I don't think its appropriate that my daughters step dad cuddles her: Advice?

Trust your instincts and see the red flags!

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Why are you with him?! You chose him to be a dad to her.


Something is making you uncomfortable with it so trust your instincts as a Mom

You shouldn’t be with someone you cant trust to show appropriate affection to your kids
 my husband loves to cuddle me and all the kids


There shouldn’t be any worry with it unless you suspect something wrong going on
 and if that’s the case why even be with a man you can’t trust with your kids? Bio and non bio kids should be treated equally really
 she’s 4, unless he’s a perv I’m sure she wants snuggles, the baby gets them too, right? If he’s a perv and you don’t trust him, leave. If not, relax. He’s trying to be a dad.


 Why couldn’t he cuddle with her. Cuddling is so natural in parenting
 If you are worried something might be off you shouldn’t be with him in the first place.


Oh look. My daughter and her step dad cuddling :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Nothing wrong with it!


I hate to say but if you feel maybe he could be thinking bad things when hes cuddling with her you shouldn’t be with him. I would never take a chance with any of my kids. I have never ever worried about that from my husband. Sounds to me like maybe you think he may be a weirdo?

If you worry so much of that, why are you with him still??? It’s probably ur past or trust issues that’s making u feel this way.

If you feel uncomfortable with this there is a reason. It’s totally normal for a father to snuggle his children. Is your gut telling you something? If so, why do you keep having children with this man??


If your questioning it, you already know something. If you think that way, why are you with him and why is he in the house with your kids?

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Actually cuddling with you parents is part of creating a bond ask any doctor they encourage affection i was raised by my step dad and I cuddled up to him all the time its completely normal and what parents and family do it’s no different than you cuddling with your children and it’s not fair to deprive him of showing his children love and I feel it says more about u as a person that you are sexualizing something that in no way shape or form is meant to be seen or done that way. If you dont trust him and think he is capable of doing something then you should simply leave that relationship I would never have someone around my kids I didnt trust. But if it’s simply an issue that needs to addressed in your own mind and person than you should do so and leave them out of it your just painting him to look like a man hes not all while depriving him of normal affection and time with his kids

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UNLESS you have that nasty gut feeling he does something, then you should leave.
But, if not, that’s seriously some fucked up shit. Because that’s you telling him you don’t trust him and you’re having two of his kids. He’s treating your first as his and showing affection.
You obviously trust him if you left them alone.
He has every right to be offended, you basically called the father of your child a kiddy peddler.

I just don’t see why u have an issue with it. Cuddling isn’t a sexual act. Not only that but im sure ur making him feel as if he’s a pedophile when he’s just being a loving father


If you had a problem with that you should have never married him!


Umm why is that not ok? Why are you with him if you are not ok with things he does? I am so confused sorry what is wrong with cuddling his daughter I don’t get it. Unless he is touching her inappropriately or your daughter out right said she doesn’t like it I don’t see what the problem is.


If you have that fear it’s one of two things. You are scared from your own past experiences or you suspect something about that man! Cuddling hugs etc is normal and healthy for children! You need to decide if you trust this man, and if you don’t then get your kids out of there! If it’s from your own personal past, then I fully understand and feel your pain and many prayers for you mama


My husband who is a stepfather (actually their father because their dad passed away) to four of my children cuddles with my almost 8 yr old daughter and I would never think anything about it! *******:bangbang:You say practically spooning??? I mean, if that was the case his ass would be kicked then I’d kick him out and call the cops!
So if you have this intuition/making you feel uncomfortable why are you with him??? I mean, if I had that kind of feeling I would definitely address it and ask my daughter questions or consult a therapist for your daughter who is better educated to handle such things to get answers.
I mean they call a mother’s intuition for a reason so follow it!! Don’t chance your daughter getting hurt and her having to live with that for the rest of her life!!!
Your children always come first over any man!! I’m praying for your situation :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


My 5 year old cuddling and sleeping with Grandpa??


Why would you ever marry someone who you didn’t feel could be trusted with your daughter?


I do think you’re wrong. I’m sorry. But children need and want this kind of contact and she views him as a trusted and loved adult. If you think there’s anything nefarious about his behavior you shouldn’t be with him at all. And I understand his anger, you’re basically implying that him cuddling this child is perverted somehow.


