Leave. It’s the best thing I ever did.
If it was me, I would confront his mother. If he doesn’t have the guts to stand up for you then stand up for yourself. No one deserves to be treated like that in any situation. Also, show your kids that they have a strong momma by not allowing yourself to be disrespected.
Hopefully she dies soon lol
I would leave treating you that way in front of his children is not being a good dad
I’ve dealt with the same and I don’t think it ever gets any better, unless he maintains healthy boundaries with his Mom.
If you love him stay with him but distance yourself from his family. If you can’t have one without the other I would leave but I can’t understand your predicament. Its hard when they’re always playing the victim xxx
That would be a hell nope!
If they disrespect you the children will pick up on it and think it’s acceptable. What do they say around your children when you can’t hear.
I get on really well with my inlaws they like me more than their son
He would be put in his place if he disrespected me in front of them.
I would make a point of sitting down and making it very clear to your partner that it stops now or you will very seriously remove yourself and the children from the situation. No visiting family at all and if he doesn’t change then you will remove you from the family full stop.
Don’t stand for it. You deserve so much better! X
If you are committed to the relationship, then you need to have a talk with both him and his mother, but separately and establish some boundaries and kind of clear the air. What happened, why the switch, what made their feelings and actions toward you change, then what needs to happen going forward. I was in a similar situation, my fiance’s mom hated me for the longest time, but after our daughter was born I sat down and laid everything out to her and we are on good terms now. The relationship between a man and his mom is really important, as well as the relationship between your children and their grandmother, but you also need a good relationship with her. Even if shes just talking smack to your boyfriend about you, that will trickle down and will affect your children. As far the conversation with your boyfriend, I think it should go more like “grow a pair and stand up to your mom because this is unacceptable unhealthy for me, for us, and for the kids”. If it’s not recieved well then that’s your cue to leave.
I feel u on that…I’d say give him a warning tell him straight if he doesn’t do right and stand up for u u Will leave for good and things should change…if no change then I think it’s time for u to follow what your heart says then…he also needs to have a talk with them about their behaviour and respect towards u
I would have left a long time ago. 2 kids shouldn’t give u a reason 2 stay. Dont waste anymore time if hes not respecting u and standing up 4 u then it isn’t worth fighting 4 it. It’s just teaching ur kids how 2 treat u and it’s not good
My mil and I can get a long in very small doses. She dislikes me and has told me she wants my partner back with his ex and doesn’t like the fact he is with me
He was a big mummas boy also but has pulled himself up a bit with me reminding him that he sleeps with ME and has made a family with ME so we don’t need a third wheel. Now I barely see his mum which don’t get me wrong is good cause we aren’t fighting but also is crappy due to her not really wanting to show attention to our kids. I’ve now spoken to my partner and we have agreed on if they can’t make time to visit and be civil (that goes for me also not just blaming mil) than they will be cut out. We don’t need toxic around us anymore
You should do counciling with your husband and eventually have his mom and sister come.
You’re not married to him, so why would you tolerate all that nonsense.It’s great that he’s a good father, and I hope he remains being a good father, because it’s time you get your act together and move on, stop letting him and his family treat you like a door mat. Your children need to see a strong mother whom exude confidence
The fact that he doesn’t even bother to stand up for you after being with you for 10 yrs and you being the mother of his kids is the thing that really sticks out to me. He should have your back.
I’d get out that’s not a person that is loving towards you or supportive towards you or even consider it towards you leave
Do you live with them?! Time to get your own place.
There may be more to his story and could explain why he’s the way he is. He may have always been the “peacekeeper” of the family and was trained to be the way he is. He may see things differently in his own eyes and it may require a significant heart to heart to allow him to see from your perspective. I say this because I have lived it. It’s so hard and so difficult. Once we talked, many times, I learned much more and understood his perspective and he understood mine. We now work as a team, together, when addressing family dynamics no matter who or where there is problems. If you are on the same page together, you can tackle anything - but it takes honesty, vulnerability and understanding.
Its NARCISSIM 101 and throw in alot of Gaslighting look up those 2 things its real and friggn everywhere
Speak up to the both of them. It took me 18 years but I did it. It does help. You got to stick up for yourself. You deserve respect yourself from both of them.
Cut off the family. Easy as that. Let him spend time with them. You dont have to. When they cry about it, tell them all to treat you better and you will consider having them back in your and your childrens lives. Until then, save your sanity…snip snip
Jessica Park-Destromp Think we both could have some great advice for this girl
Honestly, you write your own story… You have to do what’s best for you and baby/kids. It’s all your choice… Stay and suffer or draw the life you want. Don’t forget communication! But let your wishes come true your way or the highway.
