It all depends on which STD it is, I agree that you should speak to your Doctor first, and find out how you could have contracted it. Don’t jump to conclusions until you have more information. Kind of round about of the topic, but you can have cancerous or pre cancerous cells without HPV. I literally had to have a hysterectomy, and absolutely no strains of HPV found in genetic testing. I have had people literally argue the point with me saying you have to have HPV.
I contracted and STI while pregnant and my husband and I are completely faithful to eachother, my midwife wanted to kick his ass when she found out about it. Upon further research, it can lay dormant for a long time and come up because of hormone changes or stress. I was both. And it can be from either partner from previous relationships
It depends on which STD you tested positive for. Some of them can turn into pelvic inflammatory disease which is considered an STD. HPV is one that you can get at anytime and it could show up years later.
Were either of you tested after your last partner, before the two of you became monogamous? It’s possible, especially if we’re referring to chlamydia, that one of you could have been infected years ago and never knew it. Sometimes infections are dormant and without symptoms, often only found during routine testing or when the infection causes residual issues; PID and /or pelvic pain being the most common complications among women.
I had a positive std test after I had my firstborn. Hpv and cancerous cells were found. I knew I wasn’t where it could have come from as I had been a virgin before my partner.
It caused a few issues…
Until after the clinic took a literal piece of me to test and realized they had mixed up samples previously.
Always get a second test/opinion before taking any drastic actions.
I agree with Annette Boyle talk to your doctor he can explain how you could have gotten it . if it could possibly have been dormant. Get the info from him.once you do then depending on his answers it may mean a long talk with your husband
Some STD’s can lay dormant for awhile but it depends on the STD. Have you ever been tested before? If you were tested before and didn’t have an STD, and now you do… I’d be questioning the husband a bit more
Is it an std that could have been gotten from before you two were together? Some lay dormant for years before you know
You can be a carrier with no symptoms for many years with certain std’s
I had something similar happen before and freaked out. I had them do another test because I just didnt believe it, turns out the first one was a false positive. It happens.
Sometimes it takes a while for an std to show symptoms. We’re you both tested before getting together? It’s always good to be tested before a relationship and after a relationship
Sometimes they don’t show sign for years. My daughter had one and we didn’t even know for 2 years.
Sounds like maybe you should be talking to the doctor about this kind of stuff get more information before you make any judgments I’m just saying
Same thing happened to me! My boyfriend thought I was cheating but it was just women problems. I was on antibiotics for a tooth infection and they gave me a really bad infection down there. And when I got results back the doctor said I had an std
Just because he’s at work then home there’s always lunch breaks sounds like he hasn’t been faithful. Have a polygraph test done only way to know truth
I would wait until you could get another test for the STD to make sure that it was not a false positive.
Anyone is capable of cheating and nothing is impossible sometimes we wanna think that, because of clouded judgment, but it’s true. I’d get tested again and really question your husband more. He’ll tell you “no,” regardless if he did cheat or not…
Some can stay dormant for years, it’s possible either of you got it years ago and never knew.
People that want to cheat will find a way… especially at work. People that cheat find time for “quickies” anywhere.
what it boils down to is…if you believe and trust him. Then just assume it was a previous relationship and get on with your lives. If you get another one. Then you have issues.
Yeah, well my ex would leave for work, but was actually taking a vacation day from work to go cheat with his girlfriend.
Hpv can be dormant for years. My fiance just had the same thing happen. I literally only go to work or home or somewhere with her.
Listen, years ago I got planters warts on my feet from a public swimming pool. Nothing surprises me anymore. I would get a second test to confirm it was positive tho.
It is my understanding that some STD’s can lie dormant for years. Please check with your dr.
Me thinks more than one thing smells fishy. Stay out of the water.
What if they mislabeled your test… I work in a lab and it happens at drs offices often I would get retested
Depends what std it is.
Either one could have had it before you got together.
One of you cheated.
U can get bacterial vagionsis. Been told it’s not a std but it is a std because u can transfer during sex. It just a infections you can get from overgrowth of bacteria
Don’t listed to the people being rude. Personally, I would immediately be skeptical of my man and would start digging and trying to find out what’s up. But that’s me, if you feel confident in him then speak with your doctor more and explore the possibility of having gotten this from a previous partner. Perhaps it was laying dormant and you just weren’t seeing any signs of an issue. In the end, trust your instincts. That’s my advice to you.
It could’ve been dormant for years in one of you.
If you have trich, this is something that can be in your body for years and yes I mean years, it does not mean either cheated it means that one of you had it before you met and gave it to each other ever since y’all have been together. Take the medicine and get rid of it and know that the faithfulness y’all have is intact hope this helps
Depending on how long you guys have been together and if you weren’t tested before him it could be something that you guys had from previous partners but there are some stds that infect pretty quickly because of the bacteria, if it’s one of those then he definitely cheated on you with someone who had a sexually transmitted infection.
You better check to see if he is really at work. Of a man wants to cheat he will find a way.