As a person who went through being touch by my mothers husband I take this subject VERY SERIOUS! If you as a parent feel uncomfortable it is probably a gut feeling and something needs to be done about this NOW! Also, if you have asked him not to do these things and he continues to do them obviously when ur not home there’s an underlying issue! Do not allow your child’s innocence to be ripped away because he fathers ur other two children!!! My daughter loves her dad. And is always cuddling with him. However, I don’t feel uncomfortable about it and have never had any kind of gut feeling. But obviously for you to come on here and ask this sort of question there is something inappropriate going on or u would feel the way u do! Ask questions before it’s too late! I would never want my children to experience what I went through. ITS NOT OKAY!


I don’t personally understand this. Snuggles are amazing. My husband has raised my older two with me and by my side for 10 years. When they were little if they wanted cuddles I have no problem with that. Parents should be able to give affection to their children without question.

I actually encourage this, as it strengthens the family bond.

Why does it bother you? Would it be different if he were biologically dad to all?

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If he makes you feel uncomfortable then why don’t you leave him? You should be able to trust a man who has stepped up enough to cuddle your children. You’re going to lose this man if you keep acting that way for no reason.


You are wrong to be this way. Do you cuddle with them? If you do you’d better stop too. Parents cuddle their children whether they are step children or not. And at 4 years old cuddling and comfort from a parent is 100% still needed. If you suspect that he’s going to molest her , get rid of him. Otherwise don’t treat him like he is doing it. That’s why he’s mad. Probably makes him sick to his stomach that you act like he is going to.


Girl, if you feel uncomfortable with his actions towards your daughter why are you still with him AND still having kids with him?!


Is it ok for him to cuddle with his biological child? Unless there is a no cuddling rule across the board then this makes no sense. Also why be with someone you are uncomfortable with having around your child and being affectionate with. Cuddling is normal. Is there more to this story you are not sharing?

Why is that not ok??! My daughter is 15 and I started dating my husband when she was not quite a year. He was more of a dad to her than her own father. He used to cuddle her all the time. Your daughter is 4
that’s normal behavior for a dad, step dad, grandfather, etc. what makes you uncomfortable about it??? Does he have a past??? If so, then why are you even with him? Wouldn’t you want him to treat those kids like his own? That’s what fathers do. So unless you have a reason, like he’s a pedofile or something, that’s a little crazy. And if he is, what the hell are you doing with him???

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you know something the rest of us don’t and you’re still with him despite or

He’s being a dad and you’re over reacting.

Either way, you’re in the wrong. :woman_shrugging:t2: Leave if you don’t trust him. And if he’s done nothing wrong then LET HIM BE A DAD.


If you didnt trust him you shouldnt have married him much less had a kid with him.
Cuddling is NORMAL and a main part of bonding. You should be damn thankful he has a bond with his step child

I guess I would need more context about what is inappropriate. A father showing affection to his children is not a bad thing. Are they naked? Are his hands in inappropriate places? Does he seem sexually aroused? Or are they truly cuddling? Does he cuddle with her the way you would cuddle with her?

People can have their opinions for sure

You’ve had concerns prior
 can I ask what & why?? I would say trust YOUR instincts.


You are absolutely wrong

No it’s not okay. Sitting side by side is okay. She is learning how to be with others.


if you feel uncomfortable with that man around your child then why be with him?
he’s being a parent in my eyes.


I don’t think you’re wrong at all! Don’t let all these people make you feel guilty. My daughter’s step dad isn’t allowed to have any physical contact with her those are just the rules and he is okay with them. I’ve never have gotten a weird vibe from him I just have past traumas that happened to me and I rather be safe than sorry!


