You are moat definitely not overreacting. So sorry for your loss
I don’t know if you can receive this… I am a Christian councelor… I believe that your child is. With Jesus…I ask that you pray and name your baby and just know that you will see her one day
Oh honey I am so incredibly sorry for your loss I can’t even imagine the pain you went through and are still going through. It doesn’t matter how many kids you have already this was one of your children. You are justified feeling the way you do you carried gave birth and had to say goodbye to your child. I can’t believe how insensitive your love ones are being.
I am so sorry for your loss. Grief is processed by everyone differently. And what happened to you is probably one of most difficult things anyone could face; the loss of a child. Your family and friends might not know what to say or do. Your husband might just avoid the topic all together to “stay strong.” Give it time. But in the meantime, talk to a grief counselor.
Everybody grieves differently. If you need a certain type of support sometimes you have to ask for it. In the same sense that people have different love languages, the people close to you may not know what you’re wishing to see from them. So sorry for your loss.
These are my thoughts, you suffered the worst pain any mother can. Your baby should still have a place in the family name grave that you can greave, you can move on but you and your family need to grieve and remember what could have been it’s not fair to think you can just move on you will always feel this loss but include your little one in you thoughts on its birthday Xmas you will get stronger but you will always miss what might have been talk to your family let them know what you need
Sending strength and love to you all
People grieve in their own way. Nobody talks about it because they simply don’t know what to say. Your husband is doing what he knows how to do … Try to care for the family as a whole. That means moving on and meeting the needs of the children you have that are living. Family members aren’t coming around because they don’t know what to say or do for you. The very best they can do at this point is allow you to grieve. Everyone is hurting. They know you are hurting the most. The important thing is to talk about it with your husband. Men typically want to be “fixers”. If they can’t fix it, they do not know what else to do. Tell him you need him to listen, to cry, to share his emotions with you.
I never had a stillborn, but I have miscarried, and it was the same for me. Everyone acted as if nothing happened. My best friend hugged me, and told me everything would be okay. She said cry when you feel like it. Mope around the house for a few days. But remember you have a family and friends that love you, and need you back in the world. She said as hard as it is, life goes on. These things happen, and there’s nothing you can do about it, except pick yourself up and dust yourself off and keep moving forward.
If I were there I would hug you, cry with you, and tell you the same as she told me. My prayers are with you.
I’m so so sorry for both your loss and that you are going through this alone. My heart breaks for you. Please find a support group for infant loss. Maybe there you can find some support.
I’m sorry this happened You are totally justified in feeling the way you do. But understand that they didn’t experience it so they probably won’t feel the same as you.
Family should have all came just as if the baby had been born alive.
You’re not overreacting hun. That is not a loss you just “get over”. I’m praying for you. I hope you’re talking to someone. My inbox is open.
I know exactly how you feel I experienced distilled worth back in 2015 it was our first baby feel free to p.m. me I have no problem sharing my story it helps to talk about it believe it or not
That’s messed up!! They all suck! A loss is a loss it doesn’t matter if you already have kids.
I never personally lost a baby but my sister has. She has a stillbirth son over 19 years ago and he would of been my very 1st nephew. I never have forgotten about him and wish things were different. He was cremated and around his 16th birthday we finally went and spread his ashes and set him free. That’s the first time since we lost him that I really grieved over him again. Don’t let those insensitive people bring you down. Take as much time as u need for ur loss.
2 years ago today I had a miscarriage and my dad said “thank god” you ARE NOT overreacting.
I would be SOO UPSET. But i know my family would never do some shit like that.
You my dear are not overreacting. Your baby died. Your heart is broken. Your arms are empty. Shame on your husband. And shame on your family. I hope you can find a support in your area. I am so sorry for your loss.
That is awful I can’t believe people would be so very heartless. I’m so sorry for your loss
I think you are totally justified having the feelings you are. I couldn’t imagine going through that. Maybe see if there are any support groups or something around with people going through similar situations. So sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for the loss of your baby. You grieve as you need to.
