I cannot cope with what my boyfriend asked me to do

It’s time to really think about the relationship. If he can’t respect you not being comfortable with it then he needs to go.

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Hes a cuckold…my ex-husband was the same way…its a kink u either choose to entertain it or not but if u dont want to and he insists then thats an issue!..i personally did it with my exhusband and I enjoyed it we also brought in another female but we were open with our sexual relationship even though he was a complete jerk in every other aspect


Communication is key!! You have to talk to him about it. Explain your feeling about it and ask that it doesn’t get brought up again.

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l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12483 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…https://Dollarground149.surge.sh


9 out of 10 times he’s getting some where else! You also should’ve known this when u all hooked up! Men r usually up front not that kinda stuff


Explain your feelings and tell him no you won’t do that.

If he can’t respect that then be done with him.


It’s called having communication. Tell him that you’re not comfortable being a swinger and that you don’t wanna have an open relationship. If he is OK with that there should not be an issue with you moving forward with the relationship just because he had a kink that he felt open enough to tell you about. Just because someone has thought about something does not mean that they’re going to carry it out if you don’t like it or wouldn’t like it. Sometimes it’s about having conversations and being open about those conversations. It’s amazing and how close minded people get and automatically want to end a relationship when someone says something the other person doesn’t like instead of being adults and talking about it.


Run…I’d be concerned about what he might do to my kids.


Show him the door. He has no respect for you!


Man that’s so hot … lmao


Let him go! He has no right to ask that of you.

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Sex should be the expression of love between two consenting adults . Do you feel love for another? Sort of takes the intimacy away from the act, what does he think the act represents? Does he then feel that he can do it with others as well?

He is trying to get you to have sexy with another man because 1 he has already had sexy with another man or woman or 2 he is wanting to. If you do it in his mind he will not think he was or is or gonna be cheating. Don’t do it don’t lower yourself for this man. Grab you up a new one and then let him wonder what your sexy life looks like from a very far off distance. Also never stay with someone just for the sake of kids


Maybe just sit done with him and actually talk to him about it, it’s absolutely fine for him to say that to you, but does he actually know that you don’t want to etc etc.

Stick up for yourself. Don’t let him force you to do something you are not comfortable with. If he keeps on insisting, it may be time to leave him. Your kids will be fine. Kids are resilient. It may be hard at first but you deserve better.


I say just have a serious conversation with him. Communication is key :ok_hand:t3:


Show him the door, he does not respect or truly love you


Have a conversation about how it makes you feel and that it’s not something you want. See what he says. It might be an actual kink he has but if it’s not something you’re ok with he needs to respect that and let it go or break up and find someone who will be into what he’s into.

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How gross id tell him right out to p***off


Do what’s best for you. Kids sense tension and not good in relationships. And is that something you would tell your daughter to do if she asked for advice? Treat this the same way!


He’s not good for you or your children … :rage::triumph::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::triumph::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:!!! Why are you even asking this question???


Leave him. As fast as possible


How can you even ask this question? You already know the answer.

Sounds like he may be introducing this because he wants to be part of it too. Happened to a friend of mine. Her man was bi-sexual, but liked being with women more (this came out later on, keep reading), but when he would get the urge to be with a man, he would ask her if he could watch her have sex with another man. She gave in one drunken night and he didn’t join in. He just watched. Then they did it again and he joined in, but he was more into the man than into her during the romp. They spoke, and it came out he was bi and wanted more male inclusion in their relationship. She didn’t. She left him and he’s been with men ever since.

Tell him u wanna watch him with f*ck another man

say good bye move forwards its over ok


It’s one thing for him to come open and ask that of you, it’s another thing to keep on about it. If you’ve already said no then it shouldn’t be brought up again it’s disrespectful. But if you don’t want to leave try other alternatives or compromises like adult toys to play with together :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Tell him its making you unconfortable when he talks to you like that and he needs to stop.or leave and go your own way x

I been with my husband 15 yrs he wouldn’t dare to ask me it’s disrespectful, he would be single and alone!


Ummmmm he clearly has a fetish. It’s a compliment to you, but some men like to be cuckholded. Nothing wrong with that and does not mean he’s a pedophile.


Wow Get out, why put ur children though this

Do what makes you feel right don’t be pressured. If you do it once it could become regular request or if he is watching all of a sudden you are a slut for doing it even if it was his idea. Personally HELL NO

If you’re not comfortable don’t do it. Period.


So you cheated on him and he’s watching you do this why thats just wrong on so many levels yall should both go your separate ways because obviously your relationship with each other isn’t working

Make it clear to him…no and ask again and I am finished with you.

