I found out my husband is cheating

This happened to me also. I forgave him once but it didn’t stop him. He got a girl pregnant and of course that was it for me. I’d definitely confront him.

Breadwinner. Open an account with just your name if yall have one together. Transfer your money. Confront him or get that girls number and contact her. I’d do message so you have proof. Those girls come back with an attitude and will tell all and then some because they become pist and think they are better than you. That’s called evidence. Let him fall on his face. Been there and it hurts like hell even when they know he has a family.


Just the fact that you felt the need to open the phone says it is time to leave.


Momma, I’m so sorry. You need to sit him down, confront him, ask him what he wants (don’t stay together if he won’t stay committed and change, you deserve vetter and make it clear to him that you know that and will never feel this way again!)
Second, confront her maybe not fave to face but a good long messaged from his phone or to her through messenger. Call.her out. She should be ashamed! Sad excuse of a ‘woman’ right there.

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You are too much for him. You deserve better

I’m sorry, but the choice is obvious

Girl, take your babies and go somewhere else.
Screenshot the conversations and email them to yourself as proof when you get a divorce. Either that or go to counciling. You deserve more than that.


Oh no momma! First thing you need to do is breath. Your mental state reflects on everything that comes next. Your in pain, all us mommas feel that pain. If I could take even a small part to help I would. He had betrayed you. And that it up to you if it could be forgiven. What you need to do is sit him down and talk to him. What he does defines if he is even the slightest bit sorry. You’ve said your the worker in your home, so don’t worry about not being able to support yourself and your babies. You’ve got this momma! :heart::heart:


In these Days i am making easily more than $500 for working online. i just received my 4th payment of previous month of $18640. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $18654 per month but now i see how it works.


I would contact an attorney. Start divorce proceedings. I would not tell him until he gets served with the papers. I would then tell the children after he was out. You owe him nothing as far as an explanation. He will figure it out.
So sorry you have to do this. But will be praying for you and your children. Be sure to move your money to another account.


Screen shot everything and send it to yourself. Erase your traces and don’t tell him about the screen shots. If you really aren’t willing to forgive, then consider divorce but using a lawyer with your screenshot. Ask for childsupport.


I am easily earning extra $500 or even more by working easy online job from home. Today i have received $18640 which is the payment of my previous month’s work. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $18654 per month but now i see how it works.


To be straight… he doesn’t deserve you or the family he has let down. Trust your gut do what is right for you and your children. It will be tough at first but there is light at the end of the tunnel. You will never have happiness with this “man”. Good women deserve to live a happy life.


You are smart, you are educated, you know what to do…. Do it! You and your children deserve better!


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I wouldn’t even bother confronting him especially if you believe this was not the first time. I would just let things be and start making plans for you and children, file divorce papers and kick him out.


This happened to me you deserve better pack his bags

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Kick him out, you are self sufficient on your own. Tell him to find a place and don’t let him back. You deserve so much more, you must have self respect because they don’t change.


I am easily earning extra $500 or even more by working easy online job from home. Today i have received $18640 which is the payment of my previous month’s work. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $18654 per month but now i see how it works.


Make another life. Enjoy your children and enjoy life. Once a cheater always a cheater mind or body or soul. You can make a life wonderful for you and your babies, no matter how many promises are made it won’t keep… just your heartache of believing it would


Love you don’t deserve that and to stay means your allowing him to disrespect you and it will eventually eat at you and cause you further pain that will be hard to get over. Your baby also doesn’t deserve that and will be affected more if you stay. It will hurt like hell but yourself will thank you later. Make sure you get proof for the courts when you file get screenshots and dont let him know just yet. I will pray for you to have strength :pray:


I feel like you know already what you should do… leave that loser.


you say you are educated, yet you don’t know what to do,??? Yet you think he has done this before, yet you don’t know what to do???, You have 2 choices here, as a educated woman, stay with him & this will continue to happen, or leave him, And please don’t say you just had a baby. That is a poor excuse on your part, LEAVE his ass. But get a lawyer first.

