I had a stillborn and feel like no one cares: Advice?

You can still celebrate your child make a cake for him/her on birthdays to share with family, they probably think you don’t want to talk about this loss as it may upset you :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Yes celebrate the birthday withbyour children, let them know grieving and losing there sybling is very emotional…

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That is horrible , I’m sorry for your loss and I’m sorry that u had no one to lean on when u needed someone . U are right for feeling how u feel. U are a mother and it is a painful experience. Your family should’ve showed u love and support . That doesn’t sound like they did that. They are very insensitive to your situation.

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I am so sorry you lost your child. I lost my daughter 15 months ago. I too feel alone alot. There is a group called Compassionate Friends. They are a support group for parents who’ve lost a child. There you don’t feel alone, you are with parents that now how you feel and will cry with you, laugh with you and want to hear your story. https://www.compassionatefriends.org/ I hope you are able to go to meetings or find help from them online. And everything your are feeling is completely normal. People you say you already have kids and it’s for the best, are lucky enough to be blissfully ignorant. If the shoe was on the other foot, they wouldn’t say it.


Oh honey… it does matter and it is a massive loss xxx sending you lots of love xxx


So sorry for your loss you must greave as you carried the poor darling God Bless

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Maybe the family and friends just dont know what to say they would be upset to but just take each day and say a prayer for the one in gods care

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Oh my gosh you deserve to be upset and your family should be comforting you and helping you through this! I would definitely sit them down and let them know it’s not okay to be that way.


Baby girl I am so sorry. You ARE justified.


Terrible that they treat you like that. Go and see someone ‘a dr’


My daughter was stillborn 31 years ago at 39 weeks. I received very similar reactions. Possibly because people just do not know what to do or say. My husband was at a loss, because he had no idea what to do or say. I was even told be a doctor to “get over it”. When I had my son 18 months later his pediatrician recommend a grief group. While I tried the group it was to difficult for me to attend meetings because I was so deep in my own grief I couldn’t emotionally handle the grief of others. The leader of the group counseled me one on one. She also gave me a book that I read. This book and one on one counselling helped me heal. The loss of my daughter Erika has had a profound affect on my life journey. She was my first child. The loss has affected my life path, my journey and I have learned over the years as I get older that the loss was very deep. I still grieve her today, yet I have great comfort because I feel her with me often. My children also feel her presence. I will try to find the book that I read and get that title to you. Find someone to talk to that deals with loss. Your husband is also trying to heal from the loss as well and men like to “fix” things and he is probably struggling with the fact that he cannot fix this for you. Friends do not now what to say, so they stay away. I am so sorry for your loss. You are not alone. Please do know that you will heal, you will always grieve, you will find good days start to outnumber the bad days, you will always love her and miss her. The first year is the hardest. You will learn to smile , laugh, enjoy life, and that is ALL okay! Just hold on and know it is fine to roll through those stage of grief and it is actually a way to heal. My prayers for you and those around you <3


I’m so sorry. I have also had a stillborn We were at 38 week’s. It will be 2 years this April.My peeps also seemed very stand offish. ONLY a few months have past we cant all just snap back and not hurt or cry or morn or keep ahead of out bodies and chemical and mental changes. For many reasons I imagined that They blamed me. I could see in some of their faces they could not see me in such a devistated state. All my presence did was make them cry. I’ve gathered over time that each and everyone of them was hurting too. It is a heavy imact on ALL involved. We all heal differently. please stay honest with your friends family OB n Reg. health care provider. I had a histort of post parton issues before so they gave me more Meds before I even left the hospital to help me stay ahead of the feelings i was having. There is no time frame for this shit… I got a book from the hospital called Empty arms. it helps you feel like your not so alone. I will Mail mine to you. if you think it might help. Hugs n Loves n its always ok to Sob.

I am so sorry I had a miscarriage 6-4-14 after being told I cant have kids. My mom and dad was the only one by my side. And I felt so alone after we left the hospital. No one to talk to or cry with. My own family told me to move on and act lime it never happened. It is very hard to do that. So you have every right to cry and miss your baby. And every year on that day celebrate your baby’s birthday. Me and my husband ( not my daughters dad ) every year let go balloons and visit her. If you need someone to talk to message me. I was 17 weeks 3 days when I lost my daughter.


