I have dreams of going to medical school, should I have a baby with my boyfriend?

You still have so much time to have a baby. Go get your education!

There’s red flags EVERY WHERE here honey. No don’t get pregnant right now. Its a huge red flag that he us trying to FORCE you to get pregnant by telling you not to take birth control. Hello? Your in school trying to become a Dr and thats going to take YEARS. Its a red flag that hes so desperately wanting to be like his sisters man too… that tells me that he probably has a history of being just the polar opposite of the great man his sister is engaged to… yeah he wishes he could be a good man like she has but ive never met a man thats already good who wishes he could be a good man. I mean come on use some common sense here. He clearly has some issues. I wouldn’t say you should leave him yet but there’s definitelyres flags and things that if you just reread this should stand out to you that are cause for concern and to keep an eye out for. My lord do not get pregnant. You’ve known each other for 2 months. Why is he rushing to trap you? He doesn’t want to lose you, ok but thats no reason to trap you. Theres some red flags that he has abusive tendencies here… im sure if you told us more about your relationship we’d find more red flags for control and abuse. I’m honestly having a really hard time believing that you are 27. Because this sounds so immature. I’ve been in love lust like that. Its obsessive and fun at first. But lust is not love. Theres a serious difference in the longevity of a lust based relationship vs a love based relationship. Trust me, having a baby with a (possibly emotionally abusive) man you’re in LUST with just a few months into the relationship is BIG NO NO! Think about this because everything you’ve told him about being unsure makes complete and logical sense. Do not let him push you into getting pregnant with his empty promises of hopes for the future. Thats good that he wants to be with you long term but its not time for a baby. You know that.


No don’t have a baby with him.

He says you are not gonna break up probably because he wants to get you pregnant to try to get you to stay with him. He is gonna change and be controlling!


Oh Lord. You will love a child and miss your life or have your life with a child. Being forced or compelled to have a child, just to hold on to each other? The child is the important issue. If you are not ready and you definitely do not know this person,… Nevermind, you already decided what you are going to do. You know what works for you. A child is forever. They fulfil all the promises you put in them. Are you a person who yells when she gets angry? Are you patient to get the results you want? If your goals are actual GOALS then how could you get derailed by sex?

Nope. Just NO!!! Too soon to have a baby with him even if you weren’t going to Med School. Even though they are a blessing, Babies/Children are very very hard. Fulfill your dreams. If he loves you he will support you with this decision. You have plenty of time. Enjoy your relationship with him baby free. A child will change that relationship. They take up a lot of time and emotions run deep. It can be hard on the strongest of relationships.

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First of all, not protecting yourself is absolutely irresponsible. Not just because of the huge likelihood and possibility of pregnancy but also because of STD’s.
Secondly, him purposely finishing in you without your consent and him trying to get you pregnant this soon into the relationship is a huge red flag!!! That’s a means to control you. Having children with someone so quickly in a relationship, is playing a dangerous game. You don’t even really know him. You have a very bright future ahead, one that needs your 100% focus right now. This relationship is in an infatuation stage. Get to know him. Set boundaries. Get on birth control and continue to pursue your education.

Me and my fiance started out exactly like this now we are a year and a half in and we waited things are still good! Definitely wait find out how good you guys are together after the honeymoon phase then have a baby after school no need to rush forever!

I deff dont recommend a baby rn. Logically even if he isnt gonna leave theres always that chance he might not like you pregnant your hormones do change. Let him get to know you and you get to know him to the fullest before deciding to have a baby. 2 mos isnt long enough to know someone.

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Use your common sense, babies are wonderful but you have many years for that!! Stay focused and pursue your education, if you don’t down the road you are going to regret it!

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2 months? Umm no. You are still in the honey moon stage. Still getting to know each other. Give two years. Takes at least a year to get past the new stage

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You barely know each other and both sound very immature. If spending the rest of your life with him and having babies is a good idea it will still be a good idea once you’re a doctor. If he really loves you as much as he claims he’ll support whatever you decide as it’s your body that carries and labors the baby.


