I cannot cope with what my boyfriend asked me to do

Hell no…dont walk…run

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He doesn’t love you , lose the dead weight and find someone that loves you


Is he possibly gay :grimacing::triangular_flag_on_post:

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I mean some people have different desires and things that turn them on, and kink shaming will never make them change & he has no reasons to change / be ashamed for what he likes or desires.If he doesn’t respect your answer/boundaries and keeps pushing you and nagging after you’ve said no then I would say you two should go opposite ways :woman_shrugging:t3: but also a part of loving someone is accepting them for who they are but at the same time that doesn’t mean going out of your comfort zone just to make them happy. You have to find a good medium which can also be hard. Relationships are tough!


Omg these comments. Don’t kink shame the man. It may have taken a lot for him to tell/ask you this. If that’s not you jam just let him know but it doesn’t change who he is to your and you kids? Nothing wrong with open conversation that’s how relationships work


Get out now. This is not a good relationship , think of your kids. You have to protect them from stuff like this , take them and run


Leave. there are too many men out there that your kid will like that will fit your needs.


Tell him you are not comfortable with that and neither of you doing anything like that is a requirement for you. And let him know that if doing those things is a requirement for him then you understand and let him leave.


Reading comprehension is key.

Have y’all never had kinks before? The hell do the kids have to do with it?


His testing you. To see how far u will go for him. Tell him definitely not going to happen and if that’s not what u want to hear there is the door Get the Hell Out.

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Maybe he likes men or has a guilty conscience or would like a another girl to be involved. And I feel like he should respect your wishes and not be pushy if he loves you he wouldn’t want you to do something your not comfortable with

This was below your post


Move on it won’t get better once you did that he would want the kids to sleep with both of them and the other guy when they got older


He’s a creep…drop him ASAP !!!


And I wouldn’t trust around my children either!! LEAVE!!!

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Honestly sit down and have a conversation with him about it and if he can’t respect your feelings about it then maybe I would think about splitting. Don’t listen to these comments about just taking the kids away from him for his sexual kink.


First, I can’t believe hardly anyone on here has never heard of a cuckhold. It’s not gross it’s a kink. :woman_facepalming:t3: let’s not kink shame the man. If you’re not into it just let him know. It has nothing to do with your kids.


Maybe he wants to join I and another man

Don’t be around him anymore!!!

You guys, google is your bff, just clear it off your history after. Search “cuckh0lding” (I changed it up a bit to not get deleted) and you’ll see it. It’s when a man wants to see his wife “cheat” on him and enjoy sleeping with someone else while he watches. What does his fantasy have to do with children? Don’t do it if you’re not comfortable obviously, but his kink is common and not as crazy as you think. Tell him you’re not interested in being with another person and be done with it. If he doesn’t respect that then we have an issue, he needs to respect your decision. But unless there’s more we don’t know, the kids are fine? Your sex life shouldnt effect them.

This is a pretty common kink. I think you need to communicate with him how you feel about it and if he’s a keeper, he’ll respect your decision and not try to pressure you on it.


I’m not saying your situation is like mine but it changed from him doing that to him actually having men show up at my door… We would get into physical fights when I wouldn’t let the person in period. One night he was drunk and held me down while someone entered our house… Please don’t let it get to that. The guy he brought didn’t even care how screaming and crying. This dude also ended up beating me a lot And endangering my children shortly afterward. Please go.


Leave. No man that truely loves and respects you would ask any woman to do that.


If you’ve said no once, and he keeps asking, get rid of him. You deserve to have your boundaries respected.


This is a really BIG request. One so large that even if y’all discuss it and he says he is respectful with your feelings of being uncomfortable and that this request is changing the love you have for him, I don’t think he will never be able to drop it.
I think you should not place more energy in this relationship…

Wow never realized how many women are so against this lol :laughing: I think I’d die if someone asked this of me not that I’d do it but my goodness everyone is acting like the man is a pedo or like this is unheard of lol not everyone has vanilla missionary sex ! Feel bad for you all :rofl:

Offer to peg him instead!

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It’s a kink. At least you’re his kink and not another woman sometimes in relationships you have to be open to the thought your partner isn’t going to think,act, and have your same likes in everything


Leave. That is definitely disrespectful to ask you.

If you don’t like what you now know of him, than just leave him

My children’s father wanted me to do the same thing. It always upset me when he would ask me to do that. I didn’t want another man or woman in our bed. I loved him and didn’t want to have sex with anyone else and he would just tell me how come I couldn’t be like I used to be when I was younger. He always had it in his head that I slept around with a lot of people. He would get mad when I would question him about watching porn too. He always wanted me to watch it with him but I don’t want to be seeing another chicks vagina or another dudes dick. I had him and he was all I needed but it wasn’t enough.

Y’all fucking wild lmao

Then don’t be around him!

Just tell him how you feel about it if he keeps pushing it then tell him you’ll leave if it doesn’t stop. Or just end it

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Get rid of him. Sounds like a big creap and nut. Wouldn’t want my kids around him and I wouldn’t want any thingto do with him…Are you sure he’s not messing with your kids sexly


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This is why a year is too soon to get kids involved weirdo

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He might want to join!

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Well, if it’s something you don’t want to do, tell him that. If he doesn’t respect that, tell him you aren’t comfortable at all with it, like, is it worth the relationship.
My ex and I both had a girlfriend. So it was he, myself and her. All together or not. But, BUT, I CAN say that it helped all of our relationships to deteriorate eventually.
However, at the end, I did say I was uncomfortable doing them that night, it was giving me major anxiety. They immediately respected it and didn’t bring it up again. That was in the last days of the relationship with the girl. Was with him awhile longer, and we’re still great friends and share kids. But it just didn’t work for us. :woman_shrugging:t3:

If you can open up to us about it then you should be able to do the same speaking to him. If you feel uncomfortable bring it up in text then have the conversation out loud with him.

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It’s a kink, lots of men like this, BUT if you have made it clear that you are not interested then he should have not even mentioned it past the first time! Everyone has there own fantasies but he needs to respect your boundaries and hard limits


Everyone on here is acting like she’s in danger or being abused, telling her to get her kids & run…he asked her to do something she doesn’t want to do, so if u don’t want to do it then don’t :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: end of story. If he can’t respect that, then make whatever decisions you have to


I think people need to educate themselves on kinks because this thread sums it up that most of y’all didn’t know this was a thing!


Don’t do anything you don’t want too. If you don’t want to be around him, then don’t.

My husband also likes that. It’s a fetish. If your not into it then tell him.

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Tell him no an that it’s never going to happen and if he wants a partner that wants do that he needs to go find one and let you move on with your life

The term for it is Cuckolding.

Trust your gut feeling, it’s a relatively new relationship. If you don’t like the idea, tell him and see how he responds.
I think your over him.

This is nothing different than a husband or boyfriend asking for oral or anal. If it’s not your thing and you aren’t into just have an open honest conversation about. Ask him what is he likes about the idea. Tell him what you don’t like about. It may be the thought of seeing you be pleasured. Like others have said it’s a kink.

He’s gay. Find a normal man because that’s certainly not normal.

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Omg people commenting have no idea what they are talking about a lot of men are into this kink it’s not for everyone it doesn’t make him weird or gross and it definitely doesn’t make him a Pedophile. It’s not something that’s for me but I have a family member that’s into this kink.


He likes men didn’t come out of the closet yet


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14609 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…https://Dollarground218.surge.sh

I find that kinks and boundaries should always be taken seriously and mentioned at the start so you know what you’re getting yourself into, like if he already had this kink or fantasy he really should have been open from the start, If it’s something new to him and you’re not comfortable and he’s adamant then maybe think about your options.


It’s called adultery. Tell him no!!!


Time to end it, before I gets out of hand…no one wants to keep getting pressured by something they are comfortable with doing.

Have a serious talk with him and tell him you aren’t into that. See if it is something you can work past, if not, then it is time to move on. Yes kids would be sad BUT they too will eventually rebound and be ok as long as you are supporting them and being open with them at an age appropriate level that you and the guy won’t be together anymore but it will be ok.

Just tell him how you feel. You can’t expect him to know if you don’t tell him. If you tell him it makes you uncomfortable and you’re not interested and to stop bringing it up and then he doesn’t stop, that’s when you have a problem. Right now he’s just asking you for something and you’re not setting clear boundaries.

Umm it’s an actual lifestyle. My husband is like this and it honest to god makes it so much fun in bed. It’s about doing something your both comfortable with. If your not into it then talk to him about it. Maybe your comfort level is different than his.


Say “No”, plain and simple if you aren’t okay with an open relationship. If that is what he wants you need to think what you want.

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If it’s a hard no for you, then tell him it’s a hard no and that you don’t want it brought up again.


Maybe he just gets his kicks talking about it and fantasizing about. Talk it out with him. If he is serious let him know how you feel.

New minute hel be like my turn… watch me with another chick… stuff that…


That’s what he’s into. If you’re not into it, then let him know. It doesn’t make him a bad person for having a desire different from you and vice versa. There are many swingers or polyamorous couples in the world who have healthy and thriving relationships.


Well sit down and talk if he still pushing for it leave with your kids as my grandma use to say there are plenty of other fish in the sea

If your uncomfortable with that then say so. Tell him no. Period. Also discuss if this changes things for him and decide if y’all want to be together still.


Follow your gut. Get out it will get worser.


If he truly loves you he would not want you to do that


My ex was like this… run and run fast


2 reasons to be cautious. 1 ether he has a watching kink or 2 he’s cheating on you and having you sleep with another man is basically saying we are even now


If your not into then thats fine but let’s not kink shame other people


Dang I have always wanted 2 men at once, could never find 2 of em to agree to do it​:upside_down_face::wink:


He will end up cheating. My ex obsessed about me sleeping with another man while he watched. 2 years later he cheated. Leave now.

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Men are dumb. If you don’t want to do something you don’t. Try asking if he really would be ok with you having sexual relationships with other people. If he is , then discuss what your relationship is going to be like- is he sleeping around with other people too? You should be talking about what you like and don’t like sexually and every day. Is this a turn on or does he think it is? Have you talked about what you think your relationship is to both of you? One year isn’t very long so I hope your kids are going to be ok if things don’t work out.


If you really against it simply tell him how it makes you feel because if really loved you he wouldn’t want to share you with anyone else! Just tell him NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! SUBJECT IS CLOSED OR I AM GONE!

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Ask him is he gonna suck and take dick for you?? Is he gonna allow you to have your fantasy. Bet he will shut up then.

Tell him no and not to talk about it again?

Tell him it’s OK only if he can get Jason Momoa (or another celebrity crush) to do it with you! :smile: Seriously, I’d tell him bye because you can’t meet his needs before the kids get any more attached.


Nahhhh tell him to get the fk out


Yeah not into kink shaming or equating love w him wanting to watch you do this. Him wanting to watch you w another man doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. If however he keeps pressing after you’ve told him a firm no then its time to leave. Some people just have needs they want met and will be unhappy if they don’t have them fulfilled. You need to talk to him about whether he can go on w this relationship if you say no.


Just a fetish he has…and it’s ok on both ends. If you don’t want to explain to him why and if there is something else you two can do together. Be happy he is sharing what his interests are and not going behind your back. Just be open to conversations about how you are uncomfortable with it, but also let him know you are glad he is able to be open with you on his thoughts of what he wants. Not everything is for everybody.


Oh shit stop people!!! There are alot of men out there that would want the same, even some of your men will, they just wont say it cuz your so judgmental not understanding. Good lord over reacting much…

Perhaps hes gay and cant admit it. Either way its pretty wacked. I wouldn’t have him around my kids.


He will influence them later if they love him so much. You better run before it’s too late. People who are perverted usually sexually abuse children in the end. You and they deserve better. Go now before it’s too late.


Some couples are really into this so it’s really cool that he feels comfortable enough to tell you his kink. If you’re not comfortable with it then that’s the end of the discussion. How he responds to you refusing is the determining factor of whether or not you can continue your relationship. Either way the point is that you both be comfortable with and respectful of each other’s boundaries. But I have to disagree with others. His kink of seeing you with someone else does not at all mean that he’s going to hurt you or your kids. He may just have been telling you how he felt. Unless he’s giving you other signs that he plans on doing anything perverted I wouldn’t consider this a reason to believe that he would molest or hurt any of your kids.


He’s into kink. If your not then you both need a real conversation because if this is what satisfies him he will look for it elsewhere at some point.


If your not into it then break up. If you dont like it tell him?

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I would say hope it won’t t ruin our relationship but I’m not into that. If you just have to have that thing than maybe it would work out better if you left.

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That sounds like a man who is probably attracted to other men


L eave he’s kinda strange

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Go leave him
If that is what he wants then just leave . You deserve better c


Tell him one of your fetish is you wanna see him sleep with a man :rofl:


Then say “No”; if you are in a relationship where you have to defend the full sentence of, “No thank you, I am not into that”. Then you bow out gracefully and find someone to spend your time with that shares similar values. It doesn’t need to be ugly, it doesn’t need to be drug through the depths of the internet. If you don’t see eye to eye, that’s okay; but don’t think the situation will ever change. Who they are today is who they are going to be 5 years from now.

Dump him at once. That is pervert idea.


He doesn’t sound like a gentleman. You don’t need that. He doesn’t respect you. Say bye


Do NOT do this. If you do one thing against your better judgment he will keep asking you to do more and go farther every time.


Maybe it’s just chat? Ask him if it’s fantasy or real life… if you don’t want to just tell him nah just fantasy and you can chat shit with no expectation

Get out before it’s to late.

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Tell him you want to watch him have oral sex n anal sex with a guy first.