Life’s too short to waste on a cheater.
Take your kids and go.

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Oops. Kick his ass to the curb!

You already know what to do, your heart and your mind are in battle, one of them holds your sanity, listen to that one . Good luck and know you don’t need anyone’s approval for the choice you make. God Bless


Confront him about it amd see how he really feels. U maybe able to wkrk on it but if not cut ties and move on

I was cheated on n felt broken. Do wat u need to do to feel whole again. If that means kicking him out n living separate lives then that’s wat u shud do. Make urself happy first cuz that effects ur kids. They don’t wanna c u miserable. Don’t live ur life as a shadow of urself to please others. Ur the bread winner n can live ur own life better alone or with a man that respects u n ur kids. At this point ask urself y ur still with him. Ask him y he is there… if it’s just because the kids, money or convenience that’s not enough. U need to find ur best friend to share ur life with not someone who hurts u.

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you’re gonna have to confront him and find out exactlyl what is going on. And let him know that you’re not gonna be sitting around while he’s out getting his kicks. If thats what he wants, then he should pack his shit and go. But, if it were me, id need the truth either way. And dont let him turn it around on you. So what if you checked his phone. He shouldnt have anything to hide. But now hes busted and needs to own up so ya’ll can move past this. Whatever happens, just do whats best for the kids.

Kick his ass out! Or if you can’t do that leave.

You have to decide what is best for you and if divorce is your choice be strategic about it. You being the breadwinner in the family may have you paying him spousal support as well as him getting half of everything. Best bet in this situation is to work out your own agreement as far as a settlement is concerned. Men don’t go silently these days.


Try counseling, if you wanna save your marriage ID try anything

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This would be the end for me. I’d never be able to trust my husband again, if he did something like this, and without trust there’s really no relationship. I also think that a lack of affection is a red flag in any relationship. You deserve better.


Never allow anyone to break you in that way. I know it is easy to be a “spectator” And give advice to you but you do need to part ways with this man, hard I know where kids are involved but it needs to stop, it all sounds very toxic and your kids will eventually pick up on what’s going on so not good for them either. Being a single parent isn’t ideal but it is better to be a single parent than be unhappy in a bad relationship. I wish you luck and I hope you can sort this out and begin to heal and have a happier life.

Its miserable living with a cheater. They lie to cover up their actions. A drunk that cheats isn’t selective. They just want someone different than the one they have at home. I speak from experience. I’ve talked to men and I’m told it’s about the thrill of getting by with it. That is if it’s casual. But if he is communicating with her alot, he will end up leaving you regardless of how you feel about the situation. My suggestion, leave or kick him out. You are way to good to be unappreciated and disrespected like this. I left when my youngest child was 3 months old. My children and I started over. The hardest part is making the decision. You’ve got this

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He probably feels like a piece of crap because he is one
Like you said you’re smart and educated you’re the one with potential
Ditch the loser - there’s nothing to talk about if he cheated


Run. You and your kids deserve better


You have to do the best for you and your kids, they come first :pray: have a better life with out him,

I’m so sorry. Don’t be afraid to leave and start over.

She can have him, put him out ASAP!


First id take pics of it and confeont him gently and tell him if he’s not happy he needs to get out

You can try marriage counseling. Really it comes down to if you in your heart can truly forgive him for this. If it was merely texting, as bad as it hurts, it will be easier to forgive. But know now you will struggle to trust him for a very very long time. He will have to earn your love back and your trust. Confront him and do not back down. You are a goddess and he should feel BLESSED to have you in his life. Make him act like it. I would also demand 24/7 access to his phone whenever you ask for it. Some may say it isn’t healthy or whatever, but he lost his privilege of privacy when he did you dirty in my opinion. I know it’s easy for people to sit here and say leave him. But you posting this and asking for advice, I know you don’t want to do that. I really wish you all the best and I hope you find your answers.

