I have dreams of going to medical school, should I have a baby with my boyfriend?

Nope. Finish school.



Get your medical first,

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Don’t do it. Take your own birth control. Once you have a baby, your dreams will never happen.


I have read just the firrst sentence. My answer is a big fat resounding NO


how old are you? this relationship sounds like every single teenager relationship ever

Do you know the work involved in having a baby and looking after it. Grow up and go to medical school.


Oh honey… No. Stop it. Career first.

Sounds like a pregnancy trap. Baby=stuck with him for life. Remember that. Every man is perfect at first.

Get in birth control
Don’t ruin your life because ole boy is a dusty.


I wouldn’t have a baby yet if I were you. He’s telling you what you want to hear, but the fact that he was trying to get you pregnant without first discussing it with you and making that decision as a couple is a huge red flag. You guys barely know each other and 2 months is not nearly enough time to learn if he will be a good parental partner with you or not. And people can say they want to be this or that, but you need to wait and see if he actually has the self discipline to be the kind of man he says he wants to be. Neither of you can predict the future, especially not in a two month old relationship, so him blatantly stating that you guys won’t ever break up as though it’s a fact is incredibly naive. If he’s as serious about the relationship as he says he is, he’ll be willing to wait until it’s the right time for BOTH of you, not just him.


No. Do not have a baby. The two of you are way too irresponsible to be parents.


You need to worry about school first some people do it and make it some people don’t have good support system I say go get your medical license and than start relationships guys lie so good at the beginning

I stop at two months and we have arguments! Child no do not. Just don’t. Go to school and that’s that.

Right now you don’t know enough about him to hold him to his word. You are meeting his representative right now. Follow your dreams and get financial, mentally, and emotionally ready to be a parent. You don’t want to wake up with shoulda, woulda, couldas later in life.

No babies are a lot of work. Go to school


A baby is a huge step … and you wanna go to school? You trippin . School and a baby is a challenge to juggle . I would wait on the baby .


Do what you must not to get pregnant. Get your medical school dreams started first, then a few years down the line you can talk about getting pregnant again.


Marriage first! Then a baby.


You only get 1 life. Make a decision. What do you want? Don’t follow your head. If things don’t work out and you end up as a single mom, who says you can’t complete med school? Plenty have. Plenty are still. But you have to ask yourself what you want. And it doesn’t seem like you are ready to have a baby with this guy, so I think you should have a convo with him and tell him your not ready for that. Not that you don’t want to ever, it’s just a little early.

You sound like you’re a teenager. Please don’t do any of the above, except stay in school. :woman_facepalming:

Q. Am I being dumb?
A. Yes

This sounds like love bombing and trying to trap you.

Back off a bit think sensibly. You know better.

You need to look at what is going on RIGHT NOW instead of trying to make a whole family based on what this man WANTS to be… GO TO MED SCHOOL, GET ON BIRTH CONTROL AND LIVE FOR YOU!!!


Get your degree and career started first


I’d say if you’re questioning it this much already, you probably already know the answer you want to give him and it is to wait and finish med school first, which is fine and dandy, just make sure he knows your goals in life are coming true first and a baby can come after, if he agrees it’s meant to be, if not, you should probably get out of there and work on your med dreams

If you guys are that sure about your relationship… Get Married! Then plan a baby

RED FLAGS! He is not respecting you. A baby will most definitely get in the way of med school!! You saying you’re unsure and him just brushing it off, he’s not respecting you at all. Get on birth control, plan b is not birth control! I honestly wouldn’t even tell him that you’re getting on it either…just make sure you have a conversation with him on how that is not ok. You cannot have a baby just bc youre so in love and he wants one. A baby is not some cute accessory. Get a puppy.


If he means all he says marriage comes first he telling u all this and unless its the ultimate commitment its just words nothing else GIRL GET ON SOME BIRTH CONTROL GO TO SCHOOL U NEED TO BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF U FIRST I COULD GO ON AN ON ABOUT THE PROS AND CONS BOTTOM LINE DO WHATS BEST FOR YOU AND GO WITH UR FIRST MIND HUN QUIT OVER THINKING IT U KNOW WHAT U POSE TO DO

Sounds like ur still in the honeymoon phase and everything seems so easy. If I were u I would try to get ur head out of the clouds and really remind urself of ur personal goals. If both of u r serious about this relationship there needs to be compromises for sure. On both parts. He needs to respect ur need and u need to respect his. Identify ur deal breakers

Please go to and finish school 1st!!! Speaking from experience in this exact situation. Having a baby now will hinder you from completing you goals. Finishing school, get married and then have a baby once your established financially. I wouldn’t trade either of my children for anything in this world…oh but if I could do it all over again…how different it would be.

Wait!! Go to school first and get that out the way nursing school is not easy requires a lot of studying and if your pregnant that’s unpredictable how your pregnancy will go?! Maybe when your nursing career is halfway through think about having a family? J/S… if he’s willing to go though the late night studying and long hours you put in nursing school then he’ll be ready for a lifetime of happiness with a baby. Career first!

Do not have a baby with this man. If this is really what the two of u want, then it can a couple of years. Both of u need to get your futures figure out first. Baby’s are a lot of work and expensive.

Bruh ITS BEEN TWO MONTHS! You can’t seriously be considering getting pregnant by a man you’ve been with for only 2 MONTHS. You don’t even know this guy! Hell at that point you don’t even know him well enough to be having sex without condoms to protect from STD’s. This is why so many children grow up broken because they’ve been born to parents who don’t even wait to get to know each other.

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Honestly sounds too good to be true. I could be completely wrong, but definitely finish school before having a baby .

If u get pregnant now. Your life will never be the same. Ur dreams for the future will be crushed. Get back on some birth control fast. Ppl say a lot of things and panic when it happens.


He could be just telling u what u want to hear just because he wants to stay sexually active with u. Some men will say and do anything for sex. It’s your future and u are in control of it. Go to school, get married, and then have children if u still want them. Once u have a child, your decision is made for u. U cannot return it, like a pair of shoes u don’t like. If he truly cares about u, he will be with u when u finish school.

Two months??? I’ve got food in my freezer older then your relationship. You legit dont even know this man. You know who he wants you to know. I’ve been pregnant longer then you’ve known this man. You seem like a smart woman, who is just blinded by love right now. If you love this man and he loves you then wait. That love will be there when you graduate. Honestly I’m just blown away that a medical student is having unprotected sex with a man you just met. Bc two months is just meeting. Not saying this man has AIDS, but you don’t really know do you? Nothing good comes from rash decisions. Be stable, emotionally and financially before having a baby with a stranger.

Wait awhile and see what happens go to school and finish school but it is God’s will on what happens put trust in our lord a d savior Jesus Christ and he will let know what you need to do pray about it and have faith

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Honestly I agree he should have definitely talked to you before trying to get you pregnant. But no one else can tell you what to do except you. If you truly believe that this guy is it, and you both want a baby for all the right reasons, then do it. You don’t HAVE to do things in what society says is the “right order”. As long as you get shit done and handle your business. I got pregnant 2 months after being with my boyfriend AND I was on birth control. I ended up miscarrying, but got pregnant again 2 months after that and he proposed before we both knew. Now we’re married and I’m due in February, but still working and going to go to school for my nail degree. You CAN definitely do both, but just make sure he’s the one before you make any decisions.

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No baby until YOU KNOW U READY AND HIM… momma stay poppa leave baby stay with momma poppa leave by himself… dont get trapped… u cannot RETURN a baby!!

It’s a new relationship it’s gonna look promising right now . I would not have a baby at this point. Give it year maybe two see if you feel the same way then plan on it

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2 months together and talking about a baby and how he’s doing this and that. There are so many red flags.


Once you have a baby its not about u no more everything goes to baby acommplish your goals fuck men!!

Run away as fast as you can…and stop choosing to have unprotected sex…careless… Unless you actually want a baby. At your age and education, you know how not to get pregnant… Be responsible for you own body and choices…if the sex is consensual…he is not “getting” YOU pregnant.

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You are being dumb. Get on birth control protect your dreams. Your future. Especially for your future children. You will have time for children. And if he’s the one for you he would push you to accomplish your dreams first and stick around to build a family with you after.


If he’s so serious, get married? If that spooks him he isn’t serious, just a thought. It could even just be at the court house. At least then you both know you are serious. A baby is forever.

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Do your education first, because when you are trying to juggle baby, school, work and partner, its not easy. Just know what ever you chose its your choice, not someone telling you what to do. And know that you are prepared, however nothing prepares you for motherhood and the joys and difficulties of having a child. :heart::pray:

Wait and get your education, if he is serious he will still be there for you.


School first. Tell him if he wants a baby with you then he should want you to establish the career you want first.


You’re probably already pregnant.

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Finish school FIRST, if not you’ll look back in huge regret.

Wait until 6 months when true colors show. Use protection and go to school. Then the world will be your oyster and you can have all the babies your heart desires without potentially being in a bad position my dear.

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Go to school first and get that education. If he’s still there for you after, and still wants to have a kid, then go for it. Since it’s only been 2 months, I would definitely say wait!

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Trying to juggle school and a baby is hard. I started college when my daughter was 1 1/2. It wasn’t easy and I needed so much help from my parents with her to do it. 2 months together isn’t that long of a time, even when constantly being together. If he was wanting a baby that’s a conversation that should have been had. He should have been able to talk to you about it, not just try to make it happen because it’s what he wants. A baby changes everything! You find out a lot more about someone once you have a baby with them. Good luck with whatever you choose to do & I hope it all works out how you want it to.

Finish med school if you dont you will regret it. Get back on birth control asap

You can absolutely have both but it will be much more of a struggle to do it if you have the baby first. The baby automatically becomes your top priority making it harder to focus on your studies! If you study first you can then go on to have a baby! You’re still so young!! I’m 30 and now going on to do my EMBA LOL there is no way ever I would be able to do it with a baby- the thought of that actually drains me :rofl::rofl:

My :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: is going off with this guy. Why is he so desperate to get you pregnant?? Why can’t he just enjoy the two of you?? If he knows and respects your dreams then he should not be trying to get you pregnant- that’s fucked up.

I also don’t like the fact that he literally is TRYING to get you pregnant without talking to you about that first. Like that is changing your whole life, for the rest of your life- why does he think he has that kind of power over your life that he can just make that decision in 2 months???

I say run. Fast. Then study!

I wish you luck :sob::white_heart::rainbow::two_hearts:

Get you degree first you will still have plenty of time for babies.

Lmfao. Keep your legs closed and go to school. 9/10 this relationship won’t last 3 years.

Get to know him for a year, then see where u stand if he’s still a good guy and when I say good guy I mean he’s respectful even in a fight or disagree ment have u met his family and friends, does he have kids, is he generous to u.if he is then he’s a keeper

Get your education first.

Ok not judging him but after having been in situations myself I feel the need to share my wisdom. Most men who are narcissists will push for a big thing in a relationship early on. Marriage, a pregnancy or moving in together. They play a perfect part so when they slowly start chipping away at what’s under the surface you’re already so in love with the picture they painted and are tied to them in some way that it’s hard for you to leave. For one I don’t know if he’s like that but I know I’d be seeing red flags because sometimes it’s too good to be true. Also, you can never suffer from putting yourself and your goals first. If he truly loves you then he will give you time to know for a fact who he really is and to be so secure in your relationship that you won’t even have to ask a bunch of people on Facebook what they think. My advice is take your time and make sure you know who he is. Even family can be tricked into thinking someone is a whole nother person than they actually are.

My head hurts now after reading this, please do not have a baby yet, stay in school, get to know everything about him, know telling who he has told this shit to.

