That is that child’s father doesn’t matter who likes it and the child deserves to know their actual dad. I would be livid if one day I did some like 23&me testing or something and figured out that who I was told is my dad isn’t. You can fight rights and whatever in court if he isn’t fit to be a parent but don’t lie to the child.
Not sure about other states but in Iowa if you are married the husband is legally responsible until paternity is proven. I was separated and got pregnant, divorce was filed but not final. They had to put my ex on the bc then prove paternity all all had to have attorneys including the new baby. We got through it just a pain. But if your staying with husband he should be legally responsible until said father gets an attorney and proves paternity
If he finds out your pregnant and he really wants to know he does have the right to pay for a DNA test. But if he does not know or does not care just put a restraining order against him and move on with your life. Let’s hope he never puts 2 and 2 together to get the DNA results. As long as your husband is ok with it all and puts his name on the birth certificate then let it be. Do not stress about it unless the actual father decides he wants a DNA test.
Uhm of course he will have rights, especially if you know for a fact he is the father. Though he shouldn’t have rights, and you need file necessary police reports and file a restraining order so he will not get any custody, legal or physical, and no visitation. And only other way I see it you could lie and put husbands name on birth certificate or refuse to put any name on it.
You’re absolute trash. Reading this disgusted me. Just because you’re a whore, doesn’t mean the REAL FATHER doesn’t have rights. I’m not even sorry
That’s your husband’s baby legally
Put your husband on the birth certificate and let the other guy fight for the baby if he wants it
Depend ib the state. In WA the husband is out on the birth certificate until a denial or paternity is signed and the actual father claims the child. This is how I’d goes for up to 365 days after a divorce here as well
I think it depend on the state and if he signs the birth certificate/his name is on it.
Well said sweetie… document everything…police reports all! This will help to prove it in court! Who knows the Lord might bless you at delivery with a DNA test and it may be your husband’s baby, by chance! Hope you get through this
The biological father will have rights.
Put your husband on the birth cirtificate. Do not tell this dude you are pregnant… when he finds out deny it’s his and let him take you to court if he wants to spend the money. Girl … I feel this post . You’ll be okay. You have one amazing husband might I add . A man like him is not easy to find. And he must love you alot . I hope you appreciate that now .
Take this post down even tho its anonymous and dont ever mention it to anyone
Put your husband on the certificate, get a restraining order on the guy. Tell everyone it is your husbands and never tell anyone different. They would have to prove it isn’t your husbands and most won’t do that
Yeah he will have rights. It might be a little harder if you lie and say it’s your husbands. But he can still get a dna test through the courts if he tries. I would be careful about trying to say it’s your husbands. It’s possible you could get it trouble for that or it could look badly on you later on if he were to take you to court. Honestly it would be best to just contact a lawyer, they would be able to answer everything properly.
I got preg with my youngest child while I was still legally married to my ex husband. Bc of that fact, my son’s father was not allowed to sign the birth certificate where the father is supposed to sign it. So I guess technically he didnt have any legal rights to our son until we were able to get that fixed.
And honestly… Im sorry that you had a realized that the guy is crazy too late but that’s your fault, not the baby’s. The guy and your child both have the right to know who the biological parent is.
Just voice your concerns when it comes time for the child custody agreement and ask about supervised visits for him. And that’s even if the guy wants to stick around for the baby.
Most states automatically list the spouse as the father if your married. There would need to be action in court to undue this.
In Florida your husband is legally the father.
In some states the husband has rights to the baby unless there is a challenge to paternity which bio daddy has all the rights in the world to do CONSIDERING it is HIS CHILD.
Side note though: kinda grossed out by the overwhelming amount of people that are like “keep the baby from its father.” You guys are the REASON family courts are so fucked up. Thanks.