Uhh he decided he was getting you pregnant without even discussing it with you, that’s a HUGE red flag in itself. You don’t know this man, you’ve only seen what he wants you to see. Wait 2 years and then decide


Yes, you’re being dumb. It’s been two months and you have unfulfilled dreams. I promise the chances of you going to med school and becoming a doctor if you continue on the track you’re on, are slim. Wait girl! Protect yourself. If he loves you, he’ll understand and wait to have a baby. I mean, really, just re read what you posted. Young, dumb love. You know what you need to do.


Education first. Baby later. I went through that myself. The last 6 years have been so hard for us. And I even tried doing school after kids. Highly recommend education first. Get to know your partner first.

Way too soon to make that decision. If you decide to get pregnant you likely ( not necessarily )can kiss your medical ambitions goodby. .Better get hold of your life instead of handing it over to someone else !!

What the fuck?! This has to be a troll post , hahahaha

Fulfill your dreams!! Take it from someone who didn’t and do YOU FIRST!! The rest will come when it’s time! Medical school is a huge undertaking and you need to be able to focus. If this guy is serious, he will be supportive of you regardless. If he gets bent because you want to wait, that’s a control issue and you should walk away! Talk to him, communicate your dreams and go for them first!!

Are you ready to marry this man? Is he ready to marry you? Probably too soon to make that decision, right? Rushing into that would be stupid… So why, if you’re not ready to make that commitment, would you even consider making the biggest commitment of all, a child? If either one of you is a decent person, the child will dictate all the remaining choices in your life. They come first. And kids are expensive.

Forget going to medical school. Do you really want to give up your dream for some fantasy with a.man you barely know? People say all kinds of things. Doesn’t mean they’ll do it when reality hits.

Guuuurrrrllllll! WTF? Are you serious?

First of all… You’re allowing someone else to make a decision…A VERY BIG LIFE DECISION… For you, instead of with you.

Secondly… Two months is nothing! I dated a man that faked a whole damn relationship for two damn years of my life… You think an idiot can’t fake what he’s about for two damn months? (We’re not talking about my attachment issues here… I’ve been to therapy for my $hit)

And finally… You say you’re going to be a doctor and you’re premed. Whew… I’m really fighting the sarcasm here… I’ll try to be constructive. You’re not in any damn honeymoon phase! Your don’t even know this dude! How is is he? What’s he done with his life? Cause it’s the answer is nothing… No great accomplishments… He sees an opportunity to lock you in. Most people great “doctor” and think money… And you’ll be thinking that too when he abandons you and your love child, leaves you as a single parent and you have to pay his ass to go the f’ck on down the road and leave you alone!

It’s this for real?! Like… This ain’t a joke? Somebody take her damn phone! You’re grounded! No making adult decisions for you until you’ve been to therapy and you’ve got your attachment issues all worked out! Ugh…damn.

IN ALL SERIOUSNESS… Girl… That is some serious red flags! Don’t walk, run the other direction. Delete his number. Cut off all contact! And really… Talk to a therapist. Are you really willing to put all your hard work in jeopardy OVER A DAMN MAN! If he’s for real… He’ll still be for real in a couple more years. Get on some birth control and don’t give the the power you have (i.e. making sound decisions for your own life) to someone else. You’ll end up with nothing but regret.

And for god’s sake… Why would you have a child with someone when their merit hasn’t been tested? I don’t care if he wants to be like Mr. F’ing Rogers… It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood… Except when it ain’t!

Be realistic. Finish school. Having a child can wait.
If your BF loves you, he should understand that.


2 months with a new boyfriend and you’re considering having a baby? That’s insane.


Pursue your education if that is what you really desire. It is tough alone and even harder with a baby on the way. While pregnant you need to limit stress, get rest, eat right and get off your feet at certain times amd in med school you can’t do it. Things are deemed necessary at certain times. Go to school, get to know him and build that love for each other and it will make having the baby later more special.


Even without taking into consideration your plans to go to Med school. Girl, it’s too early to be thinking about babies. You two have only been together two months. The only way I could see this as less bonkers is if he’s a really good childhood friend turned boyfriend. But even so what you need from a friend and what you need from a future husband and what you need from a future father to your child are different. Many men were amazing boyfriends turned crap husbands. My husband was a wonderful boyfriend and husband when we were childless but is TBH a mediocre father. And we were together 6 years, living together for 5, before we got pregnant. My advice is take the time to get to know each other better. Highly suggest living together before tying the knot. Actually conquer some other big life hurdles together before taking on the big one of bringing a new life into this world. And please protect yourself on the meantime.

