Depends he can contest get dna and get rights. This is all because of you dads have rights
If his sperm enters inside you and that baby has his DNA, I would file an epo on him or something. Show them messages , pictures anything you can to get him away
So many fucking idiots on here. If the other guy gets a paternity test and it shows up he’s the father, he’s the
married or not! Duh.
If you and hubby divorce then you have to add that there is someone else with legal rights to the child or it perjury.
A very sad situation for all concerned especially the baby. Hope it is all resolved for the best.
Do research on all of the rights stuff, that is your best bet to ensure that you are actually able to make sure he can’t fight you on anything with the child if he is unstable. In all states the husband is able to legally sign all papers stating he is legal father once the baby is born without paternity being tested, so make sure you check your state law on that as well. Like other women have said the biological father can go for paternity if he chooses to, and at that point you may have to get a lawyer and also keep EVERYTHING he’s done to you during the pregnancy and even after it.
Oh he sure does. My boyfriend had the same thing happen to him and is currently battling it out in court.
So first, ignore all of these extremely unhelpful and RUDE people trying to make you feel bad. It’s a shitty situation but incredibly mature of you, and your husband, to work it out. As far as the other guy, if he’s as crazy as you say, get some kind of restraining order or something on him. I live in Oregon and have a restraining order on my daughter’s dad for breaking into my house, stalking, and other things and the judge granted him no parenting time per my request so for the next year I have sole custody of her. Unless he fights it and somehow wins he has no rights to her. That’s what I would suggest and then just have your husband sing the birth certificate. Like someone else said, I’m pretty sure paternity tests are out of pocket for whoever wants it
Well obviously. Just because you have a husband doesn’t mean the actual father automatically gets cut out.
Yes he does if you choose to put him on birth cert. If you choose not to then no.
You’re better off filing for a restraining order ASAP so you can establish that he’s dangerous and want nothing to do with him. Depending on which state you live in rights and laws vary. Check at your local courthouse. He may try to take you to court to have a paternity test done to prove he is the father and demand rights. Beat him to the punch to establish he is dangerous, I cannot stress this enough. It may help, nothing is for sure, but definitely worth the effort. Do your research, inform yourself and act quickly.
In the state of Alabama if married regardless the husband has rights and responsibilities for that child until your spouse strikes his rights away with a paternity test proving otherwise. Once rights are removed then the bio father can request or you can have dhr request it then they would move after the bio dad for responsibilities.
I believe since married, your husband “assumes paternity”. I think that’s how it’s worded in legal terms.
It’s his child… He has a right to see his child and be there for him/her. Regardless whether you want him to be or not. Don’t be Petty
I’m pretty sure my husband would have killed us both so count your blessings he even forgave you! Your husband can sign the bc all he wants But if this other man decides to prove paternity then he has all rights to his child.
In the first place, why would u cheat on ur husband? And worst of all, to a psychotic? Come on, u’re not very smart at all. Stupid thing to do.
All depends what state you live in.
I’m sure he will have rights. Just what is he willing to do to get those rights in writing!?
You can have an abortion so that you don’t have to serve out an 18 year sentence with some psycho… It IS an option
Your husband is what they call the legal father as y’all are married
Whoever signs the birth certificate has the rights biological father would have to take you to court even then the legal father would have to agree to sign over his rights
I went through something similar to this. If your husband signs the birth certificate then he technically doesn’t but if he has any idea in his mind that the baby could be his then all he has to do is get a court ordered DNA test and prove the baby is his then it will go to court. Good luck!
The real dad can and is in his rights to get a DNA to prove it is his child… Can’t argue with DNA. And DNA beats husband so he will have rights if he wants them.
He will have rights to the baby. But I would recommend getting a restraining order for yourself. At least.
Get a restraining order and seek legal advice.
Well, you could always lie and put your husband on the birth cert. and just say the baby is his, lol. Seriously though, get a protection order and follow thru w it to a t.
In most states I believe that if the mother is married even up until 9 months prior to birth, no one else can sign the birth certificate. I would definitely consult an attorney for clarification, and what your next steps should be.
Also, I hope you have filed police reports about the vandalism/stalking. Gather as much proof as you can and file for a protection order. That will help keep away in the long run.
It’s his child, he can take you to court and get his rights as he should. If you’re lucky and he’s a shitty guy he may not try but then again if he knows, It’s a part of him, he may fight and be an excellent father .
