This is what I got for Mother’s Day. Some men are just SELFISH DICKS!!! I had to give him money so HE could get me a card and some shitty flowers. FUCKEM!!!
I’d pack my shit and GO!
You know what to do father’s day xx hurts a little if there are 5 men in the house and forget about the lovely loyal mum xxxx a card or a little flower or something made would be so lovely xxx
He may not understand your love language. Try talking to him (not bitch at him) and explain to him that you need those things. Its not petty or over reacting. Some peoples love language is gifts some is physical affection some are words of affirmation . If you dont tell him he wont know. Personally i could care less if I even get a card . My live language is quality time . as long as hes with me im happy . Some times guys get complacent they forget the value of things like cards and gifts . I would hate to see you leave him after so long over cards and flowers …this is only my personal opinion❤
Communicate all you’ve said here directly to him. Ask him if he needs a reminder. My kids were the same way but now I tell them, you’ve got two weeks until my birthday, mother day etc and I expect this this and this.
I leave nothing up to chance anymore just because in the past I did and got nothing.
Girlfriend you are not overreacting. How old are your kids?
It does not have to be a material gift. Breakfast in bed, or doing chores etc…
You are right
Father’s Day is coming up and you need to forget it. Let them see how hurtful it is when you are not appreciated.
I had a Mother’s Day one year that was not great so I made my husband and kids do it again lol
It was the best do over Mother’s Day ever!
You need to tell them your feelings and do another Mother’s Day the end of May.
Tell them they have time to come up with ideas!!
If your husband disagrees get rid of him!!!
He’s teaching his sons the wrong way to respect their mom and women.
Your not overreacting at all!! Your husband may work all day… but I guarantee you… he was aware of Mother’s Day as that ALL the radios talk about… FB… stores having banners outside and all. That goes for every holiday. He’s aware of holidays and birthdays… especially after 14yrs lol He just dont care enough to show thoughtfulness towards you. And you shouldnt have to FORCE him to get anything from him or your boys… totally wrong of him to assume. You can say something to him now… or wait until something else comes up… his bday or some day youd normally get him something for… and get him absolutely nothing, plan absolutely nothing, say absolutely nothing… and if he or anyone you know asks what changed or why you didnt plan anything you have AMMO for response… and you tell him, whoever… how your tired of being the one showing appreciation and being thoughtful etc when you get NOTHING in return and your just tired of it all so if he cant show YOU alil appreciation or what have you – you decided its stupid of you to do the same and will give him back what hes given you on these types of days—NOTHING. Or be cranky for a few… see if he asks what your prob is… and straight tell his a$$ ya know… you dont ask for much… but damn it all… a little something from HIM and the boys would be nice every once in while… ESPECIALLY on days such as Mothers Day! Your tired of having to FORCE him to damn well do something thoughtful and loving all the time… defeats the purpose! And after 14 damn years one would THINK he would want to keep fires burning, would want to be sweet and do sweet things for the woman thats been by his side 14 damn years! The mother of his children! But f*ck mom, right?! Youre tired of the disrespect! youll get the point made either way… and bluntly!
Girl I feel ya. We’ve been dating for 5 yrs. he doesn’t do shit for me unless I complain about it then if he does anything. It’s literally the day of any event. They don’t respect us and my children made me homemade cards bc they are a little older so they do for themselves. I have stopped doing shit around the house and he don’t have the nerve to say a word bc he knows. I’m so over these games also:heart:
I’m sorry that you’re not shown that you’re appreciated. That IS important. You should tell your husband how you feel. If nothing changes, you shouldnt do anything for him on Fathers Day or any other holiday! If he cant make you feel special , then you shouldnt do that for him. In my opinion, you get what you give and if he isnt giving, then you shouldnt give either. For Fathers Day, have your boys think of something to do for him but you stay out of it. Would serve him right. He doesnt deserve anything from you. Just my opinion.
You talk to him and tell him what you told us here.
