Listen to all these ladies once the trust is gone it’s gone Don’t do it Tell that guy your happily married and ask him to please go flirt with someone else. You will never know how horrible it is until your cheated on it sounds like your husband adores you don’t ruin that.Thid guy will cheat on you there is such a thing as karma And you will be left alone
Join a different gym. Clearly you have strong feelings and will probably act on them. If you love your husband and don’t want to ruin what u have, stay away.
that’s normal but it doesn’t mean leave your husband for the guy you got married for a reason and the grass ain’t always greeer on the other side
Your human everyone does it don’t feel ashamed it’s literally human nature
I say go to the gym at a complete different time or maybe join one with your husband or home gym with hubby . Something to do together.
Everyone suggesting a different time or switch gyms. What is her schedule doesn’t allow her.
My advice, since I’ve experienced many similar situations, let him know you are happily married. This clears the air. Sometimes guys misinterpret kindness with flirting.
Sounds like the devil is trying to set up and ruin your marriage to me. If your marriage is fine you need to re attend to your husband and focus on him. Not some stranger there to destroy what u have.
Grass ain’t always greener. Be loyal to your husband or risk losing him to someone who will be.
There’s nothing wrong with a little fantasy in your life. Just don’t do anything that would jeopardize your marriage. My guess is that he brings something to the table that your husband doesn’t right now, whether it be the attention or the compliments, or something else.
bit*h wtf is wrong with you ? i feel bad for your husband
So here is the thing, if you give it energy it will get worse. That includes thinking you are a horrible person for Feeling this way. YOU ARE HUMAN. Attraction doesn’t just go away because you get married.
So accept it, you are interested in this man, and make a choice. Chose your husband, and behavior accordingly. You are in control, do not allow yourself to be in situations where you feel tempted.
You can think about it but don’t ever act on it!!! You’ll lose everything!!!
Grow up. Hes a preditor…change gyms before you lose everything. Thesecgym crawlers are a menace. If ypu continue hubby will notice a change in you…stop now…go to a ladies only gym and get this predator out of your mind.
Thiscguy is a predator and its fantasy…see E Moores post. Dont destroy ypur marriage
The grass is not greener on the other side . dont feel guilty for your feeling just dont be guilty either . that guy is not as good as what you already have
Maybe go at a different time, let him know you are married, date nights WITH YOUR HUSBAND AND JUST GETTING INTIMATE WITH HIM
Just remember he has done this to others I am sure… Do not act on this it is not worth losing a faithful husband… and your kids lives… and yours…
I go to the gym too I work out not look…
Your poor husband. This is not okay.
then make a way to avoid that predator…remember that we are in reality…were not living in fantasy…you yourself will ruin the pretty family you have
At this point you have done nothing wrong. Something happened and your mind reacted. You start this with you “dream about” the guy you met at the gym. You explained that the interaction with this guy made you uncomfortable as well as excited and that says a lot about you (in the best way). It tells me that you are honest with yourself and that this interaction clearly sparked something you probably haven’t felt in 15-ish years. That is likely the reason you are dreaming about him and dreaming about him is fueling the fantasies because they continue and grow beyond the one interaction.
I think this is actually normal for a lot of us in long term relationships. Everyone is saying some form of “don’t do it” and I absolutely & completely agree. But I don’t think you are asking if you should. I don’t even think you want to. I think you need to hear this is “normal”, that you haven’t done anything wrong (at this point) and how to move forward and make it stop.
A lot of people are saying to change gyms and that is definitely an option to consider. If it’s not a real option for you (location, convenience, support, classes, membership, etc) you could always try to avoid going when this guy is there. That may or may not make the dreams/fantasies stop. What I would do is think about this guy in the “whole” sense. I’m guessing he’s attractive but he also approached a married woman in a way that made you feel uncomfortable. Is that the kind of man you want to be with? Particularly since you are married to a man who you describe as faithful and trustworthy. You also only know this guy in the gym setting so THAT is really all you have seen of him and it’s pretty easy to see only an attractive side. Compare that with the partnership you have with your husband, the strong foundation and the years of happiness you have with him. When you find yourself fantasizing about gym guy, try and switch your brain to all the things that make you love your husband. Gym guy could be a total douche outside of the gym and his actions that brought you to this dilemma (to me) sort of support that.