Should have to take ur husbands last name and also husband will be put on the birth certificate. This is only because your married. It would still be the case even if you wasnt with him and with the babys father. This is how it goes in Tennessee anyways. I was still married but both me and my husband moved on just didnt have the money to pay for a divorce at the time so my daughter with the other guy wasnt on her birth certificate. The state rep told me the real father would have to file for a name change and sign a paper that he knew she was his daughter. If I was giessing id say ur babys father will have to take it to the courts to be granted any custody rights. I’m hoping u habe reported the incidents of breaking the law so it will go in your favor more easily for visitations to be supervised in the beginning. Good luck
In ohio, if you’re married the husbands name automatically goes on the bc. The other man would have to go to court and petition for paternity testing. Then it will be a legal battle for custody/visitation ect… Best of luck
You and the baby’s father deserve each other
I believe it depends on the state. In Georgia, A friend seperated from her husband but was still legally married. She was with a new guy and they got pregnant. But since she was still legally married the father on the BC was her husband. Given the biodad no legal rights.
All these perfect parents, she is worried about the safety of her unborn child stop being so judgemental. This is why I never post in these groups because all the Ms. Perfect mother’s come out and think they are God’s gift to earth. But hey karma is a bitch and I pray your husband’s never cheat or you never cheat although with attitudes like most people in this group they probably will! And you all have skeletons in your closet so stop acting like your life is so freaking perfect. I don’t think she should have cheated and now she is paying for her actions but people make mistakesm
Why the hashtags?!
put your husband down as dad on birth certificate cover your butt good luck
Some of you people need help…I feel bad for the husband
I’m fairly certain that if he pushes hard enough, that yes, he would have rights.
He would have to prove through a DNA test he is the father.
If a dna test is done than yes he would have rights but if your husband signs the birth certificate and accepts paternal rights or whatever crap they made my husband sign then he would also have rights which would make things easier on y’all if shit went down.
Not if he doesn’t sign the birth certificate! You can choose to allow or disallow that and you dont legally half to
Damnit man… 800 comments… And when there’s that many you know it’s good but who’s got time for that shit?!
Regardless of what said user is going through, she asked advice on legal issues. If you are judging her just keep scrolling trolls.
Honey seek legal advice get a restraining order and keep records of everything. Gl to you. I’m sorry for this group’s words to you, some are very mean
He will have no rights if his name is not on the birth certificate.
Since your married he isn’t allowed in the birth certificate in most states so the only way he would have rights is if he filles it with the courts and get DNA done that proves he’s the father then he can push for his rights but it will also leave him open to paying child support so the odds are in your favor he will leave it alone
As along as your married and just say it’s your husband’s
If he proves it’s his he will why are you do sure it’s his. If he wants rights just ask for child support they way you will know if he really cares he will be responsible to pay child support for the child is 18
He will have rights. You can fight it in court, but it is a battle you will likely not win. Document all interactions. Harassment, threats, stalking, call the police every time and get the report. Look up his background to see if he has past violent offenses. Prepare yourself.
You sound a little psycho too
Child support isn’t always the right thing don’t let people tell you it is
You can choose to not tell the guy about the baby and let ppl think it’s your husband’s child.
Depends on the state and what the court rules in the best interest of the child if he petitions. DNA match or not, some states legally presume it is the husband’s and it is incredibly difficult to have that changed through the court if he decides to pursue visitation. Look up the laws on paternity in your state. Even after divorce, I know people who have to pay child support for kids born in the marriage that are not theirs, even though dna proves so. Best interest of the child. If ex husband can support/pay and real dad cannot or has some other legally mitigating factor to be a guardian…
Dont put his name on the birth certifficate.
Keep your mouth shut and hsve your baby and you will be mommy and your husband will be daddy.
If he fights for a DNA test and it’s proven that he is the father of the baby, he will have rights to see his child. Proving that he’s unstable in court will be the only way he won’t have any rights. As of right now, with no proof other then your words, he’s going to be apart of your life for the next 18 yrs.
The real father to that child has rights whether you like it or not. If your concerned about the welfare of your child go to the courts and get something in place so they can still have contact but in a safe way. Put your unborn child first not you and your husband. You have got to remember your child didn’t ask for this, except what you have done and move on. With your childs welbeing been the heart of what you do.
Yep. That’s his baby.
Be prepared for court financial wise just to be safe in all acounts. I am sorry people are being so judgmental, not saying it was right, but I am saying we are all human and it took a lot to ask for advice on such a sensitive issue. Best of luck to you two and baby!
Don’t put his name on the birth certificate, put your husbands. There you go.