You may have to tell your family how your feeling they do no feel the same loss as you and maybe trying to not talk about it thinking its helping

Oh wow…where do you live? I’ll come lounge with you while you recover! We can watch movies, eat junk food and talk about our angel babies :angel:t2::angel:t2:
I’m sorry mama…praying for you!!!


I’m furious for you in how you’ve been treated. Grief for the loss off a child is normal and healthy. Ignoring you, acting like it didn’t happen and telling you to get over it is toxic and could send you into a serious depression. I cannot believe their behavior. Please seek counseling to help you through this and hopefully they come around and do right by you. I understand people avoid things when they feel uncomfortable but this is so wrong. There are also many support groups you can join, social media can offer you many options where you can speak freely without judgment and receive plenty of support and encouragement.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I pray for your healing and peace of mind.

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This should not be called a “still born” it was a death. It should be treated as one. You should have a service to get closure and acknowledge the baby.


dont morn the loss celabrate the time you did have with the baby. sometimes in a time like this ppl. dont know HOW to act so they say stupid stuff. but usualy its out of nervousness. dont feel like you have to shut up or supress yur feelings. that was YOUR BABY talk as much or as lil as you wish about your precious lil one. tell your children about the lil one that might help you. god bless

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My daughters both lost children and I was with them through it all and still mis the little angels so no you are right to feel resentment


There are usually groups you can attend locally. I’m so sorry for your loss. No one will feel it more than you have or will. I’m sorry that you are being pushed through the grieving process. It is different for everyone and is very personal. Take your time. Seek out a pastor, good friend, or counsellor as you need to, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone you don’t know. I will send you a link to a FB group too.

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I’ve had a loss myself, have worked with momma’s too, my sister lost her teenage son. We all joined this group.

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This breaks my heart. I’m so sorry. If I were in a position where my friend or family member lost their baby I would reach out but I would also fear upsetting the one mourning. If you are upset maybe reach out and tell someone you’re close to? Maybe that one person did try to reach out in their own way but you may have not have noticed while you were grieving? I wish I could help. No one should ever have to feel like this especially after losing a child. Take as much time as you need but remember, resentment is a very difficult thing to overcome. Try reaching out. You shouldn’t have to sure but it may help? :yellow_heart:

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Of course you are feeling very low ,you carried a baby in your womb for nine months, it’s the child you was waiting for. Some times husbands, family can never get inside our minds or bodys to know how we feel. Have you thought of a little monotone you can get to say this was your brother or sister also name your baby it might help. I do hope you can cope some day, very best wishes Eleanor :bouquet:

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I am so very sorry for your loss and your husband and family’s reaction to this and how they are treating you. I think the best thing you can do is communicate with them. They may not understand because they have not been through it personally but maybe you can help them realize how devastating this was and that regardless of anything else, you lost a child. People say really awful things sometimes when it comes to grief, they seem to think is helping or acceptable. Sending my love to you mama

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You are completely justified for feeling upset. You have every right to be. I mean you cant make them feel upset about it, but you are allowed to grieve for this. If they dont like tell them to piss off

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People react differently. And no one will understand Your pain of having your child grow inside you and then not be able to take them home. Some may think they are helping by not talking about it. Some may not understand that you have bonded with that child as it grew inside you vecause they themselves did not bond with the child as they never met it.

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NO YOUR NOT OVER REACTING DEAR!! their nothing short of being assholes,IDC HOW MANY YOU HAVE AT HOME LOSS IS LOSS OK, you carried your sweet baby and never ask for this to happen,god needed another angel for his garden and he only takes the best so dont you ever forget that,i am so sorry for your loss sweetie,if you need anything pls let me know bc you cant go through this alone no one can ok xoxoxo

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I am so sorry. Of course you are grieving. I think a lot of people avoid the bereaved or in an attempt to fill the silence say the most stupid and insensitive things. Counseling services may help.

She will mourn that baby for the rest of her life. That is what women who carry their babies and feel the kicks and turns feel. To have a baby born still is one of the worst things a mother has to to deal with in her lifetime. She will always keep that memory in her heart. She will always mourn that baby. Don’t ever tell a mom don’t do this it don’t do that…in time she will deal with it on her own. But she will always mourn the one she lost. Always.

i can’t imagine what you’re going through. i really am sorry that you aren’t feeling supported during this time. unfortunately i don’t have any advice but i hope you find peace soon x

That is really terrible that they are not acting like compassionate people. I would feel angry too. You are hurting terribly and they don’t know how to act. Reading the Psalms is comforting. I hope that will help you.