Other people have said to do things to spice things up with hubby. I agree with that. But I think this is more about how gym guy made you feel attractive. So maybe get yourself dressed up in a way that reminds hubby how attractive you are. After 15 years it’s easy to get comfortable and forget that we all need to feel that way
Time to change gyms… Or find a different time to go…
Think about it this way … If your hubby had that going on, would you be flipping out that he’s cheating on you???
If you love your life with your husband …keep it a fantasy …the grass is not greener on the other side unless it is fertilized with bullshit
Forget him, if u can think it u may do it, forget him, u can loose a good husband
I was in this situation but mine was a co worker.
It felt nice to have another man flirting and saying everything i wanted to hear after being with my husband for 25 years.
I end up having a affair and now living the worst nightmare.
I am living in a apartment and my husband cant forgive me.
Dont do it. Men just want one thing.
Cherish your husband.
So, I’ve had some pretty steamy dreams about some previous male coworkers. These coworkers had also made it clear that they had sexual interest in me. I was in a very happy relationship with someone who I knew was not replaceable. I never once fed into the urges that my dreams had me once considering. You cannot help what or who your dreams are about. As long as you don’t act on them, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. I would recommend that you explain to this man at the gym that there won’t ever be anything between the two of you. If that’s not possible, maybe consider a different gym or finding a buddy to go with so that you’re not alone with him.
Leave that environment, before things gets complicated
If you need help, then you have a problem.
That is the devil. You are being tempted. It is up to you to not to move a nano inch further. It always seems exciting in the beginning. It will not be,
Fantasizing is normal, don’t feel bad about it. As long as you don’t do anything to act on it unless you are ready to end your marriage
Change your gym. Honour and respect your marriage. He is not worth it - do not give him your phone number or if he has it, change your number.
Y’all switching gyms isn’t going to help what about when she finds another attractive guy that gives her attention and makes her feel special? I’m not saying that In a bad way but this isn’t the guys fault. switching gyms isn’t going to do anything. She’s attracted to another man and having dreams about him. And being attracted to other people outside your relationship is normal. It’s what you do about it. Because cheating is never the option. So you either ignore it and be faithful to your husband or you talk to him about the possibility of being open or exploring in the bedroom together? Poly? Threesome. Whatever works for you. There’d be a lot less cheating if couples were just honest with what they want.
You can’t keep the birds from flying overhead But you don’t have to let them build a nest in your hair. Remove yourself from this situation or be willing to suffer the consequences. Reality is sometimes a bitch but it’s still your reality.
He’s a fantasy. Like reading a dirty novel or watching 50 shades of gray. Feel like a badass and enjoy feeling like the main character in a movie. That being said, say thanks a move on. 99.9% of times you’re just enjoying the spontaneous affection from a stranger and the reality never lives up to the fantasy.
Not exactly the same but i know of a co worker who’s very good looking and he lives with his two children and their mom ( his gf ) have so for ten some years he goes to the gym picks up woman does what he wants and ends up back home every night with his family ( think about how easy it is for him to do this ) and tbh I think the girl knows but likes her lifestyle and as long as he doesn’t leave it’s okay . So if your husband is all these things you stated , be careful that doesn’t happen to you . It’s scary
It’s not wrong to dream but you better get out of the kitchen before you get burnt. The devil is crafty:pray:
Mention it to your husband and see how that goes. Maybe he has fantasies about other women…how are you going to feel if he says that to you? If you get mad about him saying the exact same thing about another female then you should have your answer.
I work at a gym. These men get in your head and after they have conquered you they say, “NEXT!” Don’t do it, don’t do it. Go to the gym at a different time. He should have never felt close enough to a married woman to state these things‼️
Go for it Obviously your relationship isn’t all you think it is Life is short go for it!!!
