I found out my kids were watching inappropriate videos on youtube: Advice?

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I did not monitor my son’s you tube like I should have. He you tubed how to build things. One of those THINGS was a potato Cannon. My 14 year old son died in the blast from that cannon. You Tube is dangerous in the hands of our kids.


Maybe you can sit down together to find videos that they would like to watch and that you can handle them watching. So they can make positive choices for themselves and you can trust them to make appropriate and positive choices.


You can’t trust kids!
What were you thinking!


There is a lot worse things they could be doing. They are teens, its puppets that cuss, you don’t have to punish for every little thing. I’m a mother of two boys , you see worse on t.v lighten up. Pick your battles.


I just asked my 11yr old if she’s seen his videos & she said, “OMG! MY FRIEND TOLD ME TO CHECK IT OUT…THAT’S SOOO INAPPROPRIATE!! DISGUSTING!”
At least I know she’s got a decent head on her shoulders :thinking:


My son loves watching u tube, and I have caught him watching jeffy (very odd) , I wouldnt punished him for watching him, but after watching it myself with him, he stopped watching im sure hes watching every now and again but u have to learn to trust your children. It could be a lot worse they could be out mugging old ladies or getting p***ed up in a park… Put things into prospective and talk to them!

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Kids today will watch and do the unthinkable there is so much influence from the outside world if you try to shield them from it they will find it else where talk to them explain to them what you are concerned about and what is accepted and not accepted

My son was watching that Jeffy crap and he started being mean at school from it… I cut him off the YouTube right away… They things they say in that Jeffy crap I hate it… I will never let him watch that stuff every again


Parental controls on their devices.


If you know its immoral do not let your kids watch this, you don’t want them to grow up with trash in their minds, lead them the right way, don’t listen to others that don’t care about what their kids are watching, your kids will have respect for you.


Take their phones away.Simple You are the parent.


You’ll need to start monitoring everything that they are doing. Have a family meeting with your family. Sit down and talk to your teens. See how everything is going with them. Tell them that their will be changes. Since they are not able to follow your rules. Since they are not small children. But they’re growing up into adulthood. Ask them how would they feel if their children was doing this as well? You don’t want to embarrass them but maybe it’s time to take them on the weekends to donate their time at the centers to help serve the homeless.

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There should be parental control in the phone. As far as watching inappropriate stuff, this is the time to discuss your moral life compass and why they should not watch the things they are watching. But search out parental controls and sync their phones to yours.


I went the other way with it, my kid (older child) wanted to watch horror and guts ( things like Jeffy and Bendy Freddy etc.) we did one horror movie night he didnt make it an hour through IT although he liked Alien vs. Predator. Made him realize they’re some things out there he doesnt need to see just yet. Know your child, talk to them like an adult and see why they interested in it in the first place. Half the time it’s just cuz “everyone else is”. Good luck!


I guess you could always Block such things or take the phone! I mean if your child isn’t following the rules then they should expect you would confiscate the problem.


I think each decade of teens have their inappropriate cartoons, simpsons bea is and butt head etc. it’s normal teenage behavior correct them the same way you would if they didn’t clean up, take the phone give an extra chore… but please stop sounding surprised that they will not always do as you say. Be realistic and pick and choose your battle teenagers are tough but you go this

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I cant believe so many being so judgmental against mom. Their teenagers !!! Their gonna do things wrong their gonna watch what other teenagers are talking about. Talk to your kids tell them why you dont like it and highly prefer them not to watch that stuff. Probly wont stop them tottally but they will be more cautious what their watching


Punishment is not the answer. Think back to when you were 15. Your parents probably hated what you were listening to, maybe what you were reading. It’s a generation gap.
Talk to them. Keep communication flowing and discuss why you find it offensive.
But always remember what it was like to be young. And I am assuming you turned out ok, so so will they. They grow, gain wisdom and eventually make sensible choices.
You may not like all the choices they make as they grow up or when they are grown.


Watch the black mirror episode where the parents put a parental control in what she can see in real life. She wouldn’t understand any of it when she was older.

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Don’t pay for data, change the home wifi password, and most of all sit down and have a conversation with your kids about why and what is and is not appropriate. Just because everyone else is doing it , it does not need to be okay for your family. I believe in striving for a higher standard.


Well since the kids are out of school take the phones away an make them do chores an read books an let them know the phone is for emergency phone calls only so if you see them on their phones more chores!!


Find out what they find appealing about it. If they think it is funny then find out why and show them some other videos that have humor without that level of inappropriate jokes. When I was younger I was watching videos that I thought were hilarious but she most definitely did not! Thinking back, I just wanted to watch something that was funny, but I didn’t know about a lot of videos that would be funny without really making too much fun of people. Good luck!