So sorry, you lost something precious. Unfortunately most people just don’t know what to say, so they say nothing. The others that of all times be there, you can’t fix or change stupid.

I’m so sorry. I would have felt the same way. Prays being said

That’s completely fucked up. Especially from your husband.

May I suggest you remind yourself that you are a mum to other kids who need you honestly that is how I got through my grief when loosing the babies that I lost xxx your family and friends prob don’t really know what to say or do so really seem to be doing nothing xx I have lost 3 xx

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So sorry for your loss. Everyone handles grief differently. I hope you’re able to find peace in this hard time.

I went through a stillborn with my first baby. My husband didn’t want to talk about it, or act like it never happened… I took it as him not caring too, when actually he was dealing with the pain and loss in his way. My sister on the other hand told me that God took my son because He knew I’d be a terrible mother. My deepest condolences for your loss… it’s been 27 years and I still think of my son every day.


Everyone reacts to a tragic moment differently. Some men don’t know how to react. It is their lose also. As for others they are not sure what to say except a generic remark. Take your grief in your own way but don’t let it take away from the people who really do care. Sorry for you lose

Compassionate Friends was also a great place to talk about your loss, I had to quit going after several months, their were Mothers that lost their children some over 20 years and were still stuck on that day, this is not healthy. Grieve for your child, but you have other children and some how we must go forward, as hard as it may be, God Bless

Sweetheart, I am so sorry! You are fully entitled to feeling the way you do. Unfortunately, your husband is probably just dealing/coping with this loss in his own way, not necessarily the best way, by ignoring the fact that it happened to avoid facing his own feelings. In the meantime, you’re suffering because if he joins you in your grief, it means it’s real and he can’t ignore it and so will have to deal. I would strongly recommend therapy. Most hospitals and women’s centers have people that you can talk to or at least that can direct you where to go for help. Grief is a process and it doesn’t go away, you just learn to accept your loss. Just because you didn’t get a chance to get to know your child, doesn’t mean he/she wasn’t important to you. This baby is now a part of you, just like all your other children. Sending well wishes your way and hope you find peace


Find a group of other women (caring nurses at the hospital may be able to recommend some), who have had stillborn babes, and work with your feelings In that safe, supportive space. Grief and loss are unique to each person. You family members probably have no clue wha t you are experiencing…or…no clue about how to approach you i n your grief.

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Find a grief counselor in your area. I am so sorry for your loss. I never had a still birth but I had miscarriages, and I still think about those children. My one condolence is that one day I will get to meet them in heaven! And that will be glorious!
You are in my prayers.

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I am so sorry for your loss first off! I would check into a support group and counseling to help you through this. Hospice offers gri d support and they have the info on the stages of grief that you need to work through. As for the rest of the family you have to forgive and let that go so that you can heal don’t hold grudges. I do understand your feelings though if you were my family or friend I would have came if possible and checked on you! Just take care of yourself and let that go though. Friend me on FB I’ll check up on you! I will be praying for you and your family!


So very sorry for the loss of your baby. You will never forget this child and don’t expect to. Place this child in your heart. Others perhaps are also so hurt and sad that they don’t know how to act around you and don’t want to say something indelicate and come off as being uncaring. Tell them how you feel. You need their support. I offer you my prayers of healing. :pray:

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I am so sorry for your loss! Not overreacting, you lost your baby! That’s horrible! Grieve the way you need to, every baby you have is different and hold a different space in your heart and not one can take the place of another! Will say a prayer for you and your baby! :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::innocent::innocent::innocent::heart::heart:


I am so sorry for your loss, I lost a full term daughter. Umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, nothing we can say will take away your grief, and it doesn’t matter if you have 20 children, they are all different and you love them all, I talked about our daughter Kelli regularly, my Grandma lost my Aunt at 12 weeks from heart disease. She told me you never get over the loss, but as the days gone on it softens the pain. You are not out of line in your feelings, talk about your child regardless if it makes others uncomfortable, they will get used to it :pray::pray::pray:for your pain


You have every right to be upset. I had an ectopic pregnancy years ago, only seven weeks along but it affected me greatly and nobody seemed to understand why. It is a terrible feeling for the ones you care for the most to be insensitive. Thankfully my husband realized I needed help and got me that help. I cannot imagine going further in the pregnancy and being expected to act like it was no big deal. Please seek and get the help you need. I can’t advise you about your marriage and your relationship with your family members. I am sure that some people don’t know what to say but that is no excuse.

