I have dreams of going to medical school, should I have a baby with my boyfriend?

Oh for fucks sake. You want to become a doctor and be responsible for other lives yet you are this negligent with yours? First of all, USE PROTECTION. You know this, girlfriend. Second of all, you ARE smart in thinking about this as the honeymoon period because that’s what it is. You’ve only been together for two months. Having a baby right now would be foolish. Wait at LEAST until a year IF you think you can handle being a med student and taking care of a newborn.

Get your life together first. FOR YOU!! Than after you get yourself stable enough that if it did not work out with or without a child involved you could make it with your head held high. If I could turn back time the things I would do different. Build yourself up so high that nobody can knock you down than build a family.:heart::pray::pray:

I had to stop reading. Two months is not enough time to know if someone is going to be a good father let alone stay around. Your old enough to know better


I would wait on having kids, if he loved you he will be willing to wait until you are where you want to be in your choice of career. Secondly, you just got together. Why the rush? If he loves you like he says he does than he will wait until the time is right.

I’m sorry but I’m 27 and you both sound like 16 year olds… you both have a lot of growing up to do. Please be responsible… don’t drag an innocent baby into this chaotic and codependent lifestyle


No no no NO! If you’re entertaining this crap then do not go into psychiatry. You’ve known him for 2 months!! WTF WOMAN?! I would question having you as my doctor! No baby til he shows commitment because you are working hard for that PhD. He sounds like he knows you are going to eventually be earning good money as a doctor and he wants to trap you. Dump him.


There’s a lot of red flags going on. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


He’s trying to trap you with a baby. He literally planned to impregnate you and didn’t even talk to you about it.
Dump him and get on proper birth control and use condoms before you end up with a baby or a sti.
You bearly know him and he sounds weird.
Run a mile and move on with someone better


Honey NO!!! First of all quit having unprotected sex, taking plan b is not the solution… Go ahead get into school follow your dreams if he loves & wants to be with u as he says then he can wait on having a baby he’s already actin irresponsible

  1. No one is forcing you to get pregnant if you aren’t choosing the option to use birth control. 2. If he isn’t willing to listen to your concerns already then this is a red flag. 3. Spend a day or two apart to really think about what direction you really feel is best for you. 4. After coming to a conclusion sit him down and have a serious conversation and set your boundaries about what you feel like is okay. 5. If he’s not willing to respect your boundaries then you have to decide what you will and won’t put up with. 6. Congrats on following your dreams. Don’t take mean comments to heart like a single person hasn’t ever went against the advice they were given. Some lessons have to be learned harder than others for them to really stick. This is your life and you are the one who is going to be living through it so decide wisely about what will make you most happy.
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Finish med school first!!

I couldn’t even read this whole thing lmfao smh


Finish Med School. It’s extremely IMMATURE & simple minded to deliberately try to get a woman pregnant to secure your position in her life :roll_eyes::-1:t4: MANIPULATION looks like this, in case you’re not aware.


This dude is controlling and manipulative. How are you not pissed that he was trying to get you pregnant without saying anything. He will become abusive FAST.


Yes, you are. Just the fact that he has been finishing in you without any protection and straight up admitting he’s trying to get you pregnant without you even having a conversation about that beforehand is yikes :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: if y’all are going to be together forever then what’s the harm in waiting until you are done with med school? Y’all have literally JUST started dating and you have HUGE goals with tons of work ahead of you why would you purposely make that a thousand times harder for yourself by having a baby with someone you barely know?


As someone who is currently attempting to get a degree while working and having 2 kids…. Get the degree first. It is very challenging to find time to dedicate to my studies, and I’m just doing prerequisites right now.

Med school plus residency with a baby… girl :woman_facepalming:t3:. You already know the answer, you’re just so caught up in the love clouds that it’s clouding your judgement.


You’ve only been with this guy for 2 MONTHS…

2 months… Not enough time to know him and his true intentions.