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l get paid over $150 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18490 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.


Get counseling…immediately!

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First things first is to consult an atty that has a good reputation and get his advice on the process and what you can expect. Good luck to you.


Real advice - Divorce.


How do you know that she knows he is married and has a family? He could be lying to her as well. I think you need to confront him and talk about it. It needs to be discussed whether or not you too want to work it out and go to marriage counseling or whether it’s over.


Eww. Why stay? Is there a way we can sue a side chick and the spouse for emotional damage? Because damn that would be amazing to clean them both out.

Get a lawyer and find out what to expect in your State. Plan your exit legally and strategically.


Some men can not handle the woman being the breadwinner so will then exert their masculinity in other areas. Id suggest reflect on the type of marriage you want. Have an honest conversation with him and go to counseling. Alot is going to come out. Either he changes or he doesnt. Youll have to accept that he cheated and forgive him. Itll be alot to do but he would have to change. You deserve to be happy. There are plenty other men who could replace him. Hugs!


Go talk to your lawyer first then take it from there. God bless you and your children.

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Keep between you too, and maybe a pastor :wink:


I’m so sorry. You and your kids deserve better. Fortunately it sounds like you are in a place where you can support yourself and your children without him. If you want to try to work it out, insist on counseling but if this isn’t the first time, and your heart can handle it, I would recommend getting a lawyer and making a plan to let him go. We are so much stronger than we think. You will get through this either way. Listen to your intuition and do what is best for you.


You really only have two choses. You can leave him or you can try confronting the problem in couples/ marriage counseling. It really all depends on wether you want to fight for your marriage or in your heart you know it has been over for a while. Wishing the best for you.

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I’m so sorry… it’s heartbreaking to hear this :cry: Unfortunately you’ll have to put a plan together BEFORE you leave him if that’s what you want. I wouldn’t tell him that you know until you have a plan and money saved, etc. If you stay with him then you have to move forward knowing what kind of person he is and that it’ll likely happen again. I think you’ll be happier and more at peace if you leave him though.


I am easily earning extra $500 or even more by working easy online job from home. Today i have received $18640 which is the payment of my previous month’s work. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $18654 per month but now i see how it works.


do what’s best for you. You can get all the advice in the world you’re going to get judged no matter what you do. If you choose to forgive give him, That’s fine too it’s your life also you have to talk to him about it and open lots of communication more. Sometimes those are the things that are missing in a relationship.

first. find out if they’ve met up. if they had sex. or had an actual affair. if they did, then thats pretty difficult to …get over.
if not, then maybe u can work something out and see how it goes.

or. on the otherhand u can just chose not to , and just end it all. but it doesnt seem to me like u want to do that. (which is okay if its ur choice )

I’m so sorry this is happening. I was cheated on when I was pregnant, I completely understand how you’re feeling. I tried desperately to make it work- gave him another chance and he just did it again. Finally left him and the peace that comes from not having that in your life is well worth the difficulty of doing it alone.

Please don’t stay in this situation. The longer you waste your time w someone who doesn’t deserve you, the longer it will take to meet someone who does. You deserve better & life does not have to be this way.

On the bright side, you are already the bread winner. You can do this. There is a better future waiting for you.


Let someone else have your leftovers! He’s not worth it! And being a mom you should be happy!


Keep pics/screenshots of ALL proof!! You may need it later! Get your ducks in a roll before confronting him! Get out while you can! I know it will hurt, but I’m on my own with four kids and it’s the best thing I’ve done for us. Try to have money saved up! Best advice I can give!


You love him or you don’t? Stand your ground!

I hope you kept her number for yourself bc I’d be going off on him and her if she knew! If she didn’t, I’d just make her aware that he is married. & go from there. You deserve more then this and so do your babies IMO. He’s a piece of crap.

In just 3 months, I made $ 47,639 with easy online work from home. more than $ 15,000 a month fast. I was surprised when one of my close friends told me he made $ 18,654 a month, but now I see how it works.


