I don't think its appropriate that my daughters step dad cuddles her: Advice?

If you can’t trust your spouse having cuddle time with his/your daughter then you need to leave. Don’t leave your kids alone with him if you cannot trust him, period. This is ridiculous!


I’m confused as to why you’d have a discussion about something you’re clearly viewing as sexual and then continue to leave your SMALL child with this man. I also think maybe you have issues you aren’t being up front about. If she was his four year old would it be okay? Is the position really relatable to spooning ? Or are you projecting. What are certain acts that you disapprove of ? Bottom line, if the kids are in danger why are you with him. “Hey please don’t molest the kids” isn’t going to protect anyone.


What you’ve described is completely NORMAL for a loving parental figure… BUT what you’re FEELING is NOT normal if you think it’s wrong you need to leave and not give him any opportunity or alone time. Trust your gut. If you don’t DO something then you will also be part of the problem


If you don’t trust him you should be there. I for one like that my kids step dad loves my children but I trust him so…

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If you have an issue with him cuddling the kids you shouldn’t be with him. You clearly don’t trust him.


This is stupid. Why even marry him then? If he truly loves your daughter and your daughter loves then why deprive both of them? When your baby is born will you allow him to show affection to that child but not the others? He is being a. Normal and loving father to a child that by blood isnt even his. Be thankful!


I don’t blame him for being pissed off. I would be to.


Yes you’re fucking wrong! My mother did this same thing with my step dad and I when I was 7 or so and she’s a total pos, whackjob, shitty, grimey bitch! Actually, she later, when he finally woke up and left her, tried to force me to tell everyone he touched me cause he wouldn’t help her when she wanted. Why tf would YOU marry a man and allow him to be around your daughters alone if you obviously dont trust him, which you already stated that you don’t by making this comment? Him “spooning” with your daughter isn’t the problem! Fucking duh! But him being alone with her… YES THAT’S A HUGE PROBLEM​:speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head: You need help lady and idc who gets mad and says what​:woman_shrugging: My daughter is a sexual abuse survivor, so am i(and sure tf not MY LOVING STEPFATHER) and the shit isn’t a joke or to be taken lightly!:100: If you as a mother don’t trust someone, man or woman, DON’T FUCKING LEAVE YOUR MOST PRECIOUS THING IN YOUR WORLD WITH THEM!:woman_facepalming::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::fearful::woozy_face:

Seek therapy immediately lady! You have some real serious issues


You are married to the man and you do not trust him around your child? Wtf? Why did you marry him.


If he plays the role of dad cuddling with our kids is normal but clearly he does something to make it not normal to you so follow your gut

Why are you even with this man if you don’t trust him? Is he allowed to cuddle his biological children? Where you not shown enough affection as a child and that’s why you think this is strange? Would you prefer for him to treat your oldest daughter differently to his biological children and have her grow up wondering why her stepdad didn’t love her as much as her siblings.
If he’s a danger to children then act on it, if you need to make changes within your own mind then do so! Best of luck with the pregnancy!


If you can’t trust him cuddling with your daughter then leave him. It’s perfectly normal for a living parent to cuddle and show love. I see nothing wrong with it. I still cuddle with my children and oldest is a 5 yr old boy. It’s loving.


He should be mad. You should be glad that he loves your children like his own. You are either disgusting for having these thoughts or he has done something to warrant these feelings and in that case you are disgusting for staying with him and putting your children in harm’s way.


Damn… what’s wrong with you😂

If you can’t trust your partner to give your child a cuddle, why are you even with him? And having children with him?!
You need to ask yourself why you don’t feel it’s ok


Cuddling is not wrong and you telling him not to cuddle kids is making him think you don’t trust him so yes you are completely wrong unless he is hurting kids. My husband is only father to 1 out of 4 of my children but he has cuddled them at 1 point because that’s what dad’s do


I think you are completely wrong , if u trust this man enough to leave him alone with your kids then what’s wrong with them cuddling on the sofa , my daughter cuddles up on the sofa with her dad and he cuddles in with him in bed , I don’t see a problem with it if he is the father figure in there life then I wouldn’t be bothered tbh but sounds like u don’t trust him which is strange if u can leave them alone with him


You just never know. I don’t think your wrong.