You shouldn’t even be contemplating Kids with this Guy at this point it is WAY too soon… Kids are for life even if you fall on your face coming down from the clouds you are in right now.

Finish your degree… IF he’s still around then… Get married and then have Children.


Take. It. Sllooww! You want to be a Dr. Focus on that education first. You’ve only been in this relationship for 2 months. Please use protection, BOTH of you, or at least you. Get to really know each other first and relax about having a baby.

Girlie, damn. This is the most immature thing I’ve read in a bit. Get your life on track first- you have big dreams and you’re going to screw that up real fast and make it more difficult than it already is to attain. Guy sounds weird. Get on some birth control. Let him grow up a bit first.

TWO MONTHS! That’s ridiculous! Put the idea on pause…wait a few years until you actually know the person

Ya lost me at 2 months :person_facepalming:

Finish school first. I’m not saying y’all won’t still be together. I knew my husband and I would be together within like day one of us talking and it’s been 16 years now. But I quit school to take care of my family (siblings and stuff) and now that I have my own kids idk if Ill ever go back honestly. And part of me wishes I would have just finished back then bc now I’d have a great job. If he really loves and respects you then he’ll let you finish school.


Your an idiot thats all i know

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I have dreams of going to medical school, should I have a baby with my boyfriend?

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I was around your age when I had my first kid. I was married and had been for almost 3 years. I love my family however I felt I was in a rush to have a family. Complete your goals before you have kids/a family. Go to school and travel. If this boy is as great as he’s trying to to say he will be he will wait for you. He will want all your dreams to come true. Especially school. You have your whole life in front of you to build your family. Enjoy your youth by accomplishing your dreams first!


First, coming onto this group and asking, you already know the answer, but if you need to hear it, here goes:
Get your education and a job before you even consider having a baby with a guy you barely know. If he is still around once you get a job, then he might be the one for you.


No baby yet. Go to school & get established first.


Go get on birth control!


This is him being controlling. I’d be VERY CAREFUL with this guy. Absolutely DO NOT have a baby with this man! Get your education. Do what YOU want. IF he is supportive of your goals (which is suspicious from the sound of it) he’ll celebrate your success and your relationship will grow healthily. If he keeps on with this baby idea, run.


Your education is more important right now.
Use protection when having sex.
If he is the real thing, he will be there thru your education and then put a ring on your finger before you have that baby.


I know u probably dont know what to do but honey listen to all these comments. It’s better to wait. Go to sch. An dont make quick decision. U may regret it later. If he truly loves u he will ask u to marry him first an then baby. Use ur brain an th think hard on this. Please wait. U wont be sorry u did. Ask him why a baby. So fast. Slow it down. An think hard before u make a bad decision children are precious. But he can wait. Please. Please listen an wait. U wont regret it.


Two months isn’t long enough to know anything about each other! Definitely don’t bring a baby into a relationship that you don’t know will last for sure, and especially if you have your career ahead of you right now​:bangbang:. What’s your big hurry? Slow down and get to know each other for a year or two while you’re going to school! If you still feel the same way about each other after that, why not think of getting married first…then a baby?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Finish school, you should not be thinking about kids without the ring. 2 months you still in the honeymoon period. Coming from someone that has been to healthcare school, it is hard and he may say things but when it comes to show he may fall short. Not to rain on the parade but to give you a real concern. Going to School is hard, with a baby harder. Why feeling guilty for having to sacrifice school, your kid or your partner? You are young if he is the one he will understand


2 months is early to plan a baby with someone. You haven’t even begun to really know him yet.


If you are even asking this question, YOU ARE NOT READY! Bringing a baby into the picture is not a sometimes I want one, it is a LONG commitment! At least 18 years with the child being a minor who needs parents who are willing and able to commit to it, and many times it goes well beyond those first 18 years. You are still in the beginning stages of your relationship with your boyfriend. What if things go sour and you suddenly realize that you were wrong on your feelings? You will then need to think of that child and its feelings. Can you be supportive of the child, be willing to be friendly with the father for the child’s sake? So many children suffer badly from the separation of their parents, and when that happens the child may never feel comfortable with commitment to a significant other. Planning on a family isn’t like going on a vacation, it lasts a LONG time.