Honor your marriage vows. How would you like if your husband was one doing the thinking ?
Girl!! You can look at the menu and think about that menu ALL you want, always remember, you CAN NOT make a purchase ain’t nothing wrong with a little window shopping. I am madly in love with my husband too but that doesn’t mean my mind doesn’t wonder lol. I know he’s the same way.
When I hear stories about this I think about the Tyler Perry movie “Temptation”. She felt the same way and went with the guy she fantasized about. She ended up getting AIDS and ended up alone,with her pills!!! Don’t do it girl!!
Your messed up lol, yea hurt that man start that cycle. Be that person. Idk what your thinking hurting ur current man
stop looking for strangers to justify it on the internet. Put your phone down and go love your husband. Switch gyms if it’s that bad
DO NOT RUIN YOUR MARRIAGE!! Seems like you have an amazing husband and 3 kiddos at home. It’s your life but I would and could NEVERRRRR cheat, get involved with another man, or risk losing my marriage!!
The reality is never as good as the fantasy. It’s never worth it
Don’t do it. It’s not worth hurting your husband. If your not happy in your marriage then get out. Don’t betray someone you love. It’s cheating no matter how you
Look at it. Your breaking you vow’s to your husband. Think about your kid’s how they would feel when they find out. Your husband will find out one way or the other. It’s just wrong. I’m sure your not the only woman this man look’s at like that especially in the gym. It’s a meat market in those places. Grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Have more respect for you husband, your kid’s but especially yourself!!
It’s so wrong in a million way’s. If your unhappy then get a divorce bc you could loose everything when your husband find’s out. Your kid’s number one.
Pray for it to get out of your head it’s not worth everything your gonna loose and your self respect 
God knows what you could catch from him. He’s probably a player!!
That man might only want one thing it is a one night stand
Doesn’t matter where you build your appetite up as long as you come home for your dinner
I don’t think she’s thinking she wants to cheat I think shes jus wondering why she’s thinking these things. It’s human and he gave you a compliment which probably made you feel good. That’s all it is you’ll forget about him in time.
Stay away !! So not worth it.
Take that same energy and put it on your HUSBAND! We’ll be more pleased and you won’t feel the guilt afterwards like you would with a one night stand with the gym man.
1st off, “gym man” is a pig. We all know the type. Most importantly tho, I think what needs to be addressed here is that raging lioness inside of you lol … might be time to spice it up with the hubby…u want excitement and you want to feel like a goddess… tell hubs all your deepest fantasies & go for it! Promise un will forget all about pig boy at the gym. P.s Switch gyms
Thank you for allowing us to share your pain. May the sharing of that pain lessen it’s burden.
That’s the devil. Say no or you will ruin your good marriage.
Get control over yourself, what exactly do you know about that person beyond the fantasy. Life is hard and sometimes a ‘Prince Charming’ who says all the right stuff is truly a fantasy. It fulfills a part of our life we feel we need and is is not real life. It is harmless if we don’t allow it to take over our lives. If you really want this guy, divorce your husband and start a relationship but only after you have ended things completely. Do not be a cheater, be completely divorced not just separated , before you initiate the relationship. Maybe he doesn’t want long term, or kids. Or maybe he won’t want to wait, which says a lot about him. Either way teach your children the honourable way.
Don’t do it and tell him thanks but am happily married with a wonderful man and go away he’s probably just a woman chaser stay away from him for your husband and children
Don’t do it! Ignore that man and focus on your husband and your marraige.
till death do we part thal shall not commit a dalutary
Good men are so hard to find, don’t mess with a good thing. Start romancing your husband. Go on some dates.
The grass is not always “greener” on the other side. Use a different gym, if possible.
It’s the devil talking
You have a family and are happy with your man (ITS NOT WORTH IT) also you might want to think about how many women he has said things to like that, just leave it at that. #1 Take care of U and love your family.
Why ruin a good marriage?
Do not go with him it will ruin your family forever. Grass never greener!!!