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You’re uncomfortable with him cuddling them but keep getting pregnant and leaving them alone with him? Not the smartest person


If you seriously believe hes being sexual then u need to leave him. Why are u allowing him to watch ur kids ?

To be honest if its not sexual and hes just a loveing them as his own , you got a keeper. Thats the best step dad you could ever ask for. Sounds like you and him are having a baby together? Why have more kids with him if you don’t trust him?

Therapy for u and him might be good? Maybe something from ur past is triggering PTSD?

But seriously if u believe its more then just love from a step dad u need to leave him now!!!


Apparently your 4 yr Old is completely comfortable with him and enjoys being cuddled by him! If Anything was going on the child would definitely be showing signs, if you’re uncomfortable with it then either he has given you reason to be that way or you have experienced something in your own life that makes you feel this way! It is normal for a child to want to be cuddled with their “parent” and makes them feel safe and secure! I wish more dads and hell most parents would be like that! So many people stop hugging/kissing their kids after they think they’re no longer babies and the kids suffer!


Hold the horses.
You have decided that he is inappropriate with the 4 year old
But can do same with the 16 month old .
Oy vay. I’m trying hard not to call you a dumb ass. But you being a dumb ass.
If you don’t trust him and think he touching your daughter
and yet as you call him a pedophile and pervert…you mad cause he was insulted?! Yeah crazy huh.

I think in all honesty you need help and you have some underlying issues.
Hope you figure it out before you accuse the real dad or grandpa

You have a sick fucking mind…

I’d be pissed at you too, when you have kids and get with someone else, you’d expect them to also parent your child. Part of that is snuggles… I lay like that with my kids… but, wait I’m female so it makes it not wrong :roll_eyes:


You either trust him or you dont. Is this something you will allow him to do with his bio daughters but not his step? If you feel there are red flags, pay attention. But if this just bothers you simply because…then I feel you are over reacting

Parents cuddle with their kids, it’s normal. If all he is doing is holding her close then he is showing her that he loves her and that he is a safe place to fall. As long as he isn’t touching her inappropriately and he doesn’t jump up when you walk in the door then he is just trying your daughter like a father should. Love those babies, cuddle with those babies, they need it and so do you. My son cuddles with me during the day and his daddy in the evening and he knows he is loved.

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I think everyone is responding harshly. You’re the mom of these babies. Is this something the biological father has brought up? Have you discussed your feelings with him. Maybe having that conversation would put you at ease. I’m a stepmom who cuddles my fiance’s 4 year old. I can’t imagine not cuddling them at this age. But if their Dad asked me not to… I wouldnt it’s a respect thing. What is your true issue with it and Express that to him. Hopefully at that point he would respect your feelings. Would you want your oldest biological father to love on your youngest or treat them differently because they aren’t his? I think all these dynamics we all enter into in the 2019 world are more difficult than we realize.

Then don’t let him cuddle his bio children :woman_facepalming:t2:, my god what is actually going through your mind?


ALWAYS go with your gut… it never lies.


Trust your instincts

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You’re weird, but if you don’t trust him why are you with him?


It sounds like you’re jealous. She loves him and feels safe around him. Sooooo maybe dont let the 16 month old or the one you’re currently pregnant with, cuddle with him either. If you dont trust him around YALLS kids, why are you with him?? Jfc. Alisha Pittinger… do you let all your kids EXCEPT one love on chris…? Becauze I’m almost positive the one that’s not biologically his, is his favorite. Lmao


Children have a second sense on peoples character. Like example i was dating this guy when my son was 4 yrs old but he would never speak to him or would leave the room if he was in it. He said he didnt like him. At the end he was using me and he was a bad person. If yiur 4yr old is cuddling with him and happy then let them be. If you dont trust him and red flags every where. I would leave for the safety sake of the children. But to me it sounds like you have a winner

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I’m so glad I wasnt the only one that came on here to be an asshole. Lpl

Trust your gut my step dad did the same thing and he molested me… It seemed i was “comfortable” with him because i was afraid to tell my mother i felt she would be disappointed in me… They are no longer together for other reasons and i have yet to tell her


Me and my husband snuggle with both our kids daily…just bc he is the step dad no reason he should not snuggle the oldest, if he did not she would probably not understand why he snuggles his bio kids and not her, that is way worse of a problem!! Now if there is some other reason to not trust him with your kid why the hell are you creating more kids with him???


You sound like a psycho mom


Quit sexualizing your child.


