I caught my nephew watching me change my daughter: Advice?

Tread softly… this is a super serious accusation…
Lives have been ruined because of misunderstandings.


Open the metaphorical door for conversation. Ask him what’s up? Or close physical the door.


He is just curious but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it just simply explain that is a private and he doesn’t get watch make a disgusted face and it’s just weird and if you catch doing it again simply close the door


Omg close the door an when I was 10 I took my brothers into the bathroom to use the bathroom as they were too young wow now a days I would have been told I was a creep when in general I was taking my brothers to the bathroom


Also try talking to him about it

Ooohhh my spidey senses are tingling. I feel someone has taught him to be sexual :frowning: …what hes doing IS wrong. Its NOT normal there is innocent curiosity and then theres that. Can you close the doors? Give yourself privacy? Perhaps Talk to him about BOUNDARIES google books or stories? And have a little chat. Go for a walk together to the beach or something and just gently prod and have a chat


I don’t understand what the problem is sorry just confused


My 9yo niece has watched me change my 2yo son just out of curiosity, does anyone find that creepy? Or is it just because it’s a boy watching a girl? Next time just ask him if he wants to help, or learn. Children are naturally curious.


Just talk to him. Next time he does it just ask him what’s up? It could be completely innocent. And after that just follow up with some guidelines on boundaries. He’s 10 he’s still a child and most children show curiosity especially in the opposite genders privates because they are very different from their own. Just explain to him that people need their privacy when going to the bathroom or getting undressed/dressed. Be nice about it but firm in what your boundaries are. You don’t want to hurt his feelings if it is completely innocent. Hopefully nothing inappropriate happened to him. Sometimes kids are more curious if something happened to them or they saw something happen to another child. Most of the time we adults put more thought into these types of things because we no longer have the innocence of a child. You cant put your head on his shoulders. He’s a 10yr old child and every child is different so just because the other children don’t do it doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with him. You’re his Aunt just talk with him one on one. Not in front of the other children so he doesn’t get embarrassed.


Some of y’all are so judgemental and dissmissive. This woman came here for advice, she is trying to be cautious, and some of you are dissming her. Schools begin to teach a little bit about sex ed at that age (grade 5) so he is not completely clueless. She is just a mother trying to protect her daughter. I would not allow any 10 year old to be around when my daughter’s diaper is changed. Better safe than sorry


Act wisely. Observe closely. Do not accuse.


Maybe there’s something going on with him and he’s waiting for you to ask him. I had a niece that always wanted to be at my house. I thought it was because her dad was a drunk and her parents fought all the time. She opened up to me out of the blue and said her dad was messing with her when she was 9 years old. I guess she sensed I would help her or she felt safe telling me.


:joy::joy::joy: I cant even with this question


Christ. Shut the damn door if you are worried. God almighty

If he follows you have a conversation and have your daughter facing the other way, kids are very curious and if hes looking im sure its out of curiosity and not sexual… Heck talk about good touch bad tpuch, or even how looking can be inappropriate. My kids know vagina, penis, bad touch…

If there’s fear of abuse you should also be concerned about your nephew’s well being. He’s likely just curious but ask him if he has questions. If he lives outside of the home you may bring it up to BIL


Probably just curious, but I would definitely continue monitoring his behavior. Talk to him or his parents about it. And don’t leave them alone together, obviously, until it’s sorted.

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Close the door and make sure you are your lo ard only in the room.


All I can think of is 11 people in 1 house. Whole families in 1 bedroom :flushed: I know times are hard for everyone but man I would lose my sanity.


Its normal curiosity his 10. Sounds like you have the problem. Good god!


Come out and ask him, maybe he is curious, maybe nothing is there. I would ask with a parent of course or ask the parent. Needs to be addressed if your uncomfortable.

“hey buddy, what’s up?”
ask him what he needs?


Just ask him about it…

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I just read all the mean comments… pages like this are made for mommies (or anyone) who need help or advice so if your not offering either of those, why comment? I don’t get it. How is she wrong or creepy or insulting to be curious as to why he’s staring? It makes her uncomfortable because that’s her daughter… I’m pretty sure EVERY single one of us mothers would do anything to keep our child safe… some more than others. When woman have a feeling… it’s usually for a reason. I’m sure the little boy is just oh idk… being a kid… I know my kids do some weird ash sh!t… but maybe he’s not… it’s all over the world whether we want to admit it or not. Let’s not judge. Either sides, considering we don’t know these people.