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I had a miscarriage at the beginning of spring this year, I also felt so alone when it happened. There is no greater pain than losing a child no matter the period of time it’s been. I went to counseling and also sought out other women who had lost children and they helped tremendously. The pain doesn’t go away and you will always miss the child you lost, but it does get easier with love and support from others that truly understand the situation firsthand.
When we lost our baby my husband was very “shut off” because he wasn’t ready to cope with it (as I’m imagining your husband feels as well). Give him time as he is grieving in his own way.
You are completely valid and justified in all the feelings you are currently (and are about to) feel. I am so sorry you are going thru this loss, but you are not alone and should absolutely seek out others (and professional counseling if you are comfortable with that). My heart aches for you. I hope you nothing but healing in every aspect. :sparkling_heart:


God bless you. Your emotions are real and you deserve to feel every one of them. I pray that you can come through this storm a stronger more faithful person than before and that you find peace in knowing your sweet baby os resting in the arms of Jesus.

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You most certainly are NOT over reacting. It don’t matter how many more children a person has, loosing a child is extremely painful. I feel sad that you was treated like that. I wish I knew you so I could give you the comfort you obviously need and deserve. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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It’s a death of a child. You are allowed to grieve. Find a support group or one of those call in lines. I know it’s not always easy to get to a thearpist when you have other babies.

Not an excuse for others, but often times people don’t know how to act after a loss or what to say. In fact people shouldn’t say anything other than “I’m here for whatever, talking, crying, silence”… Stillbirth normally comes with a funeral. I would suggest mourning. You loved that baby. Even if it’s only you, grieve for that baby.

I am so very sorry for your loss!!! Seek counseling & allow yourself to grieve no matter what anyone else says!!!

You are justified in your grief! You carried that precious life for 9 months! You learned to love it unconditionally! You need to grieve over the loss of your baby!


Maybe go see a Grief Counselor and he or she can help you with your Grief and your feelings you can express to them your feelings and help with your broken :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: you are justify with your feelings everyone deals with death differently could everyone was shocked and feeling disbelief but you definitely need to talk to someone about your feelings tragic and so sorry for your loss

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I lost my first baby.Later I worked maternity as an RN. Knowing what NOT to say is beyond most people’s experience. Most hospitals have resources for parents that suffer a loss and many churches do also.YOU need to be able to GRIEVE IN THE WAY YOUR SPIRIT LEADS YOU TOO.Individuals grieve in their own way and time.Professional help is AVALIABLE.

I would imagine this is a horrible situation to have to go through. Maybe your husband doesn’t know how to comfort you through this…? Or maybe he thinks you just need space. I really think you need to communicate with him about your feelings with this. Y’all need to grieve together, you need each other.

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I have not been thru what you have been thru but I believe that you need time to grieve and no one can tell you how long that process can take. My advice take care of you and maybe get a counselor to help you also. I will keep you and your family including your baby who is an angel now in my prayers.

Fifty-three years ago, this happened to me. Just a week before my hubby shipped out for Vietnam, I found out I was pregnant. At 36 weeks, our daughter was stillborn. I am so very sorry this has happened to you and even more so that you feel so alone in this. I realize that others feel very awkward in certain situations, but I don’t feel that is a legitimate excuse. Your body has gone through a lot and your hormones are all screwed up. So please don’t blame yourself for any of this. Your family needs to bravely step up to the plate and just be there for you. It is my prayer that they will be able to do this. There are Grief Share programs available, many times through churches, that would be helpful for you. I pray you will get all the help you need. May God bless you and may you feel His Presence and Love everyday :pray:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::revolving_hearts:


I’m so sorry for your loss and it is a loss I would highly recommend finding counseling, possible medication you need to talk about this a group of other women who have lost a baby would be helpful ask your Doctor maybe they know someone who could help again I’m sorry for your loss


I am so sorry for your loss, losing a child is very difficult & emotionally draining, remember tears are healing, maybe you should let your loved ones know how you are feeling & then go to another room & let your emotions leak out! A good cry always helps me & as I am crying I remember that I am crying not only for me but for the person I just lost. That person had to be special & you lost that wonderful gift so grieve as long as needed.:heart::heart::heart:

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I am so sorry for your loss. No, you are not overreacting at all. You lost your baby. You should grieve. Losing a child is really painful.

