Therapy/counseling/support groups
One hour at a time . If you wanna do something do it . If you don’t , than don’t . If you have a family member that you’re truly comfortable with , or friend have them come over . You may want to be left alone , but not be alone . Explain that you need someone here , but also need space .
I was there in 2012 . You will overcome this !
You do deserve better! When my ex left me I was devastated I sat down to assess my feelings finding out he slept with 17 different women and realizing the abuse was worse than I thought. I asked myself one important question… What qualities does he have that cannot be replaced? I could not think of one thing.
I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but trust me when I say that soon you will be grateful for this divorce because it will free you up to have a life you deserve. Sometimes life has to kick you in the butt a bit to show you what you are missing. You WILL get through this. You will be HAPPIER. You will be THANKFUL for the time you have now been given to find what it is your life is missing. Hugs to you and I know you will be much better off really soon.
Do not go anywhere let him leave
It’s hurts now but you will find somebody too love you…
Sister Pray and keep Praying. God heard you and those tears your shedding you watch how God uses them to rain down on you with Blessings On Top of Blessings. It might seem like you can’t breath, like you can’t even think straight BUT GOD:raised_hands:t5: I will stand in the gap and Pray for you to have Peace, Courage, Patience and Strength. My sister your not walking or fighting this alone. Our Heavenly Father is with you every step of the way! Go to the mirror and say “ I CAN GET THROUGH THIS…… I WILL GET THROUGH THIS …. and when you Pray …
You don’t know how strong you are until you don’t have a choice.
Single mom of two kids born 15 months apart. Married 13 years.
YOU DESERVE MUCH BETTER!! Be the leader that your daughter needs you to be. You got it . Do it for both of you.
God is watching over you. He brought everything to light. He’s a good God and only wants the best for you!!
Please know your WORTH. You are worth so much more than your current situation.
Best advice I can give you is move on, get into counseling and live each day just for you and your daughter.
Things will fall into place. Like many of these women have said that your best life is on the other side of this.
Know your husband is the lowest of the low. You owe nothing to him.
Good Luck.
Be at Peace.
hate to bring this up but…better go to gyno and get tested.
Sorry girl, focus on your child and time is your only friend. 
I was there 2009 was 2,months short of 25years marriage.
First come the hurt then the anger and once the anger hit you that’s when survival mode kick in and you fight for your property etc.
The hurt will never go away but believe me you will overcome.
Sending you much love.
Petition Jesus to forgive your sin then ask him to help your husband’s and come to Jesus for forgiveness of all sins! Then thank the Lord for hearing your prayers. Get counseling at church to direct your pathway into righteousness.
I never realized my ex-husband was a serial cheater until we went to therapy trying to salvage our relationship. It came to my attention that he cheated “a few times”. I always caught him talking to women behind my back but he only ever admitted to cheating with one person. The therapist asked me, how do you feel knowing you’re married to a serial cheater and then asked if I thought he could change. That hit me hard. We’ve been divorced a few years now. It took a good few months for me to start adjusting and now, I’m so happy, mentally healthier and really have no desire to be in a serious relationship because I’m so content and happy with my life and myself. Take your time to heal and find yourself again. Be who you want to be while you’re alone and don’t settle for less.
Just think what wonderful plan God has for your future!
You deserve so much more and I’m so proud of you for walking away
Counseling and a good divorce attorney.
Please hear me when I tell you, I know your pain. Also listen closely when I say, his choices is NOT a reflection of you, rather it is a direct indication of his character. Feel free to pm me any time you need a shoulder to lean on. No judgement here ever!
You can overcome this! You deserve better than a cheating coward!!! Make him leave… and you got this!
It’s not your fault. You’ll be ok. Take everything you can. You deserve better. You’ll go through several emotions. Get mad.
I went through this & had 3 daughters. You don’t need a cheater; life will get better. Leave him; the sooner the better.
God removes people you don’t need in your life or are there to hurt you…trust in God and his plan…move on be happy with your daughter…prayers:pray:
This is natural, you are grieving and it’s so hard at first, time will heal, you must concentrate on your child and yourself now, so as they say .you have been winded and sent flying to the ground so my advice is pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start all over again, this time just you and your child life will be a bit of a struggle but am sure your friends and family will rally round you and help, believe in yourself you are a better person don’t look back… all the best
Why cry over someone who won’t cry for you.??.you deserve more and to be loved. It will pass and you will wonder why you stayed so long. Bless you and your little daughter. Get a good attorney. Good luck.
