I cheated on my husband and got pregnant: Will the dad have rights to the baby?

A child born within a marriage is legally assumed to be the father.


You should paint your face as a clown. Take it in the chin. You messed up now pay your debt.


What in the world did I just read :neutral_face:


And record everything he does. The dates and times of everything psychotic that he has done

All the father has to do is request a paternity test. Yes he has rights

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Your husband can sign birth certificate but the father to the baby has 90_days to protest the birth certificate.

Wow loads of judgemental people here.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. :joy::crazy_face:


Please don’t ruin this man mentally and not let him be there just because you fucked up. My fiance has a daughter he hasn’t seen in a very very long time because of the mother and its literally ruining him mentally. Don’t put this man through that.

If you’re in the U.S, every state has different laws around custody. You made a mistake and you’re being very strong by owning up to it. Just do right for this baby moving forward :purple_heart:

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Wow some of you are just plain rude an disrespectful. No wonder why children grow up the way they do look at all of you sitting behind a phone typing this shit. :roll_eyes:

Why did you tell the baby daddy??? Now you’ll have to deal with him because yes he does have rights to be with the kid. It’s his child too.


He wasn’t dangerous when you was being a ho and cheated on your husband with him.


Most of these women are no only judgemental, they’re stupid. Some states wont ever allow someone other than the spouse to petition for a paternity test.


I would have hubby sign birth certificate. Then the other man would have to go to court himself to establish paternity ect.

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Uhh did you ever think that maybe he is showing up to the hospital because you’re trying to basically erase him from his child’s life? So yeah, he can and does have rights…

If you put your husband down as the child’s father, all this guy has to do is petition it, there’s proof of the affair and you and your husbands fraud so probably wouldn’t take that advice either.


Your husband should’ve dropped your HO ass…

I’m guessing its different in every state. Does the babies dad know hes the father, if he doesnt then dont tell him

Yea he will have rights

Damn i woukdnt have told him. He has every right until a court finds him too dangerous. Good luck.

Varies from state to state, but in most places he can make you have a DNA test and share custody. It is something you will have to fight out in court. Document everything, you will need proof he is unstable if you want some custody. Don’t go for full custody because you still have to let him see the child even then.

Not legally. Your husband will have rights. But that doesn’t make that right. You need to let the baby’s actual dad be in his/her life.

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I’d have kept the paternity issue to myself


Of course he will. Its his baby. You need to contact him and let him know. Get a dna test and set up visitation through the courts. Be warned, once the father is involved, your husband may take back his forgiveness.


Technically your husband automatically gets put on the birth certificate as the biological father without question. Actual bio dad HAS rights but he has to fight for those rights.

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He definitely has rights but you need to be filing all of these incidents. When the baby comes you have proof to show to the court that he is unfit to have custody of the child.

Yes he has rights even if you are married. Although because you are married your husband will be listed as the father, UNLESS before hand there was a prenatal DNA test then it’s up to you to out it on there or not. If he requests a DNA after the child’s birth and it comes back as his he will have the parental rights he has a right to regardless of your mistake. Document all that he does wrong if you dont want him around you or the baby. I’m sure you know you messed up but the child didn’t and has every right as a human being to know thier father, biological too. Does your husband know about the baby that’s not his? Does the bio father know about it? If you are that scared get a restraining order. I would say sorry for your situation but you did it to yourself. Glad you have a kind hearted husband that can look past it.

This comment is going to get hate… but does he know he is the father… or could you play it off as your husband’s baby?


In michigan when i was separated from my husband i became pregnant. The 1 night stand had no legal rights to the child.

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Differs from state to state but in most states the father has to do a paternity test and go through the court system to get rights unless you are married (which you are not)

I love all the comments from these judgmental experts, sheesh. You should contact the Probate Court in your state. Every state has a different way of handling this type of situation. In GA if your married, but separated and get pregnant with another mans child, the husbands is listed as the father. We had a friend go through this who had been separated for 6 years from her husband, and because he lived in MS with no real address she struggled to get a divorce from him, anyways, she put her boyfriends name on the birth certificate at the hospital, and then he had to legitimize the children as well because the mother was married. Again, it varies state to state. One good thing, if he fights you for paternity and parental rights let him, if he’s unstable that will automatically put you in front of a judge but force him to pay child support and determine if he should have visits with the child. It’s a mistake you made, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t allow the other man to have rights to the child, he will prove to the courts quickly if he doesn’t deserve rights just document everything. Sorry for what your going through, good luck mama!


Yes he will if paternity is established

Don’t put his name on the birth certificate. If your husband knows, and is staying with you and can handle raising this baby with you, then put your husband’s name on the birth certificate


How do you know it his? Did you not sleep with your husband around that time at all???


If you are married at time of conception, your husband will automatically be listed as the father.

I will say though, if he’s a real threat to your child don’t let him around, but if he isn’t you need to let that child know their dad.