Let’s pretend I’m your mother in law… I won’t stop! I might be jealous or just don’t like you. Periodt. Your kinda stuck with me if you stick around because my boys won’t choose anyone else over family. Also… I been in your situation before… He chose his Family over me and that’s ok!!! I don’t know what it’s like to be a mom of a grown man child but I been thru the situation second hand… one day we’ll hopefully not one day 1st hand because I want all my kids to be girls:gift_heart: but then I know I have to deal with other problems. Female problems but that’s ok!
We cannot control people around us we can only control what we want around us… We can control ourselves.
I hope I don’t get hate for being as honest as possible.
If he cant put you first as well as demand respect for you then yeah id say leave or just dont visit them for obvious reasons… They do it bc he doesnt stand up for you. You guys dont have to be bffs but be civil and respectful
Learn to grey rock when they get upset. If you want to stay in the relationship I suggest you work very very very hard with setting firm boundaries without guilt or shame. You need to start having the mindset that its them not you and do you. Stop allowing them to say things like go talk to your dad and say no need baby moms right here what can I do for you. When they get mad let them and don’t explain or defend. They are trying to understand nor listen. Stop listening to anything that isn’t serving you and your children and stop expecting them to be kind. You just need to learn to do you, nip shit in the butt if worth it and then say your peice and be dont. Stop allowing these people to elect an emotional response from you and bully you. They will make u look crazy and then take your kids. Stop responding emotionally, set the boundaries, don’t explain shit, grey rock anything that is just drama, pick your battles and look into NARCISSIST and how to deal with them. God speed
Leave him.there is no respect there
Rufuse to be around his mother and sisters . Simple.
At the end of the day his mother and his significant other or never on the same level. No disrespect for either or but you cannot compare the two that is his mother and you are his significant other. He evidently needs to learn the roles of those and if he doesn’t like it then maybe he needs to go back to his mama and ask his mama to do the things that you do and I’m sure she will slap him
I would walk away. I did with my husband. I got a divorce and left. Exact same things happened to me as well. Except it was mother and father in laws doing the bad mouthing to other folks in the family
Move or get Councling for u and the mom or boyfriend and u and mom.
Don’t break up the family for just u. A family is a team.
Sounds like emotional incest.
Simply put. You stay and continue with the harassment you are teaching your children this is okay. Is it? I say get an exit plan and stick to it. Stay safe and utilize any of your family that you can. Raise your children that their Father is not the man you thought he was and you will always take care of them. Good luck. Get help and get out.
Do what’s best for you and your kids!
Walk away. The family you create is the number one priority. There’s no changing a mama‘s boy I learned that the hard way.
You’ve already answered your own question . Game over . Pack it in , pack it up , and get gone from that toxic family .
My first thought was they don’t respect you because you are not married. Its not right at all but some families are like that, they figure until he puts a ring on it they don’t have to take you seriously and you should be bothered by that. I suggest either put them and him in their place to respect you or walk away so someone else can deal with that BS.
You are the mother of his His children they need to respect you and your Decisions his mama days are over with he started his own family. If I was you I’d slap the fuck out of the sister the mom you really can’t but you need to tell your boyfriend he needs to set boundaries or choose because you’re done with the bullshit if not you’re walking away.
This is why im single and staying single.
You need to talk to him about it! Tell him what needs to be done and hoe his shoild be depending you and standing uo for you and if he cant do thay then that’s it!eave him
Your boyfriend shows no respect for you. That is not acceptable. Leave him.
Communicate with him. Let him know if he’s not willing to stand up for you against he’s family then you are walking away. Give him a chance to see if he can put he’s family in their place or if he’s going to let he’s family badmouth you.
Maybe you should say no to everything his mom says, even if your husband says yes! Make it a point to your husband too! If you are thinking about leaving him then just be rude like he plays you to be! Maybe that will bring your point across and if he talks like he wants to start something DONT back down! Maybe that way he will avoid a fight with you like a plague in front of his parents! I did that with brother in law! My husband quickly caught on and never crossed me! I don’t care who’s present if you want to talk crap to me then I will do the same! Especially because my children are mine and if they want to have a saying in what they do then they should have them vaginally!
