That’s cheating. Buh bye
WTF!!! Kick her ass to the curb.
You can’t. It is cheating. If that was her response… Let her go be her. You are better off
That’s not harmless. That is cheating and only you can decide how you want to proceed from here on out.
That’s cheating . Tell her bye bye!
Does she know that is considered porn and against the law with jail time involved.
I’m out
. Don’t have to have s3x to cheat… HUGE Deal Breaker!!
Easy answer leave the lying hoe!!! Such a waste of 19 yrs don’t waste another minute on her!!!
you cant put her out you deserve better
That’s still cheating! Time to go.
Cheating and it won’t stop. So either you walk away from her or she walks away from that job an loses all contact with that person. That’s the only way to make it better but if you make her leave the job an drop that person an you stay it’s only a matter of time before she finds another to do all that with.
She’s trash. Leave her
Yeah… that’s a deal breaker
Thts still cheating dose it matter if she hasn’t had sex yet sending all those nude pic and videos it’s saying to the other person come and get it she has no respect for u. Show her the door
The sad part is you ve been married to her for 19 years. Leave,find someone you can trust.sad
That ain’t harmless. She lie. Still cheating whether she went all the way or not.
And at this point with the amount of denial she’s got going you definitely cannot trust her… she’s not acknowledging what she’s done the harm she’s caused and the damage to the relationship. Can’t trust someone who can’t even look at the situation and feel any sort of remorse.
To answer the question: No, you can’t trust her. Can you live with that? That is a question only you can answer. You need to do some honest soul-searching. I wish you the best of luck.
If she doesn’t even acknowledge that it’s wrong, who knows what else she hasn’t been caught doing… You have to decide if you can live with that.
Cheating doesn’t have to be physical. She cheated and wronged you. If it isn’t something you can move past then it’s ok to walk away.
You can’t. Trust is already broken. What she is doing is cheating.
Boy you better learn how to start sexting yesterday!!!
Very sick! I think she has done more or wants to.
Even without physical sex that is considered emotional sex and has the same emotions as having actual physical sex. She is cheating and up to you what you want to do. Myself, I would leave because trust and loyalty is no longer part of the equation. Just saying.
She cheated, plain and simple. Question is, can you live with it?
That is cheating. Hope you kept the pics. Pretty serious stuff. I personally, would be gone.
Don’t trust a lying cheater, run while you can!
That is called emotional cheating and it can be just as devastating as physical cheating. I cannt believe her thinking sending nudes and videos of herself is okay, I would never be able to trust them again Only you can decide if you can get past this, but I’m guessing if your on here asking you will never get over it!
You can’t. Throw the whole wife out.
Hell nah. Tf does she mean it’s harmless. Youre married.
Cheating doesn’t need to be physical, the mind is already GUILTY
I didn’t back read all 300 comments but it seems like the advice is consistent. The fact that she thinks this isn’t harmful, is concerning. If it were me, this is where I’d draw the line and leave. It’s ok to love someone, but you need to love yourself too and you deserve better then this. And I don’t even know you.
Best of luck in whatever you decide! it’ll all work like it’s supposed too.
You can’t. Sounds like she’s trying to justify it
You can’t trust them. It’s over. It sucks but that crosses the line.
If she has went that far, im sure she is lying about the rest. That is a very intimate thing to do, and then to share it with her co-worker?..and they still work together?..for your own peace of mind I would cut that one loose…to me that IS cheating…
Adultery starts with the eyes. Doesn’t matter if they did the act or not.
Seek individual counseling and decide how or if you want to move forward.
Answer to your question-you can’t. Not harmless. Sad she feels this is nothing-it obviously is “something” to you.
You can’t trust them obviously. If you were sending videos like that to another woman ask yourself why you were doing that and you would know why she is doing it.
So she’s admitting to emotional cheating, its the first step.
This will play on your mind, while shes at work.
Especially if she isn’t taking accountability and is making excuses, eg “we only” is definitely playing down the betrayal.
If would suggest seeking professional help, if she’s committed to change, it could still be a lengthy period before she regains your trust.
The only option is DIVORCE!! My ex wife did the same thing. I caught her and then she apologized and swore it would NEVER happen again and she wanted to go to counseling. I agreed. I found out 2 months later that there were other people as well and she actually did perform oral on one and had been cheating the entire time we were together. Just end it NOW!! I wish I had left sooner. I wish I had loved me more! I won’t make the same mistake twice!
She’s trying to “water down” the poison and feed it to you like it’s pudding…Glad you caught her emotionally cheating before physically cheating (hopefully)
Kick her butt out. She is obviously already moved on emotionally if she’s doing stuff like that.
Ummm whoa! You need to reevaluate your whole relationship if she’s acting like this is ok then what else has she done and with how many other guys?
Listen speaking from experience same shyt just happened to me in March my man was sending nudes n videos to a female co worker an I found out n it kept going on it led to him telling lies to cover up n finding out because she was spiteful enough to send pictures of him fucking her n more plus to top it off during all this I found out I was prego to him. It hurts it’s gonna keep on hurting trust has been broken it happened with a coworker who they gonna see all the time reguardless of how u feel so now think about how u feel n if u can forgive listen to ur heart
“It was harmless” well if that ain’t a slap in the face.
The fact that she said it was harmless You should definitely leave her
That is not harmless.
that isnt harmless thats a prelude to adultery
No. Not fine. Unacceptable behavior. Cheating is cheating, doesn’t have to be physical.
Harmless? Cheating is both mentally and physically. She doesn’t have to touch him. The moment she showed the goods that was cheating.