This mom had questionable experiences as a child and simply asked for advice. If you have never experienced any type of molestation you could not know how this affects you later in life. If you cannot answer her question without criticism then don’t respond.

I think she has cause to ask and be concerned bc we live in a society that innocent children have been exposed to sexual abuse. This problem can’t be taken back once it happens.

Change the baby behind closed doors. Protect first and ask questions later, just limit exposer. Don’t leave the younger kids alone with the older kids.


Close the door. He’s a curious child. He was quite small when his youngest sibling was born so he may not remember about changing babies. Doesn’t mean he was ill willed behind it. Kids are curious. Maybe he was just purely curious about the changing of the baby or what you were doing. Nicely explain to him that it is a private moment and you would appreciate him not watching. Not everything little boys do need to be sexualized or assumed that they are going to harm a child. I couldn’t even begin to think something like that just because he was curious. Simply be the adult and close the door. Problem solved.


Definitely be vigilant. It would also be a good opportunity to engage in conversation with him and it’ll also let him know in a subtle way that you notice him.

Bad things happen all the times and generally with family or close friends. It might be innocent, it might not but if you feel uncomfortable it’s for a reason and you should be extra cautious; always trust your instincts.


ASK. that’s the most sensible thing to do. Ask your nephew.


I’d be shutting the door at the very least and just saying to him “Off you go, we’ll be back out in a minute”
If you are very concerned don’t leave them alone together.


Tell him beat it creep


Big deal.
The creepiest part is that you find it creepy.


It seems more like curiosity then anything. I mean. My 4 year old gets in my bubble when I gotta change her brothers diaper. You could just ask the kid. “Did you need something?” “Do you want me to show you how to change her?” “did you want to help?” Ask him to wait downstairs or w.e while you change her? Maybe he didnt wanna be alone? It thought that you wanted company. Or ig just close the door if your uncomfortable with it? Lol It’s weird but that’s what kids do- weird shit. :woman_shrugging:t3: you havent said anything to him so he probably doesn’t think it’s a problem. Sounds like you kinda just side-eye him.

You could ask the kid if he needs something and depending on the answer he gives you, you could bring the concern with his parents. Also closing the door while changing your daughter would be a good thing to do. Kids have lots of curiosities and questions, not saying it’s ok for him to stare either; however asking him if he needs something would be the first thing to do next time. Maybe pay attention to his behavior, you don’t know if he might having issues at home too. There are a lot of things that could come out of this situation but talking could be the best thing to do.


Close the door next time if it bothers you that much


Well why didn’t u talk to him he seems only curious an why would he not be in his bedroom even if it wasn’t being used. Ur Makin the child out to be a pervert when in fact he is probably only curious. No telling what they see in tv. Take a minute talk to him. … How old are u ??


So he was in his room watching u change ur baby.

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I would just ask him. Just set down with him and in a nice not mean it hateful way ask why he followed you and did he need you or someone or something. I wouldn’t just accuse him. Or make him feel weird or bad. Then go from there by what he says and acts. I definitely wouldn’t just go telling other people or his parents with talking to him that he’s weird, wanting to watch you change your daughter to peep at her. From what you said it doesn’t sound like that. He’s got sister’s and a mom. So I’m sure he knows girl’s and boys are different. If he lives with girl’s then he has seen the difference. It happens. But yeah I would definitely not say anything until you talk to him. You might see it’s not him being weird after all. But if that is the reason you come to believe I would talk to his parents. Maybe he does this at home also. Just talk to the kid.

Maybe he just wants to see what you’re doing :woman_shrugging:t2: explaine to him , let him help one time, I think it’s just curiosity


I find it creepy that you find it creepy tbh


Close the door or ask him what’s up why he stares I know he’s a kid but that doesn’t mean SHIT and don’t feel bad for being protective you have your reasoning . Idc what people say that you’re the pervert whatever we don’t know what this kids been exposed to or maybe what he has gone threw. It’s sick that people think just cause he’s smaller or family that nothing can happen. I don’t trust ANYONE besides my mom to watch my kids alone… not even my brother and idc if people talk crap to me for this I rather not risk something happening… never had a reason NOT to trust my family but I’m being cautious… because it’s happened within my family BY family

He is curious. Have a talk with him.

