family blocked. Not a care in the world…its YOUR account and you can do as you please!
I totally understand and I’m old. You do you!!
Yeah, youre kind of wrong. You can turn notifications off for individual people. Also, she is just trying to connect with you, cut her some slack. Sheesh.
Its your face book, you can block delete anyone you like… simple
You can block who ever you want. If they earned it, well they earned it…
You can still have her as a friend on social media. Just set your settings up so she can’t see everything.
Wow seems like she’s a sweetheart of a mother in law.
You really don’t appreciate what you have till it’s gone.
That’s just an older person thing. If that’s truly the only reason you blocked her then ya that’s a little much. Just turn off notifications from her.
I say it’s your space, do what you want.
I can see how that would be frustrating. Maybe block her from some posts, but not all?
I unfriended my mother inlaw cause she went back and told my husband everything
You have the right to.
With that being said, you wanted to send a message by doing that and you did.
Family can be annoying af. If it was harmless comments, I’d take it personal. If it was rude & disrespectful, that’s a different story.
You could have muted her
Your page do what you want.
But sometimes people need boundaries, send her pictures of them so she doesn’t feel shut out instead
I’ve done that to ppl before. I did it to an ex coworker. She kept taking over my statuses and starting conversations with them which annoyed me. Its my timeline hate when people do that. I served her last month she’s like oh you not on Facebook now I’m like noooo. Ooops
My mother in law passed away before my husband and I ever met. I’d give anything to have her here commenting on my every post.
I use restricted setting for people I don’t want to block but don’t want them seeing/commenting on everything
Why post if you don’t want a reaction. Oops are we not supposed to respond to this…
Turn off notifications, unless she was commenting rude shit, then your buggin, Facebook is that place to share and discuss. your opinion is never more important than someone’s feelngs. Be nice.
I mean it’s kind of immature. You should be grateful you have a mother in law who wants to. See and be apart of things I think it’s highly rude and immature of you and I’d be mad too…
Grow up. It’s just likes ignore it who cares!!! You’d pick social media privacy over family?
Its your time,let them be mad
I have over 2k people blocked on Facebook. My block list is longer than my friends list. It’s MY personal shit. My Facebook, my choice. You reserve the right to refuse access for any reason and you don’t have to explain yourself.
Welcome to social media
You’re all nuts if you ask me!! Getting in a family dispute about social media !! You know that ain’t real right ! ? You know that’s just an app on your mobile Ur supposed to have fun with !
Bahahahahah dead because I literally had this same conversation tonight
That’s called a boundary and the fact they are both pissed about it is a red flag. No one owes anyone else access to their lives including social media unless the person wants to give that access.
You could have turned off her notifications. Why post anything if you don’t like the notifications🙄
Instead of blocking her, tell her she doesn’t need to comment on everything
Not the asshole. I’ve done the same thing
That’s truly annoying…
I would be honest and tell her.
You know when I use to comment on my daughters fb…oh my I would get…Mom stop posting on my page…or they cut me off…lol
I’ve learned to only like one Love if it’s a photo of my Grandchildren
You could just ignore it and not comment back 
You could just shut off the Facebook notifications on your phone. I do because my mom go through spurts where she likes or comments on almost everything so my phone is constantly off
Hmmm yeah ok. Facebook is a public forum. If blowing up your notifications is the worst thing from MIL, I’d say you’re very lucky. I would say what you did was mean and I would be mad at you too.
Then y’all wonder why your MILs hate y’all
Not your not wrong there comes a boundary that has to be put in place. Tell her u either don’t comment on my stuff or I’ll just remove u all together period
Have you tried talking to her?
It’s your Facebook block whoever you want
I hope you have sons so you will have daughters in laws just as nasty as you.
Block him too.
They will get over it🙄
Ignore it. Keep the peace!!
Ok, but was she saying mean or inappropriate things? Or was she just commenting because its a form of communication?
If she was being mean then its ok.
If it was because you were just annoyed because of the notifications I have to wonder why you’re on social media at all? Do we not use it to share and communicate?
Are d comments negative? If yes, i’d post with limited friends who can view, and put people on the list u dont like very much on those who wont be able to view. That way she is not blocked but will have limited items to view and comment on your timeline
All these yes comments are exhausting and draining. I’ve blocked ppl for way less. No one in my family is allowed on my Facebook, if you comment on mine and I find that comment something I don’t conform with . I’m blocking. I post for myself. And for them to see my child, I don’t post for reactions, likes , or comments, I post simply because I feel like showing my son on my page. You’re allowed to block whenever, whomever and however you’d like. Don’t listen to these yes comments
Nope, keep her blocked out, him too if he thinks he can dictate to you as well
Just turn off Facebook notifications simple
Nope you dont have to have anyone on your fb that you dont want to. Regardless of what your husband says you dont have to kiss someones tail at alll