Having a baby is awesome. Having a plan before you have a baby is even better!


If you are a pre-med student you must be fairly intelligent. Think about this. You already know the answer. You just are hoping there is a more romantic one. Romance is fleeting. It only lasts in fairy tales. Even forever loves have more non romantic days than romantic ones. The thought of making a baby with someone we love or think we do is romantic. Let me repeat: Romance is fleeting.
Life lasts as long as you live. So which makes more sense? The romantic idea of a baby or the life plan of becoming a doctor? If that isnt plain enough, hear this. Dont be so darn stupid.


Bet if you get pregnant his toxicity will start to show more, he’ll think he has you stuck. 2 months, you have no idea who he really is yet


Why the hell are you having unprotected sex if you same one want to go to med school? Girl get your mind on straight and get yourself together and ready for ned school. Make sure you don’t have unprotected sex


Go to medical school. It’s easier if you don’t have kids. And there is plenty of time for kids. Do your life first, otherwise chances are you won’t go back to school. It’s ok to do what you want! Good luck! :slightly_smiling_face:


School, then start career. Get financially prepared first. Will make having a baby easier. You don’t want to struggle. Having children is expensive and when you are not established it is very stressful. It is hard after having a baby. To go to school after and find time between taking care of your baby and trying to study. Daycare is aprox 800 to 1000 a month. You will have little time to enjoy your baby if your juggling with school, studying and working. You can’t just get up and go after having kids. Huge responsibility. Do yourself a favor. Look at prices of diapers, formula, daycare, healthcare, all the things you would need each month. Then look.at your finances.if you can’t afford that then that is your answer. Your in love that is great. If it’s meant to be your partner will stick by your side while you finish school and get career going. Good time for them to work on their career too. Besides if you want to spend your life with this person you will be building life together and time will tell if he is truly the one.


Poor girl. Maturity hasn’t kicked in yet if she sincerely doesn’t know the answer to her own question and can’t see the huge Red flags all over her post. Felt like I was reading something a junior in HS wrote. I’m not sure she has the discipline for medical school nor the wisdom to be a good parent yet. Regardless which way she chooses, she must grow up a bit and love herself a bit more. Common sense is lacking. Maybe a little therapy as well, then she can start to make a proper pro/con list about her future…. But I doubt this guy will be in it :roll_eyes:


If he was supportive of your goals, he wouldn’t finish in you. Too fresh of a relationship.


Got to school fill your dreams you can have a baby afterwards.GO TO SCHOOL IF YOU DONT YOU WILL REGRET IT EVERYDAY.
Don’t think you will do it after cause you won’t want to leave the baby.Its unfair to have a child and not spend time with it.After school residency building a practice…


DO NOT HAVE A BABY. Conquer your dreams and become established in your career. Having a child will get in the way of taking every possible opportunity you want and need to get to where you want to be. If this guy cares for you, he will respect your decisions and your choice if you decide that you would like him to start using protection or have considered birth control. If not move on and live your life!


100% med school!! Plenty of time for babies later


You need to wait on having a baby. Sounds like he still has a lot of growing up to do.
Why do you keep saying “he wants to be like his sisters boyfriend and treat me like he treats her.” What’s he doing now then? He sounds like a little kid saying I want to be like him when I grow up, please, he’s 25! If he is saying that, there is a real problem here.
Also, does he have an awesome stable career? A house? A car? And financially able to take care of you and a baby while you go to school 100%? From reading this post it doesn’t sound like it and he sounds more like a 16 year old high school kid sweet talking any girl he can and saying whatever he needs to say to get her to sleep with him.
I apologize for being so brutal, but seriously, do not ruin your life!!!