You are an intelligent woman. Please don’t fall for his trap. Be responsible. If you’re going to be together forever, then you can wait for the baby, continue to grow together. Babies change everything! Literally everything. And trying to go to medical school while also being a new mom might prove to be almost impossible. Please follow your dreams. There is time for babies, later in life. Good luck sister. :heartpulse:

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Trust yourself. Take your time. If he truly wants to make a baby with you, he’ll wait until you are ready.
In the meantime, if you are not ready for that adventure quite yet, protect yourself girl!:heart::pray:t4::heart:

Be smart and consider the “what if’s “
What if- we get pregnant and her up and decides this isn’t really what he wants and leaves…how you gonna support you and a child? NEVER depend on someone to help with finances. It’s all on you girl. Your dreams will be replaced with worries…are you ready for that? Having a baby after you finish meds school is a wiser choice, if your man hangs around during your school years, long hours of studying, and residency hours, then he is truly the one for you. Inform him of all that is required of you while in school, that should show him that now is not a good time to bring a child into this world, plus you all don’t even know each other enough to make a life changing decision like this. Give it time, remember your dream, think with your head, not your heart.

Slow down! You’ve only been together two months. Focus on your career.

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Yes you still are in the honeymoon stage. Sorry, but get real.

You’ve been together two months. Just eight weeks. Please think about this, it’s a massive red flag.


Girl, be 27!! Get your degree, then have the baby! Babies at 27 aren’t easy, especially with a new relationship. Determine if you two can stay together before you bring another human life into it.


When asking if you’re being dumb…YES. I truly hope this post is a joke

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Go get on birth control , he don’t even need to know . Which is that’s something you have to hide in the first place is a red flag tbh hopefully you could just tell him and he’d understand. You’re not ready you have things in life you’re trying to pursue do NOT put your life on HOLD for ANYONE . TRUST ME

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Become a doctor first and then have all the children you desire.

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You’re young and have plenty of time. Go to medical school. If you’re still together after you graduate and you feel that, knowing what you’re residency will be like, you can handle it, then get married and have kids. Do not get pregnant by a guy you’ve only known for 2 months regardless of what he says.

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Do I think you should wait, yes Do I think you should pursue your MD before children, yes. This is just a thought as well but my husband at 41 and still has pissing contests with other men over the dumbest things, so maybe while yes he admires his future BIL he also may want to upstage him as well. And say well I did all the same things you did but I did it while having a child, granted its a super microscopic reason but a quarter of a inch is a quarter of a inch to guys and they will never admit it.
Also, its been two months everything in the world seems like rainbows and unicorns and I know you said you have gotten into arguments but they were probably quickly resolved with both of you apologizing and admitting fault because the thought if losing the other was too harsh too bear… This is the honeymoon phase of a relationship… When you are elbow deep in your internship for school and say he looses his job and you have a screaming toddler so your chips can’t get lower how is that going to play out and after 2 months do you truly know someone well enough to take a educated guess?

This man is trying to trap you, he’s been purposely trying to get you pregnant without you knowing thats some shady stuff. At this point I wouldn’t trust him. Btw child support can go both ways. Like if he makes way less than you you will have to pay him. Sounds like he’s got a hidden agenda hun


Holy crap dude, 2 months!? You’ve been with him for 8 weeks… that’s insane. Back up back up back up. You need to back the hell up dude. That’s dangerous af. Go to school for Pete sake and wait for a freaking baby


I can’t believe how many people laughed at your question. That’s so messed up, but whatever your heart is telling you to do . Seems like you had it all planned out :thinking:

Having a baby in your 30s is awesome, I have to say. Being more financially stable and mature has been good for our family. Not that you are not but if you have dreams, get out there and live them because once the baby comes, your dreams can change, or you may never “get around to it.” If he’s gonna be the one who’s by your side forever, my advice would be to not rush it. In my experience, I’ve had two kids. My first I went back to work and it was so emotionally draining on me. My second, and were more financially stable that I didn’t have to go back to work, but between kids I found a good paying job that I loved. I gave it up to be a stay at home mom because the older is needing taken places and the younger just needs everything being so young. Once baby is here for you, I can’t imagine having time to study let alone sleep.