You don’t trust either of them and you get out. Sending nudes is absolutely a no no. She didn’t just send nudes, she sent a video of herself playing with her hoo ha, that’s vile and an even bigger no no since she is with you and not him. Leave her and don’t ever look back
You can’t trust her. I am so sorry you’re experiencing this. She’s doing this because something else has her excited at this point. I’m not saying you can’t come back from this though, my husband and I had our own experiences when it came to infidelity, but we both spoke and opened up about it. We were as honest as can be and didn’t attack each other, we both wanted to fix it together and forgive each other so we worked through it. If you’re both willing to move forward, to heal together, without shame or being defensive with one another, I believe you can make it work. If you guys can’t, it’s time to speak on separating before it becomes a real issue.
You can’t and you deserve better
It doesn’t matter if they never engage in the activity cheating is cheating. Seat her down and talk to her if you can’t get pass that then ho separate ways
Time to break up and move on, no one deserves that from their partner.
That is wrong and she shouldn’t have done it you should divorce her if you don’t think you can ever trust her again
She is cheating on you dude
Jill Fris kijk weer zo een geval hier
You deserve better move on
She’s gaslighting you
I’m sorry, but, she deserves him. Prayers sent for you.
Don’t let her gaslight you that her choices to sext her coworker was “harmless” and not a big deal. It was emotional cheating. Up to you to uphold your boundaries and not be disrespected.
She’s a skank.byyyeeee
Divorce. No questions asked. Eventually she will cheat if she’s sending nudes already. You will never be able to trust her again!
I don’t believe that is a part of her body that anyone other than you or her gynecologist should see how that’s not wrong certainly baffles me…
You mean your ex-wife right? Hit the road Jack!
Omg this is awful flirting is one thing but pics and video?! She may as well slept with them for real if she didn’t already. I’m sorry this happened to you. I wouldn’t forgive that. At all.
Harmless my A$$ thats cheating. Byeeeee.
no self respect. Either therapy or out the door
Time to leave mate,asap!!
Shit that is wrong in all aspects. My husband would more than likely kill the dude. That is so disrespectful to you. Honestly me being a women I would divorce me if I was you.
You seriously need to grow a sack and leave Oh no thats right she hasnt had sex with him YET so I suppose that makes it ok Lmao tell her to keep doing what she’s doing because only the weak would stay with someone like that…
She’s probably already cheating and if not she’s about to
I’m sorry ur going thru this its heart breaking but u deserve better that’s wrong to do to someone u love especially that long
Wow thats damn dirty and nasty, sorry this has happened to you, can you move on from this ? and ever trust her again ?
Whatever you do i wish you all the best.
To me thats cheating and id be devestated if my husband did that, id split up than live a lie.
That’s BS. Entertaining another person while in a relationship IS CHEATING. Doesn’t matter if you’ve acted on it or not and sexting IS acting on it. She is gaslighting you. I would ( and did) leave and not look back.
You can’t. Time to cut bait.
I would leave her because she is lying and cheating
Dude guy just leave even if ur couch surfing or living in ur car she is going the have sex with him
Ask her how she’d feel if the tables were turned. If she feels she can handle it. I’d suggest therapy and possibly opening the marriage or divorce.
You can’t trust her. I’m so sorry your going through that. To me, that’s cheating. It’s absolutely not ok
she’s lying & i’d be divorcing her.
this is NOT ok. Please protect yourself and run, run fast.
Still cheating. Leave her
I count that as cheating
She’s already cheating imo. Good fucking bye
Evidence to take to divorce court. Avoid that alimony !!
Regardless if SHE thinks it harmless. It’s still stepping outside your marriage entertaining the thought. To me it’s still wrong. Why isn’t she sending that to you, her husband, and not someone else. RED FLAGS
Tell her if you can send dick pics to a very hot chick at your work. I’d never trust her. Sorry you found this out.
Um. What’s her logic here? What the fuck? Anything beyond the boundaries of your relationship is cheating whether she has sex or not.
Nope not cool. If you’ve been loyal throughout your relationship and she did this then you deserve a new wife or more respect but if you’ve done her dirty before then you kinda had it coming just saying goes both ways for men and women. Best of luck bro.
Send screenshots to yourself you’ll need it later!
you can get rid of her
It was over way before she did that.
Watts Next ?
Ummm if me all u would’ve heard is the door close behind me
Fuuuuck no you can’t trust her! Especially if they’ve talked about hooking up and work together. I HIGHLY doubt she hasn’t hooked up already. As much as it sucks you gotta get outta there.
Sheez prolly been doing it for years…tht also sounds like a lie …idk everyones sus to me
Smack! Disgusting. Do not believe or trust this person,shitcan!!!
Once a cheater always a cheater
What trust? Don’t trust a single thing she says. She is for the streets! She is no longer worth your time or energy. Throw her away. The fact that she tried to insist that its “harmless” is proof that she does not respect you. She is blatantly insulting your intelligence. Throw her ass away. Make sure to blow her up and let everyone know what she did. If you are able to, demand to take back every expensive thing you ever gave her that has retail value, sell them and go on a trip. Do everything that is legally in your power to leave her with as little as possible in the divorce. If your name is on it, kick her out of your house, change the locks and under no circumstances let her ever step foot inside again. Take your name off of all credit cards that yall share. Anything at all that has to do with you, take it away from her and revoke her access. Once the divorce is finalized, don’t ever speak to her again unless its absolutely necessary. If yall have kids, make sure the kids know exactly what she did too. If she ever asks you for help with anything that isn’t about the kids, pretend that she didn’t say anything at all and ignore her request and continue living your best life WITHOUT her.
Wtf. I will never understand cheaters.
U can not, she’s filth