Having a bsby isn’t like getting a puppy. Birth control snd finish school.
So you have a baby, your dreams are gone and the boy friend realizes that he doesn’t want to bea daddy and walks out. Use your head lady and take care of your self and go on with your dream.
2 months tho??? I wouldn’t jump into having a baby. For real, you can’t even know him that well yet. Get your education first.
2 months and you are thinking baby! Slow down. If you are still together a year from now maybe consider it then. But what will that do to medical school? Think about your choices.
You answered your own question. Wait finish school first otherwise you may lose your chance. And get on birth control
If you can’t make a decision as important sat this I would forget medical school???
You are obviously not smart enough to be a physician. Since you are well on your way to single unwed motherhood, why don’t you continue on that road and get on the welfare rolls now so you can, with practice, learn how to work the charity angles now. This fellows sounds like another in what is probably a relatively long list of potential baby daddies that have come( no pun intended) and gone in your sad
Little life.
2 months is not much time, NO, do not get pregnant.
Absolutely not. It’s way too early to even think babies. Get married first when the time is right.
Go to school in the mean time
No try the new way first.
Date and get to know him first.
Then marry THEN start family.
The other way wasn’t working
Put all of your energy and Focus on med school. Studying for the MCAT (and hoping you get a high enough score), applying to schools, then 4 years of school during which you have USMLE exams to pass just so you can apply for residency… THEN 2-5 years of residency. I’ve only had a handful students do it but only barely and ONLY IF they had a rock solidsupport system. Most likely you will only get once chance to attend med school. It is truly a full time commitment that takes 110% of your focus. Don’t give up on your dreams.
Yes! Get on birth control and finish your dream! And step back from this relationship.
Wait to have babies!!! In spite of the trend today, get married first.
Consentrate on This :! Shit or Get off the Pot. Why Is It Just Knowing Someone Fr. A Few Months You Got Sexually Active With Him ??? He Would Tell You Anything Right Now. Stop Having Sex With Him effective Immediately. Let Him Know You Are Smart & as Decent As His Sister. That You Really Want To Go To Medical School. & If He Intends To " Support " you In Your Decision That He Needs To Get Out & get Money fr. Your Education. Becoming A Doctor Is 12-14 yrs. & Major Money !! If He Is Fr. REAL ,He Will Help Get Money fr. Your Dreams To Become Truth & Reality.!!! Think More If Yourself !!! Bank All Your Money & Bank ALL His Money He Sends Your Way At 40 get Pregnant !!! All is Possible With GOD !!! Stay the Course. Right Now Your Just Another pc. Of Ass & Something To Do. Get Smart. Get That CASH !!! Do Your Career First. !!! He Will Have Much More Respect Fr. You !!
Your missing a few screws. Don’t think you’ll make a good doctor if this is the way you think. Use birth control.
Two mo ths is certainly not long enough to know someone enough to have a baby with. In my opinion not even long enough to be having sex with!
Try prayer. You know the real answer. Take a break. And Don’t even consider a babe while the world is in such a whirl. And how is your, finances. Babes are NOT cheap. Do you want regrets. Go it alone for a while Then make yr decision. Yr. fat too young at 27 Think o out it.
Why the rush?
Please don’t get pregnant, Yet.
So many red flags
Run from this man. Complete school. Get married then have a child. It is too soon to have a baby with someone you barely know.
Always have back up plan ,you’d need it to support yourself and baby,if need be
I’m wandering if you will be a good Dr. your decision say a lot about you no smart at all
No questions, finish school and than ask for a ring and marriage don’t be irresponsible bringing basted kid’s don’t think selfish on what you want think about the baby that little person how he will feel about you dealing whiteout father
If you are smart enough to go to med school you are smart enough to get rid of this guy. He’s not real bright wanting a baby with you trying to go to school. Is this a big joke. Because you sound like a joke
I couldn’t even read the post. After I read where you’re asking us, online strangers if you should have a baby… I stopped reading. What kind of question is that!!! It’s your decision and if you’re having to ask us, maybe you shouldn’t!!
DON’T have a baby. It’s too soon. Get ur education 1st and foremost. Later if all is well then consider having a child AFTER he marries u.
