I have dreams of going to medical school, should I have a baby with my boyfriend?

Biggest red flag if I’ve ever seen one. Don’t be in a hurry to be a parent, go to school and get your life and career on track. You’ll appreciate it so much more when you have that safety net to fall on. After reading this… it mighy be wise to find the right birth control for you before your bf makes an accident happen​:roll_eyes: don’t rely on condoms, especially if he’s bought them or will know where you keep them :roll_eyes:
If age is something you worry about, you can always freeze your eggs(up to 10yrs) and his sperm(men’s sperm quality does indeed decline with age as well)


Dumb…you have all the time in the world for kids…Medical School first…the rest will follow :+1::heart:

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Take birth control…get the ring go to school then babies.

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You guys are moving to fast. You aren’t even married- finish school, get married, then plan for a baby


Do what you want, but chances are if you have this kid so soon, BEFORE starting your dream, then your going to end up having some sort of resentment towards the situation.
It is more important that the two of you learn how to effectively BE TOGETHER, meaning yall need to learn to talk, communicate, speak each others language, learn, work, and grow together before you learn how to be a family together.
I think it is a little odd that your just letting him pump into you without fully discussing what the BKTH of you want.

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Dont have a baby unless you plan to put your life on hold. Medical school is no joke.


Get on birth control. I went to school while raising kids it’s no joke. It is hard. Also, You’ve been together 2 months, enjoy the time before getting pregnant it really does change everything


School first. Don’t put the carriage before the horse. School then maybe marriage and baby’s you need to financially stable before even thinking about a child. If he loves you he will wait.

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Yes. Dumb is quite accurate :person_facepalming:


:speaking_head: No! Screw them kids. Live your life! He’s not even your husband don’t do it girl!

First off why are you thinking of having a baby with a man you have only known 2 months? Focus on your goals there is plenty of time to have kids. Establish yourself first because it’s harder to do after kids. If he is the one he will support your decisions no matter what but that also takes time to determine. Everyone is on their best behaviour during the first bit. Things can change between you and of you have a kid it will be more difficult to move on and do your thing. Obviously med school had been your goal for some time stick to that.


If he is so sure he wants to have a baby with you… why isn’t he that sure about marrying you first… js


No. Dont think you’re being dumb. But by the sounds of it he wants to kill your dreams of becoming a doctor. Use protection. Because once the child comes I dont think I he will be there. Hes trying to control you and having a baby is definetly one way of doing it


No…go to med school, fulfill that dream.Med school is hard enough without trying to juggle raising a family with a guy you barely know.Thinking that having a baby automatically = rainbows , sunshine & a happy ending is a fantasy.It’s hard work & it’s time consuming and just because on the surface he seems like a good guy you really don’t know him or how he’ll handle the pressures of being a father while you go to school… Go to school,take your time getting to know this guy (like a few years) and if it’s meant to be then you make plans for the future. Good luck whatever you choose to do :purple_heart:


No!!! it’s only been 2 months as you stated, follow you dreams

Make him wear a damn condom

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You are moving way too fast. Go to school, study wait before you have a baby. Even though you feel like he is the one things don’t always work out. WAIT!!!

We do not have babies with men we just met. You want to be with this guy for at least two years before getting married…definitely don’t have a baby!! That is not fair for your child. You need to give birth to yourself first, and establish your career. I say apply for school and see if this guy supports you through that, before ever having a child with someone. That child deserves both of your proven ability to love and care for and provide for the child. With men, it is not what they say that matters, it is what they do. You know nothing about this man’s character. You need a much longer time to assess it.


What is the rush? Honeymoon phases cloud our perceptions bc it’s the heart signaling loud and clear. Wait to listen to your intuition and mind to catch up with your heart. When all 3 are sync you will be able to come to a decision that is right for you … not him and not an unborn baby.


No, no, no. Your dreams will be crushed.


This whole post read like a giant red flag just waving all over the place and this is coming from someone who met and married their spouse in less than a year :grimacing: the fact he is trying to get you pregnant only 2 months into this relationship and keeps trying to set it up like it will be JUST like some other relationship is a huge no no. I’d be setting firm boundaries and making sure I was on any and all birth control possible. I have friends who have gone to medical school and had kids before and during and if they hadnt had such a rock solid spouse/ support system at home they would have failed. They barely saw their family while they were in school and residency. Don’t put your dreams at risk for a huge “this could work”. Just don’t.


