I found tarot cards in my daughters room: Advice?

No. Do not tell him. She obviously is hiding it for a reason. It’s not like you found drugs in her room. This is harmless.


ChuckMelissa Tucker Wow! She asked a genuine question and you are the one that projected your insecurities on to her.

I am a Christian. If this was my child. I would sit her down and discuss why I and the Bible say these ideas can be dangerous. Calmly. Do not come for me for my religious beliefs because I will not engage with a bigot. I am simply giving my advice.


It’s your decision in handling this, but I think as long as your daughter isn’t sacrificing any animals, as they say or delving into the board thing and practicing the wrong things I think you should let her work it out… course keep an eye on but telling her dad could cause so much pain for all of you as a family.

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You know they talk about crystals in the Bible right?

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I’m training to be a priest leave her , as long as she knows how to close her connections and by using crystals seems like she knows anyway so let her know you know and say you’re open to talk but her dad doesn’t need to know right now , and if he is a decent father religion or not it is her choice


Don’t lie to husband communication is the best key


Maybe have a conversation with your husband about how the Bible supports things such as dream reading, star reading, and future telling (among other things) were in the Bible. So I think it’s all a matter of intent. You can have those things and still be a Christian


As a preacher’s kid, please do not tell him. My mom always told my dad things I did or that she found and it was awful. Act like you didn’t see them. Let her be. If you tell him, he’s going to have a fit. The more he tries to push her to go to church and live the right way, the more she’s going to rebel. I would know because I was the same way growing up.


You should definitely bring your husband in on this. The biggest lie Satan Uses is deceit. Those things can cause a lot of confusion for her. Satan is alive and well and he and his demons should never have a door open in your home. Your daughter doesn’t understand the seriousness of tarot cards and crystals. Your husband will and he can use his authority over the enemy In Jesus name but he can’t if he doesn’t know.

I don’t think this is a keeping things from him moment.
Look at the cards as a game.
Crystals are a big thing with teen girls today.

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What did I just read?


Talk to her let her know you’re OK with it and that she should show dad sooner than later what all that is along with factual information that’s easy for someone to understand that doesn’t know what it is. Maybe once he is given facts about it he won’t think it’s devil related. If he still doesn’t like it maybe the 3 of you can sit down and come up with a compromise.

Let her be. I use tarot cards to talk to my ancestors and it makes me feel closer to god


My mom went on a church kick when I was a kid, “rock and roll is the devil’s music!” She threw away everything posters , t shirts, albums, cassette tapes , Jean jackets & everyone got normal haircuts. I haven’t been to church since, I probably went way further into satanic music then I ever would have . There is good witchcraft and bad , sit and have a talk with her . I have a 16 year old daughter and I know for damn sure I get left out of a lot of mommy daughter conversations

I would tell him. He will be able to reference scripture and other literature that discusses why we aren’t to mess with these things. Perhaps your church needs a youth Bible study specifically on this topic. If she’s curious about these things I’m sure her friends are too.


It’s her choice. Doesn’t matter if dad agrees or not. Forced religion is disturbing. Let her witchy flag fly :purple_heart:


How old is your daughter ? Personally I leave clean laundry on the bed. I dont consider it my business to open drawers
Doesn’t matter what your husband believes in…your daughter has the right to follow her own path . Crystals and cards are not devil worship


Why’s this a thing? Is your husband tolerant and godly? No. So why would you tell him anything he would label devil worship about your child. She’s clearly looking into other means of peace. Mind your business and show your kid some loyalty.


Let her be. Does God not offer crystals as a part of our nature, knowing of their healing and vibrational properties? David was a dream interpreter, Paul had visions. Humans are hypocritical by what we deem okay by God when God makes the provisions for our spirituality. Unless she’s throwing a voodoo doll if her dad out the window…please just let her explore life.


OMG throw her ass out. She is evil…LOL. OMG. Leave her alone. When you find assault rifles & loads of drugs & money…
Then I would worry !!!

There is no devil. Humans are irresponsible for their own behaviors and actions. Leave her be.

Let her grow into who she’s going to be and love her anyway.


You can do without telling him it’s harmless i have tarot cards it has nothing to do with “the devil”


Let her be alot of young ladies have been getting to those things. My daughter included. They watched the new charmed by the way. She will most likely grow out of it like most fades. Maybe just ask her why she wants them and learn about them yourself.

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I am Christian too, and i would talk to her calmly on how tarot cards can cause problems and not helpful, it’s also good to remember Jesus didn’t go chasing after demons, he ignored most of them, he only got rid of them when he was aproached by them


I consider myself religious but still have angel tarot cards and crystals. I have a few Christian friends that feel the same!