Is this a real story? Because, every one I have read lately, seems too ridiculous. Last one was, hey, I am being mentally emotionally abused…our daughter sees it … should I leave? And this one is a med student, trying to become a Dr, close to 30 years old,who has been planning on being a Dr,for years. But…she has unprotected sex? And, if she happened to get pregnant,she would just use plan b? Teens usually do things like that,not an adult. An adult who has learned, many times from high school through college,all about the dangers if unprotected sex. And, how having a baby is very darn hard to handle, on its own,by a stay at home mom, let alone going to school or work, don’t forget the time it takes to study., And…she has only known a person for 2 months,and is already totally believe ing everything he says, and is not kinda disturbed that this person is already wanting to have a baby with her? Aren’t we taught not to be that kind of trusting of a person we barely know? I would think even couples who have been together for years, would want to have talks about having kids, who tries to get someone pregnant,they have not known long, and, doesn’t know if they even want kids…but…DOES for sure know, that you are going to school to be a Dr, and are in the middle of working on your dream career?? And, talks about how he supports your dreams, and,wants to help you achieve it. A baby,will NOT help that dream. It will slow it down,and or, cancel it. I am not trying to be rude,or mean… this story just doesn’t make sense. Re read it, read all of the comments. If this person is actually serious, I would recommend that she go see someone in the medical field,that offers counciling . Because, she truly needs to tell this to a professional. If she completely ignores sexual safety, putting her own life at risk, what other medical advice is she going to ignore. As a Dr, she will be telling patients, to practice safe sex. If she doesn’t,then,she doesn’t belong in the medical field. This whole story,goes against the most common knowledge of medical information. DO NOT HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX. You should be having safe sex, until you are in a relationship for a while, maybe 6 months… until you really know them. Until you are sure that they don’t have any STDs,or STIs. There are so many stories out there, about a partner, trying to be controlling. This has a few red flags, I saw in some of those stories. I am worried about this girl. I send her prayers.
Don’t have a baby yet. It will make school SO much harder for you
It sounds like you still have some growing up to do.
Yes you are being very irresponsible & so is he. You are risking & sabotaging your future. Take precautions ASAP & get your head out of the clouds.
I didn’t hear him saying that his sister and her boyfriend we’re going to have a baby? That’s why it’s always a problem having sex before you’re married and if you don’t want to meet me married before you finish school then why should you be having sex with him before you finish school? You’re smart enough apparently figure it out. If he truly loves you he’ll be there when you finish school and get a job.
Yes, red flag here. Dont have a baby, wait a year longer. I mean if its forever love whats an extra year right?
What happened to love, then marriage, then comes the baby carriage?
Do NOT have a baby right now PLEASE!!! You seem pretty logical and I think that you already know it would be a bad idea.
If everything is right, you should get married.
You are playing with fire. Get your education. Babies can come later. Use protection.
No baby till after you finish school and then get married. It can wait
Your education first, you are 27 and he is just 25. He is still a playboy.
You know what the right thing to do is. You said it in your post. Now come down to earth.
Only 27? Go to school, get a job, then have a baby.
Personally I feel you never know what the future holds, but if you two are getting serious then get rid of the what if’s. Let things flow naturally.
No not untill you have finished your degree as other wise you may not ever
You haven’t known him long enough to have a baby with him. Your education should come first. If he doesn’t understand that … then walk away.
You are asking for advise that is a good step. It means you are unbalanced in your decision. Before you reject positive advice that could help you on the right path now, slow down and CONQUER YOUR GOAL, BECOME THAT DOCTOR AND YOUR FUTIRE WILL BE SET. YOU WILL BE STABLE ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF .
A baby and studies and work will not be easy, if you really want the best for your future child, be able to set goals now and follow through. If he can not wait,as he settle his goals he is not for you. What would you tell your daughter or son if they came to you with this question? Hopefully you will speak with Wisdom, and not simply by emotions that chainges. Pray on this matter and listen to those that say EMPOWER YOUSELF BY GETTING YOUR DEGREE.
If you’re sure it’s basically fate, and you’re sure you’re going to end up together, than he’ll be around if you choose to go to med school and finish your education. If he loves you enough, he’ll understand.
And if you’re worried, you can always look into freezing your eggs e.t.c.
Solidifying your future is in your best interest as well as your significant others and any future children you’re considering having. Goodluck, choose school first imo!
Answered your own question
Go to school first, baby can wait…
He’s trying to rope you don’t know intentions but there in there somewhere.buyer beware .
I don’t think you are that serious about becoming a doctor when you don’t even know enough to use protection, plus maybe getting pregnant is what you really want. If you don’t go to medical school don’t blame him
Get on birth control sweetie…They’re ALL nice in the beginning and promise you anything…Don’t get conned!
Who will look after the baby when or if you go to medical school ?
Do ppl see the answers after it’s posted? #1 Birth control preferably without him knowing because wtf? Go to Med school. Y’all ain’t married either.
Medical School? Unprotected Sex? Boyfriend? Baby? 2 Month Relationship?
Does He Have Goals? Does He Have Children?
