I found out my kids were watching inappropriate videos on youtube: Advice?

My 5 year old found those videos. I absolutely hate them. I put parental controls on and somehow he still finds them. Now its to the point where if he wants to watch tv he can only watch pbs kids or childrens shows on netflix.

Jeffy is nasty my brother gets on to his son for watching it.

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Jeffy is banned around here, if I catch my son watching him he knows he lost all privileges to any devices.

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Remember they have different a different personality and can be the totally opposite of you.

If you don’t like it then you can block it on your cell phone account app. Or just don’t give them phones.

My soon to be 17 yr old. Doesn’t have a phone.

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Well it could have been porn… :woman_shrugging:t5: consider yourself lucky. Lol

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take the phone from them

My 4 yearold lovez jeffy every time i block him. They change the name so he finds him again

Mine are 22, 20 & 16 yo girls… ive always given mine freedom with watching stuff & this includes sex & nudity… my girls have watch horror flix at a young age & none of my girls have grown up to kill/do drugs etc…

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Pit family link on their phones and Blick you tube qnd use kids you tube but with family link they will send you a request if they try to add an app it even shows you what they are on qnd hiw long they were on that site its great my girls have had it since they got their first electronics at about 2 lol we love the family link we can even control when they can send and receive calls and text I can shut them down with 4 numbers punched in on my phone its great even shows you where that phone is at that time

If they got the balls to watch it behind your back they should have the same ones to watch it with you. That was a rule for me growing up and I used it with my own kids.

Yes Jeffee is a no go here. And punish?! Huh!?! How about talk to them and let them know the reasons why that show isn’t appropriate. (Which won’t be hard) kids see puppets- toys- and kids shows and automatically think appropriate. I sign my kids into my YouTube account that way I can see EVERYTHING they do and watch. My kids are a little younger then yours.

Jeffy is the worst. I can’t block them and they have so many profiles my kids always find them. They are making fun of autistic kids and my son is autistic. His teacher sent a warning home to avoid this show. I wish youtube would remove this content. It’s so sexual and trash

Yes I found my 5 year old watching Jeffy at his grandparents house, I was horrified

are you complaining about your almost 16 year old son watching puppet videos?? bc what?


Had to take away my kids tablets for watching Five nights at Freddy’s YouTube videos… I told them not to do it again but they did… So I took it away, tried to give them some privileges back with the tablets MONTHS later and they can’t seem to help themselves so no more YouTube accessible devices for them.


Ohhmmmmmy lord. That shows so dumb. People playing with different puppets, dolls, stuffed animals.
Parental lock would work out better and talking to them cause that’s literally their entertainment

13 and 15?! And it’s not even porn? Lol ur lucky u haven’t found stashes of naked pics of women. When I was 13 I had seen most horror movies and im pretty sure around this age is when Stiffler was introduced…hahaha…now if THAT isn’t appropriate?! And I turned out just fine. And my kids r all wonderful human beings. That age is mostly about curiosity, don’t shut that down. That only leads to them doing it behind ur back. Have a discussion WITH ur children about ur feelings behind it, their feelings behind it, set some boundaries but also let them know that they don’t have to hide anything from u…not that u will condone all their behaviour, ur their parent, not their friend…but atleast make it an open conversation…trust me u won’t regret it as they get older.


My 10 year old watches but she knows what she can and can not say. Teach them to be responsible and understand what is acceptable and not. My child was 4 watching horror movies her favorite character was chucky she has all the dolls and everything. She understands it’s for entertainment purposes. Talk to them about it and explain your expectations. Communication is key.

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I am very open with my kids. They are teenagers and I don’t restrict much. They are smart, good kids. I raised them to be respectful. So I don’t make a big deal if they watch things that aren’t really appropriate …they seem to get it. This is life. Trust me they are going to their friends houses and watching it and if u think that’s not true then u are naive. I’d rather my kids be open in front of me than do bad things when I’m not around. When u restrict things they want to do it even more. I am open and honest about drugs and sex so they know the consequences to these things but watching things that are inappropriate is really no big deal in my home. If u make it a thing, it becomes a thing. But that’s just how I raise my kids. My opinion. And I have a wonderful 17 year old and 13 year old.

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I think it’s great you want to keep your kids innocent as long as you can. I would put restrictions on it. They will probably still see inappropriate things at some point. Talk to them about things like this and what is ok behavior and what is not. I did that with my boys. They are not allowed to say shut up or OMG and other things like that. If they start talking and behaving inappropriately I take away electronics and games. They do pretty good about it.