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Only 2 months in and he is already moving at the speed of light trying to get you pregnant without discussing it first when he already knows about your doctor dreams. Honeymoon stage and already had several arguments. If you are not careful you could be getting yourself tangled up with a narc as these red flags are classic narc behaviours. My advise is give it time and watch him very carefully. His reaction to you postponing any baby plans will also be very informative!


Finish school first then start a family. If he’s not going anywhere there’s no rush.


Not if you are planning on going to medical school. Wait until you graduate to start a family.


Get on the pill or some other form of BC you have dreams and for him to feel the need to keep telling you the type of man he’s going to be talk is cheep he should be showing you not trying to convince also knowing full on well you have dreams for a career and your future having a baby will get in the way. It sounds like he’s trying to trap you don’t let that happen if he really loves n cares for you he will respect that and let you achieve goal first then you can plan a family your so young you should not start a family with some boy if he commits to you n yell marry down the line THEN you’ll know he’s serious and going to be there to support you he sounds like x and it’s a huge red flag. What are his dreams what does he do for work ? Or he just wants to knock you up and live off you since you actually have your life in order…DONT LET HIM DISTRACT YOU OR IMPREGNATE unless it’s your dream to be an unwed mother before you can support your family …just seriously think this thru


While I do not think a baby will postpone any dreams you have it is best to wait. You’ve only known him for two months, he may seem like a great person but it can take a while for people to let you see their true selves. If you do end up pregnant it doesn’t change anything; finish school, you can do it. I’m a mom of four, full time job, and my husband is an over the road truck driver; guess what, I am still a law student with a 4.0 GPA. Never let anyone tell you something will stand in the way of your dreams. Only you can do that. Just tell him you want to start a life with him, but you have plenty of time for children later, there is no rush. If he doesn’t accept that, he isn’t the one. If he does then you’re set. Goodluck!

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Right now no if your not okay with being forced to Get the Covid vaccination that isn’t even approved vaccination special if you wanna have children and breast-feed.

Why have a baby… live, enjoy your relationship and finish school


Wait until AFTER med school. Slow down and enjoy each other first. If he doesnt understand then hes not the one


Men come and go but a career is for life. Follow your dreams💜

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Yes to your question


Finish school first and get yourself established as a dr. Then if you still feel the same about each other try to have a baby then

Didnt hear u talk about getting marriad sounds like yall need to take ur time either way u go doctor or mother is life time occupation

A baby wouldn’t necessarily postpone any dreams but would make it extremely difficult. Med school is already SO hard even without a baby. If he truly loves you, he wouldn’t want to make things harder for you. What is the rush to have a baby now?


Slow down , wait and see then in acouple years maybe then decide to have a baby. Having a baby with any one is a bad idea … parenting is not easy… so many topics to disagree on eyc

Things are better planned and that means being responsible. Look for birth control and keep working hard towards your goals

Settle down!!! Keep taking precautions to not get pregnant. Follow your dream. If it’s true love he will be there in a few years.

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Please get on birth control immediately. You have so much potential and you have plenty of time to have a baby AFTER you get to know true man, get engaged, get married, get your degree. He is not supporting your dreams by getting you pregnant this soon.


If I could magically take over your life, I’d immediately prevent getting pregnant and I’d focus on my career to be financially stable.

It’s good to have steady income for both of you in case something ever happens to your or your partners income, you still have another source.

Then I’d be able to settle down and afford to spend time at home raising my kids, stress free. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The first year after your first child is the hardest year your learning how to be a parent and how the other person parents. I hope it works out for you.

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Birth control immediately. Education first. Have men take a backseat.

It’s so early in the relationship. Finish school, and I’m all about living together before any of that because masks tend to fall off.

The fact that you are asking a bunch of strangers is your answer.

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So many things wrong with this post. Some of the most educated and intelligent people have no common sense. GROW UP, you sound like a fourteen year old girl in Junior High.

He was trying get you pregnant without telling you? You’ve been together 2 months. Don’t throw your career away.