The one who’s accusing is one doing and it sounds like my ex what do you call that word nacratic

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I am living for the boomers in this comment section.
Your man has a kink, communicate!!


He totally disrespect you. If this man cared for you, even on ounce, he’d not ask that of you. You need to dump him and respect yourself

Can’t think of the word but someone like controls you and f****** blames you for everything I will think of the word and get back to you on that yeah good luck

Dump him and find somebody else even if you have to be single for awhile before you date anybody else.

I’ve been with my husband 11 yrs. We have a semi open relationship and his favorite thing is to watch me with other men. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, it might just be his kink


You’re man has a fetish :woman_shrugging:t4: communication is key ! Let him know you’re not into that & set boundaries :blush: he needs to respect that…


He wants to watch you get pleasure… It’s a fetish. If you’re not comfortable don’t do it. But he’s not asking to watch another female, just you…


Give him the Lorena Bobbitt routine…:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

People are mentioning cheating, where did she say that? He has a kink.


Definitely communicate
You partner has a kink for this stuff obviously!
If your not into it that’s completely fine maybe just express your feelings and go your separate ways if you can’t get past it xx


Leave him run :man_running: :triumph: :unamused: :roll_eyes:


Don’t fall for it he will record it and tell everyone you are something your not! And cheat and call it justified. If anything makes you uncomfortable outside your body do not!! Invite it in!! Slam that door Shut and nail it with the blood of Jesus Christ :pray::latin_cross:


it’s not unusual plenty of men out there like like that sort of thing But in saying that if you have said no then he needs to stop requesting it from you .

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Tell him it’s ‘NO’ and your choice is final and one more word of it he won’t be ever having anything to do with you again. Sorry but what a pig of a boyfriend to keep mentioning it. My ex used to always suggest making porn, he used to tell me this during sex even and it was an instant turn off. Turns out he was addicted to porn and watching it daily without me around then tried adding it to our sex life. Nope nope nope :wave:t3::wave:t3::wave:t3:

Run don’t walk RUN away from him.


Essentially he wants to be a cuck, it’s a kink, if it isn’t something you are comfortable with just tell him it’s not your thing and it makes you uncomfortable and it is a hard limit.

Run! A person who truly loves you will never let you do things that you’re not comfortable doing.

Half the people in these comments won’t “do that thing you like” :joy:


Maybe you two should sit down and determine if he will still be satisfied in the relationship if you don’t do it. There is a difference between pressure and encouragement. If he pressures you, then maybe rethink the relationship.


Never stay for the kids. If I was you I’d be figuring out my next move. Away. That part of your boyfriend isn’t going to change.

That’s how pimps start…
Be careful. Human trafficking is so real. Most of these situations are started by manipulative boyfriends or husbands.
First it’s he likes to watch, you’ll have a choice on who. Then you will stop getting the option and he will decide who. Praying for you. I hope you realize that there are men out there that will love you and would never ask you to do that.


All of you telling her to leave should try an open mind. Maybe a little less prude as well! Don’t let go of an entire relationship for just a fantasy. Fantasize with him!


You are not married to this guy… leave him. You are only with him 1 year and he makes you feel uncomfortable. It will get worse. FYI, some men play mind games, and they do not really mean what they say, they try the shock treatment, but in this case from what you wrote… nah… RUN

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Boss up and tell him to shut his mouth it’s not going to happen and that’s the end of it and if he mentions it again that you’re going to have to leave… It’s blatant disrespect and if he’s disrespecting you and how you feel about the situation it don’t matter how close he is with your kids. Tell him to shut his mouth it’s not your thing it’s not going to be your thing and you’re not going to change your mind and if he can’t grow up and mature enough to respect that then he needs to get to stepping.


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16315 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…https://Dollarground167.surge.sh

It doesn’t say that you’ve had a conversation about this. I suggest you sit down and be honest about why you feel the way you feel and ask him why or what makes him excited about this.


I wouldn’t unless that’s your cup of tea. I feel like after it’ll give him permission to sleep with who he wants. When he sees you having sex with another man I feel like his fantasy will feel different watching it happen in front of his face.

It’s a kink of his. Nothing bad or wrong with it. My man’s the same way. You should look up what a cuckhold is. Think about it long and hard because you can’t just deny his kinks, just like he shouldn’t deny yours. Ask him questions as well if you’re confused about it, have him explain to you why and what’ll happen after and blah blah. Also don’t go after a random dude or use date sites. Go for someone y’all both trust and that respects y’all. But, if y’all decide to do a random person then go to Fetlife for that. I haven’t had sex with anyone else in months just because I don’t feel comfortable with it myself as well. I rather find someone we both get along with and want friendships

How long until he gives you something to remember him by, which you then expose your young’uns to? SERIOUSLY?! :face_with_monocle:

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get away from him before he starts teaching your children things. He has problems that need to be addressed but not around you or your children

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That is just sick leve now and don’t
Look back

If he leaves you or guilt trips you over/into this then he is not a man. You don’t owe him this and it’s a form of sexual abuse. In fact one of the deciding factors in my restraining order for the judge with my ex was I told him about how my ex expected me to have a 3some and even bought a website to look for women willing to do this with us and pretended to be me while on the website. Once he heard my ex expected me to give him this the judge had no second thoughts about throwing an extended restraining order on my ex. I now have a permanent one written into my divorce. You have to tell him no, that you’re not comfortable with his request. Fantasies like this really can destroy a relationship. I knew a couple that did cock holding and the husband was always super jealous of every male around his wife but he couldn’t get an erection. It’s a toxic relationship but they’re still together

Get out of that relationship now


Run. The minute you would even think ok he would turn or let you then turn and say you liked that person better.
Your children come first do you want them around a man LIKE THAT? it’s questionable behavior to say the least. And you could lose your children if a scenario came about that then you were unfit .
Pack quick and leave

He has a fetish :sweat_smile: the people telling you to just leave are really jumping the gun here. If y’all haven’t already sit down and talk with him explain that you understand that is a fetish of his but for you it is a hard limit.

I have plenty of things I like in the bedroom that my partner has no interest in when they express that that’s the end of the conversation if they one day feel like revisiting it they will bring it up to me. Your bf will react the way I do or decided that they do not want to sacrifice their fetish at which point y’all break up.


Have you talked about this with him? Everyone is saying dump him but is this one fetish worth it? Maybe there is other stuff you can do to accommodate a little.


Walk away now it’s not good for your kids to be in a relationship that you are not happy in

Ewwww tell him no, that is not who you are. If he gets mad or leaves then your better off

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Try communicating your feeling to him

This is a known Fetish, here is much more information on the hows and the whys

I personally couldn’t do this with a mate but for some it works.

Talk about why and tell him your feelings on the subject. If he cotinues or insists then he is not for you

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Not everyone is meant to be together and that’s ok. If this is important to you both maybe you should part, which sounds silly at first but when you start suppressing sexual desires and shit it tends to go really bad. You have to be as sexually compatible as you are physically and mentally. Y’all have a lot of talking to do.

If you’re not comfortable w that make it clear. If he doesn’t stop pushing, it’s an issue and he has problems. Then take your kids and peace out.

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His fetish isn’t going to change so accept that he’s going to continue bothering u about it find a compromise (watching cuckold porn or something) or leave

Tell him to take a hike!!! Yuck :nauseated_face:

Shit go thru his phone computer and delete anything you ever did or pictures you’ve given done etc. This is red flag do not trust him end it with him change locks to your house etc. RUN

What does this have to do with your kids ?tell him how you feel. Also maybe that’s kinky fantasy he has. It’s not the worst thing


Is he thinking if you do, then you’ll let him do what he wants? Wth…

It’s a kink, just tell him it’s a hard pass. If he wants an open relationship or to be a cuck he needs a female fully open to it.


Tell him the truth, be honest about ALL of your feelings about this. Do it quietly, calmly away from kids ears!!!

I would run away from him never to look back. I don’t feel he should be around your children. His request is praverted flat out.


My ex would talk like this I was in at all so he end up cheating on me alit then divorce. Praying g for you. You should never have to do something that you are not into and why would he…

You tell him he’s to STOP THAT RIGHT NOW or you’re done

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Sit him down and explain to him NO in no uncertain terms. Then tell him not to ever ask again. Tell him if he does, it is OVER!!


These comments telling you to run are ridiculous imo lmao it’s a kink. If you’re not open to it, just tell him it’s not going to happen. Maybe you’re not compatible sexually, and that’s okay. Just because he has a kink does not make him a bad man. It doesn’t make him a sex trafficker either lmao

Leave him hun, yuck xx


No and no never let anyone take you out of your comfort zone tell him no and if he can’t see past in let him bounce because a person that want to build with you do not want a another man mowing his lawn Im just saying :wink:

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Tell him no way hosay on your bike and say if I’m not enough for you I will find myself a man who will love me .for who I am

No is no if he doesn’t except that move on

Everybody has their thing sexually, you guys need to have a serious boundary talk. Those kinks don’t go away tho. If he wants it now that probably won’t change.


I’d be uncomfortable with him around my children.


Gross, just tell him NO, it will never happen! So, stop asking or bring it up. Such a sleazy thing to even ask you :cry:


he’s gonna do it wether or not you say yes, tbh.


Ummm no. Tell him if he wants to see how you react or look to video y’all and look.

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