It’s not just dating someone when you have kids together
I would try to fix the issue before leaving
If you find a different way of communicating the issue, and he sees it’s a repetitive attempt, maybe he will come around
I would think about what your children are seeing and learning. If it is continuously happening like it sounds, they are learning that it’s ok for men and family to treat you this way. If that’s not what you want then to see as normal you’ll have to make some tough choices.
If you aren’t happy and getting what you need and deserve…leave. You deserve to be happy.
Then don’t go over let him go alone. if u have been trying to get along and they’re still being rude f it, tell him why ur not going anymore and he should understand. maybe he’ll even talk to them and hopefully he’ll tell them to stop being so rude to u.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I feel like I am constantly competing with my boyfriends mom: Advice?
He can still be a good dad with out you in the picture ,I would walk and walk fast,then you can find a real man and not a mamas boy,
It’s crazy. I love and respect my DIL. She is a wonderful mother to my granddaughter, and wife to my son.
There is absolutely NOTHING you can do to change the situation. Once a Mama’s boy, ALWAYS a Mama’s boy! I spent 11 years in a very similar situation. The best thing you can do for you, as well as your children, is walk away!!!
Glad I ain’t the only one who deals with a mama’s boy.
Run away get those kids away from that life you deserve so much more!
Narcissist run and never look back
Move on girl you deserve better. And so do tour children . Good luck
run away or put your foot down. People only treat you the way you allow them to. Life is too short to be in a relationship where you are bad mouthed and disrespected.
Mamas boys will never change. Find yourself a black sheep of the family. Lol
Been there, done that. So, so similar. I finally confronted his mother and she told me nobody would ever be good enough for her son. Done. There was no winning. I was out. My kids needed to see a different way. That’s not to say life gets easier because it doesn’t. The family makes it that much harder when you leave because then they become the Disneyland Family while I was the enforcer. It sucked. My kids are adults now. They see things for what they truly are, but during that time it sucked. I understand why women take off and leave the state with their children and “disappear.” It would have been much easier.
Don’t walk, run as fast as you can away from that toxic scene.
Get the hell out of the relationship. Just because the relationship is going mostly “okay”, doesn’t mean you have to stick around. If this is how it is now, imagine how much worse it would be if you guys got married.
You picked him & knew he was a mamas boy from jump. I am sure at this point it’s been tit for tat between you and his family. I am sure you are not an innocent victim. The children should always come first. In this post it’s all been about you and your hurt feelings - try giving a little to get a little
You answered your own question. You just said “I can’t date a momma’s boy anymore.”
So that’s that. Time to move on. There are men out there who will appreciate you and treat you how you should be treated. Family is whatever. But your SPOUSE/PARTNER, should always defend you and not attack you. He’s not a man. I’m married to a momma’s boy and I promise you, he has always had my back in any decisions I’ve ever made.
time to move on and take the kids with you. you and your kids dont need that bullying from hm and his family
Run…there is no respect for you as a person,mother of the children or as his partner…it will not get better…you will always be label as the b----.And you will always feel like you are not valued in your relationship…just run…you are important too…Toxic relationships in that family seems to be the norm…set a better example for your children…they learn from you…wishing you the best…
I can tell you right now, I am in the same position. Except its his brothers girlfriend causes problems for both me and SO and his mum acts nice to my face and talks shit otherwise. Not to mention the £1000 debt she rung up in my name and consistently borrowing money and never paying it back, behind my back because otherwise I’d tell her to fuck off. I’m at the end of my rope as our relationship is okay 9 years and 2 kids later.
The only thing that could POSSIBLY be worse than one TOXIC relationship;
Is MULTIPLE Toxic relationships.
And here is the rub … they “WILL” teach this to your children!!!
And I will tell you how I “know” this.
Because they are ALL demonstrating NARCISSISTIC behavior.
Do yourself a favor honey, and please go watch videos on NARCISSIST on YouTube.
*Im positive you are going to start to recognize what you’ve been dealing with.
Unfortunately, their is NO way to live peacefully with these type of individuals. They “cannot” be helped … and they cannot be reasoned with.
They can only be avoided like the plague.
There is an attorney, who actually specializes, deals, and gives excellent advice on dealing with them.
But first check to make sure if this is indeed the case. I will provide some links.