It won’t help to punish them. Even if you take their phones they will access them elsewhere. Talk to them about the content. Ask why they are watching and tell them what you think.


Sorry but cant TRUST kids. THEY ARE KIDS. Need parenting and need to be checked on. Had the same problem in our family. Not picking on your parenting just saying …left to themselves they will get into things.


Take the phones away. They are old enough to know your rules and standards.


Are you more disappointed about what your kids are watching or the fact you didn’t even know … how long has it been going on before you noticed that is what I need to know


Talk to them as an adult and parent and let them know what is inappropriate about the videos and why you don’t want them watching it. Educate them. If you don’t do it now with YouTube you will be in the same boat with porn. These kids are gonna find a way to do and watch whatever they want even if you take the phone away. Instead instil some trust into your teens, educate them on sex and drugs and let them make thier decisions after that. The internet will teach them about these things anyway but it’s probably not the right information (ie sex) and how to be safe. If they are properly educated and understand why you don’t want that behavior they are more likely to positively respond rather than you just taking thier shit away with a cause I said so. Being strict just makes your kids better at hiding shit. When they feel you are here for them and a team they’re more likely to be more open with you when they come to undesirable situations.


My son is 7 and he has watched them. I mean he knows not to use any bad word or anything but seriously like south park is any better lol


Yes my boys watch that crap too. I always tell them to turn it off. They are on my account without parental controls


Also try to explain to them the right information instead of what they’re learning on those things that are totally the wrong information remind me

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Real don’t punish them?? If you dont sit down and tell your kid what it is it’s not okay and what they’re doing wrong then they won’t ever think that they are actually doing something wrong and so they will never know any kind of accountability so please punish your child if it like that is what you need to do because tell him it’s okay to do all this stuff and never do anything about it it’s just as confusing as can be when they it’s time to be grown ups and have to do this real-life thing

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Because I have known several other parents going through this here at the same time and I myself worried about this I have a 12 year old honestly don’t give them the opportunity to be on there unless they’re doing school work cut down the you know availability of Internet until they can learn you have to use it responsibly because unfortunately watching all that crap teaches them the wrong kind of situations in life that’s not how life really is that’s why there’s so many problems now with kids these days

I like the idea about taking their phones away and do chores we never had phones just chores


It was a phase for lots of kids, they get tired of stuff like that quick. There is worse you could look up. But if you want block YouTube on their phone.

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Good luck.
No matter what you do kids will always find a way. Its the way of the internet. Plus there going to see it somewhere else. How else are kids suppose to learn there leasons if parents keep holding them back from life???

I found out about Jeffy when I worked in an elementary school and a student said they watched him. Not knowing what he wad another assistant and I decided to pull him up and watch it. :flushed: I could not believe how awful it is. Parental controls and if they have an ipad from school contact the teacher to let them know. Sadly away from parents they like to do things behind our backs.

Use parental only on your device!


You can block the channel on youtube. Ive had to block my 9 year old from being able to watch him. Parental controls do not work with jeffy so only solution besides having trust in your child that they will listen.

My son watches Jeffy. It’s raunchy, silly and dumb all at the same time. I have watched it with my son and he is 15. I would rather have him watch that then be on streets. Loosen the grip a little.

Yes my son use to watch Jeffy!! Then I sat and watched it with him one time and nope! He is no longer aloud to watch jeffy! He will lose his phone for an automatic month if I catch him or hear of him watching it

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Well take their phones certain times of the day. Add some house chores to that. But give more punishment than you can stand fussing with them about it. Try a week with phones but poor on the house work. And talk about it for at least three days going over what they done. They hate being fussed at.

I raised my kids without phones, computers, fancy gadgets because I couldn’t afford them as a single mom. I watch my kid now giving everything to their kids and I worry about the addictive response of my grandkids. Me personally, since it is summer, would take away all devices for them to decompress. I’d bring up topics to have dialogue/ teaching moments. I’d parent the child. However, I was told to butt out when I approached my kids and grandkids. So I love them and try to be a good example, to be there when they need to talk

Instead of punishing them instill values in them and monitor them and let them know if it continues they could risk losing their phones.

truthfully. i. today’s day and age its impossible to sheild them from just about anything. Your goal should be for them to be comfortable communicating with them

I am sorry, but why do all of these people turn to facebook for advice? Do they not have friends or relatives to confide on? Sad.

Well, if you didn’t set boundaries in the first place, is it really fair to punish them?

I’m freshly moved out of my dad’s house, and when I was living there, he put parental controls on EVERYTHING and never really set boundaries as to what we were allowed to do. I hated it, especially when I got older. I had absolutely no privacy. Even after I turned 18 and my fiance got me my own phone on his bill, my dad still took it and looked at it at least once.

