It really depends on what STD it is. I have had before that were in no way linked to multiple partners or my other half being unfaithful. I think its best you speak to your Dr again and get all the facts about the transmission of the particular STD you have before you jump to conclusions.
Could be an std that was never treated previous partner . HPV, chlamydia and others can lie dormant . Could be from a past exposure .
I would get a 2nd opinion.
It HAD to have come from somewhere. One of you is lying.
They’ll never admit it. Gets off work early one day that’s all it takes. You don’t get sti from toilet seats and sharing straws . This is not your shame its his. Even more so for frankly lying to your face.
Crazy as it sounds its actually possible neither of you cheated if one of you had it before you got together and neither showed symptoms. there is one std that lays dormant unknown. I can’t remember the name but I’ve heard many many storys just like this to find out they had it the whole time and one gave it to the other. Of course one of you could be cheating but if your 100% sure, then that would my guess. I mean if this happened to me, I would believe this over my husband cheating without the proof cause he has no idea how to hide things or lie to me thank God. but my ex… shit I didn’t need proof and knew he was fucking around.
I have had heard of some ppl catching them from previous relationships and not knowing until being tested. So you could of gotten it from a previous relationship before your husband it is possible.
Depends on the STD… some can take a few years to show. HPV is an example, apparently Chlymida can be asymptomatic for years as well.
Someone cheated if it wasn’t you…than…
It’s not hard to cheat at work, just saying
One of you cheated. Or you had the std before you got together or he has the std before you got together and just never knew you had it.
You can get an STD and it can be dormant for years, but depends on the STD
Polygraph tests aren’t that expensive, I’d be asking some questions.
Just because he works allday doesnt mean he didnt cheat. You know how many women and men cheat while they are at work alot do it.
They can tell how long you have an std btw
Hate to break it to you but if it wasn’t you, there’s only one other option
Maybe you got it from a tractor. (Seinfeld reference)
Tell your husband you want him to take a polygraph test. See how he reacts. If he refuses you have your answer!
Unless ur LITERALLY together every hour and every minute of the day you def cannot guarantee someone isn’t cheating on you. You can literally cheat in less than five minutes if you really want to… (too quick for my taste but to each their own lol) saying they’re at work doesn’t mean that’s where they are ESPECIALLY if they know you’ll believe them no questions asked if that’s what they tell you. You don’t get SEXUALLY Transmitted Diseases without some SEXUAL activity soo if ur not cheating then he is… tell him to tell his girlfriend to get tested if she hasn’t already… no need for y’all to continue passing it back and forth…I say that because I don’t think you’ll leave considering ur really trying to figure out how you got an std and ur husband is the only one ur sleeping with soo either ur lyin or he is…
He’s cheating with someone from work a sucia
If u havent cheated, your husband has
If you didn’t do it… there’s only one other person in your relationship that you know of, it’s that one. Sorry but you’re not confused, you’re in denial
Someone has cheated that’s just how it is I’m sorry but it’s the truth
I have had this issue before found out when I got pregnant that I had a std but it was not because someone cheated People can have trichomoniasis for months without showing any symptoms. If you or your partner suddenly have symptoms or test positive for it, it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone’s cheating. Either partner may have gotten it in a previous relationship and unknowingly passed it on.
How long have you guys been married for?
I may be wrong, but can’t people be infected with stds and almost never show symptoms?
Watched a Steve episode where both parties were proven to be faithful by a professional lie detector test & the girl still caught an STD
It depends on what STD it is, some STDs can sit dormant for a long time like Herpes, HPV and HIV; but others happen pretty rapidly such as gonorrhea or chlamydia
Could it possible be that one of you had it all this time before you met each other. I would ask the doctor and do some research to see if that was possible and if not then you have to believe that he did cheat.
Well the STD got there some way but there called sexually transmitted for a reason. Someone’s not being honest with someone.
Ok Maybe I’m the only person in the world to do this but when you switch sexual partners do you get tested with them every time so if something shows up you know who from and do you wear a condom till your test come back ?
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be transmitted without sex, that is, without intercourse. Even grandma kissing you at Christmas might pass on cold sores (a herpes virus). Chlymidia is a common STD and most people have never heard of it. Venereal diseases are often undiagnosed or hidden by symptoms that are common to other diseases. You can have an STD and never know it.
So either may have had something for all this time and not known, this kind of thing can happen without cheating.
Ur in denial… n I’m sorry hes done that to you…
Alot if stds stay dormant symptomatically for women for years. But can effect fertility if its been long enough. Either that or there has been infidelity in the relationship on someone’s end.
