I cheated on my husband and got pregnant: Will the dad have rights to the baby?

Talk to a lawyer. Do what’s Right for you and for baby.

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Yep he can fight for rights. I’d start by putting up a restraining order and keeping record of the complains with the police officers about the violence against you. It might help in court if he petitions for visitations. What a mess lol GL.


He is the biological dad, how could he not have rights??
But it sounds like you would have a case to file for full custody of you have a stable home and he is so crazy


So because your married your husband Is presumed the father and his name is put on the BC. The real father would have to contest it, get a DNA test done, and go to court. Which he has to pay for I believe and I don’t think it’s cheap. So maybe there’s a chancenhe won’t go through all that and you guys can just raise the baby as you and your husband. if he does contest it save any proof of him being psycho and maybe you can fight it.


Or maybe you can fool him with showing him the BC with your husband’s name and say you were wrong the baby is your husband’s after all.


First off, cheating on your husband is fucking bullshit and I think that’s hes stupid for forgiving you. And second, if the baby isn’t your husband’s, then yes the father of the child has full legal right to him.

As long as he doesn’t know it no…but if the ask for a paternity test they will granted his paternity rigths

Depends on state… In Illinois if you are married at the time the baby is born your husbands name will automatically go on the birth certificate… I know cuz my sister just went through it the 5th of October! Her & her husband were having problems & he didn’t want his name on the certificate until a DNA test was done! Needless to say his name is on the certificate cuz they are married & even if it’s not his he has taken full responsibility (even know he hasn’t said so hisself)


:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming: depends on the state. Seek legal advice. Talk to your HUSBAND and stop having sex with "psychotic"people. :person_shrugging: And stop cheating on your husband


How do you know if it is 100% the other man? I would first, get a DNA test. Then I would be an adult and let the father be a father to his child. I have an ex who to me he was terrible to me but a great father for our child. MAYBE he acted out because he was told he wont be a father to HIS child.
There are always 3 sides to a story yours, theirs, and the truth. We are only hearing one side here. … not judging but it’s time to be an adult and do ths right thing for the child and not yourself

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Depending on where you live your husband is automatically assumed to be the father.

Unless of course the father looks for a dna test to prove parentage

However your child has a, right to know who his /her father is.

No he didn’t have the right to see you and the kids it’s up to you if you want him to see them

I think since the guy has shown psychotic tendencies you should report him. Your married so your husband will just be presumed father.

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The guy will have rights to the baby, make reports of what he does though so it is logged down. If hes willing to give up his rights to baby you’ll be fine. Depends on your state maybe in mine he has NO RIGHTS untill the baby is registered and he is on the birth certificate witch you dont have to do BUT he can take you court for it and for his rights if he knows he is the dad. Think they can do a DNA test also if you try to say hes not the dad, seek legal advice about it

He has a right to get the courts involved to try and get rights to his kid!

Usually the baby is automatically getting husband’s name and goes on birth certificate. HOWEVER, if the guy you cheated with goes and says he is dad and demands paternity test, he indeed will get parental rights

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He will absolutely have rights!

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I mean. It’s his baby, so yes he has rights. But if you’re married, its a bit more of a process.

AFAIK, your husbands name will go on the birth certificate and the other dude will be SOL.

It depends on the state, to be honest. In Oklahoma, at least up until 1981, the husband would legally be the father. Call a lawyer and get a free consultation.

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Depending on where you live your husband has to be listed as the father regardless. (legally still married to my black husband when I had a blonde hair blue eye baby with my bf. In Ohio if I would have listed my bf on the BC application it would have been denied and he would not have gotten a BC or SSN until corrected with my husband name.) Other guy can petition for DNA test & he would have rights if it says it’s his baby.

Don’t tell him it’s his kid :woman_shrugging:t4:


Wow… cant believe this is being questioned :woman_facepalming:


This question makes me need coffee even more…yes the dad will have rights married or not that child is his. You can always get a no contact order if he is that crazy but he will still have rights to the baby.