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Plenty of people who use those things are also religious. She doesn’t have to pick one or the other and it’s not his life to live. I would educate yourself on those things and let it be. There’s no reason he needs to know because she isn’t doing anything wrong.

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Have loyalty to your daughter. There’s no harm done keeping it to yourself but there can be harm done if you don’t.


I know some people take tarot cards seriously. And thats fine. I see tarot cards as entertainment. Like a slight of hand magician. I wouldn’t think much of it.

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You don’t say her age. She’s probably curious. A friend or she seen a video & wants to experiment. It’s harmless.

Let her do her thing


As a practicing pagan I would like to point t out that most pagan religions don’t actually have a devil and want to be good people because it’s good rather than under threat of eternal torment otherwise. But if you know that your husband is going to explode about it be a safe person for your daughter to trust, let her know you found her things but don’t tell her father. She can tell him when she’s ready and that maybe she needs a better hiding place. I can tell you the tarot cards and crystals can’t really be used to hurt herself or others


Mind your own, you saw nothing.


She is her own person, support that!


FFS let her play the devil’s uno. Lol in fact have her do a reading for her father. If he can believe in a benevolent sky daddy, she can have her tarot cards.


Keep it to yourself. Let her be.


Do you tell him about every single thing? Of course not. This is hers. Leave it to her.


Leave her be. Just because he is a pastor doesn’t mean she has to believe in the same things as him. Everyone is different and entitled to their own beliefs regardless of what anyone else thinks


She is her own person. Please leave her alone. Parents spend way too much of their time trying to fix their kids to be the cookie cutter of themselves when in reality your job is to raise them to be their own person who makes their own choices. Which includes, yup, whether or not they follow religion. Leave your child, alone.


Relax, maybe he should take a step back and see the history of priests and indigenous children, talk about devil…


Hes right. The Bible warns against it. Satan uses little things to suck people in. Protect your daughter in the right way, stand behind your husband. My step daughter was raised in a Christian home. She started dabbling in things and ended up leaving the church and fooling with satanist. We havent seen her in years. Be honest and support your husband on this.

Lmfao, I have crystals all over my house. I Sage and give card readings. I have a wonderful relationship with my spirit guides and God! My advice, do research bc Crystal’s tarot cards have nothing to do with the devil… :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


If your husband can gush fake religion as a pastor, then your kid can play with tarot cards.


If you dont tell him, hes going to eventually find out and its going to drive a wedge between yall, because he will lose his trust in you. Trust is hard to get back. Satan is targeting your family.

She is an individual human being. She is to grow old and make her own choices, pick her own path. It’s wonderful her father is religious but that doesn’t mean she will be or has to be.
Love her for her.


l Get paid over $134 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16589 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This. https://DollarWorth996.pages.dev/

It’s highly likely your husband will blow it out of proportion. Working with youth is my day job, and I can tell you it’s even more likely your daughter will feel he’s coming from a place of ignorance. So she will continue to explore either way. You’d just be pushing her away from you both. From what I’ve seen a youth that feels misunderstood and unfairly prosecuted usually becomes better at lying and hiding things. Which causes tension in a family and makes an honest conversation difficult. Personally I’d pick my battles with my youth and value healthy communication with her as she grows. This situation isn’t putting her in danger so I wouldn’t open it up to the wrath of your husband’s theological beliefs.


Just leave her be🤷‍♀️ she’s not hurting anyone. I have tarots, and crystals in my house. I read for many clients and have helped out law enforcement w/ my gifts. Maybe she is just curious or maybe she has a gift and is trying to enhance it. I come a long family of gifted/ spiritual beings. I had tarots and crystals in my room since the age of 10.

My grandpa was a preacher. My mom raised me in church. I dabbled in witchcraft(if you want to call it that) when I was young. It was a phase. Most of the time it is. But there is no harm ever in talking to you kids about anything. If you don’t want to tell your husband just yet then maybe you just sit down and talk to her, it could just be something a friend talked her into and now would be the perfect time to talk about peer pressure

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would you want someone attempting to change your religion?
let her be. I wouldn’t be surprised if she saw through the BS her father spits out in church.
I am also Pagan and as a friendly reminder, we DO NOT have the devil or Satan in our religion so if you’re husband wants to throw that in her face he should be reminded that it was the Author of his book titled The Bible that invented his devil and his satan and all those sins they speak of.

Being a pastor is the shitty part of this post.