Please take protection and finish your medical schooling. It’s easy for a man to say I’ll be there for you if you have a baby. Babies are a lot of work and


Please go to school don’t have a baby first. Take care of yourself. You’ll find out one day this relationship may not work and those years that you let go by you will regret. Go to medical school


Absolutely NO!! If it’s meant to be then he will stand by your side n support you! It is a BIG sacrifice becoming a doctor! And you haven’t been with him long enough!! Y’all seem a little immature! Not sure about bringing a baby into this world right now!


Go to school. Babies can wait and will only complicate your life… the time is now


yes, you are letting your hormones do the thinking. You need to get your schooling over with, and then think about a child. You are going to be really busy while in school, and to have to deal with a child will be real hard. Get on Birth control until you are having your schooling under your belt. Follow your dreams, not his.


Do you have health insurance? Do you make enough money to support yourself?
Babies cost $$$!! Go to med school and get on some birth control ASAP! If he wants it so badly he needs to
“Put a ring on it”.


No. No. And No.
Get your education, get established and see where the two of you are at that point. If he is telling the truth, you will have lost nothing and gained a beautiful future.
Get married first —to the right one —then have a child. If you have one now, it is almost 100% certainty that you will be a single parent, and he will be off to his next conquest.


Please don’t have a baby at the moment having unprotected sex is complete madness
Go to medical school live your dream of becoming a doctor
Your relationship is new your going to be in what we call the honeymoon period
Get to know each other properly a baby is for life and expensive your education is vital for your future


Good grief kid grow up. Your with this guy for 2 months and you’ll never break up lol get real. Not to insult your education but get real. Your trusting his family to tell you how serious he is about you. This isnt a fairy tale. There’s something wrong if he’s trying to get you pregnant after 8 weeks. Babies are not a game! I’m a mom of 2. Their dads arent supporting them. Do you think I planned it to be a single parent? No it happens life happens. Get on birth control and focus on your education and just maybe one day instead of liking your boyfriend so much maybe he will stick around and you will love him and stop trying to live in a fairy tale


2 months? And you would even consider having a baby? Whew…good luck in medical school!


NO. TOO SOON!!! Go live your life. Go to school. Take care of yourself first. If you don’t and have a baby and he leaves because everything changes when our little ones come along. TOO Risky. Good luck :crossed_fingers::pray:


Babies don’t complicate life babies need 24 hour care and patience… Go to school first get an education then plan for a baby


I feel like if you need to ask, then you’re not ready.


The relationship will be better when you finish school because you want to give you and the child a better life


You are not mature enough for either.


Get your life together first and then think about a baby :astonished: Babies are big complications. Once you have one you can’t take it back, unlike an inanimate Cabbage Patch Kid :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Get married. Or use birth control. A child deserves to have a mommy and daddy in a committed marriage. If you at least wait until you are self supporting you would be able to afford safe licensed childcare.

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A lot of medical students go through pregnancies and do well. The hard times is during clinical rotation. You can make it with a strong supporting spouse. Good luck.

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Go to medical school,. It’s a great future,put the rest a one side it’s not important,think of your own future,not someone pushing for pregnancy


I think your education is more important than someone you hardly even know! Please start using the pill and get to know him a little bit more! Things are always fantastic at the beginning!! Things will happen in their own time when it’s meant to happen.

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In my opinion too soon. The first few months is always great, honey moon phase. It’s great you are enjoying being with your new boyfriend. Better to get to know one another. Everyone always shows their best sides in the beginning of a relationship. Learn more about one another to see likes and dislikes. Once you bring a baby into the mix things change. Alot of responsibility. So good to know that the person you are with is the right person for you and your family. If you have a baby and then find things don’t work out you are stuck with them raising child. Not easy if separate and dealing with custody issues. Just things to consider. Being in love is wonderful you both just want to be sure you are in it for the long haul. All relationships come with challenge. Its knowing you both can handle sticking it out in good and bad times. Marriage is work.