Not everything has a sexual context to it. Sometimes snuggling children is just pure love. The fact he isnt completely ignoring his step daughter in favor of his biological children says a lot about his character. I think you need to step back and chill out. See a therapist about why you are viewing what is coming off as a loving family as something else.


What I’m reading and picking up personally sounds that you might have been sexually abused at one point …and that this is a trigger situation for your mind… if so you need to seek counseling to get to the root of this fear and talk with your partner about it and explain this with him… but I could be wrong…again this is what I’m picking up …


You’re weird AF if you don’t trust him why did you lay down with him and make 2 kids? I’d be pissed too if I was him!


You people on this page are fucking assholes! Every single time I look at a post in the comments everyone is always being so hateful! She is just looking for advice why the hell y’all got to be so mean. You all are shitty people but I’m sure you and your families already know that. Now, to the lady with the post it would have been easier to understand if I knew the age of the child, have you spoke with her and seen how she felt and if he ever made her uncomfortable? Make sure you have that commuation door and trust with her so she will come to you if she feels uncomfortable. I’m afraid that if you did make the cuddling stop then she will feel like she did something wrong and that bond may be damaged.

Is there something missing from your statement/ comment? Or is that the whole thing? Its normal for children to cuddle parents my husband cuddles our son, dog or me watching a movie. Has something happened to make you feel this way ? Or is this simply she is a girl and you dont think dads even step dads to young children cuddle their daughters ? If he hasn’t given you any real reason to think he’s being strange than I’d seek counseling or if it’s a really gnawing feeling really look in to it. But be prepared for a fight that will most likely lead to divorce. I know I’d be Insulted and livid if anyone suggested something such as this.


Then leave him and get with someone who won’t treat your children with respect and pushes them around🥴 you’re jealous of a child you need to calm down.


Yea you are wrong. My husband has been my daughter’s step dad since she was 2. She’s 10 now. He has always cuddled her since they first met. She calls him daddy and he calls her his daughter. As we speak they’re on the floor (we’re moving, so no beds and he slept on the floor) cuddling. It’s not sexual. It’s showing affection. The 2 are totally different.


What’s your suspicion? You obviously feel some type of way because you think in the back of your head he might try something so …why you keep him around then and having kids with him if you think he might just slip up and slip in one day …your making him feel like some kinda creep and saying this infront of your kids which could make them run and tell on him for something he didn’t do potentially ruining his life…if you don’t trust him around your kids then why you with him that simple


I’d be ecstatic if my soon to be husband was close with my child that wasn’t his. On a side note, were you molested as a child?:thinking:


Hmm my daughter is 4 and cuddles often with my husband or even myself … it’d a feeling of safety and love for a child… If it’s making you angry i would suggest finding out the reason why? Is your husband (her step father) done something bad in the past? Did something happen to you as a child? I’m sorry but i think your completely in the wrong


You are all so quick to judge this women’s mental health… I think what is happening sounds like something that could be completely normal, not weird, and comforting to the child. But what you are feeling… having ANY off feelings… take action. Because your gut is most likely telling you, that you do not trust your husband, for one reason or another. If you were to ignore and keep living normally, and then something happens in the future you will blame yourself.


You are not wrong. He needs to respect it. Him getting angry may be a red flag.


He should be pissed off at your dumb ass ide high and dry leave your ass if I was accused of being some child molester, you disrespected him and shamed him infront of your kids that he can’t be trusted …ide cut the cord on you bye

My husband (my daughters step dad) cuddles with OUR daughter all of the time. My daughter will leave her bed and come lay in our bed. If she’s having a bad dream he will go lay with her for a bit.

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He’s probably angry because he is not doing anything wrong and you’re telling him pretty much he can’t cuddle because he’s not her biological dad which is just a big slap in the face.


My daughters step father doesnt even cuddle them. Its not ok in my eyes or his. They are 12, 9, 10


This is absolutely ridiculous. So… you dont want him to show love to her? I can understand him getting mad…


The hell…why’d you marry him??


If you’re not comfortable w your man being around your kids, why are you choosing to have more children with a man you don’t trust to cuddle your children?

This is all sorts of fucked up.

Is he allowed to cuddle his own biological children and you’re just excluding your own or are you against him cuddling all childreb?