It’s no wonder why some men shy away from dating women with kids. If you cuddle them you could be seen as a perv. If you don’t treat them the same with them as your own then you’re not a good guy either

She’s 4. She’s going to want to bond with the parental figures in her life. If he’s not doing anything that’s ACTUALLY inappropriate it shouldn’t matter if she’s a boy or a girl. My boys are teenagers and still occasionally like to be affectionate with me their mother. It’s not “grooming” behavior if he’s openly doing so in front of you. And his being upset is an appropriate reaction to your being uncomfortable with it because he probably feels attacked like you’re accusing him of being out to hurt your child when all he’s trying to do is be a good parent who shows love and affection to his kids. Cut the guy some slack. Maybe set down some ground rules (not to be crass but rules concerning where his “junk” sits in relation to her body
I mean it’s gotta suck to be a guy. Like it’s in the way no matter what you do) but don’t completely cut him off from showing affection. That alone can cause issues with little girls too. Wondering why Daddy hugs their brother and not them


You’re fucking gross. Yes you’re 100% wrong. And if u have a valid reason for saying this, then why tf are u having children with him? Smh. I’d leave your crazy ass immediately. Poor kids can’t even get cuddles from their father/father figure. Smdh. #stopsexualizingeverything

Why be with anyone if you don’t trust them enough not to “touch” your children? Why have children with him at all? He’s not just your sperm donor for when YOU want to have a baby and cuddle it
he’s got emotions too
and you probably hurt him deep by doing this


if you don’t trust him then send him on his way. Every baby deserves cuddles. 4/14


There has to be more to the story


It’s only wrong if you think it’s wrong. He’s their father. If you think something’s wrong, figure out if it is. And if not, stop being so damn petty.

You should be thankful that he loves your daughter and shows her affection as if she was his own. My boyfriend’s son is almost 11, and we have a 1 year old daughter together. My stepson gives me hugs, kisses and cuddles with me. I don’t see any wrong with it. I’ve been in his life since he 6. I think you really need to evaluate why it bothers you.


If you are uncomfortable with him showing affection by cuddling and see something wrong with that behavior from a parent then maybe you need to not be with him since you think its not harmless cuddling between step father and daughter. Shes 4 you said
 Pretty much every 4 year old ever loves to cuddle with their family. If you’re seeing it as inappropriate then honestly youre either picking up a pedophile vibe from your man OR you’re being completely ridiculous and over thinking cuddle time with dad :expressionless:


Ok I haven’t read all of the comments but I’m wondering if 1. There is a history of sexual abuse in your own childhood that makes you not trust this man or any for that fact with little girls including your own 2. If you’ve talked to him about that and other behaviors that are raising red flags then you shouldn’t still be with him let alone having children with him. 3. Honestly if it’s your own insecurity or anxiety from something in your own past you could end up damaging not just your daughters, but him and your relationship. Get help for you or get out if there’s truly red flags.


If this is how you view it, STOP having babies with this man.


My husband cuddles with his five year old daughter. Nothing perverse. :woman_shrugging:t2: If you don’t trust that man get him out of your life. What exactly is your problem with him? Nobody can help you if you don’t tell the whole story.


Is it bc she’s his stepchild? Has he given reasons for suspicion?? What’s your reason for it being wrong??

I’m confused?? He can be a dad, but not a good dad?? Not a caring, loving dad? He has to stay at a distance?? That’s just
weird. And wrong.


I grew up cuddling with my grandfather ( dad didn’t give a damn bout me lol) my daughter cuddles with her dad and grandfather on his side I have no problem with it, and this is after I been raped and molested most of the time men can’t get hard around children they care for they don’t have the mind set to get hard with there little people in the same bed/ couch even in sleep ( there are a fwe sickos out there though )

I really feel young and your kids are young need to feel loved, special and important in the family. Snuggles are important and you don’t say there was touching etc. You haven’t said there was anything wrong. My husband helped raise my youngest 2 . I feel it’s important that he wants to be part of their lives.


Yet you still keep procreating, and are contemplating marriage with someone who you are not at peace with? It seems you have the issue, even if he doesn’t
seek help.


You may feel this way because of some form of hidden childhood trama. You can’t control how you’re feeling. Get help. Finding a man who loves your child like their own is a blessing for y’all, nothing weird with a dad holding “spooning” with his kids. It’s a bond being built nothing sexual.


Why did you have 2 more kids with a man you cant trust around your oldest ? I’m 22 years old with 2 kids of my own and you know what I will still cuddle with my dad if I feel its necessary because I’ve almost lost him twice due to heart disease
 My husband cuddles our children , thier grandfather my dad cuddles them one boy , one girl, you shouldn’t be sexualizing anything unless you have a real reason too .