I feel for you right now. Your ex has given up on you and your marriage. He is selfish. The first step you need to do is to pray for God’s guidance and love. He will never give up on you. Don’t let this one man ruin your life, you are stronger than this. Praying for your daughter and you for strength and happiness.
I promise you will make it through. You deserve someone that loves you and is honest. Do your best for your child.
Secure a good attorney and find a good counselor
I know that feeling of wanting to die & a life shattered & not being able to imagine a future. Please believe me when I say the betrayal can someday be in your past, & that the scars might always be there, but be sure in knowing you will come out of this as you make good choices. Talk to someone who knows what to do in the divorce.
You need to record EVERYTHING you can. Texts, conversation, his social media’s
They say you have to love yourself before you can truly love someone else… but a lot of women “lose” themselves when they get married. They forget who they are. They forget, or give up on, their own personal dreams. And they do it for love.
A woman has a natural instinct to care for others … to take care of their husbands and their children, to help other family members, to be giving and kind with friends … and all the while, she learns to ignore her own wants & needs. She sacrifices herself for her family.
Some men tend to just take that for granted … they tend to think “that’s just how women are”, and they come to expect the wife & mother of their children to just handle everything … while they continue to meet their own wants and needs, go out with the guys, never worry about details pertaining to the kids, etc. At some point in the marriage, a man starts to revert to being a kid, and treating his wife like she’s his mother. He expects his laundry to be done, dinner on the table, the kids to be taken care of, the house to be clean, and he thinks of his “off” time as his own free time to do as he wishes … because he knows his wife is taking care of the home front.
Not all men are this way … and not all women are this way, either. But often times this is the way of things. And it goes on for years before one or both of the partners realize that they aren’t happy.
It’s because a marriage is suppose to be about choosing a partner to walk through life with, together … and it’s suppose to be about mutual respect and understanding. It’s suppose to be about making plans that you both are happy with & agree up on. It’s not just about what makes one of you happy … it’s about building a life together that you both enjoy. It’s also about forgiveness and acceptance, patience, and loyalty.
Right now you’re angry because you feel betrayed, used, not appreciated … and you feel like you’ve done your part, but he failed to keep his vows to you. You have every right to feel angry. You have every right to be upset and feel hurt. Channel those emotions toward a positive outcome.
Keep this in mind …
He doesn’t deserve you.
You deserve better.
It’s time for you to find yourself again, & pursue your own dreams & happiness.
Look forward, not backward.
Set goals.
Keep in mind that when you allow him to control your emotions, he is keeping you from fulfilling your own destiny … and frankly, he’s not worthy of the time you spend crying over him. He’s made his choices. It’s time for you to move forward.
Once you have control of your own life, and you are pursuing your own dreams, you’ll be able to find love again. When you do, don’t put yourself on a back burner. Stand up for your dreams & what you want out of life. Any man worth having will respect you more for being true to yourself, and not being willing to bend on those issues that are important to you.
Stay strong. Keep looking forward. Keep moving forward. Your child is watching how you handle life …and the very best you can do for your child is to teach her how to be strong & never give up. Teach her how to pursue her own dreams. Teach her to not compromise her dreams for anyone.
You can do this.
Stand in a mirror and say this I deserve happiness, I deserve truth, I I deserve better. I am strong, I am kind, I am loving, I am a great mother, I can do this, I got this. And do it every time you feel yourself slipping backwards, and keep walking forward with your head held high because you are stronger than you know. Only love Queen, now straighten your crown. And never look back. Your future is in front of you. You just need to lose the fear of the unknown( everything is unknown until it is)and leave the hurt behind its not your burden to carry. Only love
Healing is definitely not going to be easy I for one can tell you that. You will however run into someone who will treat you better. Being patient is never easy when it comes to being alone.
Being a single mother is very rewarding. You will come to love being single lol Just give it time…
Find a support group and go to counselling,
Find something that you enjoy (mine is cross stitch because it means stabbing without jail time) and try and keep your mind busy with it. The only thing right now that will help is time
Bash you? You are a very brave, smart woman to walk away. It is easier said than done ! Just remember to breathe! It was his problem no matter how much he wants to blame you! He wants to look like the good guy. That’s his problem, not yours. Feel free to pm if you want to talk And good luck with everything! You got this!!!
