I blocked my mother in law on social media

You can set FB to where she can see some and not all of your post. Don’t block the lady. Just limit what she sees :woman_shrugging:t5:


Put her in a group then you can exclude some posts from that group

Two questions:

  1. Were the things she was saying rude or inappropriate?
  2. Did you try talking to her first?

If the answer to both of those questions is no, than yes, there is a possibility you were in the wrong. I see a lot of people commenting that you have a right to block who you want, which is absolutely true. But to jump straight to blocking someone for posting harmless comments without even attempting to talk to them about it first is a bit extreme and, IMHO, pretty immature. The adult thing would be to at least have a conversation with her first. I would also say that, to me, it is naive to assume there wouldn’t be negative repercussions from blocking your MIL over a relatively small issue. Just because you have the right to a course of action doesn’t guarantee you freedom from the consequences of that choice.

Keep her blocked and block yer ole man :man: n all for taking sides


Ummmm is that not what Facebook is for!!! If she is being disrespectful then I get it but everything you post or share has a comment section because that’s what it’s for… if it’s the notifications that bother you then turn them off… or limit what she can see and comment on….or is it because it’s your mother n law??? As far as both you in law and husband being upset it is your page and you are free to do as you please


So what, damnnnn she’s being supportive and you’re being ridiculous for absolutely no reason, it might be annoying to you but blocking her just because she’s commenting is childish & I’m glad your husband said something to you, don’t treat his mother like that, she literally did nothing wrong

Nope, your facebook, your content

I blocked my other halfs mom I don’t call her my mother inlaw either lol and this is by choice … u do what u need to do!

So if your MIL called you every day would you have your phone cancelled or disconnected?? Blocking family is silly, especially your reasons. If she isn’t being rude or disrespectful all you need to do is set your FB settings to limit what you see/ what she sees etc.
keep the peace, she is your husbands Mom!!

I would think one would just be happy that their mother in law likes them enough to want to comment and etc :roll_eyes: so many ppl out here with monster in laws (my MIL is great, i dont mean mine!)


Were they bad comments? Had you asked her not to comment on every one? If not, simply ignore her comments… how would you have handled the situation if it was a friend doing it? Sounds like she is just excited… but if you hadn’t spoken to her, how was she to know it annoyed you? You can also turn the ability to comment off. You all kind of sound petty but in this instance, IF you havnt spoken to her about the issue, I think she has a right to be hurt


Good for your choice!!

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It’s Facebook… If that’s all they have to get upset over, then they are doing well. Tell husband and mommy dearest to grow up and get a life. It’s your Facebook, you allow whatever you want on there. :roll_eyes:


Nooooope! U wasn’t wrong that’s called spamming!!


I had to block my grandmother for the same thing and she wouldn’t stop sending me chain letters

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Sorry but pretty petty if there’s no malice in what she’s posting. There are comments sections for a reason. So what if she responds to everything. Isn’t that nice that she wants to interact with you regularly?


It needs to be said… This is seriously something that I just can’t with these days… This?! This is what you’re deciding to make a problem out of? You’re mad because your Mother-In-Law comments on all your posts? :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2: Get over yourself why not be thankful she gives your posts attention she probably looks forward to your updates maybe pictures of her grandkids or maybe she’s making the effort to be in your life. Remember you married her son, she wants to remain apart of his life which means making sure she’s in his wife’s life. Have respect for at least that please! Oh and be grateful that THIS is the thing that’s a problem in your life. It’s a you problem by the way. You created it by being petty. Plain and simple. Make this right if you want peace in your home. Apologize to your husband for creating a problem when all could’ve been avoided. Be an adult and confront his Mom with your feelings and maybe set boundaries if this is seriously an issue. And I’m not surprised if you get people telling you that you’re right and good for you and your Facebook your choice ( that’s my favorite woke trendy thing to say ) and sure we do have personal freedoms but be ready to pay the consequences this case family strife over social media​:laughing: Ahhh she comments on all your posts :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Lmfao it’s your personal page tell them to get over it :joy:.

I had to learn to limit what my m.i.l. sees cuz im a sht post3r and she takes everything to heart and calls her son (my husband) to figure out whats wrong with me or if me and him are ok

Shes not had internet access for almost 2 months now and its been nice for both of us to be so open and free on my page and not give 2 fks :woman_shrugging:

How would you feel if someday your daughter in law blocks you. Hurtful!
How would you feel if your husband blocked your mother?


Why post on social media then???

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Was any of her comments nasty? If not then I don’t see the need to block her .