Nope… He’s wrong for not respecting your wishes. Go with your gut and protect that little girl of yours. But if you’re that upset by it, you might wanna reconsider staying with him. Hopefully you’re not projecting onto him something that happened to you when you were younger. But since I had a sexually abusive step-dad that liked to groom others I understand where your fear could be coming from


So just because she is your bio daughter but his stepdaughter means he cant show her affection and make her comfortable? But you are supposed to be a family and have 2 babies with him? Id be pissed if i were him too. Especially if he views her as his own…


So let’s say the next baby is a boy, are you going to let him cuddle with the baby boy or do you just want all the love and affection, I’m really confused on why a father can’t cuddle with his daughter, hell I use to cuddle up to my dad and still cuddle up to my mom. Maybe put yourself in his shoes when you tell him he can’t show his children that he loves them and cares about them, think about how your 4 year old would feel if she asked to sit with dad and he shut her down.

Picture of my daughter and her step dad, she’s 2 and knows him as dad I’m gonna let them build that relationship not stop it.


So… He’s not allowed to act like a dad?


Um, kids love to snuggle, and it’s great that he even wants to do that with kids that aren’t biologically his. My 8 year old son still loves to cuddle on the odd occasion and I’m gonna soak that in as often as he allows because there’s going to be a day that he won’t do that anymore and my heart will be heavy.
Unless he’s done something really wrong, or she’s said that he’s done something inappropriate to her, then you need to ask yourself why you’re with him. If there’s not been anything like that happening, then you’re just being paranoid.


You said you don’t like when he cuddles and “certain acts that are not okay…” What are the other acts?


Uhmmmm… is Bio Dad in the picture, how long have you been in the relationship? You never said… All those are factors for accurate advice. So so so many holes in this. You and he went into this relationship knowing you had a kid outside of that relationship. Possibly knowing he would be a dad figure to her, or at least you chould have especailly if you already have a kid with him. Why continue to have kids if you are like that? Oh its because she isnt his?? Well sister I am here to inform you if you feel this way break of the engagement (since you said Fiancee) and go for it alone. You MAY or MAY not find someone that cares for her like they should, oh and your other kids bc they will be step kids to ankther man. Jsut tslk to him one on one NOT in front of her and make it clear AND OR figure out why. Maybe she wanted cuddles from a father figure. Ik growing up I Wish i did. Even a step dad. This is just saddening. Either trust your gut and leave or try yo figure it all out. You need to give more info tho instead of thr minimum

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You may need counciling if something in your past has made you this uncomfortable about a daddy cuddling his daughter. Or if he has inappropriately touched while cuddling you need to leave and report. That simple. (I’m not saying run out and report him if it’s just cuddles!)


Why are you with him if you dont trust him anyway?? And why would you have kids with him if you think he is a perv??


What has he done in past? your there for her protection don’t make a big deal out of it in front of her or she’ll think she did something wrong .

I mean, if hes showing signs of wanting to diddle her then yea, don’t let then and divorce him. But hes her step dad…dads cuddle their kids…its normal.

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First I’ll say I’m sorry about how many rude comments you’ve received. You’re entitled to your feelings no matter how other people think you should feel.

As a woman whose life was torn apart by childhood sexual abuse I feel your pain. I honestly feel that you have sole underlying past trauma that’s causing some feelings for you.

You have to step back and count to ten and really take a look at the situation. Is your child happy healthy and well adjusted? Able to voice her own feelings and wants? If so look at her behavior. Is she happy and comfortable with her stepfather ? Does she respond well to him ? Seek him out for affection and love? Does she trust him ? Read her behavior. That’s what I had to learn to do. If she is a happy well rounded child who seeks him out for love and attention in the normal way and has no signs of being abused (withdrawn, moody, standoffish, negative behaviors, bed wetting etc) then it’s probably more to do with your own personal mistrust and feelings and not with their relationship.

Sometimes when you have a past then you project your own feelings and emotions onto the situation and things can get clouded.

Cuddling is fine. If you trust him with the kids then you have to fully trust him.
Now, if your daughter is acting differently or does not seem comfortable then that’s when you need to take a step back and really check the situation out.