You put them back and you allow her to have her path in safety


You can be a Christian witch, crystals and tarot cards don’t mean she’s following another religion. That said, its up to when she feels comfortable sharing her beliefs with you. She could be learning about different practices and religions or just think they are neat/cool/pretty.


I’d leave it be and just support her. Or pretend you didnt even know lmao either way I wouldn’t go a route where she could potentially have any of that taken away from her.

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What’s wrong with crystals? I’m a Christian, my dad is a pastor and I love my crystals. It’s like essential oils ino

The real question is will you’re husband’s response be based off his faith or more of what he thinks ppl in the comunity and congregation will think? Its more than likely the second and thats the moment you as a mother not as the preacher’s wife defend your child


Tarot cards give insight and there is legit science around the energy properties of crystals. You should really respect her spiritual choices because I can tell you, trying to stop it will not work. It will only lead to her keeping it more secret


Just because you know things doesn’t mean your husband needs to. Do you want a good relationship with your daughter and for her to feel she can come to you about things big and small? Or is it more important for your husband to know every single thing you know. It’s a choice that will affect the relationship you have with your daughter for the rest of your life.

PK’s rebel because their parents are unbending. They are forced to not only believe as their parents do but are expected by both the pastor and the church to be an example to all. It’s an incredibly unfair situation, and it does a lot of damage.

Also, she’s old enough for you to put her clean laundry on her bed and let her put it away or even for her to do her laundry herself. It’s an important life skill. You don’t need to open her drawers anymore.


She is her ownnnnn person. Let HER figure it out.


Leave her alone. Ask her to tell you about them. Try it with her for fun even if you dont believe it


Crystals don’t have anything to do with the devil :rofl:


Get rid of them if your smart


Probably just a phase.

Don’t confront her about the cards and don’t blow things out of proportion. If you need to, get her input on the cards and leave it at that.

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Ask your daughter how to use them.

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You are the Pastors wife?
Do you read the Bible?

How would you feel if your husband (pastor aside) was keeping secrets from you?

That is just bad things waiting to happen in my opinion…

Just go through the 10 commandments. Unless you don’t believe and if that is the case then maybe the problem is way deeper than what we are talking about here.

This Nation is so lost and it obvious with some of these comments.

I say don’t keep things from your husband and she should not be dabbling in witch craft (and that is exactly what that is) and lastly, anything you have to hide is probably wrong.


You protect your daughter is what you do. Dont rat her out to her fatger and cause her religious and parent trauma. Youre child comes first.


My kids happiness always comes before their dads. I would mind my business. She is probably using the crystals to ward off all her dads terrible nonsense :woman_shrugging:


So you were snooping around while supposedly putting her laundry away. Leave that child alone. She’s not hurting anyone having those


Not like you found hard drugs. It’s your house so do what you want… I honestly would be so pumped and want to know what’s she does with them and be interested. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Omg Now I’m convinced these posts are soooo made up :rofl::rofl:


If you want to push her away from your religion completely, sure…tell dad. She’s probably just seeing what it’s all about, let her explore in peace. She hid it for a reason, and I’m assuming it’s because she knows her dad will have a negative reaction.


The fact that god lovers see anything other than their own religion as “satanic” is what is wrong with the world. Christianity is a cult itself because GOD forbid you have your own thoughts and take on life . Please show me proof of what religion is actually true that’s right you can’t. They all “proof” that was writtten by their own cult master . Let her be her own person as someone who is also spiritual crystals have amazing properties .


Ma’am. Not to be crass, but how dense are you. Tarot and crystals have been around longer than your religion :joy::face_with_peeking_eye:


As a husband and wife, you should be on the same page and shouldn’t keep things from each other especially regarding your children.


Well I’m sorry but that’s stupid she likes wha she likes it has nothing to do with the devil. This is why religion is horrible.


I promise you if you rat on her to her dad in the name of solidarity, a little connection of trust between you and your daughter will be severed that can never be fixed.


They are healing crystals I’m sure… and the cards are just that cards… watch a video of someone do a reading with cards… maybe you’ll both understand better.


Your daughter is more important than your husband and there is nothing wrong with tarot cards and crystals it would be different if it was a ouiji board


I would just leave her be. She’s not hurting anyone and she isn’t summoning evil.


