I would feel the same way but in all honesty its huschikd to and no matter what he will end up having a relationship with someone else and that’s just something you will have to overcome or else it’s going to be a lot more rough on your child ones it does start to understand
Okay. Let’s be real here. First of all there’s a huge difference between petty and selfish and being “protective”. Since you gave not one reason for not wanting the fiance around your child, I’m gonna have to assume it’s a lot more like petty and selfish. Sounds to me like you were messing around where you didn’t belong and ended up pregnant with feelings. Also sounds like you were the side chick that’s now pissed off cuz your BD obviously wants to remain with the woman he had planned to marry. The only person not in the wrong in this situation is the one you trying to get a restraining order against. Grow up. Seriously. Grow TF up. Since you decided to ho around with another woman’s man, you chose to take the chance that she’d be step-momma to your kid. The moment that poor baby was conceived it stopped being about you. That baby is a human life. NOT a weapon to be used for revenge. Like I can’t stress enough that YOU were/are dead wrong from jump and need to GROW UP! Yeah I know you said you didn’t know they were still together blah blah blah… YOU DIDNT CARE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER.
By the way. You can’t get a NCO because you’re pissed off. Doesn’t work that way at all.
Maybe don’t mess around with someone in a relationship…
Honestly , your the one that’s causing drama … you can’t control who your ex is with and as long as the other lady is safe for the kids to be around you have no right saying she can’t be around your child … If your ex wants her around that is his choice
Omfg what did I read lol
You say you don’t want any drama but you also sound like your the one creating all the drama. Grow up your about to become a mom!
If she’s nice to you and mature about it then let it go point blank period u will be thankful she was helpful later everyone sounds like they are screwed up in this lol she is gonna be there wether u like it or not so I’d try to get along to avoid drama
You need to grow up. It’s not the child’s fault that u got involved with someone who was in a relationship. That’s his child too and if he wants his fiancé and his other step children to be involved that’s his business. You cannot tell him who to take ur child around if you are not together. Ur being selfish. You should be happy if she’s accepting ur child in her life because there’s a lot of evil step mothers out there. Ur being spiteful and that will only hurt ur child in the long run.
Yeah you are wrong, and the drama you don’t want? You are creating it. It isn’t her fault and if you want to keep the baby and the dad to be involved he has every right to have his children around the person he’s going to marry
For a side of coleslaw your bitter baby
Sorry but it’s not her fault that he cheated on her with you. Why be mad at her it really is silly. U can’t just place a no contact on her either just because ur jealous. If he isn’t with her anymore then why would she be anywhere near ur child. U will soon have a child together and u can’t keep his future partners away from them just like he can’t do the same with you. It’s time to grow up honey
Guess you did not get the answers you wanted on the other rmom’s group, so here is my response, take two.
Girl- and I am calling you GIRL instead of WOMAN because you are acting like a little girl- GROW. UP.
Regardless if he and this woman remain together for the long run or not, other women- stepmother’s or stepmother figures- are going to be in the picture.
If she has not given you any reason to even SUSPECT that she would be abusive or neglectful towards your child, you have no and I do mean NO. DAMNED. BUSINESS. telling the FATHER who may or may not be around HIS KID, because, like it or not, you engaged in UNPROTECTED SEX- WHICH LEADS TO PREGNANCY AND THEREFORE THE CREATION OF LIFE- with this guy, whether this baby was the intended result or not.
That child is not JUST YOURS.
If rape of you or abandonment of that child was not involved in the process, then that child is NOT. JUST. YOURS.
That baby is HIS. TOO.
And as the father, HE has rights to him or her just the same as YOU and you know DAMNED WELL that YOU would NOT tolerate HIM dictating YOUR significant others UNLESS HE had clear and valid reason to believe that that child was at imminent risk.
And do NOT put that baby in the middle of a fucking game of tug of war like a teddy bear caught between two toddlers who want the same damned toy.
Your son or daughter deserve WAY BETTER than that.
So knock the attitude off.
You were the mistress.
Now you are the baby mama.
Well unfortunately she will be in the kids life if they are together and you will have no say in that as she was there before you started getting with him. You are sounding extremely petty and you need to grow up
What in the sally, jerry, rikki lake,dr phill and oprah did i just read. Oh my lord
Can you update this in the future and let us know what happened lol
I mean i understand you didn’t know about her and you’re upset etc. But, it’s not about your feelings. Its about your childs. Heck my ex cheated with my sisters bff and knocked her up and i left him. He settled and is bitter to this day and theyre married now and miserable af but when he wants to see his kids i let him even though the situation was messed up. It was a blessing in disguise anyways. I would have never had the courage to finally leave him had that not happened.
Sweetheart a judge is going to look at this case and look at you with disbelief. Take it from me trust me I was you at 19 I was a super over protective teenage mama who wasn’t going to let some random women near my only child at the time especially because his dad literally moved her in 2 weeks after we separated but on the weeks my son went to his dad’s she look great care of him when he needed it made sure he was always fed clothed had fresh fruits and veggies everything she was a co parent. Right now you are angry but you need to have a civilized conversation with the both of them okay no yelling no arguing a adult conversation. Because alot can be accomplished that way. Because arguing get people no where. And honestly you never know she may be the nicest person never judge someone until you know them. And your ex could be there person causing the issues. Don’t cause drama of there no need for it. Especially pregnant
The “Fan” asking for advice definitely was not expecting to be dragged this hard…
You’re being petty and making yourself look stupid by asking this. Grow up and take care of your kid like most adults do without the immature stuff to go with it. You made your bed and now you have to lie in it.
Mf needa call Jerry or Maury or something.
You don’t have that right though. The father is allowed to be in the child’s life whether you are in a relationship or not.
Do you want him around your child?
Delusional Fraction Of Happiness!
Someone Else’s Expense!
Blessings And Happiness.
You are as petty as they come!!! You even know it too lmao. “Am I selfish or is that just me being protective, LIKE I SHOULD!!!” Lmao you’re being childish! It’s not her fault you got pregnant by her fiancé lol.
Why are you so mad at her? she wasn’t pushing you and her ex man to have sex. It’s not her fault he’s taking on the dad role for her child. You’re being petty
Jerry springer audition
He playing both of you !! You have this baby you’re already entering this drama so get use to it .
You should of thought about that before going out with an engaged man. You’re going to have to deal with it. And be ready for baby to call her mommy
I understand what you’re feeling rn… You’ve lost babies in the past and are frantically trying to hold on to this one and don’t wanna share it with another woman. One that the baby might look at as another mommy. It’s a sticky situation emotionally, and your hormones aren’t helping any.
This situation sucks for every single person involved. The father, his current woman, the “sibling”, you and your baby too. You need to talk to a therapist to sort out all these emotions properly so you can be a good mother to this child. That’s what the most important thing is right now, to get your head on straight.
Take care.
Holyfuck this woman that’s pregnant with this exes man, thinks she owns him now all because he got her pregnant
Sorry but sounds as if you are the drama in this case, all the men out there why go with someone that is in a relationship. Sorry but you deserve everything you get should have thought about that before going with a guy that’s engaged. I feel sorry for the other woman. Pure selfishness!!!
How did you sleep with him not knowing about her? Didn’t you take any time to get to know him or did you hop into bed the first night? You’re screwed because if he’s staying with her and he plans to fight for visitation of your baby the child will be around her and there is nothihg you can do.
I think everything will be fine, and go in your favor. Stay focused on yourself and your baby. Try the best you can to never do anything, or make any decisions when you’re angry regarding the father and his fiance. Having been in a very, very similar situation before, everything just kinda worked out the way I wanted. Just handle your business, and things will fall into place
My ex husbands baby mother tried that. Judge told her to get over herself because I was step mom and there was nothing she can do about it. It’s not her fault he lied . You two have to come together as women and figure things out. Don’t be bitter towards her when she has every right to be that way toward you yet is willing to accept your child.
Imagine how the fiancé feels.
Just get to know her before baby comes than u cn decide how u feel! If u said u dnt want ur kid around her coz u dnt knw her I would understand, but the The only reason u hate her is because she’s the one ur BD chose… Ur anger n bitterness is going to affect ur child, wen the baby is born ul be saying the baby is not allowed to see the father coz she’s always around, dnt b that mother! Url all cn make a choice in hw to go forward to make things work for the sake of the child… Bt jho this is a messy situation!
I think u are mad at the wrong person and second of all your child shouldn’t be punished because of mistakes u and he made Your child and her kids are innocent bystanders and shouldn’t suffer for m what u and he does but from what I say I don’t think u should believe a word he says about any thing so u should consider what is best for u and your baby and it surely ain’t him
I would of never told the father about the baby since…it was just a hook up situation…and raised the baby on my own…
You can’t keep anyone from your child that isn’t a threat to them. Been there done that and being bitter is only going to hurt you and your child in the long run. It’s a shitty situation but I’ve been in a similar one and the courts don’t care if you hate his fiancé and it only makes you look bad if you refuse to let your child around her just because of the circumstances.
There’s nothing you can do about it other then with hold your child from seeing the father which is wrong, sounds like to me that your bitter because he chose her and not you end of. You sound like you need to grow up and accept the consequences of sleeping with someone else’s boyfriend lol
Ok first off I was in an exact similar situation except we didn’t know about each other and both ended up pregnant. It’s not fair to be mad at her considering she probably didn’t know about you either but the fact of the matter is you cant stop him from being who he wants to be with. I understand her being a stranger and being around your child but its time to realize that there is a little one on the way and if he wants to be there let him because keeping him away out of spite or hurt will just make your child resent you later on when they find out the truth. Maybe actually get to know her yall may get along in the end. My ex has 8 kids by 5 different women and 3 of us actually communicate and get along for the sake of our kids so they can actually know their siblings
You say you lost two baby’s back to back i fell sorry for eney lady losing a baby so why not do something for protection or keep your legs closed
- If you guys just hooked up then it was really no need to tell you about his relationship. A hook up is just that.
- You’re not being protective, you’re being childish. You plan on being a bitter baby mom before the baby is even here. Why is it that you don’t want your child around her and her children? Why don’t you want her to buy anything for your child, hold your baby, etc?
- If this man gets back with this woman(honestly I think they’re still together) it’s nothing that you can do about it. He can take you to court and get visitation/partial custody.
- It’s time to put your big girl panties on and grow the hell up. This is the consequences of having unprotected hook ups. Hell you’re lucky a baby is all he gave you. Instead of being petty, you should be trying to work on an effective way to coparent. Which does not include you still sleeping with him.
You really are mad at the wrong person…
The father has rights and he can bring his kid around his family if he chooses. You can’t control that. You don’t have a say of who he bring around his kid on his time. Unless she is a danger to your child and you can prove that to a judge it’s something you are just going to have to live with.
There seems to be a lot of he said. Do you know this woman? Ever had a conversation with her? Or are you only listening to him bad mouth her? I can not see anything that you wrote that would be grounds for a no contact order. He is probably telling you anything and everything he can think of to make messing around with you on the side as justifiable. I would honestly be more concerned about your child being around the manipulating lying father. You should just accept that if he and this woman continue their relationship that your child will be around her.
Sounds like a $h*t show
This is nothing but DRAMA.
You’re mad her?
You are believing the person who lied and continued to lie.
So now you’re going to try and control the situation because you have a baby, get over yourself. This isn’t petty, this is vengeful and hateful.
Unprotected sex is the 100% cause of pregnancy…should have used protection…never assume you can’t get pregnant…
So he’s going to have 2 babies. The one you’re carrying and you?
He is a non-person by his actions.
I would not include him on the child’s birth certificate.
My sister did, and it cost over $100,000 in court /lawyer fees.
PS. A no contact order??? good lord please get ahold of yourself
Stay strong raise your child and get as far away from that guy as possible… He is no good…
My god wtf is wrong with you? You’ll end up losing custody of said child the way that you act and demand and think that you’re the only one with a say so where that child is concerned. Judges chew BM’s like you up and spit you out thinking you’re not going to LET so and so do this and that. You hooked up so grow TF up and realize that, that lady did NOTHING to you, YOU however seem like a very UGLY person on the inside! Feel bad for BD TBH.
I wouldn’t say your selfish. But I can tell you’re young by the way you’re looking at it. It sounds like you’re punishing the fiance even though it was him that cheated on her. She did nothing wrong and you’re punishing her even though you don’t know her. She should be the angry one, not you. It sounds like she’s the one looking out for the family involved. Also, have you talked to her? Cause surely you don’t still believe him and what he’s saying. I think you need to communicate with them both!! Together, at the same time.
Honest and truthful opinion??? You are being a Karen. Like seriously? Why are you upset with her when HE was the one not telling you the truth. If my ex got into a serious long term relationship and she wanted to love my kids and treat them like her own then why the hell not? Thats what adults do! Thats how they are suppose to act. The only drama i foresee is you.