Oh yes. My son had that stupid crap on. Told them to watch something different. Now my kids watch gamers playing Minecraft. Lol. I’ll take that over Jeffy :joy:

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Watch it with them act like you enjoy it then make fun of them and see what happens lol js I have 2 -15 yo good luck

Yeah, punish them instead of being the parent, watching the videos and explaining what you find wrong with them. :roll_eyes: I have 3 sons. They are grown now, from the age of new internet and Beavis and butthead. You’re going to make them watch it in private and keep secrets from you. Very stupid on your part.
Yeah… but punish them cause that’s always simpler than parenting


I just asked my 15 year old daughter what she thought was the worst thing she found on YouTube and she said… Naked Yoga?? They allow it because it’s cultural :joy: anyways it made me laugh. I would worry more if the kid was much younger under 10. In the teen years they basically already developed their interests. If they start acting out the behavior they watch on tv, maybe worry a little.

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You know there’s a chance you kid has had sex or a BJ right

Pick your battle educate!!!


Take them off of youtube or do parental controls

15? Smh, give me a break. There’s so much worse he could be doing


the issue for me is you thought they weren’t watching them


Yes I blocked his channel from our YouTube.


Put family link or some kind of app to monitor what there doing.

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It’s really bad
If y’all watch that I was shocked :rofl:
I’m a nanny and I was like :grimacing::open_mouth:
But at 13 and 15 I can promise you that’s the most PG thing they are watching :rofl:


Delete the YouTube app. Put a block on it. Download YouTube Kids. Age appropriate content.


If you have an iPad or iPhone, and the kids have apple products, you can put parental settings on it where they have to ask you permission to be on certain apps. Take they’re electronics away and wipe them clean! Install blocks on those things

There shouldn’t be a punishment. Just tell them they’re not allowed to watch that anymore and put parental controls on


13 and 15🥴 Trust me I’m pretty sure they have heard and seen way worse! Strict parents create sneaky kids! They are teenagers! Talk to them about why you’re upset but I honestly don’t think it’ll make a big difference being the age that they are!!


Your kids are 13&15, whatever you think you’re saving them from seeing they already know about and have seen. They are teens now and deserve privacy🤷🏼‍♀️punish them for YouTube, you seem off your rocker.


The shit I catch my nephews and nieces watching on YouTube had me feeling the same way. Parental locks :lock: they weren’t happy about it but oh well. Somethings kid just shouldn’t see and hear about at such a young age. Crazy world we are living in gotta protect our babies.

Ummm st that age they are probably watching stuff a lot worse then that!! I had an older sister so I did a lot of things early so at 12-15 I was getting trashed at house parties, fighting anyone who looked at me or my sister wrong, smoking weed all day every day, and popping pills without my mother know a dang thing (she would have beat me and my sister stupid if she knew what we were doing) moral of this story is they could be out there doing a lot worse then watching some videos on YouTube!! I wouldn’t punish them I would sit them down and talk to them and just let them know why you dont like it and find it inappropriate and build a trust with them.


Yup i agree with others pick your battles lol. Have a talk with them. They are teenagers

Why do your kids have smartphones? You gave them to them, you should have been watching what they were doing. Why are you punishing them because you messed up?


My kids watched him too and they were younger than your kids. We banned YouTube altogether

They are learning way worse from friends…


I get wanting to protect your children but they are not as naive as you think especially at 13 and 15. I can bet they have seen and maybe even done worse lol


My 9-year-old tried to watch it and he is kicked off of YouTube permanently because of it there’s too much crazy stuff on there

My daughter does the same shit and has for years. I take away technology and when I give it back she does it again… so at this point she can go on YouTube once she is 18 and has supplied her own phone.

Pretty sure they’re already watching porn at those ages. So whoever jeffy is… can’t be that bad lol

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Yall are to soft stop acting like we did not grow up on south park and family guy when are parents were not watching yall need to chill :joy:


I get not allowing little ones to watch certain things but at 13 & 15 they know alot more than Jeffy. Sadly kids younger than this are watching & discussing way worse


Take it away from them and all the cell phone and electronics

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Never heard of him who is he and what’s the videos about

I blocked that channel and others like it.
I dont allow my kids to watch these grown adults doing stupid and dangerous things. Ive also talked with my oldest (12) about why he isnt allowed to watch and the dangers of trying to copy these videos. My sons friend got serious hurt trying to copy these grown adults.
Parental controls or kids youtube with parental controls.

Lmao imagine what they’re deleting from their search history or going incognito for if thats the case. Use this opportunity as a bridge to start open conversations. You’ll be suprised at what you learn they have “learned” and then if any of the info is incorrect, you can correct it before it becomes an issue.


The amount of people justifying allowing children to watch this on YouTube is shocking to me. Haha. No wonder kids are the way they are these days. Weak parenting.


