I feel like my husband has been seeing someone behind my back

I mean. He knows he has a whole family. He is the problem. Not her.
Be strong


DO NOT co front her. Your husband made a commitment to you not that other woman. You will not get what you need except additional hurt and anguish. You just need to deal with him and him alone. Figure out what it is you want to do then move on that.


He would have a bag waiting for him by the front door. The confrontation isn’t needed. Everyone’s about to see first hand anyways. Just make him take his bag and handle your business.


He is the problem not her. If he wouldn’t have opened the door it would of never happened. Time to move on before your children think this is a normal thing.


I think you should confront her, but don’t get violent, ask her how she could f a married man with children? There’s not much else you can do, just get all the proof you can, take half of his retirement payout, a percentage of his 401k and whatever else.


I’ve been cheated on. It wasn’t her fault. Knowing or not knowing HE opened the door to allow her in. He took the vow to you she owes you nothing. I was angry at her too, but unneeded drama won’t help your kids. Especially if you leave and this woman stays in his life. You’re allowed to be angry but blame the right person. This was ALL him. Also go build a better life for you and your kids. That’s the worst revenge.


The truth is she owes you no loyalty he does. Document your proof and confront him again


It’s not just her, he is the one that pursued this as well, allowed it to happen knowing he had a family. I would be going after his ass!

Prayer for you sweetie you know what to do sorry for the kids

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She owes u n ur children no loyalty. There’s no need to confront her. Confront ur husband. Get a lawyer get money transferred n b ready


Leave him! Leave him! Leave him! Dont confront her! Leave him! And learn to be happy ALONE! :raised_hands: I’m truly sorry this happened to you.


He is married to you. Not her.


It’s not her fault that he cheated on you dont go blaming her just leave him smh


While I agree she isn’t the one who made the vows but if she knew that he was married and still messed around with him she’s a sac of :poop: with no self respect right along with him. I’m not saying you should confront her because honestly she’s not even worth your breathe and neither is he but she is no victim. I would quietly pack his :poop: and say you’re now free to live with her and walk away. A man (or woman) willingly throws their marriage/family away because they aren’t adult enough to ask for a divorce is not worth giving anymore of your precious time to. They started their relationship built on lies and deception. Sounds like a fairytale happily ever after :roll_eyes: She will lose him how she got him. He’s her problem now :wave:t3:


Don’t confront her. It’s not worth it. I know it feels like because he won’t tell you the truth that maybe you can get it from her but it’s not worth it. I’m not saying she’s innocent because her knowing he’s married with kids and still going through with a relationship with him is awful, selfish and makes her not the greatest person imo but, it’s him that you’re married to. You know the truth you don’t even need it from him. I’ve gone through it before. Even when they’re caught they’ll still lie. I know it’s hard but, focus on you and you’re babies and get your ducks in a row! Positive vibes sent your way!

That’s what my ex-husband did to me but he also got her pregnant while we were married :poop::poop:

I’m truly sorry that this is happening to you but she owes you no loyalty whatsoever he does. I’ll never understand why the woman always blames The other woman… let her have him so he can do exactly to her as he’s done to you.


Quietly start planning now. Start stashing money now. When you go grocery shopping, get cash back at the register. Every time. It just shows as x amount at the store, not cash back. Move quietly, get your ducks in a row and then hit him hard. Leave no leaf unturned. Find a lawyer now, but go for free consultations with every local firm that offers that. It make it so they cannot represent him in the future. He broke your vows. He destroyed your trust. This is something you will carry with you for the rest of your life, make sure he pays too. Petty or not, he did this. Leave with as much as you can. Pension, 401k, any equity you are entitled to on the house. Boy bye :wave: make his head spin. You got this :two_hearts:


I’m just curious how you found out when putting in a code on Netflix??? Also don’t confront the woman, you don’t know what type of lies your husband fed her. If anything confront your husband.

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XXXOOO to You and the kids

He made vows to you, she did not. Not that her behavior is excusable by any means! Go see a lawyer, then pack his bags!