It shocks me how often I’ve heard that husband’s/boyfriends feel like they don’t have to get the mother of their child anything because “that isn’t his mother”
I know this feeling all too well. 10 year relationship with my kids dad it was like this, but worse. Even if I mentioned presents I never ever got them. Three years after leaving him I’m in the healthiest relationship I’ve ever had or dreamed of and he spoils me to the point where I literally never ever buy anything. I get random packages in the mail of nail polishes face masks anything and everything. It’s so hard accepting being spoiled now. But I think you should sit your husband down and tell him this, give him a chance to change. If not, than you can either accept this as your life now or don’t stay. I don’t know how your relationship is or if you think of leaving or if you’d never leave. But all’s I can say is try an get through to him and tell him you need this and you need him to start doing this for you.
The money you would’ve spent on him for Father’s Day spend on yourself the same birthdays and Christmas!
Nope its bullshit…ungrateful as @#$%
Go on strike girl!!! Your family doesn’t respect, hell from your post they don’t even like you…
I didn’t even hear from my daughter, my bf took me to Daytona Beach like he does every year so I’m happy
I’m from UK mother’s day was in march ,I have 2 grown up daughter’s and 2 grown up son’s 9 little grandchildren,I brought my children up as a single mom and they never went without anything, there father never bothered with them when younger but now my daughter’s idolise him and don’t talk to me, stopping me from seeing 4 of my grandchildren,but I know the hurt ,pain ,upset,and heartache you are feeling I never had anything for mother’s Day either off any of my children or grandchildren,not even a card ,I broke my heart,nor Easter,1thing that really hurts me is father’s Day,Easter, birthday’s and Christmas there dad gets gifts cards and visits,I feel your pain truly xx
No your not over reacting you should feel special on mothers day
You do have the right to feel hurt. A few days before mother’s day my daughter said she hated me
On mother’s day there was a gift and card saying she loved and appreciated me. Then her son and daughter took her out with not a word to me. Unfortunately, this was normal for her. I didn’t want anything except to be treated with respect and care.
My son called me from Maine, 1000 miles away from me and we talked more than an hour, and he sang to me. This was also normal for him. I guess one out of two isn’t too bad
Still hurting.
I spent this mother’s day with my 4 kids and fiance. I’m the mother of his son and he was mad at me Saturday which boiled into Monday. Needless to say he didn’t spend time with me get me anything have the kids do anything for me or even wish me a happy mother’s day. And yes I’m still upset about it but I will wish him a happy father’s day and buy him something. Idk. Relationships are forgiveness… so yeah there’s my rant.
My husband was like were not giving each other gifts this year and I told him you may not get nothing but I want my gift .And I get one on every gifting hoilday and sometimes just because I work hard inside and outside the house and have a job so yes you do have the right to say something if he don’t listen the old rolling pin or a cast iron skillet one got hit he will give you anything you want thats how grandma done it .lol
I have 3 boys and I teach them how to treat me as a mom and a woman. Maybe he was never taught to make a deal out of holidays. I take my boys to the store and have them pick out a gift for me. They LOVE it. My boys are 24, 8, and 5. My oldest son now takes my younger ones to get me Christmas gifts, and for Mother’s Day we have a tradition of going to pick out flowers and hanging baskets for the yard and porch. Guess what my son brought me for Mother’s Day? Yep, a beautiful hanging basket. And it’s because that’s what he knows. Teach your boys to be mindful of holidays and they’ll learn for their families one day
You certainly have the right to feel hurt. I’d let them know too.
Communication IS the single MOST important thing in any relationship. We teach people how to treat us by our words or lack thereof. If you haven’t told him this is important to you then how’s he supposed to know…you have to tell him what your dealbreakers are.
Go on a vacation post pictures and don’t bring a dam thing back don’t even send a postcard
If he cant ‘appreciate all you do’ for HIM and his little mini male versions of his unappreciative beliefs ,pack a bag ,go away and see how they react when you get home!!!This man is taking you for granted.
Buy your own gift and give husband receipt
I’d stop buying him stuff and spend it on your kids and yourself.
I feel the same way you do !
It’s disrespectful when you know damn well what holidays are coming up and not only didn’t you get her nothing you didn’t even take the kids to get her something. Why do they do that?
Glad I’m not the only one. I’ve been giving him silent treatment since. I gotten gifts from my kiddos ages 6 and 9 that they did in school.