In most states, all he has to do is say he will pay child support and they will automatically get him a dna test and then you are screwed even more. If you have the money to fight him over it. Go for it. Because thats what is going to happen especially when he finds out he could be the father.

Your husband is not legally responsible for another mans child! It’s wrong no matter how you feel to not let him know he has a child. The child will find out eventually and there you are…a liar!


Does the other man know? Just list your husband on birth certificate. Report this other person for what he doing and restraining order. He sounds dangerous to me. Start there. My best to you and your husband. Remember though he will have to learn to trust you again even though he forgave you.

Ummm yes… He is the father of that child…

Yes i believe he does, …

no contact. stalking, restraining order or something similar may really help. so they have info on file. . might help alot. DNA tests are spendy in utero. Id OPT to not to amd also not lable anyone as the father or your husband on the birth certificate. NEVER accept any money from him! i swear it seems as long as its not a child support issue one can remain a sole parent.
I was on a break both times I got pregnant. relations all have bumps we do what we do. Hugs n Loves.
No-one is named on my childs birth cert .So unless they take me to court they won’t! it may be a state issue.

Why dont people use condoms these days :thinking: bitches be mad they pregnant but never used protection to protect themselves. Also so many venerile diseases out there :woman_facepalming:t4:

Wow that’s hard one. Good luck :pray:

Just don’t tell the guy it’s his. . then let ur husband put his name on baby’s birth certificate. Done deal!!


No laws against being an asshole that prevents you from being a parent.
Cinsequences if your actions. He wasn’t so crazy when u slept with him now was he? Even rapist have rights to be a parent.

I’ve never been in this type of a Situation. But being he is psychotic and has done what he has done to you, I’d have everything documented, and maybe talk to a lawyer to get info. That wouldnt be a good person for baby to be around even tho he is his biological father.

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Honestly it all depends on the state. I know of someone who was married and she as well cheated on her husband, got pregnant and if there divorce wasn’t granted before the baby was born, the baby would have legally been her husband’s and he would have had to pay child support and everything. So one would think that the child’s father would actually be the one who gets rights but every state is different.

No your husband will be put on the birth certificate and be the father legally unless your husband signs papers at the hospital he isn’t the father but he can go to court a dna can prove his the father and he can get his rights have you made police reports about each situation it will be the only thing the help in case he decides to go to court and fight for his rights

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If the guy wants to b in his child’s life he has every right and can take you to court…beyond that ur child has the right to know his/her real father regardless of if the situation is ideal for u or ur husband…


In Iowa if you’re married the father is assumed to be the man you’re married to and unless you give the rights like sign an affidavit then he has no rights. But if he wants to fight it in court by getting a DNA test he may fight it, but it would be really hard especially if your current relationship is going well enough, the judge holds your husband responsible for the child and if he fights for custody or anything you can probably get him for child support.

In my state I’m from mass if your married or divorced but it hasn’t been over 120 days that it’s been finalized the husband or ex husband is put on the birth certificate unless the husband or ex husband signs a paper and gets it notarized stating the child isn’t his. But because ur married u can put ur husband on the birth certificate as the father an the other man won’t have any rights to that child unless he goes to court requests a paternity test and for the judge to do an acknowledgment of paternity then he could possibly get rights but that’s if he knows he can do all that…

No rights until the divorce and you go for child support. Then dad can file for custody and win.

Just put your husband on the birth certificate and never say otherwise. Dont tell the other guy


My sister has a similar situation but put her husband on the birth certificate and Bc of it the other guy doesn’t know it’s his and he has no right. Just gotta play this smart


In georgia no. HOWEVER if he takes you to court and has the child legitimized then he will!!!

This whole situation is wrong on so many levels…Can’t even give any advice because you’re looking at a long journey of hardships any way you look at it. Good luck.