It’s both faults. She said her children saw them holding hands. He’s guilty cause he’s your husband she’s guilty cause she knew he was married. Won’t do any good to say anything to her but they are both guilty. Get your papers filed. If you live in n.c. you can sue her for ruining your marriage


Don’t confront anybody. See a lawyer, handle business to move on. I would ask your lawyer if your state has Alienation Of Affection laws. That’s how you confront her.
Not everything requires your attention. She is one of those things. No need to speak bc she knows.


So sry I’ve been through this with my ist husband so I feel for u.

There is no need to confront her. Your husband is the one who broke his vows to you. She entered because he opened the door for her. He is the one you should confront.


Don’t confront her. She is not the problem. Figure out your next move.


She may know he has a family but he opened that door. They are both at fault not just her. You should be leaving him.


I would definitely contact a lawyer. Get proof to show them he’s cheating and I believe you can sue him


Yes, she knows he has a whole family. But so does HE. And HE chose to see her and risk that. This isn’t a her problem, is a him problem. You’re not married to her, she can do whatever she wants to. Your husband is the one that needs to be kicked to the curb. Thinking of you, I know all too well how this feels. :heart:


Even though they both are at fault. He let her into the relationship. I have seen and heard where wife’s confront girlfriends but continue to stay with the man
Cheaters usually move on to someone else or keep going with her. She doesn’t care about your children or you. See attorney and try to get it done and live a new life.


Tell him. Don’t live with this in your :heart:. I is so sad and it will destroy you. Good luck and my God help you and your children through this. Love :heart: yourself

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I’ll be going to attorney sue her for breaking up ur family bc he wanted to be with another woman than slap the papers in his face .


I wouldn’t say anything at this point. Just go talk with a lawyer. If you don’t have one already open up your own bank account and start putting money in it. Get things set up so you can move on with your kids. It’s gonna be hard on the kids. Wish we knew what to say to take the hurt away from your baby’s when the time comes.


Good luck make sure to take everything he is they one who let and you will be sorry later

I’m so sorry, big hugs xxx

Nope your husband entertained her. Hold your husband accountable. At this point your kids have seen him being unfaithful. Dump his ass. Your kids are watching.

Take ur kids and leave and get a divorce lawyer

Keep strong and just know in the end your kids will thank you for remaining strong and leaving and doing the right thing.


See you all are way better people than me- just because he shouldn’t have let her in doesn’t mean that bitch didn’t know any better because she did. So I’d confront them both- together.

Hey been there and yes it’s hard but your strong and will get through this…. He’s not worth it

I don’t know what state you are in but you can sue the person interfering in your marriage here in North Carolina. It’s called alienation of affection…then also divorce him because he is your husband and he allowed it.


You are not married to the other woman so don’t say anything to her. You need to deal with your emotions and gather your thoughts to decide your next move. Talk to a lawyer if leaving is what you truly want to do.


I wouldn’t say anything to either. I would make sure i was financially stable get my own place move while he’s at work and then file for divorce.


Sending you and your kiddos prayers, hugs, and love through this rough transition. You and the kids deserve someone who is honest in their commitment and love to you all!

Get a lawyer doll and goodluck to you :heart:

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I’m sorry hun.
I would just go to a lawyer.
I wouldn’t recommend confronting her cause she knows he has a family and doesn’t care to be a home wrecker .
It not like he lied to her or never told her about you guys. She obviously doesn’t care about what there doing and the ramifications of her actions to you and the kids .


The woman is not your problem. Your husband is.
That’s your relationship. Your marriage. Worry about that instead of confronting a woman who was responsive to the actions of your husband - regardless of who started the fling. IMO, and it’s obviously unpopular, he is the homewrecker. It’s HIS responsibility to care for and nurture your relationship, not hers.
Get a lawyer, therapist, and move on.
He’s not worth it, you’re worth SOO MUCH MORE.


If you’re going to confront someone, confront HIM! Why on earth would you confront the other woman??? It’s your partner that has betrayed you. Hold HIM accountable.