- God bless
Mamas boys are the hardest. My husband use to be a mamas boy until he finally opened his eyes to what she was doing and saying
Stand up for yourself. If that doesn’t work then you are dealing with a narcissist and you should take your child and run before it’s too late
Put your foot down. I struggle with my mans family like this too! They concider this just bubbas house even though i bought it i live in it blah blah blah… she killed MY snakes when we were on vacation. She apologized to my man not me. And when he told her to apologize to me she said “but youre right here” wow bro his family never respects me as equal. It got worse when we had our kids too. Its always they look so much like bubba. oh that reminds me of bubba. And we tell them to knock it off and they never do. Thsy once told me they got their blondness from his side
there are only 5 people in my whole family that have brown hair. The rest are all blond or red.
I guess the moral of my venting is ik how you feel youre not alone. Ive put my food down a lot and never seems to help. They just ignore me.
The real question is what are your feelings toward your boyfriend? Stick with your parenting choices, avoid his family drama. Don’t fall into their games, their views are irrelevant
Tell your bf if he doesn’t stop his family from bad mouthing you that your going to say something and they not going to like it
I dont know what state your in but if your not married in some states the mother has full custody. Run
After 10 years of letting his family emotionally and mentally abuse you, you have to ask. Either remove him from your constant environment or remove yourself and the children. Your children, btw, may be hearing every word said by their lame ass fathers family. This is also mentally abusive to them. Someone needs to have their bags packed!!
It will never get better only WORSE.
A whole bunch of narcissists !!
Leave you don’t need that
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I feel like I am constantly competing with my boyfriends mom: Advice?
Girl, leave now. I know you guys have the longevity, but is it truly worth a lifetime of this bullshit? I have the EXACT same situation. His mother and sister hate me. You deserve better. You deserve a family that loves you AND respects you. CLEARLY they do not. You don’t deserve a lifetime of this treatment. As for me, I got out. This also sets as example to the kids that this is how their mother gets treated and kids are extraordinarily perceptive when it comes to these things. You seriously deserve so much better. You deserve love. Not this.
I feel like you’ve already answered your own question. It’s definitely rough not being liked by the s/o family and your other half should be trying to make things easier for you not harder especially when he puts you down in front of his family that in it’s self is not ok. The way I see it is you got 3 options 1. Deal with it but who wants to do that. 2. Leave him or 3. Confront them and ask them what has changed why are they being like this towards you after getting along just fine before your your 1st child. Now option 3 may lead to a big fight but it’ll either resolve it’s self after that or you’ll end up breaking up but you’ll never know until you do it.
Move on! He made a family with YOU! not his mom or sister.
Oh narcissists, grey rock and run
I understand what your dealing with. I married a mamas boy,wrong decision, it was not pleasant to say the least. Christmas time was hell. My husband and I bought a place,decided to remodel the kitchen,and mother-in-law wanted to take over and make decisions over me. I put my foot down. But it will continue. I always felt like I was a third wheel. Never marry a mamas boy!!!
You may not be married but you’ve been together for 10 years and have 2 children together. You’re supposed to be a team. If he can’t stand up and back you after 10 years he never will. I sure as s**t wouldn’t put up with that. I’d tell him 1x, you either make a change or I’m gone.
Literally in this same type of situation! I started putting my foot down and when our son was born barely let her see him! Because she is a toxic and I refuse to have brag around my own family. If my boyfriend wants to see his family by all means go, doesn’t mean it’s a package deal where we all have to go every time they have a family event. It’s YOUR family so you have every right to make the decisions you feel is best for your kids. If they don’t like it tough, move along. If there are things that don’t sit right with you say something! I’m dealing with a family that likes to say things behind my back but then are fake as heck to my face and I can’t stand it!! Learn to say NO if you don’t want to attend things and go places and be around them’
Don’t put up with it they will not change or him either I went through that too and I divorced him and his family and he cheated
If they don’t stand up for you with his friends or family you don’t need him
Walk away…it will never get any better
If you decide to stay maybe sit down and xome up with your top 10 worst things she has done and how he supported her not you. Second id make it clear that this is his and your child not his and his mothers child and that you two need to be a team or your done. However you gotta start confronting them and sticking up for yourself otherwise it will just continue and make sure he knows if he doesnt change your done and thats exactly what you should be if after a discussion is had he doesnt change.
First all my mother in law won’t do that to me . If u don’t have respect for me then u can’t be around my kids . When u said no it means no, because if you let this keep going your kids are going to do it to you. And being disrespected fromthe mother and the sister I would stop that right away to. Once you put your foot down and MoveOn you will be a strong mother for those two kids . You will be a strong woman for yourself. You don’t need to be with him if he can’t respect you and stand up for you in front of his mom. Because if he can’t do that he will never be able to do it ever. He can still be a dad just not with you having to be involved with him and his family . You got this. Now it’s time to MoveOn and get your own place and get your kids settled. Even if his family cannot respect your rules and follow them and then I wouldn’t let him see the kids. I hope that you get the answers you need. Be the strong women u can be for yourself and ur kids …
Hey Never give up on a good relationship. If he’s Latino where tight when it comes to family.