Time to take a mom mini vaca. Maybe then they will understand how much you do
He is a dustee n he ain’t ish sorry ass
I didnt get anything from my man either. I also always go out of my way to make sure i get him something or have our children make him something. I feel you girl. I also have been feeling extremely unappreciated lately and that was the icing on the cake.
You have a right. Your husband needs to be setting the example fir your boys. Take them out to get you something for Mother’s Day. Have them help make a breakfast or lunch for you and then give you what they picked out. It’s not about how much money spent but showing you are loved and appreciated.
Be selfish dress tf up for fathers day. His present shouldn’t be no more than 10 dollars. The boys still watching so stay cute and strong
You have every right to feel hurt and upset xxxx
Girl I just went through the same thing. My husband is from Russia though and adopted at 16 to america so he isn’t use to holidays bwvause he grew up in a orphanage so I try to give him the benefit of the doubt a little bit over our 5 years he has done better but sometimes needs a little reminding.
Dad gets to be home all day with the kids on Father’s day then while you go to the spa
I was in an abusive marriage for too many years. He gave me things on occasion only to take them back and destroy them whenever he took a notion. If your husband is a good provider, is good to you and your children and you love each other wouldn’t that be enough? I would have rather had that any day rather a gift that in the end would be forgotten or gathered dust. I understand you need to feel appreciated but at least you’re not hungry, abused or homeless. Just my humble opinion.
You need to talk to him me and my sons father (fiance) but during mothers day were broken up at the time he still took our sons to get me a bunch of stuff and he got me stuff and when I asked him why if we aren’t together he said because even if we aren’t together I still want them to see I treat there mother with respect and I want my sons to know they need to respect woman that they are a certain kind of special we are back together now but rhat just melted me… you need to talk to him because he is teaching those kids wrong
He should be sure the kids get you something for Mothers day…I would feel hurt and unappreciated as well. The children should be taught to show appreciation for their mother, even if it’s a homemade gift or card.
My sons are grown and know that I’m not in good health… they’re 21 n 23… I raised them as a single mom…I didn’t even receive a card…smh
Throw the whole husband away
After 14 years of not getting anything, you should stop expecting and start taking matters into your own hands. Use the money you spend on him and buy yourself gifts instead!!
Stop giving him gifts then too
Sounds like you need to treat yourself. Take a mini vacation away from all of them. Let dad deal with it. You’re a mama. Not a slave.
OK my husband is the same way, but I can’t say that it really bothers me anymore. Because when he’s at work busting balls all day, he’s doing what he knows how to do to make me feel loved. A lot of men have a love language called acts of service. They know how to provide but they don’t know how to be sentimental. I understand that you are feeling underappreciated, so the best thing to do is talk to him. But don’t make a confrontational. Because most men just aren’t conscious of things like that. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to feel upset though. Just try to communicate it in a non-aggressive way.
Some men aren’t the gift kind, it sounds like you know and knew he was this way. If you want something say something, guys don’t think like women…tell him. Take the step to give your boys $ and take them shopping so they learn to do it. I learned its easiest to fix it yourself. As for other holidays. Either do what you always do or put in the same effort he does and see if it even matters to him. But mostly learn to do special things for yourself. I understand the feeling but at the same time it sounds like you knew what he was like
I feel like you exactly ! I’m so sorry and that’s fucked up you deserve better but since he is a good man and after 14 years it won’t change so get ahold of his wallet and go buy momma something nice lol
Posts like this remind me of how thankful for my wife i am…im also a SAHM of 3 girls…my wife works 10 to 12 hours a day and will still come home and help with the house n cooking and kids and she showers me with love and gifts…i get “just because” gifts all of the time bcuz thats how she shows her appreciation for all that i do… she treats every occasion like its Christmas and gets me a pile of gifts…mothers day was an entire weekend for us and it was amazing…u need to find urself some1 who appreciates you…my wife checks all of my boxes and is perfect in nearly every way:heart_eyes:
You’re not asking for much but sometimes men dont get it. My hubby is the working one I’m a SAHM myself. He had no clue what it takes to be home 24/7. Well he got to see for 2 days and now he gets it. I take 1 day a month to get my nails done which takes 3.5hrs then after I go to the casino for a few hours. Then 1 more day a month to get my hair done which takes hours. Another day to ME shop which turns into me shopping for all of us because I see things to get them while I’m out or I just go window shop for a few hours. Sometimes I take a day for a massage and breathe. I now take my ME TIME and spoil myself with his money basically lol. Girl spoil yourself a few days a month!!
