I do not feel comfortable with my boyfriends mom staying with us: Advice?

I don’t think you are selfish, I think they are, you don’t know how you are going to feel, how the baby will be, You need your own space to figure this out.

Definitely not selfish! I wouldn’t feel comfortable either.

No you are not selfish. Specially being that’s it’s a small 2b 1b place. Its gonna get small real quick and you dont need a house full of people for a week specially after you have the baby,they are gonna be constantly bothering you checking in all the time and gonna rush between you and the baby… that’s the last thing you need. If it was a bigger house that’s one thing but a small 2b 1b is too small. You need your space and bonding time without everyone huddling around you and the baby

No you are not selfish. His mother is being pushy and rude. You deserve a little time to recover and enjoy time with your baby.

I would go stay with a friend or family member. I wouldn’t want someone who refuses to talk to me, staying in my house. Pregnancy or not.

It’s your home too. You get a say in who can stay or not aswell.

That is def. Not selfish. Have a new baby and coming home to a house full is overwhelming when you know that they ate staying for a while. Stick to your decision. Maybe say after the 1st. 2-3 days home they can come stay for a night or two but I would like for me and you to beable to adjust first and beable to bond with our baby without having to entertain anyone else in our home.

Why can’t they get a hotel room and just come to visit? That would be more polite

I understand totally, my mom invaded with my first one and it really irked me, could never say anything though it was always my fault.

Not selfish, they can still come visit and help with baby, just stay somewhere else!! I think that is a compromise

Not selfish!! You need to do what’s right for you and your baby, everyone else takes a back seat PERIOD

Stick to your guns. You don’t need all those people around while your trying to recuperate and adjust to a new baby?

If you can go stay with your own mom or somewhere you feel comfortable :thinking:

I see how you feel she can’t talk to u it’s your house to he should let her know if she can’t respect u she should find another place

Stick to ur guns if it makes u that uncomfortable, if ur stressed the baby will be stressed in or out of the womb n things will be harder for u n the newborn, he may get mad but if he loves u he’ll get over it n so will they.

Do not let anyone make you feel uncomfortable. If you don’t want them there then ask them to respect your decision and let your man know where you stand

Make other arrangements to stay somewhere else, visit daily

Well she will be in your home she cant be rude or try to take over and its your baby not hers and she shouldn’t want to come where shes rude to you just because of her son because she hasnt tried to get to know you

I can see maybe just your boyfriends mom… But mom, moms boyfriend, and sister… That’s just too many people for a 2bed apartment! I say you’re not being selfish at all, sounds to me like he needs to grow a pair and tell his mom only she can stay but the other two can’t. 🤷 or none can stay!

It’s your first time I remember I didn’t want anyone to stay with me…i just wanted me time with my baby…tell him how u feel he should understand…

Do what’s right for YOU! Alot of people dont understand how important it is to be in your comfort zone when you bring a new baby home

You need your space, you cant be stressing about this, tell your S/0 to tell his mom, they need to stay somewhere else, hell you and the baby come 1st.

They need to wait until y’all settle in and the baby is older.

Tell him no and to get over it. You REALLY do both want them there. I am married to a mama’s boy. It sucks.

Omg after I had my baby boy 6 years ago its was nice to have help but definitely NOT have someone staying there.
My mom and sis came over alot. It is so uncomfortable after birth that’s the part that hurt me the worse it took every bit of 8 weeks to heal down there (I had a natural birth with 8 stiches)
I bled so much
I do not miss that.

Is this a natural birt or c-section… If it’s aC a-section u will need the help if your boyfriend is working cause I take it u are off work or will be

I think you are perfectly right, you shouldn’t put under stress and because it s your body and not your boyfriend’s you should choose for yourself. Keep away intruders

All I can say from experience is that no good can come from this. Pls tell your hubby that if he wants a peaceful life to keep distance and get to know each other slowly. Also there may be financial issue that he may neglected to mention.