Tell hubby and mil to get a life


I think you’re being really petty. That is what social media is made for…I don’t see a problem with it if she was being nice and not causing drama. She probably really loves you and just wants you to know that she’s there for you and now her feelings are probably really hurt bc she didn’t do anything wrong, if you can’t handle her commenting maybe you shouldn’t have social media plus you now have to deal with unnecessary drama with your husband. You could always turn notifications off. :woman_shrugging:


this is pathetic. probably just delete your Facebook if this is what bothers you. just a heads up… your ‘relationship’ isn’t going to last with an attitude like that. If this is how you react over something seriously minor, I’d dread to think if something of actual importance happened.

unless she was putting comments that can come across offensive or something but guessing that’s not the case or that would have been a big point.


Yes u were. Wrong…if you.put a post out there she can comment. You put it there gor the world to see but.u dont want her to comment…unless they were nasty your wrong


Your Facebook…your choice. End of!

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I think it’s very strange the fact you think it’s weird your MIL commenting on all your things, unless the context of what she writing was rude and nasty ect.
I think your MIL sounds supportive and wanting to be apart of your lives.
Blocking her is very rude and odd, it comes across as controlling a little.
Like your controlling her seeing what’s going on in your life. Why?
do you get on with your MIL?
….please don’t say you blocked her just because your notifications was showing often :pleading_face::flushed: that sounds very petty.
I personally think mental maturity is needed.
I wonder how old the wife is, sounds young tbh.

Nope, not wrong. This whole obliged to entertain people on social media is ridiculous! I think its perfectly acceptable and healthy to have boundaries across the board. I put up with certain people for the sake of peace keeping but eventually got fed up, blocked anyone who I didn’t want to be in consistent and frustrating communication with. These people have my number, they’re more than welcome to call me if they want to talk but these days I’m using my social media during my downtime to keep in touch with particular friends who I dont get to see much and that’s it. Facebook just takes over everything if you don’t reign it in.


There is a magic option to take a break from people on fb, maybe try that instead of blocking her, damn!

Have you ever asked her not too? Perhaps you could have talked to her first before blocking her.

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Your FB your choice, however this is best way how to stir the family pot… first you can let her comment but switch of notifications of her if that is all that bothers you. Or you can talk to her and explain that you feel like it’s too much and if she could bring it down a notch, if she can’t that’s when you take this approach as even though I believe she is free to comment, she should also know not to comment that much but I also see why hubby is upset, it is his mum who he loves and she feels hurt so he must be hurt just coz u can’t ignore some notifications? It does feel very petty almost like you wanted to hurt her to me….


I unfriended my Nan because everything I post offends her. It’s just needed sometimes. Don’t worry about it xx


You are in the wrong you sound narcissistic .


You can hide her comments on your posts aswell if it helps?


It’s your page. You decide who can see what. If hubby can’t respect that then he doesn’t respect you.


My grandma comments on everything I post on Facebook even if she doesn’t understand it or know what I’ve posted, like a meme or something.
She messaged me once and said she was sorry she didn’t comment on my last post but she didn’t know what to say because she didn’t get the joke.
I said grandma you don’t have to comment it’s okay! :joy:
She blows up my notifications but who cares! It’s Facebook and she’s only trying to acknowledge that she’s seeing my things and wants to interact.
If it’s just comments on everything and she’s just trying to be included or politely acknowledging your posts by comments then honestly that’s kinda sweet.
If she was commenting abuse that would be a different story though!


It’s a boundary you’re setting, though maybe talking to her about it first would’ve been more productive? I don’t know you or your situation of course , but it never hurts to try to talk to the person first. If you did speak to her and she kept on, then totally in your favor.

No my aunt does the same thing and it’s so annoying

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Jst change your privacy settings when you post to be friends except: MIL.


So you’re mad your MIL is trying to interact with you? Wow! Get over yourself


Change your settings to where she only sees certain posts that you don’t mind her commenting on. That way you don’t have to block her completely. Personally I think it’s great your MIL wants to interact with you. It could be the opposite and she could hate you.


It’s ur facebook so it’s ur choice… but that seems like a real petty reason to block someone…isn’t the whole point of posting to get likes and comments… why even post if you don’t want notifications… or turn commenting off … but block… yikes… way to stirr the family pot


If they’re not critical comments, why should it matter?


This bothers me sometimes because it’s soooo fast right after I post, but I chose to see it as she loves her gbabies and would love to see them more.


It is your page. Your husband is a sorry woose for not standing up to his mother.

To keep the peace, you could share ONLY those posts that show family events or photos. Is it possible for you to do that? If not, then don’t. You can also turn off comments when you share whatever you are willing to share with your MiL (Monster in Law), if you are willing to share.

Lastly, you could tell your momma’s boy to get his own FB page, take his own pix, and share whatever he wants to share with his mommy.