For the best? That’s outright not appropriate to say to someone who just lost their baby. I’m so sorry for you, I can’t even imagine your pain. My heart goes out to you, it really does:heart:
Definitely not overreacting at all. I am so sorry you had to go through all of this and then to feel alone on top of it. Your child passed away, the child you carried in you. Shame on your entire family for not picking you up when you were/are so broken hearted. I pray you can find support near you. I will pray for you and your heart during this difficult time.
Sorry for your loss I had 8 miscarriages before my 3 girls they are hard and you grieve each one differently I found writing in a journal daily helped
You lost a child dear. A part of you. Your feelings are justified… don’t let anyone tell you your over reacting. And shame on the hospital as well as your family to leave you when your need support the most. I am here if you need to talk. Sometimes strangers are better than those who are close
You absolutely are not over reacting! Yes everyone grieves in their own way, but that does not mean they cant be there to support you. Whether you have 1 or 10 kids already your baby did matter, and you have every right to feel how you are feeling, about your sweet angel baby and how ur family is acting towards the situation
Your 100% NOT overreacting!!! You just lost a child! You grief if you need too! And dont let anyone else tell you your not allowed to!!! My only advice is dont forget your other children at home! I know it’s hard but you have to be strong for your kids and yourself! Dont let anyone else tell you how you should feel!!! So sorry for your loss!
I’m so sorry that you’re going through so much and having to go through it alone. I can only imagine the weight you are carrying, you aren’t over reacting I would be livid. You need a friend to talk to, to tell your story, to let out some of your pain. You can always PM me and I will listen. Again I am so sorry you’re dealing with so much, you shouldn’t have to go through it alone.
please include a trigger warning!!!*
Everyone deals with grief in their own way, it is possible your partner pretending it’s no big deal is his own way of dealing with his own grief. When I lost a child I wrote them a letter then I went by myself to the burial site read it out loud ripped it up into little pieces then burnt the pile of little pieces and watched the smoke carry the message into the sky until the air was clear again, this surprisingly helped a lot to feel a little more at peace with it at the time
I had 2 early miscarriages about 8 years ago, not nearly as traumatic as a stillbirth and I definitely felt like no one understood how big it was. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I think people are afraid to say anything to make you more sad, but I’m surprised your family didn’t step up more.
In our situation, my Husband definitely did not let on that he was feeling anything. The second was less impactful to me than the first, I guess because I took a year to grieve before we tried again. So, I already knew how to work through my emotions. That being said, I still tear up occasionally when something reminds me of the miscarriages…and I now have 3 children and a 4th on the way. (By the way, the whole idea that other children make the loss of a child easier is absolutely ridiculous. They’re not shoes, you can’t just replace them.)
Anyway, with my Husband, I finally told him “it’s like you don’t even care” and when he finally opened up, he explained that he did, but it wasn’t happening to his body so he didn’t feel like he had a right to burden me with his feelings. You need to tell your Husband how you feel - that you feel alone and that you need him to open up about his side and him to be there for you to open up to. Your family should be there, but it is your Husband’s JOB to be there for you in this.
Bless you and I’m so sorry for your loss.
You are not over reacting. I would be depressed.
You’re not overreacting. Those so called family members need to be more sensitive. You lost a child and regardless of how many you have, their behavior is unacceptable.
That is horrible having a miscarriage is tramatic enough let alone having a still birth and having to give birth and see your baby, I’m so sorry for you but maybe that’s just there way of coping also pretending like it didn’t happen so they don’t feel an attachment or sadness to some thing that never was always wondering what could of been, don’t ever let anyone one make you think your “over reacting” or like your feelings don’t matter, you feel how you feel and your feelings are always valid even if they’re more than someone else’s no one “over reacts” they react to situations the way they know how, keep your head up.
Perhaps you could get your doctor to speak with thwm and inform them how devastating this is for any woman. Sometimes ignorance is our worst enemy once this has happened and they don’t change well thats a different story. I am terribly sorry for your loss. Prayers prayers prayers…
You are absolutely not overreacting. Grief has no timeline. It’s not something to "get over ". I’m so sorry no one visited you, and I’m so sorry that everyone thinks you should be “ok” after losing a child. I’m very very sorry for your loss
They suffer from not understanding. When they learn they will regret as they will learn by experience.
God bless. So sorry for your loss. Maybe your family just doesn’t know how to handle this.
