You’re quick to punish them but here’s the thing. Punishment is only going to make them resent you. They’ll continue to watch it to spite you. They’re in the age of curiosity. Sit down & watch what they’re watching. If it involves sex, drugs or alcohol then you need to talk to them about those things. Ask them what questions & expirences they have. Don’t be awkward or mean. Have a heart to heart. Explain why shows like that are inappropriate (you want them to get the right info not fantasized information etc). You really need them to feel that they can come to you. Punishment defeats that.
You can block content with parental controls. But they will find a way to satisfy their curiosity. If it’s not their device it’ll be a friend’s or finding a way to override your blocks. Plus there’s content that sneak past blocks. Also blocking it doesn’t teach them that it’s wrong & why.
Had the same issue with my daughters school computer. She’s 13 and not allowed to have phones or a computer. She’s the only kid doing paper work at school in every class
Stop sheltering your kids to much
theyre a good age to understand it all… I’m sure you watched worse or do in front of them
Can always make an account on YouTube and turn on the restriction mode, but hey at least it’s not happy tree friends too
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Personally if it were me. I’d be relieved my TEENAGE children we’re watching stupid videos on YouTube instead of sneaking out and making me a grandma, getting themselves into trouble or doing drugs. 
I mean, at 15 years old I was out on the town doing a lot worse than watching videos. I’d just have a talk with them. No punishment necessary. To each their own though. 15 is a little old to be punishing for watching YouTube videos in my opinion
Some of y’all really do be expecting your kids to live under a rock….and then wonder why later on they’re so secretive and don’t come to you to talk OR tell you the truth about shit.
What is the content about? Haven’t heard of it and I’m scared to look
Use it as a teaching tool. In a few years they are going to be in the work force and conversations will come up from peers and others that you may not think are appropriate. As parents we can’t control every aspect of their lives but we can help prepare them for the real world.
I also think it’s inappropriate. I won’t let my kids watch it either. And I’m a pretty chill mom. 
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If you punish those children you better punish yourself!!!
I don’t like Jeffy either and don’t let my children watch but sounds like you didn’t even talk to them about it and you have to give them another chance. Why would you punish them for something they didn’t know they couldn’t watch.
They are old enough to be watching some pretty “not appropriate” content, that’s really not bad at all for their age. But I just wanted to say, if you haven’t laid down the rules on watching his videos prior to catching them… you shouldn’t be punishing them at all, they didn’t break a rule if there wasn’t one in place, what you need to do is sit down and explain why you don’t want them watching it and tell them their will be punishment if they chose not to listen to you.
I parent different, my son just turned 15 and I know a lot about the things he watches but I feel like he’s comfortable enough and trust me enough to tell me. To me is all about communication, I want my kids to know they can talk to mom about everything and I can guide them in the right path instead of being surprised my kid did something because they didn’t know any better. My daughter is 7 and she has more restrictions right now but I wouldn’t punish her about it if she didn’t know. I just let her know that is not appropriate for her and she goes to watch something else. We can’t shelter our kids, they need to learn how life works. Its our job to guide them and hope they make the right choices.
First of all, don’t punish you children for watching something they didn’t know they were allowed to watch. Second of all, at 13 and 15, if you raised them right, they are old enough to watch something and not mimic the behavior.
Had an issue with my youngest - he was 9 at the time and caught him viewing porn.
First time, I did NOT “over react” but I sat him down and made sure he KNEW what was allowed and what was not. I let him know I would be viewing his computer history on a “regular unannounced” basis and if it happened again, he would lose his computer privileges. Second time he was caught a few months later, his computer was moved to where the computer screen could be seen at all times by any and everyone in the room.
It stopped.
When I was growing up, I was told I wasn’t allowed to watch power rangers because it was to violent. Did I listen? Nope, snuck in my brothers room every morning I could and we’d watch it together as he was slightly older and was allowed to watch it. Same as alot of things in my life. I’d get punished and told I couldn’t do this or that so my inner response was always “watch me” and I’d do it anyways. They are teenagers, I can just about guarantee they see worse things at school or even the grocery store anymore. And I mean it could definitely be worse then stupid shit on YouTube, at least they are in the safety of their own home and not out on a street corner or under a bridge or something.
