I feel like my daughter is being too spoiled when she isn't in my care: Advice?

Her age and not being able to communicate as she should are HUGE factors here. Imagine how upset you would be if people couldn’t understand what you’re trying to say.

Just stay calm and firm.

I think you have unrealistic expectations for your child. Seriously. She’s 3. And yes that does matter. There’s a reason they call 3 year old threeangers. 2 year old have nothing on 3 and 4 year olds. The attitude and pushing of boundaries is normal. Research and talk to experts before you try to behavioral therapy.


Honestly, I feel this is normal behavior for that age. Children in this age are in the category “autonomy vs shame and doubt” she wants to be autonomous (independent) while also being emotional (crying and acting out) as she is learning to be her own person. As far as speech, this is normal for a first and only child, their needs are generally met before they have to voice what they want or need.

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Well it looks like I’m the only one on here that thinks that maybe she is spoiled. Yeah, she’s three and she’s gonna have meltdowns but just because she’s three doesn’t mean it’s ok for her to have them all the time about everything. And just because she’s three doesn’t mean she can’t learn to behave. I guess I’m old school. I believe children should do what they’re told and behave. My kids weren’t allowed to throw fits and they always behaved in public especially. Everyone nowadays wants to diagnose kids with something instead of disciplining them. I would personally be very upset if I had asked these people to stop spoiling her so much and they continued to do so. You are the mother and they should respect that. Also, there’s a difference in spoiling a child when they deserve it and when they don’t. Obviously they always deserve to be spoiled with love and affection but if they are misbehaving they shouldn’t be spoiled by getting toys or getting their way. My kids got things all the time. I bought them anything I could afford as long as they were behaving. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t get anything. They learned and they all grew up to be wonderful adults.

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sounds like a 3 year old.lol sorry you wanted better answers, but your not gonna have a robot child who does what you want when you want them too. its unrealistic. she sounds like shes doing fine and I don’t think she needs therapy. that seems a little overboard to me. but your her mom, if you feel inside that there is something wrong, do what YOU think is best.


Im very surprised to hear a day care spoils any child. But if its really the case, I’d find a new daycare.
As for grandparents. Well that’s what they do

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Welcome to parenthood :woman_shrugging: kids go through phases and don’t do what we’d like them to do.

I think you are over reacting. Continue to not give her what she want. Put her in her room f she continues to not cooperate she is old enough to understand simple requests. What the day care does should not affect her response to you as long as you are consistant

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She might be struggling with transitions. Give her a warning that the transmission is coming. Try using we are doing this first and then this.

You can’t ask for advice and then say you don’t want to hear the reason is because she’s 3. Too bad, you’re going to hear it anyways.
SHE’S THREE and you have unrealistic expectations for a toddler.
Children do not get spoiled at daycare, maybe it seems that way to you because you do less than usual. :woman_shrugging:


Sounds like a normal 3 year old. They see what they can get away with and what they cant. Giving a million hugs is not spoiling her. She obviously loves the affection and theres nothing wrong with that. But then I would say after the million hugs… Ok, time to pick up the toys now.

As far as speech goes my daughter had the same problem u just have 2 work with them make them ask 4 things she wants or needs before giving it 2 her. Tantrums maybe coming from lack of u understanding her and it frustrates her. At the same time she has 2 learn ur the adult not her so when she is told no stand firm and give her consequences when she cries and give rewards when she behaves

:joy::joy::joy::joy: my son isnt spoiled and does the same thing. As they get older they start to learn new emotions and sometimes they can’t explain what they are feeling/thinking with their limited vocabulary so they cry out of frustration, sadness, anxiety sorry BUT IT IS WHAT THEY DO AT THAT AGE. Shes not a robot, shes a child and is messy. You were not clean and proper at that age so dont unload those unrealistic expectations on your kid. Yes teach them to clean up after themselves but make it fun. Sing a song I get better results when I say “clean up clean up everybody clean up” versus me telling my son “clean up the toys please” also welcome to momhood

That is how 3 year olds act sometimes. My daughter is a very sensitive girl. She isn’t overly spoiled and she is so thankful for everything all the time. But she does cry and throw fits and certainly doesn’t like being told no. She is so sassy and has an attitude sometimes but she is just a toddler. That’s how they are.

Toddlers and younger children aren’t able to express their emotions properly and sometimes their emotions can hit them like a big wave which is why they cry out or seem “sensitive”.
Be more empathetic. She’s a child, not an adult. But since you are the adult be reasonable and a bit more empathetic. I don’t think she’s spoiled, you should observe your children when you have time. You’ll learn a lot.