If your not comfortable with it then theres a reason. If he knows your uncomfortable with it and continues to do it then maybe you shouldn’t marry him.


Yes, you are! It will wind up hurting your daughters.

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You shouldn’t date him, if you don’t trust him
 Trust is very important but so is showing your kids love and affection. Don’t let your past determine the love that your children receive.


Most of my friends who struggle with this were molested. I think you might need to evaluate what it is that makes you have such a strong reaction.

I wanna flip the script here. Is it inappropriate for me to cuddle with my sons or my little brother? Is it inappropriate for my youngest sons dad(their step dad) to cuddle my 3 year old son? I’ve never seen parents and loved ones cuddling as something inappropriate, and I’ve gone thru more than one period of my life being sexually assaulted.


Don’t second guess yourself. If your gut tells you there’s something wrong going on
 believe it. Maybe talk to your daughter about the girl places that should never be touched. It’s a sensitive issue but if she communicates with you about it, maybe it can save her from being violated in the future. If he doesn’t stop after you’ve asked him multiple times to stop then maybe sit down with him and explain your concerns and make him understand why you’re concerned. Also, think about it from his perspective, if you were in his shoes, it’s scary but if you love him and he loves and respects you then this shouldn’t be an issue.

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Wow. If he can’t cuddle his own kids or the kid you expect him to help you raise then like why don’t you just raise them all alone! Nothing inappropriate unless you’re daughter is uncomfortable or something. Ugh. I can’t even read these things they annoy me!
If he is comforting her like a father would and should
 You’re definitely in the wrong.b


If you dont trust him, you should leave. If you get a bad vibe, leave. If not, be happy he takes time to comfort your child because some are completely detached. I have snuggled my step children (girls, but still) and I have bathed them, dressed them, never was made to feel as if I did anything wrong, and I’d have felt awful if I had been
 Loving a child that’s not yours is a blessing for both the step parent and the child. But again, if YOU feel bad vibes, leave him. Because there must be a reason for that.


I think it’s okay. 4 isn’t weird if he was spooning at 15 like my dad did well that’s weird. At least it was to me at 15. But he’s just being a fatherly figure at this point. If there’s nothing more than cuddling I’d say let it go. Dont stress over little stuff.HOWEVER if you feel something is wrong, stop it

Shes FOUR. she wants to cuddle. I can bet hes not forcing her. Your definitely over reacting. You did not mention any prior evidence of touching. Cuddles are completely different. You are so wrong here. I feel for him. So you gonna tell your 4 yr old not to trust him. You are seting up a future of failure against him and her bonding. Grow up


You have every right.

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Either one you need to get away from this man if you are feeling he is inappropriate or 2 you are jealous of a child, your own at that. If you truely feel this is inappropriate than you feel as if he is a pedofile and you need to leave him and stop laying down and making babies with him.


Ew how gross that you would be with a man who you (obviously) think would be inappropriate with his step daughter
 shame on you. I think its wonderful that he shows affection. If you dont trust him, get your kids away from him!! Your mindset is really disturbing


Quit having babies with someone you don’t trust.


Wow very rarely do I see questions on here that upset me but my God he’s being a good dad and loving a child that isn’t his! If it upsets you then maybe you should seek counseling, he’s done nothing wrong. Your daughter’s deserve to feel loved at 4 there should be nothing sexualised you’re doing more harm than he is!


I think if you feel uneasy about him showing your daughter affection, then maybe something is off with him? I agree with others, you shouldn’t be with him if you have that uneasy feeling and don’t trust him.


Is it the stepkid thing? That’s a little extra in my book. I have a 4 yr old my my FiancĂ© is also his stepdad and they cuddle when they are both sleeping and randomly my baby will want his step daddy and he’ll crawl up in my Fiancé’s lap and it makes my heart melt. Family is family. Love is love
The title is just that, a title. Momma to momma, I don’t see it as inappropriate.


My SS was sick this week. Was it wrong that I cuddled him to comfort him?

