I cannot take birth control and my husband will not get a vasectomy: Advice?

Use condoms, get your tubes tied/cut/burned if you don’t want any children. Tracking your ovulation is another way, but higher chance of getting pregnant if you don’t keep a good record.

Talk to your provider about outside options like spermicide and things like that alot of them aren’t hormonal and there are several different options that should be safe. ( Most bc makes me very sick cause the hormones in it, I got changed to a lower dose and it helped alot I just didn’t know to ask about other treatment options

My husband and I made a deal. We were back and forth about wanting 1 more baby. So we said we would use no bc for a year. If I got pregnant then during c section I would have tubes removed. If I didn’t in 1 year then he would get snipped. Both the other kids took about a year to conceive. Well no bc and in 5 weeks I was pregnant :sweat_smile:. So I got the tubal. If you are 100% sure no more then I would say condoms…although I can’t use them because they all gave me utis. I always used a low estrogen pill bc normal made me super sick. Best part now is no bc and no chance of getting pregnant. We’re freeee lol

You always have the old fashion way …Condoms ! Problem solved ! You can’t force him yo get a vasectomy and the to health reasons you can’t take a contraceptive…so to save the argument !

Well… one of you will need to saddle up, go without, or risk pregnancy… condoms with spermacide can be used. Other than that, unless yall are 100% not having kids him getting a vasectomy seems a bit hasty. Why he should have to get a surgery when you could just take birth control is a bit selfish in my eyes. Why don’t you get a tubal? If yall for sure are not having kids him getting one is quicker, cheaper, and safer. But if that’s not the case, other than condoms, birth control should be on you. If that’s a problem, use toys.

My husband :heart_eyes: is the champ. He got the vasectomy. My husband is the best human this girl could ever ask for. Plus 10 kids is enough and he eventually wants to have his side of the bed back. The cost after insurance was only 123 bucks. That was the deciding factor frankly. For me to do it and downtime it was too expensive. Lol :laughing: Good luck! Eventually the males come to their senses. Well mine did!

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Everyone suggesting she get her tubes tied - did you not read that she has a blood clotting disorder?? Her going under anesthesia is even riskier because of this.


My husband said wouldn’t get fixed either. So I got a tubal… well two years later he died unexpectedly of a massive heart attack. I wanted to get off the bcontroll pills because they were making me feel sick. I was on the same one from 16-28 years old. Please think about a tubal if you’re under 35. You never know what’s going to happen.

Your life threatening issues with birth control far out way his just not wanting to get a vasectomy. Maybe a tubal ligation? I believe they can be reversed…ide consider it. A vasectomy is much less invasive than a tubal, typically an in office procedure and then go home right after with your bag of frozen peas (ive assisted with many). Man up sir, because that’s next level selfish whwn your partner has a heath condition.

Talk to your doctor. There are a minimum of 12 birth controls. You can find one for you. Everyone’s bodies react different to stuff so the side effects one person has another person won’t experience. I LOVED my mirena but I’ve heard others who hated it.

I use a progesterone birth control, I used it breast feeding since I couldn’t use regular estrogen BC, and just stayed on it, maybe talk with Dr about that, or the patch, I loved the patch but had a reaction to the adhesive so I had to stop that one, hope this helps!

Thats a tough one , hubby needs to realize that it’s much more dangerous for you and can have emotional repercussions, along with sometimes much more painful menses.

You can get the copper IUD which is hormone free. Use spermicide to kill those swimmers if if his pull out game is weak! 20 years of pull out method and no accidents. Only have an 8 year old.

Lmao. Stop having sex then. Something out there has to work for you. Just because you don’t like iud’s doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it. Sounds like a lot of excuses.


Everything has possible side effects :flushed: I don’t think he should be made to do something that he doesn’t want to do.


