I caught my wife sending nudes to a co worker...advice?

So wrong…count your losses and get rid of her

Divorce and run like hell away from this female . Document everything …

You can’t. There’s a thin line between trust and being a fool and she pushed you over it. You only have two choices….continue to be a fool or have some self respect and don’t walk but run….only if you think you deserve better though :woman_shrugging:t3:

You can’t…that’s cheating and if she’s that comfortable doing so and they work together chances are they have already slept together. When cheaters get caught they will lie to the extreme !

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That’s cheating…. You t trust her

Divorce. The fact that she sees nothing wrong with this is a HUGE red flag. You deserve better


Sending nude pics in my mind is cheating. Also no assurance that they didn’t have sex. People just don’t go around sending nudes to people they work with

That is cheating, so divorce her asap


They definitely had sex

Oh she absolutely cheated!

That’s cheating. She destroyed the trust and intimacy bond. That’s something that takes a very long time to gain back and work through if possible at all


You can’t. She’s trying to downplay like it’s nothing serious but it is! She’s well on her way to having sex with that man and she’s already started cheating. Because that’s what it is. Cheating. Cut your losses

She may not have actually physically had sex with this person but there was still sexual intention and sharing of sexual videos etc I would personally be heading to divorce.

She should be selling that on onlyfans lol anything personal is cheating really


As someone that was the cheater. Leave. I was saying it was harmless crap to my partner as well but it wasn’t. We were meeting up at hotels and crap when I was supposed to be at work. Yeah people change and I’m proof of that. But it’s not just pictures. Sorry


If she is sending nudes its gone beyond flirting…if your not 100% sure then go through her phone while she is in the shower if you need the reassurance
Has she apologized or shown remorse or does it seems like she doesnt care
Doing this is considered cheating…nobody shows pics of their privates and says its harmless NOT
Its up to you what you want to put up with because its only a matter of time before it becomes more if she hasnt already crossed that line
Have you asked her to stop because this is so not right you need to really have a good conversation about boundries
Does she come home the same time as usual nothing changed where she needs to leave for a couple of hours
If suggesting counselling and knowing if she has stopped or you cant trust anymore
Start putting money aside so if you decide to part ways you wont lose it all if you decide to split…since i hate cheaters if the house is in your name only sell it and take the money and run then ask for divorce


Yeah, no. Run as fast as you can my guy. She’s cheating on you.


Emotional cheating, in my opinion is worse than a one night stand. There’s feelings there. I’m sorry :disappointed:


You don’t trust her. It’s clearly cheating. She’s doing all that with intentions, intentions of cheating. Run!!!


Yeah no. You can’t. She destroyed the relationship. Take her to the cleaners.


run & don’t look back.


You can’t trust em, just throw the whole person away.


Send some pics to someone and see how she likes it🤷🏻‍♀️!


She’s lying and that’s cheating. Don’t trust a word.


Sending nudes is cheating. Don’t matter if she didn’t have sex with them. Cheating is cheating & you seem to not trust her anymore. Counseling isn’t going to work, she betrayed your trust, & that trust is going to take a LONG time to get back.

You dont you break up with them because they obviously dont respect you


That’s cheating regardless if they had sex or not. It was certainly going to happen if they talked about it.

I couldn’t get past it myself


Not harmless! Listen to your gut on this one! She’s basically having sex with the person.

Dump her Hoey Ass !! Find your self a nice girl and be happy!! Find someone who will be happy with you!!

If she honestly sees nothing wrong with this you have pretty big problems.


Leave her ass in the dust , so damn disrespectful

You can’t
Your best bet is to leave as the trust has gone


Showing ur pu**y to another man is cheating. Leave her ass

That is cheating. That would be divorce for me


She already cheated. He already seen the goods.


I think you know what you should do. Idk why anyone would even question what to do in this situation. Do it back to her or leave. No telling who else she has done this with

You are not the father

I agree……leave now before you get hurt more.

She already crossed the line

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It’s obviously your relationship but to me, she’s already cheated. Your partner shouldn’t be doing anything your not comfortable with and sending these photos and videos isn’t ok

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That’s not ok….leave her, you deserve better


Omg sorry hunny but those are Red Flags :triangular_flag_on_post: run …I been married for 19 years and that’s not an OKAY behavior she should of not done that sh…… time to move on …. You deserve better

Time for divorce and get proof make her pay u alimony I’m serious


You can’t. if she’s going as far as sending that kind of content, she and he are both eventually going to hook up, don’t wait around to see if it does, coz you’ll forever be wondering if they have or haven’t and your trust and mental health will be damaged even more than it is now, Leave her. What she has done, is basically cheating, she’s allowing another man to see what only you should be seeing and inviting him into her life sexually. That’s not ok, and should NOT be down played at all.


Get rid of them right now and don’t trust them ever again

If I were you I’d leave now. No excuse for those actions and that’s what they are. Excuses.

She violated…id leave her asap.

You can still trust her, just give me her number I’ll have a talk with her.


She full of bull shit .leave the B…

The likelihood they got to sharing those kinds of videos but never slept together is about as likely as a monkey giving you 3 million dollars. So pretty unlikely.

Put yourself in her shoes, does that even sound right???

You can’t possibly stay with her after knowing this. I’m so sorry.