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Woman have been conditioned to believe that all men are predators. I saw a question about a mom letting DAD! Change the babies diaper! Not all men are creep and predators. Talk to your daughter if something is going on you’ll find out but this is just ridiculous. DONT HAVE BABIES WITH SOMEONE YOU DONT TRUST!!!


Why!? Seriously
 why are you not okay with it!? If you can’t trust him and feel what he’s doing is wrong, you shouldn’t be with him or be having children with him. That makes 0 sense. Has he given you reason to act this way?? Or were you molested as a child?? My husband cuddles both of our girls. One is now 10yrs and the other 6wks. There is nothing sweeter than the bond between a girl and her daddy. Unless he has given you reason to doubt (which again, you should t be with him if so!) then don’t punish him or be weird about it. You will not only hurt him, but her the children as well.


You are seriously overreacting I think! He is giving her a for of bonding and protection. She obviously trusts him or she wouldn’t be snuggled up to him. I think you should be thankful your fiance loves your other child as much as his own!


If you think he has Predator tendencies then why keep having kids with him and be engaged??


Your not over reacting you know how many dumb ass women believe what ever their new man says she’s 4 he can easily manipulate her and if you have asked and he keeps doing it that is not ok because he is not her father he needs to respect your decision and if he doesn’t then look more into it you can’t trust just anyone

Your right!!! its inappropriate. My daughter was 4 when her babysitter started molesting her. You just never know men can be too turned on and the next minute their trying to hump little kids. Watch that guy and PLEASE TALK TO YOURBABY GIRL. she might deny it at first.


Who hurt you? Seek therapy. This is your issue not his


Um I think theres something wrong with you for looking at this wrong. Shes four. Not 10 or 12.


Hold up?! How long has he been in your life. You having a baby by this man and your just like no! You can’t cuddle or do things a normal dad would do just because he isn’t their bio dad. Your an idiot and a pervert I’m sorry but you are. . I understand being cautious when your just dating a guy like hell no, no man is gonna cuddle my daughter but a step dad come on. And I know there is bad story’s all the time Buuut obviously he thinks of them as his own I mean for Christ sake your having a baby by the man.


Either the fan that posted this left out major issues that happened and are actual cause for concern or she is crazy an super wrong. If you ask me to judge based off of this post. You are very wrong mam. Sounds like he’s being a good dad or trying to be a good dad to YOUR child and you won’t let him. It’s normal to cuddle your kids whether you are the mom or dad. If your man genuinely hasn’t done anything wrong and you’re just??? I mean I’m really not getting your concern here. This response was to the fan that asked the question not anyone else. Don’t come at me for my answer/opinion.


I wouldn’t be with a man I don’t trust.


Yup. You’re wrong. How dare he treat this child like his own.


Why is cuddling not allowed? That’s kinda extreme to me. Now, if he was doing other things that were inappropriate then yeah
but I think you’re overthinking.


Now would this even be a question or an issue if it were the 16 month old or the new baby when it comes. Or is it just the fact that it’s your daughter.


If you have a problem with him doing something that most normal dads would do, you’re with the wrong guy. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

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You are so fucking retarded​:joy::joy::joy::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang: You’re nervous about this man being around your oldest but you’ll have sex with him, get pregnant twice
 um ok? If you have the slightest suspicion that any man is looking at your children in that way, YOU SHOLD FUCKING DO SOMETHING AND LEAVE.:bangbang: but if he loves this child like his own, their gonna cuddle and show love, my kid cuddled with her dad (that wasn’t Biological but with us since birth) That’s normal. But he also wasn’t a sick in the head weirdo like that bc I made sure of who I put into my child’s life. So either you’re fucking stupid for staying with someone you suspect to be a Child molester or you’re a possessive psycho jealous bitch who’s the one that’s sick in the head for thinking of it that way. Ether way, this is the dumbest post I’ve ever seen and you are obviously very oblivious to what’s going on (or not going on) with your children and fiancĂ©. God help you girl​:flushed::flushed::joy::joy:

K there is no step anything is hes been the only father figure, and unless hes got a boner while cuddling here or touching inappropriately or saying sexual things i see no problem here at all, i spoon my 2 year old all the time
just cuddling my baby. And if youre concerned by this why the hell did you have a kid and get pregnant again by the same man??