I’m a momas boy I love my mother to death
I think the problem is between you and his mother this seems like it’s been wearing you down, in order for this to work you need to be Assertive tell her how you feel, obviously she’ll run back to him and tell him that’s when you let him know "that he needs to support you, I know you love your mom but I’m your wife.
Tell them all how you feel , if he continues you know what to do
Time to let it go, look after you and your kids… you deserve better
I’d be done with him and his family. I dang sure wouldn’t marry him at this point.
If you’re child are young leave! And I mean that in the nicest way possible. My first son was planed so his dad mom was all excited then I got pregnant when my second son when my oldest was 7 months old but it was a oh shit where pregnant again lol so of course we mad a choice and took responsibility for are choice. At first she was fine with my youngest helped me out when I got out of the hospital because I was pretty much dead for three days no joke. So I was in a lot of pain and it was hard with two kids and their dad working because his boss told him if he didn’t come in he was fired because he had to take care of a new born because I was unconscious for three days. So once my oldest started getting bigger he was getting into stuff he shouldn’t of been and just being bad so I would put him in time out and she didn’t like that. So she started pinning my oldest against me and his brother. Now they are 9/8 and it’s horrible how my oldest treats me because he has seen his grandmother yelling at me and his father yell at me for putting him in time out so he thinks we’ll they can do it so can I and he treats me like shit. He tells me all the time how much he hates me and doesn’t wanna live with me because their father up and left for another women and her kids so it’s just me and them and I work so the grandmother would watch them. So my youngest finally had enough of being bullied by the grandmother great grandmother and his brother and went off and started flipping out and I don’t blame him so the grandmother decided to come to my work and wait for me to get out of work and my work is literally not even a minute down the road from her mothers house because she lives with her mother so she starts screaming at me because my youngest had enough and flipped out so she decided it was OK to come to my work and embarrass me and start screaming at me at my work because she couldn’t wait 20 seconds for me to get down the road to pick him up and they’ve been doing online school so my oldest wanted to stay for a week I said that’s fine he’s literally been there since January she will not let him come home she keeps putting stuff in his head so he doesn’t want to come home and she told me if I take him that she’s going to call the cops on me so I’m trying to get a lawyer trying to figure all this out I told the guy said he hast to be home before school starts I said he needs to come back yeah I said I don’t know what your mothers thinking since all the reason I let him stay that week was because he was doing online schooling if he wasn’t doing online school and he wouldn’t be there I’d pick him up right after work and bring him home so now I’m down with that and she won’t let me talk to them every time I call she won’t answer she shut the phones off so I can’t talk to him she has it seen my youngest in about two months hasn’t called him nothing like that hasn’t checked up on him hasn’t seen how he’s doing nothing just totally kicked him to the side because he was sick of getting bullied by everyone and stood up for itself and my all of this is the favorite because he was planned so they pinned him against me and his younger brother it’s just something you do not want to deal with if they are young please just leave it’s too much to deal with like I am so drained it’s not even funny I have depression and anxiety and PTSD I’m dealing with all that plus trying to get my kid back because he wasn’t even supposed to be there in the first place and my landlord selling the house and he’s telling me two days ago that I have until next Tuesday to move out so now I’m down with that it’s just something you do not want to deal with they will take control of everything and they will pin those kids against you and you do not wanna deal with that like my oldest will literally get in my face and tell me how much she hates me because of what the grandmother and great grandmother said the great grandmother and the grandmother told him that I’ve gone to jail I’ve never been to jail a day in my life like they literally make up stuff and tell my nine year old how horrible I am even though I’m the one who is raised him since day one since I made him and I’ve never got up and left my kids for a man and his kids but the father up and left for a woman in her two kids and barely sees our kids but he gets praise he’s the best dad in the world he does everything for his kids he literally go weeks without even talking to my youngest if he has my number he knows when to call me to yell at me for something I didn’t do because the girlfriend said I did something even though I don’t talk to her or he has no problem calling me and yell at me but he cannot take five minutes out of his day to call her son to say good night and stuff like that it’s just horrible I would not want my worst enemy to have to deal with us I’m sorry for the long post but you do not want to deal with this please get out as quick as you can and have nothing to do with them get a court order for the father for a custody child support whatever but do not deal with his family it is not worth it believe me and me and my kids dad were together for eight years he left he was gone for two years came back he was here for a month because he wanted to work on stuff and miss the kids and then all of a sudden one day I come home from work all his stuff is gone and he tells me oh I’m just stressed out blah blah whatever and then I found out on Facebook that he’s in a relationship and then I find out the day he moved out was the day he moved in with his girlfriend and her two kids she allowed him to move in with her two kids not knowing. If you need to talk if you need to figure stuff out I have no problem with you messaging me you can message me we can talk but please just try to get out as quick as you can if you do not want to deal with this and sorry for the long post again
My MIL never respected me, even from the beginning, my ex was a mamas boy and never stuck up for me against his mom. We are divorced now
Holy crap, its like we’re living the same lives. Except I refuse to go see my partners parents and sister, unless they want to come to us. I refuse to put myself in the situation of being disrespected and anxiety and they have never respected my sons boundaries and until he can speak up for himself I don’t want him around them without me.
