I found out my husband has a dating profile: Advice?

Firstly let me just say you are not alone I feel your pain. I am also in this situation. My partner has been on porn sites and dating sites even sites about meeting with local woman. Hurt my heart considering we have just had our 3rd child a week ago and we have 2 others aswell.
I’ve learnt that this is his fetish I learnt to not compare myself to all these woman I still struggle daily. I couldn’t handle it tried talking to him about it and was constantly the blame for it. I had enough and gave up on arousing him with my pleasures. I gave up on sex I gave up on conversations and slowly gave up on trying to show him that my body was worthy. Last night he was on fortnight with a woman that is off of porn hub. I chopped his PlayStation cord.
Please never feel any less than he has already made you feel I know its hard but we are worthy. Forgive him for your own mindset but never forget what he has done and the pain he has caused you. Don’t be like me and be insecure over other woman.
Look at your reflection and let yourself know you are good enough. It was the only way I could let it slide.It hasn’t stopped at all and now I’m contemplating about leaving the relationship because of it you should do the same mama.

If two people husband and wife love one another there wouldn’t be any cheating and when a spouse cheat it only proves they don’t love and respect their spouse

Oh kick that mother flubber to the curb and quick!!!

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That’s cheating . Proceed how you would had you caught him w someone .

This man is TOXIC. As in very. Get out now. Otherwise physical abuse is the next step. They say that love is blind. This may be true but DO NOT let it make U stupid as well. U can NOT stay in this relationship a day longer. There is NO LOVE on his part in the least. He has let it be known. U R no more than a port in the storm. There are women’s shelters out in the world find one.get a new cell phone with a new #. Don’t give him the new number. Lots of programs available to help U. Push comes to shove claim to be a border crosser. Hell they may give U the keys to a city. Start a life that is worth living. Because U R not in one now. If U stay U Will pay a price U wont believe. Gggggeeeetttt ooooouuuttt now. If U love your kids. Do it now. Yesterday would be better.

Hi! I’ve been in a relationship with my partner for some years now, we were both having a good one going together not until he met with this lady from his college,he doesn’t care about me anymore he comes home late every night this was not like him, he doesn’t even speak to me like he used to till found out he was cheating on me,I couldn’t leave I just love him so much I was willing to do anything to get his love back, luckily a friend of mine gave me a spell caster contact,I contacted him and explained everything to him. He told me what was needed to be done I was done and the expected time he gave me, I was amazed my lover came back saying he love me that I should forgive his act, I was very happy I got him back the help of Dr aigbe the great spell caster add him on WhatsApp +2349065021617 or email: draigbedraigbe@gmail.com , he does other spells like love spells, I need my ex back, lottery spells etc.

If you need a listening
Sms me
Think positive.

Quit getting pregnant.

Famous words of Evanka Trump… don’t get mad… Get everything!!! :rofl::rofl:

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My ex husband cheated on me and the minute I found out, I was gone!!! Years later I was cleaning out my trunk of my car and found a love letter to him a month before I had my son, well we are divorced but I called and told him about it and read it to him… he after two years of being divorced still was saying, I never cheated!! Your lying!! What a loser… even with proof!!! :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I found out my husband has a dating profile: Advice?

Girl, you and your kids deserve better than that. I’ve literally been in your exact situation. It gets so much better. Sending you so much support.


Get rid of him now and save yourself and your children a lifetime of heart aches. He will not change and you will forever be checking on him. This is not what a beautiful life and marriage is like. You are worth it and so are your children. He will convince you that you are worthless and eventually end up leaving you. Get out now while you are young…PLEASE don’t let him waste your life. I want to add that I have been married for 35 years to a wonderful man. I have also been a family law attorney for 36 years. I have seen your story sitting in my office after staying with this type of person for many years…they will suck the life out of you and when you have nothing left to give, they no longer need you. This happens to men and women. Please get out now…you are worthy of better.


You dont need to go anywhere–he does . He is no good. Doesnt get any better. He gets nothing, except child support payments. It is typical for those kind to blame others. get to the bank account first–let him go live with his girlfriends. You will find help. I lived this way 13 yrs.