The guy won’t have any rights because your husband is automatically seen as dad. I’m in a similar situation. Only difference mine thinks I moved and changed my number because I have amazing family that will lie for me. I regret it and don’t listen to the ones trying to guilt you into believing he should have rights just because the baby didn’t do anything. If this guy is being like this now, I can picture him trying to kidnap the baby. But I do agree with getting a restraining order and when the child is older you could tell them or you could keep them in the dark but if you tell them give the reasons you kept them from him.
Don’t tell him he got you pregnant and say your husband is the dad lol.
Honestly though, your husband is one of a kind for sticking with you. I could not imagine a situation like that.
Yes he has rights, the kid is HALF HIS! He sounds crazy though and you’re not that smart if you honestly think he wouldn’t have any rights to his child. If he knows you’re pregnant with his child there’s a thing called a paternity test that he has every right to do so putting your husband’s name on the birth certificate is only a temporary fix for you.
Yes,You’ll need to have D N A testing.Unless you play dum.He 'ok have to pay for that and child support.
Get a lawyer. That’s all you can do at this point. He’s the one that will lose rights based on his actions.
In Texas husband has rights automatically, they have a whole area on the birthcirtifcate for it, the only reason know is because the nurse explained it to me, I didn’t have to fill it out anyways
Check with a cop or lawyer. It used to be that legal father was the husband, period. If he was 10K away for a year, unless he paid in advance AND explained why he couldn’t be the
parent - with documentation to back it up - the court will say that he should have divorced sooner.
So I can tell you from a legal stand point that if you’re legally married within 300days prior to a baby being born, the hospital automatically puts the husband on the birth certificate even if you get legally divorced 299 days before the birth of your child. The only way they won’t put husband on the birth certificate is if the husband signs paperwork stating he’s not the dad at the hospital and the birth father signs the birth certificate. Also it takes a lot to change the birth certificate just by the birth father saying he thinks he is the dad. The reason I know is because I had been separated from my ex husband for 3 years, but didn’t get legally divorced until 290 days before I had my son with my at the time fiancé. The hospital listed my ex husband as the father even though my at the time fiancé came to the hospital and they knew he was my sons dad. The hospital said that unless my ex husband (whom I didn’t talk to) came to the hospital to sign paperwork stating he wasn’t the dad that they would automatically list him as the father because my son was born within 300 days of the divorce being finalized. My sons birth dad (at the time fiancé) filed paperwork to get a DNA test to be put on the birth certificate. Even with me telling the courts that my fiancé was our sons dad, it was still a huge struggle and took two years to complete. You could easily say “nope that’s not his dad” and the courts will usually drop it since there is someone on the birth certificate supporting the child already. I would also like to mention that it sounds like you need a restraining order on the birth father. He sounds insane and I personally wouldn’t feel safe not having a restraining order in place because of his actions. Especially after that baby is born.
Of course he has rights…smh
Did you tell him? If not, don’t!!! If so, say you figured out it isn’t his… or you miscarried or something. But, you shouldn’t have issues if you’re married and husband signs the birth certificate. I don’t think he can contest it then.
Say its ur husband’s
Im not even trying to be a bitch… but if someone was trying to give my baby to another women I would lose my shit too!!!
In arkansas husband is legally considered child’s father unless the other guy signed a paternity acknowledgment. Personally, since you and hubby have worked everything out. I wouldn’t even tell the guy since he’s done all the horrible things to you and just let husband claim the child as his own. That being said, I’d make sure husband is in agreement that should yall ever decide to part ways that he won’t deny the child as his.
In kentucky, I think who signs the birth certificate is the father. Unless the guy legally requests a paternity tests and is proven to be the father, then he can fight for rights as father. You would have to fight back in court then, get an emergency protection order, etc.
Technically they both have rights to the baby even if you’re husband is legal father he is the biological so they can both go for access
I love how when I opened Facebook on this beautiful sunday. My eyes read this. I’m sorry but I did laugh and show my boyfriend and he also laughed.