The only thing you can do is tell him what you found and confront him about it. Now if this was me I would have texted the person and made a plan to meet her and show up. If you work it right the both of you could confront him together. If you simply deleted it then get ready for his denial :woman_shrugging:t3:

Leave everything and start over… Best thing i ever did!! Sooo hard at first but my kids are worth it!!! Staying shows you will.tolerate the cheating


Brace yourself mama. He’s going to try to justify it by blaming you and trying to make you feel like a failure. Try to prepare before you bring it up if you can. Save money and have a plan. I’m so sorry. This shit hurts. I know

I’m so sorry this has happened to you. As a Mother of a 6-week old AND a 10 year old, this can be especially stressful for you. As the Bread Winner you have two choices - 1) stay and continue to put up w/his cheating - because Most NEVER change their cheating spots 2) Start your Exit Plan and/or HIS (personally, I’d send HIM packing - yeah, he’ll head off to the ‘current’ girlfriend but, he’s already with her mentally and part-time physically, might just consider making it permanent?.. My Best.

I’m easily generating more than $500 per day these days doing things online. Last month, I received my third payment of $18650. I was surprised to learn that one of my close friends earns $18654 every month, but now I understand how it works.


Confront him about it

It’s always harder when you have kids involved. I would ask yourself point blank what do you want? Do you want to cut your ties and move on or do you want to talk to him and try to work through it. Whatever you do, don’t stay for the kids. I know people who’s parents stayed together and weren’t happy or waiting until the kids all moved out and then divorced.
If you want to try to work things out the. Approach your hubby and tell him you know what’s up and what does he want to do… Open marriages are becoming more popular too so you could always try that, then there wouldn’t be the sneaking around hopefully.
You have to figure out what you’re comfortable with and go from there.
I feel for you where I know this isn’t an easy situation to be in. With whatever happens, I wish you the best of luck

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In your own words, your the breadwinner, your smart, educated. I think you already know what needs to be done. You and your children deserve better. Get legal advice. Protect you and yours. You can do this. I won’t lie and say it won’t hurt or be easy. Just don’t cave when he promises it will never happen again. He probably means it it. But if it happened once and you think more it will only stop for a short time. And truthfully would you be able to trust. My heart goes out to you. I did this with 4 kids all close in age it is not the easiest tning to do but it is doable one day at a time with a plan in place.


Time to get smart for yourself and your children. Seek a good lawyer. It’s worth it

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If you want to salvage your marriage I would speak to him and suggest marriage counseling. If you cannot forgive him there is no point in trying to save the marriage because it won’t work. I would decide what I wanted to do and go from there. I would also most definitely kick him out while I was deciding how I wanted to proceed. In most cases once a cheater always a cheater so remember if you take him back he will 95% sure cheat again. Good luck!

Keep listening to your gut

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It’s a shitty situation and I’ve been there. We had a one year old and one on the way. Long story short I left and he married the girl he was cheating on me with. They are no longer together so karma will always work it out. Leave and work on healing :heart:

I get more than $ 15,000 a month for working online. I joined this job 3 months ago and I started making money from day one. I was surprised when one of my close friends told me he made $ 18,654 a month, but now I see how it works.


Gift wrap him and send him to her. You can do better!


In just 3 months, I made $ 47,639 with easy online work from home. more than $ 15,000 a month fast. I was surprised when one of my close friends told me he made $ 18,654 a month, but now I see how it works.


What you do is say “peace out” :v:t3:


Thats sad. Im sorry. Id say confront him and her let me know theirs pos and then move on! He’ll realize he fucked up sooner or later gl

I personally make $ 500 a day. for 3 months I got involved in online work at home and in 3 months yes, in just 3 months I earned more than $ 45,000. I was surprised when one of my close friends told me he made $ 18,654 a month, but now I see how it works.