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Nudes… playing with herself… intent… what makes you think this was the first side dish? You don’t deserve to always wonder.


Um that’s 100% NOT ok.
If you were doing that she’s already be gone …


Your wife cheated, whether she was touched by the man or not. Get rid of her!!


Her intentions were to go alllll the way that was just a step before the deed……


That’s cheating! Period! It doesn’t matter if they did or didn’t ever have physical sex together. (They probably did, though.) She’s been lying and cheating.

Gross. Ditch the ho.

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the moment she even thought about sending a nude she was ready for the next step. hope you don’t have children. girl bye!

The fact she justified her wrong doings as HARMLESS id be filing a DIVORCE & saying the same!


You calling her “this person” says a lot. She’s not getting what she needs from you.


Fuck that🖕🏼 not okay at all

Sex pics and videos are not harmless regardless of what has happened

A nude is one thing. Playing with youself on video is another.

She’s planning on cheating so I would end it obv not the person u think

Throw it away and start fresh

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Don’t!!! She doesn’t deserve your trust, respect or love

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She trying to down play it.
She did you wrong , and you deserve better

Not the first time, it’s the first time you caught her though.


Seems like she’s lying to you! Idk what to tell ya. I believe in forgiveness but the way she’s reacting so casually seems like she’s done it before. :snake: Put ya foot down. That’s not harmless. That’s harmful and DANGEROUS. She’s playing with fire. Let her go and leave her.


You can’t.
Chatting isn’t just physical.
Get your shit together and say goodbye.

It’s called an emotional affair and quite common now a days with social media … The sad thing is she doesn’t even see wrong what she has done . Point she has no respect for you and it isn’t going to stop either …

I’m sorry but there is no trust in a relationship when your other half is flirting or sending nudes to another person. She is cheating! You don’t deserve to put up with any of that and deserve a whole lot better!


Sorry but what she has done is so wrong don’t fall.for her downplaying it she is still cheating whether she’s done anything or not thw fact that she’s downplaying says she dosnt see anything wrong with her behavior witch is worse cause means she will carrying on doing it cause she thinks she has done nothing wrong


dont fall for that old trick if its not happenening now it soon will be how would she like you seng these sort of pictures to your femal friends is she serious

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She’s broken trust and boundaries. It’s now upto you if you want to fix this or walk away. The fact she is even denying wrong here, I would be walking away. You deserve better !

She’s cheating and using the fact they’ve not done this shizzle in person as an excuse to try and get out of it. Your wife is showing herself very intimately to another man!!! Face to face or on zoom, it’s cheating. You need to work out what you want and she needs to explain what she feels has gone wrong and whether you’re going to figure it out

So…to me thats worse then sleeping with. If my wife stepped out with some dude drunk at a club one night that I could get over and id probably move on. Humans are humans and we make mistakes. But this is premeditated… She thought this through…knew what she was doing was wrong…and still saw nothing wrong with it…If she was doing it with some body online as entertainment ok, even thats understandable if you wanted to stay. But someone at work…thats humiliating…thats a complete and utter violation of any of your feelings and security in marriage…idk man I’d probably dip…


Honestly she’s already cheated emotionally and is lusting after someone … she disrespected you and sent inappropriate pics and videos to someone else.

its still cheating, you probably won’t trust her unless you both can build that trust up you have to decide if you want to forgive her if not then best of leaving cos it will eat you up inside or try marriage counseling best of luck.

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That’s still considered “cheating”.


What a tramp…you do the same to a co worker see how she likes it :face_vomiting:


I’m afraid it’s not harmless, detrimental to your marriage and detrimental to her career/job too, if things go pear shaped there one of them could be fired and then she would end up alone with no one at all, lose-lose.


Believe it or not there is probably a great woman out there that only sends her nudes to you and only you. Go look for her.


Drop her like a bad habit. Why do you even need to ask the internet this? If you can’t make a decision yourself, might as well stay with her


Goodness me!! She’s caught red handed. There’s no talking herself out of that.


You don’t trust them ever again. That really does suck dude. I hate how men and women can just do that to eachother without thinking anything of it.

She doesn’t respect you for one. For 2 if you love someone you don’t cheat-flirting pics sexting etc .


You can’t. Move on. She cheated.


Personally I think she is lieing I think something has happened or she is very close to it the purpose of sending nudes is to turn the other person on so something can happen


You can’t. Pack her shit and move her out.

She is lying. She cheated.


You don’t. Leave her ass

It doesn’t matter if they didn’t have sex, the fact that she says it harmless is wrong she is cheating, the trust isn’t there any more. Sending nudes and videos like that to someone else, is cheating. I have been cheated on before and i left the moment I found out, especially when my ex husband cheated on me it was hard to leave because we had 2 kids together but I did it.

Move on! If she sending nudes and vids to another person she’s either cheated or is flirting with the idea. The whole thing is very wrong in my books. If you love someone, it’s them and only them to see what’s under your clothing.
I’m sorry this happened but you’re better then this! :pensive:


She more than likely wouldn’t like it if you did the same thing with another woman. It’s cheating, and I wouldn’t put up with it . Love and trust go hand in hand, without those two things, why stay.

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She’s lieing her ass off

You can’t. She is lying.

I would not tolerate that. I’m so sorry.