Not that my dad is a bad person, he just wants to protect his kids, but that being said, i think that “protection” can go a little too far.

I suggest talking to your kids and at least let them know what you do and do not want them to watch. I mean, it’s YouTube-- kids are gonna watch YouTube. I’ve seen kids as young as two watch it. It’s honestly not that big of a deal.

(Edit to say after reading all these other comments, y’all do not pass the vibe check :joy: I guess bc I’m relatively young compared to most of y’all, but y’all are something else-- )

Take phone/internet away. Get a land line and tell them that’s good enough be home when the phone rings or else. The or else is your decision. I turned all that off and when they got really rebellious I turned off the tv also. And handed them a book and the want ads for a job

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You can put parental controls on phones. This is a great teaching opportunity. As much as you hate what the children are watching, you need to watch a few and talk to them about why what is being seen is wrong and explain why it goes against your values. They are at a curious age with a lot of pressure on them from a society that is very confusing.

Put parental controls on them they can’t see them with out a password,I’m pretty sure you pay for the phones so you can do whatever you want

I wouldn’t punish them …just monitor and internet off at whatever time frame you choose

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There’s worse things on YouTube than Jeffery star


They broke the rules……take away the phones. Make them understand that there are consequences .

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That is a topic of discussion, not punishing teen agers to further disconnect from their overbearing Parent.

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There teenager, their bodies are changing and their curious about thing, just talk to them and explain what is acceptable to watch and what is not

Yea just let them do whatever they want cuz they’re just kids. Just kids thst you’re responsible for until they’re 18 years old. Get a backbone and take the phone away! They don’t need it, they’re addicted to it as much as some of they’re parents! Check that out.

The pandemic didnt help either smh and technology in itself can be either good or a bad thing We are not alone

You’re the parent!! Take control of them put your foot down and never trust a teenager!! You take control or a Corrections Officer will!

They have parental locks so you should look into that.

They are 13 and 15. Talk to them. It’s too late for control if you want to reach them.

My 10 year old daughter went through this stage of watching videos of a transsexual - this was years ago & can’t remember the name . I just put it down to a fad she was going through. You might not be happy but at least you know what they are watching. It’s better to be open & honest as they will go through all scenarios growing up .

No please :pray: don’t punish them yes there are ur children be loving and kind towards the he situation hold back rewards increase choes. They needed to understand that their Tym to grow up is still coming for now no is no teenage anger and temper leads to anger and hate we can not allow our children to give in to u tube they should know the danger of it very recently u tube showed how children play with sanitizer at home and one 9year old decided to throw in a lit Match and blew his face off so please :pray: love them don’t loose them Tym with the children is lessons for their future

Buy them the cheapest phones that only text and call… have a laptop when they need to access the internet that stays in kitchen/lounge where you can keep an eye on them.

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Why don’t parents have the parental control on their kids phone,my daughter has on her kiddies .

I’m going to give you a dose of reality, you may not like it, but here it is. Unfortunately, you can’t keep your kids in a bubble. The 15-year-old is 3 years away from being an adult, the 13-year-old, 5 years. These are not babies, infants, or even small children. They’re the dreaded teenagers. They are going to find out about these types of videos, not only from just rambling through Youtube but from friends at school. Teenagers do a lot of things parents don’t know about. You may think you have little angels at home, but kids have a completely different persona around friends. If it’s not Youtube, it’s TikTok, or Instagram, or Snapchat. And I’m willing to bet they have accounts you don’t know about…unless you actually just keep your teens off the internet completely, then you’re fighting a losing battle. The more you try to keep them away from things like this, the more they will sneak behind your back and do it anyway. All you can do is talk to them, tell them why those videos are inappropriate and why you would prefer that they watch something else. I doubt you’re going to stop them no matter what you do, but you can at least let them know your feelings about them. The only other option is, take away the phones, disconnect the internet. Or, get them pre-paid flip phones that text and call only. (Tracfone) But as I said, the more you fight to keep them away, the more they will do it anyway. They’re teenagers, it’s what they do.

Take away the phones and tell them why get a land line if they need to talk to someone go old school much better

I always told my girls because I pay the bill I can look at their phones anytime I want .

Just use parental controls, Google it, and take away the electronics for as long as it takes every time you catch them and always check up on them, their texts, etc. Until they are 18.