You have every right to feel special and appreciated. You tell him that your feelings get hurt when he doesn’t acknowledge you. Doesn’t even have to be a gift. But a day out away from te kids is even nice.
Some men are very simple but you can feel when that love you desired is no longer in the menu start doing stuff to see if he is with you for better or worse because obviously you with him for better or worst. Don’t be afraid to piss him off
Treat him how he treats u If it were me I would be single Nope Its much more than just a gift It shows how he has zero appreciation for u
Go bye urself something really expensive when he asks… we’ll I bought it for myself for Mother’s Day isn’t it nice
Some people are not gift givers. Idk what to tell you. Especially if he was like that before you got married to him.
Don’t blame you at all. Mother’s day is a special day! I wouldn’t get him anything for father’s day! I’d stop going out of my way to do nice things too untill things turn around. I’m so sorry.
Yes !!! U have every right
Do not …i repeat…do not get him anything for fathers day…dont even mention it to the boys…then when he says something ask him what he got you for mothers day…i only had to do that once…he never forgot again…
Easy solution. Quit. Go on strike. Don’t cook, don’t clean, let the husband & kids fend for themselves. (As long as it’s not a baby that can’t) When they have to do it themselves, maybe they’ll stop taking you for granted & start appreciating you!
Have you talked to your husband about how you feel? I personally like the way a friend of mine does it who has a husband similar to yours. For holidays and her birthday she will buy herself something and show it to her husband and go, " oh, babe you’re the best! I love it thanks" I laugh everytime I see his face when she does it because he looks at it, says no problem and then asks how much that cost
Man, I’m just grateful to be alive. I didn’t get jackshyte for mom’s day either. The only thing I got was excess tiredness, panic attacks, heart palps/irregular heartbeat (freaking scared to death), and constipation. (Don’t laugh ). I thought I was going to die of a heart attack or something. Turned out I was way low on potassium. It really put things in perspective for me. You should tell your husband and kids how you feel. If the unappreciation continues, do your laundry only, make yourself something to eat, and only take care of the little kids that cannot take care of themselves. See how the rest of the bunch feels about it. Also, please make sure you’ve got potassium in your system, or you’ll think you’re dieing.
Remember this when fathers day rolls around.
So who’s money do you spend?
Nope not overreacting…do him the same…instead of buying him gifts use that money to.pamper yourself.
Don’t celebrate his Father’s Day…
My other half didn’t this year and tbh, I think it will be more special when my children are old enough and can make the day special themselves… Damn it’s not your birthday, I’d be super pissed if it was my birthday
Everyday your husband should be appreciating you. Sometimes being a stay-at-home mom is more work than going out and getting that weekly check. Go out and buy yourself something that makes you feel special🙂
My ex did that when my kids were little, always sai i wasn’t his mom so i finally quit getting him stuff for Father’s day
My hubby tells my son, she ain’t my momma, we went to my favorite restaurant and came home, son bought the whole meal and for that, I feel pretty blessed. I’m trying to get rid of clutter so IF I go before my hubby they won’t have to deal w all the collections I’ve hoarded over the yrs. 64 yrs old, I’m fine for a GREAT night out once in awhile.
Got used to it for 40 years
Go shopping get yourself a expensive gift and go home home and say look what I got for Mother’s day cause I think I a real good one .
I have 2 biological kids (13 & 1), 2 stepsons we have full custody of (15 & 13) NONE of them even said happy mother’s day to me.
My husband bought a washer (cuz ours went out 2 weeks ago) but I feel that’s a necessity for the house not something to say hey I appreciate you.
Anyways I know how you feel, sorry sweetie
We must have the same husband’s… My kid’s are 17 , 15 , 14 , 12…
And they can’t organise anything for me either.