I hate to say it too, but I think your expectations are to high for someone her age. She is only three. Her comprehension is not what you are expecting. She may seem older to you, my daughter always did to me, but she is only three. The more something seems like a chore the less likely she is to do it. Make it fun, help her clean up, make it a race to see who can pick up faster, whatever it is, just don’t put so much pressure on someone so little. The more you get on to her the more extreme her reactions will be.

Heck, my 6 year old does the same dang thing. He also has a speech delay.

Maybe you could look up what is age appropriate behavior. Perhaps your expectations are a bit high.

You are expecting way to much for a 3 year old!! She is a BABY but she still has human emotions and melt downs! She doesn’t yet know how to express all her needs and wants because she is 3!!! Breath, chill out! It’s a phase and I think it’s ridiculous to talk to a doctor about behavioral therapy because of normal actions of a 3 year old!! Something tells me you’ll be all to happy to jump on popping pills into her to turn her into a zombie so you don’t have to deal!

First, consistancy is important at this age and you’re daycare and parents arent giving her the same treatment as you. Which confuses her even though you feel she should understand your routine at home by now. Thus you get the meltdowns.
My family did similar things so I explained to my little kids that each house has their own rules. Mommas house has these, grandparents are these, daycare…my kids got it after a little bit and things got better. Hang in there.

I know you dont wanna hear it but thats totally normal for a 3yr old

This :woman_facepalming: She’s 3 with speech delay - get a grip, I’m feeling super sorry for this little one and the unrealistic expectations you have of her


Threes are horrible!

My son is almost 3 and acts like this at home, at daycare he helps out no issues is super happy and cheerful at home whole other story, temper tantrums cause I tell him no or to wait or time to pick up toys or shower time. I give three warnings for picking up toys if he doesn’t start to clean up he looses a toy till the next day, (I help clean so he isn’t doing it himself) for a tantrum he goes to his room and comes out once he has stopped and we cuddle and off he goes till the next one. Home is their safe zone they can act how they want they don’t need to try and control the big emotions and after a day at daycare their tired so we get the bad behaviour.

Yes, 3 year old children are testing everything! Try a lot of love and compassion!

Sounds like a completely normal 3 year old. She doesn’t sound spoiled at all. Shes 3. She cant regulate her emotions yet. You need to teach her that by example and be patient and understanding. Stop having such high expectations for a baby. Now with clean up time, you can make a game out of it and make it fun. My son loves the vacuum so I use that… I twll him mommy needs help cleaning up so I can vacuum and he hurries to pick his toys up(he’s 2).

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Maybe try and make life fun? You might enjoy her too then

She is 3…my daughter will be 3 in July and does this. All of this! I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure it’s what they are supposed to do at this age. They are becoming their own little person with thier own ideas and thier own personalities. They are trying to figure out their emotions, as they don’t know what they are. They are trying to figure out thier boundaries and limits. They are not “spoiled” they are learning! Maybe she doesn’t want her hair done by you, have you let her try to do it by herself? Mine likes to brush her own hair with very little help.
Instead of telling her to pick up her toys, make it a game with her. Instead of doing her hair for her, ask if she wants to try? Try to teach her independence and things you want done by showing her she can make it fun.

Your expectations are WAYyy too high high for your little child.

Day care DO NOT spoil kids.

Please google normal developmental milestones and adjust your expectations.

Being nuturing doesn’t create weakness.

We have 7 year old, 4 year old and 3 year old. All of them have done this to varying degrees and the 3 & 4 year olds still do it.


Ok my kid dis the same thing…
First breathe mama! When she goes into melt down simply pick her up and let her go at it in her room. For every fit…the first few will be rough, but it won’t last.

Eventually she will get it i promise just be patient and remember shes gonna test those limits :blush::sparkling_heart:


I’m sorry you don’t want to hear it but you need to. She’s 3 not 30. Her emotional intelligence has not developed and neither has yours. The fact you think she’s spoiled for throwing tantrums proves it’s YOU not her. Go take a parenting class do you can learn how to effectively discipline your child . Smh :woman_facepalming:t4:


Turn clean up time into a game maybe play music use an egg timer an say ready set go before timer goes off…do same thing when doing hair then cheer when timer is beat…as for crying over not getting things when out make it a reward for beating the timer once every month


I don’t want to hear the obvious reason because I want to blame sitters😂


put her in a different daycare then and stop having your parents babysit. If she doesn’t want to pick up her toys then take them. Welcome to parenting a threenager.