Be smart if you do decide to leave. Be prepared. Get your own bank acct , credit card, copies of any investments, pension, pay stub, see a lawyer… do these things first- don’t go on a whim.


Unfortunately toxic too the core. You need out. It’s not your fault. It’s an insecure man using your insecurities against you. I’m so sorry


Blaming you is a total copout on his part. What an absolute a$$!! You in no way deserve to be treated like this :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Go to marriage counseling! That way you leave no stone unturned.

Leave while you can!!!

Lesson learnt : men nvr change!

I was married to one just like him, he is narcissistic, and will treat you like this always, he will not change. If he did that with your supposedly best friend, he is a low life, he will do it again. He truly doesn’t deserve you. Trust me he will bring you down to the lowest, because it will always be your fault, and he will always make you feel your never good enough… You can’t change the spots on a leopard… I wish the best for you, and so sorry you are having to deal with all this, especially being pregnant.


Leave now. Only gets worse from there

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Just remember he wouldn’t have said anything if he didn’t get caught. Just go so you can stop wasting time with someone like that

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You have children so you could apply for housing through the county/state.

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What he is doing is the definition of a narcissist gaslighting their victim. Its emotional and mental abuse.

No. He did it to you and he will damage that child by doing it again later. Get out of there.

You found out he’s on a dating site and he’s previously cheated in which you wanted it to work for the kids and the family right? Although it’s heart felt it’s also foolish… ~fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me~ I think you know what you should do… quit debating and take that step… but make sure you have a great support system… or else he’ll try to be manipulative and bring you down. Keep ya head up and do what’s right… not what YOU think is right. Do what is right by the rule of thumb. He’s made two mistakes. If he makes a 3rd it’ll be your own fault. :100:


Leave. He’s not changing. He’s a cheater and a narcissist. You can do this on your own. It will be hard but there’s alot of help out there. Good luck and may God bless you and your family with whatever you decide.

Kick his ass to the curb…Hes got the dating profile for a reason…He wants his alone time for a reason…The fact is hes a peice of shit…You can do it without him…your never alone…God will carry you!!! Just believe and do it one day at a time…

Let’s one up em… I’ll hit it

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If you are looking for resources please contact these organizations that can help you become unstuck.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I found out my husband has a dating profile: Advice?

You gave him no consequences to his actions.
All he’s doing is manipulating you and wrapping you around his little finger.

You stayed because you have no where to go and you rely on him too much.
What did he learn? … nothing. So he’s doing it again.

You need to change that.
You make a plan and do it today.
Find a woman’s shelter, get help from friends etc.
Get on the Internet for help.
Get a bank account open.
Look for work you can do at home/online etc.
Do everything in your power to get out.
Then you file for divorce. Half of everything is yours too so that should help with finances for more security later on.

You need to grow a backbone my dear.
He doesn’t love you.
You don’t forgive just because he pays the bills or you have kids together.
Show him you know your own worth and deserve a million times better then him.


You’ve stayed longer than I would’ve. If you can, I advise you leave.

He sounds very controlling to me. He will never change and you will never trust him. Xx

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25 years ago I stayed with my newly married husband, in the next 2 years we had two beautiful little girls, we lived across the country from my family. I had no money, my girls loved their Daddy WHEN he was home, I thought I was doing the right thing. When my girls were 7 and 8 I found out he was having an affair with a stripper. I had never felt so humiliated in my life. I come from a regular family in the Midwest, even after finding out he was still with her I tried to make him realize how bad he was hurting his girls. He NEVER changed, and now many years later I’m remarried and happy, but my girls are still to this day seeing a therapist. I can’t put into words the hurt and pain he caused them. For you and your babies don’t let him do this to you guys. Bless you and wishing you happiness. CAT

Please leave him!!! You deserve so much better and to live a happy life!

you already know the answer. Unfortunately I don’t think you are ready to listen to yourself. I am sorry. I hope you find strength soon. And maybe find an organisation that can help you :pray:


Leave he will.keep doing it.