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The week I graduated and became a doctor, I also became a mom. I’d never change a thing. Now I have a 4 year old, a 16 month old and I’ve been running my own functional medicine clinic (very successfully) the whole time.

Both dreams can be fulfilled.

When it comes to having kids, there’s never a right time. You just do it and make everything else work.

Mind you, I was 2 years into marriage, not with a boyfriend fling.


Any man who truly loves you and believes in you is also going to believe in your dreams and want you to achieve them. Having a baby puts that in jeopardy. Is it possible to have a baby and go to med school and have the fairytale ending with this guy? Sure. Is it likely, especially considering how new the relationship is, the fact that you have doubts, and how this whole thing is based in a fantasy of how he “is going” to treat you? Doubtful. Trying to get you pregnant without your knowledge or consent is manipulation. He’s manipulating your life to trap you with him and you’re going along with it because he’s telling you everything you want to hear. And, I’m sorry, but someone saying “that’s how I WANT to treat you” means nothing. He either does or he doesn’t. I’ve dated abusive guys who say, “I want to be better for you and treat you like you deserve.” No they didn’t, because if they did then they would already have been doing it. You’re in love and in the honeymoon stage of this relationship so you’re not seeing things clearly and noticing the red flags. There’s nothing wrong with taking time TOGETHER before having a baby. I moved in with my husband very soon after we started dating and got engaged 6 months after that, but we waited two years before we got married and spent another two years of just the two of us before getting pregnant. We enjoyed each other without the stress of a baby because we loved each other and made each other happy. A baby is amazing and one of the best things that can happen to you if that’s what you want, but they also add humongous amounts of stress to your physical and mental health, your relationships, finances, and your work/school. If he truly loves you as much as he says he does, then just spend time together without having to add a baby to the mix and go to school. If you don’t go to school, you might resent that baby and trust me, kids born to parents who resent them grow up knowing they made their parents’ lives harder and that affects them. Plus, you didn’t say that the brother in law got the sister pregnant so this man he’s idolized isn’t trapping the woman he loves, he’s supporting her education and just being happy with her. So no, I’d get on birth control immediately, tell him a baby isn’t happening right now, and if you want to know who he truly is, move in with him cause that’s when all the masks come off and you find out how they really are. But don’t throw away your dreams on a man you just met. You already have doubts so you know what you want. This is real life, not a Disney movie, and you can’t get stuck with a guy you just met cause he says all the right things. Date him, live with him if that’s what you want, but you don’t need to make a life long commitment to someone just because they say pretty things when you have a huge career right ahead of you.

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Why not focus on building the relationship first? Life and relationships change after a baby. And those babies get bigger and require all your energy and time. Get your education so you will be financially stable to have a family. Age shouldn’t be a concern; you have plenty of time. I had my kids at 39 and 40. I have a career and home and car, and can afford daycare. Plan it and be patient.


FINISH SCHOOL. It’s the best thing to do for you and any future you plan. FINISH SCHOOL. Travel the world together then have kids. Kids make it all that much harder

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2 months ago you didn’t even know this man, and now you’re contemplating having his baby? Do you, follow your dreams, if you he loves you he will stay. Please get on birth control.

SLOW DOWN! You’ve got to become a Dr first. Go from there.

No go to school first

I would do marriage first before having a baby. Finish school if it happens okay but things will be ALOT harder depending on how much help you really have. Words are one thing but actions are another. Just finishing my bachelors I had a super hard time even with the help of my parents, my husband at the time, and his parents. Kids do put a strain in marriage and relationships. Accomplish your goals first. Med school is a lot harder than a simple bachelors.

I am currently in school for my masters and I have a six yr old. It is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done! Trying to juggle being a mom, wife, student, and working is a LOT. I would advise anyone to finish school first, then have kids. I often can’t pay attention to my six year old in order to work on homework, you can’t neglect a baby. Something will have to give, whether it be school or your relationship :woman_shrugging:t3:

No Get yur education and then think about the rest.

Red flag mama. Finish school. You don’t have to have a baby right now. And if it wasn’t a discussion before him actively trying to impregnate you… seems like he’s trying to trap you.


