Girl, you never want to believe your man will cheat. But they do. Trust the evidence. Evidence doesn’t lie.
Depends on what STD. If HPV, you could have had it for years.
Y’all sure are quick to blame the man… why?? Women cheat too ya know. In this situation I don’t believe either party cheated on each other I think one of them had a cheating partner before they met and that’s where it came from. A woman knows if her man is cheating… you just know
Are u sure yr hubby is faithful? Idk if true but I hear u can get it sitting on a toilet…
He cheated. He took off work and spent all day with someone else.
I wish they would stop with these types of posts. They seem to like things that will stir up controversy and disagreements. Stop putting people against each other.
How to start communicating with ur husband n tell him whats going on if u have he has it either way so i suggest u start talking to him asap and see where ur marriage is heading!
retest, if positive again talk to doctor. Ask how it’s caught with husband in the room
People lie…a friend was cheated on and he lied for YEARS until he admitted it. STDs only come from one place… I’m sorry.
He could of had it long before u or maybe u had it way before him. I’m sure prior to u 2 getting together u were with someone else
People do chest during lunch breaks or take an unexpected day off from work IJS.
Depending on the sti, some men don’t show symptoms and we might not show any symptoms until it gets bad.
I’ve heard of some people getting std from toilet seat
You can contract an infection from a toilet seat. It is more common than you think. Per a doctor. That’s why I always line at least the front of the seat, and double line it if I can.
Have you had covid? Get another test bc some people are testing false positive for std after having covid or it could be dormant
Ask the doctor how it is possible to catch an STD being faithful. Possibly public facilities ? Or false positive ?
Sweetie this is a no brainer hun. He’s cheating on you ! Just please stop thinking something just because the truth is painful
Go to radio shack. Get a hand held device that activates and records when someone talks. Put it under the seat of the car. If he is cheating he probably will talking to her. Record him!
Maybe one of u guys had it before being together. Or he’s cheating on you. Only way u can catch std is cheating on husband or he’s cheating on you.
If you read up it it says it’s sexually transmitted and is not caught by sitting on toilet seats.
Are you really that naive Takes a while for a man to get the symptoms
Get a second one meds, stress etc can flare up horomones
Depends on what it is. Can you disclose which one? Because some are dormant but some are full fledge cheat.
In the words of the virtuous Bill Clinton, “I did NOT have sex with that woman!”
some std’s arent just spread by intercourse. depending on what you have it could of even been a public toilet or anything like that.
Someone is pulling the wool over your eyes
- How do you know your huband never cheated? You are not with him every second of the day.
- How do you know he has not been having sex during work hours? Just because you never caught your partner cheating doesn’t mean they are not cheating.
- If you and your husband were not virgins when you got married, then one of you got it from your previous partners.
Have either of you been tested before you started having sex 5 years ago? Could of had it all along .
Well there is a possibility that you had it since birth and not know It.
Impossible! May be you or your husband have one…
Someone is lying. Point blank…STDS don’t “JUST” appear. I am sorry to say, someone is creeping.
If it is herpes, you can get that from a cold sore if you’ve been having oral sex.
Depending on which std it is its possible to be caught from a tolit seat
Go get another test, and your husband. There are way too many false positives in this day!
There is an std that can go between the 2 of you without third party involvement. Ask your Dr because it is possible. Don’t end a marriage on the unknown.
What about while he is at work? Lunch time quickie.
Ok…maybe you have RA and that actually comes up as an std even though it’s not.
It’s hard to give an opinion without details of which STD it was. That being said… I wouldn’t believe him…
Were you tested before your husband and was he before you got together?
Honey, you didnt get it from a toilet seat. If you haven’t been unfaithful, he has. I know you dont want to believe it, but they’re called sexually transmitted diseases for a reason
Is it an actual std or like a bacterial infection? Bc that’s a little different…
Mine showed after marriage of 10 years. Was hibernating from the good old days, he was + as was I, his just wasn’t bothering him. We both got meds.
You cant get an STD from a toilet seat… sorry to say. Hes obviously cheating.
Get a second opinion…labs make mistakes all the time.
Did you catch it before him? Did he catch it before you? I used to believe my ex was faithful too.
It didn’t come from the toilet seat, just saying
If he had herpes in the past and gave it to you it was dormant and now came out
Se STDs can lay dormant and resurface again for really no reason other then slight changes to hormones or environment
One of you cheated. If you didn’t, guess who did?