Std’s can lay dormant especially in women for yeaarrrs without showing any sign or symptom she has one
I think it’s weird that so many women are trying for convince you that the std was just dormant. Your husband cheated. If you had a dormant std you wouldn’t be going to a Gyno or a pcp for treatment, you’d need to go to infectious disease and have a more than normal amount of medication. Also, you can’t actually expect a fair level of input without giving the stds name. If it’s a common one, yes he cheated. If it’s something more long term- yeah you could have had it and not known. But seeing as how you said he was tested, I’m assuming it’s not hpv or herpes. Causing me to lean more towards cheating. Good luck.
Your husband cheated sis. Face it. You would be surprised how many men leave work to meet hoes in hotel rooms. Don’t be so naive, and don’t let him see you be that naive. Hold him responsible.
Sis… if you know you didn’t cheat stop believing his lying ass. You didn’t get it in some obscure way. You get stds from sexual contact. Dassit. Dassall. He cheated. End of story
He cheated hun. I think deep down you know it too, or you wouldnt have posted sorry
Where he got the time love? Baby girl lemme break this down for you, men make time to cheat!! Thats where you got it!! There is no other way, look beyond the love and fix it hun, i not saying leave but next time what if its aids?!
You can’t have had it before you got together if you’ve been having problems you’d have known surely. He’s cheated somewhere down the line and it probably wouldn’t of crossed your mind before finding this out.
Sorry to put a downer on things … but it’s very easy for men to cheat at work … a quickie in there office,toilet etc xx
What type of STD? Supposedly you were tested for HPV aswell to see if the STD is caused by it…
To all of you who are so SURE one of them cheated, pls get yourself educated before contributing into ruining a marriage!
This is my experience;
After a year of giving birth to my child, I started getting low pelvic cramps which kept getting worse, eventually I started spotting, I went to my gynae who noticed x2 polyps which were removed & sent to lab for testing, I also got a smear
Results came back & I tested positive for Koliocytoses which is USUALLY caused by a type of HPV, so my gynae took a biopsy to see which type it was and I tested negative i.e conclusion; koliocytoses was caused by fluctuations of hormones during pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding!
I took 2 rounds of antibiotics & kept repeating the smear every few months & thankfully it all kept coming clear
So no, an STD does not necessarily mean cheating
men make time to cheat hun! mine would say overtime…or get out early… or say hes working and hes not even working! that wasn’t dormant.
It only means he cheated. Instead of going to work one day he decided to make a stop
I am so sorry this happened to you. Here’s the deal, educate yourself on how long this disease can lay dormant, it’s transmission method, etc… There’s plenty of reliable research on it. If you know there is no other way you could have picked it up, aside from him after all that research, you’re going to need to come to terms with what the facts are, therefore what the truth is. Most people will lie…esp if they are trying to save themselves from some potentially extremely damaging consequences.
Either hes cheated and your not together as often as you really think.
Or you’ve had it years and it’s not been picked up or you’ve not had a test before. Depending which STD it is like, as some can live in your body for years and cause subtle issues that you wouldnt find suspicious.
But either one of these as the likelihood of contracting it from touching a stranger or from a public toilet, is less likely than winning the lotto.
He cheated hun! You need to sit down and have a serious talk with him! Yes some stds can lay dormant for a little bit but not that long.
It depends on the STD. Some can be dormant in your body and the weirdest thing can activate or you don’t know until they test for it.
Talk to your Doctor. I believe you can get this other ways.
I went through that with my ex husband…he was an instructor at a college & had a cot in his oversized closet in his office. We both got treatment & he gave it back to me… I quit having intercourse with him. Haven’t gotten it again or anything else.
Firstly he needs to be tested and treated so the std is not transferred back to you resulting in ongoing health conditions. Secondly book both of you in for regular check ups every 3-6months. If he believes you and you believe him that’s GREAT, trust is important. But thirdly love truly is blind, and with that knowledge please accept that these things do not just magically appear, you are much more mature, understanding and forgiving then most please don’t allow yourself to be in denial and treated as a doormat… lastly acknowledge with him the facts and all other possibilities(if any). A real man will take ownership of his mistakes and so would a real woman. Somebody in denial
You should talk with your doctor about this because we don’t have enough information to give sound advice and believe what the doctor say, best wishes
That is how my mom found out my dad was cheating, when he gave her an std. Then tried to tell her she got it from sitting on a public toilet.
Im sorry girl, but he cheated. You dont just catch STDs outa no where. Of course he’s gonna deny it but there’s no other realistic way you caught an std if you’ve been faithful. He’s either not working the hours he tells you he is or he’s cheating during work hours, maybe even at work. But he definitely cheated.
He cheated, if you tested positive for a std, happened to a friend of mine, her husband cheated on her and gave her a std
Trust and believe your husband is cheating, I’ve been down that road before. I would have never thought my husband would cheat on me, but he did.