Also we have family link on her phone and iPhone allow other iPhone’s to be monitored. Screen time, what they can watch, the conversations they have. Good luck to you.

We have outright banned YouTube in our house


Jeffy is shit I battled that with my son. He’s 7 right now. But your kids are older and Jeffy would be the least of my worries. But they should be mature enough for youtube don’t you think?

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Strict parents create SNEAKY ASS KIDSSSS. Pick your battles. They’re teenagers, for the love.

My 11 year old son became a pornhub prime member. He used his Visa gift cards from X-mas to pay the fees then. I was mortified. My fiance then thought it was great and loved his creativity. He reassured me that was normal for a boy his age to try and look at that stuff. Needless to say we put a block on all that stuff so he had no access to it. I had my phone company help me do it. Also when I grounded my kids from their phones I called my phone company shut the service off to that phone for the allotted time.


Maybe it’s just me but there are worse things than Jeffy


I had to block the channel and every channel affiliated with it. But it was my 6 yr old Watchung it and now she likes to cuss all over the place. Your children should be old enough not to have that kind of stuff influence them that much.

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At 13 & 15? :flushed::flushed: oh my! They aren’t 3 & 5


13 and 15 just take their phones away… Not that hard.

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Block youtube it bothers you so much! Then no more inappropriate shows…or block the data and wifi from the phones…but just know they will find other sources if they truly want to watch! So pick the battles wisely they are teens not toddlers and hope for the best!

Let the watch YouTube geez lady let your kids breath . And if the content is bad just block the channel


My two 6 yr olds found him some way and I just straight up said in a firm voice if I ever see that on their screens they will be taking away permanently. I check their phones (mine and my dad old ones daily) and every thing is all good

I love jeffy! That show is so stupid but I can’t help but to watch.


My son tried that and I took everything away! Jeffy is not a good show. He didn’t realize I could see what he was watching on the History.

They have a kid utube

Never heard of it, googled, it looks Super Dumb. Didn’t bother watching a video, reading a description of it is enough. Reminds me of “r*trded baby animals” I used to watch with my bff when we were tweens :woman_facepalming:t2:

Good thing there’s parental locks and such, good luck with restricting the internet!

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Jeffy isn’t allowed and my kids are not allowed on YouTube anymore. They need to be kids and play outside and do sports

My son started watching jeffy at 5…:woozy_face:


The kids are 13 and 15 it’s not like they are 6 and 8 . I’m pretty sure at their age you were watching horror films and much worse.


My 15 year old is free for whatever on her phone. Kids hear and see worse at school and from their friends. Her phone is linked to mine so I can see what she’s doing, if something weird pops up we talk about it, why I don’t think she should watch it and why she thinks she should. I want them to come to me about everything, not sneak because they’re afraid they’re going to get in trouble :woman_facepalming:t2:


Restricted mode on YouTube hides all inappropriate content

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Honestly my daughter isn’t allowed to watch YouTube at all ever they have these videos for kids say crazy weird things n teaching them how to hurt their siblings and this is literally kids 4+ shows

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I let my kids watch things at that age and had frequent conversations about what is wrong with it. We used it as a teaching tool of what not to watch and why it’s inappropriate for children.

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Yeah most parents don’t see what they watch. At first glance Jeffy looks child appropriate but it’s really not. I am also not okay with my kids watching that either. Idk who would be. I use parental blocks and I take away screen time until they know what’s acceptable and what’s not. It’s very limited as is.

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My kids are 3 and 5 and I have tablets for them for long car rides to watch movies and I have parental lock and I have to approve everything that gets downloaded to them. It’s not difficult to restrict content for your children. But also my kids aren’t allowed to just have tablets to play with because they won’t do anything else if they have them! They also aren’t allowed to play on my phone and I never play movies or TV on my phone for them. Call me old school but why do kids need to be tied to electronics all the time?


My kid is 9 but she’s not allowed to watch anything except YouTube kids. Parental controls for minors is a must. The internet just isn’t a place for them.

Get over yourself they are teens


If it was up to me all electronics would be thrown in a canal


I caught my 5 year old watching Jeffy… I seen the puppet and thought nothing of it until one day I realized exactly how inappropriate it was. :sweat_smile::woman_facepalming:t2: I definitely hate that YouTube channel with a passion. I feel like it targets children. Idk. Not a fan of it at all. They’re just being kids. Sometimes they end up on the wrong side of YouTube. I personally would just say it absolutely isn’t allowed to be watched. My young child listened to me when I told him that and it hasn’t been an issue since. Maybe set up some parental controls if you can?

