I found a bobby pin in my house that was not mine: Advice?

If you feel uneasy about it, then investigate more. YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. You can feel anyway YOU want. I never use them, so if I just saw one on my kitchen table or wherever, it would be super sus. Go away again and have someone drive by the house or suddenly come home early with no warning. If you already have trust issues with them, then just decide if its worth the frustration of always needing to question their actions whether they are being innocent or not.


Sounds like you already don’t trust. I have kids and they have friends over all the time, some girls. I hope you don’t live alone :flushed:

I think it’s a side chick whose dropping hints that only you would find


a bobby pin? OMG, he had his granny over!! ( Or someone’s granny cause I haven’t used. bobby pins since 1970 something)


I found a VS price tag behind my toilet once while cleaning and I hadn’t bought anything for months and clean my bathroom almost every week. He was cheating, I was at work came home to a girl on my bed, hanging out. I would ask and if he denies investigate unless you want to just leave


You sure that it wasn’t already there for awhile and just found it? Don’t jump to conclusions. Ask him.

If you live alone :eyes::eyes:

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I’d first ask if any one came to visit while you was gone and read body language and then ask if his family did or not


Do you have a housekeeper or anyone else with regular access to your home? Do you have teenage children? A little more context would be useful.


Put it in his mashed potatoes and say he forgot something… :person_shrugging::joy::joy: but no, for real, I’m sure the ground has been vacuumed before she left and not during


Maybe he is wearing bobby pins


I mean are you sure it’s not an old one…or yours…


I’ve owned my house since 2007. Even when I lived there alone, I’d find weird stuff. It ends up working out from under baseboard or gets bumped out of a cupboard. Now my kid drags all kinds of weird stuff about.


Sugar and spice while playing ICS…but really just ask him about it. Then play ICS if need be

You need to be “gone” for a couple more days! Surprise him with you coming home early. :rofl:


I’d anyone came to visit you should’ve known

But now - ask if anyone came
See how he responds and if he seems sketchy - new time plant a camera before you leave


I found Bobby pins in my shower, turns out my step son let his friends (girl and boy) use our shower while we were gone. Just ask.

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OMG it’s a bobby pin, ask him about it

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People are laughing but girl I get it, I’ve been there. I got a free security camera app called Alfred on my phone and found out I wasn’t crazy after all.


Confront the creep!! He apparently didn’t cover his tracks very well!! Time to move on!!

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Stab his pisshole with it…:v:t3:

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This needs way more context


This one time while we were at a hotel for a week…hubby found a big fake eyelash and he was worried bout what I would think… I told him that he fuked the lashes off the bitch. Hahahahaha :joy::joy: it was from housekeeping not cleaning well

When he says away the mice will play!

Don’t confront him, he’ll just lie if he is guilty. You need proof. Get a spy camera and app and arrange to be gone again for a day or two. If he is having an affair, you then have proof if you want to divorce him. If you know, you can protect yourself from STD’s.

You already have a feeling, or else you would not be posting to try to feel better…talk to him…

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If you have suspicions just ask.


Get a camera. Only way to know one way or the other because people lie!


:thinking: does anyone even use Bobby pins anymore?? Do you have any friends that have long hair? Do you not trust your partner for any reason??

She probably left that just for you, to give you a heads up.


Don’t all Bobby pins looks the same?


I’d just pick it up. Those hurt going through your foot :grimacing:


Put it somewhere your husband will notice it and watch to see if he picks it up and gets rid of it. If he does he obviously had someone in the house. Then go through all his Facebook friends and check for the ones that wear bobby pins. Lol. Before you accuse him of anything make sure if you have kids that it couldn’t be from one of their friends. If you had a son that’s a teenager he could’ve had a girl in.


Buy u a tiny camera off Amazon look for nanny cam that way next time u leave set it up. If u don’t have kids or haven’t had any family members in ur home I would be a little suspicious alos . Also tho if u are renting there a possibility it could of been from another person living there. I find them all over my house. When I clean my bathroom cabinet I’ll find them in the cracks and crevices. I barley use them bought them one time but find them everywhere!

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:joy: this literally happened to me. And let me tell you… he was cheating. He made me believe they were mine & I was crazy lol. The girl confronted me days later.


Bake it in a muffin and watch him choke.

Just kidding. I’m not sure why people ask these types of questions on here… like what do YOU think YOU should do?


If you have kids one of them could have taken from a friend

How often do people actually take our advice? Usually they just do the opposite


Howwwww dude? Like seriously how do you know the bobby pin isn’t yours? And even if it isn’t, I’ve found random bobby pins/clips in my bathroom from previous tenants. I actually found a bobby pin halfway jammed between the toilet and the tile and I know for a fact it’s from one of my friends or a previous tenant, what leads everyone to thinking cheating right away over a damn bobby pin

Do you have kids? Have you ever had bobby pins? Was anyone over in the days before you left?
I found one in a random spot MONTHS after the last time I’d used it or had any for that matter.

I understand it’s kind of “suspicious” but at the same time bobby pins are one of “those” things. They disappear and then turn up everywhere.

Ask about it. Look back and think if anything else has been suspicious.
Go from there
…but I wouldn’t use the bobby pin as evidence alone.

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Time for a camera that only you know about.


Oooof. Mine was a hair tie :laughing::woozy_face::upside_down_face: he tried so hard to tell me it was mine :face_with_raised_eyebrow::woman_facepalming:t4:


Keep it. Any woman knows finding a Bobby pin is like finding a lost treasure. That shits gold.

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She left it for a reason be sure to thank her later when you divorce his ass and he is now her problem! :raised_hands:t2::pray:

Are you married? Lounge? Do you own a bar? Is it random? Did someone break in? Are you gay and she switched hair products? Did your b/f lock himself out and needed found a bobby in to break in? So many questions.

Kindra any suggestions?

This post has only made me self-conscious that I use bobby pins everyday am I an old lady I’m only 26 :sob:


Go again, but put cameras up this time.


I found a hair clip in my washer one time & I was 100% positive it wasn’t mine. I instantly questioned my boyfriend and he swore he never had anyone over, so I sent a picture of it to his mom (who was just over a couple days before) and it was hers. :joy::joy::joy: it must’ve fallen out of her hair & my boys played with it and somehow ended up in the washer. I find Bobby pins ALLL over my house. Even in weird places, but I know they’re mine & my kids had been playing with them.

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Your house must function a lot differently than mine because I could stumble across an entire child that wasn’t mine and I had never seen before and barely notice😂


Ask how his time went without you around. If he enjoyed and needed guy time with friends. He might tell you 1 or more of his buddies came by and brought their wife/girlfriend along. It could be innocent. If he claims no one came by and you dont have kids the pin could belong to then you confront him with it.


Ask him about it in a non confrontational way first

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You know those piece of shits spontaneously manifest everywhere right?
We have NEVER purchased or used any yet I found one last night on the approach of a bowling lane during a tournament where I was the only female…

Yeah even I use Bobby pins , no bueno , girls use Bobby pins for baby hair

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Check for carpet burns?

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Flip TF out! Check his phone.


Unfortunately OP was too vague in post. She never mentions if she is single, taken or even has kids. All which make a huge difference. If she is in a relationship, what is her spouse had a family member over (like sister or mother) whom could’ve dropped it. Or friends of children. Now, if she lives alone I’d be curious for sure in regards to where it came from.


Install a nanny cam, plan another trip and bust the cheat.


Don’t just ruin your marriage . Truck your butt to Walmart get a camera they are small get 2 put them where he won’t see them. Then make him know you will be gone the next day and wait. Then you have proof and can use it. If nothing happens that is a Bobby pin unless you never have company don’t assume the worst

Don’t say anything
Install a hidden camera and go away for a couple of days again and you’ll get your answers


If you got a trip on stuff like that you’re in the wrong relationship


Buy an online GPS tracker. Or camera… but it doesn’t matter because they can be caught red-handed and they’ll still deny it and swear nothing ever happened and make you think you’re the crazy one LMAO​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


We kinda need more info.

Courtney Storozynsky :unamused::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Jam four nails in each of his tires, and attach the Bobby pin to one of the nails with a note that says. “I know what you did.”


Could one of your friends have lost it when visiting you and you didn’t notice?


How to say you’re an overpossesive Karen with out saying it


Omg. Call the FBI CIA AND NCIS…really a babypin got you freaked out

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Then you leave cologne and now you will both question each other


He had another woman in the house. Been there done that with my ex.

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Put it under his pillow case!!!


A bobby pin can fall out of anyone’s hair. If you said panties, I’d be concerned, they don’t just fall off!


If you don’t use bobby pins and you don’t have a housekeeper or anyone like that who uses them then confront him and ask him directly if he had another woman in the house.
His body language and eye contact will give you the answer.


Buy Blink home security.

"Throw the fucker away, and forget it " - my Grandma :rofl::rofl:

Wow !!! There is a lot of insecure people on here. Like the lady that said she found a long hair and she has short hair and left it on his pillow to confront him , a hair ? A Bobby pin ? Really if you have to go around your house with a microscope looking for long hairs and garbage to accuse your partner Maybe it’s time to leave . I could never live like that . No happiness there


I think your man was cleaning and it turned up


I love how a bunch of women here are jumping to oh the man did something NOTHING here says she even HAS a man. She may be worried someone broke in ffa


i found a turd in the toilet that wasnt mine, i was at the store​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

A friend found hair pins by her bed some mornings, thought about it and decided that her Grandma, who lived with her bedore she died, was visiting her.


Lol at these comments

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That’s not sufficient evidence, leave it alone. The truth will reveal itself.


Throw it in the garbage.


We need more information. I don’t use bobby pins and I’m pretty sure there are none in my house but if I found one on the floor my first thought wouldn’t be that my husband is cheating


Do women even use Bobby pins anymore?


Therapy you should definitely seek help- a bobby pin? If you’re that untrusting of your partner you’re in the wrong relationship

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I have found random hair things at my home. I don’t have a partner. Do you have cats? I’m assuming my cats found these random treasures hidden in the abyss of my home at some point and decided to play with thems.


Its all over trash everything and Burn the house down.

Do you own any Bobby pins….:eyes:

That’s probably where all the bobby pins run away too lol. In all honesty it’s a bobby pin. I mean if your husband or boyfriend or whoever was cheating, then I’m sure only time will tell.

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Don’t worry it must have been a Grandma’s

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Boppy pin lol! Is he cheating on you with a grandma or someone who just came from a wedding lol??? But seriously If you are reaching that far to say your husband is cheating cause of a bobby pin id say you got some other issues going on. Plus I don’t use Bobby pins but I guarantee if I look hard enough like in a junk drawer I’d find one in my house too!!

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If you don’t use them someone is telling you something…pay it some attention


It’s obvs came from somewhere if u don’t have any your self then yes it’s weird how you found one but could it be a friends that u have had over or family ect

WTF who is writing these questions???


I don’t get some of the comments on here. Clearly if I do not use bobby pins and there is no one in my home that uses them and I go away and come back in two days and there is one there I would definitely have some questions about that. Your thinking is not out of line hon.


The answer you want **‘girl he is shady’

The answer imma give you *** “giirrl marry him”

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We have 8 zillions cameras in our house (security system)… do you not?

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Maybe he secretly dresses as a woman and uses Bobby pins for a wig :thinking:


Tell him you found something that doesn’t belong to you (don’t say what it is), and ask if there’s anything he wants to tell you. Start there, see what he has to say.


Cameras in the house and leave again for 2 days. I might be a lil crazy.