I’d just ask to look at his phone and see why he took the :pill: hope you find something out​:pray:

Find a lawyer. Plan your exit strategy. Protect your children.


I am now making more than $500 every single day online. Yesterday i got my 3rd payment of $18532 by doing work online. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $18654 per month but now i see how it works.


I was married almost 27yrs and I had that gut feeling for awhile and one day when we were in the ER his phone kept going off and I thought it was someone checking on him. I ended up finding VERY explicit pictures and texts!! That’s the one thing I told him never to do or I would be done!! Left his a** at the ER, put all his crap in his van and was done!! Prayers sweetie because I know how hard this is :disappointed_relieved:


Contact a divorce attorney. Plan your exit, focus on your children. Sending :pray:t3:


Patricia Cramer wtf??? Why on God’s earth should someone stay hush hush about this subject?? Have you ever needed advice from people before? At least she is posting on here for advice and not her fb status… :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: Idk but giiiirl you have got to get back up off the ground that man threw you on, and straighten that beautiful crown. Walk away with your pride because you ARE gonna see another day!! This is such a big problem and should NEVER go without being talked about and you get the hell away from him!! Some people have HUUUUUGE strength and can get passed something like this with an apology, or a meeting with councilors. I am not this type of person. I have tried for years to fully understand “fuck ups” happen and people do stupid stupid shit sometimes… Buuuut that’s the key word “sooooometimes” and never the same fuck up multiple occasions. He’s a pro at this if honestly this is the first time you have read anything. He knew when and what to tell her. How long has this been going on??? It really doesn’t matter but fuck woman I wish I could give you a big hug!!! I hope this post helps in so many ways and you truly know you ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS EFFED UP SOCIETY!! But if you take any advice, please please let it be… RUN… NOW

In these Days i am making easily more than $500 for working online. i just received my 4th payment of previous month of $18640. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $18654 per month but now i see how it works.


Run. It may seem hard and that you’ll never be able to be happy but I swear to you you deserve better and you will find him one day. The one who would never dream of cheating.

If you don’t realize you should be mentally and physically preparing for a divorce, you’re not nearly as educated as you claim to be or think you are.


If you want this marriage fight for it. Setup counseling and tell him he either mans up and becomes responsible to his family or pack his dudds and go. If he refuses he don’t want the marriage. A nanny is cheaper than keeping a bumb


First off, I’m very sorry you’re going through this. First, prepare for worst case scenario, make sure everything is in order if you need it. Decide if you even want to work it out if he is willing, then confront him on it and go from there. If it’s something you’ll never be able to get past, you’ll probably be happier without him. If your marriage is most important, see if he’s willing to do what you need to repair it. It’s hard either way so I hope it works out for the best❤️

So sorry you are in this situation. Just remember, you deserve better than this. Confront him and if things don’t change, find youself a good day care or baby sitter and get rid of him. You deserve better!!!

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Id talk to him about it see if he denys it ask him why he did it then find a place for you and the kids to go if you don’t already have a place then take him to court and start custody battle

Kick him to the curb

Personally I’d pack him and send him on his way. Even if you have to take a couple weeks of playing dumb to be ready I’ve tried giving chances to cheaters. Tried therapy. None panned out. You deserve so much better

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Respect yourself and know you’re worth so much better.
Leave. Talk to someone if needed. Heal. Move on to bigger and better

The only thing you can do is decide if you’re gonna stay or leave…it’s no need to mention until you have made that decision…you already know he’s cheating…the question is will you forgive and move forward or will you move on…


If u want the marriage to work then work on yourself first and self care. A side chick never trumps a wife. An affair never lasts. If he wanted her he would of left her. A lot will tell you to leave but marriages can survive infidelity. Read Laura doyle books and listen to the podcasts

You do know what to do. The struggling between the heart and mind is your problem. It hurts but it’s not what you want your kids to see or emulate and it is not even close to what you deserve. Take some time, fix your crown girl and never look back.

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