All I can say is put your hubby on the birth cert , & are you sure its his ? This guy dosent sound like hebshould even be around a child …
Don’t tell him he’s the father if you guys gonna work it out, this is for you n the hubby esp if he’s a nutcase… long as hubby knows that’s all that matters
Man, some of these posts are just awful coming from moms! She came forward for advice, she divulged her mistakes and we crucify her??? We don’t even know her, we don’t know and share her experience and neither will she yours. People can be really a shitty person when they cheat but that’s not what were here for. With that, those that are looking to slam and poke buttons. Jerry Springer and Maury are right up your ally. kids got her own inner demons to sort and put herself in that situation. Those are her consequences. Were her for advice, that’s it…
Have you told him this is his baby? You shouldnt.
If a paternity test is done yes or if your hubby doesn’t want his name on birth certificate so I guess I would plan like he does and document everything is he going to make a big stink and want a paternity test? And if anything and comes to the worst I’d do supervised visits I know when your married there is a process cannot say for sure and might vary
Get a restraining order.
You’d have a more definitive answer by consulting a lawyer. You would have also saved yourself judgmental comments as well. And lawyers are bound by the attorney-client privilege and cannot legally disclose anything without your approval.
Do not put your husband on the birth certificate ffs. You are in your honeymoon period after trauma and he is not thinking straight. Now in two years when he realizes that you’re still a cheater he’s gonna be responsible to pay you child support for sixteen more years. Stop hurting him, make the right decision for once. Don’t drag him into your chaos any further.
Whoever name is on birth cert is the legal guardian
If you are married when the baby is born…doesn’t thst legally make baby the husbands
Same situation as you…court, sole custody to me, child support as well.
Depending on the state you live in, he will NOT have rights to the baby. (I live in michigan and this is a law, that I personally have dealt with in my life.) My husband has no rights to his daughter even with a paternity test proving she is his. He has been in her life since she was 8 months old, she is now 9 years old. Her mother took off with her after having an affair, found out she was pregnant, moved, changed her number, and didn’t show back up til after she was 8 months and thought she looked like him and wanted to do the paternity test. But her husband to this day refuses to relinquish his rights to her, and her and her husband are recently divorced. We and her mother tried to fight for rights during the divorce and the judge wouldn’t budge on the fact that the husband has had rights for the last 9 years and had her in his care majority of the time of her life and wouldnt sign it over.
Good luck in your situation.
You’re married that makes it your husbands…and the father will have6no rights…its thAt way in Michigan
If you are in GA by law your husband is the legal father. The baby will have your husbands last name. The other guy can go to court and get a court ordered DNA test and he can petition for a name change and an admended birth certificate.
Every state is different. Check out your laws. No matter what he would have to prove he is the father. Any crazy person can come up claiming they are the father - what if you didn’t even know them? This does not mean they have rights. There is a process for this. He does not automatically have rights to anything, and even if he’s proven the biological father, you can contest and say he’s unfit. Check your state laws.
I would say deeends if he knows about the baby
Tell him hes not the father. Great job cheatinf.
Don’t tell a soul that this is not your husband’s baby. You are married, so have your husband sign the birth certificate. You slept with a psycho that you don’t want anywhere near your child, so if he is harassing you put a restraining order on your whole family. If he is severely dangerous move. Do anything to protect your family, but for all of your safety keep this story to yourself. Lock it away. Once your husband is on the birth certificate the other guy would have to pay a lot of money for a court ordered paternity test, especially if you deny it is his.
It’s not fair to the child to not know where they come from
Even if the sperm donor is a POS your child will still share his dna and it would be cruel to deny your child access to their family and family medical history
Now some states have laws saying if you’re married at the time of birth your husband is the legal father unless the bio father files for paternity
Be honest with bio dad about the pregnancy and IF he files consult a family law attorney and go from there
Only if you tell him!
It doesn’t matter if your married it isn’t your husbands child. He may help raise it but it is technically his step child. That man you made the baby with will have rights until the court says other wise.
If you are married your husband is already seen as the father until proven otherwise. If the other guy doesn’t know, don’t tell him🤷
Put your husband on the birth certificate especially if he knows and you guys are working out. I would like to remind everyone else judging her that we are human. People make poor Choices. Give her a break or move along.
The hubs has legal rights… unless the other guy takes you to court for dna test. That’s in California though… don’t tell him he won’t take you to court than.
Don’t tell your side dude about the baby. I’m praying that you have peace of mind and can find comfort in this situation. Having your husband’s support through this sounds like a blessing.