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Projecting your insecurities on a child of 10.:roll_eyes:sorry but all children have watched other children get a nappy change, big deal!!:roll_eyes:cousins, friends have watched in many familys, its curiosity stop over thinking it because you have had bad experiences. Unless ofcourse your family is known for this sort of thing an youre not saying. :thinking:


I’m sure hes just a curious boy. That’s what all kids are, curious. Strike up conversation, see if he wants to maybe help change her under your supervision?
Kids are seriously curious creatures lol
I’m sure it’s nothing to be worried about hun


He’s a small boy. Kids are curious. And either way, what the hell is wrong with you to jump to such conclusions towards a child!! 🤦


shut the door your daughter deserves as much privacy as you… do you change your clothes with the door open? do you wipe your arse with the door open for everyone to see??? no? then why are you doin it to your daughter??? u got issues with things like this why arent you taking steps to keep it from happening???

He’s might be just curious but if you’re getting a bad feeling; then you need to follow your gut. The next time he does it cover your daughter up and ask him if he needs something ( just to see his reaction) then tell him that he does not need to be there while you’re changing your daughter or any other time she is undressed because he’s a boy and your daughter is a girl and he is not allowed to see her private areas. I hope this is all innocent, but like I said FOLLOW YOUR GUT!!! We get those feelings for a reason!!!


Just say “hey dude, go away. You don’t need to be in here watching while I’m changing the baby.”


I dont understand why so many people are being such rude assholes. Sorry but a 10 yr old now days can be a danger. The fact she was exposed to handsy cousins make her want to protect her baby. Nothing wrong at all with that.
Mam, you have a right to be concerned. I do hope it’s just a little boy being curious which can be normal. But if your feel worried in any way, I would close the door. And it’s ok to tell him to go back to the other room until your done.

Kids are curious… I’d just start changing her. if he’s there ask what’s up and if nothing id say ok then go back in the living room. You’re the adult u can tell him what to do. If he doesn’t listen close the door on his face


He’s 10 ask him why he’s there and if there is anything you could help him with. Also explain to him that he shouldn’t be doing that it’s inappropriate and you don’t like it. Next time change your daughter in a closed and private room there is no need to make something out of nothing.


I agree! Kids are just curious. I don’t think you have a real reason to be concerned.


He is 10 with his own sister hes not curious wtf! Thats creepy! 10 years old watching you change a baby? Nope! Kids his age and even younger are capable of doing weird things if they’ve been exposed to it. Trust your gut. Change them in private and tell his parents.


Since he has a sister of his own it’s probably not because he’s never seen girl parts before. That doesn’t mean it’s still not curiosity. I still would stop the behavior. I mean you can always close the door and explain “so and so would like some private time while she is getting dressed” you can also always talk to his parents. Might make for an awkward conversation but better than letting it continue to worry you.

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That is how kids learn. I mean what’s wrong with him being there? He is learning how to be a parent


Obviously he wants to make sure you don’t put that nasty diaper down near his stuff. Shit, I’d follow you too.

Better yet, he can see down YOUR shirt when you lean over to change her. lol

Normal people communicate Karen.
You set your toddler down.
You get her changing stuff ready.
You look up at him. “What’s up bud?”
Either he walks away quickly. Or he says, “Nothing.”
To which you respond, “Ok. Well unless there’s something you need, I’m gonna change the baby.”
He either leaves or says “ok” and stays.
Then you say, “Alright. Well, if there’s anything you want to talk about, you let me know. If not, you mind closing the door on your way out?”

Either you continue that line of questioning each time, or you go more in depth next time.
“Were you curious about diaper changing? I can answer your questions before I change her, if you’d like?”

Or go the easy route.
“Hey bud, can you give us some privacy and get the door for me?”

Clearly you’ve had some inappropriate things happen to you. But you can’t assume everyone is inappropriate. You’re right there. Talk or shut him out. You’re not interviewing him for a babysitting job. You don’t leave your 2 year old alone for any measurable amount of time, do you? If so, there’s way better reasons to not do that than this kid. Come on.

Be careful boys are very curious at that age…

close the door. Hes clearly curious is all. But be nice hes 10. Say what’s up kiddo whatcha want… the dirty diaper? Lol

  • on different circumstances… watch out for other signs, I dont think that’s enough to get creeped out.
    When my girl was 5 she stood over my bed watching me sleep… that’s creepy lol

People act like 10 year old boys don’t need to know about changing diapers. First they are curious about bodies. They will look at everyone. Doesn’t mean they are creeps. When not changing the baby explain the differences in bodies and ask if he has questions. Maybe let him change a diaper with you watching. Teach him how to do it. Make him into a good “father figure” for his future kids


Try closing the door next time


Alls I can say is …i have 5 siblings and when we were 10 we were changing diapers for my mom for the younger siblings…my brothers and sisters…

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Ummmm have you tried talking to the boy???