I can see how you’d be so pissed, you would prefer to not speak with your husband or your MiL but you can’t really keep the peace if you act how you might want to act. If you can make a concession, I would recommend that.


she probably thought as family she was allowed to join in and share as i do but now youv got me thinking do they think im being nosy, dont put it on there if you dont want to share…as we get older we reach out to people …poor woman will wonder whats shes done…be a little kinder…


I would do the same thing.

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I don’t have my mother in law on any of my social media . F*ck Her ! :joy:
I had her as a fb friend at one point , literally 1 week & once she posted something stupid
I unfriended her :wave:t4:
She probably follows me on Instagram or something but I sure as hell don’t :joy: beat decision I’ve made with her by far !

I did the same to my mom cause she’s nosy. She asked why she couldn’t see anything and I said, I don’t know :woman_shrugging:t2:

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If you don’t want anyone to look or comment,don’t put anything on here.She won’t be here forever,just be glad she loves you & wants to be part of your life.One day perhaps you’ll wish she was still here commenting.But it will be too late.


Delete fb if you can’t handle it. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


You should have communicated with her, BEFORE you blocked her. You could have told her that she needs to stop with commenting and leave it at that. Now, looks like you’ve destroyed the relationship with your MIL😬


I see people saying they did the same thing because their parents are being nosy but it’s not being nosy if you choose to share it. My ex fiancées mom was the same way and I just ignored it you didn’t have to block her just deal with it and ignore it


Nope. I had argument with mine one day then she went back through 2 weeks of posts and commented on them all. I said f**k ya. Amd she been deleted every since

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Wow… absolutely you are wrong!! Maybe even a little selfish! I think you need to wise up to what you have… you need to embrace her and enjoy the fact that she cares and wants to be a part of your life!! Sounds like to me… you are lucky to have her! Not everyone is blessed with a mother-in-law that wants to be a part of your life… even through social media… if you don’t want her or anyone else to comment… keep it off social media!! I feel you were mean and selfish to do what you did!!


Should be glad you have a good MIL who is interested in your life & getting to know you
Some have bad cheeky controlling trouble making MIL’s
Pick your battles ffs!!


Ignore those calling you rude like you have no right to privacy and have to accomodate your MIL…

I would do the same.
You have a right to privacy and who is and isn’t allowed to see YOUR page…if your husband has that big an issue with it then y’all got some bigger issues to work through.

Sorry, but just because she’s your mother in law doesn’t mean she gets 24/7 unsolicited access to your life like they think they do.

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Well you already done it. You didn’t care what anyone thought when you did it, so why care now? Personally, I don’t see the harm in it. So what if she comments?


It is not a matter of whether you’re right or wrong, it is your Facebook account.
She’s your MIL, not your friend-unblock her but put her on RESTRICTION, act like you don’t post nothing and if she goes to say anything to your husband again, play stupid that you post anything(let it drive her nuts) but remind them both that you are an adult, he is your husband and she needs to stay out of the two of you’s business. She shouldn’t be able to go to her son and say anything over something so petty and cause him to be mad at you! When he married you, that means he left the reins of his parents.
She def sounds like a news-bag.


I blocked all my in laws. They don’t get to be flys on the wall to my family. Judging and criticizing things I post. I just don’t need to allow them in. I deserve to live drama free, I don’t regret a thing it’s been months. My husbands input is important but he has his own Facebook that he can allow his parents to see. Girl it will blow over hold strong to what you think is best. 


My MIL does the same. So does my husbands nana. It’s definitely gets annoying but I think it’s their way of just being apart of things and showing they are actively apart of our lives. I just try to ignore it. It wasn’t worth the trouble and hurt feelings it would cause and I would have to deal with it I blocked them. Maybe just tell them your sorry and you didn’t want to upset her by saying anything to her about how it blew up your notifications so you chose blocking her to try and not have conflict?

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Wow, you are so wrong :person_facepalming: I really don’t understand all this MIL hate, its really sad! If you don’t want people commenting on your “social” media…why have an account in the first place?


Seriously…if her comments were not mean or offending why block her she was just showing u love? :bangbang:I would be hurt too… I get ur side of it…but it’s petty n immature to react the way u did.


It is annoying but it is their way of showing they care about what you think.

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It’s not hard to shut notifications off for a post or specific person. If that’s all it was…just annoying with your phone blowing up every 2 seconds…(which I do get & hateeeeee…so trust me I know where you’re coming from) then just turn the notifications off for when MIL comments.

Really???Unless the comments were abusive or offensive, get over yourself. Quit being petty .


I mean I blocked my mother in law because she’s TOXXXXIIIIICCCCC AF! Like my hunny doesn’t even talk to her anymore toxic. Now if we had a good relationship and she was commenting on my stuff, I’d just move along or restrict her. Yes it’s annoying but I’d rather have an annoying MIL than a toxic one…

Yes. You clearly want attention, what’s wrong with hers?