The thing I see about this is the lesson that you’re teaching your kids. I have three boys and I always tried to instill upon them that they need to show appreciation in some way. I also am of the opinion that it is your husband who sets the standards by the way he treats you, your kids learn by what they see. I also know that it’s probably too late for that but it’s never too late to start! You can talk to your husband and tell him how you feel? And tell him the value of this. I don’t think it’s so much a material thing it’s more of a recognition thing And that’s an important lesson that children should learn!
Sorry, but maybe have a heart to heart with him about it. It’s good to vent but try to tell him too
Yes you have the right to react I feel bad for you even a little kiss and a thank you mom would show appreciation
No you are not overreacting… I would feel the same way
Have you communicated with your husband how you feel?
I wasn’t able to afford much for my wife on Mothers Day, no huge bunches of flowers, no ala carte dinner at a flash restaurant. I gave her a cheap box of chocolates that was on special at the local supermarket (all I could afford), a kiss on the forehead and wished her happy mothers day, and cooked her Bacon, egg and cheese rolls (her fave) for tea. She was a little envious over other spoilt mums, but she seemed to understand I did the best I could and she appreciated it.
Treat your self mom.Well some guys werent really into gifts,being a good provider thats enough for them…But kids being unappreciative???Maybe it has something to do with the way u communicate with your kids…Just my two cents.
I feel the same way. I didnt get anything on Mothers Day either. My husband didnt even want to go to the store to get ingredients for a dinner I wanted.
I feel after 14 years it’s worth a discussion with him. Some men just don’t think about it. You may find he genuinely doesn’t mind if he doesn’t get anything himself either and because of that he doesn’t think to make that effort towards you. You deserve to feel appreciated and if your feeling hurt just talk to him and let him know how you feel. Best of luck
He should make an effort to show his love and appreciation for you, as well as your kids. Maybe an underlying issue? Idk. But if it were me, I wouldn’t do shit for anyone but myself and when they make a comment about it, I would tell them I feel unappreciated and explain why. Or have a family meeting (whenever you can get everyone together at once) and hash it out.
Of course your feelings are valid. You want to feel appreciated. On the other hand you know he is this way and needs reminding that the occasion is coming up. Maybe try to find a way to remind him like a sign on fridge saying “this month’s important dates” or “up coming important dates”. I totally understand wanting your significant other to do something for you on their own accord but after 14 years it probably won’t change.
Once the kids are old enough they can start reminding him. Lol
Why are you surprised you said it your self he never gets you anything for special occasions… stop bitching
You’re not overreacting, but if you’ve been with him this long, this isn’t new behavior. I’d do the same for him and see if he even notices he isn’t getting special attention on special days. If he does, then let him know that’s how you feel each time your special day goes unnoticed.
You have the right to be hurt. Being acknowledged on special occasions is good for our self esteem. Being recognized on an average day “just because” is good for the soul. I’m sorry you’re being made to feel bad.
You have the right but 14 years ? and your surprised… You live the life you live , till YOU , change it
No your not overreacting I am sure even just a day off cooking would have made you feel amazing. I think it’s so unfair that your not appreciated because if you stopped doing these things they would care then x
My ex used to say order flowers an make the card out from me he didn’t either littke did I know his 30 affairs got dinners trips gifts jewelry an money clothes whatever they wanted
You ain’t alone,What goes around,comes around.Don’t buy him anything he’s a selfish man,Don’t worry I have the same too.So go spoil yorself,4get about him,He does’nt deserve you.
I don’t expect anything as to me every day is a gift that I have them and I don’t need a special day to know that. We have all our lives to show we care and I appreciate the little things more than a gift could ever so to me mothers day or fathers day is every day and I know they love me as much as I love them xx
Seriously some of these comments are ridiculous. Just communicate with him. 14 years you guys have been through it all communication is going to keep you guys going if you dont communicate how you feel then it’s going to continue to happen. If you dont let him know there is something wrong HE WONT KNOW MEN ARENT MIND READERS
My soon to be wife doesn’t really buy me gifts on her own except for a handful of times… Instead she asks what I would like or simply says buy yourself something. She says it guarantees I’ll like what I get. We also have very open communication so if it’s something you need to feel good then it’s important you make it known.
Now my two out of three children do not get me a thing ever my youngest never forgets a birthday holiday moms day nothing
Go and visit some family that live far away for a week on your own. Leave them to there own devices see how they get on.