Say hey, who’s bobby pin is this?
I use Bobby pins to pick stubborn black heads inside my husband’s and my son’s ears!!! Maybe someone had one in their bag that visited and came out if they pulled something out! Bobby pin=cheating-big stretch!
She left it on purpose
Try talking to him first the way he Reacts will be everything you need to know, but I’d say that seems su’spish (suspicious)
From picking a lock lol
I just thought this might belong here
I mean, I found bobby pins that weren’t mine two years after moving into our house. They were just from the previous owners.
Say “Hey did your Grandma come over and leave her bobby pin?”
Ask him who it belongs to. Then call them in front of him to verify. That way he can’t ask them to cover for him. Could be innocent…could be shady. Just ask.
But what if it is yours and it popped up because of movement what if it fell off one of your friends or was attached to your purse from someone’s house Those little things attached to everything. After I got married it took forever to take the bobby pins out
Less asking us…more asking him.
Maybe you’re better off not knowing. Maybe your hubby is playing a joke?
I agree with setting up a camera and leaving again for some random reason.
Have you ever thought that maybe someone brought it home on the bottom of their shoe? I mean shit like this do happen… now if you were already suspecting he is cheating then that’s a whole different story…
So that’s what happens to lost Bobby pins …. They randomly end up at other peoples houses….
Seriously though, I’ve bought probably a million of them in my life and yet I never seem to be able to find them.
Go away again and set up a camera, even if it’s not inside, have it out the front of your house so you can see who comes and goes?
If you have this much mistrust and suspicion then you in the wrong relationship. If you are in doubt get out…!!!
Stick it in his ear jokeing go for the forehead itll hurt more
From a man honestly ask him. Be straight up and upfront. There’s 1000 of them that my wife leaves around the house and even if you know 100% it’s not a different one you got one time it’s not a pair or undies, a g string or a bra. Any female from his family could have been over oven a female friend of his you know or one of your. And for the ladies saying cameras if that’s your first thought just leave. Ask him so him the Bobby pin. Watch his face expression listen to the tone of voice, listen to the words he uses and watch his body language and stay calm. If he isn’t cheating and you approach him angry he will get mad because his being attacked when he didn’t do anything but if u calm and he gets mad that’s different
For god sake use it to scrape your brain out of your bum
File for a divorce
Ummmm… wow. If you really feel the need to ask a bunch of strangers or even put more than two seconds thought into a Bobby pin it sounds like it’s time to move on just on principle.
Sophia Poulos theres never been a bobby pin in my house so if i ever find one hahahahahahhahahaha
Ffs opens window fresh air comes in…this air isn’t mine
Omg!! Divorce and run for the hills!!
Your husband is cheating on you with an old lady . Nobody uses Bobby pins anymore
Wait. How do you know the Bobby pin is not yours??? It’s a Bobby pin. They all look the same.
Were kids there. If so could be one of theres
How do you know its not yours? Those things are evil and pop up in the most random places.
It’s a hair clip, throw it out and get on with your day!! Truth always comes out😏
Somebody’s been cleaning out their ears…
Stick it in your hair and follow your dream life.
I’d say trust your gut; and I’d guess that since you’re questioning it, there must be another reason? You must have other indicators if that’s the first place your mind goes.
Who the hell wears Bobby pins
Oh my god people ! It could belong to ANYONE !! Could have been there for months !! COME ON, !!
They have been used to pick a lock.
Could of been stuck on someone’s shoe.
Set up a nanny cam and head away again better be sure and safe than sorry
Didn’t think anyone used bobby pins
That dirty cheating tramp lol
So was there anyone else at home for those 2 days? Or did someone break into your house & they were wearing bobby pins?
He could secretly be dressing as a woman and wearing a wig that would require Bobby pins, give him the benefit of the doubt
It sounds stupid, but that’s how I knew my ex was cheating. Finding bobby pins that weren’t mine in the bathroom or nightstand. Girls are sly like that and leave small things like that on purpose. Keep an eye out for it, but it also could’ve came from anywhere if it was just one.
Son of a lint licker. Lol
Stir shit up right now
a bobby pin is used for LOTS of things … not just for women’s hair!! NOT a concern
You just ask him. You either will trust him or not. It’s not up to us to make that decision. Grow up and face those problems yourself. It’s an effing bobby pin.
You haven’t said you have a boyfriend or girlfriend so I’m assuming a spirit left it or, someone broke into your house while you were away & it fell out of their hair or pocket.
It could be something or it could be nothing at all. When I worked at Verizon our boss lady was always losing Bobby pins or hair barrettes and at one point we used Bobby pins and barrettes instead of paper clips because they were easier to find
Just like paper clips, I have a real bad problem with pocketing them or sticking them on my shirt sleeves, hoping to remember to dump them at the end of the day….which never happened lol
It could honestly just be nothing! If you are afraid that he’s being unfaithful, you should speak directly to him!
Hugs, luck and well-wishes, mama!
LITERALLY THOUGHT THIS WAS MY POST. I’ve found three in the last six months and I have never!!!
A little more info would be nice.
If you never wear bobby pins and neither do any of your guests ever, then be concerned. But it could be one of your moms/sisters/girlfriends bobby pins.
If you don’t trust him, why are you with him?
Give him a lie detector test
Does he have sisters ? Does his mom come over I’m sure there is a explanation just ask him.
Now if you live alone that would be scary but I remember after my boyfriend and I had our second son. I came home from work and found a fake nail in my living room floor. I was FUMING and I gave him pure he// and this is what followed while I was overthinking in bed.
He thinks I’m stupid. Who could it be?
We have CHILDREN together and I was WORKING! I deserve BETTER!
Well I hope he likes sleeping on the couch like a dog. But I’m gonna find out the truth and he’s OUT of my house then!
So I completely forgot the fact that we had got the couch from his friend a few days prior.
A VERY single friend who has lots of “company”may I ad.
Not to mention we worked the same time and he got home later than me.
AND we had each other’s location.
…. Needless to say, I had ALOT of jealousy issues to work out. BUT any who, if you truly feel like he is or could be unfaithful to you, there are ways to find out and who cares who says “That’s unhealthy” because at the end of the day, it’s your relationship and you’re gonna stay or you’re gonna leave and you are only here for advice. And my advice is to follow your gut and don’t assume or point fingers until you know. I’m wishing for the best for you.
If you don’t have 100% trust for your partner, leave them.
If you feel you need to put cameras up and you can’t just ask him where it’s from and trust his answer, you should leave them.
If you don’t have 100% trust with your person, what’s the point in the relationship?
As silly as it may sound to others, I would think the same thing. I do not use bobby pins AT ALL. So if I found one in my house, especially after I was gone and it wasn’t there when I left, I would most definitely be suspicious.
Id start with checking his phone there r apps u can pay for that will show u his texts, numbers, if nothing there drop it and if there is, well
Could have been in floor from previous owners
Do you live alone? I’m confused
Sometimes women leave hints for other women. Little things, Bobby pins, earrings, tampons all on random places.
I love all the high horse ppl in here. Y’all act like you wouldn’t be the slightest bit confused to come home and find an item that only woman wear/something you don’t own on the floor. My ass would be asking some questions. I don’t care how much trust you have in someone. If you just turn a blind eye to something like that your foolish.
My mom is 74 and literally borrowed some bobby-pins about 4 days ago is ya man my step daddy
Omg this happened to me 3 hair clips on top of my fridge i questioned it and was told by my OH they were mine I wore them the other day?? I dont wear anything in my hair not even a bobble sooo where did they come from?
A lone Bobby pin is small enough to get caught in a shoe tread… him or even you… could literally have walked that in to your home from off the street!! I’d mark it as noted… and perhaps be more aware for any other suspicious goings on but I wouldn’t jump to put my relationship through the runner for just 1 rogue Bobby pin! Find several Bobby pins left on a side or knickers or lipsticks etc is whole different story!!
Dust it for fingerprints, maybe hire a private detective, then find you a good lawyer…The possibilities are endless…LMBO-But frankly, I would throw it in the trash and forget about it.
I’d ask if he has had anyone over to the house while you were away and go from there.
It’s just a bobby pin it could have come from any place don’t go jumping to conclusions like others have said it could have been in the carpet from previous owners it could attract in on shoes of some kind could come out of somebody’s pocket a lot of the women use bobby pins to hold their hair up so don’t get yourself all out of gear just forget about it and if it happens again then be a little suspicious and you can also buy black bobby pins and you can buy the gold colored bobby pins you can buy the tight bobby pins as I call them or you can use the loose ones
When I did was a kid I was asked by someone to clean their house as she was struggling. I vacuumed down the crack in the sofa and found a red lipstick. I took it to the woman thinking she’d be really pleased I found her missing lipstick, but she burst into tears, said she never wore red and it wasn’t her brand, accused me of planting it there to upset her, claimed it was mine ( I was only about 10 at the time and was never allowed makeup until I was 16 yrs old), and then shoo’d me out really quickly. I was never asked to help again.
I need a lil bit more than a bobby pin to rile me especially if you have a somewhat good man
I’ve found Bobby pins from my homecoming in my house years later. I wouldn’t sweat it. They sometimes just get “birthed up” out of the carpet.
Could’ve been dropped at any time, by any one (I believe more elderly ladies use bobby pins than the younger folks). Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Do you have cats? My cats are always bringing something like under the fridge or underneath counters so don’t jump to conclusions
If your that worried put in cameras without him knowing. Go out of town for a few days again or say you have to take care of your parent because they are sick. When you come back you will have your answers
I stayed too long after a gut feeling…a pin did not start this feeling. Go. Life is good away from distrust.
This must be 1955! My mom found a black bobby pin in Dads car, she was blond! The war was on…
I’d like to think after returning from 2 days away that you both talked to each other about what you did while away from each other. If not I’d start there. How was your weekend mine was…did you go anywhere or were you home…did anyone come over…I saw…while I was away. Etc. If he seems off then I’d ask do you know who this belongs to it’s not mine…I wonder how it got be on the loungeroom floor…check reaction…and hopefully move on from there. It’s easy to think the worst but a conversation doesn’t have to start off as being an accusation at first.
Let it go, if that is the worst thing you ever found after being gone for two days, feel very grateful!! It doesn’t mean anything happened.
If you are thinking that your significant other could possibly be cheating maybe you shouldn’t be together. These type of thoughts only come when there has already been some deception in the relationship. If you don’t think he is cheating the. You have nothing to worry about! Just my opinion!!!
Everyone is making excuses. Not me, I would be on the hunt for the truth! Bobby pins aren’t small, they don’t just show up!
What kind of floor do you have? Is it carpet? If it’s carpet it could’ve been embedded into your carpet for years
My daughter did ballet for 15 years. She used hundreds of Bobby pins!
I’ve had them come out of the heater bar on rented carpet cleaners and found them in the cracks of baseboards
My husband was a maintenance man for many years and all around I was always finding random stuff that didn’t belong to us.
Dont over think it! That what makes you look crazy, put it aside but never forget. Assumptions is the root of all evil
That’s no bad I was gone a week and no one could believe what I found in my house. I came home early. To bad to tell
Your over thinking. Let it go. There is no need to look for deception everywhere. If he is cheating it will become obvious. But if he isn’t and you are looking anyway, you will drive both of you crazy and likely ruin the relationship.
Could it possibly belong to a relative? I wouldn’t jump to conclusions over one bobby pin… but I would def pay attention if other evidence of an affair pops up.
Look I have found bobby pins stuck in soles of my shoes before. I don’t wear bobby pins, neither does my daughter. Where did it come from? Who knows! It very well could of gotten stuck there from work or grocery shopping or just taking a walk in the park. Point is you don’t know where it came from. Ask your SO and trust your gut.
She must be old because young ladies do not use Bobby pins. Don’t worry, just save it for fingerprints in plastic bag.
When you know, u just know…have u questioned it?
What was the reply?
check everywhere in the house thats how I found my ex was cheating and then I wished I never went the Down the bin… found everything u can imagine.
Then one day I got a call from a woman I told her come over as he was at my house the cheat has been seeing so many women…
It was heart breaking but me and her became friends we haven’t seen him since.
3 years was a learning curve when u know someone is being crafty its not you being paranoid.
Put it on his bedside table or bath sink. If it is removed ask him if he has seen yourbobby pin. Go from there.
If your spouse has never given you a reason to question before, I wouldn’t worry. I have found Bobby pins years later, that were never mine but left in the carpet.
Any Reason why you are reacting this way???
You Already Know the Answer to you asking others for advice… there’s a whole Story, behind finding the “Bobby Pin”…
things happened BEFORE finding it. So… it’s NOT the “Bobby Pin “…
Don’t ask him ask fb!! Thats where I go for all my advice!!
Ask your husband .Dont mess with a guessing game.You will know if he is guilty or not by his actions
Hhhhmmm . There seems to be some issues with trust. Where was it found? In the bedroom? Bathroom? Livingroom? Could it be a relative of his? Has he been unfaithful in the past? If so, question him. If not, observe him. Watch to see if there’s any changes in his behavior, any secrecy, strange phone calls that he won’t answer in front of you, unexplained absences, late nights out with the boys or unexplained overnight trips. Chill, and don’t be quick to react. Check his credit card statements, any unexplained purchases or dinners. You have to fully analyze things. Try to get facts first.
Seriously have to figure out the last time you had anybody at your house before you were gone to two days. Secondly you have to think about a party you threw it sometimes you might have cleaned up and maybe as you were cleaning. Got Pride out from wherever it was hiding from somebody from some get together or something. Need to be very careful before you point fingers and before you make any accusations. I seen a lot of people destroy their whole life which is an accusation. Turned out to be nothing at all. So good luck to you God bless you.