I went in an inquired about having a tubal, my doctor advised against it if my husband was willing to get the vasectomy. Women have to go under general anesthesia which is risky by itself, have a longer recovery time, and its more expensive. My doctor also told me there was a high chance I’d end up on hormone therapy later down the line. Plus if you’ve already had children, you carried that baby for 9 months and birthed it! I think the least he can do is sit on ice for a day or two :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


I second condoms as a contraceptive. I just tried the very last birth control I can safely take (with a blood clotting disorder ) and it didn’t work for me so I have no other options but condoms now . I won’t have surgery and risk my life .

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Abstinence or you can use the natural method. I cant do birth control so we follow my cycle.

The copper IUD has no hormones. It was the only thing I could use for the longest time.

No we’d and get toys to help with your drive until he gets the vasectomy. Easier procedure and recovery is faster.

Sorry but with how unobtrusive a vasectomy is that’s ridiculous

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I have the same issue! Found out during my 2nd pregnancy that I have a blood clotting disorder brought on by the elevation in hormones from pregnancy, as well as, from most birth controls. I’ve heard the Paraguard is a non-hormonal form of birth control made from copper. But then again what effects could inserting copper into your body have? It’s tough being a woman! :woman_facepalming:t2:

Why is it your husband will not get a vasectomy? Best way to go!!!

I’m on the depo shot because I have 2 blood clotting disorders and it works for me

I have an iud for two years and no side effects.

You can learn Natural Family Planning which is free once you take the short course. NO hormones.

There’s a new birth control gel called phexxi. It doesn’t use hormones!

I’d make him wear condoms then. He will get tired of them quickly.

You can get your tubes tied. My ex refused to get one after our second child was born, so I said ok, and had my tubes tied.

I use a diaphragm (a female reusable barrier method) with natural spermicide combined with charting for natural family planning. It worked very well for me while avoiding. No hormones or side effects.

Look in your App Store for a cycle tracker, it will help u know when to abstain during your fertile days.

There’s non hormonal birth control but if you don’t want kids you can get your tubes tied

Copper coils have very little side effects and they aren’t hormonal. Condoms, I guess are an option since you don’t want anything else though.

I can’t take hormonal bc because of medical issues so I cycle track and we use condoms no biggie

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I also have a blood clotting disorder. They gave me the copper IUD.

I track my cycle and haven’t been on any bc in 6 years. Neither of us want another child.

I do not suggest the copper IUD, honestly if your 100% done having kids, get a tubal ligation

Tubal ligation… if he won’t get a vasectomy… unless you want children …

Seriously I’ve had iud in for maybe 12 years. Zero problems

There is the iud without hormones.

Nobody should force, guilt or corner someone into getting a procedure like this.

There are hormone-free birth controls available

A day or two. I iced for about 2 or 3 hours and went outside and started shooting my bow.

Condoms, tubal, salpingectomy (preferred over tubal due to helping to prevent cancer or ectopic pregnancy)

Hysterectomy if you’re not planning to have kids

Iuds aren’t a bad thing! Especially the copper ones! Zero hormones!

My doc told me about diaphragms with some spermicide the other day.

Get your tubes tied?


If he won’t agree to that or a vasectomy, or anything else, invest in a really good vibrator and ignore him for a while. Lmfao

They have a new spermicide you insert vaginally.

Take your reproductive health upon yourself rather than relying on your partner to take care of it.

Even vasectomies are not 100% effective.


IUDs have hormone free options. or condoms and no no side effects. Abstinence works also. Three options. Boom.

Condoms or tubes tied

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Um. Condoms or none. Looks like quarantine #100000000000

Throw out the whole man…


You actually have a lower risk of getting pregnant if you as a couple have more frequent sex. . Just sayin

There are non hormonal birth control. There is an IUD. You could get your tubes tied. You can’t make him do something he wants. You have options. So pick one.