Don’t hide the truth from anyone. Tell the father the truth & don’t lie to your kid about it
He doesn’t have rights due to you being married he will have to petition the court for a dna test and as long as your husband is on birth certificate, gives baby his last name he can ask for it to be excused cuz yall are married
I mean, you made your bed now you need to lie in it. That man has every right to be in his baby’s life.
Are you 100% sure he is the father?
Bcuz your married your husbands name will default on the birth certificate. But if the guy decides to take you to court for a paternity test, he could sue for rights.
If the man you slept with while married has any sense, he’ll lawyer up and get the right’s he deserves. He wasn’t a psycho while you were cheating with him?
Married or not uf the child is his he has the right to be a father to his child, if he is dangerous and your in fear of him then you need to get an ivo taken out on him and when baby is born you will need to have the baby added but you will need to have child protection involved if that is your reason for him not being able to contact you and your child
Wow, that’s…definitely Uncut
I wouldn’t tell him if he’s that psycho.
Ive been reading more n more about situation like this. For whatever reasons u cheated thats on you. U weren’t afraid to him talking, texting, sneaking around and having sex with him. U had to know some of his personality. Your LUCKY ur husband is trying to forgive n willing to b a father to this child. Unfortunately the physio has rights too as far as the child is concerned. Good luck
The father is entitled to rights to the child. Whether or not you’re married. I’m sorry that you have to face a life time dealing with him, but that’s what happens when you have a child with someone. I don’t suggest hiding it from him either. If he finds out or if something goes bad with your marriage, it’s trouble down to road. Also that child deserves the right to know it’s father. I suggest you start figuring out how you are going to get along with this guy for the next 18+ years.
If he’s actually done all that, and you fear for your life or babies life by telling him then fuck him don’t tell him. As someone with a piece of shit baby daddy who didn’t cheat, you’re protecting your child. Just know you have to live with it. What’s easier? My opinion, leave it blank or put your husband’s name down. The whole “rights” thing is sort of a silly question. You’re asking if you tell dude. If he’s truly dangerous the answer is no.
So, your husband is deemed the father regardless until proven otherwise because your legally married.
Do u know that it’s certainly his child? Or could it be for husband? This is crazy madness and I feel horrible for your partner. But u cannot cut the father out. Legally no, even stupid rapists get rights- ask me about that? I hope that it is your husbands baby instead of him having to deal with that daily reminding him of the affair u have had.
The person your married to is put onto the birth certificate. The actual dad could take you to court and get a DNA test done. If your trying to get money out of it then he will absolutely have rights!
Idk why when a woman makes a mistake and owns it this world has to be so judgemental. This is a tough situation. I hope you (op) make the right decisions, as keeping your child safe and healthy is most important. If the father of the child is unfit, why is she wrong for not wanting him in the child’s life? No matter what you do people will judge because that’s just the sad world we live in unfortunately. I hope everything works out for you and the child doesn’t suffer from the situation.
How does he know whose it is
If he does all the things you say report it call the cops have a paper trail get a restraining order. When the baby is born have your husband sign the birth certificate. however if he tries to get custody with his pysco behavior you can use that paper trail and retraining as to him not being fit to have custody etc. File with the courts he is potentiallly emotional mentally and physical harm to myself and the child. Relocate… dont talk to this person…change your number etc.
How does he know your pregnant with his kid… you went back to your husband it could be his.
Stop talking and playing games with the man you cheated on your husband with.
Be with your husband solely and only him dont make stupid choice again ever.
Raise this child right and dont resent the child or let the father or his family or your its not fair to the child that child is innocent and didn’t ask for it. Dont tell to many people or other siblings because people talk and kids will be kids and say crap.
Later after the child turns 18teen let them know they have a dad thats not the dad that raised you. You cant keep it a secret forever. He will have to know info medical things about his dads part of the family, etc in case.