Only Thing He Has Offered You is a Commitment of WORDS and Sex.
What does he do for a living?
What on earth are you asking or seeking?
No!!! Do not let him put a baby in you!
Go to medical school
I think you should wait on having a baby. Get to know your new love better.
You asked are you being dumb? Like really stupid!!!
A baby after 2 months of knowing this guy are you nuts?
Something weird about a guy that is trying to get a girl pregnant after 2 months.
Now about your wanting to be a doctor, you need a little more common sense first.
Med school then resident then a doctor is a total of 6-10 yrs.
Maybe when your a resident having a baby I have seen many of my doctor friends do that.
But med school is a lot of studying and you will be way to busy for a baby. Plus is it fair to the baby that you are never home?
And if this so called daddy is still there, will he like being the main parent? That gets old fast.
A doctor is an excellent wonder fulfilling job. But it not easy.
So decide family and average job or doctor and family later.
So don’t let this guy rule you keep being you and do what you want.
Never ever let a man make a life changing decision for you. If he does it now he’ll do it forever. And you’ll be hating yourself years from now. And hating him in the long run. Go to school enjoy yourself plenty of time to be a mom and wife.
Don’t even need to read the whole thing to know you should not have a child right now. Babies can wait, career opportunities can’t.
Plus I’m sorry, but 2 months!!?? Seriously wise up. You don’t plan a baby with someone you don’t even know, especially when it changes your future life plans so drastically. You’re not actually gonna give up your dream for a 2 month relationship on purpose
Go to med school. Dont let someone take you off track if theyre the ones initiating it, thats a contol tool. Especially with all intentions before saying anything to you. If a family is what you want instead thats okay too but do it because its what you want and not because youre pressured
No baby, go to school, reached ur dream lady, study /pregnant??? Its hard to combined!
Why is he so insecure?
Please continue your education. Babies are alot of work and the chances are you won’t finish school. You do you…
DON’T do it. Take care of yourself first. DO what you want.your not . WHAT does he do will he support you help you pay for your medical career
You’ve only known him for two months and you’re having unprotected sex and wanting a baby!
if You want to see if He loves You. Tell Him no more sex until marriage. And mean it
Focus on your career. If he really loves you he will support you. Wait on the kids.
Oh sweet/girl/child please take the pill or some kind of protection or your dreams will be over! Then u will struggle wondering WHAT IF!
Education, love, marriage, children in that order. Makes for a much easier life
Yes. (use birth control)
Go to medical school, do you and stick to ur plan! Plenty of time for babies.
Love is blind. Listen with your head, not your heart.
Babies later after med school if he loves you like you say he does, he will wait.
Also, wait until you’re married.
I thank you are dum for putting your life all over Face book. Ome way to cous a problum!!! Is to broud cast it.
Please get on birth control!
No baby until your married
I see red flags baby girl… Be cautious:heart:
Girl have u even got a brain, what r u thinking u just met someone an off comes the underwear u say u want too become a Dr.What kind ?? R U GOING TOO TELL YOUR PATIENTS SPRAD YOUR LEGS TOO EVERY MAN U JUST MET I think u r crazy an should be admitted too a crazy house,Cannt u see he using u Put your underwear back on close your legs an run like hell u think he wants u as a wife thats so funny it’s unbelievable Run,Run
Grow up, This is so childish, and you will live to regret it.
Go to school graduate .before a baby you need all your concentration on learning.
Stop all that shit and day dreaming.
Day dream about your dreams and aspirations you have. Go to school HANDLE YOUR BUSINESS!!!
Birth control. Medical school. Baby later.
Don’t think this is a good time to bring a baby into the picture.
Wait,you haven’t been together that long and finish school
Why the rush for a baby
Education first
Job, baby
No go to medical school
my sis pls get sense men are funny don’t let his sugar coated mouth mk u loose focus abeg. Ur education n work is ur power as a woman. Pls be forced n go for what u want. Hmmmmmm am talking from experience ooooo.
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with WAITING.
Time tells ALL.
Gurl!! Eeeeeeer! Pump the brakes and keep on YOUR path! A baby and a family can wait!!
School first, kids can come after school…
No kids now for Christ’s sake!!!
Go to school get your degree
Live life as a
couple for a bit
Travel. HAVE FUN… Experience life … then get married and have kids
Do not have a baby right now. Go to school
Wait till your done with school. If he really loves you he’ll understand
Go after your goal, if you don’t you will either regret it and or resent him.
No baby go to school
No medical school takes 7 years
Cant beleive you even asked .when you allready know the answer .
No baby, until your done
Slow down. You’re moving way too fast
Don’t rush getting pregnant work on your relation ship