Get your degree. Children can come later. How will you afford raising a babies; daycare; lack of sleep. Get on birth control now. You can’t possibly know someone in such a short time. Please be realistic

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No BABY :x::no_entry_sign:
Go to school….


You sure are ! You should not be having sex with any man that is not your husband ! Get your education , s husband and then a baby !

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Please listen to that little voice in side you, it made you write this status to get other peoples thoughts, if you was a :100: sure you would not have wrote this.
You are on track to follow your dreams follow them, get some birth control and just enjoy the relationship take time to get to know each other enjoy holidays together, date nights movie nights all that you should be doing do.
I let a man change my dreams and have regretted it for so many years. Dont live in the what ifs live, live for the I did it moments

Don’t give up your dream for a Man. I did and I regret it every day. Finish your training yhen you can have as many kids as you want

Slow down. Your dreams of med school have to come first. If he cares he will not try to force you into something you are not ready for. Good luck

No…DO NOT get pregnant… get through med school!!!

Go do your training first,then see how things are then regarding having a baby,it will be too much to do both at once,and see how your relationship is then

School, always school first!!!

Go to school! Marriage n kids later.

Don’t do it!!! You have a dream that you’ve been working hard on! Keep your eye on the prize! You’ve only known this guy 2 months… you can’t give up your career for him. You should do it when you actually feel ready and have career stability. Because who’s to say he really sticks around, you’ll end up a single mom trying to juggle a VERY demanding career path!

Omg …just let her do whatever, she’s gonna regret it all someday anyway…

Anyone with such a low understanding of life’s real priorities is gonna be full of regret!

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Whatever happened to getting married and THEN having children ??? Asking for a friend…

Don’t get pregnant , finish school first . You have been with him for 2 months :unamused:

Yes, you are being dumb! You don’t know if you’re still going to feel the same way about him, or him about you, a year from now. Start using birth control again but don’t tell him. Find out more about him, see if he’s a man who keeps his promises or sticks with something to the end. If all he wants is a baby to prove his manhood, he’ll lose interest in you before you even get the kid home from the hospital. Don’t set yourself up for heartbreak. Don’t compromise your dreams. And don’t trust everything a man tells you while he’s in the throes of love, or lust. Promises made in the heat of the night are easily forgotten in the morning light.

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You will need all the time you have for study I would wait a couple of years freeze some eggs if you are worried.

OH MY GOSH NO NO NO please life for yourself. Having a baby means you have to live for baby for a nice long while

Hold off on a baby finish school. If it will be with the two of you when school is done then have your family. Don’t put the cart before the horse.

I got pregnant in college. It changes your life path. Just wait and be established first


Finish school. Two months…:woman_facepalming:t2: no baby. Wait. Babies are worth the wait. I’m an almost 34 year old mom of an almost 4 year old, just found out a few days ago my husband and I are expecting, and I find out in a month if I got into nursing school. This is going to be so hard. Finish school, get married, enjoy it, then babies. Be patient!

Use condoms or Get on birth control if you’re not going to tell him to stop or if he does it again. If you don’t want birth control, leave him because he seems like he doesn’t care about your worries only his wants and needs. 2 months is ENTIRELY too short for him to be finishing inside of you. Girl get a GRIP :bangbang::bangbang: stop daydreaming and stand Up for yourself or you may end up a mom earlier than expected.

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Words of advice from someone who has been there. Even if you all are together forever…Definitely wait on the baby part in my opinion bc you can always have that option after school and when you’re more financially stable. My husband and I had our daughter very early and I never got to finish school. It was so hard and tight with money. Once he got paid, we got diapers and food and special things our daughter needed and we barely had enough money left over for food and gas. I ended up only lasting 6 months and then went to work at Kroger so we would be able to make ends meet :heart:


Get birth control asqp

School takes a long ass time - I understand not waiting until you are done but it does make it more difficult. That being said I wouldn’t want to have a child with someone two months in regardless of how different it feels. I also have serious concerns that you have told him how you feel and he is very dismissive of you not wanting a kid at this time. However, you can also step up and take precautions - he doesn’t need to be the one providing the contraceptives. He should and should respect you and your choice but you have a bunch of options you don’t need him for.