As a mother of a 13 and 10 year olds, YouTube is their go to. Jeffy is mindless dribble but I’ve never had an issue with my kids being inappropriate or acting out like he does. I’d say lay some ground rules but lighten up, no punishment needed. We gotta keep in mind, life is so different than it was when we were growing up. I’ll take shotty YouTube videos over drugs, violence and pregnancy.
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I mean you have every right to be horrified but at the same time be thankful that theyre not sneaking out to parties or having kids…
Legit i look back to 13 & 15 and i got drunk for the first time when i was 13 and i was pregnant at 15…
Just have to communicate & not shelter them too much 
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Jeffy omg they could be out having sex doing drugs stealing the list goes on be grateful that’s all there doing haaahaa
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Leave them alone and let then have some privacy…?
Cut them off of that mess.your the parent. They are still children.
I don’t see the issue? The q5 year old is 3 years away being a legal adult, how do you think they will cope in the real world if they can’t watch mindless YouTube channels 
I really wouldn’t punish them. Just talk to them about expectations again and put parental controls in place.
I can assure you, though, that your 15 and 13 year olds are probably exposed to much worse by their peers at school.
My oldest daughter watches that. It’s pretty vile but my kids know better than to repeat anything they hear like that.
Get them new phones that are not smartphones, without the ability to watch youtube videos, the old school ones where you have to press the numbers many times for letters for texting. Just basic phones. Set up parental controls on your internet access.
We put our Google account on their phone
So we keep track of what they watch on YouTube with our phones because we share accounts with our Google accounts
Everything they watch it shows on our phones an if we see anything we sit them down or we take their phones away for a week or so…
Plus they have Restrictions mode for kids Ours is turned on to be on the safe side
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Jeffy isn’t for kids lol. You can easily change privacy settings on things and completely disable certain apps
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My kids watch what they want they are 15. I am not nosey and look at what they are watching. Pick ur battles lolI
Put the parental block on which keeps them from accessing that material. I have set my kids to the youngest age group available a few times to keep them from watching stuff I didn’t approve of.
In my opinion they could be out doing worse… I let my son watch Jeffy their videos weren’t so bad before but I have noticed they are doing worse videos now a days but I’ve made it clear to not do anything jeffy or any other character does it isn’t always good. I have the BEST son I could ask for he understands what is good and bad and I haven’t had any problem with him acting out these skits… Or you can block the videos just keep putting not interested they’ll stop seeing them… I dont think its that bad to punish them… but you’re the mom. Good luck you know you’re kids more than anyone here.
My kids are not allowed to watch Jeffy! They started watching it a few years ago and when I seen one episode I told them they were to never watch that garbage again
you could make sure their cell phone or computers are blocked from You tube, Maybe take away their cell phones & computers after a certain time at night…just another thought
Download kids YouTube but I mean they are 13 and 15 so kinda seems old enough to watch YouTube unless your against it altogether. It seems strict to me I was doing worse shit then watching useless YouTube videos
She thought she could trust her 13 and 15 year olds with their phones
I feel so bad for your kids
they are in for a shock when they join the real world
Strict parents create sneaky kids. They are also their own person and they need privacy even from parents. Pick the battles you want to have with them. It’s so important to be your child’s friend on top of being their parent so they can be open about things with you. Everyone parents differently and that is OK, you just have to realize that in today’s world they are exposed to so much more than what we were and all that we can do is hope we are raising them correctly so they can make the right choices.
Just imagine what we would have been watching if we had smart phones at their age… I monitor what my 6 year watches on his tablet by linking his YouTube to my husband Google account. But he’s 6. My teenagers are gonna look up what they wanna no matter what. It’s entertainment for them. Just make sure they aren’t the kids eating tide pods and you’ve succeeded.
Do we not remember beavis and butthead, Southpark ect… those were my childhood!