This is just going to get worse my daughter is 6 now same story with my mom now she doesn’t listen to me and anything I say with cause a meltdown

So she’s a normal 3 year old and a child who gets spoiled by their grandparents. You’d think my child is way to spoiled.


You say you dont want to hear it but you really need to. She’s 3!
You say she should be used to getting her hair done? She’s 3!
This is very typical 3 year old behavior
I agree with Shanika Boydshania. You need to take a parenting class and get a grip.


She will learn to do as momma says when around momma. And cry/whine when GM is around so she will do it for her. Just stick to your ways at home…


I had the same issue…and the only thing that really worked was showing her that you mean business: don’t want to put away toys? Okay…then they are going in the trash. Period.


Well my kid did not do this at any age…he will be nine in april…he simply knew no meant no…no matter what age children need to learn respect and if the others want to,spoil her that’s fine every kid needs to,be spoiled by someone but she has to learn when,she comes home things are different than,anywhere else…you are not the problem mom so dont let nobody tell you that just take time and continue to put your foot down when she throws those tantrums simply,ignore negative behavior and do not give in just so she will stop.thats my,opinion about,it


Sorry you dont want to hear it but that is just how 3 year olds are. They cry, they throw tantrums.


I’d stop sending her to these places if they can’t respect your wishes


It’s just a stage mama, you both will get through it I promise! In the mean time maybe try new ways to make cleaning up and doing hair “fun” for her if possible. Give her a reward after cleaning up (doesnt have to be a toy. A hug, a kiss, a high five will do. I do this with my son, hes only 1.5 yrs though and it may not work for everyone but it’s worth a try)

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It’s definitely hard getting kids to follow structure when it’s different every where they go, but she will learn to adjust and just keep pushing the same routine. Don’t give up :heart:


Around 3-4 years old children start developing emotions. More then the “I’m hungry, I’m cold, I’m scared, I’m sick” moments. They start learning true emotions. Being upset, angry, bitter, resentful, joyful, cheerful, fearful, careful, etc. They also learn these big emotions from the adults around them. It may not be spoiling as much as it is her reflecting the.emotions of the other adults in her life. How are the adults in her life emotionally? Do they lose their cool easily? Are they at their waist end most of the time? Are they emotional when dealing with the child’s energy? Are they an escalated adult trying to de-escalate a escalated child? Changing her environment may be a good first step before resorting to therapy. If you don’t fix her environment then none of the therapy will stick.


You expect a daycare to follow your rules with one child when they have 15 different kids they’re trying to keep on the same schedule and to follow the same rules? You seem very out of touch with reality. Tantrums in the toddler age is normal - eventually she will stop if you stick to your guns with her.


Can’t give you any advice but I know exactly how you feel.

Hun … shes 3. My 5 yr still does this and has ADHD, is on meds and we are hard as hell on him because of his aggression issues.
I understand the frustration but you seem to be wanting her to act more mature than she should be.
Shes not a 10 yr old. . . You are still in the training period. Stop expecting a perfect child and just work with her. Yes its gonna be hard .yes its gonna be annoying as hell. But guess what. That’s what parenting is. Only a few of us get lucky with kids who actually like to listen


She is 3. Sorry but it’s true. My little boy is the same and he’s my second and he hears no A LOT from everyone but that doesn’t stop him doing exactly what your daughter is doing. You’re expecting a child who can’t express herself fully or possibly understand you fully to act and respond like an adult. She’s not.
When she cries take a deep breath, when she wants the cuddle give her one then say “right that’s all better now isn’t it, shall we tidy up?” Or “let’s tidy up together with you on my lap then” it is your job as her parent from now until she’s about 22 lol to understand and interpret her emotional outbursts whilst she learns boundaries and emotional regulation and self expression.
She’s not doing it on purpose. She’s not spoilt. She’s a child


She’s a human being with emotions try teaching her how to express those emotions correctly instead of punishing a child for trying to learn how to be a human lol works wonders


3 is tiny! 3 is young, 3 is trying to make sense of the world


I have spoiled children (I’m not the one who spoils them either) my advice is stand your ground and don’t budge when they realise it won’t work they’ll stop what may work for one caretaker won’t work for another my kids have come to understand I mean what I say

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My daughter is now 4 and always cried getting her hair done. I bought a curly hair creme which she thinks is magic cream to make her hair easier to brush no more tears :rofl:. The tidying up bit, all kids of that age dont want to tidy their toys its just somethng we have to deal with and it gets easier in time. Shes 3, let her be 3 :woman_shrugging:


I keep seeing she is 3 my child never did this. My advice is be consistent. Don’t break down and hug her bc she is acting out. You just have to find what works for you. I don’t think it’s OK for a 3year old to act like this


I know you don’t want to hear it… but it’s literally just a phase. If she’s throwing a fit, put her in a safe place and let her go at it. She’ll get bored if it, and stop.
Stick to your rules at home, but remember… she’s literally only been in this world for 3 years… she’s learning. She’ll need reminders, she’s not going to remember exactly what is expected of her 100% of the time.
My daughter is 2.5 and she knows the rules but will definitely try to get away with things. I remind her the ‘rule’ and if she continues to whine or whatever she’s doing, then I’ll tell her “this is the last time I’m telling you” or I’ll ask her what she is supposed to be doing like… “how are you supposed to ask for what you want?” Or something like that…

How are you going to ask advice from seasoned parents then say you dont want to hear what they have to say?
She’s 3… 3 year olds push limits and throw tantrums. Its literally what they do. It’s also true that kids are better behaved away from parents… parents are their safe zone. So maybe she isnt being spoiled outside of your home … just being a normal 3 year old ?


Behavior therapy for a 3 year old toddler, because she didn’t want to do something??:joy::joy::joy::see_no_evil:
Have you ever met a toddler before??

You’re extremely blessed to have parents who love her so much. They’re not to be blamed for her simply being 3.:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:


I spank when mine dont listen to me. Shes 4. She listens and knows to pick her shit up when I tell her to and all i gotta do is hmgive her a look when i say no she cant have something while were out and wait till we get home and she stops her shit. Be stern and strict. Shell get it eventually


When my son didnt want to pick up his toys it got to the point I gave him a 5 minute time frame (MORE than enough for the toys he had on the floor) and if they weren’t put away they got thrown away. I didnt actually throw them away because they were perfectly good toys but I did put them in a trash bag right in front of him and hid the bag for a few months. It didnt completely work but definitely helped. And when he cries because he doesnt get what he wants I literally just ignore him until he gives up or he goes in time out for a few minutes and then I explain to him that isnt how we act to get what we want. Its definitely not a one time and done thing. It takes a long time.


She might also cry more if she’s delayed on speech because she can’t express herself. Also, she’s 3. They won’t be perfect and will throw tantrums from time to time; it doesn’t mean she’s spoiled. Try to be positive and make it a game to pick up toys. Comfort her and talk to her if she’s upset. She acts this way around you because you’re her mom and she feels comfortable.


You might not want to hear that its typical 3 year old behavior…but you’d rather see if she needs behavior therapy? It’s typical 3 year old behavior. Just be consistent in your expectations. Every age brings a new stage of development. 3 year olds cannot yet control their feelings. She’s just being 3.


Kids dont come with a book of how to be a kid nor do they come with a book on how to raise a child however your thinking is all around not okay… kids are learning everything everyday always remember they came in this world simply learning how to eat from a bottle or breastfeeding that simple of a learn… your child is not being spoiled you just want your child to listen… terrible 2s are a thing and 3s are no better… my daughter is in speech and behavior classes and it has NOTHING to do with her being spoiled she is in speech because she didnt want to communicate just cry… she is in behavior because she acted out when she couldn’t communicate… she is 3 my son is 2 I also have a 9 year old and a 2 month old… 2s 3s 4s are hard years… sit down and understand you cant shape your child into what you want they are going to be who they want now guidance is where you need to focus because that’s important… help your child help themself and you will find it easier… stop blaming other people


I would advise ya pick yer fights when it comes to parenting, when my boy was 3 I found I was just constantly getting on at him as he tested every nerve :woman_facepalming: I didn’t want our relationship to be like that so I had to decide what was really important, I also found simplifying and explaining why he had to do certain things helped also and consequences to his actions that you stick to, once you have said something NEVER go back on it cause yer kid is having a tantrum cause next time they will throw an even bigger one to get the way, good luck


I have a hard time when mine comes back from grandmas for a weekend stay because she just expects everything to go her way and that is not how I’m raising her so the first few days back are rough especially when she only wants to eat junk food and that is very limited at my house because it causes her poop to be all sorts of wonky and her to be even worse with behavior wise … just gotta keep firm if you say no that means no we do time outs and have been since my daughter was 1 and shes 2.5 now we will do them at the grocery story or gas station anywhere if she decided to throw a fit she gets put in time out … she does still try and do it at both grandparents house but if I’m there I put her in time out … idn what to say about the daycare because I have a wonderful daycare and she has to help pick up toys there or she gets put into time out… while some tantrums are normal for toddlers and trying to press boundaries are normal for toddlers there is an excess to that and if you dont start soon it will only get worse time outs never hurt anybody we spend alot of time in time out when it comes to picking toys up and eating our veggies just gotta stick to it

I know a 12 year old that behaves this way… manipulates as well. All down to getting away with it for so long.