First, I’m assuming you definitely want out of the marriage. If that’s not the case forget the rest of my message.
Here’s where you may want to start. Suggest you start a journal. Maybe I’m wrong but he sounds like a narcissist. They are master manipulators and always blame their partners for all their problems but also know when to pour on the honey. So the journal will remind why you need to stay on track even when he does (and expects lots of praise for) something sweet. As others suggest find you some income and do some searching for support and help (find a lawyer who offers a free consultation and go). Google is your friend. Don’t do it on the home computer though unless you get rid of the history. But you have to have a game plan. Don’t allow yourself to be completely dependent on him and vulnerable anymore. He’s not going to help you. When you take money for groceries or whatever keep some for yourself every time in your bank account. Use a different address (p o box if you need to) and maybe get a new email for only select people/business. You’ve got a lot on your plate coming up with the baby but once you have time start finding ways to work towards independence. Even IF you decide to stay and give him another chance please do prepare for the next time. Because He won’t change - he will only be a little more careful going forward. You have to take care of yourself and the kids. Best wishes to you whatever you decide. You are stronger than you know! :two_hearts:


Leave!! You will make it work some how… never feel stuck! People leave life & death situations and rise, you can too!! Move on, move up, get better :heart:you deserve better, but more so your kids deserve so much better, so if you dnt feel it yet!! Trust they need it, thats not a relationship any child should view as goals!! Choose to be happy.


You already know what you should do . Don’t walk out run run run . You don’t want the kids to see how you let him treat you stop the cycle with you .


He’s not going to change… he cheats for the thrill of it. He knows he can get away with it. But mostly it’s a thrill for him and doesn’t really care if he gets you or not … just leave. Better alone than with bad company.

Start saving up money on the side and once you hit a goal that you’ve set for yourself decide if it’s worth staying. Financial dependence is a factor if you stay or leave and if you feel like you can be independent it’s easier to make a choice. I’m not saying to leave him I’m just saying don’t keep your family in a bad situation because you don’t have any (financial) choice

Start putting money away for your new life when things settle after the baby comes. You deserve a much more committed husband and father to your kids.


You can ask for advice and people can tell you what they would do but until you’re ready to do something about none of this advice is helpful. You have to decide if this is something you’re going to put up with, forgive and move past. If not, you’re going to have to decide when enough is enough. Good Luck!

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It will only get worse!


Leave. Now. Don’t waste your life on this man.

He is a narcissist & is Gaslighting you. He will never change, it will not get better, it will always be your fault. Do not stay for the kids, being involved in this situation will damage them. Much as you try you cannot conceal it from them. Don’t waste your life.
Get out as soon as you can. Start planning for yourself & your children & create a way out.
Yes I have been there. No not all situations are the same, but the red flags & behaviors are. :purple_heart:


Put him out!! Now!! How can he blame cheating on u when he is the 1 who has cheated… uve forgave him once and he done it again… throw that dirty dog a bone straight outa your house!! Always remember your betta than the way he’a treating u and ur stronger than he is making out… u only get 1 life so live it 2 its fullest life is far to short 2 be worryin about what hes up to bcos at the end of the day you can put it to the back of your mind but u wont every forget!! U got this mama :kissing_heart:

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He is probably bored having the same partner. That’s not your fault. It’s just the way a lot of men are. I’m sorry but I would focus on getting independent in the future.


He’s going to leave you and then what?
You gave him the OK to keep hurting you by staying after he cheated.
Don’t give up on yourself and stop having babies to a man who obviously has no love or respect for you.
Make yourself a backup plan cause this dude is ready to walk.

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It’s such a hard cycle to break and with little immediate support it feels even more impossible. Speak to groups that can help like social workers, domestic violence groups anyone who may have a slither of advice. Start a plan but don’t rush it. When you get to the point that you have enough support, plans and finances you’ll know it and nothing will stop you. But once you leave don’t let him bully you or make you feel bad for him. He will try to incite arguments shut it down. Dont answer. Dont reply. Stay away. And when you are both calm reply logically to him. You will be able to do this. Trust me xxx

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Unfortunately it’s one of those situations where I can tell you about the experiences I’ve had and the best possible advice but if you’re not ready to listen you won’t, there will come a time when you finally had enough and only then will you know what to do. Good luck though I hope everything works out in the end :unamused:


Wow . I woulda been gone a long time ago. Cheating ? Bye dude.