You are not over reacting. What happened to you is the worst. Having a stillbirth is something so tramatic no matter how many children you already have. I am very sorry for the loss of your sweet baby. Men and other family members do not and will not grieve the same way.
So sorry. You aren’t over reacting. Big hugs.
Your feelings are justified. It’s a shame your own damn husband did come to get his child, definitely talk to them about how you’re feeling about it and how it’s not okay. I had a miscarriage when I was 16 and everyone acted they didn’t care. It’s important.
There is more to this then what has been posted
I went thru this 3 years ago…
My mother in law came only to sit with the rest of the kids for a couple hours. As soon as he was born my husband went home and his mother left.
My entire family was no where.
Then my mother went thru the same and everyone including me was at the hospital for her and her mother (my grandma) had her move in with her for a few months so she could help her thru it…
I still get pissed off about sometimes.
Their justification for it is that my dad had just died a few months before that so she needed the support…
Now if I bring up my son at all I get dirty looks fro them all and they change the subject asap…
It’s sucks…
Sorry was just trying to explain I understand how you feel.
Please message me any time you need to talk, vent, cry, scream whatever it is I’ll happily listen.
No one has the right to tell you how to feel. Your emotions are your emotions.
So sorry lots of prayers, I also had a miscarriage it’s hard and dont let anyone said it isnt nothing and God Bless you
So sorry for your loss, Everyone griefs different maybe it’s not that they don’t care but they don’t know what to say or how to deal with there feelings and with that cause it didn’t happen to them they don’t want to burden you with there feelings. I’m again so sorry for the loss of your baby and hope you can heal and find peace.
Definitely NOT overreacting
Sucks that you’re goin thru that
You’re feelings are valid and for them to just toss em to the side is assholey
You’re not overreacting at all!! Shame on them for making you feel asif you are. Your carried and gave birth to a beautiful baby whether they was born sleeping or not they still deserve to be grieved. I’m terribly sorry for your loss it must have been the hardest thing to do/cope with afterwards… dont ever feel ashamed of your feelings because you’re and your poor babies family dont want to acknowledge what you’ve been through. You and your beautiful angel baby deserve more xxx
Praying for you dear that is terrible
First and foremost I am so sorry for your great lost. My daughter was stillborn and I already had 2 kids. People can be very ignorant because they don’t know what to say. I despised being told “everything happens for a reason”. It’s a haunting traumatic event in our lives and no one understands because they did not experience our babies at all. Your baby only knew your heartbeat and only you felt him/her inside. My husband told me “it hurts less because it’s not like it was one of our live kids”. That really stung. You should make your feelings known to those who were not there for you that you are close to. For the people who say you’ve already had 4 children, tell them they are correct, so which one of their live children are they ok losing since they already have more than one? Only other women who have walked in your shoes understand and I am here to tell you I am one of them. Losing a child does not end the moment you leave the hospital. It’s a journey that begins the moment our baby dies and ends the moment we join them.
Omg ): im so sorry. They sound seriously horrible. Youre not over reacting. Im so sorry
So sorry to hear! You are totally justified in your feelings! Some people don’t know how to comfort those dealing with loss so they just try to ignore it and your feelings. Know that your feelings are justified, this was your baby, you felt him or her and even though they did not have a real connection to your child you did! Feel your feelings as you are feeling them out of love
I’m so sorry your family put you through that. I had a miscarriage when I was 15 weeks so it wasnt as far as you but any way it goes it hard. I got kids already but lately I keep having miscarriages and worried I might not be able to carry full term anymore… I would be very upset if my husband wasnt there for me in the hospital. I mean I guess you guys got 4 kids but I’m sure he could of found family to watch them. I’m sorry you got to go thru this.
The only thing I will say is yes I have been through this twice and everyone handles it differently
You are not overreacting. Family should have stepped up, cared. and helped. And your husband should have stayed with you for support.
I am so sorry for your loss. it may take a long time before you feel functional. take as long as you need, screw what they think you should do or be like.
I am so sorry honey!! U are not overreacting!!! I can’t even to begin to imagine what u must be feeling! It makes me sick to hear ur family is being so insensitive to u… sending love and prayers to u:heart:
You have every right to feel the way you do. A loss is a loss and no different if you lost the kid later in life. If you can’t get support from your family, get counseling that is what they’re there for. You can also reach out to any one of us.
Grief will take as long as it needs to. Cry it out when you need to. Make a memorial for your lost one. Take time to heal. Sit your husband down and try to talk with him. I don’t want to be cheesy and repeat all the so sorry, all I can say is you’re not alone we are with you.
You are not overreacting at all. I could never imagine going through pregnancy and birth and seeing my baby not breathing. Sorry for your loss. I don’t know how you deal with your family acting like that without snapping.
There is an incredible grief support group called Griefshare. They are located all over the US. Just go to the website and enter your zip code and you can see the locations and meeting times nearest you. They are free and usually meet in churches— the group isn’t religious but churches recognize the value of the groups and allow them to meet in their buildings for free. Everyone I know who has attended Griefshare says it was the main thing that got them through their loss, more than family/friends support or other coping mechanisms.
Your Husband is an Asshole.
So sorry for you loss and you are NOT overreacting! Unless expressed otherwise your family should’ve been there for you. Your hubby… he should’ve not left your side. It’s hard enough having a baby by yourself but losing one my heart breaks.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Please consider looking for some professional counseling. I understand your grief and think it’s important to honor the loss of ur lil one. Sometimes people just don’t know what to say, or how to offer comfort. Hugs to you.
So sorry for your lose prayers
You’re not overreacting. You have every right to be sad. I definitely suggest counseling to help you thru this since your family isn’t supporting you
They just didn’t know what to say.
Sending love and healing prayers you’re not overreacting and it must be so difficult that your family isn’t supportive… maybe they’re trying to deal with grief in their own different ways, it’s so important to seek help for yourself after which you can start openly communicating with your family how you feel.
You are mourning the loss of your child. You are certainly justified. My prayers are with you. May You find strength and peace.
We tend to rush around and overlook the crushed.hurting mama. Please.forgive us by God’s grace we will not have a heart of stone next time. Children are so precious and mom’s have a deeper love for them. Again begging forgiveness
I’m not a mom but I don’t believe you are overacting. My heart hurts for you
You are not overreacting at all. I’m not sticking for your family but everyone grieves differently. They sound have been there for you. Sometimes people don’t know what ti do or say. Then they say the wrong things.
The mother always will feel it the worse. You deserve to grieve. I’m sorry you are going through this.
No, you aren’t overreacting. Having said that, you can’t MAKE them care. I’m sure you’ve heard enough of who should’ve stayed and who should’ve done what for you. Yes, you do have other children, but you’ll always feel like you’re missing one. Yes, you’ll move on and come to terms with it, but there will be brief moments where you’ll feel suffocated by the feeling that there’s someone that should be there, but isn’t. Embrace it. Process it. Accept it. Don’t dwell on what other people should’ve done. Take care of you.
I never delivered a still born but felt the grief of miscarriage.
No you are not over reacting as a parent to that child it is perfectly normal and fine to react. My family reacted the same when I miscarried. And feeling like you aren’t allowed to react to the death of your child is the worst feeling ever.
I just had a still born sep 4. I dont know how to feel. It’s hard but that’s not right what your family did. I would be super mad. You have every right to be that way. It’s still a baby, your baby. It’s not far no matter what way you put it. I am sorry… Hugs
He could not of come because its hard for him to deal with. But regardless he should have and still should be there for you. Im so sorry you are dealing with this. If you ever need someone to talk to message me.
So Sorry for your loss. My sympathy is with you.
I’m sorry sweetie…take time to grieve, losing a baby is devastating…
I sympathize with you…It is hard to lose a child that was a possibility. When my daughter lost a child to miscarriage I Mourned heavily. You have every right to hurt and it is rather insensitive of your family to not understand. I do. Depending on how far along you were, your body was working hard to create a life… and then to lose it like that… !! Take time to grieve and don’t let anyone trivialize it for you at all.I will be praying for you.
So sorry for losing something so precious. I “only” had a later term c&r because .y baby died and I knew when she did, but I still feel the loss at times especially when I look at my rainbow child, and it happens on our anniversary weekend. Seek counseling since it seems your family deals with it by avoiding to acknowledge the loss you suffered
Thank You so much Jennifer Joy Comes for be Uplifting & Supportive of this Beautiful Momma ( HUGGGGGGZZZZZ ) WE LOVE YOU GORGEOUS MOMMA ( HUGGGGGGZZZZZ )
It does not matter how many children you have, you could have 15, and the pain of losing a child through miscarriage or still born or after they are born at any age is so very hard and painful to deal with. You have every right to your feelings you carried a beautiful baby and went home heavy hearted and emptied arm. It is ok to cry, it is ok to scream, and rage, ut is ok to be sad and depressed, it is ok to question and be mad, it’s ok to grieve, what isnt ok is to give up on life and it’s not ok to not give your children hugs and kisses and love attention affection and smiles, I’m not saying you dont, but they will need you to hold them while they grieve too and they will grieve in their own way and time, it will just hurt you the most because your the only one with the mother child bond. It’s also ok to be happy again someday.
With God on your side, time will help heal your heart, but you will never completely heal, prayers for you and I am so sorry for you
You have to realize that a stillborn baby is just as devastating for your husband, he’s trying to deal with the loss as best as he could and same for the rest of your family. Death of a baby does not only affect mother but also the father and rest of the family. you and your husband need to pull together to start the grieving process as a family.
Heartless. Stay strong. Tragedies show you who really care. They will never understand if it hasn’t happened to them.
I’m so sorry for you You didn’t say your children ages but it odd they didn’t comment Life is cruel sometimes Did you know it would be born stillborn
Cry hollar andexpress your grief and say good by to your child Not good to keep it in
My son would have been 5 this year… I can still remember the painful silence after birth and the restful look on his face. Hugs mummy.
I miscarried at 5 months…it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I still can’t imagine your own pain. He should’ve been there the entire time, you gave birth to your baby and that’s an experience that is shared, for better or worse. I’m so sorry
This article made me cry…but helped
You are 100% justified. However, your family is also grieving, especially your husband, they just don’t know how to express it and they most certainly don’t know what to say. It sucks for all of you.
I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I pray you all find peace
I am sorry for your loss of your Angel. I don’t care how many children you have , I could imagine loosing a child. You need to have a TALK with your husband and tell him how you feel.Let’s pray for Angel in Heaven.
Sorry for your loss. It is tragic & then on top of it all society doesn’t deal well with grief/loss . Your husband sounds like he doesn’t know how to deal with it either. I had 4 miscarriages, 3 IVF losses & my husband wasn’t supportive either. I went to counseling after the 4th m/c when I ended up with post partum depression (from crazy hormones). I would recommend you find a counselor, a grief support group like compassionate friends. You have reached out which is the best thing to do. We can’t make people understand (unless they’ve been thru it themselves). So it’s best to go find the support you need. Oh & I have 2 live boys out of 6 pregnancies, that has been the blessing.
Oh honey I’m so so so sorry and I do care.
A good friend of mine had a miscarriage and i just didnt say much because i wasent sure what was the right thing to say. Im sure they love you and your baby and mourn in there own way.
I am very sorry for your family’s loss. Have you looked into going and seeing someone? It helped me with my grief
There is a book I wish you would get called Mommy Please Don’t Cry…it’s about the death of a child, no matter how old or preborn… your child is safe in Jesus arms, and the grief you bear is real and you have my sympathy and encouragement…(ps, I sell the book at my Christian store) but maybe the library can get it for you too…
Do not want you to feel any worse than you do. We all have feelings. I carried for almost 8 months and stillborn. Yes, happy to have two healthy children but always, always noticed baby commercials, and SAD…but was treated with compassion.
Prayers, your acquaintances have to be caring…
I am so sorry. I wish I could give you a hug and say I am sorry for everyone being so insensitive . Every baby is a moms heart.
Four children at home.
I’m so sorry you feel so alone. I have no advice for you but if you need someone to be there for you, I will be. Just message me or friend me and I’ll be there when no one else is. No one should feel unsupported after such a loss.
You lost a baby, grieve for the little one.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Maybe the Family member’s aren’t sure what to say at this time. Don’t doubt yourself about your feelings. Tell your Family how you are feeling. Communication is so important. Biggest Hugs