Let the child know your mistake and decided what they want but let them know he wasnt right or stable etc. Good Luck
I think what you need to be doing right now is involving the police and get everything on record. If this man doesn’t know you’re pregnant with his child, keep it that way. If he does then you need to apply for a non molestation order to prevent him coming near you or your child. If you get the non molestation order then you won’t have to worry about him gaining any amount of custody. If your husband is happy to raise this child with you as his own, then cut this man out completely use the support of your husband to get through it all. I would personally consider moving away and letting this creep know anything about you moving etc. Fresh start in a new area!
Parental rights are always allowed in some cases supervised but not always…document anything abusive and get a lawyer momma youve got a long hard road ahead.
Dont tell him your pregnant
Depending on the state you’re in, a child born within the marriage is considered a child of the marriage. Your husband can legally give the child his last name at birth and is considered the child’s “legal” father and he is the one that will have the rights. I had a friend go thru this. No matter what you decide to do this is going to be an uphill battle for everyone involved, especially you.
Each state has different laws. I would find out what the law is in your state
Are you sure it’s his and not your husbands?
Find out the law in your state. Everything varies in most places. Good luck.
Tell the father you skank. Jesus.
If yall could refrain from posting any more rude comments, that would be fantastic.
I want to apologize for the assholes on here leaving rude comments.
I was in a 7 year absuive relationship, if you need someone to talk to.
I know you might not want anyone to know who you are, but i felt like i should offer.
I won’t ever let anything we talk about be known by anyone else.
Sometimes you need to talk to someone who understands💜
Don’t put the birth father on the birth certificate. Put your husband on it instead if he wants to be in this child’s life
Y’all do realize she probably had convinced her husband this baby’s his right. Hell she probably used this to get him back… why else would she make sure to say “two weeks after they got back together” ya right lol
Just tell him it’s your husbands baby… Not his lol🤷
Dear admin there is a different between rude and honest truth , mind you the truth always hurts but it is a wakening call to the mind and soul so you pick what you like but rest assure if you have a page and you wants us to speak your mind then i would like to say sorry to you i have a mind of my own.
Obviously but shyt happened stop bashing ppl looking like momo on here talking shyt n scares her own kids
There are a ton of honest answers, which I kept up. But there are a TON of rude comments of people calling OP rude names. They won’t be tolerated. We allow truth. We do not allow bashing.
Get a lawyer. It varies from state to state. I would suggest you making official reports of the stalking and harassment, though. It could be helpful in a custody hearing.
Elizabeth Waldo Kyra Van Anda Asia Ferneding
Every father has a right to see there kid, only way he wouldnt see it is if he signs over his rights
He has the parental rights, the court will rule in the best interest of the child. Thats the law
Have hubby sign paternity affidavit hospital
Everyone is always crazy once you stop effing them, huh also, sometimes the truth may be hard to hear, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s the truth
If he is the father of the child, he of course has rights.
Are you sure it’s his child?
Not sure how some of the comments got to stay when ones that were truth got deleted.
No please do not listen to the ppl that think not telling him is acceptable
He is the father. He deserves to know! Wow. I can’t believe you’re really contemplating on not telling him. Married or not the real father has the RIGHT to know. Smh
Soooo is she telling the husband it’s his?
Only if he can prove the child is his. Then yes he’s has alrights. But he have to take you to court first. But could you be wrong and your husband be the father? Didn’t mean that in a bad way. Because it be easier to know for sure who the father is.
I’m also curious why this page is deleting comments telling her what she’s doing is WRONG but the ones telling her what she wants To hear stays. Is this an admin of the pages post?
All the ppl sayinh he will have to pay for the paternity test are wrong. He might have to pay up front but im sure his laywer that will help him get that organized with the courts will also help him petition you and your lieing husband to reinburse him.
There is a good chance that you and your husband would work it out but if that doesnt happen hopefully you would not then go after the FATHER only for money.