Ok so its hard because you and your partner are both drawing hard lines that essentially should me NO sex unless you want a baby. However keep your communication lines open and continue to do the research into the vasectomy and tubal ligation. Also please consider a relationship councillor. Men especially tend to believe that having a vasectomy will alter their ability to perform, will somehow effect their manhood :thinking::roll_eyes:

In the mean time…
Buy toys and use those instead of sex. Abstaining from penetrative sex (except the back door if that’s what floats amya boat) is a great way to prevent pregnancy whilst still having a sexual relationship…yes I understand that sometimes no matter how amazing the sex is without popping that hotdog into the bun your crave that so Also use condoms and a diaphragm if you can if you are insisting on traditional sex with your partner.

Essure worked for me I have similar issues

Track and be conscious of your body.

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Natural family planning!

I had my tubes tied.

There are 2 simple procedures you can do…the Novasure and Essure. The Novasure is an ablasion and the Essure is they put metal coils in your tubes and burn them so the scar tissue grows around the coils and blocks your tubes. I had both done in 2008 and the best decision ever! Each procedure takes about 45 seconds literally!!

Find a partner who will put your well being as important.

See if you can get tubes tied

Tell him to suck it up or he can use his imagination.

Make him use condoms lol

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Get a toy. :joy: You don’t need him for that.

Get a tubal ligation if you don’t want any more kids. Got mine after the second one and I loved it

He has a mouth which includes a tongue right… 💁

You could track ovulation and do natural family planning.

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Condoms. Pull and Pray. :woman_shrugging:t2:

don’t have sex with him until he gets snipped

Tell him to watch bridgerton and may learn a thing or 2 from the Duke :joy:

You hold the keys to the castle.

Get your tubes tied!

try nutaura method like with draw

Get pregnant and keep having kids then. Maybe eventually, yall will do wuts best and he will get snipped. Its weird how no one can take precautions but everybody want to have sex sex sex lol … Have babies!! lol ijs

Y’all ever wonder why kids are like this? - YouTube

His body his choice. Works both way people.

Best thing I did was get a tubal.

Condoms seem like the only option here

Tell him to man the eff up, my husband had one, no problems at all

You could try anal…Just sayin

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Why won’t he get snipped? Awfully selfish of him if BC is a threat to your health.

And to folks saying condoms… Let me introduce you to my second child…

Getting a vasectomy was one of the best things my husband has ever done for our sex life and partnership. He had the procedure on a Tuesday and was back to weekend warrior sports by Saturday.


I have a blood clotting disorder too and I take the mini pill. I had the Nexplanon before that and it was fine too. My hematologist is very cautious about what I take (no pain meds or epidural when I had my daughter) and he was ok with these.

Someone has to do something ! If you guys don’t want anymore kids and you can’t take BC because of the reasons mentioned why he can’t get a vasectomy? I think he’s selfish or has future plans excluding you and as such he’s not willing to make such a permanent decision

I have an IUD it is not that hard to get it suck it up buttercup or use condoms

Condoms, pull out method, hand jobs, blow jobs, anal, toys, so many options!!!

There are hormone-free birth controls available. Or simply use condoms

Why don’t you get your tubes tied?

Condoms or get your tubes tied

Tell him until he gets a it chopped, he aint getting none.

I love my IUD on my 3rd one

Protect yourself. There are penalty of safe options

Talk to your doctor about what is best for you about birth control and to talk about if it’s right for you to do

Tell your husband he either gets snipped or no sex he’ll get snipped pretty quick then

Get your tubes tied or use condoms

You are only fertile 4/5 days in the month. Get an app that records your cycle & if you get on it in those 4 days, don’t “finish” inwards :woman_shrugging: I’ve used this method all my life & no unwanted pregnancies :grinning:

If he won’t take action to get fixed…do it yourself. I was actually able to get my tubes tied for nothing because I was considered low income and able to get on the medical relief program the hospital offered. The surgery is simple, fast, and I was up and doing things after a few days. Didn’t really use pain meds, and it has been so worth it! Neither of us wanted kids and with my surgery being free, it was best that I got fixed. So you take action and get it done …call the hospital about any financial help programs they have. It is a in and out procedure and will be down for a week from work…but cheaper to miss a week of work that bring in a baby into this fucked up world, especially one you don’t want!