Start using birth control (so you don’t get pregnant). Live together until you’ve finished school (so you can really get to know each other’s worst habits). Get married (if you think you still love each other enough to spend the rest of your life with each other). Have babies. (love them without blaming them for the loss if your dreams of becoming a doctor).
Do it in this order and have a happy well adjusted family!!


Slow the roll and get on birth control. You barely know this person


Don’t get pregnant now. You have at least another 10 years of pre-med, medical school, residency and possible fellowships ahead of you. You two are going from 0 to 90 way to fast. Medical school is very expensive. Why are yo two in such a hurry? At the very least, get through your pre-med program and medical school first.


TLDR…BUT why TF are you thinking about getting pregnant 2 months into a relationship?
Are you sure you’re smart enough for medical school? :joy: :joy: :joy:


Having a baby isn’t a spur of the moment decision. Go through couples counseling first to see where both of you stand on topics and life

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Finish school… get married, THEN have a baby when you BOTH agree


You’re being very dumb . 2 months you dont even know him. Not really anyway sounds like things are going crazy fast . Dont get pregnant, finish school. Date for a WHILE before having a baby.


What’s his motive. I dated my husband for 6 months before we knew we wanted to get married. We then got pregnant with my first at 18. We are now 8 years married and thriving :heart: everyone moves at different times but for the sake of trying to get pregnant before you are financially stable means priorities are already not where they need to be. Which should raise many red flags and give you an idea on how your life will be with this person. You already know your answer but you are questioning your intuition. Finish school love, enjoy your journey and don’t look back :heart:

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There’s so many red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


PLEASE FINISH SCHOOL. I was fooled into thinking I had “the one”. We planned a pregnancy and then he took off. It’s a lot harder to go to school with a baby… trust me. You have time to have children once you’re done. Let your kids be raised when your financially stable.

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Yes, you are. :roll_eyes: Get on birth control like an IUD, Nexplanon or the injection that he cannot sabotage. Be careful, he’s trying to trap you.


Do not have a baby if you want a education and 2 months is not long enough to prove a long term relationship.Get a education and see if he is still around. Sign me Old Lady


Protect your self!!! Finish school first, education lasts but sadly relationships don’t always. AND you need to be able to support babies. Hormones don’t always last either, so make sure you’re covered just in case your Nellie or his Willie take a shine to someone else. Just saying…

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My mom married my dad 2 weeks after meeting him in a bar and was with him till he died last year. My grandparents moved in after 3 days of being together got married with the month and had my aunt 9 months after that and are celebrating their 39th wedding anniversary this March. My grandmother once told me the longer you wait to see if your first feeling is true the more reason you have to tuck your tail and run. Stop living in a status of fear because you feel something will go wrong because you will make it go wrong. Listen to your heart and be happy.

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It’s only been 2 months. Slow down and really get to know him. Jumping on that train could lead you in the wrong direction leading you to possible regret.

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Just waitdo your schooling first. Stop trying to rush with no secure future. Good luck

Stay with him and use birth control.If he loves you he’ll support you thru medical school and wait for a baby.Huge red flags here


Going through school with a baby will be so hard. Doable but extremely hard. Nothing can compare to the feeling of sleep deprivation that a baby gives. Get through Med School and then have a baby. You have forever with the man so don’t rush :slightly_smiling_face:


Finish school, get on birth control and leave that dude. He’s trying to trap you.


Personally, he is being selfish. And it doesn’t sound like consent, to me.
Maybe marriage should be the first step and then a baby? That way if he does leave, you get your child support, considering you wanted to be realistic.

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:woman_facepalming:t2:darling if he really was thinking of you, he would think about you finishing your education first and a baby way later.


Huge red flags for me. The fact that he is so adamant about getting you pregnant and that you wont break up?? Sounds like his intention is to make SURE you are bound to him. After two MONTHS?!! Holy hell, girl, no!!


Y’all don’t even know each other so neither one of y’all can say if you will stay together. In the beginning they’re supposed to appear to be the perfect one. But you don’t even live with this guy so you have no idea how he is behind closed doors.

Don’t get pregnant, but do go to school. You have plenty of time for babies. Why is he rushing you. Slow down, don’t have unprotected.

:upside_down_face: do not TRY for a baby 2 months into a relationship. :grimacing:

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