Yes you will get thru it. You will be okay and happier alone with your daughter
He sounds very ill when you see it from outside perspective, what person can cheat even one time on the person they took vows to, and refuse therapy, communication and not even coming home at night, sounds like a sociopath monster.
I completely understand as I’ve been through the same thing. You will survive because you have too. Put all your energy into your child.
A lot of prayer and Joyce Meyer videos.
Ditto. After being together 14 years! And 4 children! Ouch!!!. Just move on and be grateful you’re not still with the loser. Raise your standards for next time to match your worth. good luck. Everyone deserves better than that.
I’m so so.sorry you are going through this. It’s the worst feeling in the world. All I cam say as far as God is maybe he was listening to you and showed you who your husband really is. And as far as going on just try to stay as busy as you can and remember your baby girl is watching. Keep ya head up momma,you will get through . Hugs
I’m going through this right now to… 5 months seperated and yes its really hard. Only you can do this… See a doc go talk to someone privately that really helps… My marriage lasted 35 years… We split march 25th… My motto is I’m taking a day at a time… X you’ll get through this if this is defo what you want xxx chin up… And please don’t be walked over xxxx
If you need someone to talk to you can pm me anytime
It is better to be lonely by yourself than with a partner who disrespects you and abuses your trust.
Be loyal to yourself, cut your losses, take charge of your life and the strength will come. There will be people around who will help you. It’s very difficult to let go of the 14 years but you can and will do it. There are some great role models out there.
Leave him take your daughter! Take what you need and go You sound like you should have left when he started running around on you. I left after the first time my husband started and never looked back. I figured anyone can have my leftovers. I have been very happy since. Be happy and find someone who deserves you and your daughter!
Go get ur self made up and do ur own thing…soon as someone else wants u …he wants u bk …but don’t let him
Take time for your self , the anger and hurt will be there for awhile. Just dont let it make you bitter.
sending hugs. will get better. his loss. xx
It is devastating what has happened to you and your daughter. You will come out of this a much stronger person.
Well done for leaving! You deserve so much better!
Why would you want to save your marriage??? Get out!!! It will take time but it will work out for you.
You will realize you are stronger than you know. Also know you don’t need a man to show you how much value and worth your have. Your daughter is lucky to have you as her mother. As painful as this all is right now, it can only get better you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.
You don’t know me but Im here if you need an ear❤️. I went through this is the past and it was def hard. Specially when there is kids involved, and you’ve built your entire life around your family. I’m sorry you’re going through all this.
My father left me and my mother when I was 2 years old…he got married to another woman and never contacted us…my mother survived on her own without the help of any male throughout her life and she did her best to give me everything. I am proud of her and I never thought for a second that I wish I had my father with me. That man isn’t worth it. You should move on in your life with your daughter. I know life can be hard like this but trust me you’re gonna make it…women are way more strong than they think they are.
- Depression screening with doc. Plus get tested for STDs.
- Therapy for you and child.
- Exercise to exhaust your emotions, especially anger. Imagine his face on the punching bag, his body the treadmill you are pounding your feet on, run or swim while crying until you are exhausted. Or take up martial arts. Good for feeling more powerful, in control of your body and emotions, and building self respect. Make sure your daughter gets exercise too: playground, kiddie pool, kid exercise videos, play dates.
- Take a minute at a time, then 5 minutes, then 15, etc. Look back periodically to see how much time you’ve endured & made it through.
- Journal & write out thoughts & feelings. Who knows? One day it could be inspiration for a poem, song, essay, short story or novel.
- Write down what your blessings are. Physical health? Food to eat? Friends? Your daughter’s love, hugs, cuddles? Remind yourself of all you DO have and be thankful.
- Get financial statements from everywhere ASAP, bank statements, investments, safe deposit box contents, credit card printouts, etc. Get records of all assets so he can’t cheat you out of anything. Give copies to your lawyer.
- Develop a routine with your daughter so you don’t have to think about what’s next: it’s just muscle memory. Go through the motions & “fake it ‘til you make it.”
- Do ask your lawyer about benefits to sticking/dragging it out until the 10-year mark, and if you need to be married or if you can be separated until you reach that milestone.