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No advice here. Mine watch Jeffy, I think its a dumb show but I let them watch it because they know its fake and they don’t really understand the adult language/jokes anyways. But I also let them watch Chucky, let semitary, and etc.


I would educate them, but not
Punish them since you did give them access to the entire YouTube site. If you don’t restrict things then you basically allowed it. Just educate them. I know it’s hard with everything these kids have access too. But once you hand it to them you basically allowed it. :confused:

Jeffy is so annoying and yes totally inappropriate lol I just told my kids they better not be caught watching it again honestly told them it wasn’t appropriate even though its puppets

My 6 year old watches jeffy. It’s stupid. He doesn’t repeat it.
The thing is your kids are older and should know not to act like jeffy. I don’t know about anyone else but at that age when told not to do something I rebelled. My 10 and 13 year old watch it too. They are respectful and good kids so I’m not worried about a puppets effect on their attitudes.


Parental controls :100::100: youtube has them. Use them.

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Same! I thought it was ok because of the puppets but I was sadly mistaken.

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Wow!! Listening to some of you and how you parent. I now understand the parents that let their teenagers run around in thong bikinis.


Look, to each their own… but they’re teens, they’re probably gonna be exposed to the same content elsewhere no matter how much you put your foot down when it comes to YouTube or electronics in general. I feel like our generation was kind of the “experiment” when it came to electronics & our parents unknowingly gave us such free reign, that we’ve now gone WAY the opposite direction. We’re raising a generation of sheltered & possibly emotionally unprepared children, who are going to grow into equally inept adults. Idk, maybe now is the time to expose them to such things, when you can be there to discuss, guide, and protect, when necessary.


My 5 year old watches YouTube siren head and cartoon cat I hate it sees scared they are real I’d try blocking Jeffy.

Jeffy is quite funny :joy::rofl: I’ve seen a lot worse kids stuff. That look child appropriate that actually isn’t at all. Jeffy sometimes has some stuff like that but kids don’t actually get it were adults do. And yes swearing too but you’re telling me your kids don’t hear that from no one else including yourself ever? And cartoons back in the day too they were so inappropriate but we all watched them as kids. But yeah they are teens I don’t see why there is a problem with them watching it tbh there is a hell of a lot worse they could be watching. My kids watch Jeffy and I sit and watch it with them and whatever else they watch on YouTube. If I find it really bad I turn it off and they go onto something else I check later in if they’ve gone back on it and they never have all good. I mean my 9 year old son learned about sex off an innocent Roblox game video which was supposed to show him how to trade on a game he was playing which it did but also decided to tell viewers what sex is and how it’s done. A mean you never know I only watched some of it to see what it was and looked fine comes back later and he told me what he found out a week later he done sex education so he was well a head traumatized off the pictures in school but you know. Literally Jeffy is nothing. And it doesn’t matter how much you stop them they will retaliate some how because their friends are watching and talking about it and they are missing out so they are going to see it somewhere else :person_shrugging:. Compromise somehow. Treating them like children and not teenagers will backfire in the long run.

My kids watch stuff like that all the time. Chill. They aren’t doing anything wrong and you are being a control freak, borderline abusive to punish them for watching something. Get a life and let your kids have their life too


Why would you “punish” them? Have you told them previously not to watch it and they continued? I’m confused. And how do you plan on
“punishing” them when you catch them with porn? How about start with a discussion instead of straight to punishment. They are teenagers they do all kinds of shit you don’t know about. Pick your battles!

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My son has been caught watching Jeffy🙄. His father and I took his tablet away for a week along with an extra chore. We talked and I asked him why he liked the show, if he understands it’s really inappropriate. His responses surprised me. But I basically said that I really don’t want him watching Jeffy. We have looked at his history and keep checking in when he’s on YouTube. really should know what your children are looking at on the internet.

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Chill out :roll_eyes:, they’re 13 and 15. Doesn’t sound like you told them what they can and can’t watch to start with. As long as they aren’t being disrespectful let it go. No need to punish them for something they didn’t know. And jeez they’re 13 and 15 they’re gonna see it sooner or later.


I don’t approve of it either my son isn’t suppose to watch it there is a lot of very inappropriate content on it. Its hard to punish them for it but I’ve just explained to them how it isn’t appropriate and that i find out you’re watching it you won’t have your phone and that has worked for me for the most part

I wish Jeffy was the worse thing to worry about in internet. Wait to they learn about hentai…


My son was watching it at 6 and I flipped out after I heard how he talked. I told my son if I heard him watching that again he won’t get his tablet back. Thankfully he listened to me and stopped watching it.

Yeah my kids are 12 and 16 and this is why I took there phones, chromebooks, xboxes not gonna tolerate it!!! Punish them by taking all electronics serves them right for not making better choices