To catch certain std 's that are not from intercourse. The person with an std would have to have to have their bodily fluids come into contact with something you immediately come into contact with. Not just contact though, but direct contact to a mucous mebrane or an open wound on you. Chlamydia, trich, hep a and hep b, herpes, HIV. Those are the common ones. However that is beyond rare. Scenario: public restroom. You see blood and urine on the toilet seat. Will you sit there? I know I wouldn’t. Id be calling someone in to clean it.
You said the last five years! Could he have gotten this before y’all got together?
STD’s come in different ways than just intercourse probably from an open wound or a public bathroom or some sort.
It could always be a false positive. Also if you’ve never been tested before you could have had it a long time ago.
There are a couple different types of STDs that are actually bacterial infections that are caused by intercourse and can be spread that way. They are labeled as STDs because the bacteria forms during intercourse causing the infection. I had the same issue when I was pregnant. My husband and I eye didn’t talk to eachother for a couple of days until I finally did some research and found more about it out.
Or maybe a false positive.
How long have you been married. You may have had the STD prior to meeting him. You said you didn’t have symptoms, think back is there any time that maybe you had symptoms and then they went away on their own? Depending on which STD it is you literally could have had it for years without knowing it.
Well talk to you husbdand anyways. Communicate with him and explain. Also have him tested. I know, he’s been faithful but still. And get tested again. It could be a false positive
My friend of mine was once tested positive for a std but was not even sexual active… ever…Retested and it was not a std
Some consider vaginosis to be one, but it’s not…
Some STD’s r dormant for years with no symptoms. Get tested again. It’s possible u have had it for a long time and never knew until now.
There are multiple stds and stis that have absolutely no symptoms or lay dormant for years. It is possible for some, especially in men, to be undetected for decades. They have no idea they even have anything. I hope all works out. I would, if it were me in the situation, contact a couple’s counselor because it is definitely something I would need to talk things through with an unbiased person.
It’s entirely possible he had one or you had one, prior to marriage. Depending on the std, some can remain dormant until they flare up. But that can only be the case for SOME std’s.
So my ex husband gave me an STD and i had been completely faithful to him. Count your blessings it is something treatable and curable (as mine was) i found out he had been cheating… I left him and didn’t look back was just glad what he gave me was curable with no complications… Please just be very careful
Honestly depending on what it is, your husband could be a carrier and not be affected by it or even test positive for it for years before it will actually show up in his system. Do not let this affect how you view your relationship. As long as it is properly treated in yourself and your husband and never reoccurs.
Someone I know had been with the same partner for 3 years, both faithful and never found out til she got pregnant with their first child and they had to do a test. She had it for 3 years and never had a clue, no symptoms for either one of them. So it is possible.
Wait until you find out hubby’s results. If he comes back negative go get retested. So sorry for what your going through
#1, where there’s a will, there’s a way. People can cheat while at work. #2, your definition of cheating and his definition might be quite different. As in, if he were with a man for example, not another woman, he might not consider it “cheating”.
#3, go with your instinct, NOT your heart. #4, If he cheated, there will probably be more evidence. I’d be checking bank statements, credit card statements and other things to be sure. An STD is pretty convincing to me. However, sometimes weird stuff happens. It was 2020 until a month ago!
You or your husband may have had one for a long time without symptoms.
I would just say I would like you to get an std test because my dr recommends we both get one. Then if his comes back positive as well, he could have gotten from you having one already or gotten from somewhere else. Either way both parties should be tested and then start the conversation from there no matter how hard it might be. You need to get to the bottom of why you are testing positive for an std.
Have them recollect a sample and run it again. Specimens get mixed up sometimes. If they reswab/recollect the sample and it’s still positive, other avenues from a dormant infection to infidelity need to be considered.
Depends on what you came back positive for. Will be many different answers, each specific to that positive result.
I had a friend that talked about how she used to cheat with a married guy who came to her house after his wife went to sleep. They’ll always find a way if they want.
My friend contracted an STD from her husband, HPV. He was having an affair with their neighbor while she was at work.
Haha funny that you swear to his faithfulness! Clearly he is lying to you. If he tells you he doesn’t have time to cheat cuz all he does is work and come home then he’s been calling in sick so he can go get a quickie. Don’t be so naive.
Just because all y’all do is go to work n home doesn’t mean he’s not having sex with someone he works with cuz if ur not cheating then he definitely is like u said how else did u get it
Obviously he did. My husband was cheating and I had no clue. We were together all the time. Trust me when I say they will make time and find a way
My ob and a nurse swore a pregnancy test was positive once I knew there was no way insisted on a 2nd one and negative. Get retested!!!
I worked in a gas station and had to use the public restroom while at work. I am not ashamed to say that I caught Trichomonas from the toilet. I know that is where it came from because I hadnt been having sex with anyone for some time. The doctor told me I could get it from a public toilet.
Did you ever get tested after you started sleeping together? If not, one of you may have had it before and never knew. If so… he cheated.
Retest, and if it is positive again, sit down with your husband. If he got it before your marriage and/or has never seen a doctor for it. Or he is cheating.
