I found a necklace in my boyfriends pocket and now my best friend is wearing the same one: Advice?

Just tell her I know he gave it to you, he told me and go from there…


I mean this respectfully, dont be dumb. He gave her the necklace. Girl, run.

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Always always trust your gut :100:


ask in front of them together


Trust your instincts. If he no longer has the necklace then it’s not coincidence that she has it. It’s common sense at this point. I would probably start by saying something to one of them and seeing if the other ends up with the information.
But it definitely sounds like you need a new best friend and boy friend. And if you feel like you can’t bring this up with either of them there’s bigger issues. But you need to see your worth and realize that you deserve better


Do you share phone plans that you can check who he is talking to and texting though there are apps to do that. I would stay quiet but not be having sex with him and try to find some more evidence. Follow or do some drive byes to see if they are together. Check for receipts or other. I would start making an exit plan though and definitely wouldn’t be having our with this so called friend

Please do not waste your time on these two…at the least they should have come forward…

Trust ur intuition sweetheart…u no the answer to this…:green_heart:


I’d confront them both at the same time. Don’t let them make you think your crazy… You not!


If it was for a relative or something you would know wouldn’t you because he would have told you. It’s not on your neck therefore it’s somewhere else even if that isn’t the same one. People as sneaky as those two will be great at lieing about what they’re doing so I would sit them down in a room together and ask them straight out you’ll know in the first second if they’re lieing or not. Trust your gut xxx

They are cheating behind your back ! Dump both of them !

What madness. I ent care who thinks I don’t trust them I was confronting my boyfriend first and asking why he gave my best friend a necklace. Don’t ask if he gave her. ask WHY and move on from there.

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Yeah girl ask the man where it’s at and if he doesn’t have anymore ditch em both

Can people really not think for themselves anymore? You know what’s going on. Quit throwing your business out there for the world to see and take care of business!


Now that you know… make your departure plan. Get your money in order, a place to live, and get on with your life. Rage after you’ve left. Don’t give them the satisfaction ! Hugs!


Confront both of them as the honest answer. And ready yourself for that. After you hear the truth just move on.life is to short to be over think thing that you can’t control.

“What did you do with that necklace I saw in your pocket a few months ago?”


No girll. You need to just ghost them.

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Get your life together as in make sure you can support yourself without him. If the living accommodations are yours pack up his stuff one day change, your locks, call him and let him know it isn’t going to work out and he can pick his belongings up. Don’t let him in the house. Don’t give it another shot. Once he has his shit delete his number and her number and move on with your life. If he asks what prompted this tell him you know he is cheating with her and you are done. No need to act crazy just let the bastard go, he can go live with her. If it was innocent he would have told you about it upfront.

Ask for a double date to meet said tinder guy. Only a desperate man would give jewelry out on a 3rd date imo at least. If she gives excuses as to why yall can’t double date then it’s probably not a “coincidence”


I would ask him about the necklace, telling him how you found it in his pocket, and how you thought it was a gift for you, and then ask where it went.


I would look at him dead in his shit and say exactly this “ [best friends name] told me everything, what the actual f*ck dude?” And gauge that response.

Go ask he’s friend to go for a coffee or a drink just as friends :+1::laughing:

Am the type that sets back listen and take notes!’
So they want be any name calling saying your crazy are whatever!!
But I would have made A mark on the necklace that wouldn’t be noticeable!

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With the thousands, if not millions, of different necklace designs, that’s pretty hard to believe that coincidence.

Install cameras if it’s your house.
Been there and it’s traumatic; I found out by cell phone records.
Never let anyone gaslight you about this —you always deserve to know. :v:t3:


I’d confront both of them. Then pack my stuff and leave because those aren’t your people. Prayers for strength :heart::pray:t2:

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Friend and your man.doubt that.bin him cos you know the truth xx

Why wouldn’t you have just asked about the necklace up front? But that’s in the past so it’s moot at this point so on to plan B.

Only you know them well enough to know what’s going to work best. Does he show any signs that he’s been cheating? Is he secretive, distant, going out a lot, hiding his phone, uninterested in intimacy?

What about her? Has her demeanor changed or anything with you? Has she backed off or become more clingy? Not sure what your friendship was before but aside from the necklace, has anything else changed?

Now that all being said, decide how to best proceed. Either confront
them together (my recommendation) or separately and gauge the reaction.

If you can wait it out and want to have fun with it, however, just to be spiteful, I would start planning your escape (saving money, finding a new place, setting yourself up to move on). Stop sleeping with him immediately if you haven’t already.
Start keeping track of things. Check his phone, his pockets and his vehicle. (Wanna be super sneaky, buy him one of those dash cams that records sound too…you’ll hear everything).
Then you go out with your girlfriend for a girls night and tell her you need to vent. I would be like, “I don’t know what to do. I am pretty sure my man is cheating on me. I found a necklace in his pocket
That he had bought so I thought it was my anniversary gift but it came and went and I never got it. It wasn’t exactly my style, it looked kinda basic and cheap but it was the thought that counted.

But I never got it and actually it slipped my mind until the last time I saw you and you were wearing the same necklace. So I went to the clinic to get tested (just in case, since we still have a lot of sex) and he gave me an STD (pick one that will freak her out) and watch her reaction. Ask her what you should do.

Her reaction should tell you everything you need to know. Odds are, she will call or text him before you have a chance to.

Just be prepared because if you’re right, you’ll likely be single and minus a person you thought of as a friend.

Are you joint on phone bill? If so pull records and see if her number shows up with text or calls to him if so there’s your solid proof

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It happened to me! It was my husband that did it. Went with her, moved in with her for 6 weeks and I took him back. I really thought that was the end of it…but 25 years plus later, he died of cancer and altzheimers…guess whose phone number was on his cell phone…yep you guessed it…HERS!


Confront them. You deserve better than that.

Sit both of them down and tell them you know that necklace you said was from a tender date. I found it in my boyfriends pocket and assumed it was ment as a gift for me bring our anniversary was soon.


A woman’s Intuition is always right -


I do not sit back. You can ask without accusing. You know what you know already. He should help fill in the blanks for you. No need to speak your accusations. Just ask questions. Don’t even need to say where your questions are coming from, just that you found the necklace in his pocket and wanted to know if it was a gift for you?!? Sometimes the explanation is simple. Other times it’s not. Be prepared for the answer you least expect.

My personal experience, My best friend of 13 years moved in with my NoW Ex husband the moment he and I separated.


So I would go private secretive and follow get info change the locks throw his stuff in the lawn and call it a day! Don’t ever lose your dignity for some piece of💩


The number 3 is the liars number. https://www.statementanalysis.com/research/three/

Hang out with your best friend n take her phone n check it. be more mad at her. Leave dude. Fk em both.


This is cut and dry. You are not crazy.

I wish you had put it on when you found it and that would have told you when they saw it on your neck but confront them. I’m sorry that it happened to you

Pretty sure he is no longer your boyfriend. He’s not worth your time- move on.


I’d ask her. She’s more likely to break down and tell the truth than he is but I think you already know the answer. I’m sorry.


Never ask a question that you are not prepared for the answer

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I would straight up ask them when they are together what the fuck is going on. See how uncomfortable they get or how defensive. Either way if they act like that they are guilty.

Ask him because if he loves you and you relationship is secure he will have no problem assuring you, but make sure to not leave out the detail about the necklace being in his pocket


Id 100% be confronting them, thats too coincidental


You’re probably going to be made out crazy any which way this plays out. Just let your crazy show, invite the bitch over while he’s there too and call them out on it… Of course they are going to deny it, but trust your gut.

Dump em both, they both suck and you deserve better.

Ask him about it yes but don’t assume right away… if his response is iffy then confront then both

Trust your gut it’s always right… same thing happened to me and and I refused to believe it but it unfortunately happened to me


You should straight up ask him and her. Be prepared to be gutted :disappointed:

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Coincidence is you and your best friend having the exact same necklace bought for you.

But only one of you is wearing it, sis.


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If he gets defensive and makes up a long ass story, you can bet hes lying. Also watch his body language. If he tugs at his nose, his hair, starts fighting, hes lying. There are " tells" people give away when being decietful.

They’re probably going to lie when you ask. But you’re not crazy. If they make you feel crazy when you ask, they’re guilty. If they’re reassuring, loving, and genuine, they’re more likely being honest.


Oh you should definitely be asking them. I’d ask when you’re all together to see their faces and body language too. That’s entirely too coincidental.


Whatever you do, just prepare for the comeback. I’ve been in 3 long term relationships. When I confronted my first husband the first time, he admitted it, than beat the hell out of me. The second time he admitted it, and rubbed it in my face. Telling me how he had her in my house, he did her in my bed, etc… My second relationship, well he did all my (so called) friends. Well maybe not all of them, but he’d lie, lie, lie, and turn it around on me, as if I was the one doing wrong. And husband number 3? He was another liar. Threw me out of the house, and when I came home I found a set of clothes that wasn’t mine, or my daughter’s. If anything they looked like the clothes that an acquaintance of mine was wearing the last day I saw her. The same day my husband kicked me out of my own house. But he lied. Reason I’m saying all this is because no matter what kind of reaction you get, it’s still going to hurt like hell. Just pray, and pray for strength. Remember if it’s true, it isn’t because of something you did.


Listen to your inner self she is talking to you. You are not crazy you are unsure. I would be more observant of them both, maybe set up a sting if you want to catch them out. Trust your instincts.


You ask they will both deny it. Really easy to figure it out. Pull the phone records easy enough to figure it out.

Kick both of their asses to the curb sweetheart! Neither love or care about you!

Oh, no no no. Come up with a plan to catch them up.


Colleen Sullivan
Listen to your inner self she is talking to you. You are not crazy you are unsure. I would be more observant of them both, maybe set up a sting if you want to catch them out. Trust your instincts.

Set up a double date with the four of you…if it happens great…if not run from both of them

Ask them together. All 3 in a room together. But be prepared for the answer.

Gut feelings don’t lie… follow your gut and stop telling that so called best friend anything… what you tell her she probably tells the bf…

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Trust your gut instinct

Get rid of them both. How long have they been screwing behind your back? I bet you work your rear end off to help him pay the bills and if anybody goes without it’s you? Right? Put both them in the road and never look back.

I would ask him about the necklace you found in his pocket?? And your definitely NOT crazy!!!

Throw the hole man and friendship out to the trash go with your gut honey. Sorry

Confront them at the same time.
Invite her over while you boyfriend is home. Compliment her necklace & ask BF about the necklace you found, yet never received.
Watch their reactions very carefully… That will give you your answer.


I would try to set up a double date and keep pushing until it happens. Then comment about the necklace and how pretty it is and watch their reactions

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I get paid over $ 145 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 18578 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
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God gave women intuition trust your gut feelings guarantee of their spot on and you see it going on right in front of your face you don’t need somebody to tell you what’s going on you’re looking for closure and you may not get that but you’re going to have to realize that this is an issue and they are going behind your back no matter what they may say or do you know what your heart is telling you trust your gut instinct sweetheart it’s there for a reason

Wow. Hun. Sorry but you have every reason in the world to feel some type of way. Your not crazy. If never speak to either of them again. My exbest friend is now married to the father of my kids. We were pretty tight. I’m so sorry.

I’ve been married to the same man for  46 years. I’d Definitely ask, but don’t start off with accusations . It could be a very simple reason that he has it.

I would like to watch more if I was you but it is pretty obvious I do not think I could wait I would end up doing something very bad I would let them both go and have each other

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If? Girl they are and it’s not behind your back now! It’s right in front of you. Run!


Let her have him…you deserve so much b3tter.

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Now here is a possibility…could he of been picking up the necklace for a male friend ?? Not all guys are into going into jewelery stores or clothes/ lingerie shops… Get a good photo of him and yourself , blow it up & put it in a prominate spot in your home . Then let the chips fall as they fall when your friend comes over…

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Rut rough. This sort of thing happens all the time. Neither one will tell you the truth. Keep your eyes open. You are probably right.

It’s the necklace from his pocket on her neck. You already know this. You’re not crazy. Just be happy it’s BOYFRIEND and not HUSBAND. If you have to have proof, spy cam.


What’s your gut instinct say?
Follow it

Girl you know the answer. If you really want to know when they are both in the same room comment on her necklace to your guy. Then tell him you found one just like it in his pocket. Ask him to get it.


Block both of them. It’s over. Call your gynecologist Monday for an appointment to check for sexually transmitted diseases.


Listen to your gut it’s always right run and let th have each other

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Dr first. When you are ready, date again. At least now you know who your friends are. Forget about those liars. They can have each other.

Someone better is out there for you.

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Ehhhhhh this one doesn’t seem right.

Do what you need to for yourself. Don’t define yourself to your so called partner. If you continue to let him to treat you as crap, that’s on you. Be strong for yourself. Not him. He’s not worth it.

Rule of thumb can’t have your friends around your man I learned that the hard way seems like it doesn’t matter how “loyal” a man is. This generation has ruined a lot morals respect ect it’s sad


You’re calmer then i I’d be snapping right then and there lol


Gut feelings are usually spot on! :pray:t2::sparkles:


The question now is if it is a coincidence where is the necklace that you found in his pocket? If he never gave it to you I would definitely be suspicious. The fact that the one you found is no longer present is the question. I would say something to him. Or definitely observe their behavior or if he is out later then normal or if your friend is not talking to you as much as she used too. The signs will be there. But honestly it sounds like the signs are already there. I know super hard. My thoughts are with you. It makes me sick that people cheat. Especially when your best friend and boyfriend is involved. I hope you get peace and some answers soon. 


You already know. Neither of them will tell you the truth. Know your worth. I’m sorry this is happening to you.


The cards are right there on the table…in plain sight that’s no coincidence…trash both of them…so painful the things ppl do…friends no longer exist…

i couldn’t believe that i would ever be reunite with my ex-lover, i was so traumatize staying all alone with no body to stay by me and to be with me, but i was so lucky one certain day to meet this powerful spell caster Dr Laba after telling him about my situation he did everything humanly possible to see that my lover come back to me,indeed after casting the love spell my ex-lover came back to me less than 24hours,my ex-lover came back begging me that she will never leave me again,1months later we got engaged and married,if you are having this same situation just contact Dr Laba on his Facebook page :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Dr Laba spell home

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Lay a trap find out for sure then you have your answer

Well does he still have the necklace??? If not case close . Tell him and her to escort themselves out your life and move on yes it’s gonna hurt but it won’t hurt as much as you living in denial… Move on don’t waste your time in this triangle of deceit


If he doesn’t have the necklace nd never gave it to you chances are she’s wearing it. If you get a chance text her from his phone and see how he responds. Send something like I miss you or around those lines and see what she says.

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You know the situation, so dump them both and go on with your life.

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Tell him you saw a necklace in his pocket and ask him to produce it.
If he can’t, ask him why your friend is wearing it.
Then, tell her to tell you the deets of the 3rd date. If she won’t, ask her why you saw that necklace in his pocket.

If EITHER of them can’t or won’t, and/or get angry… you’ll have your answer.