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You just answered your own question, you are in a honeymoon part of your relationship, stay in school and finish what you started you have time to have a kid. Have you thought about how you will pay for school, pay to have a baby, pay for daycare and etc. Just wait!

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Your best bet is to complete medical school befor having a baby… The hours of being pregnant really wear you down. Medical.school does the same. You’d have to be wonder woman to be successful at both.

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Please finish your education. Do not put your dreams on hold for anyone. This man sounds very controlling and you are only at the 2 months. Once you have that baby your whole life changes. Please please finish your education!

play it safe. take the traditional route. finish school get married then plan baby. traditional might sound outdated but it is actually protective of you both a d the babies to come. you are just broody now. I was in the same situation. the babies turned out wonderful. the marraige did not.

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You know the answer or you wouldn’t be asking strangers to plan your life for you. Get to school, see if your guy is at graduation. If so, talk about a baby at dinner that night. Mature a bit more.


If he truely loved and cared he would encourage you and support you thru medical school , not actively meddle stop you from your dreams which getting pregnant would do. also big RED FLAG of coersive control , manipulation and abuse.

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The relationship is way to young to be thinking about a baby now. You have no clue about what it takes to raise a child. Stop romanticising having a baby. Having a baby and raising it is the biggest strain on any relationship. You need to get to know each other before you bring an innocent little one into it. Do you know his views on parenting? You definitely have to get past the honeymoon stage first.

I know you have only one choice about. Because you can’t do both the same time. So, you should think deeply about which is the best for your life? As my view point, you had better give priority for your dream. What is your dream? What do you want to be in the firstly? Mom or Doctor?


You say you “really like this guy” I don’t think I’d consider having a child with someone I don’t love…you barely know him, so finish school, there will be a right time for children; and for Pete’s sake stop having unprotected sex!

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I urge you to at least stop and consider how expensive it is to have a baby. And I’m not talking about the hospital bills. As a mom, you will most likely choose the baby over your very expensive education when all the bills start coming in. Then you will resent the child for keeping you from your dreams. Unless you have a full ride for medical school, your education bills can easily take over your life. Please don’t bring a new life into this world until you are capable of taking care of everything (and everyone) in your life. You don’t know what your life will bring and if this guy does get you pregnant you could end up in court fighting to keep your baby and end up having to scrap your dream of being a doctor because you can’t stay home to raise it. The mom doesn’t Always win. If he hasn’t asked you to marry him and THEN have a baby I wouldn’t chance it. By not using protection knowing it could end in pregnancy, already shows a serious lack of maturity. You both need to take a step back and have some deep conversations when you are not engaged in sex.


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: massive red flags, he doesn’t love you! If he did he would be helping you achieve your goals of becoming a doctor, he’s clearly insecure and very toxic

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I am 63 years old and I have gone through a lot to toxic relationships twice I lost everything that I had raised four kids by myself so my advice to you the only person that you need to think about it’s yourself only you is the one paying the price be a doctor secure your future

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Is this a real question from a real writer? Anyone premed and medical school bound would be using two forms of protection and rarely have time for sex let alone asking if they should have a child with someone after two months.

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If you loved yourself more than him, you wouldn’t even consider having a baby before you’ve finished school. Do it in the right order; finish school, get married, then have a family.

Seems like you care enough for each other to Stay together but you need to have protected sex if you are really serious about med school. He should be smart enough to understand your reasoning. Don’t let him bully you into something you are uncomfortable with. If he truly cares about you, he’ll understand…

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Not being rude but please focus on school and your own growth. Kids and men before you have accomplished yourself is not a vibe.


start taking birth control. If you get married - have a discussion as a couple whether or not you want to start a family and who will be primary/secondary care giver. You seem far too immature to a) have a baby and b) go to medical school.


Get your degree. You will Never regret it. If you don’t end up together You’ll wish u had. Sounds comtrolling. Any man that can’t wait for you is not the right one. And have protected sex. Once u have kids u can"t go back. Get that education. No man is worth giveing that up.