Don’t have a baby right now. Finish school if your still together when you finish and feel the same way have a baby. If he really is the one he’ll wait

Get your degree. Kids are super challenging so no point adding that into your already what will he difficult schedule

Two months is way too early. I’d say live with him for at least a year before deciding if you want a kid with him… You’re still young, there’s no rush. Focus on school, not a boy, your future self will be thankful you did. (Speaking from experience.)

2 months? Yeah you should definitely wait. Sounds like a toxic relationship honestly


I accidentally got pregnant with my son three months into my relationship with my husband. I love my son and my husband but it has been ROUGH. i kissed my degree goodbye because i needed to work full time to put my son in daycare. Two classes away from graduating for nothing. This road in life is so rough and i wish i could have waited.

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Get on birth control it doesn’t sound like you are ready to have a baby yet and that is perfectly fine.

My advice would be to finish school, however I have been there and done that and finished university after already having two kids before starting and had a third in between and still finished with a honours degree, have a job now two years later. And it all worked out well, however it is alot more challenging to do with kids and not everyone can do this, or have support to do this.

Please, please, PLEASEEE go to medical school , chase your dreams and do not have a baby with your boyfriend of 2 months!

Finish school girl and get on the IUD.

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Finish school first, you will regret it if you don’t.

I got pregnant with my first at 18 fresh out of highschool, I was in college and working two jobs. Her father and I were only together for 6 months. I was on the pill.
We didn’t work out.
I got pregnant with my younger daughter two months after my husband and I got married- which was 5 months after we started dating (yes we got married 3 months after dating) we are going on 7 years now and I’m just about to finish my bachelors degree that I started when she was a year old.
Anything is possible if you want it but keep in mind that adding a child to anything, makes everything a LOT more difficult.
I would wait a few months and see how the relationship goes, but I’m also not one to preach lol
I love both my girls and have worked my butt off to accomplish my goals.

School first, you’ll be so glad you did! You know this though!!


I need you to read what you just wrote with fresh eyes. He is saying everything thing u need to hear. If he wants to be like his brother in law he would have been that since day 1. Why isn’t he asking u to open an account so he can start saving for u. Roses as beautiful as thy are have thorn’s and these are about to cut in the worst way.

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Two month relationship. The relationship is too young to be considering a baby. Getting pregnant would make your career goal exponentially more difficult. You’re only 27 - you have lots of time.

You didn’t mention his future goals but to me it seems something is off about this guy who is pushing so hard to get you cemented into his life with a baby.


Why are you asking him about birth control?, it is your body, you make the decision! I could see it if you had been together alot longer and were discussing whether to have a child or when, but not after 2 months and why are you not on BC? You are asking for it arn’t you?

Listen to you logic. Words sound super sweet, but only time will tell where things go. Don’t lose sight of your dreams for YOU. 2 months in you don’t really know him and things could turn south real quick.

It’s so early in this relationship. Getting pregnant now would be irresponsible. Do you even have a clue how hard med school is? I’m afraid if you have a baby now (a) you’ll never finish school or (b) y’all will break up once the honeymoon stage is over and you will be left to raise it on your own. Take some time to really get to know each other. Spend some real time together before throwing a baby in the mix.


Go for your dream! You can have a baby after you have finished school.


Trying to get you pregnant without talking to you about it first.


:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: no? You don’t see them?


Wait wait wait. I’ve been stuck in a 11yr shit show because I was young dumb and stupid. Get on birth control. Go to school. Have a life before u have a kid

Don’t trade your lifelong dreams for new “dreams” with this guy. Get on BC and stop letting him finish in you. Plan B doesn’t always work. Him “trying” to get you pregnant is a HUGE red flag, that should be a mature conversation not a split second decision in the moment. If he really is the one for you, he will stand beside you while you pursue your dreams.


Yes, you are being dumb.


Be a waitress. Your reasoning skills leave you out of any consideration for a job in the medical field.


You will never be a doctor if you get pregnant. He’s trapping you.


Get yourself on birth control. The pill, IUD, whatever. Don’t be silly, go to medical school and achieve your dream. You have plenty of time to become a parent. Don’t let this guy charm you into sabotaging he what you’ve worked so hard for.


I recommend getting to know him longer before even considering a baby. Stay in school

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Everything is always great two months in. He says he wants to be that guy, well give him time to prove it! Do. Your. Schooling!!! It waaayyy to soon to have a baby with anyone and that does add on stress and bills to you trying to go to school. Give. It. Time. If it’s meant to be then it will but don’t let him pressure you into getting pregnant. He needs to slow down too.