Spend time with other supportive family members, girlfriends, people at a religious institution of your choice (Unitarianism is good for those with no faith traditions), others who care about you. Lean on them to help you get through it. Ask for whatever you need/want.
Take care of yourself: eat right, keep fit, take vitamins, try to get enough sleep. Get your hair cut, nails done, a massage, go to yoga/Tai chi/meditation classes. Buy sex toys for yourself if you want.
When he moves out you may feel sad but also lighter, alone, yet more powerful, more confused yet more in charge. Anything you’re feeling is OK. You will be amazed at how resourceful and strong you are, you’ll build your resilience, and learn how awesome you can be.
Outside of the divorce, don’t make any big decisions or make any major purchases. Don’t jump into dating until at LEAST a year has passed from the divorce being finalized.
One day you will see yourself shining and your soon-to-be ex completely tarnished. You will be more than enough and know how to make yourself and your daughter happy. You may eventually feel relief. You will both have a future open to possibilities and you will go seize them!
I’m so sorry this has happened to you… you need to grieve the relationship you thought you had, then look at how badly you’ve been treaded and know you will be better off alone than with someone that disrespected you so badly… it’s going to take time… make sure you love yourself and do little things for yourself even if it’s only a relaxing bath… good luck x
Please feel free to message me… you will get through this xx sending hugs xx
First of all congratulations for walking away … shows how strong you already are by making that choice. Also you are doing it already, despite those emotions and its ok to have those emotions, you are grieving… it’s also ok to have a sick day from life (if possible) every now and then
Just keep on keeping on mama!!! Unfortunately only time can heal, but you will come out much stronger
Sending prayers and hugs. I hate divorce, don’t wish upon anyone. I know it’s hard to believe that God is there when we go through rough times of our lives. But God is there for you. Spend time away for yourself, take care of yourself too. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
Go to a counselor and an attorney. The first session with an attorney is usually free. Think about this: If you stay with him, will you be setting a good example for your children? Turn to your family and close friends for emotional support, but not legal advice or counseling. You need professional help for legal matters. You need counseling about how to deal with all of your thoughts and feelings, so you will do the right thing for you and your children. Your children should go to counseling too. It is amazing what children observe. You do not want this to negatively effect their lives. My prayers are with all of you. Note: I just prayed for God 's guidance and protection for you and your children. Also, to help your husband realize that what he is doing will cause irreparable damage.
It’s not you,it’s him. He’s a narcissist and irresponsible. Hang in there. You got this
I’m here if you need someone. I went through a similar situation and chose to raise four daughters alone rather than stay in that marriage. I know it hurts and is hard as hell. I know sometimes you want to scream but your soul hurts too bad. You’ve taken the right steps towards happiness, no one deserves to be cheated on.
Honey, it won’t be easy but you have to concentrate on yourself and your child. Stay active with your child, take her to fun places and enjoy yourself. Your anger will go away when you realize that you made the right decision for you and her.
get a real good divorce lawyer one that will take his fees from your husband you should get one of the properties and child support and money for you to, he’s the one who cheated. There are groups you can join to get help that are free.
Speaking from experience here
You WILL get through it
I was pregnant when I left my ex husband and I was in so much emotional pain I was afraid it was going to effect my baby. It did not. He is amazing! 23 years old now and super handsome and driven to succeed! I am extremely proud of him
We survived and so will you and your daughter
It is awful for a while but you will get stronger and stronger. Just remember this… There is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU, HE HAS THE PROBLEMS. For years I wondered what was wrong with me that my ex husband would cheat, then I realized, HE had the problem. HE was the one that chose to ruin his family…
Stay strong and pray pray pray
Congratulations on walking away, more power to you❤️
You are a fantastic mom
You work hard
And deserve better
Find friend groups
Mom groups
Join a church
Make a life for your self and your child
Stay busy
This too shall pass
Remember God gave us free will he does not control us but he opens doors for us to choose better.
You got this!
My inbox is open
I had 2 horrible relationships with addiction, cheating, and abuse. I came close to taking my own life because of the hurt from others.
I’m sorry this happened:(
Maybe God is listening and directing you on a much better path
I went through the same thing after 17 years of marriage. What your feeling is normal, but I promise you, when you finally get out and start to move forward, it gets so much better. You will feel relief! But it takes time, a long time. Easier said than done, but keep your head up Mama! You got this!!