Talk to your doctor about it .It could be something that you got even years ago or your husband got years ago and it was dormant or low key be open and honest with each other solve it together anyway you both are feeling the same I suspect
You can get a positive test if you are having female problem and need a hysterectomy. It has happened to several people in my family and they are not having sex at all. ijs
He cheated…sorry… I know several men that go to Dr appt, work, gym and their wives think they don’t have time to cheat…where there’s a will there’s a way
Depends on the std…how long have you and your husband been married right either of you could’ve carried it from a past lover.
Depend on what type it is, they can be caused by a simple change in how much of a certain food you eat.
They should get re-tested together…could be a false positive depending on which STD it is…or, somebody need to do some soul searching & confessions so you two can decide what to do with your marriage.
There is only on way to get an std and that is through sex. One of you has not been faithful.
Of neither cheated it could be one of you had it from before you were together and just didn’t know because it didnt cause an issue
Std’s can lay dormant for 10 years or more is what I have been told.
A host of woman got an std from a shared bathroom at a call center in Topeka, KS about 15 yrs ago. I know because I was a supervisor there but was lucky and didn’t. It does happen. But I think, IF no one has cheated, its most likely from a past relationship and has been dormant.
Some 1 could’ve had it a long time , it didn’t fall from the sky .& A man wiil find a way to do sethimg if he wants , are u with him on that job???
You need to talk to a professional , (your gynecologist) and ask questions as to how and can it stay dormant …make a list of questions and get tested again…there are such things as false positives!
I know my husband is faithful. He is disabled and never leaves the house. My BS was out if control and went to the er because it was causing female issues, they didnt test my BS just done a pelvic and said I had an std. That was 8 yrs ago. I have not nor ever had a std. Be sure to get rechecked.
Years ago I had the health department knock on my door and tell me I had a STD. I had only been with my boyfriend for years. I will not go into the whole story…but I was given a huge injection of penicillin to cure it. Fast forward one year. I go back for my annual pap, and the doctor asks me if I had anything to discuss. I half giggled out of embarrassment and replied that I’ve been fine since the gonorrhea. She replied, honey you never had gonorrhea, you had gardnerella, think of it as an overgrown yeast infection!!! Somebody entered a typo!!! Errors happen.
My sister got an STD and after a long awkward period with her husband and who did or didn’t give it to her, she was told it can be transmitted through public contamination, like public toilet seats… they was both shook to say the least.
Herpes can lie dormant for years. Maybe on of you contracted it prior to being together and never had an out break .
Absolutely you cannot catch an STD any other way that’s why they are STD’s.if you have absolutely been faithful then he has not. No man or lets say most men will not admit to infidelity.
Unless it’s an old infection and u were never tested. Sadly it would be him
Could it be possible that he or you had the STD when y’all got together? There are a lot of STDs that you can have, carry and pass on and go years with no symptoms.
Both go to Dr. together. Doc can sort it out.
You can request to be retested. Sometimes they aren’t accurate but it is true that you can have one for years and not know because symptoms aren’t always present.
Depending on what it is, some can be caused by simple strains during intercourse.
If you have an STD and you know for a fact that you’ve been faithful, he cheated on you plain and simple. There’s no such thing as getting an STD from a toilet seat or any other MYTH. He cheated!
I’ve read a lot of the comments and no one has suggested that the test may have resulted in a false positive…get retested…
It would be more beneficial if we knew what the STD is. For example: Chlamydia can be carried for many years with no symptoms whatsoever until 1 day it decides it should.
Lots of men cheat at work or may not even be going to work…
Wake up sweetheart people can call out of work there are all kinds of ways he xould have cheated and he did cheat no matter what he says
Depending on what it is, they don’t always show up in tests right away
I experienced this many years ago & was very confused as well because I had never ever been unfaithful. Had only been with my husband who of course said he had been faithful… not so much. My Dr. Who also was a friend told me that I would have had to have gotten it from my husband. When I flat out confronted him, he confessed. He also needed to take meds. Needless to say, we are now divorced. Good luck☘️
Ask for a second test. It happened to me when I found out I was four months pregnant. The second test came out negative. We were living in a camper building a house thirty miles from a doctor.
He either cheated or it’s something that you had for awhile that was dormat; some stds are like this; did you ask him? I mean the std didn’t just magically appear
Some, like trichomonas, can live on moist surfaces like towels or sponges for several hours, so if you have someone in your home who you may have shared a towel with, you could have gotten it from that person. They can also live on toilet seats for 30-45 minutes so it’s possible you could have gotten it that way too. I agree with others…ask your doctor what kind of STI you have and go from there.
It depends also which one some can stay dormit for years before it becomes active i had the same issue about 5 yrs back
I don’t know you however I just looked up web md and other sites, you could of had it and never known that you did until you got sick. Even though we have things in life that needs answers sometimes they are not there. If you know that he has not cheated on you then dont let others convince you of this. Do what your doctor says stay strong through this you will need each other. However I’m not saying he did not that we can question only he knows that answer and you know deep down. Good luck and prayers
Different std’s can be active or show up at different times. Ask your Dr
While it may be rare today, you can get STDs from your the equipment used when you have your pap smear. But you really should find out exactly what kind of STD it is and how you could have contracted it and how long the particular STD you have can lay dormant.