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It could be worse. It could be porn
So Jeffy is the reason my son’s YouTube is monitored more closely now and he shares an account with me so I have full control. Also punishing may not be the answer. Maybe just talk and explain why Jeffy is inappropriate and then set up parental controls on what they can and can’t watch
I guess you were never a kid. Get a grip
Your very lucky that at 13&15 they are only watching Jeff
Idk what Jeffy Is but you can parents lock a phone to where it only allows certain apps and websites you can even have it to where they can’t use certain apps at a certain time during the day
My parents at 15 tried to tell me not to use social media that when MySpace was big and aim and online messaging I hid a good bit til 17 and then they found out and yeaaah just tell them the dangers and parental lock that cant be figure out
Do you mean jeffy star? Theres nothing wrong with his videos depening on what it is ( havent watched in a while) hes a singer/makeup artist i believe and you should use this as a teaching moment instead of punishing them ask them who told them about ect ect
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Omg! At their ages they start to be interested in other type of stuff . Jeffys are just puppets doing stupid stuff that teenagers find funny. For me it’s like watching family guy . At their age it could be worse, and I think they deserve some type of privacy. Other ways they are going to start being sneaky and it’s much worse . Trust them and allow them to some type of content. It won’t hurt anyone. And it could be worse, it could be porn or more awful stuff when they don’t trust you or start watching stuff when you are not around
They’re 13 & 15. Watching Jeff’s. Relax.
I was 10 watching family guy & South Park 
Omg yes! Saw my son watch one and we had to discuss what was appropriate and not. I explained just because his friends watch it and it’s ok with their parents doesn’t mean it’s ok at our house. I hate how they make some things that will appeal to a “younger” generation and make it so vulgar.
What? You aren’t allowing a 15 year old to watch Jeffy? That’s insane. Way overly strict. It’s not even that bad compared to family guy or other adult cartoons.
Wow I had no idea what Jeffy was so I went to youtube and looked. Your kids are 13 and 15 looking at this?. This is nothing compared what they could be watching far worse than this.
Ok I’m about to check who Jeffy is. My daughter had me take her to a meet and greet when she was 8 to see Shane Dawson. When we got home and I looked up his videos I almost died lol
It’s a new world Mom.
I feel like the more strict you are, the more they are going to hide things from you. Teenagers are sneaky creatures and I don’t think punishing them is necessary. At their age, they should know what is wrong and what is right at least a little bit. Do you punish them when they listen to music that talks about inappropriate things? I just think you are overreacting honestly. I was doing worse stuff at 15 than watching puppets cuss and so on, on YouTube 
And 5 nights at Freddies, the grandma game thing…yeah…mines 8
I have 4 teenage boys and they’ve all watched those stupid YouTube videos. I feel like punishing your kids for watching it is a little overboard, especially for their age
My 12 year old nephew introduced Jeff to my 4 year old son. I was not pleased and my nephew doesn’t have control of YouTube videos when he’s at my house anymore
There is kids you tube and yes I had Jeffrey issues too it attracts kids by character in it and I was horrified myself . You have to get parent controls and monitor the children .
I’m Wishing you all the best, mumma… your heart is going to break as your kids grow and develop more in the next very short years.
It’s time to let them have a little bit more wriggle room… other wise you’re going to have some rebels & lots of out bursts very very soon & those will be a lot worst than anything they’ll see on YouTube.
Take thear phones away and out a block on it
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Omg my 3 year old watches those
and black yoshi which is super stereotyped, they are freaking ridiculous, but he recently gave it up for Mario videos. Probably don’t want advice from me. 
We use the family link app from Google and I can monitor and approve what apps they’re using. I don’t allow YouTube anymore but my kids are 10 and 6.
Me, snooping through comments to see what random junk (inappropriate material) I can look up on YT
Wait till they add in some porn
eh, jeffy isnt really something to worry about for their age.
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Take away the phones, you are the mom, you are the boss of them until they leave home.
Look into Bark. It’s a monitoring program for parents.
Also, I feel kids don’t need phones or online access overnight
I am so very sad to see the responses to this. Actually, the post alone is disheartening. But to see so many people in agreement. It absolutely disgusts me.
Your children are not yours for you to control. Your children are people. Human. And at 15 years old! I feel like I’ve traveled back in time.
Jeffy is mild as f*ck. At 15 years old?! And you’re going to PUNISH them… I honestly don’t even know what to think. Except this is horrid and I would hate to be your children. Good luck 
Educate your kids, find out what is attracting them to these videos. By imposing punishment you turn it into forbidden fruit. Tell them why you’re not okay with it. Don’t kid yourself into thinking punishing them will stop it, they will just hide it better next time.