You seem like a really good person. You do not deserve to be treated in such a cruel way. Find the strength to move on and co parent with the father. Stop wasting your time with this dude and find the one who will respect you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
I wouldn’t feed into it. I’d sit down and talk to both her and your boyfriend. At least, then you know you expressed your feelings and concerns directly. Even if not liking me, I’m not one to withhold my kids from their family. If they want to go spend time with family, great, I’m all for me time. Not everyone is going to like you or get along with you. That is a lot of personalities to deal with. lol. In-laws always get along with you in the beginning(for most) until both sides really see the personality come through, values, morals. Everybody is raised differently and its sometimes hard to really get comfortable with others. Only boundary I’d set in place is to be respectful towards me in front of my kids…only time I’d ever limit time spent with family. Also, there’s always different sides to every situation. Can’t just be one-sided… your boyfriend is also more than likely feeding Mom stories of you and things you say about them.
Speak up. Set boundaries. Stick to them!!! This is your life, YOUR children. Remember “No.” Is a complete sentence and you owe her no explanation.
Leave. Now.
Good thing you never married.
He chose you, and your kids as family. If he isn’t fighting for you all, you need to leave.
I’d tell his family to go eff themselves and that they’ll have no part of my children’s lives if they continued to act like that.
And eff your boyfriend if he tries to make your children go see them. Yeah, he’s their dad. But you aren’t married. Take advantage of that.
Seriously heats me up when family treats the mom(you) like crap for no reason.
Ok two things first 1. He may be a good dad but he is not a good mate. He is abusing you mentally and letting his family do the same thing. 2. You are not dating him. You are actually what is know as common law. Which is a married relationship without being married. That being said he should stand up for you to his family. period. If he doesn’t he isn’t worth the time. He may be a good dad but that is a complete different thing from being a good partner. The biggest problem is you standing up for yourself. If they can’t accept you being the mom and the partner and treat you like crap you need to separate. If you are going through all of this and the kids are seeing it they are going through it too. Kids are copy cats they will start copying what they see these people do and will start treating you the same way. You do not have to live like this. If you are not happy and you partner doesn’t want to change or tell his family to treat you better then it is time for you to start a better life for you and your children. Being together for ten years is a hard thing to walk away from. But, women and men do it all the time. The abuse and stress is not worth the trouble. Think of how much nicer it would be to come home and not have to deal with that. You won’t have to deal with his family or him and the way they treat you. You never have to put up with anyone treating you bad. NEVER! Think about you and your kids and don’t worry about what they think or feel. Stay strong!
Id walk away girl. U tried to make it work for 10 yrs. Tell him he either has your back or your gone that u can do shared custody of the kids
My mother in law used to do this to me. At first i wouldnt say anything to her and I’d get in arguments with fiance. She would always call me a bad mother and threaten to take my son away. Until one day i had enough and told her off. Later on my fiance got fed up with our drama that he told both of us to leave him out of it. She then stopped.
He needs to put his foot down and respect you as the mother of his child and wife. She sees he does nothing about it so that straightens her attack against you. If not he can keep sucking his moms boob with his damn sister sucking the other one.
Leave now. Get out. Sounds like a toxic family. If you stay definitely have strong boundaries. If you do nothing you are showing your childrens its ok when others treat you badly. They will either treat you the same as they grow up or they will think its k when people treat them badly. Think to yourself. Do you want your kids to learn this behavior?