She cleaely knows and stated that she knows she did wrong and regrets it … All she wanted was advise in regards od thw baby you guys arw juat doggin on her to feel better . Your not god you dont get to judge her actions. NOBODY here is percect and have made mistakes so lighten up .


Only if you do a dna test, which could be forced in court if he asks.

Legally no but he can fight it in court and win.

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You deserve everything you get your a hoe


Depends on the state. In most states, the spouse is the legal father. Period. Check your state laws. And some of these comments saying that this man stabbing her tires and stalking her is because of anything other than him being CRAZY need mental eval too.


If the child is his 100% he does have rights he can take you to court and get visitations/custody. If hes the father he is the father nothing anyone can do about it. Unless the court sees him as an unfit father or he signs rights over to you.

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All the guy has to do is take you to court to prove dna. Yes legally your husband is assumed the father until someone contests it. If you falsify a birth certificate there may be legal repercussions as well:


Lots of experts, but the laws are different depending on where you live. No one can answer that without knowing where you live.

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You can’t make a hoe a housewife


Don’t tell the crazy guy lol


Only if you tell him. If your husband will except the baby as his own. Put your husbands name in birth certificate


BUT do keep in mind that a birth certificate is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. If he signs it knowing he is not the father, that is technically fraud. If he is not the biological father but wishes to obtain legal rights of fatherhood, then he can adopt the child later.


No the guy you cheated with will not have rights. Your husband will have all rights unless the other guy goes for a DNA test


Forgetting both men here, your child has the right to know who their biological dad is despite your mistakes


Just put your husband on the birth certificate… most states you have to go through a bunch of loop holes to not put him on there anyways with you being married… only way anything can be done or brought up about it is if the guy takes you to court and files for paternity test… but when you have the baby I just wouldn’t even mention anything about the other guy or anything. :woman_shrugging:t2: good luck girl and prayers! It’s not my place you judge you for the mistakes you make, nor is it anyone in these comments places! Keep your head up and do what’s best for that baby!:blush: you can always pm me to talk if you need to!

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In NC your husband is considered the father. Other man would have to hire lawyer and go through court to get custody or visitation and even then it isnt guaranteed. They see it as if you are married paternity is not in question.


Yep each state is different. I know I heard it your pregnant your now husband has the right to the baby unless laws are changing. Keep your husband I continue many who would do this, wow!!

Yikes! What a situation, I pray it gets better for you. Everyone messes up at some point in their life. That man sounds a little dangerous though, which worries me. Good luck…


Yes all he needs to do is bring suit against you

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Do the right thing. Get child support from the real dad and give that money to your husband for fishing money.


He is the father yes he has rights to his son regardless if you’re married


Yeah he has rights to the baby. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean anything. Not saying we don’t believe you about the psychotics but you have to prove that to a judge. No matter what that’s his kid.


He forgave you bc he has a child on the side too… You just don’t know bout it :joy: unfortunately you have to care for your unborn mistake he can see his little mistake whenever he feels like it :joy:


Where do these people come from with such stupid fucking questions…because you are married the father of the child wouldn’t have rights??? Seriously are you that dumb?

My grandma went through something like this when my grandpa was away in the service, she wrote him a dear john letter and left him and got knocked up by an abusive drunk and my grandpa accepted it and took their son on as his own and he’s on the birth certificate and everything because the other guy was willing to give up his rights. I say if your husband is okay with it and willing to love that babe like his own then that’s the end of story for me.


You should let him be involved bc kids sure do love clowns at their birthday parties


File a protective/restraining order on him.


Yup he does unless he signs over his rights.

Don’t be a hoe. You don’t want judgement but what the hell do you expect? You’re lucky your husband forgave you. If my dude knocked up some other bitch I would literally decapitate him.

You can file a protection order and another when they’re born- take it to court and make sure you have full custody. If he doesn’t pay child support or see the kid you can file abandonment and your husband can adopt the kid, but this is a very lengthy process.


Well i would start by not telling the crazy guy, and i’d start now with paperwork, i mean im assuming you have proof hes physchotic from the sounds of it and if he slashed your tire i HOPE you took pictures, because i’d use it all against him in hopes you and your husband can keep the baby and have a healthy home. I see the other man being a complete issue, FROM THE DAMN START. No offense.

Don’t tell him EVER or ANYONE ELSE. You and your husband raise it as your own


True your husband can put his name on the birth certificate Let’s just hope the baby doesn’t turn out like his father When my son was born I signed the birth certificate as the father and nurse ripped it up and said sorry she’s married told me I couldn’t put my name on the birth certificate and just choose divorce was since day one I have full sole custody of my son. and my name still not on the birth certificate and there hasn’t been ADN a but I know hes my son cause he looks just like me.

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Document everything he has done towards, you may have to get a restraining order and just keep calling the cops on him if he is already going after you and slashing your tires.


There’s two sides to every story. Just knowing your side, saying he’s psychotic I’d say no but I’m sure there’s a lot more to the story.