My opinion I don’t know this YouTube thing but it’s your house. your the parent I wouldn’t kind of listen to what other people say I mean you know what your boundaries are with them you want to punish them for this so finding a way to go over it discuss with them if it’s disgusting tell him it’s disgusting inappropriate and they shouldn’t be doing that I would definitely put limitations on their phones because I’m telling you there’s so much gross stuff out there that’s very traumatic for adults nevermind kids you know I don’t care if other kids are cursing jumping off Bridges or anything my kids aren’t going to do that.
teaching discipline style is yours …at home be confident have great conversations with them let them be able to come to you about anything.
all three of my boys did because I wanted to make sure that they felt secure in asking anything telling anything and they did. You got this.

Put parental controls on it.


Take their phones and put parental blocks on. Make it so they cannot install and or delete apps without a password and delete youtube

Ban the kids from YouTube until you can trust em again! Trust is earned in cases like this and if they can’t be responsible then they shouldn’t have access to things like that. Kids are smart enough to know what is okay and not okay :wink:

You may need to pull their electronics for a time out. Imagine the chores, board games and outdoors activities they could engage in. Then, electronics are only allowed in the family spaces until you choose to reinstate your trust in their good judgement. Broken trust requires consequences to be healed.

You can’t keep them from that. Your ability to control is almost over. What’s inappropriate to you might just be standard for young people

My kids always watch utube on the tv and I watch all of it with them
They have no data on their phones to watch utube

Take their phones, they are a luxury, not a necessity and they need to earn them back. Not next week, but in a few months. Not having a phone won’t hurt them a bit. If you need some way to communicate, get them a flip phone.

It’s called "parental control "

Well I cut the cord on our TV when my kids were young.

I know a LOT of parents who uninstalled UTube after the whole MOMO thing a few years back. Mine are 20,21,23 now but I probably would have uninstalled it or IDK take their phones for a week and they will never think of UTUBE again

There are tons of apps for parents to d/l to keep a close watch on what your kids are doing online.

Jeffrey Star?
He’s harmless. Don’t over think things. Just a makeup artist and self made millionaire.

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I don’t know about that video but I took my daughter’s phone and gave her one that she could only text and call home on at that age. No internet on phone. Delete YouTube on the phones. For 2 wks first time. Caught again a month.

Remove phones and have them find an elderly person to do yard work for. Have them do it for free. A few months of labour should suffice. No more phones until they pay for it themselves.

They don’t need to be punished. Just tell them not to do it again as you find it inappropriate. There are parental control apps you can get and there are probably settings on the phone you can turn on.

Take their phones away or put a restriction on what they can watch. You can do that in the settings.

Take there phone for three months and stick to it and they will know you are serious the next time they break a rule they Will think is it worth the risk

Take the phones away as a lesson, use parental controls, and monitor the use daily

Take their phones away from them … try to permanently block inappropriate viewing … there has to be a way to do that. Afterwards after a few weeks, return them and teach them what is appropriate for them to watch.

Take their phones away and put them you can go on and see what they are watching

Turn off their internet. They will just have phone service. That’s all they need until they can follow the rules.

Im not familiar with these videos but If they are Android phones then you can use Family Link from the Google store and set it up where they can’t download any apps without your password. I think you can also restrict the websites they are allowed on using Family Link also. I would delete YouTube and any other sketchy apps like tik tok where they have access to inappropriate content. It will also send you an alert on your phone if they do download anything and you can track location of the phone. Family Link is very handy when you have young kids to keep them safe from all the sick stuff on the web. You can also set a time on their phone where it won’t let them use it past a certain time so you know they won’t be up all night on their phones.

Are you referring to Jeffrey star? The transgender comedian?
Be careful with your kids as there might be a trans student at the school and the kids my have been encouraged to watch his videos.
Don’t blame the kids just yet I’d be doing more investigation in this.

Unless you specifically forbade them from watching YouTube, and simply “trusted” them, they don’t warrant punishment but rather increased supervision. there are parental controls that can be put on screen time. Let your kids know your expectations and monitor their phones daily.

I just watched Jeffy. I think it’s a hoot.

Do not try to censor what your teenager watches or reads. All that will happen is that they just won’t do it in your presence. Watch more of the show yourself. You might like it and you might learn something


Take the computer and phones away. Parent control TV as well. Not that hard

Kids should not have phones with internet!!!

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have them write a one page essay of each no-no video they watched. tell them that you will compare notes to the videos and have them re write it with all the ugly details again and again until it is matching the content. this tells them that you know what they are doing/watching in detail, and that you will always engage with them on what and why.

I had no idea that there’s apps where you can control what they see and even can turn it off remotely. Find that out today.

There teens if they have access there going to use it

Yes I caught my grandkids watching innocent hacks and it snuck in a video of Sam a transgender pushing lbgtq a 25 minute video plus my daughter’s spectrum is glitchy and it had subliminal pushing which is illegal as hell