Don’t say a word to the nut about the baby


Termination was never discussed? Surprised


YES. The man who biologically fathered the child is entitled parental rights. It’s a sad testiment to our gender, as a whole, that so many women are down for you to simply lie and keep it moving. That man and HIS child deserve to know each other. Not only that, he’d be absolutely justified in suing you for rights/visitation


How do you know for sure it’s the psychos and not your husbands? It sounds like if you cheated, you were still being intimate with your husband too? The dates can be off by a few weeks. Don’t get too worried just yet

Don’t tell him🤷🏼‍♀️ if you and your husband have come to terms with this pregnancy then maybe you guys can raise those child as your own


:flushed: please don’t lie to your child or tell them when they are much much older. Imagine discovering your entire life has been a lie. Enough damage has been done. Best wishes to you.


Actually depending on the state your husband will have rights regardless if it’s his baby.

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He has more rights then your husband will of this child


Y’all are really advising her to abort her baby? Clearly she already made the decision to keep the baby. And be responsible. She was not asking if she should terminate, she was asking about paternal rights. Smfh.


He won’t have any rights. My husband and I weren’t together and I got pregnant w my boyfriend. But my boyfriend didn’t have rights because I was still married during the time of conception so they recognize the husband as the father. Not the biological father. We are getting all that worked out rn.

I don’t understand how so many of you are telling this woman not to tell the biological father. Idc what she’s labeling him out to be. He has a RIGHT to his child.


When the fuck wouldn’t he ? He’s the biological father he has rights, Was that a serious question? Regardless of you being married or him being crazy he has rights until you take him to court and prove he’s an unfit parent THEN at that point you can keep him away from the kid . For everyone saying don’t tell him it’s his and just have the husband sign the papers, you’re trash! Don’t want him in your child’s life you should have kept your legs closed :person_shrugging: learn your lesson .

Yes. If he seeks visitation or anything yhrough court, they can requite a DNA test. If baby is his, he is thr father and has rights, period. However, if you prepare yourself with all yhe proof of this type of behavior, you may be able to prevent him from being involved, or at least involved unsupervised.


That’s an excellent question.

You don’t have to put him on the birth certificate. But if he asks for a paternity test, then I think you have to let him verify it is him.

Is he making all those crazy moves bc he already knows about the baby? You’re painting the bio father in a harsh light but my take on it reads that he WANTS to be involved with his child and you’ve decided to deny him that right.

I’d slice your tires, too bruh


Depends on the state you live in. Best way to know is to speak to an attorney. Hope this is a huge learning changer for you. Nobody is perfect. Kudos to your husband for forgiving you! God bless!

‘Just don’t put him on the BC, put husband on bc, nobody has to know’… until he takes legal action and gets a dna test and goes for custody, or until there are generic health issues, or until the child grows up and gets curious. Lies created the hot mess situation… more lies make more mess :woman_shrugging:t2:


You don’t want him around your kid? It’s just as much his kid as it is yours, honey. To answer your question, yes he has rights. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


Well yeah obviously it’s his kid

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If the baby is born during the marriage legally it’s your husband but biologically his. He would need a court order to request paternity. So basically he would need the support of the court to establish his rights.

I know bc my sister was in the same situation with her ex husband and baby’s daddy in the state of California


It depends on the state that you live in. A simple Google of that question with your state in it would have answered that for you. You’re very lucky to have a husband who has forgiven you so if there’s that much love coming from him why would you even consider naming the psycho “father” on the certificate. Legitimate or not being a father is earned from love.

Depends on your state. In WA the husband is the assumed parent and has rights you have to disprove his parentage or prove the others parentage for the rights to be taken away/given. This means that any of the 3 parties can go to court to ask for a dna test to prove parentage. So yes he can get rights if the court orders a dna test.

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Your husband will have rights because by law your married , but the other guy can tske you to court for paternity to eventually get rights unless you csn prove him unfit

Maybe you might need sum counseling, you dont seem very clear on much of what’s going on in ur life and now your gonna bring another mans child into you n your Husband’s home? Smh get some help


If yall do a dna test through court he will. Otherwise your husband will be considered babys dad.