Only a public restroom if you make it a habit of rubbing all over the toilet seat!
No symptoms. Hun go get retested. Dr’s are not always right.
Depending on the std you could have gotten it with your last sexual partner before your husband or vise versa. But not many will lay dormant for that long.
You can get it from a toilet seat…Certain kind. Happen to my sister when she was in the 8th grade…
One of yall cheated, so better fess up.
People cheat at work, on the way home from work, even on a Sunday! Please don’t fall for that!
He cheated. Sorry to break it to you. Been there, done that. I’m sorry
It’s called sexuality transmitted for a reason
Heres something from planned parenthood
Some STDs have symptoms, but many don’t, so they can go unnoticed for a long time. For example, it can take more than 10 years for HIV symptoms to show up, and infections like herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea can be spread even if there are no symptoms.
Sounds like you know how you caught it and are looking for a scapegoat to explain it away. Imo… no judgment just saying.
People can cheat at work, my friends ex husband did, it don’t matter where they are, what time of day it is, it happens all the time. Sorry to be so harsh but like alot of these other women have said it doesn’t come out of nowhere. Be smart get tested often with or without symptoms and don’t let him know. Sorry this has happened to you.
He cheated. Std spread through bodily fluids, salvia, blood, secretions etc.
Unless you had that std more than 5 years you 2 been together he been creeping.
Depending on the std, some can be transmitted through clothing too. Like scabies or crabs. So if either of u work for a company that uses uniforms or a cleaning service it can happen too.
Its one of 2 options , A) Cheated or B) Drug use that involves sharing needles.
Had u had a pap smear in the last 5 years or was this the first?
I’ve heard you can even catch them of toilet seats
A false positive? Have a second opion?
Mine used work to cheat. He was cheating on his lunch break
Sounds like he is cheating with someone at work
Your doctor should have answered these questions for you. Many STDs can lie dormant, so make sure you know the facts before you make any assumptions about your husband. That said, he wouldn’t be the first person to cheat and lie about it, so be prepared. And if you’re not using reliable birth control, talk to your doctor about the risks of passing whatever you have to a baby.
He cheated because you just don’t get an STD out of know way
I’d let your partner know to get a std test
Not even the “public restroom “ scenario lol once something hits air it’s dead can’t be transmitted
Well it’s quite obvious that he cheated or how else would you have gotten it
he would be leaving the house if he is the guilty one
Unless you had this before you got together, there isn’t any other way you could have gotten it without him being unfaithful.
It happens at work too.
Don’t be naive. You got it from your husband.
I knew someone who met at a traffic light. She signaled him to pull in a parking lot. They had sex there maybe 10 minutes tops…and he went on his way home.
Could’ve been lying dormant for a bit
Wow these answers sound crazy. STDs are sexually transmitted. If u didn’t do the cheating. He did. Only thing that can come to light later on is genital herpes but I don’t think years maybe months.
It’s a SEXually transmitted disease. There’s your answer.
You can not get stds from a damn toilet. Read people!
Don’t auto assume your husband is cheating. Some women on here just auto think the worst of men. Some stds do take longer to appear and some can show years later. And if you haven’t been tested and had no symptoms you could have had it before your husband and not known. Or he could have had it before you and didn’t know if he never got tested. Not everyone gets tested for stds regularly or at all.
No way you can contact it from a toilet seat. Since bacterial STIs cannot survive outside the environment of mucous membranes in the body, it is essentially impossible to contract one by sitting on public toilet seats. Viral causes of STIs cannot survive for long outside the human body either, so they generally die quickly on surfaces like toilet seats. Your husband cheated bottom line. Don’t sugar coat the bs he cheated.
There are rare cases of non-sexual transmission of STIs, but they are VERY, VERY rare. Depending on what kind it is, they can also lay dormant for years. (There is one documented case of syphilis laying dormant for 50+ years.) However, again this is extremely rare. I would take a look at the hubby’s phone and definitions of “cheating” before agreeing that you fall into the rare category.
Some STDs can be transmitted by public toilets etc
STD. Incubation period
chlamydia 7–21 days
genital herpes. 2–12 days
gonorrhea 1–14 days
hepatitis A 15–50 days
hepatitis B 8–22 weeks
hepatitis C 2–26 weeks
HIV 2–4 weeks
HPV 1 month–10 years (depending on type)
oral herpes 2–12 days
syphilis 3 weeks–20 years (depending on type)
5–28 days
Sorry ma’am but somebody cheating
He definitely cheated!
He cheated. Sorry girl
Go back for a 2nd test, but if it comes out positive, then your hubby is not being faithful. I know because this happened to me. He admitted it months later.
Oh you are so funny. You might have been faithful, but your husband isn’t. Get treated & make sure he does too.