I would ask her about them (in private and in a curious non judgmental way) without talking to him about it first. Then go from there. Crystals give off energies and can help heal, imo (from a biblical perspective) God made them and if they give off good energy, why not use what God have us? As far as the tarot cards she may just be using them as what we used to do in school on paper or in the “cootie catchers” etc where we “tried to predict our future” who we’d marry, now many kids, what kind of house etc my guess would be it’s likely totally innocent. And while dad may be super against it even if it is, the more the two of you push her in a direction she doesn’t want to go, the more she will resist and go the opposite way. Allow her to choose. You may have requirements like “as long as you live in our home you must attend church” etc. but you literally can’t make her believe something she doesn’t (if that is even the case-which it very well may not be) once you’ve discussed it with her, let her know that you have to talk to her dad about it but regardless of what happens make sure he is aware that you guys can’t push her toward something she doesn’t want, let things happen naturally, let her explore other things, even if it’s religions, I personally think it’s awesome when people open up to learn about other religions than what they were raised with, learn more about the world and other people.


I wouldn’t say a thing! There’s nothing wrong with what she is doing and yes parents should be on the same page but there are some things both do NOT need to know, fathers do not need to know every aspect of their daughters lives especially if they are not hurting themselves or anyone else. Some things should be kept private.


Sure, damage her relationship with you and with your religion. Enjoy the ripple effect from that. Or let your daughter study and figure things out for herself. She’s not going to summon anything nor curse anything with a plague. For goodness sake, it’s 2022.


I can’t believe you’re ok with it momma! The Bible speaks of witchcraft and sorceries.


Let her do her thing. She needs to be free to explore religion.


Ok- some of these comments are just silly. Spouse and child - one is not more important than the other. As a Christian I would talk with kid about it, ask questions, kids like to explore and try different things. I would have a conversation with my husband as well. I grew up in a Christian home, that doesn’t mean I had a real relationship with God. It means my parents shared, loved, guided and encouraging me. I didn’t fully make my personal relationship with Christ until I was older. Share truth, listen, love and encourage. My kiddo is 14, attend youth group and service but will say she’s not a Christian, she like angel number’s and different things. I share Gods word, I encourage her to read the word and I share my thoughts on things. But I also allow her to share her thoughts and ideas. Choosing Christ is just that a choice. Sorry I got long winded

I’m sorry I would talk to her first
Get all the facts .
Than I would tell your husband if need be.
Never keep secrets from your partner.
But talk with her first

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She’s exploring her spirituality. Leave her be.


I would sit down with her and tell her if she tells you she got rid of them you won’t feel it necessary to tell her father. Then I would also announce she could put her own laundry away. She is old enough

Any tarot cards, crystals and such are a starting point of dabbling in witchcraft. Be careful, wouldn’t want it in my home


Get over it it’s crystals lmao


Using crystals isn’t divination exactly -tarot cards maybe. Crystals are very stable elements. When we are feeling anxious or sad or confused, using crystals and holding them…means their vibrational energy channels and redirects ours to kinda match up with theirs. It’s always in the method of the way you use them and than mind set. If you’re using crystals to draw energy from them to summon some thing else that is divination. If you’re using the crystals for their scientific properties to channel the vibrational energy that they’re giving off to help you feel better. That’s different. It’s how they are used.

Let this child be herself. Please don’t punish her for this, if your husband does he should re-think his career choice.


Crystals and tarot cards do not mean she worships the devil or is doing anything satanic. That’s just ridiculous to think that lol :woman_facepalming: Leave her be.


Talk to ur daughter first…

Your husband my decide you’re the devils spawn and leave you one day, your relationship with your daughter is forever. Let that girl have her own life. :roll_eyes:


Um :face_with_raised_eyebrow: if you believe anything real of them then you have more an issue than your child does. They’re just cards made out of paper/card board literally with pictures on them. If your panties get in a twist over that then there’s more you need to address with yourself than your child. An crystals are of the earth so to have an issue with something that is part of what god created then again there’s more wrong with you than your child. Also why are you putting away your child’s clothes seriously mine have been putting their own clothes away since they were 7. Stop putting her Laundry away and stop invading her private space that is for her an her alone. Her father doesn’t need to know bc by all rights you saw nothing bc you don’t belong in her private space. So her dad doesn’t need to know anything. Besides there’s some things dads don’t need to know about their daughters ever bc it’s none of their business unless your child wants to tell them.


Ok I’m Wiccan myself and I’d let her come out to him herself when she’s ready. it is a very touchy subject for us. I didn’t come out to my family that I was Wiccan until I had moved out the only thing you can hope for honey is that he loves like Christ loved and that is unconditionally and that means no matter what happens no matter what religion she is he is going to love her because that’s his daughter. I really hope that he isn’t as narrow minded as some Christians are. Plus my uncle is a pastor himself however he never judged me because he knew it wasn’t his place he would give me advice and try to sway me back but he never forced me

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