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It is a big deal!!
Once pregnant you bond with the baby and then to have to give birth and have to say goodbye right away is devastating
Prayers to you

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You are justified but grief is hard for people to handle and everyone is different. I think it would be best to find someone to talk to and maybe you can eventually all talk as a family. It is definitely important to deal with your health and mental well being. I am so sorry for your loss.

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We carry a child for nine months under our heart. Despite the your child being stillborn, it was your baby. I pray for you . Your grief is real and I’m sorry your family don’t understand.

You are not over reacting! I am so sorry you have been treated like this. Your baby will always be your baby, no matter how many other children you have, or how much time passes. Mourn your baby and talk about your baby with anyone that will allow it. My sister lost her first baby to stillbirth we have kept his spirit alive for almost 18 years. Talk to your children about their sibling. It will make your heart smile, to see a child’s love for an angel baby❤️


There is nothing they can saybor do to make it better and probably dent want to say or donthe wrong thing. Its hard for everyone in the situation to deal with. I stayed with a relative of a relative while she gave birth. Her own family didn’t even come to see her. It was so hard for her. Your baby is with God, perfect without blemish. If you have God that baby is waiting for you.

I would be upset too. No matter how long you carried, every miscarriage/ stillbirth is a heartbreak. I’m sorry but your husband and family are being jerks. No amount of time is too long to grieve. You should tell them how you’re feeling & explain that those comments are insensitive. Some people don’t know what to say & some don’t care. I’m sorry you are going thru this alone but you are more than welcome to vent to us!

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There are support groups on line for those who have lost a child. It helps to listen and get support from those who have been through the same experience.

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I am so sorry girlfriend…I haven’t gone through what you have gone through but I am sorry for your loss!!!

So Sorry that part of you died and none of your family was there for you

I think telling the family this bothers you is first. They may not even know how it’s affecting you and are totally not seeing this from your POV. I’d talk to your husband first because he should be supporter #1 and that is what your spouse is supposed to do. I think they aren’t reacting how they should because they aren’t feeling what you’re feeling as a mother, which is that loss. I’m so sorry you’re going thru this but definitely seek some counseling to assist you thru this with him and then with your family. You shouldn’t have to ASK for their support, it should just be given.

I understand I was 4 mo. Pregnant when I lost our baby I can your pain .this was years ago and I still think about it.

I carried my tiny baby boy for 8 months. He was gone just gone. Never saw or touched him. My heart still longs for him. There’s isn’t anything anyone can say or do. Your heart is broken and only The Lord can ease your pain.

Your family was certainly not supportive. You had to deal with the death of a child alone. The fact that you never got to hold him or her is probably why they don’t see it as such a big deal. But this child was a part of you for 9 months, you felt the kicks and the shifting of positions, you dreamed of what the child would be like growing up. And so forth. You need to grieve. I would suggest that due to the lack of support in your home, going to see a psychiatrist. Having someone to talk to who won’t judge you or belittle your feelings can help a great deal.

I’m so sorry. It sounds like your husband is just not ready to cope , and by ignoring it it makes it not real… and I would imagine unless some of them are just total assholes your family just doesn’t know what to say. I went through it myself and people get really awkward and Twitchy and say really stupid things that they think are helpful… I think that you should talk to them all and let them know that is it’s hurtful, like I said I think they’re all just dealing with it in their own way. In counseling probably wouldn’t be a bad idea but I would most definitely let them know how bad these things are hurting you even if they don’t mean it that way because most of them probably don’t

It doesnt matter looseing a child is loosing a child no matter what stage of the pregnancy it is or if you carry it full term or lose one on there journey its still a loss of life

I’m sorry you are dealing with a pain I cannot imagine. Talk to your family and tell them how you feel, don’t hold it in. God is with you talk to him .