In my opinion you can’t really punish them for watching something that they didn’t know was wrong to watch in the first place. You could start by telling them you don’t think it’s appropriate and would like for them to not watch it anymore, maybe sit down and really discuss it with them and explain to them why it is that you don’t think it’s appropriate and hear them out on their thoughts. Maybe try to compromise and find a solution to it.
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What’s this Jeffy u speak of
Maybe talk to your kids about how you feel about the show and why they can’t watch it. You don’t always have to punish them. Don’t underestimate them. Trust and respect them and see if they able to keep it and if they mess up after that then ground them. And warn them what the consequences are and follow through everytime. Kids respond to your consistency
At 13 and 15, you need to pick your battles, they are not children anymore, and even an innocent teen like I was myself, I searched alot worse things, as friends told me about it, you want them to be open and comfortable talking to you, and punishing them for looking at things, and being normal curious teens, will cause them to never want to talk to you, because you will just punish them, instead of making the effort to try to understand why they want to watch it, they will find a way to watch these things no matter what you do. Have parental controls on at home, and on phones, or put an app on there that alerts you to videos they watch.
Children are like a huge sponge that will drink up anything they see,hear or are told to do.The best is to sit down with your children and inculcate into their growing brains what is right and what is wrong.Times have changed and the way children communicate with grown ups is laxadaisical with swear words where the f word is used like grain in a silo.There are educational programms you can watch with your kids.Children need guidance. Parents should spend time with thier children and monitor what they watch om their computors,tablets and phones.The way your children are reared be it neglect or spending valuable time with them wil be the outcome when they grow up.
I blocked you tube for that same thing! He only has kids youtube now where you can pick age appropriate videos to watch…
They are teenagers why are you calling them kids it would be different if they were 3 to 12 but they Are teens let them live and watch what they want
Do not punish the kids for watching porn. Come on man. It’s completely natural and appropriate for them to be curious about it. You just need to talk to them so they understand what’s real, and what’s pretend, so they understand what to expect for themselves.
You can put parental controls on phones.
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Kids shouldn’t have phones unless they’ve proven they can be trusted. When that trust is broken, they lose that privilege until they can prove they can be trusted again. Simple.
Welcome to having teenagers
I don’t like half of the crap on YouTube but your kids are gonna want to explore and see things we may not agree with. Try talking to them but banning it isn’t going to work at this age. They’ll just watch it at their friends
Just wait till they start watching Brandon Rogers
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Remember when we were teens and we wanted to watch South Park but our parents didn’t want us to? Remember how many of us did watch it without our parents knowing…
Jeffy is the worst! My 7 year old found him, his now banned after what I heard.
They can’t watch it if they don’t have phones. They need to know it’s not proper but it’s normal on the other hand. Just talk with them about what’s real and what’s not.
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Just read their ages. Everything on YouTube they learn from their peers anyways
Download family link and you can have more control.
Good luck to you it’s hard being a parent
YouTube? At 14 I was on ToxicJunction and BestGore. Googling Pain Olympics. You would disown me. I’m sure your kids are fine. Parenting points for being so into what they are doing.
I was watching talk sex with sue & soft porn on HBO ! My youngest is 7 & I watch it with him even bought him jeffy puppet & the crew chef pp is my favorite!!! 

Unless you take away their phones they are going to it is best to talk.ti them and find out why they watch it and ask them if they understand what is being said as long as your children can understand what they are watching and know what is right from wrong I do not think they will make a life choice from watching it. Just make sure they understand and it is better to know what your kids are into then them hidding it from you just make sure to tell them if they have any questions ask and that you prefer them not to watch that crap at home or any of the family members places that way they respect your rules.
Remember they are not little kids anymore they need to know that mom is all ways there no matter what choices they make in life
Mistakes is how they grow into the well rounded adults we need them to be. I wish you luck…
There 13 and 15 be glad thats all they r doing, Jeff is hilarious, got my 12 year old the doll best Xmas gift ever, whole family was rolling, have a little humor, pick ur battles
Jeffey is bad for kids especially younger kids but their 13 and 15. Be grateful their not doing bad stuff. It’s a different generation out there honey. Teens are going to be teens. I’d be glad they aren’t watching Hardcore porn or on only fans on snapchat. If you be to harsh on them they’ll end up hiding things from you.