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It sounds like she’s stressed out at home. Are there maybe other issues in the home that could affect her socially and emotionally?Relationships, communication issues, etc? I don’t disagree that it could be from being too spoiled outside of the home but yeah it definitely sounds like she’s being overwhelmed and needs your extra attention.

She has only been on this planet for three years. She’s learning. Her brain isn’t even fully developed yet! Yes, it’s frustrating to deal with the consistent meltdowns and feeling like nothing is working. This is literally part of the territory. Just remain firm and consistent. Yes she may be more spoiled outside of the home, but behavior like this is expected of toddlers. They’re learning to communicate and deal with emotions.


U need help not her. Shes normal you arent.


She doesn’t need behavioral therapy… she’s a typical 3 year old. Give her a time limit to pick up her toys, if she doesn’t, then grab a garbage bag and say “what I pick up I’m keeping for myself”… then start picking them up into the bag. If she doesn’t help, keep them for a week. Then give them back, let her try again. And it’s a continuous process. But she’s 3. She doesn’t need behavioral therapy. She needs a MILLION hugs, and redirection.


Uh sorry. The behavior is because she’s 3, that’s what’s going to happen. She’s not being spoiled, she is a toddler. Her brain is growing and making new connections, and doesn’t know how to communicate how she’s feeling—on top of having an apparent speech delay.


I think you might want to look into some help for yourself. As an educator I feel that your post makes it seem like the issue is not with the child or those caring for her.


My daughter (only child) was the same way. I called her 3’s the horrible 3’s, it was worse than 2 in my opinion. She’s learning and of course she doesn’t want to clean, I dont want to clean either. Make a game out of picking up toys and the like.

She will grow out of the temper tantrums, it’s all kids who do this (yes, some are worse than others) its completely normal. Just breathe and the being spoiled thing, that’s a losing battle with grandparents unless you cut them out completely. She’s just testing you, it isn’t because of them. Just breathe and remember she’s 3 and her reasoning skills isn’t like an adults yet.


My four year old is exactly like that

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Dude really? Your kid is 3, almost 4 and behind in speech. OFCOURSE SHE’S GOING TO CRY ABOUT A LOT OF SHIT. She’s still trying to figure out emotions & life itself. I dont see any need for behavioral therapy but I would definitely look into speech therapy. It’ll help her communicate better so it’ll he beneficial for both of you. As far as her not picking up her toys? I’m lucky if I get my 3 year old to pick up his toys ever😂 take it easy on your kid woman.


Welcome to the terrible threes lol… you thought the twos were bad … pssssh good luck … let me know if you have another route… I have 4 kids … my 1st baby skipped the terrible twos and threes and giving me a heart attack at seven lmao … my 3 younger ones :hot_face::hot_face: I’m surprised I dont have grey hair lol … like I said good luck … there just so much a 3 year old will do before they will flip the switch … patience is key!!


Try taking away toys not picked up. It worked for mine

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Same thing happened to my daughter, I’m sorry!!

My daughter is 10 and still fights about getting her hair done -_- and fights about chores and picking up after herself etc etc what exactly are you expecting of a 3 year old?? Jeeez mom you need to just chill and enjoy your baby


I’m trying not to crack up.

But for real. This is NORMAL behavior. If it’s that big of a deal, stop sending your child to these places, especially if they won’t respect your wishes.


I think that consistancy on all levels is important. Your parent,daycare and you need to sit together and decide what set of rules need to be used in all settings. This however doesnt mean she cant have special fun times with daycare or grandparents but you will know that your rules are being followed everywhere. When talking to your child explain the expectations dont call them rules and then if she doesnt do them each place has the same punishment whatever that may be. Youre the parent and you have a right to express concern to these people. (Child behavioral therapist here and I dont think she needs behavioral help)

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I always helped mine at TidyUpTime. They’re little and can’t do it by themselves. On the other hand, I’m not picking everything up myself either. Do it together. And explain to those who matter that they’re ‘harming your child’, not you by not playing by your rules… X

It seems like you’re too high strung and not allowing your child to be a CHILD. All us moms have been here. And I’m sure all of us were this way when we were 3. It’s NORMAL. Relax.