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It’s your page. You allow who and what you want on it.


This thread is going to “blow up” the OP’s notifications. And she’ll complain & block this too. She’s probably the type to be bothered if MIL didn’t “like” or comment on her social media posts. Such a petty move. Feel bad for the husband and his mother.


If her comments were nasty or slating you could understand but if not just commenting on your post .for you to block her that sad .you need to get over it .


Don’t block. Step up restriction so they can view limited post.
But yes that was wrong over comments you can turn your notifications off


We’re all her comments nice and kind?

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Perhaps she was just trying to be nice! I think you have an issue!


If her comments were nice and kind, she is just a lonely old lady. Be nice! If they were mean and arguing block her and laugh in your husband’s face. Tell them both to go to hell. What them comments said matters!!! Especially if they were sper nice… you are just super mean! If all comments disagree with you and just starting fights yes, block her.

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Yes, I’d say you’re wrong. So petty of you. Be happy you have one that cares.


Turn off notifications…and deal with it. It’s your MIL. Would you not be pissed if your husband did this with your mother??


I have to say, a lot of these posts are great entertainment,


Open a second account and let her be on it.

What’s wrong with your mil commenting on your posts?

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OhhGoSshh- I think- She deserved it… That’s what ya get fOr being a stalker! MIL or not, if sOmeOne was blowing up my notifications id prObably wanna block them tOo// Haha…
Don’t feel bad*

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id block her too :yawning_face:. If not at least unfriend her so she cant see your posts to begin with. Thatd annoy tf outta me too. I could understand a few posts but every single one??? SORRY NOT SORRY blocked/unfriended whatever​:woozy_face:everyone who says youre being petty is ridiculous. Its not being petty its called being *uckin annoyed like tf

Some women are absolutely ridiculous

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If she was being rude and ignorant then you were 100% right. If she was was being nice then you were just being immature. If it bother you that much you should have had a respectful conversation or turn off your notifications. I have an older lady from church comments on the vast majority of my posts with sweet and positive comments. It is just the old generation’s way of using social media.

I blocked my stepmom. I unblocked her when my dad died.

You could’ve just blocked the notifications. I think it was petty and rude of you. Sounds like she was just trying to be nice.

Wow, you sound like you are the kind that is impossible to please. I would be pissed if i were your husband as well. That is his mother you are treating like garbage for no reason. Grow up.


What a shame you blocked her!!! If you don’t like comments, then don’t post!!!


If she wasn’t posting anything offensive, I wouldn’t have blocked her. Maybe that was her way of trying to have a relationship with you. I would’ve just turned off my notifications.


Maybe compromise… when you are posting something that you know she is going to have a problem with exclude her from that post. That way she doesn’t feel fully shut out.

That’s a big no. My mother-in-law does the same thing to my daughter. Comments on every single post she makes. There’s always the hell out of her. I have her blocked just because she was rude to me many years ago and did that to me.
To anyone saying that the poster is wrong, no she’s not. There’s a limitation of people should and should not do commenting on every single post is annoying to others and if the mother-in-law can’t see that, she is in the wrong.

Wow! You blocked your MIL over comments on your Facebook posts?! That’s a bit dramatic and immature. Grow up!! It’s a lot easier to turn off your notifications than to cause an issue with your family. Commenting on your stuff shows that she pays attention to you & makes you a priority. Hell, I’d LOVE for my MIL to still be here to be able to comment on my posts.


You can control your posts so maybe not block her from all or change your setting with her to an Acquaintance so she can’t see all of them.


Y’all are making some wild baseless conclusions off of this post lol.

Maybe it’s the introvert in me, but I don’t think you’re wrong :woman_shrugging: I’ve done something similar (not blocking, but changed privacy settings on posts to let everyone but one certain person see my stuff).

But we’re adults. So we can use communication skills. I do think you should have said something to her about it before blocking her. Give her a chance to chill out and correct her own behavior. But don’t feel bad for having boundaries.


I’ve got half of my husbands side of the family where they can’t see what I post or say because they go and tell him/ my MIL what I post . Oh well I just told them I haven’t been on face book much or posting stuff .
It is what it is .

You have every right to do what you have done.You don’t need to explain youreself either.

I would have blocked her. Why did she go to her son and not you…sounds messy.

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You can turn off notifications without blocking. Does she actually comment on everything or just "like :+1:"things. If she’s being nice especially I wouldn’t see it as an issue or want to cause an issue myself. Now if she’s being mean and rude that’s a different story. You can also “hide” her. I blow up my husband’s notifications with dog memes and things like that. :woman_shrugging: would you treat your husband this way if he did the same?