You aren’t overreacting. This sounds really cold.

It sounds like your husband is hurt but it’s to hard to think about so he gets upset when you need to talk about it .

You have every right to be upset it was your child.

Your body is going through so much and people that have not, don’t understand. People should say nothing and let you talk about it. They want life like it was, now. That’s not the case. You need a support group going through what you did, but be careful out there. Check with your Dr. for help. My deepest sympathies. God bless you.

Sorry for your loss and sorry to hear the way your family is acting about the situation you should tell them how you feel especially your husband

First of all I want to tell you , I’m so very sorry for your loss. People who have not lost a child befor he or she is able to take their first breath have trouble understanding that a mother can deeply loves her baby from the second she knows they are there, before the first kick. Some people think the attachment only begins after the birth. But they are so wrong. Please get some counseling. I hope you had a memorial for your baby. And how are the children really dealing with the loss of their baby sibling? They may be following suit from the ones who act like its ok when they really are not. They may be verry confused as how to act and feel about losing a sibling.

You are completely justified! Contact someone that can give you grief counseling. Lots of churches and hospices offer these and they’re free. God bless you sweetheart​:pray: I’m so so sorry :cry:


I care! And I’m so very sorry for your loss.

So sorry for your loss, this is a major trauma you need love & compassion :latin_cross::pray:t2:

So very sorry for your loss.

Hang on lady, there is support rooting and praying for you

However you feel is justified. Allow yourself to grieve.


Sorry for loss people do grieve different…

Thats one of the most horrible situations Ive ever read. I dont know what to tell you about your marriage but i strongly, STRONGLY advise you seek professional counseling. For you, for your grief and for you to be mentally healthy for your children.


I’m so sorry for your loss. And it is a loss, a huge loss. It is totally normal to feel as you do. Men often hide their pain, tell your husband how you’re feeling.

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Sometimes people don’t know how to react to a loss like this and they think that downplaying it may convince you to feel better. Your husband may be in more pain over it than you think, but men react totally different. He may fear that you being in so much pain may also affect the family, as we all know that’s it’s usually mom that keeps the house and kids going. I also suggest a counselor or a support group. I’ve never felt your pain. I am truly so sorry for your loss.

Omg that’s so awful!! People said stupid things like that to me when I had a miscarriage. It’s disrespectful hateful crap to say.

Oh my god I’m so sorry for you about everything . You are not over reacting but people are being shitty to you . I would not be ok and having other kids at home I’m sure makes it harder. I feel so bad for you . Your husband especially should be there extra for you and I’m sorry he’s not doing that . Please don’t feel like you don’t deserve to be devastated because you do and that’s how you grieve and move on even though nothing makes it better . I am here to talk anytime I have never experienced that but I can Imagine just needed people and not being ok :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

I honestly cannot believe how callous everyone in your life is being. Children or not you still lost a b a b y like how the actual fuck. I’m so sorry mama, truly. I wish I knew you so I could hug you.

Looks like you have some good advice on here don’t keep it bottled up death is something that people handle in so many different ways but having a baby it’s not just a body in there you have a spiritual connection which makes it all the harder because the two of you are one and your family may never understand that

My heart breaks for your situation in losing your baby and also for your lack of support. I understand the way you are feeling. Maybe your family (especially your husband) is unsure how to help you thru this and so they remain distant. It’s no excuse but just a different perspective. Regardless they need to step up and realize that baby was growing in your body. That bond is so strong and real so to lose that is devastating. I pray your family comes to help you in your grief. :broken_heart:


I’m so sorry for your loss and am so sorry for those who are treating you so poorly right now. You have been something so difficult I can’t even imagine, but you need to have extra love and support. You feel what you feel, nobody else knows what you feel but you and nobody should try to force you to feel a certain way about it.

I know a young lady who gave birth to a stillborn and honestly I didn’t know what to say and I felt guilty bc I had a baby so I will avoided her and the situation. I did send a card to her but I should have done more. Texting is such an easy gesture and I’ve matured now and learned that you don’t have to say anything, to just be there. Worse response is well you can try again or at least you have other healthy children. We planted a tree in honor of my angel niece. We watch the tree grow. I definitely recommend finding a group who knows what you are going thru. I’m very sorry about your loss.