If I’m honest the only option you have right now is to start looking g at what options you have. There are people that help you, especially if you have kids, you can get out of this toxic shit if you need to. It will be so so hard but not as hard as living a lifetime of shit and heartbreak with this dickhead, cause he won’t stop doing this. He’s already blamed you which is a bigger dick move than having a dating account in the 1st place. He doesn’t care I’m really sorry but you’re setting yourself up for misery if you stay. Remember it would be really hard but definitely there are people and associations that will help you x

Bloody hell if he’s cheated befire he will do it again and again u need to start having everything of your own like end the split accounts start saving to move thibk of yourself not him

There’s women shelters and safe housing… People that you can contact to get out. Sounds to me like he’s controlling you. By having a joined bank account he knows you can’t escape. That’s why you need to try. It will only get worse. He’s a narcissist and you need to get far away from him as possible and take your kids with you. You are not alone and shouldn’t continue down this road of abuse. Get out before it’s too late

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Kick him to the curb :upside_down_face:

Once a cheater always a cheater

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I found out my husband has a dating profile: Advice?

You need to leave asap for the sake of you and your babies. You’re pregnant and can receive a lot of assistance from the community - you take as many handouts as you can! You need to separate yourself from the toxicity and heal. big bear hugs

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He is the cheat and the one that decide to break your relationship/family because he doesn’t know why. Get him to leave and you and the kids stay in your home x


Start now by opening your own bank account and make some queries with local council etc

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Make an exit plan slowly and get out


Leave now. You’ll only regret staying later when things have gotten worse your extremely unhappy and your kids start treating u like crap just like he does. You’ll wish you left sooner if you dont. Dont get in the habit of collecting red flags.

Leave. Make a plan, get a free consult from a lawyer, save all your evidence- and leave. Don’t raise your children in a home where their mother isn’t loved and teach them thses things are acceptable. Make a plan and leave asap.

I just left my husband of 3 years because of this. He can’t stop. We went through over a year of counseling and he couldn’t explain why he does it. He had the world at his fingertips and he was so happy with us and his life but he couldn’t stop. So I had to choose myself and my children instead of his mistakes. It’s been hard but really it’s been worth every battle I’m learning my self worth again and building what he has destroyed.


So sorry but tell him to leave :pray:t3::pray:t3:

Should of legged it the first time he cheated. Sorry :disappointed:

Once a cheater always one

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We all make mistakes learn to make better choices so you don’t have the Repercussion of your choice . Have a blessed day

I left with 4 kids, no family, and no money. You can too. You just need to want to.

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Start packing away money… You go shopping tuck some away you pay bills tuck some away ect… Get in touch with a social worker/councelor they can help you get things in order to be on your own… You got this …keep all your evidence start looking for a pro bono divorce lawyer ect.


He needs to kick rocks. Get a job, set yourself up and go.

Start stacking money on the side and leave him…if he has already done this 2 times he’s not going to stop…

He has done it more than 2 times. You just have only caught him once.

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Why are you stuck? You do not have to stay. Start making plans, contact a women’s organization, and get free. You do not have to remain a victim just because that’s what you have become accustomed to.


Once a cheater always a cheater

He’s always going to be this way. I’m sorry this is happening to you especially with another little one on the way but he is not going to change. The fact that you stayed after he slept with your best friend is beyond me but what’s done is done. Start saving any kind of money you can and start looking into single mother and children programs that help women leave unhealthy situations. There are options you just have to look


Hes not in love with you. He doesn’t want to stop and if I was you I’d leave him and never look back. I was in this same situation 2 years ago, threw the whole man out and started over. Best decision of my life

Babe I left with 2 kids, no help, no income, no family, no job … just me, 2 kids, and 75$ … I made it work … you can too babe …

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Get a bank account of your own filter cash into it when bubs comes run there is more to life then being unhappy and unloved
Your a big girl there are lots of places out there to help you
Best wishes only you can Define your life :two_hearts:

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Start putting money aside for your escape! It won’t stop. All it is, is just an excuse to not own up to his responsibilities! Im not kidding! Put the money aside!! It will keep happening! Also, most girls are clingy, nothing wrong with that! Start to do your own thing! Don’t be clingy! He’ll run after you! But don’t ever for second think they’ll change and even if you think it’ll work out dont believe it all, SAVE the money for the escape!!