Unless you married a known pedophile (and if you did you BOTH need help) I don’t see a problem with a step dad cuddling a child. Cuddling is NORMAL parent behavior. I have 4 kids. 2 of which are NOT my husband’s. My son is 14 now and my daughter 10. My husband STILL gives hugs, let’s them set on couch with his arm around them and even carries my 10 year old daughter on his back sometimes. He cuddles our 4 yr old and our 22 month old all the time. That’s part of what makes him a dad. There is nothing wrong with it. This sounds like an issue YOU have not him.


If you do not trust him around your girls


A POSITIVE MALE role model is definitely a GOOD thing for a young lady! I’m confused as to why it would be an issue unless you think he’s a perv. If that’s the case, why share a bed with him yourself?!?


Why does he need to snuggle up with any child.?

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And if your really worried about your kids then you need to leave instead of waiting for him to stop!!

But if your just be controlling and wanting things done you’re way…
Wow, nothing wrong with a dad or step dad cuddling the kids he is helping raise.

Just cause y’all talked about doesn’t mean he has to listen and follows.

Let him be a dad, sounds like you have issues that you’ve not worked through.


What other acts??? If he’s done something bad then what the heck are you still doing there???
If he hasn’t done anything other than treat his step daughter the same as he treats his bio daughter and treats neither girls inappropriately and you are transferring your issues to him as he behaves as a normal parent then you need to get help for yourself.


I used to cuddle up on the couch with my dad and my step dad all the time. Children need that sense of security from both parents. I don’t see why you would be with someone who you don’t trust to snuggle with your child.


If you cant trust this man to innocently cuddle your daughter why stay with him and allow him to watch your children while you’re gone? If he gives you the creeps like that then you need to run far far away and protect those babies! My 5 year old comes into my bedroom every morning before we all wake up just to specifically cuddle her daddy (not her bio dad but hes the one raising her and has been there since she was 1) she loves daddy snuggles… I’ve never once thought anything of the sort…


There are two options here. Either you are projecting your feeling from a traumatic event in your life into their relationship, or you do not trust your husband. I highly recommend you seek some quality counselling before you cause emotional harm to your child.


I don’t see the issue. I would be upset if my children were treated differently. I am also victim of sexual abuse from a family member. However if you have asked him not to and he didnt listen you have a right to be upset. You do need to look at it through your daughter’s eyes. If she loves him like a father then she may want to cuddle. He also has a right to be upset if he feels like you are insinuating he may hurt or be inappropriate with your child.


You’re being ridiculous. Why would you marry and have kids with someone if you’re just gonna accuse him of being inappropriate? My 4.5 year old likes to sleep with me. So does the 3 year old. Sometimes the 3 year old wants to cuddle daddy. My brain doesn’t jump to something nasty. Seriously. You need help.


Do you snuggle up with your daughter on the couch? If he has given you no reason to think something different, then you need to relax. If he has, why the hell are you still there? :roll_eyes:


Am I the only one who sees something wrong with stepdad doing this? I’d be shitting bricks.


I cuddled (still do, just not as much or as long, and they are 11 & 14) my boys. Not everyone who cuddles their children are sick and twisted. Sometimes it’s just what it is… affection. If something happened in your childhood seeking counseling or finding an advocate to talk to wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Yes, there are mother’s who have been victims of sexual assualt at some point that have no motives of harm. Hoping for the best.

I’m sorry that some of these people are nasty. So I will start off by saying that a mother’s intuition is very accurate and should not be ignored. But you need to stop and reflect. Are you uncomfortable with him in particular snuggling your child? Does it make you feel off? Or do you just think Dad’s should not be snuggling kids? You think Dad should not be snuggling girls? Or do you just believe that Dad’s should not be snuggling girls that are not biologically theirs? Would you feel this way about his own kids? Then ask WHY? Did something happen to you that makes you hyper sensitive? My husband raised my daughter since 3 and we have a son together so I’ve been in your shoes. I trust him explicitly but if me gut told me otherwise I’d look further. If you’re just weirded out bc you don’t think father should snuggle daughters or stepdad should snuggle step-children or whatever then maybe let it go. If you trust him enough to grow a family together you should let him parent in his own way. If you really feel something is amiss perhaps put cameras. Now I say that knowing that it is huge violation between spouses of trust. But your kids come first always. I would put cameras for a couple weeks and see if you catch anything to make these feelings warranted. If you don’t I would let it go and move on. Check all your devices on their search history as well to see if anything amiss comes up.
It’s also very important to teach your little girl and all your kids about Good Touch Bad Touch and keeping no secrets. This shouldn’t have anything to do with her and her stepdad…it goes for literally anyone in the world, her uncle, her bus driver, female friends…whatever. Anyone can be predator and she needs to know how to communicate that to you.