The wrong thing always seems exciting, so it makes it more desirable. Start dating your husband again. Think on the things that made you fall in love with him and start doing things for him and flitting with him like you would in the beginning of a relationship… start stirring the home fires.
I think when we are in long time, committed relationships, sometimes things can get a little too…routine, for lack of a better word. An encounter like what you had can sometimes remind us that we like being told certain things, and it stirs feelings inside us. That doesn’t mean you’re gonna run out and screw the guy in the dream, at market, gym, local park, whatever. But you ARE human, and being told that you are attractive feels GOOD! Maybe try to find some things to reignite the flames in your marriage. Talk to your husband and tell him you’d like to try new things. DATE EACH OTHER AGAIN! It’s so easy to settle into routine, and the every day responsibilities that come with raising a family, being married etc. It’s ok to want some spice, too! Find what gives you those butterflies in your tummy, and experience it with your hubby again! Go on a date! Go parking at a lookout! Have a make out session, but don’t go further than making out! Make it fun and exciting! Just because you’re fantasizing about someone who gave you special attention, doesn’t mean you don’t love your husband and appreciate him. Good luck, babe!
Don’t even go there why would you jeopardise all you have. Change gyms as well.
And this is why people don’t want their SO going to the gym
Temptation at its finest!!! Please don’t let this little faze you are going threw ruin an amazing marriage. They are so so hard to find nowadays. Temptations come and go I would consider switching gyms so you wont set yourself up for failure mama. Imagine if this post was your husband’s instead of yours!! Omg! You would be devastated!
I know I would be.
Fantacize all you want and then look away. And say no.
Good God read a romance novel
I can not believe women like this get wifed up. That’s my honest opinion.
I think its time to change your gym
Ya’ll are acting like she’s cheating on her man. Like physically fucking another when she is not. Women tend to forget that they are allowed to have fantasies. We are human. It is normal to find another person attractive. To me, fantasizing about a stranger is equivalent to fantasizing about a celebrity. Its never gonna happen (unless YOU make it happen) and men do it all the time. What isn’t allowed is to act on those fantasies… Try to figure out why you fantasize about him. Guaranteed once you figure that out he won’t be so “appealing” anymore.
Put that energy into your marriage
Stop going to that gym. Go on dates more with your husband. Try to have more one on one if dates aren’t possible. Stay up till 2-3 am to get some time together if that’s the only way. There will always be time to sleep but not that much time with your loved ones.
People chastising this woman is insane to me lol. You’re a human, it’s natural. What you do about it is what matters. Spice your relationship up some and do something new with your husband and move on.
I’d stop going to that gym. If it were the other way around how would you like it?
Bold for you to post this…
So, my mother was tempted like you are being tempted. She followed through, finding a reason to justify her decision. She was a noteworthy Christian author and key note speaker and my dad and her owned a Christian bookstore. We were active and prominent in the church as a family. The model family- and we were a happy, good family. In Satan fashion who seeks to destroy, he tempted her relentlessly. She decided to divorce my dad for this man who fed her need for self esteem and pride. It obliterated our beautiful life. This was unheard of in the 60’s. We were ostracized from the church… rather than surround hurting people with love they avoided us. My older brother got his girlfriend pregnant and they married… They got into LSD and pot and it triggered my sister in law’s schizophrenia which became a life long nightmare not just for her but our entire family as we tried to help my brother cope. They had 5 children. My older sister married a man in Canada and moved away. Eventually her husband had an affair and left her. It devastated her. She remained in Canada so their 2 children could be near their dad. I rebelled and married a non Christian which years later was breaking my heart- a tumultuous Iife but we hung on and eventually he became a Christian… we have 3 kids and 3 grandkids. I and my sister chose to put God at the center of our lives and goodness followed. My younger brother moved all over the country with my mom and the man she married- who wasn’t even the man she had the affair with. That initial adulterous relationship didn’t work out. My Dad, sweetest, most kind man on the planet, was brokenhearted that he not only lost his wife but due to the trauma and dysfunction lost his children in many ways. We had a beautiful life and really close-knit extended family. Her selfish decision destroyed all of our lives. Heartbreak and trauma that was unrecoverable from.