Some days all you can do…is put one foot in front of the other. Hang tough.
Keep praying, even if your angry, God hears your prayers and will take care of you and your daughter. Have faith and he’s the fool not you
Bruv is always available for cuddles sis xxxxx
In all honesty, it’s probably the best move to make. Your daughter needs to see you happy. She should see what real love is and that she shouldn’t settle just because a child is involved. She might not understand now but will one day. As far as advice I’m empty handed. You got this!
you start with one day at a time & COUNT your blessings
You will be so much better off once the divorce is over and done with. Right now you are experiencing fear of an unknown future and possibly even blaming yourself. Believe me, it will get better and you’ll wonder what kept you from making the break sooner.
There will be struggles honey, but don’t you let him keep you down for to long. You are Forever tied to him because you have a child. I went through my divorce when I had 2 small children and it was hard but I did it on my own. My girls are now 24 and 26 they are amazing. I have sense remarried to man who accepted my girls when they were little and loved them. There is a better life for you coming. God only closes a door when he is ready to open another for you. Wait and be patient for his blessings. You wake up everyday and tell your self today is going to be a great day and believe it. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and continue to march on with your daughter.
Maybe God saw that he wasn’t the man you deserve and you weren’t living up to the potential of who you could be with this less than honest man. This will be a lonely road but just until you get your feet grounded and every bit of happiness you deserve will come at the right time. Love yourself first. Your child deserves better too.
Keep praying!God is going to help you.He helped me.I know you feel lost but he will show you the journey you will be taking.Glad you have a job and a sweet daughter.Keep looking up.
I’ve also went thru the same with two kids! You got this!
I am so sorry. Though I am glad that you found out. I know it hurts like crazy right now, but let yourself feel the hurt and work through it. That is part of grieving. Be thankful to that woman that she told you. Now that you know you can take steps to move forward. The fact that he refuses counseling, refuses to talk about it, tells you the marriage has problems etc…tells me that his actions do match up with his give a damn attitude. Do not feel bad about getting everything you deserve financially out of this mess. Having been married this long, not only will he be required to pay child support but he will also have to pay spousal support. Ask for everything. And remember that not every man is like this. Took me a very long time and I finally said that I was done with men because they couldn’t be trusted. Then God literally dropped my husband in my lap!!! Jeremiah 29:11
New International Version
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." My dear…even though you feel very alone…God is always there. Sometimes His answer is no answer. And it may seem hurtful, but sometimes it is His way of protecting us from ourselves. I hope you have a close family and good support system. I can be there for you if you need someone. Just message me here on Facebook. Love that baby!!! and be patient with yourself.
Gratitude lists. No matter how hard it seems to find something to be grateful for just focus on it write it down and your list will grow. Remember ‘this too shall pass’. You got this. You do dserve better and you will have better. It sounds like he’s probably going to threaten you with taking your kid to try to control you and get a rise out of you. Do not respond to the gaslighting and blame. You do what’s in the best interest of your child and do not give into his fights or gaslighting. Go into the group “ one mom’s battle” for family court advice.  I recommend you go file for full custody before he does. Even if you guys can be civil it’s best to have it in writing for the child’s protection.
Him stating there are problems in a marriage is a cowards excuse for his lack of self control and complete disregard for his spouse. His problem is that he’s novelty seeking and likely arrogant. Counseling, surrounding yourself with good people and sticking to your faith will get you through. This is not your fault, you must believe that and remember your worth.
There is light at the end of this dark tunnel
I’m happy you finally decided to walk. You said you did all you could to save the marriage but he refused counseling, and anything to make it work. He didn’t want to make it work and eventually he’ll regret it. You saved yourself and your daughter from anymore heart break from him. You’re setting an example for your daughter to not allow people like that to take advantage of your love. While 14 years is a long time, that’s all the past now. That time is all just memories. And now you can make new happy and loving memories knowing you’re a strong working woman, who deserves better and who will raise her daughter to be just as motivated and driven. You’ll get through it. Start doing things you love. And don’t forget, it’s ok to cry, it’s ok to break down and it’s ok to break a plate or something and scream. You’re hurting with all good reason. Let those emotions out and allow yourself to feel free and move on
You were ok without him before you met. You will be ok without him now. I know it hard. One day at a time one foot in front of the other. Stand tall Queen! Your story isn’t over. And your true soul mate is awaiting. Cry and heal. Make space and grow. It will happen when you least expect it. For now, concentrate on you and get strong. Love your self. Bc what he has done has nothing to do with you and everything to do with who he is as a person. Big hugs.