Unless all of you go to court to Change it your husband will be responsible.
What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, so that will b 1 thing he’s not stalking u about.
How will he know unless you mention it outside your marriage? Don’t tell him. End of story, your husband is the father
Typically depending on the state if you are married its assumed that the husband is the father so he typically goes on the birth certificate Sarah Diveley
Shouldn’t have any rights sounds like he has a lot of problems.unsafe
It’s simple you dont tell the guy and you erase this post. Never telling a soul except your husband. Legally of course he does he is the father. It doesnt matter if you’re married or not. He made a child which gives him rights. Maybe you will get lucky and it is your husbands after all
Kid deserves to know its family ties regardless if they have a relationship in the future or not, if there’s a health ailment down the road maybe only family can be a donor, there was a reason which lead up to straying from the relationship and who’s too say the husband will treat this child as his very own without resentment deep down something to ponder…
I wouldn’t tell him it’s his child. I would wait till she’s older to make that decision to tell her. So she can choose if she wants him to be in her life or not. But I would put my husband on the birth certificate. Actually, that is a move I made. Kinda similar, except I had broken up with him. Slept with my ex, found out I was pregnant. Me and my boyfriend got back together. He knew, and forgave me. I had told my ex I was pregnant. Long story short, my boyfriend signed her birth certificate. You have to wait 90 days for the bio dad to contest it. But if you don’t tell him, he can’t. Anyways if they don’t, the one who signed the birth certificate gets the legal rights. We went to court to get the bio dads parental rights terminated. So now my bf has both legal and parental rights.
Dont put your husband on the birth certificate. He is gonna end up regretting it and might end up hating the baby because it’s not his and he might end up hating you. Just because he forgave you doesn’t mean shit. He will never fully forgive you and always have issues with you. And as for the farther of that child he may have rights depending on your state and if that’s the case he will be in the babys life and your husband will even hate that more
Actually I did the same thing in 2015. Here’s my thoughts.
Baby needs to know who his/hers father is. The father has all rights to the baby that is if he wants to pay child support and be in the child’s life.
When I was married my husband at the time tried to work things out, it was awkward for me because we were already in a weird situation and the family was just weird. It’s a weird situation that I still can’t explain after almost 4 years of this all.
The father of my son and I share 50/50 custody of my son. Which means he is responsible to pay for medical and health needs and care for my son 50% of the time.
You and your husband can get a lawyer and see what you can work on to either get child support or whatever you guys plan to do. Either way majority of the states are 50/50 if both parents want apart of the child’s life.
Married or not that doesn’t really matter in any state.
You did the deed and it’s time you own up to what you have done and be the bigger person because it’s not your life to figure out it is the babies. It was hard for me because I was in that position as you are now but you will grow and everything will be okay!
Keep documents on the incidents you’re having with the father of this child. The courts will want to know that and if it does get worse than you can file for a pfs or a pfa and revoke his rights.
This is why you don’t hope on just anyone’s dick…
As far as rights, that depends on your state as they all have different custody laws but seeing as he apparently knows you’re having his kid he can take you to court in every state that I’m aware of.
Don’t tell him & don’t put him on the birth certificate
Maybe this man is being psychotic because you’re not giving him any access to meet his child? Or if he genuinely does have mental health problems then you could just go through the courts to prove hes not stable enough to be the father. I do think your child should know where their DNA comes from though, especially if that was ever needed for medical reasons. If your husband wants to father the child then your child will understand he is the one who has always been there for them growing up. I dont think you should lie anymore, lies always come out in the end and make situations worse .
Putting ur husband on the birth certificate will b a tremendous help.
Yes the father can still fight for rights to the baby. But your husband can be put on the birth certificate. Even if not the birth father. Bc he is ur husband. My mom and dad have been seperated for 18 years and when my mother gave her son up for adoption my father had to sign his rights over even tho the kid wasnt his
My cousins son’s gf di dnt tell him she was pregnant n had her other guy listed on the birth certificate n it was a legal nightmare getting rights 2 this child. He died n his mom had 2 get DNA tests done n a lotta money 2 an atty 2 straighten it out n get rights 2 this child.
Your husband is the legal father. The dad is the biological dad and can ask for visitation rights.
Your husband will have rights… so unless you tell the father, theres no reason to question paternity… your husband will be assumed babys father.
I’m in the opposite situation. I’m married (separated) and went on to have kids with someone else. We had to take a paternity test to confirm paternity and have my “husband” taken off the birth record and have the real father put on.