So shes a kid…damn them for treating her as such…she sounds frustrated and your expectations probably don’t help…shes 3 smdh poor kid


My 5 year has a meltdown when it’s time to clean up. This is normal behavior. I would suggest you reinforce the rules as often as you need to. Unfortunately for me 4 was worst then 3

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I think you as the mother need therapy :rofl::rofl: mom of 4 kids here and my girls did this for years. Learn to communicate with your child and stand firm when you tell her to do something and eventually she will. Them tantruming is a part of life and they’ll out grow it eventually. She is 3 and still trying to figure out how to communicate her needs and feelings. Sometimes kids get stressed and overwhelmed just like adults, handle it appropriately and you’ll get better results.


I bet you’re the only child


If you had said she was 6+ and behaving this way I would have agreed with you but she is 3 and the behavior you are describing is typical and has nothing to do with being spoiled. You are expecting a 3 year old to know how to understand and control her emotions and behavior when that is just NOT possible. When it is time to clean up you need to either turn it into a game or stand over her while she is cleaning and one at a time tell her to pick up her toys and put them away. You are tell her to clean up then walk away and expect her to do it without getting overwhelmed??? Hell I am 32 and get overwhelmed when I look at my mess of a house and have to clean it myself. As far as crying for no reason or until she gets what she wants this is also normal behavior especially for children who struggle to verbalize what they want or need. When you say no she gets mad, sad, frustrated, and doesn’t know how to cope with her feelings. You are an adult you need to take a step back and calm down. If you are mad and frustrated you will only make matters worse. You need to calm her down and explain to her that it is okay to feel this way but throwing a fit over it is not okay. Yes it is frustrating but you have to remember you are dealing with a toddler.


That’s how 3 year olds are. If she doesnt grow out of it worry about it but it’s just an age thing

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I totally understand. My daughter has down syndrome and is really cute. Not biased, she IS really cute. Anyway, because of the combo of disability and adorableness people do what she wants. She gets very little resistance from the world, save for at home and a few aides at school so when she bumps up against resistance, she has a hard time recovering. I usually say she isn’t very resilient. It’s a double edged sword, isn’t it? Wanting the world to like and be nice to your child is what every parent wants…but you never stop to think of the negatives of it. We use breathing and eye contact to calm her down and as she gets older she understands more. Hang in there, momma. It will get better with time.

To be fair I never read all of this but my first thought was if your not happy with the way daycare and parents are raising your child then do it yourself … problem solved :ok_hand:

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You do realize how lucky you are to have parents willing to spend time and give your child security. A lot of people would love this. As far as the day care maybe they don’t have the time to work one on one with your child.


You have to quit the coddling and if the adults are not on board you have to limit their influence…ie. Time spent with her.


My almost 3yr old does the same she tantrums and asks for hugs when shes instructed to do small chores like pick up her toys or to wait for things. I talk her down from her tantrums and I’ll help her put away her toys I dont do it for her but I assist her by handing them over for her to out in the toy box. You need to be patient with your daughter shes still learning how to be a person


Completely normal behaviour of a 3 year old CHILD.


I used Love and Logic as well as 1 2 3 Magic methods and it worked wonders. Consistency is the key though. If grandparents and daycare continue to be unsupportive then find a new daycare and make sure grandparent time is supervised at first. Once they see the improvements in your relationship and your daughters attitude they will jump on board.


My 7 old acts like this. Normal behavior, her grandparents spoil her too but I think that’s nice. Who doesn’t like to be spoiled. Your daughter is 3, she’s going to try and push boundaries. That’s where you need to stand firm and maybe meet her half way, help hernand do a game while doing it. With my one year old we play a counting game when putting the toys away or a colour game. Learning and tidying. Win win.

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… she’s 3! Its normal, and tbh shame on you for not treating her as such. She won’t be little forever. I get being stern and teaching her to be independent but I think it should be a combination of love, affection and independence.


My niece is the same way but theres nothing wrong with spoiled kids,my neice helps us pick her toys up but does cry but kids deserve to be spoiled,there’s nothing wrong with kids being spoiled. More than 52 kids in my family gets spoiled and in my family spoiling kids is a tradition as every kid gets spoiled regardless as its bittersweet. You should want to spoil her just as much as she doesnt stay little forever so give her what she wants and spoil her because in a blink shell be older.

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