My daughter’s mother in law oddly enough did the exact thing my mom did but she ended up having the man’s child who was rejected by her other 3 children who moved in with their father. That man she had the adulterous affair with tried to kill her in an abusive rage and she left him. Several relationships later and now single she is trying to recover from horrible traumatic things in her life. She traded her beautiful family for a man who admired her! This is the same trick Satan used on my mom. It is a lie and will destroy you, your husband and children and extended family not to mention the man’s life and family as well. It is called adultery and has horrific consequences. Stick it out through thick and thin with your husband. When you are older, like me at 66, you will be glad and blessed and goodness will follow you. Humans are frail and Satan is all about destroying us. We come with a flawed human nature prone to sin. Our only hope for overcoming sin and for living a good life is to choose Jesus. Fact. I know of so many who have come out of a broken life, found Jesus and goodness follows. Life has its tests and challenges but this serves to make us stronger if we turn into God each time. I am so glad I can be free of guilt, look back over my life and see where I loved my family and husband and obeyed God. I have peace. Not torment. I agree with the many who have offered advice as to choosing a different gym and I would suggest trying a Bible study. Try a non denominational one like Bible Study Fellowship International.
Finally I would say to you that you are special and created specifically for a purpose and there is a good plan for your life not towards destruction… but choice is something God gives to each one. He loves you with an everlasting love- not one that ever fades or changes and it is a perfect love unlike anything on the planet. Use your wonderful uniqueness for good not selfish satisfaction or pursuit. Be the quality individual God made you to be! And if you ever see that man again or if he ever speaks to you again, have a retort ready to fire off at his disrespectful behavior- tell him you are happily married and that it is completely inappropriate for him to admire you and call him a pervert because his understanding of a relationship is perverted- correct his lustful behavior with a reprimand and then never acknowledge that person again and do not listen to any response he might have!
My two cents…
If he knows you are married then he’s just a player, an you need to tell him that you think!
Proceed with caution. I went through something similar and the man giving me attention ended up being a pedophile. They pray on moms with kids.
Stop going to that gym.
If you destroy your marriage over this guy your children may hold it against you forever.
I’m only gonna say this once. The grass is greener WHERE YOU WATER IT!!!
It’s just a fantasy. Relax. It’s nice to be hit on once in a while. Reminds you that you are still a beautiful person. Not just a mom or a wife but an attractive person. Doesn’t mean your going to do anything about it. That’s when you cross a line and it needs to stop 100%
My goodness! You are married…Focus On ur family!
YOU GOT A GOOD GUY…you only see the outside of the person at the gym…
Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t read the menu, it’s when you start ordering that’s causes a problem.
Your married! Remember you made vows!
Don’t do anything that you will regret. You don’t know this man, but seem like you want to know him. You ain’t that hard up for attention that you would risk losing your family. You sound weak or is it you just want somethig different. Get rid of those sluttie ideas and humble yourself. Amen
Give it a try, you may just be really happy.
Temptation is real
Walk away
Your husband is amazing
Leave that gym and don’t go back
You’ll be the one hurt.Not hubby and your friends will
Become his friends you are pp
Playing a dangerous game.
Getting a little attention is nice,just leave it at that though.
Noting wrong with flattery it can boost anyones self esteem and make you feel good! But be careful and remember what’s at stake don’t give in to temptation
Fantasies are fine and healthy. Acting on it is a totally different subject.
Girl read between the lines. He’s a player and you will only be another notch on his belt loop … stay your tail home and cook your husband a home made meal
Normal but you know better than to cheat let him know your married and happy:) if ur husband is as good as you say then there would be no way in high heavens I’d let some lust bucket get the best of me.
You are flattered by the attention. That is normal. Just don’t let it wreck your life.
Alysha Munk took the words right out of my mouth .
Enjoy the new excitement. It’s great at first and ALWAYS wears away within months. Bask in the attention. Stay mysterious. Playing the game is more fun than paying for the game.
he sounds like a ladies man ,BEWARE !