My daughter is 3 and loves laying with my fiancé. She cuddles with me, her father and him. There’s absolutely no harm or wrongdoing. She feels safe and that makes me love him even more. You’re going to end up making your child feel like they’re the one doing something wrong.


:frowning: to have only had a dad to cuddle me. Why take that away???


I have a feeling OP has had trauma like sexual abuse in her past. I get it. I have as well and its normal to feel worried and extra vigilant. Please please dont put this on your fiance and children. Cuddling with a child is normal…unless there are other signs. If its solely cuddling snd being affectionate appropriately that is bothering you, you need help because this is not going to go well for your fiance and children. Starving them of affection and making your fiance feel like a predator when he isnt, will ruin your relationships with him and your children.


I do not see an issue here. Why do you feel it’s not ok? Does that baby girls own father see her, is that the only Daddy she has? My baby is 11 almost 12 and still jumps in her step daddy’s lap, hugs his neck, and kisses his cheeks. And she is his world. He is all she’s got as a good example of what a loving man should be. I don’t see an issue.

If you’re that concerned about someone you’re spending the rest of your life with comforting and snuggling your 4yo then why are you with him…
my dad wasn’t around when i was 4, all i had was my mom but if i had any type of father figure at that age i would’ve soaked it up.


Lady ask yourself , if you dont feel like its okay for him to cuddle the kids why is he even still around or did something happen to you?


If you have to worry about him with the children than yes you have a problem. If there is legit no reason to be concerned than yes ur way overboard wrong on this. My fiance cuddles our girls and the oldest is 11yrs old. There is nothing wrong with that at all.


The real thing here that bothers me is that you didn’t say “my oldest daughter” you said “the girls” which includes the child you share with him which is his biological child. I cuddle with my 5 year old son, yet somehow a mother doing it is natural but a father doing it is inappropriate? I mean it could be 1. old world ideals that men shouldn’t show affection, and that it’s the mothers job. It could be 2. past trauma, it could be 3. that you have a legitimate reason to worry. Or it could be anything. You know the answer to that more than any of us. If it’s 1, you’re absolutely wrong. I’m sorry, you just are. I would understand if it was just your oldest, but based on your post it’s not. However, I feel like if you don’t feel like this man can be trusted around your oldest as a father figure, you shouldn’t have gotten with him in the first place. Father’s and father figures showing healthy and safe affection to their daughters HELPS little girls set boundaries, and sets a huge part of their ideals of how men should treat them. If it’s 2, then you can refer back to number one to reassure you that it’s not BAD that he does these things of they’re not malicious. And that you should speak to your partner about that, or maybe a therapist to work through it and come to terms with it. You have no right to dictate how he shows appropriate affection to his biological daughter, and maybe your oldest daughter views him as someone comforting and trustworthy. Maybe she crawled up there with him? Should he have shoved her away? The fact that he treats her like his own is good, it seems to be you that doesn’t view it that way. And if it is actually 3. Then why are you even with him? If you legitimately believe that he might do something inappropriate to not only your daughter, but his own, then why are you with him at all.


Theres nothing wrong with cuddling. Its puberty and up that this is inappropriate. Unless theres more than simple stuff like this you’re being a bit paranoid

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She’s 4… My 5 yo loves to cuddle especially to her step dad. Hes been there since she was born and absolutly adors him. So if he has dont something other then cuddle to make you question as to why he would cuddle her then dont worry about it.

You are NOT wrong! Stepdads are notorious for inappropriate behavior. If it made you uncomfortable talk to him and set some boundaries. Also talk to the child and explain to her that if she ever feels uncomfortable to let you know. Trust your instincts.


Why wouldnt you be okay with that. I could see if the girls were uncomfortable. He clearly loves them as if they were his own. My daughter does that with her daddy.

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You’re weird for thinking there’s anything wrong with what he’s doing. Unless he has given you signs that he’s a pedo than leave it be. I’m assuming you have some trauma from your childhood you need to deal with.


Really a cuddle then don’t leave him alone with them and quit having kids with him dads like cuddles to

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Can we just start a thread of dads and moms cuddles with their children :stuck_out_tongue: