I find it disheartening how so many people’s advice goes straight to money
All that can come later if need be
Just make sure you are prepared if their is any of that too
I find it disheartening how so many people’s advice goes straight to money
All that can come later if need be
Just make sure you are prepared if their is any of that too
Get him far away from you and your daughter. Find a support net. Parents, siblings, best friend, religious group. Get counseling maybe. Reliable child care and a job.
I am sorry this happened to you, glad you found out now and not after having more kids, I hope you have somewhere to go, you need to leave the POS now, you deserve better than that , for you and your daughter, you will be strong for the both of you, good luck hang in there!
Get out and don’t look back. Get a attorney or para legal to get paperwork to get visitation and child support for your daughter. YOU CAN DO THIS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
The father and husband at the time left me and my son was cheating on me my son was only 2 years old he left me with .25cents.
1/4 tank of gas and my son was disabled having a hard time trying to put him into day care or finding a sitter for him.
I made a call to sell my wedding ring and I believe I got 35 dollars for it. I put some gas in my car and went to buy food those are days I care not to think about but with gods strength and my determination I did.
It’s possible.
You have to reach derp down inside.
One day if you stay, he will have another by someone else, you’ll have to raise
Leave him. I put up with this for 16 yrs. He will not change!!! Show your daughter that you are strong.
I thought my life was over. Flash forward, I’m not re married to a amazing man.
I’m sorry I forgot to mention that you have a right to feel hurt and betrayed. But the blame is squarely on his shoulders. Most are saying “leave him.” I agree but I also know it is not easy if you are unemployed. But make a plan. I had to do that many years ago and I am not sorry. You can do it. There is so much good advise in the comments. There are many people on your side and those who pray are asking guidance and God speed for you. Hang in there. There will be brighter days.
Keep records in case you will need them in family court. It’s hard to be in a marriage without trust. You might need to get out
Put your emotions in check. You are a great mom and have to think about your baby now. You need to leave and get to a safe place, like your mom or some other relatives that can help you get on your feet. Not only is trust out the window forever with your husband, but after you are settled in elsewhere, you need to get an attorney child support help. You did not deserve any of this, but it is time to be strong and make smart moves for your baby. Good luck. Best wishes
tell him to hit the road! You and your child are worth more than that!
Come out from toxic relationship that will destroy both you and your children.
Don’t let him see you cry, just gather his stuff and put him out. Take him to court for child support, make him pay$$$$$. Then get yourself ready to make money for yourself and live a better life.
You must decide how much you’re willing to take. I know it’s hard but you have to learn to believe people when they show you who they are!
If you live near family you need to leave and take your daughter there, pack up your stuff and go that baby and you need to be around people who care
Love your self and your daughter and do not think of him again be glad you found out who he is and that he no longer in your life
Your priority is your child. Do you have any family members that can help you. This guy is merely a sperm donor, not a father.
Be thankful you got out of the situation, love your daughter, take care of yourself. Find a support group, like a church with young people and assistance.
I am very Sorry for you and your daughter ! I don’t have any advice . I have made to mistakes of my own . I Agree with most of the comments you need to do what is best for you and your daughter now .
You’re heading for a lifetime of regrets if you stay! Kick him to the curb he is not sorry or fixable!!
Leave him with what he are busy with… Find u a job… And started getting independent for yourself… and taking care of ur child … Ask God for guidance and the strength of what is the best for you and the baby… Let him do his things… He will later find out… That he destroyed the relionship… And find good friends that can support you… Like your mum or sister or any family member… I know a mum will give you more support and give advice of what to do… But first find yourself… And if this relationship is not working out… Telling him straight into his face… I am not going to sit and wait for you… I know with what are you busy with… And me and my child deserve better… So I am leaving u… Tell him that my angel… And close that past door behind your back and move on… U have still life ahead… For u and baby… Come out of that closet… There more good things that is waiting for you… Cry and wipe your tears… Let go it go… Think about the other side that is brighter… Strongs… There is always a way in life… And change your life style… Ur hair… Ur under wears… Buy u a new dress… Thinking about a improvement of any challenges… Make yourself happy…
Leave him! Get ur own place & file for child support then he won’t have a choice but to pay for her stuff
End the relationship for good. You can’t change a man into something he is not. Its unhealthy to raise a child in a unstable unloving relationship. Get a job and become a financially independent woman. Earning your own money gives you more power and freedom to leave unhealthy relationships.
Leave and don’t look back!!! You’ll spend the rest of your life wondering, snooping looking over your shoulder because you can’t trust him if you stay!!! Sometime you need to stop questioning God and listen to him, he gave you a clear enough sign you deserve better!!!
I did yrs ago with # 3 in the oven …best thing I did …he is dead now … I am 79
Leave his ass. You saw where his priorities are, and it’s not you and your kids…Copy everything for your lawyer…I was in a similar situation and once I realized what he was doing i left
I would leave, if possible, yes. If your back is up against the wall, you need to make a fake profile and let him send you money, too…just a thought!
Get out now. Hopefully you have someone to help you. Get a job if you can and save as much as you can. Decide what you want to do in the next 12-24 months. If possible get in a trade school or 2 year college. There are actually some programs that offer childcare if you have to go on welfare for a short time. Check the continuing education programs at your community colleges. There are careers that you can train for that don’t require a degree. Grieve for a minute and then get up and move on for you and your daughter. And get some positive support around you.
LEAVE. My son’s father threw $20 in my face after I kept bugging for him to help with diapers. He said “if money is so important to you then here!” And threw it into my face. I didn’t even ask for the money, I asked for the diapers. Men like that, putting the needs of their children in last place, deserve to rot. Leave his ass, take him to court for child support, and work on bettering yourself, girl.
Have you ever heard once a cheater always a cheater They only stop when they get old not before
You got 42 answers and they are all the same - DUMP him. Btw, a baby doesn’t necessarily make a couple stronger. It usually complicates things when the bf runs off. I highly recommend marriage or birth control.
You didn’t cause it!
You can’t control it!
You can’t change it!
Hold your head high! Know you and your child deserve better. Don’t give in to his I’m sorrys and I won’t do it again. Walk away and be strong! Know you and your child’s worth! Trust me it will only get worse. You will feel like less and less of a person if you stay. And your child needs you!
If they are that bad I don’t think you will have any trouble pulling through.
I know many people say “once a cheater always a cheater”, I don’t know what the dynamics of that real are. What their ages are etc. But I can tell you that in this day and age it’s easy for men- and women to become addicted to pornography and sites like Only Fans as well as become addicted to sexting and texting. He may not be physically cheating but it sounds like he is emotionally cheating. Some times that is harder than physically doing it. Before kicking him to the curb, might I suggest that the poster seek professional as well as spiritual help to see if this addiction of his can be overcome? Get to the root problem of why he acted out in the first place? Perhaps their relationship can be redeemed?!
I say these things from my own person addiction with sexting and texting. It cost me a marriage and it cost me a wonderful relationship with a dear dear loving woman. Thank God that relationship is on the mend. Am I perfect? No and I don’t think I will ever be but every day I strive to be a better man today than I was yesterday and to be a better man tomorrow than I was today. I pray that this couple mentioned in the post is able to get help and be redeemed by God’s mercy and His grace!
Get your stuff together and while he is at work leave and go to one of the houses that take women in that have been mistreated and stay there free, and then get a job while they watcch
leave him, if you have nowhere to go, go to a women’s shelter they will help you with emotional support and help you get back on your feet
Leave !!! Take it from one who didn’t till too late.
Clean house and let him be the first piece of trash you throw out the door!
It’s hard but move on it will take some time but move on. Talk to some girlfriends. I have been there
Is his name Jason Collier?
Go into Prayer. Get your Bible out and start at Genesis.
God got you He will see you threw. The part has been done. You know now. And the healing can begin, and you can move forward.
Go to your knees in Prayer.
For a person to be walked on they have to first lie down? You can begin your recovery by standing back up ?
Don’t walk away from this man, RUN! YOU DESERVE TO BE TREATED WELL!
Do you really need to think about this?
leave, apply for WIC, food stamps and welfare so u can support ur child till ur able to get on ur feet
Some men are pigs! I’m sorry you’re going through this! You and your baby deserve better! I’m sorry no advice I went through hell with my baby daddy but he wasn’t cheating he was mean to me and our son. I was blessed to have my mom God rest her soul
I hope you find a way. I would apply for assistance through the state. God bless!
Ummmm… Wish that was just an immediate epiphany that your boyfriend is trash
I won’t say be strong…bCuzz your hurting right now.…Im sure EVERY woman In this group has been hurt…I was by my X…DO what you have to do for your baby…appearantly HE don’t care about you or HIS child…keep it parenting base’s only…you’ll pull tbrough…we always Do…
Girl are you kidding me, you better than that, take your baby and get out,leave the scoundrel behind.
Don’t look back. Leave him forever. You and your baby girl will be so much better wo him. YOU can do this!!! Stay strong hun!!!
Dump his ass take him to court n get child support. Not going to lie there will be tough times ahead for you but you will get through them. Hopefully you have family n friends willing to help. I was married for 25 yrs my x left me for someone half his age .I had rough times almost ended up homeless for long time I had trust issues.i was in my mid 40s n had to start my life completely over I lost everything I had worked for my whole life.my advice to all young women out there get you a bank account that only you know about n squirrel away money anyway you can.no matter how strong you think your relationship is know this you NEVER truly know a person or what they are capable of doing. Had anyone told me my x would do what he did I wouldn’t have believed it I in fact would have gotten very upset .
You need to stay strong for your baby!!! He’s a dirt bag and will always be!!! Pray to the Lord for strength. You will get through this.
Had it been a one time thing, you might have something to work with, but it sounds like he’s a serial cheater. He won’t change. If you’re staying because you have a daughter together…obviously it wasn’t reason enough to prevent him from cheating. Don’t waste your life, don’t waste your time. Move on and count your blessings.
So sorry to hear! Turn your back and walk away. I’m sorry can’t fix this! Saying a prayer. Give the pain to God.
Leave him and take your children with you take him to court for child support you deserve better than him
Yoh don’t need him around then. There is help from many different places to get you on the right road.
pray first listen act on what your heart tells you. this is a horrible betrayal ! stay focused and work to protect yourself and your baby. pray again .
Take a cue from Lorena Bobbit #kidding lol
If you don’t get out he is going to bring you a STD !
Leave unless you want to live on a rollercoaster for the rest of your life. You’ll never trust him STOP your heartbreak now. I did it for 12 yrs I’m finally happy w me!
He’s shown his true colors, LEAVE HIS SORRY ASS!!!
Talk to an atty about custody and child support
A really good lawyer. A good counselor for you. Never forget, you are better then this
Move on darling. You and your child deserve so much better
The strong thing to do , is leave with your daughter.
He’s shown you that he doesn’t put you and daughter first.
Don’t think you want to continue to live like this, no one would.
You deserve better, so does your child.
Don’t fall for the round of excuses he’s going to throw at you for his unfit behavior.
No one put a gun to his head to make him do this, it was his choice.
Whatever you choose to do, Do not let yourself get pregnant again in the meantime.
Men don’t change.
Just keep thinking about your daughter. That will keep you strong.
You already know what your going to do use your good judgement you got this
Walk away far away! Never look back! Don’t let your child see that! If he can do that to a child he is a horrible person! And not one you want around your child! Never let your child see him unless he changes! You want your child to see a loving caring relationship!
Girl pull your big panties and kick him to the curb .sign up for child support thru your state. And find a job. Your children deserve better you deserve better
Start with leaving him, you deserve better, second it’s going to take time
Kick him to the curb dont take him back you can do so much better
He’s not good for you… you and your child are not a priority
Leave before he gives you a STD. If you stay with him file for child support even if you two are still together.
Get out don’t get through it. Once a cheat always a cheat.
Leave his ass save stick it to him on child support
Is this for real?Starting not to believe this sight anymore…people can’t be this stupid 2021:woman_facepalming:
Don’t be a fool for him. Get on with your life without him!!!
Thank God you found out his true side before you married him.
He crossed the line when it came to the child. If I didn’t leave for me I’d at least leave for my child. I’ve had to leave a 4 year relationship wo my daughters father, that was messed up. I personally got over it quick, bc as soon as I left I became happier.
Knowing Jesus as your personal Savior and Friend is the best way. Still painful but He gives you strength
Use wisdom before moving in with someone
One day at a time you deserve better
Nope. Get a job, kick him out. Or move out yourself. Get child support. The legal way. If you stay you’ll get pregnant again and this is not going to change. You’ll end up in an even worse situation.
yes, you need to kick him to the curb…sorry but he will not change!!
You will never change another person ! Dating sites?? RUN!
Leave and get child support.
Do you have family to help you? If so, kick his sorry ass to the curb. Bring proof of his spending habits to family court and sue him for the child support your daughter deserves.
now that you know, move on! you and your child deserve better!
Move out. Next time know someone better before you have a child with them.
Run , take your kids and go
Walk away with your daughter, hire a good attorney, and don’t look back
Start packing. It’s not going to get better.
Men like this need their bulls cut out big time full stop
My advice to you get the f*** out get full custody and go after him for full child support
Yep, drop his ass and sue him for support
Get rid of him he’s not worth it
Drop the zero and go get you a hero
Walk away. You will never be able to trust him.
The first thing to do is clean house. Start by kicking him to the curb. He wont take care of his child, why would you want or need him? Take him to court, get child support. sign up for welfare if you need to get on your feet. Then get on with your life.
Put your big girl britches on- get a job- give your boyfriend the boot!
You get it together and get the heck out!!