You are not being selfish I wouldn’t want pretty much stranger staying in my house after I deliver a baby who’s going to take a lot of my time and I don’t feel I should have to also, date other people don’t worry about whether they’re comfortable they’ve eaten or cleaned up after themselves I would rather it’d just be me baby’s father in the baby the apartment is too small four more people than that they can stay somewhere else and come over and visit if they wish but we need to call ahead of time especially if they made no effort to be in touch with you beforehand and it sounds like his mother really doesn’t communicate with you now so what’s it going to be like once you have the baby

U should never have to feel uncomfortable in your own home.

Pray about it, and ask God for guidance and to walk before you on this matter.


You are being selfish. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: once you have that baby you WILL be thankful that your mother in law is there. Trust me. Take this as a time to get close with them. If you are going to be with this man you need to give his family the chance. Husband or boyfriend has a right to be upset!


The only “BONDING” that needs to be done after this women gives birth to her child is her, the dad and the baby. Nobody else counts at this point until she feels like having company PERIOD!!

Make other arrangements :woman_shrugging:t4: that time is tuff and you need space for you and the baby… blessings for a safe delivery.

Stick to your guns!! They can stay somewhere else or not come at all!!.. and if your s/o can’t understand or support your feelings, then he can go stay with them too! Being a new mom is hard enough without being watched like a hawk and felt uncomfortable by others. Congratulations

Oh! And if anyone should stay else wear let him go. You shouldn’t have to go else wear.

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New baby new germs new people mean possible sick baby

Hell no!! They better go stay at a hotel and call before coming to visit TF!!

Hopefully you’ll be late and you’ll still be pregnant while they are there

You need to do what is best for you and the baby

Stay in bed nurse the baby.let them cook clean do laundry.and share the baby 1 time a day.they will go home.

Stick to your gun sister

I dont understand him moving so many people in
You are having your bsby. Just stay your way and dont take no shit.

My personal experience with something similar when I had my second child was awful. My MIL ended up getting sick,then got my 3 week old sick. I say you don’t have enough space, and it’s going to be hard to adjust with strangers there let alone all the stress. I say put your foot down!

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If you don’t want them there stand your ground. It’s not being selfish. You need time to recooperate and bond as family. My oldest son is 21 now. The day after he was born my ex in-laws showed up to town in their RV. They sat at the hospital with us from sun up to til sundown. I had a csection and few minor complications so it was very comfortable having them around . They stayed in town for 2 months. Ex husband dragged me and my son out everyday to go visit them. All she did was say I needed to this and that and complain about every little thing It took 5 weeks just to stop bleeding because they wouldn’t let me relax or rest. To this day I feel like my exhusband and his parents didn’t have any respect for me

You are not selfish in the least. I think it’s absolutely inconsiderate and ridiculous that he would just impose these people on you and your new infant without consulting you first. Family is not just entitled to be there (even when it comes to visits at the hospital) because they’re related.

You are only going to have that first once and it is YOUR show. You had to cook this tiny human for 40 weeks, you have to bear what comes at delivery - this is your health and you have the say. You’re a ball of raw emotions and who knows what physically in the weeks following birth and if you can’t even relax in your own home with your child - it’s gonna taint something beautiful with frustration. Stand your ground. You are not being unreasonable

Tell him no, get to know then first, then have them over. You need the time to acclimate to your new life. And that’s a whole lot of new germs in the house for a newborn too. They can be like everyone else and celebrate with pictures via Facebook!

Oh wow. That would be absolutely horrible, i would say no!!!

Dont fucking do it if you are not comfortable YOU ARE THE ONE HAVING THE BABY NOT HIM

Do what makes you comfortable.


Stick to your guns definitely this is your first child and no you are not being selfish ,if anything hes being very inconsiderate of you and your feelings,

Nope stick to your guns especially in such a close space as a two bedroom apt.

Stick to your guns, this is your bonding time with your child. I’ve been married for 27 years and me and my mother in-law are oil and water and that tension is ugly so you want only good vibes in the air. Now if it were just your mother in-law that would be one thing but 3 invading your space would be a no go for me

Sounds like he can go live with them for awhile. Stick to your guns.