The fact that you believe there is a “God” is your first problem. Since when has “God” fixed anything or helped with anything? The fact that one miracle may happen every decade, makes people believe there is one. It’s crazy and insane.
My number one piece of advice for you is you’ve gotta love and respect yourself more. No woman deserves to be treated like that by a man, he cheats because he does not love or have respect for you. That’s the sad truth and will never change either. You will find somebody that loves you and your daughter and accepts you both.
l Get paid over $108 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15346 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
You will make it! Your strong and amazing. You can do anything trust me, I know you may feeling like your worlds going to end but it won’t. It will get better and you will heal.
You are grieving the loss of a person who you thought was your forever not to death but to disrespect and disappointment. Allow yourself to feel all the stages that come with grieving now, if you try and shut them down they will come back in your future and interfere with your self growth. Those 14 years are not just memories, they are significant chapters of your life. People think you are just supposed to leave them behind because it’s your past, that’s wrong! You take all the lessons and self growth of those years and apply them to your future. You think God isn’t listening but he heard many conversations and seen many things you didn’t, someone higher up made sure that you found out about all the betrayal, someone is watching over you. Today you feel broken and that’s normal but don’t you dare let one person keep you feeling broken forever you deserve more for yourself. You will find happiness again, be sure to find it in yourself first. Day one has already passed even though I’m sure it feels like day one is on repeat, eventually you will get to day 2 and days will turn into weeks and then months. You will get through this and one day you’ll hear a song or see something that reminds you someone you used to know (him) and you won’t feel sad nothing and that’s the day you’ll know you’re ok, until that day it’s ok not to be ok grieving the loss of someone who is still alive is hard so hard but you got this! Sending hugs and positive vibes your way❤️
Been there and done that. One of my ex’s had multiple women. But your heart will keep beating and life will get better for you. Everything will hurt but I’m so glad your divorcing him. Don’t forget to try to take everything you deserve. You and your daughter will survive this. DO NOT PUT HER IN THE MIDDLE OF ADULT THINGS. She’s only a child and doesn’t need to hear all the bad stuff.
Sending you love & prayers! Prayers for strength to keep going & pushing on. May the Lord comfort you & your daughter & protect you both!
You deserve so much more!
I agree with another comment. The next thing you should do is go file for full custody of your daughter with access for him. You will be the decision maker for her. That you can obtain a passport & You can travel without his permission. Make sure that is written in your court order! Just went through hell getting this switched! 14 years of fighting. Let me save you the aggrevation.
A divorce sounds like exactly what you need. A clean break away!
Sell the house & start over somewhere new for you & your daughter. Just breathe, cry, wail, scream, shout but ask God to help mend you & provide for you & all your needs. He will! He did for me. He will for you!
My heart aches for you and what you feel daily. It’s just a big bump in the road and it just takes getting up and making it it thru one day at a time. You will get thru this.
You seriously don’t need to be with someone that disrespects you like that
Some important things. Your feelings are valid. He’s an asshole and it’s not your fault. No matter how hurt you are or how much you spend on lawyers, he will get visitation and you will get support. Your child is your child, not your confidant. Phone a friend, talk to a therapist, but do not burden your child with your heartache. Your child loves you both. Her loving her daddy is ok, it’s important and it’s not a slam to you. You chose her daddy she didn’t and her loving him is not wrong. I’ll say a little prayer for you all. It’s a rough road, but you will be ok.
Happy happy birthday
Rebuild on a solid foundation. Yourself! You got this. You’ve been giving away for power for decades. You r in control and the possibilities are wonderful and endless. Leap out of that lie you r living!
You’re doing great, so far!! You are getting out of the situation. Good for you! I was married to a cheater and it took me 10 years to get out!! I should’ve left the first time, but I forgave and he took that as a free pass to keep cheating You WILL recover and you WILL be ok!! I promise! You are a strong woman and mom who values herself and family. Just keep your faith.