I think that your feelings are valid based on your past, however, instead of condemning him automatically, just trying talking to him.

“Hey buddy, can I help you with something”

If it’s still making you uncomfortable, close the door. Talk to his parents. But don’t jump to him plotting to touch your daughter.


Ask him if he would like to change her. Maybe he’s observing, that’s how I learned as a child was observing. Maybe he wants to help. Not all older boys are predator’s!


Just ask him love. The answer he gives will show what his intrest is and you will know how to deal with it…Gently though, he is only 10.x

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Tell him to fuck off because potty time is private time

Hes 10… kids are curious. Some more than others. Also, if you’re bothered by it, you’re an adult, hes 10. Tell him to leave the room. Why is this even on facebook?

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His parents should be told and maybe your nephew is ready for an age-appropriate talk (with his own parents) about private parts and “good touch and bad touch” all that sexual abuse safety kids need these days.

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I trust no one. Maybe try and get out of the house. Too many people living together. That ain’t healthy.


Talk with him, find out what’s going on. Don’t be mean, just educate him. After your talk you should get a feeling about what’s going on, and take it from there.

Very unlikely that he intended anything perverted. Could have been a very good teaching opportunity - ask him to help and explain why you need to change her. You could also consider getting him a baby doll to work on his baby tending skills and diaper changes for next time. He’s probably curious of why and how.

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For everyone telling you “he’s 10. Kids are curious” there’s been plenty of times 10-12 year olds have hurt little children sexually. Do not disregard your feeling or listen to the people on here trying to make you feel crazy when they do not know that child or situation. Go with your gut, don’t leave them alone together, shut the door and don’t let him watch you change her and yes speak up in a nice way “hey, what’s up?” Do not condemn him or treat him horribly because you really don’t know but still be cautious. It’s your job to keep your baby safe, not these people commenting. If something happens to her it’s you who will feel like you didn’t do enough. Good luck and I hope it’s just a bad vibe but some bad vibes are there for a reason


don’t leave him alone with them and don’t overreact

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Trust your instincts. Protect them kids. Better to be overly cautious I promise


Curious maybe, but he is 10 not 5 or 6. Moms have to trust your gut, and keep your daughters safe. I agree with someone’s comment, just ask “hey what’s up, whatcha doing?” See what he says, or maybe say To him “hey we need a little privacy”

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Thought about he might give you Back what he has to Deal with because of you? They had to leave their Room, so you and you family could use 2 Rooms. How could you sleep These nights? Go Home if you need space and let These kids have the Feeling to be important and wantet when they are around. Maybe he only wants to give you that Feeling Back. He wants you to be uncomfortabel when he is around, like they do when you are.

I’d be asking if he wants to help, mayne he just wants to be more hands on, my 9 year old boy loves babies,
the way so many of ya have jumped to some pretty awful conclusions is beyond me!!!

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Something it’s good to trust your gut but also ask him questions hes only ten and still a child we need to treat him like one put him to seat down and have a lil talk with him, he might just be curious , if hes not , then someone taught him something he shouldn’t know at that age…

Sometimes we need to get to the bottom of what’s going on with him

try asking him if he wants to learn to change a diaper, if he does than and can handle a full diaper, he just has an interest in babies. I have 3 grown nephews, 2 married with kids and the two older ones still love babies, and their wives are grateful they learned that men can be kind, and helpful. My sister swore she was not going to raise boys that couldn’t look after themselves and need to marry a mother, they learned cookng, cleaning, and childcare.As he is a child I would not leave him alone with her, ( he is to young to be responsible enough)but if he wants to learn, why not let him, under your guidance. Either way he wont be standing and watching, he’ll either want to learn or he’ll will run away from the thought of changing a diaper.

Our oldest son changed his sister’s diaper when she was two weeks old and he had just turned 3. It was absolutely adorable and we took pictures. He had his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth in concentration and did a really good job. He is 40 years old now, she is 37.

For one…why are all of you living under parents roof with kids? You are all adults right? Two…you are forgetting how kids are curious and not creeps. He is 10 you moron…and not one parent in either family can act responsible enough to actually have home of their own and negate your nonsense concern. I think you are simply posting this as argument for some turf war in a home none of can find for yourselves and family. He is 10.he probably wants to be part of family and find some sort of nuturing behaviour. Nitwit…a child watching a baby diaper change is not poor behaviour. And maybe you actually provide your children a home of your own and stop posting nonsense

Bro… HOW MANY people live in that house :worried:

Why not just ask him?? Hes 10 he should be able to answer why are you staring at her? Did you need something? Can we have some privacy please thats rude to stare. Idk something besides hes a creep!!