Lets say he did all he things you claaim… well that sucks but also does not mean he will be bad father.
Also just because you dont like him now. Does not give you the right to take a child from the father.
If the bio dad does not want to be in the childs life thats one thing but thats not your choice.
There are legal actions he could take against you.
Sure hope you filter through the comments on here and ignore the ones that are giving you seriously screwed up advice.
Nothing uncut about deleting the commenta that although might have been hurtful are actually true.
In some states any child to whom you give birth while married is automatically considered the legal child of your husband EVEN IF you tell them he is not the biological father. In order for this to be changed, the biological father would have to initiate establishing his paternity and filing for custody. He would then also be subject to paying child support. You will have to do some research or talk with a lawyer to determine the laws in your state.
Keep in mind that this baby will grow to be a child, teen, and young adult who should know eventually (if not from the start) who their biological father is. If you don’t tell the child and keep them from their father without their knowledge or input, they may resent you. If you truly believe this individual is dangerous then I suggest talking with a lawyer to figure out the best strategy to keep your child safe.
You being married and cheating doesn’t take away his rights as a parent.
If your husband signs the birth certificate forms then he would not have any rights. They only way for him to get then would to go before a judge and pay for a paternity test. They then judge could order him rights but he would have to pay alot of money to the courts before that is done. A paternity test alone runs $3-400. I would go and have a restraining order put on him tho if he’s doin that shit. Cause that’s dangerous not just for you but that baby and your husband
Heaven Pann not in texas the father has a right to get dna done. He is still father and people need to respect his rights as so.
Just don’t tell him .
Are you actually this daft?
Also, I hope your husband finds out and leaves you.
Why would you even tell him it’s his? Is this a troll post?
Have you reported him? Have any proof that he is unsafe? If he is the father I would think he has rights, but having proof of him doing these things will go in your favor. Your best bet is to call a lawyer and get your answers from a professional in your state.
These sound like fantastic questions for a lawyer not us.
Has she had the baby already? Said he went to the hospital. Did she do a dna test to find out it’s not the husbands? So much left out idk if I believe it.
Yes the father has legal rights to the child. Whether the father chooses to be in the childs life is another situation in its entirety. People co parent all the time and still stay with their original partners. Children should not suffer b/c of our mistakes but rather know they are no less and loved no less. If anything its an opportunity to show how forgiveness works and how to maturely love & be kind to one another. I would not recommend however continuing these types of mistakes, they are not mentally or physically healthy choices. They triple loss if sleep, insecurity & fear. They increase risks such as HIV. No child wants to lose their parents. It also leads to relationship problems b/t the kids and parents. Forgive yourself and move on but put your kids 1st.
Some of you women are garbage. Straight the fuck up. She’s already admitted she fucked up. Making her feel worse makes u look more pathetic. If that man is seriously that mentally screwed up then don’t tell him. Keep yourself and baby safe. If your husband is ok with that and being on the birth certificate then do that. If not. Then don’t tell the hospital your married🤷♀️
Bc you being married no matter what he will be the legal father and until many many court dates the other man will have no rights.
That child has the right to know about his real father, it’s not about you anymore…
Sounds like you need a protective order. Having that on record will help.
Did anybody read the whole thing? Talking about giving rights to a guy that’s stalking this woman and slashing her tires…are you serious? Dangerous people don’t need to be around kids.
Good luck. Your going to need it.
Of course the dad has rights
Yeah he does. If he’s a genuine danger you can establish that in court but he 100% has rights to a child that is equally his. All he has to do is petition the court for a DNA test. ALSO IT IS LITERALLY NOT YOUR RIGHT TO LIE TO SOMEONE ABOUT THEIR FREAKING CHILD. THAT IS NOT YOUR PLACE IF THATS HIS BABY HE NEEDS TO BE TOLD. The rest can be handelnd in court with evidence.
In my state, if you are married, your husband can automatically go on birth certificate.