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You are in very early days of the relationship now .Wait and see what happens next year… You are still young so I’d persue my wishes to become a dr and have a baby after that .I think you’re rushing in to quickly …good luck

Get on birth control immediately. Medical school is hard enough without adding the burden of a child. The child deserves your full attention, not a part-time mom.


It sounds like you are not sure and are being pressured by him in the baby situation. If you are t sure trust yourself. Also you talk a lot about how he “talks” about being there and taking care of you like he wants to be, but you never say if he actually is doing that. Is he taking care of you? Is he in a stable job situation that you and a baby can depend on for support. What I see from the questions and doubt you already have is that you aren’t ready. And you should never be pressured into a decision this important. Follow your dream and become a doctor. Take it from someone who allowed themselves to be lead by men in my life instead of doing my own thing it can lead to a lot of regrets

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I can’t believe you are going to Med school and aren’t using birth control, having unprotected sex and have only been with him 2 months!! You do know there are diseases out there right? Finish school first. Become a doctor, get married and then have a baby! If he is the right one he will wait and be very supportive while you are finishing school and getting your practice started. Use your head girl!! Good luck!

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Go on to medical school mama may have papa may have but God bless the child that got his own.you know what you want to do but you don’t know what anyone else will do

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Do not believe anyone who says you’re being dumb. That’s bs. It’s natural to want children with someone you love. DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!! But do remember that you should consider every single detail. Will you regret it later on? Will you be able to live with the hardship it may come with? In the end it’s your life and what we say won’t matter because you’ll do what you want to do. It’s called following your heart. But… CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE REGRETTED! If this man is manipulating you into it then you should also take that into consideration and say no. Anyway please pleeease look at this from every single angle. And make sure it’s something YOU want. Before I became a mom I also thought about it and asked myself, could I do this by myself? If things go south and we break up, will I be the mom that dumps my child on someone else? Will I be the mom that keeps her child from their father out of spite?? I said no and continued on and had my daughter. She’s now turning 3 and her father and I are still happy together. So… in the end, please do what you think is best, think it through and don’t leave regrets. Regrets are awful.

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I wouldn’t get pregnant right now because you guys are still fairly fresh and the fact that you want to go to med school finish things first follow your dreams of school having a decent job being prepared for what the future might bring whether it’s with him or not but I definitely would not get pregnant right now good luck

I can’t read anything beyond you having dreams of going to medical school and having a baby with your boyfriend. The answer is NO, do NOT have a baby with your BOYFRIEND if you want to go to med school. Or plan to do anything else but take care of a new baby.

Yes, you’ve only know him 2 months. It doesn’t even matter how old you are and what you’re dreams may be. That is too soon in any situation.

Go to med school. Don’t have a baby yet. If you have a baby, that’s the end of med school until your child is either way older, or else it will never happen.

I would suggest birth control pills immediately and then finish your education. Women are having babies much later in life now. A baby would definitely put your education on hold.

You said at the beginning of your post, “you LIKE him so much”. Where is the love??
Your life is yours, not his to plan.
Follow your dreams. You’re young. There’s plenty of time for the responsibilities of a family later on

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My advice is to not get pregnant right now, focus on school. If he doesn’t understand that then he is not the one for you. Also what is he doing with his life? Have you questioned him as to why he is hell bent on getting you pregnant? Be smart protect yourself. You both young get your education.

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If he truly loves you he will wait. Going to school and keeping up with everyday life can be tough. If you have a baby it will be even tougher. I definitely encourage you to have a baby (family) it’s a love like no other but babies are full time and a lot of work.
My husband and I met , after 2 months we moved in together and by the age of 21 we had 3 little ones. In April of 2022 we will be married for 40 years. We struggled at times to make ends meet but we made it, but I won’t lie it was tough! Going to school , you need a clear mind. So think hard about your decision. Either way it can be done with strong will and determination! Good luck❤️