You are not selfish at all. It’s not about them, especially right after you have given birth and your s/o should understand that. Stick to your guns mama

That is too many people
Aftr yr birth of yr first
And yr little boyfriend
Needs to suck it up
On letting them stay
There are motels hotels with kitchen ttes
And etc…
Stick to yr heart
And yr insincit
Of what u wld like to do
He isn’t taking u first of this situation
Or yr nb
His mom and family can stay elsewhere
Good luck in yr
Birth and God bless
U for u and yr wee one

Stick to your guns!!! You’ll just have given birth, you need to feel comfortable!!!

stick to your guns momma trust yourself

Not selfish. That first week after delivery is rough and I wouldn’t want to be surrounded by people I barely knoq


I wouldnt want that many people in such a small place right after giving birth, let alone them being basically complete strangers.


Stick to your guns. The first week even month is about you, baby and your so bonding. I don’t see why they can’t get a hotel and visit


Umm no, stick to your guns. If anyone is selfish it’s the boyfriend and family.


Deff stick to your guns girl I’d do the same

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Stick to you guns. You’re the one birthing. You need to be comfortable. You need to set those boundaries girl! You’re not selfish.

I’m not having anyone around for at least 40 days. Maybe even more


Definitely ask them to make other arrangements - your boyfriend should have ensured it was okay with you first, especially during such a private time after birth.


Oh no… To much baby is gonna be a handfull already

You stick to your guns, and if he doesn’t listen you leave and stay somewhere you’re comfortable.


Stick to your guns!!!
When I had my baby girl we had a flatmate who we have known for years and as a FTM I struggled with just the one Xtra person in the house I felt like I couldnt freely work out the whole mum and baby thing comfortably especially while they where home

No freaking way! You’re emotional life is crazy already without adding to it with a bunch of people in your space. My mom stayed with me after my first for 2wks because I asked her to, I didn’t know how to care for a baby. I didn’t grow up around kids. Nope just say sorry nope.


Not selfish at all you have every right to feel the way you do i would give my s/o another chance to tell them to find somewhere else and if he didnt than thats where i would step in and politely tell them theres no room


I was the same and 2 weeks after my daughter was born my fiancé had his mom and grandma and aunt and her 2 kids staying with us in our little 3bedroom town house and I was not okay with it I had a huge anxiety attack and melt down so it’s okay if you don’t want anyone with you for the first little while because I didn’t want anyone around


Don’t just stick to your guns but PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN. You’ll be the one giving birth… no ones feelings about this matters BUT yours. It’ll be you caring for the baby and everything else. I understand they may be excited but intruding in someone’s home after giving birth is just awful and sounds like a power move on his moms behalf :mask:


You need that time to bond with your baby. How are all those people going to fit in a 2 bedroom apartment ? No way


Really they his family …family is . family .
And it a baby you go need the help .no better time than now to get to the un laws


Not selfish at all! Aside from trying to bond with baby, you are also sleep deprived, recovering, and learning how to be new parents. And that many people in a tiny apartment with a newborn? Nope.


NO. that’s not normal. They will be pushing all boundaries and be full of germs. They can get a hotel


It’s whatever makes you comfortable. BUT you don’t know what that is yet. So if they do come make it for a short time. Compromise. Or communicate and don’t let them come at all. Ball is in your court.

Nope this time is for you. They can get a room and visit when acceptable.


Stick to your guns! You need to heal in peace, a stressful situation will not help you heal properly, plus your tiny fresh newborn baby is so susceptible to sickness… I’d limit other people’s germs as much as I could. & if you decide to breastfeed, it would be a lot more stressful having other people staying there. It’s not like you’ve got a 4 bedroom home with loads of extra space, and even if you did, if you’re not comfortable then your s/o needs to respect that. It seems like he doesn’t even realize what you’re about to be going through and how hard it is emotionally and physically before, during, and especially after giving birth!