Your legally married and if your husband signs birth certificate no one will know any different


If he knows about the baby he can take you to court for rights to the child


Then why did u even tell the other guy if he’s a danger to you and your family. Woww


It depends on the state in most states a child born within the marriage is the responsibility of the husband and the husband will have rig he s not the father unless the father fights for the rights and knows

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He can take legal action & make you take your child to do a DNA test for paternity, so yes if he can prove that is his child then he will have rights. From there all you can do is try to prove he is an unfit parent.


Yes, don’t be a petty bitch

unless/until he decides to take you to court to prove paternity he has no rights


Get a paternity test from both my mother slept with 4 men and I don’t know who my father is and neither does she this is something that bothers me cause it is a part of my heritage I am missing a part of my family I never knew so for your child’s sake please find out cause one day they will wonder or see this post and ask questions and don’t leave them unanswered everyone has the right to know


As long as you are married then you’re husband is legally the father- no question. I would suggest if this other guy is as awful as you make him out to be then change your number get a restraining order etc if possible. Live your life with tour husband and yalls child!


Yes he as rights. What does you being married to someone else have to do with it.


Um… the father has rights automatically. Married or not.


Is the any chance this baby is your husband’s???

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Karmas a bitch how about trying not to be a whore

You should have never told that guy you were pregnant


MAKE SURE YOUR HUSBAND SIGNS THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE AS THE BIOLOGICAL FATHER. Doing this means he will legally be the dad and your fling will have no rights unless he gets a judge to order a paternity test.
No matter what you do, he does have the right to establish paternity at any point so save any proof you have of the moment he found/finds out you are pregnant. That way if he decides to do it 5 years from now you have proof he knew all along and did nothing (judge would be unlikely to disrupt a child like that if u can prove he didn’t just find out he might be the dad etc).

He doesn’t sound very stable so for the baby’s sake I hope it works out and you and your husband can heal your relationship and raise the baby as his.


Your husband is only the presumed father because you’re married. If the other man knows you’re pregnant he can ask for a paternity to prove he is the father once the baby is born.


If your man you cheated on wants a DNA and it proves him to be the biological father he will by law have rights.

Depends where you live but you need to start making police reports if he is unstable and you have concerns for your babies safety.
Lets not sugar coat this?.
You had sex with him and got pregnant with His child. He sounds like he wants to be a dad. Don’t deny his rights or your babies rights to know who the father is. Have supervised visits …etc.,. Have paternity test done because im guessing there’s still a chance your husband may be the father. But until then own your responsibility in this and what you’ve done and consider this guys feelings also. Sounds like there were some feelings involved …on his end anyway. Sounds like it was more than a slip up…more like an affair. Its not just about YOU. Two others are hurting here and soon to be a 3rd. Do the right thing now.


He has rights and maybe next time you’ll learn not to be a whore if you didn’t want to end up in this type of situation.

You’re married! That means your husband is already presumed to be the father


Yes, he can have full rights to his kid, too. That is his child, so duh. There are two sides to every story & we’re not hearing his. You’re asking us to judge him based on your story, but asking us not to judge you. That’s not how this works. Your husband is legally the father if he signs the birth certificate, this is true. But, understand that both of you can go to prison for falsifying documents if he does. You’ve publicly admitted on social media that you know your husband isn’t the father but you’ll allow him to take that spot legally. That’s highly illegal & makes both of you just as bad as the real baby’s dad. You guys all sound like a clusterfuck of instability & dangerous for any kids.


Yes he does. He can sue for a paternity test. Most states will make your husband go on the BC but that doesn’t mean this other guy can’t get rights and have your husband removed from the BC.

If you don’t want any ties to him and don’t want any contact then don’t have his baby. You did this. And he will be a part of your life forever if you have that baby. It’s his…he will have all the rights a normal father would.


All he has to do is take you to court

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Had a friend go through this and they told her her husband is automatically on the birth certificate bc they are married and if either guy wanted a DNA test it had to be paid out of pocket

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Depends on the state you live in

Its his kid why would he not have rights?!

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Why did you even tell him in the first place if you wanted nothing to do with him?! Smh.


You told the guy he got you pregnant?? Shouldve come here sooner so people could tell you NOT to tell him. If your husband forgave you, have him sign the birth certificate…