Pretty much agree with everyone above…also get on BC like yesterday! Girl you’ve only been with this guy 2 months. 2! Smh

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Girl. Please get on bc. I got pregnant with my son by a guy who would “jokingly” say, “I’m gonna put a baby in you”. He always said he was kidding blah blah. Well then I got pregnant bc I wasnt protecting my own self. Please do not let some guy impregnate you bc he wants a baby. Med school is hard enough without the added stressors of pregnancy and post pregnancy. Not to mention being sleep deprived and caring for a small human. Also, some men talk a big talk before the child gets here and then they help a whole zero percent after it’s here. Please do not let a man make you think you want to give up on your dreams. Finish prereqs at the very least before thinking about having a child. Also, dating a man for two months isnt really a long time to date before thinking you want a child. Do you know how many guys I thought was “the one”? Then I would end things with them a month later bc they werent who I thought they were. Take care of yourself first❤

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If u have dreams at all, dont have children. Especially with someone u basically just met!!

You don’t even know him

The fact that he admitted that he is trying to get you pregnant without you having discussed it at all is a HUGE red flag. Having a family with someone is a BIG decision that you have every right to be a part of.

Sounds like he’s at least a little bit of a narcissist who is trying to trap you in the relationship. Get on birth control if you want to continue to see where this relationship goes, but protect yourself so that you’re able to follow your dreams.


After finishing reading this. He’s a wanta be,he isn’t never going to become like his brother in law.
You need to get on the pill and tell him this isnt the time to start thinking of children. He’s not standing beside cause if he were,he would want u to finish medical school,sounds to me like he’s jealous, and he figures if u get pregnant then u want be able to finish school and would have to rely on him. This relationship is new,that’s why u are together and sexually active all the time,but this does grow old, truthfully he would probably leave before or after the kid comes,then what are u going to do,cause you sure want have the time to finish medical school.
Your 27,you should know better. Seems like you both might be stupid, you thinking about getting pregnant and him wanting you too.
Think about this,bet he tells every woman he gets with, he’s never felt this way about any other woman and wants her to get pregnant, he sounds like a real loser.
There’s red flags all over this mess.
You really need to walk away and think about med school and your own life.

I’d break up with him. Big red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

You are being managed! Your desire to become a Doctor is in danger of being sidelined by a man who wants what he wants! You being pregnant! If he really wanted to be like your brother-in-law he wouldn’t be pushing a pregnancy on you before you get your degree!
Please see your doctor for a checkup! You’ve been having unprotected sex with a guy you’ve only known for two months!
You’re not using your head!

Get your schooling out of the way, then start dating. Sorry you sound like your going to be a pregnant drop out. Get a ring on it too.

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Finish school first!! I have no regrets having my kids but if I had finished school first maybe life wouldn’t have been so rough financially. I finally went back to nursing school and graduated at 49 and I have no idea how the girls in my class did it with young kids at home. It’s rough

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Yes. Youre going to throw away your entire career. Its a trap. Trust your gut. He cant promise he will stay and do it, no one can. People change everyday. You havent even met the real him yet, youre still blindsided by the honeymoon stage. You have alot to lose and i just dont think this is smart at all and shame on him for trying to trap you.
Unless you have the most amazing support system behind you, someone that will step up and be the “mother” while your working countless hours in school and then as an intern. Do not count on him. Ive heard those words way too times from men, men im no longer with.

Need to think…can I give a baby 100%, continue my education, and give him 100%?

Super dumb. You’re almost 27 but mentality of a 16 year old. Focus on you go to school, get on birth control.