Definitely other arrangements. You’re going to want bonding time without the stress of feeling like you need to entertain strangers


Well if she can’t leave at least use her to clean your house,cook etc. Why not? What else she is there for if not to help? But make sure you tell her from now in case she is not willing to help she will go


He’s being selfish asf, this isn’t about him or any of them. This is about you and that baby. I’m sorry if this is disrespectful but is he all there mentally??? I only ask because no matter who they are to him he shouldn’t want anyone around the baby especially with this new virus going around. That baby needs to stay away from everyone for its first few weeks but that’s just my opinion :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


Have your boyfriend read the lemon clot essay

I mean the help would be nice after a new baby but she doesn’t sound to helpful unless your her son (I could be wrong but going by the fact she ignores you and only talks to your son it’s a fair assumption) plus there’s also the fact that you don’t know them. I’m gonna go with stick to your guns lol


I agree with you. Your gonna want ur own space after baby is born.
I hate having company anyway, then to hv company crowding my space after I have a baby!? Ohhhh heck noooo. Ur bf needs to back you up. Its not about “his family anymore” u and baby are his immediate family now… he should respect ur wishes


Stick to ur guns girl. Id b pissed n tell them go elsewhere

My s/o family chose to stay somewhere else. It was nice to have the bonding time. His family came during thr day and let us sleep and shower.


Be straight forward. This is a very important period for YOU and your baby! If your bf wants his mommy then he can move with her! Make him listen that they should leave your place asap!


Oh man stick to your guns. Your comfort is the most important thing. Privacy is that you need! Especially if you are breast feeding. That’s so rude of him to do that! I


Wow. Um, does everyone think it’s her baby only?? It’s his child, too. He wants to have his family as guests in his home. He should.


Set your boundaries and stick to them. Sit down with him and calmly tell him how you feel and what you need. Maybe they can come visit for an hour or so once home. If he truly listens, he will do the right thing.

It’s your baby your house your comfort… you being pregnant and about to give birth are the most important person to make sure that baby comes to a comfortable household. You have all right to feel comfortable in your own house. I had to deal with it myself and I had to break and tell EVERYONE to leave.


You better get comfortable with it and quick if you want to continue that relationship.


I would 100% be telling them to make other arrangements. You need space and time to recover. No one knows how the birth will go, and you have a lot to adjust to. Everything that happens is up to you and your partner, and if he respects your wishes, he will support you. No way in hell would I want to share a 2 bedroom space during late pregnancy, let alone right after birth!


Do what you want to do! Think about yourself In some way he is right your being selfish but so what! Your the one giving birth to the baby and the one that needs to recover ! Men don’t get it because they don’t go through this so they think it’s a piece of cake. Personally I wouldn’t do that! & from the sounds of it doubt she would stay and help you with recovery probably would just hog the baby … maybe I’m saying this too because of my mil :unamused:

Nope, send them packing. It’s your house. Not theirs. I be damned if anyone makes me feel some type of way in my own house

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You are not being selfish, that time is for you as the mother to be bonding with your baby. My husband said something about his sister staying with us after we had our little boy and I love his sister, but I told him no. I wanted to be the one bonding with my baby and feeding, changing, and loving on him not her. Stick to your guns mama!!!

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You know they may be thinking that since your a first time mom, you can use some help from his mom…I get what you’re saying , but also know that that is his “mother”… and either way y’all are gonna have to break the ice one way or another…they clearly haven’t built a bond with you , and this may be a perfect time to do so…you will be tired and restless…it’s not selfish on her part for wanting to be there as a grandmother , but it is a little too much for her to include boyfriend and his little sister (depending on how old the child is)…just know that if they’re coming from out of state or something , it will be out of line for you to suggest that his mother stay somewhere else or go pay for a hotel room , when that’s her son…and tbh…idc because I’m sure that if it was the other way around , as in your mom , her bf and your sibling , you wouldn’t even had made this post…so think of it that way in my opinion…


Not selfish at all! Stick to ur guns!


Damn, yall in these comments act like hes not the father & like hes not part of this baby too. I would have loved the help. U will be exhausted ASAP. See if yall can do half with yall, half elsewhere.