Just get a lawyer, get half, your kids & go


Retain as much of any proof as possible. In a divorce it will be useful and easier than he said/she said fighting. I won’t tell you to divorce but if he’s not gonna change ways, you’ll have to make a definite decision for your future.


People don’t mind breaking up other people’s homes :unamused:. It heartbreaking :broken_heart:. You do what you need to do, my prayers go with you :pray:


Do not confront her. Figure out what you want to do and then deal with your husband.


Don’t say anything and get lawyet


Its time to say enough is enough ok it’s time to move out move forwards see a lawyer ok

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I have been right there in your shoes. Confronting the other person will just make her look like the ‘victim’ and do nothing positive for you or your kids. My ex would have jumped right to defending her if I had contacted her and it would’ve been the two of them against me. I am so sorry that your kids and you are going through this. The kids could probably use some therapy, too. Thinking of you all.


Alienation of affections
Alienation of affections is a common law tort, abolished in many jurisdictions. Where it still exists, an action is brought by a spouse against a third party alleged to be responsible for damaging the marriage, most often resulting in divorce. The defendant in an alienation of affections suit is typically an adulterous spouse’s lover, although family members, counselors, and therapists or clergy members who have advised a spouse to seek divorce have also been sued for alienation of affections. Alienation of affections - Wikipedia

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Don’t confront either.
Get your act together and leave.
Be the better person.


Lawyer ! And you should’ve sent screenshots to yourself before confronting him for.ypur proof


She isn’t ur problem ur husband stepped out yes she knows about y’all BUT your husband can be feeding her with a bunch of bullshit since u have proof divorce time he isn’t gonna stop right now he has his cake and eating it too. Trust me she isn’t and won’t be the last as long as u stay!

Your husband’s the problem. He opened a door and let her in. She was never the one that claimed to love you. Document everything get a lawyer and get out


Plus how long y’all been marriage 10 or more years??? SPOUSAL SUPPORT child support and since he stepped out o boy well okay I was able to prove when my x husband started cheated we had only been marriage for only a year and well we divorced and he had to pay me everything back (5,000.00)


It’s a sad situation. Whatever you do please don’t badmouth the father of your children. Children are smart and will figure things out by themselves and love you more for not hurting them anymore than they will already be hurt. Children are the ones who are usually caught in the middle. My mom used to say that when one chapter of your life ends another begins, hopefully for the better.:blue_heart::pray:


I’ve been right in your shoes only it was his coworker. Don’t say a word to her, lawyer up!

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Make sure you have backup incase he deletes your proof


Hopefully that woman puts you in your place. You have no right to confront her. She has no responsibility to you or your family. If you didn’t secure the proof from your husband’s phone, that’s your bad. Just leave :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:
You’re gonna confront this lady, supposedly end things between them (you’re not) and then stay with him. Good for you (note the sarcasm in that last line…)


tell him to get out! This is your kids home, you and they should not have to leave it!!!


Is it (he) worth all this?

Trust me they will be fine. You will be happier you just dont see it yet. Sure it will be lonely and you will mourn for what could have been. Take the time you would have wasted on him and use it to explore who you want to be. Stronger healthier and happier


Nooooo get proof send everything to yourself hire an attorney and take everything :heart: prayers and I hope everything works out in your favor I’m sorry you’re dealing with this


There is no reason to confront her. What are you hoping to gain from that? Confront your husband, he stepped out of your marriage. You saw the proof so he can’t keep denying it.
I hope you took pictures of the texts and everything you found in your husband’s phone. Get a lawyer and divorce him.


Courts take to long. Clear the bank account out and leave him while he is at work. Also take screenshots of everything you found for later.


Your children seeing your husband holding hands with another woman is all the proof you need. You just weren’t ready to accept it.
The fact that he’s romancing another woman in front of your children is WRONG and I would divorce his ass yesterday.
Clean the bank account out and file for a divorce.

Start putting money away.

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I let’s when my kids were 7 and 9 they are adults now and they totally get it! Their dad bad mouthed me and I stayed quit! Stay quit and do what you got to do! They’ll independent mama! You got this! I’m so sorry!

I’m appalled at the women in here defending the woman in this situation saying she did nothing wrong. Sure, she doesn’t owe her loyalty. But what about just respect? When are women going to start respecting other women and putting married men in their place? Ya know “girl code”. There’s too many conniving women in this world for that to ever happen but dangit, wouldn’t it be a better place if women backed other women and put the cheater in his place. Who would want to be with a married man anyways? Don’t you know that what he’s doing to her… he will do it again to the side woman. It’s a cycle. :woman_facepalming:


I’m glad you know your worth. Both you and your kids deserve better. You ending things with him will show your kids that they don’t ever have to put up with someone hurting them that way, that cheaters always get caught eventually, and they deserve loyalty. You definitely deserve better. You’ve got this❤️


Be smart about it all. Don’t make bad choices out of anger. Keep all evidence secure. Call a lawyer asap. Don’t touch account until talk to a lawyer. Don’t mouth or call the mistress or even the husband until talk to a lawyer. Alot of things can happen when emotional and you need to be smart about it all. So basically get a lawyer and do exactly what they say to do!


next time use crazy glue.

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I hope you screenshot everything and saved it! I would also make an email that he would never know and send all your proof there as well.


Dear OP, for everyone angered by the comment someone made about not confronting the other woman—truly messy and vindictive women who wreck homes get impassioned even more to stay with the man when confronted by his significant other. It rarely works out how you want it to, bc you already have proof the woman has no morals since she knows you exist. I agree that you should always just confront your husband: the one who committed to you. People are unhinged—it’s 2022 you never know who could be carrying a gun, knife, or acid, ready to attack. Think about your safety and your kids in this situation, because your husband clearly didn’t.


Wonder why he’s running around??


Confront both of them. With the proof. Divorce his sorry butt. :heartbeat: big hugs and lots of strength to you

Honey, leave him. Your so much better off without thst kind of crap in your life. You do havr a right to confront her, the question is, Is she even worth the time it takes to confront her? Any woman who will sleep with a married man is trash. Just know that you are better than that.

She knew and he knew better, everyone deserves theses hands and feet


In front of your kids? It’s no longer a gut feeling!


Dont confront her. She has no loyalties to you HE is supposed to.


I’m sorry for what you’re going through. See if therapy works. It will be tough for a while but there will be sunshine too

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Are you giving him what she’s giving him? Attention, love, support, sex…some relationship has broken because one didn’t give so the other went searching for someone else who could give them it.

Confront her!!! 100% the right choice! You’re going to be okay mama! I’m sorry this happened to you

She didnt make you any promises.he did.


Get proof. Document everything. Don’t worry about her. She doesn’t care. Worry about you and the kids. Get your ducks in a row. Get a lawyer. Serve him papers


Remember that it takes “2”.


I wouldn’t confront her. Get a private investigator to film them together. Then you can confront both of them with evidence. The question is are you moving on with divorce or going to accept it? Either way, protect yourself and your kids!


Ask her if she enjoys being a homewreaker… yes, co front her. Tell her you will never give him a divorce. He’s probably lying to her too.


I wouldn’t even bother confronting her I’d just leave


Kids don’t lie & your gut is never wrong! Boy bye :wave:

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You need to confront BOTH of them. Not just the woman, she isn’t married to you and didn’t step out of your marriage, your husband did. It says a lot about a woman when she knows the man has a whole a$$family and still pursues the man. The fact they were doing things in front of the kids too, that’s a huge no-no. It’s actually disgusting. I wish you and your children all the best. Don’t do anything outrageous though!


Kids see more then you know. Confront her and get the divorce


Ha ha ha been there done that believe the kids


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Don’t waste your time and energy interrogating either of them. He’s a liar and she either didn’t know or doesn’t care. Protect yourself and your kids. It’s going to take time but it will get better. You may even find love again. Hold your beautiful head high and get help if you need to but I personally wouldn’t give them your time or energy. Best wishes