… So I am going to play the devils advocate here since everyone is just saying they see red flags, you’re being managed, he’s jealous of you, etc. Normally when I read stuff like this, I immediately get bad or good vibes on the person and can pull red flags out. However reading your post, the only “red flag” I see is that he is trying to get you pregnant before you guys have really talked about having a baby - or at least to our knowledge. Have you guys spoke about having a baby? I have a VERY hard time with society (and most people) thinking that a person needs to choose between a degree/their profession and being a parent. I was stuck like that. I just turned 23 last month and my daughter just turned a year old this past Wednesday. If there’s one thing in my life that I am NOT going to do, it is putting babies on hold while I am in school. I can do both. It might be hard as he-l-l. If there’s a will, there’s a way. I am not going for premed and then to medical school, however I am studying to go into healthcare. I’m working towards my RN and then I will be going towards a combination degree which is a nurse practitioner and a certified nurse midwife. I have dreams/goals of being a midwife as well as opening a pregnancy/postpartum center where I run classes (on pregnancy, pp, support groups, etc), do lactation counseling, give individuals that need help resources that help them, etc. It definitely won’t be easy and the nights can be long, but boy those nights are worth every second. I do like the fact that he speaks so highly of his brother in law and how he wants to be a supportive person like that for you. Him telling his aunt how he feels about you I feel is nice too. It is so essential to have a supportive partner while you have a child and are going to school. There will be days when you have so much studying to do, baby needs mama and you spend the evening holding baby while doing homework, and the house is a mess. That partner needs to be supportive enough to make up whatever housework gets missed, care for baby so you can study, etc

I think you and him need to sit down and have a conversation about this. Babies are a big decision so definitely have a conversation and get on the same page. The decision is both of yours at the end of the day. It isn’t going to be easy going to school + having a baby and there will be times that you just want to give up… but like I said, no one should have to choose between starting their family/having a baby or getting the degree of their dreams.


Do not give up your future for the whims of a man! Get on birth control before you ruin your future

If you think it’s a good idea to have a baby with a man after dating for 2 months, you arent ready for the responsibility of having a baby.


Think about what advice you would give your child in this situation, that is where you will find your answer, which I believe you already know. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes you are! I think you know that without even asking!

It’s been two months. Don’t be dumb


Worry about a baby after med school. Flat out tell him that if he can’t respect your wishes on finishing school then you guys can’t be together. You getting pregnant now is going to more than likely push back schooling and clearly that’s not what you want.

Correct- honey moon stage. You don’t know enough about this guy yet to determine if he’s really in it or not. Do you first.


Don’t do it! Go to school get your life right! Then see if his still around girl don’t do it!!!


Get on BIRTH CONTROL NOW… you’ve only been together 2 months, you just said you argue at times, you should be in the honeymoon phase still. AND you’re still in school. If he really cares about you finishing school and starting a career he will wait to knock you up until after you’re graduated. There is no rush to get pregnant. He sounds genuine now but I wonder how the tables will turn on you.
Don’t get pregnant, if you’ve already taken Plan B once, then I’d say you’re not even ready for a baby either and that you would resent him if you didn’t finish your schooling and had babies instead. You’d always regret not following your dream.


No…1st your educational dream then baby dreams can come true.

dumb it hasn’t been that long and school isn’t easy with kids regardless what he promises

Dreams first. Baby later. You have so much more time in life to have a baby. You don’t have so much more time in life to go to school and get it done.

You want a baby that’s fine. Make it a goal. Get the schooling done and have a baby. Then you have everything to give to them.


Two months and trying to have a baby all ready??? Say that out loud over and over and over again to yourself.

Two months and trying to have a baby.

Have you know this man for a year? Do you really know him?

He wants what his brother has?

I dated a guy like this. Trust me. It’s not worth it.


First things first… Before even talking about IF you should have a baby, should you go to school etc etc… Very first thing… Can you afford a baby? Do you/him/both have the financial means to raise a baby? Do you/both have somewhere stable to live? (It doesn’t say anywhere on your post) You should both look at parenting classes first because in all honesty, raising kiddos is HARD WORK!
I feel subconsciously you WANT to have a baby now. After all, neither of you are using precautions at all. You are allowing him to “finish” inside you (as you said above). You certainly wouldn’t be doing either of those things if your head and heart were focused on med school. So, maybe you’ve already made your choice? :woman_shrugging:t2:
I really do feel you both need to sit and discuss it, in great depths. Him making the (BIG) decision to just “get you pregnant” is a tad creepy to me. Who does that without discussion first?? You can bet your bottom dollar that if this were the other way round and it was you trying to get pregnant without talking to him, everyone would lose their minds and tell you that you are trying to “trap” him etc etc… Think about that! Is he trying to “trap” you? :woman_shrugging:t2: So much you both need to sit down and actually discuss together before ANY decisions are made… Babies are HARD work. It might be all fairytales and promises now but when the going gets tough is he going to stick around? Or run for the hills… :heart: