check the bed for long hair strands not your color
I’d say had another woman there that dropped it on purpose…
U can tell the bobby pin aint urs if u dont use them people come on what kinda question is that… smh
Damn. Over a Bobby pin… Is this a joke?
Is there even a boyfriend? Husband? Do you have kids? They never said. She could live alone and found one Ya’ll the most.
We are not crazy. We know our stuff. She knows if it ain’t hers. Hell I had a different black hairband in the bathroom 2 days ago…was ready to flip before my son confess to letting his girlfriend use my bathroom to do her hair. But my Mr. could’ve got it. All over a hairband
Do you have kids? Could be from them or if he uses them to clean his glasses. I don’t use them either, talk to him about it calmly and see if he has a straight answer to it. If you go into it rude he will probably not be honest.
Why were you looking for something?
It could be your husband’s.
Dont get surprise if you found some laces.
When someone is not around and free, time to express oneself and experiment on your looks.
If you find hair thats not your colour then ya hes cheating so
Pick it up ,throw it away.
I’d tape that bitch to the fridge and not say anything lol
Girl the min u saw the Bobby pin u knew in your gut what was up.
Sounds like you need to catch him in the act!! Wait a week or 2 , then you have a family emergency! Use that time to follow and if he is cheating, you can catch him in the act!! You youngsters really need to step your game up!!
Maybe he’s working on his lock picking skills…
Speaking from personal experience if you’re looking for problems you will find them
Just leave him I dont have time for games but you choose what you want… also squirt mustard on all his clothes
If you are PREPARED to leave him just leave… If not, throw it away and carry on with your marriage…
I was told by a medium that random bobby pins or penny’s in your house is a love one in heaven showing you they r ok and they are with you
I mean does he wear Bobby pins? Maybe did a little bit of a dress up while you were gone or it’s in fact another women’s if you have none in the house.
I wouldn’t say shit. And start looking at his moves. Investigate !!
Don’t overthink, it can ruin your relationship. Start spending more quality time with him
Just leave it on the bathroom counter in plain sight and don’t say anything. Not the same thing but when my son was 15 I found a bunch of playboys under his bed. I just left them on top of his bed and never said anything. He must have hidden them better because no 15 year old boy is going to throw playboys away… It was just fun to watch him sweat it out.
This was off another group
Ok obviously if no one else wears Bobby pins in your house and it’s not yours it must have came from somewhere I would confront him. He may just tell you the truth and you can decide what to do from there. Or your already thinking he’s cheating so you should just leave
Instead of asking the internet how about asking your partner.
A Bobby Pin?!?! Well, you could just assume the worst case scenario, don’t say a word, and just leave without ever knowing for sure.
Ummm,go ask your partner!!
That means she got her hair pulled in that exact spot lol
Ask your husband. Then start been a investigator for yourself and find
Tell him your going out of town again and bust him
Stab him in the eye with it and ask him “where did this come from?!?!”
Good Lort! it’s a bobby pin… could it be yours?!?!?
Don’t say anything and set up a camera
Well, do you live alone??
Kick his ass out… He cheatin girl
If you can’t or won’t trust him get out of the relationship now!
If they were panties I would be upset.
Don’t say shit n set up camera🤷
Lol Haley Rose Manobianco
There is way too much info missing from this. Do you have children? Did you have someone house sitting? There could be so many variables as to why a Bobby pin is in the house. Did you have a wedding or something in the past where your hair was done up that it magically appeared?
It could be yours…? Bobby pins are small and you could have dropped it without noticing or something. I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions over a Bobby pin. Sounds like you’re overthinking it
Sure it’s not yours? Or someone that you’ve had in the house?
Honestly Bobby pin could have gotten stuck to a shoe on the street or fallen and landed on an article of clothing without us even knowing it. I’m a girl and I’ve had such instances happen in my own house
Leave it where it’ll be visible and see what he does with it.
Leave lmao, found a false nail at my ex’s that most defiantly wasn’t mine, confront them and watch them lie or live with them and find out the worst
Trust your intuition. And then follow it.
Finders keepers…it’s yours now
Don’t over react but be on alert. If he is cheating, there would be other signs I would think.
I wouldn’t jump to full conclusions yet… is it yours? Could it be yours? Also, have you had friends or family over before you left? If not, obviously ask your partner about it and if you get weird vibes or feel deeply that something is off, pursue further into investigation. Maybe get a camera for inside, or tell him you’re leaving for the day or two days again and see what you can find out? I don’t want to sounds crazy butttttt do y’all have a good enough relationship where you can go through each other’s phones? If so and he doesn’t let you see it then that might be your answer. I hope it’s nothing.
Something tells me she’s seen other signs…… unless she doesn’t have any female friends I think it’s been 30 years since I used a Bobby pin. If I found one in my house, I’d think it was from one of my friends…… unless there’s other signs.
She left it for you to find
Girls leave shit so you find shit
Some guys clean their ears with them
Make a sandwich a put it in the sandwich record everything
I once found hair clips in my then fiance’s car. When I confronted him he said it was his mother’s. His mom lived 60 miles away and had very very short hair
About a month later I found out he had an affair with one of my “friends”
Maybe your husband is a professional thief and uses it to open doors…are you rich by any chance?
Well of you don’t use them there is your answer.
Its someone’s else.
Did you aak if there were visitors ??
If the answer is no then there ya go.
Shady women would leave something behind .
If you think he is cheating talk to him, however he may deny it without any proof so if so hopefully it would be more than a hair grip, maybe tell him you’re going away for a few days get someone to watch your house n then arrive home early. I don’t know really. I will drain you if you don’t get answers. Get over it or dig deeper, it could be maybe one of yours friends? Or family members when they came round or something now you’ve only just came across it. I wouldn’t know what to do until I was in the position tbf….but I use hair clips so I wouldn’t know hahaha
Maybe its the house keepers. Maybe its his sisters or mothers. Maybe his friend and his wife stopped over fir a visit. Don’t jump to conclusions. Check things out very carefully before you assume something is going on.
Could it be yours? Do you have friends over?…I’d first answer all the simple questions. Your gut will tell you….
It might have been there before u moved there…If u find under garments get back to us so we can start an investigation fb style🙄
I thought this was in a fae group I am in.
Booby pins…who still uses them…your grandmother?
Leave it where the guy will see it let him ask about it then tell him it is not your you don’t know whose
Could of fallen off/out of some from awhile ago
Check the phone bill, preferably online. They can delete the log on the phone but there’s still a record somewhere. Did he clean the house while u were gone, making it look nice for a visitor? Check the garbage too
Bobby pins are like hair ties, they get stuck or lost in the most random places. If there’s a chance it could be yours from a while ago and it came off of or out of something, then calm down. You’d need more proof before confronting someone
Set him up , be smart about It! That way he can’t say (it wasn’t me)!!!
Stuck under a shoe ?
Maybe using it to clean his ears out
Clearly she knows if it is hers or not. She told us it is not hers. If it were me, I would put it somewhere he would be sure to see it and take a pic. If it “disappears” you have your answer.
I found one in the bathroom the other day and there’s only my son and I who live here He wouldn’t need it cos his hair really short unless he uses it for his beard
Big Don’t say anything. Just look for other signs. Men aren’t that good at hiding.
I think you already know the answer
Well, do you live alone?
So ask him where it came from. I don’t get the whole put it where he can find it thing. Take it to him and say this isn’t mine where’d it come from? Be up front. There could be many explanations but if you catch him off guard you’ll be able to catch him in a lie or trying to come up with one in the moment. The whole set up thing is just childish to me and gives him time to think if he did do something
Don’t beat around the bush. Just ask him about it.
Oh DAMN like a hair Bobby pin like for girls hair…DAMN…this is going to get ugly, he will say anything so be prepared, and when you find the truth give yourself time to love yourself.
Confront him. Clearly it isn’t yours so how did it get there?
His reaction will tell you more than he will.
Dont say anything and be ready to look for more signs… If you tell him… Hes just going to lie to you anyways…
I wish she would comment to our replies. Maybe she could provide some more details?
Ask him for her number so you can return it!
He bought it to clean he’s ears dont worry
Have you had company in your house in the last couple months this?
1 random Bobby pin found, shouldn’t be a red flag for a significant other doing something on the sly.
Unless you have suspected they have been doing something way before finding a Bobby pin.
Just a thought. Not enough info to really speculate and get the fbi (best friend involved to solve the mystery)
Maybe he was just cleaning his ears!!
There’s not enough information here to help. We could jump to tons of conclusions, but that’s about it.
These days even boys wear them.
Does any of his friends could look like they would wear bobby pin?
Just ask him,see his reaction, response. U know him, I assume very well.
Or if u don’t want ask him,check his phone,for something unusual.
Set up a camera for the next time u leave a couple days
I’d be concerned if it was in my bed. Otherwise it’s a bobby pin extremely common many people use them
My hubby found one I thought nothing of it
If there is no possible way it came from your home, then just calmly ask him did he have fun while you were gone, did he invite anyone over, or whatever. See what he says. If he lies, which im sure if he’s cheating he will definitely do. Just go with it, either set up a camera to catch him, or set the Bobby pin on his phone for him to see and make sure you catch his reaction.
Ask him how he parts his hair and then put it in.
Well first do you live alone, or with someone, second do you have kids? Sorry but even animals, I’ve had my old ones carry some weird stuff in
My brother found one of my Bobby pins in his car, kept fiddling with it absentmindedly… carried it with him into his house and his GF lost her shit…. Until she realized it was innocent and harmless. Not everything is malicious (coming from a chick with a Criminology & psychology degree and naturally suspicious)
Try asking if it’s really bothering you?
Be upfront about it and prepare yourself to kick his ass to the curb.
Ask him who lost their Bobby pin? If he says he don’t know ask for his phone if he says no kick him out
A Bobby pin? Girl, unless you know something you are not telling us!.