Don’t tell the guy, have your husband sign the birth certificate and bam, done. No one knows! :woman_shrugging:t2:


Does the father know it’s his child ? If yes, I’d go thru the courts and file a restraining order, if not I would not tell anyone.


First try to seek out a restraining order for all 3 of you. Tell security at appt. (Details). I’d also suggest moving. A girl I know is still legally married but has 2 kids by different dad’s while still being married and they told her since she is still married her husband is the one legally obligated to the 2 that aren’t his biologically.


Don’t tell him it’s his baby and get a restraining order

No you are married baby is your husbands they will put your husband down on birth certificate and other guy would have to take to court it take a while at least in Michigan


He will only have rights if he pays for dna and then they will still be slim. He will get visitation if he pays child support.
Why the fuck are people bashing this lady? She made a mistake and she OWNED UP TO THAT SHIT! but i bet some of yall got dirty laundry too!!!

It depends on the state because in Indiana if your married it is automatically your husband’s unless you put unknown or go to court a such , I’ve know to many people have this happen to them .

Get a restraining order

Yeahhhh, I wouldn’t tell a soul about this shit. Him, family, friends, nobody.

Those saying for her husband to put his name on the birth certificate. WHY? He may take care Of the baby but is she screws around on him again and he doesn’t take her back then he won’t be stuck paying child support for that child. He knows the baby isn’t his he shouldn’t sign the birth certificate. She can put her married name on the birth certificate and leave the father blank. Psycho x lover has rights to the child until proven unfit as a parent.


Depends on where you live. In my state, if you’re pregnant while married or separated, the husband’s name is on the birth certificate regardless.

Check your laws.

So many comments on here are dealing with the bio father’s rights. I get that, I do. But the thing is; this is your baby. If you have a legitimate fear for the baby’s safety you need to do what you can to protect it. Put your husband on the birth certificate if he’s willing. Don’t tell bio dad it’s his. Could he not assume there’s a chance the baby actually is hubby’s? My son’s father is in a bad situation and I’ve tried to find safe ways for him to see his dad, but you have to do what you think is best. Make him work for his rights, that is sometimes enough of a barrier. Any state will protect you if you are keeping your child safe from a dangerous situation. And I would think someone that stalks, harasses, and slashes tires would be a good candidate for being deemed unsafe.


Yes he could . He would have to go to the courts and request for a dna test and once he gets that it’ll be like a normal custody battle . You would have to prove he’s unfit .

Yes, as the father he has rights. Because your married, and I doubt you will list him as the father on the birth certificate. (Which you should because he IS the father, and if someone denied you your child I bet you would flip shit)

But because he is not listed, he would need to potention the court for a DNA test to get rights/ visitation.

Depends on the state, but in the ones I’ve lived in if you’re married and put the husband on the birth certificate, that’s the end of it unless someone comes and sues for paternity and rights. Keep records of all the crazy stuff hes doing and anything horrible that he messages you that would prove hes not fit to be around a child unsupervised.

Dont even tell him ur pregnant with his kid.

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Depends on the state. Here in NC you have to put your husband’s name on the birth certificate, even if you’re separated. My fiance and I had to sign affadavits that we were the parents and didnt want a DNA test for paternity. Check with social services, hospital, or an attorney.

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If he gets a paternity test then yes he will have rights. It is legally his baby.

Does the guy know it’s his? If the guy and your husband look similar. Just pass the kid off as your husbands and NEVER EVER EVER TELL THE OTHER GUY!!!


He can request you have a paternity test and prove he’s the father and then the court can determine what rights he has. It’s assumed that since you are married the father is your husband but if this guy is unstable he will likely fight this to be around his child. Sadly it will be a rough road ahead.

No rude or bashing comments will be tolerated. This is your only warning.


You sure it’s not your husbands ? I would def get a dna test when baby is born.


I feel bad for your husband SMH…


It’s his kid so yeah. Dont screw a psycho :woman_shrugging: all he has to do is go to court and he’ll have the same rights as any other dad. The fact that you’re married means very little.

I think if he doesn’t sign the birth certificate he doesn’t, but it could be different in your state

Abortion? Miscarriage? What the actual fuck!!! So that guys advice is to KILL YOUR BABY? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!

If hubby signs birth certificate you’re good


Depends on your state! Even if he tried to take you to court he wouldn’t get anywhere in certain states. Message me for more info:)

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Nope you’re married. Unless you specifically state and prove the child is not his he gets all the rights… in Washington state even if you get divorced he has rights to any child you have up to 300 days after divorce unless it’s 100% for sure not his.

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Depends on the state. You can put your husbands name on the birth certificate and then if go straight to court and him adopt the baby then the guy can’t do anything. But he can come back and say it’s his where he may have rights

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It’s his child of course he has rights. The ONLY way he wouldn’t is if he signed his rights over to you…


You can put a restraining order on him or you can still carry it and put it up for adoption or if you don’t put it up for adoption put your husbands name on the birth certificate because if that guy keeps doing that I would try and get proof and take him to court for it