Honestly for u to think this it’s more about u n your past have u had therapy for your trauma? Your nephew is only 10 a child as well

Ask him what’s wrong.

Make sure he’s not been molested.

Sometimes curiosity like that is from trauma.

Most often its normal kid stuff.

Maybe try asking him why he is interested? Maybe he is a natural nurturer but was never allowed to help with his siblings but he wants to KNOW how to do this important thing of changing a baby. Maybe he really likes how you care for your children and is feeling left out in his family being the middle kid. Try saying this “Hey kiddo I noticed that when I change the baby you seem interested in observing. Is there anything you want to ask me about changing a baby?” This will allow you and him to start a conversation that will help clarify what is going on.

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I would tell him to respect her space & not watch. “You close the door when you potty so show her the same respect because you don’t want to be watched either.” I think it is weird & I don’t allow kids to watch me change my daughter because it’s HER private area. Same way I cover for strangers is the same way I do for family & kids. You never know :woman_shrugging:t5:

Close the door and don’t leave you kid alone with no one

Keep your eyes open. You’re not wrong to have questions. It’s instinct. The numbers are high! Usually those abused are the ones to abuse. Don’t second guess yourself. You only have one chance to get a normal childhood and you can never go back in time to prevent something… This is a good question and I hope nothing other than childhood curiosity is happening.


For everyone saying he’s just a child is letting things go down in their house because they believe children doesn’t do wrong. Even if he is curious, you stop it and let his parents talk to him about it. Kids harm other kids and can still be a little innocent. If she would have said every time he watches somebody get killed on TV, he laughs. Then it’s a red flag. Smh


Kids are naturally curious, I have to make both my daughters (7)(10) go away while I change their little brother because if not, they will stand and watch. I too had a similar childhood, but worse. I wouldn’t think too much into this. In fact, I would use it as a teaching moment. Bringing unwanted attention to something this natural is only going to cause conflict in the family. Besides, if you noticed him standing there, why didn’t you send him away? I don’t really think you can put all the blame on a curious child when you sat there and let him do it, and I mean no disrespect by that, just being honest.


Ask him why he’s watching. his answer will show where his interest lies. Ask him if he’s curious about the process. Maybe he hasnt been around a lot of diaper changing. Emphasize that consent means not staring at someones body.


He’s curious! Kids tend to be!
Maybe talk to him, tell him she needs privacy!

I have a 10 year old boy, and my response to him would be to ask him simply what’s up. He’s 10. This doesn’t make him a predator. If mine were to do this, he’d be wondering if help was possibly needed. Communication is important here. After reading some of these accusing comments, I have to wonder what happened to people that they can’t simply speak to each other without the accusation of something nefarious. I was abused as a kid too, doesn’t mean this kid is like that piece of crap. Talk to him! Simply saying hi and acknowledging his presence can help. Stop reading too much into something that could very well mean absolutely nothing. As a result, you could end up having a good relationship with him. :tipping_hand_woman:

I don’t see nothing wrong with that. He’s 10. She’s a baby. He’s curious. If it was something with malignant intentions he would hide and not let you know that he’s watching.

Maybe ask his parents how much they’ve spoken with him about girls and boys and the birds and the bees to start with. Maybe tell them what happened. I think you all can find a good way to approach it. :blush:

Could you ever just stop to think that this child may just want to help. I have a 10 year old son and he’s fascinated with babies. He’s a child!


If you’re child was older I’d be a little uneasy but at 2 she is still in the baby category and therefore I think you may be looking too much into this. It probably has nothing to do with her nudity but everything to do with you caring for her. Perhaps he is a natural born nurturer or maybe he’s just curious in general but I think to accuse him of anything you risk traumatizing him as well as destroying a relationship with your in laws.


Tell him you see him watching, and that’s not something he should be doing, then if he does it again go to his parent and tell them he may be innocent, but it makes you uncomfortable.


He’s 10. Seriously? He’s a kid. He’s curious. Either talk to him and his parents about it, or close the door.


I’m 5 years older than my brother and have an amazing memory. I was about 6 when he was born and i was very curious. Embarrassed to say so but curious. I stayed curious for years. And my parents were proactive, we did talk, they did explain. It’s probably natural but in my opinion a calm non judgemental conversation about privacy where he is free to ask questions without judgement and understand boundaries might help