Sounds like a Jerry Springer episode!
Dad has rights and whilst he has his child you have no say in who is around unless you can prove they are a danger to your child.
Have you met his ex? Had an ACTUAL mature, adult discussion with her about the situation? Because if you have a problem with her then you need to address her about it directly, like any mature person should.
I suggest doing what you can to make the situation as amicable as possible as you and your child will be connected to these people for the rest of your lives and your child will do better being raised amidst 3 adults that get along rather than 3 adults that bicker and argue.
Good luck!
Wow you need to direct you anger at him not her, he’s playing you both.
Stay the hell away from that man. He has no rights anyways until he pursues and sister follow my advice l got knocked up by a married man said he wasn’t married. Please run
I don’t understand why you are so against his wife I mean you fu*ked her husband if anyone should be pissed its her
You do realise once baby is here he can take you to court to see the child and you can’t dictate who he has around the child in his time
Think you have a lot of growing up to do
You’re an immature brat.
A no contact order? For what? Grow up.
I think u have a bare faced cheek ! Grow tf up
Umm… well, this is an interesting situation… why are you taking it out on her? She didn’t do anything wrong, so stop feeling angry towards her… shes literally an innocent party in this mess…
The more people in your circles that love your child the better.
Okay first of all, if you still get your period, you can still get pregnant. Please educate yourself. Like, extensively. Read books, make better choices in your life. Also, if this lady is cool enough to stay with this dude after he cheated on her, and wants to buy your baby things and love it? LET HER. bonus moms are wonderful humans and it’s not her fault that you failed sex Ed and also got played by some jerk. If you’re mad at anyone it should be him.
You sound like a b****
It sounds like you only care about your self and not whats best for your child. That baby deserves love from both sides. Why take that away?
So your mad at her because you fu#@ed her ex husband/husband and got pregnant now want to keep the baby from her for what reason exactly
If he has raised or been a big part of her kids life then you kid may be classed as a half/step sibling what’s wrong with that the more people to live the baby the better and a no contact or I mean for what
Has she down anything that would say the baby would be at risk near her ???
Childlike mentality. Got yourself into a grown situation and bitter like you’re 17. You are not being protective. You are being immature. He seems like trash, and you still have a lot of growing to do. Love and light.
Oh dear. Your going to be alot of fun do deal with!! You’ve no right to be pissed off. And its you who has embarrassed that woman, not the other way around.
I’m sorry but if anyone that should be hurt or pissed off it’s her. What as she done for u to have this attitude towards her
Breathe, Mama. Take every moment, by moment. I understand that’s harder to do than it seems, but try and remind yourself how powerful you are to have created another human being. Take pride in your pregnancy, even though it can be tough. You are in the driver’s seat.
Hopefully, on behalf of your little one, Dad will be a constant. The thought of another woman loving your child and the possibility of your child loving another woman more than you, is devastating, but at the end of the day, that is just a THOUGHT. It’s not reality. Your baby will love you more than anyone and anything, until the end of time.
Once you realize that, you’ll start to be open to the idea of another mother figure around your child. It will STILL be hard, but you’ll get there Mama
Maybe it will just be one extra person to love your baby. Why don’t you reach out when your ready and form a civil relationship, not all people are bad. Of your not feeling her vibes then make that decision to say you’d rather her not be around your child. But in the court of law the father has the right to bring your baby around her as long as your baby is in no danger
Why are you upset with her? Why would you not want her near your child? It sounds like your issue should be with him and not her. If she is telling her children that they are going to have a sibling she has already accepted your child. You have a long road ahead of coparenting with this man and his partner. Time to figure out what that will look like.
If u don’t want his gf near ya child u shouldn’t of slepted with her man should and your mad think tbh u have a cheek you should be happy she’s willing to be right and have something to do with your child how dare you act like your the victim his poor gf is
Im not sure why you’re mad at her what is she ment to have done? You cant get a no contact order on the dad unkess he’s a danger which you haven’t stated he is here so you’d be cutting a dad off from HIS child for your own selfish pathetic reasons. You’ve stated that him amd this woman arent together anymore if thats true then she wouldn’t have any reason to be neart the baby anyway but if he’s with her or gets back with her then im afraid there’s nothing you can do about it unless she was a danger to the baby which as you haven’t stated that she is then again you cant stop him having the baby around her. I think you need to focus on doing some growing up before this baby arrives for your babies sake. You cant get petty when a child is involved
Their children will be your child’s half sibling, they are getting a baby brother or sister even if they only share a dad
Remove this post is a good start.
Actually I feel both you and is “ex” but not really his ex are the victims you was lied to by him and used to get back at her because you didn’t know he was still with her. And she didn’t know about you. For all you know he could be lying about everything her cheating on him, her moving the bio father into their home to live etc etc etc. So not only are y’all the ones whom are the innocent ones but so are the children. If anyone don’t have the right to see the child it’s him not her. And you don’t have to let him know you had the baby. Your 10 weeks nothing for nothing and it’s wrong to do because the child has the right to know both parents but he Don’t have to know you had the baby! Until your ready but right now your going to get a lot of back lash because people are going to see you did wrong. But he is the one whom is in the wrong
I understand you feeling hurt. And your hormones must be all over the place. But he lied to you not her. She’s done nothing wrong to you. I’m sure if you give it sometime your feelings will change. Please bear in mind also if shes had miscarriages then her being wiling to accept your baby with her husband is BIG. She’s showing her maturity even if she’s done some messed up things, those things were not done to you
If she was crazy and wanted to steal the kid I’d understand but you nicked her husband, slept with him and want nothing to do with her for no reason. You do realise you are now tied to this man for LIFE and beyond?
Sounds like your already a bitter baby mama and for no reason. I’d be more worried about the lying sneak of a baby daddy you have to deal with for life now and not his ex fiancé. Sounds like your taking your anger out on her because of how he did you.
But, he comes with drama? Why don’t you like his fiance? What has she ever done to you? I’m confused as to what you’re issue is… is it with her or him? He’s made it clear he’s not going to be with you, he’s with her but then not with her bc she cheated on him, but doesn’t want to be with you either and you don’t want her around your child and don’t want to be with him and don’t want the drama?? Honey this IS drama and nothing but… not gonna be able to avoid it here.
Your pathetic and what your saying probs isn’t even the truth…
Is this a joke? Tell me this is a joke.
Move on.
You are the toxic one they should be afraid of if you have this kind of mindset how are you going to raise a baby the woman has done nothing wrong to you.
Okay well first huge congratulations to you but You knew he had a child out there that called him dad whether he is the child’s biological dad or not , you made the choice to have a baby knowing your baby would have a sibling. So yeah of course they’re going to be involved
Why do people always assume they can’t get pregnant unless a medical professional said there is no way you can get pregnant the 2 miscarriages could just be 2 very sad loses with no explanation and I’m sorry to hear you lost 2 baby’s but you wasn’t serious with him you should been using something not just protection of pregnancy but sti too
my word! the vitriol! good luck to this kid, he/she definitely needs it
Today on Jeremy Kyle…
This is me after I read this post.
Well really she’s done nothing to you ? Why would you stop your child from being loved by someone? Shit situation but it’s up to you to make it work you have a child on the way put your child first don’t worry about this and that ,what you want and what you don’t want think of your child in the long run . Best advice I can give you is let go create a happy loving environment for your child don’t bring him/her in to a world where your bitter at a situation you can’t change
What a immature post.
OP is taking her frustrations out on the wrong person. I’m sorry you were lied to by this man but so was she. I think both baby moms deserve better and should try to communicate for the kids involved in this situation.
I fucking miss Jeremy Kyle could see this shit go down in real time
“I don’t want my baby daddy’s gf who he cheated on me with near my baby”
Honestly grow the heck up if she is in his life then that’s a situation you’ll have to deal with, remember sweetheart she was fucking there before you!!!
You ain’t ready for a baby. You need to rise above the obviously petty jealousy you have. She was there first, he will just walk away because YOU cause the drama and you will wonder why. Have you even spoken to this woman? You should be embarrassed, for yourself.
He’s the father and as long as he isn’t with her it should not be an issue. As child would never be in her company. Regarding wee boy if this is not what you want then getting to know each other. Then he takes them or sees them on different times. If he went back to her issues would occur as when he took overnight would be with her in company. Deal with that when comes to it. Don’t take anyone’s shite as child is your baby. He has no rights. Saying that I do not know where you come from so would do wee bit of checking on that. Take care
I don’t understand why you don’t want her child around your baby what has the child done wrong
Proof that you can be a mother AND stupid.