It amazes me how many asshole have their say in this kind of situations 
 Their is a difference between stating your opinions and just being plain bitches. Who are we to judge another woman for being overprotective of their daughters? Who are we to say she has mental issues and that she needs help because she feels a certain way? Hwr fiancee should respect her decision if he loves her and most of all he should be very aware of her feelings. Everyone here saying that if she loves him then she should trust him. So if HE loves her he should consider her feelings regardless of how crazy it seems. If she has some kind of issue that’s for them to discuss the issue and if she thinks that she might need help then that’s her or a doctor to decide, meanwhile it is his job to show her that he is there to protect her and her kids. Regardless of how long theyve been together. This things take time to fix and heal. How dare you asshole speak to a mother like this. Not knowing anything about her. You don’t need to know every detail of her life to be kind and understanding. If you bitches let a man who is not the child’s father spoon with your children then that’s your choice. Dont judge another woman on how she feels. What a dissapoiment. Who raised y’all!?

Oh good grief yes you’re wrong. If you’re suspicious something weird is going on then you need to stop having kids with him and move out. If it’s just you being weird then stop. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:


Everyones response is right to a point in the comments.

The first thing you need to address is why does it make you think it is wrong? Has he shown actions that are inappropriate towards her or someone else? If so follow your gut and leave for the kids safety.
Why is your gut telling you that it’s not okay?

If he has not and you have talked to her about whats good and bad places to touch and everything is fine you are overreacting.

My husband is a stepdad to my girls. My youngest would curl up in his lap watch tv but i never got the feeling it was wrong. Follow your gut and investigate it.


If you don’t trust him why in Gods name would you be with him or leave your kids with him. Woman jump into realationships & trust every tom dick & harry they fall for. If you can’t trust him with his step daughter how can you lay down with him and keep having his babies.


I’m 37 and I will cuddle my dad and my step dad!! Affection is often confused with being sexual. The question is why does him showing her love make you feel like there’s something underlying. Has he ever exhibited and creepy behavior? If so why you with him???


First of all, for the people saying she’s sick or she’s crazy or just plain stupid, shame on u. Maybe she’s been thru something very traumatic & doesn’t see this as something innocent. Yes she should get help bc not everyone is out to hurt her daughters but try to empathize w this woman, she’s clearly been thru a lot. & when I think of spooning I think of crotch to butt & to me that’s kind of weird too. I would definitely not be w & continue to have kids w someone I have my doubts about. I hope for her sake nothing is going on but if u have these doubts u should just leave. Listen to ur mothers intuition


No wonder you want to remain anonymous. By not allowing the father of 2 of your children to cuddle because your insecure. Is a major problem that needs to be addressed. Get it together or your never gonna be happy.


I have to agree with these ladies. You trust him pretty much with her life (leaving him alone with her to care for her), you have another child with him, but he can’t show any affection to her? If a thought even crosses your mind that he is capable of doing harm wtf are you doing with him in the first place??


What you’re doing is overreacting. You’re hormonal but you have to stop and think you may feel uncomfortable but he is just doing what a father does with his daughter. He’s sounds like an amazing father who loves his children equally. If you felt this way before why agree to be engaged!! My cousin god rest his soul just passed away and he raised his step daughter and loved her and loved his grandchildren! Not once did he not love all his children equally even if they weren’t blood. Give his the recognition for being a father to your daughter!! I was fighting with my boyfriend and he came over early Saturday morning about 7am. My boyfriend knocked on my sons window to let him in the house. Once I woke up my boyfriend was asleep with my son in his bed. Nothing inappropriate!! I had an ex boyfriend whose son would come crawl into sleep with us and he would crawl in on my side of the bed and he would fall asleep in my arms his mother wasn’t mad she was grateful I was accepting of her son. Do think negative or you will end up a single mother!!


I mean like why is it so bad I cuddle with my step daughter. Slept in the same bed as her some nights. If you don’t trust this man around your children why are you with him?


YOU need help. Seriously, has there been trauma in your life that makes you feel this way? If so, get help and talk to someone.


And your daughter is 4. A completely normal age to want constant attention and cuddles! If your daughter was 12 or so there may be a boundary issue. But not for 4 years old!