Education then baby. Much like many other women, I went through nursing school with children. I missed out on A LOT. Med school is more intense on hours. I would finish my education, then have a baby. It’s time and financial security.

Do not have a baby if you want school and a career. That baby will be your entire existence for the next 20 years. They never stop being needy.

I couldn’t read anything after You got into a new relationship 2 months ago. Just nooooooooo tf ? :joy: focus on you.

Oh fuck I read the rest and I really shouldn’t have. Sweetie that’s a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: you betta run ! Get on birth control asap before you end up tied to a possible abuser.

They say if a couple makes it past 8-10 months together they are more likely to last, get to know him properly and get out of the honeymoon period. I had s baby with someone we was only together 7 months when I fell pregnant and he walked out of his life pretty much straight away, I do now have a very loving partner who bring my son up as his own and helps me with my uni work and encourages me too do better. But quite clearly I rushed at first so dont do it this early on. You’re not dumb you’re blinded by love

Leave him, especially since he talks you out of taking plan b. There is no guarantee he is going to stay. bf/gf will leave you, your career won’t. Stay on birth control for another year (more than that, especially being in med school). What is HE willing to give up (supposedly) for you and potential baby??

He sounds like my ex promised me the sun moon and starts when we got together. Got pregnant quickly and then we split and I had to go through a horrible labour all on my own no birthing partner. Traumatic experience, and now I’m a single mother to a 3 year old working on min wage.to get by every week and he’s off living his best life… I’m not saying your guy will be the same , but I’d be very careful, in my opinion they all tell ya wat u wanna hear and then disappear.

2 months and you’re talking about a baby? Really? And he can’t get you pregnant unless you allow it, which you clearly are by admitting no protection. Hunny, it’s the “Honeymoon Stage”. Ain’t no way you’re doing medical school and a newborn. So how much do you really want medical school?

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The fact he was trying to get you pregnant and didn’t talk to you about it first… huge red flag.

Your body, your choice. If you want plan B then take the Plan B.

You should not have a baby with a man when you have known him 2 months. There is so much that neither of you will know about each other, live with each other for a year first at a least, get some experience living together and dealing with problems as how you both deal with things will be extremely important for your compatibility long term!

It will also be ridiculously difficult to go to medical school and complete your training with a baby so I feel like you are going to have to choose one to put on the back burner. If I were you I wouldn’t have a baby right now.


Follow ur dreams. 2 months is definitely not long enough to even think bout a baby w someone . Birth control, depo shot every 3 months. Ur young babies can wait.

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BACK UP. Back all the way up. You’ve been with him for 2 months. Two months is way too short to be making decisions on children. Heck, you’re still in the honeymoon phase, what you’re describing right now is the early infatuation…not a long term relationship. People are quick to say men take your plans and dreams but that is not true or fair. Any man who is actually a MAN will be right there to support you achieving your dream. You can have kids once you’ve finished med school. Then you’ve also put the time into the relationship to make sure it’s solid. Plus consider this (from someone who has 3 kids). Take the time to enjoy having each other. This shifts once kids are in the mix. Don’t cheat yourself out of the true depth of what your relationship offers!


Love bombing and trapping! Controlling!


Wait. I had my daughter at 38 and it worked out great

Get on birth control. He is being manipulative and controlling. Might feel like a good relationship but he’s just brushing her dreams aside for his wants. The second she’s pregnant he will somehow use that to convince her to stay at home with the baby. Saying she don’t need a career cause he will take care of her and the baby.


You are being dumb if you’re not protecting yourself…and you must be having thoughts of doubts yourself…get on birth control before it’s too late…sounds to me that you might be dating a control freak!!!


No, don’t give up your dream of going to medical school. That man hasn’t been In your life long enough to prove himself a supportive partner. Don’t you want a partner who will encourage your dreams?


You have to follow your dreams. As I understand medical school is very demanding. Having a baby must derail that goal, and you may come to resent both your baby and your relationship. Two months us not long enough to make life altering decisions. Use birth control and wait until you really know this person. Secondly, does he have the means to help you towards your goal? Pray and wait.