Whose car is it legally?

He wouldn’t be my husband anymore.

He did it once and you stayed?! Girl… You should have ran for the hills! Its not to late! He is not going to change and you forgiving him the first time ensured he will continue cuz he can get away with it!


He’s 110% narcissist +a loser who will never change.
And sweetie your best friend would never be with your man,even after you were divorced, so she played you too…sorry to tell you.
That wasn’t ever your friend.


Leave ASAP! The only thing you need is your babies and you!!

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Take him for all he’s got! Lawyer up! Save all the proof. I woulda been long gone once he cheated with someone I considered my best friend. He cheated and you are accustomed to a certain lifestyle as you’ve been a sahm and he needs to continue making that possible for you.

Lawyer up asap and divorce him. Frankly, he has violated your marriage vows and you shouldnt have to go anywhere…he should have to leave…and pay support for.you and your children. You deserve better, and so do your kids. Good luck


Leave! He’s not going to change!

Get your money in a separate account, make sure you have somewhere to go and then draw a line in the sand!! Don’t cut him ANY slack! If he can’t live with the agreed upon rules, leave him, cos he won’t change.

He’s right, it’s his fault.

Once a cheater almost always a cheater. Should’ve left him the first time.

In this day and age, having sex all Willy nilly puts your partner at risk for death. Yes, HIV will kill. Or several kinds of STIs.

He doesn’t respect you or your relationship. Dump him. You’ll be better off (and so will the children) in the long run.

He doesnt love you. Get out if you can

Kick him out! First file for divorce! Then file child support. File for food stamps, and Medicaid. Also look online for local assistance for rent/electric/water bill help.
Learn to live with in your means. Us the government help until you don’t need it. There is no shame in that.
Keep the car too. You have the child. You need it for doctor visits and such!
Apply for delivery jobs like doordash, Uber…etc. can work your own hours and take your child. (Just ya know don’t leave the kid in vehicle alone)
Keep all the evidence you have for court. You shall also ask for alimony if you live in a state that has it.
I hope you leave him! I hope you protect yourself! Please don’t waste no more of your life on this! You got this!! So many ways to make it on your own nowadays! I wish you the best!! :pray:t2:


My husband would be buried in the back yard if he did anything like that, especially the cheating with the best friend part. Look around and find yourself a good divorce lawyer. You’ve got proof of him trying to find some tail while you’re pregnant PLUS the first time he cheated. When my parents were getting a divorce (the first time) he had to leave the house and my mom got to stay in the house with my brother and I. What’s probably going to happen is your lawyer would draft up divorce papers and divide all the marital assets. That could mean you both would have to sell the house and split the profits a certain way, or you could come to an agreement that you get to keep the house. There’s also the possibility of you getting alimony, but I’m not sure if you’d have to have been married for a certain amount of time. All bank accounts would be split at certain percentages. If the car is in your name you would get to keep that, if it’s in his name then he would keep it. So basically your lawyer would draft up the papers and have him served, then he would have to get his own lawyer to draft up their own terms. You would go to court for mediation where both lawyers and you and your husband would sit down and fine tune all the terms, who gets what ect. You can also put in your terms that he pays your lawyer fees since he’s the one who’s been cheating and causing you mental and emotional stress, especially during BOTH of your pregnancies. I really hope that you and your kids get out of this situation because you’re not married to man/husband/father at all. You’re married to a narcissist asshole.

Lots a narcissistic red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:


Leave him… if you stay he is going to ruin you trust me coming from personal experience…


You can keep your distance from him slowly save up money and leave without him knowing he seems too distracted anyways your obviously not enough for him since your too much but yet he still looking to be around other women