Go do you first !! And if he loves ya he’ll wait for a baby !! Your young go change the world !!


Yea you definitely need a reality check and to be realistic!! Two months is definitely not enough time to know whether or not your ready for a baby. It’s also not enough time to know the person well enough to determine whether or not he’s going to follow through with his words. I haven’t been to medical school but I have heard it’s a pretty tough program. I am however a mom actually a single mom and I can tell you with absolute certainty that I wouldn’t be able too go to medical school do my residency etc now that I have a child. Children especially babies and toddlers require a lot of time and attention if your caring for them properly. And you don’t want to put it all on him to raise your child while you are pursuing your dreams. I would at least wait until you have finished medical school if that’s your dreams and give it some time!! Your only two months in take a chill pill :joy:

You have only been together for 2 months. Plus if you have a baby you may never finish school, are you willing to give up that dream.

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A baby so soon Will keep you from going to medical school. Will keep you from becoming someone. You are still young enough that you can wait a few years

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Babies change your life… #1 not sure if he’s the one for you… #2 you will not be able to go to med school because it’s 110% of your time of dedication and very tough!!

Why oh why do you want to do this??? Do you have any idea the responsibilities you are going to commit to??? Babies are expensive, formula, diapers and who is going to take care of this baby??? Unless you have a trust fund, or you are independently wealthy, just say no. And run like crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. And don’t delude yourself, med school is going to be hard and it’s going to be years before you reap the financial rewards of your studies. Don’t complicate your life, you will resent him and the baby you create.

All things are possible if you do it in the name of the Lord.
You can have a baby AND go to school. If thats what you really want. Don’t depend on his word until you are married. :heart:

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You can always have a baby! If you don’t go to school first you might miss your chance. Things will be harder while pregnant. You are definitely in the honey moon stage. What’s the rush if you guys really feel like you’re in it for the long run. Plus you will be financially better off if you wait till after school.

Oh dear sweet Jesus!!! :person_facepalming:


A baby can wait!!!

If he really care anything about you he’d be cheering you on to finish school & follow your dream and he should be getting stable himself and not trying to get you pregnant


Yes…you are being dumb!

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As a mom trying to finish my degree. Wait to have children. I am not saying it is impossible to do with kids, but if you don’t need to complicate your life more don’t do it. If he is truly the one, he will understand and support your goals, there is no rush to have a baby, just because things are good right now, especially because like you said you are in the honey moon stage. Get on birth control and take control of your future.

There’s always time for a family later. Finish your degree. Raising a family and going to school will be very hard. Also being in a new relationship and having a child and continuing school will more than likely cause problems for your relationship! Either your relationship could end or you’ll drop out of school. My opinion, I’d continue with school and after you get established with your career, then I’d start with a family

First, if you are in love and want to have children, get married. Second, my daughter went to medical school and it is 8 more years after your bachelor degree and will take you 12 hour or more days 7 days a week. Unless your boyfriend is willing to do 90% of the child rearing and housekeeping forget it.
Finally why in the world aren’t you using contraception? Unless you are planning on having a baby you are being completely irresponsible and do not seem to have the maturity to stay a hard course to become a doctor.

If you’re having sex & not sure if you want a baby, you should be protecting yourself.

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Having a baby you put your life on hold for at least 10 years

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I gave up my dreams for a man,who I really loved.He promised me to be supportive and never leave me.So we got a baby.2 months later he dumped me for another woman.So think again,do you really wanna give up youre dreams?

He definitely sounds like he’s saying he supports you but if he truly did, he wouldn’t be trying to get you pregnant.

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Yes you are being dumb :laughing: but not in a nasty way, just because you can see it. Follow your dream, go to school, smash life then have a baby.

Sllloooowwww dddooowwwn! If you are meant to be, take care of your goals, build with him 1st. And the baby will come due time. He will stay

Go to medical school plenty of time for kids

Don’t do it! Go to school first and secure that bag! You can always have a baby later.

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