He swears you have been his only girl… Did you ask about his boyfriend ?
If both of y’all were std free before the marriage one of y’all cheated
If you never cheated…then he did…sorry…but unless you got it before you guys were together and had it all this time…which is doubltful…he cheated
if all he does is work , well look for the coworker with the biggest booty because playa’s been dippin
Do you work at the same place? He could’ve called off work/vacation day.
You can’t truly love someone who you can’t trust. Good luck to you. Forgive him and go forward, with or without him
It seems your husband has cheated?. Ask the doctor
Maybe your husband cheated at work? Or you got the std from somewhere else, like a public toilet seat or something?
Did he test positive as well?
What did your Dr. say about it and where it could have come from? Very least Google it.
Was told certain std can be caught from setting on a toilet after someone else …
How about the tools the doctor office use, could they have contaminated
he passed it on to you
Which one? Some can be quiescent for sometime
Was your husband positive too?
If its hpv you can get that by other means.
Are you or your husband a diabetic?
Get a second opinion and then logic will tell you what to do.
Why are there a bunch of man boys commenting 6th grade ridiculousness on here? Grow up, boys.
She doesn’t say which STD. HPV is one that most sexually active people will get. And HPV is one that can take decades to even show up and even cause issues like cervical cancer and abnormal Pap smears in woman. If it’s that then really she should research this particular std and have a discussion with her husband as well if it’s not.
HPV is a std that can stay dormant for years.
I had false positive syphilis test found during pregnancy years ago. Turns out it was an autoimmune disease. No STD. No cheating by either of us.
Sadly no…stds are sexually transmitted.Have you been checked for stds before? Has he? If you are faithful than its most likely him.
Were u virgin before marriage. ?There are 36 strains of HPV. It can hide for years. Then suddenly trama or injury causes it to activate.
I thought my ex was faithful too, til I actually caught him.
Which STD in particular?
Which STD were you positive for? Both herpes and chlamydia can be transmitted by a kiss, sharing towels, sharing razors, etc. There are MANY different STD’s. It is also true that some can lie dormant. Before giving up on your marriage, do your research.
Are you a Democrat? If yes, you have alot more issues.
Before you blow up your marriage. Investagate your Sti. So sorry. You must be heartbroken.
Your husband cheated. I know you’re hurt but don’t be stupid.
Girl you need to wake up and smell the coffee he’s cheating at work. Don’t be a dam fool
Sorry but you wouldn’t…he needs to fess up
he cheated, stop being sooooo naive
They can lie dormant for awhile depending on the STD
Pray about it…I would take it to the Lord instead of other’s…
Your gut is trying telling you something. LISTEN to it. Wish I did.
Some STDs can be dormant for many years, no symptoms. When was last time you were tested for this? Could you have had it before marriage? Ask doctor because you could have had it for years.
Look anyone can find time and a place. So if you are not with him 24/7 then you will never know
STIs don’t always have symptoms, someone could litrally have an STI for years and years without any symptoms what so ever, so one of you could have caught it from a previous relationship or sexual encounter.
Or the other option is that someone has been unfaithful.
But i suggest that you BOTH get tested, you said you have already and that you’re on medication, but the problem there is if you’re on medication and you don’t mention anything to your husband and you continue to have sex you will catch it again if he has it aswel.
Also personally i feel that in a marrage you should be open and honest with one another, if you have nothing to hide yourself then you will mention this to him.
If your marrage is strong then you both shouldn’t have a problem resolving this TOGETHER.
But i think you owe it to him to tell him to be honest.
Its about being grown up and rational.
Like i said there shouldn’t be a problem if both of you have been faithful.
I wish you all the best, and i hope you get this issue resolved soon
I got a result positive when my hubs and I were each other’s first. We had only done it twice before I got a phone call about it. They called me back the next day apologizing and said they mixed mine up with someone else’s . Needless to say my husband and I had an interesting conversation before that came to light lol
Either way. He needs test and get clean himself.
It Happened to me years ago… I was Single and hadn’t had Sex with anyone in Months… I Remember going back to work Really upset And Crying… My Co-worker insisted I get a Second Opinion. I did and it came out Negative… Even the Doctor told me…" Who in Hell told you That?"
I heard a dr say that most of the population has it.
Depends on the std, if its herpes you or he could have contracted it before your relationship, but not had a break out.
Duh. You already know the answer. Just hard to accept.
My xhusband cheated on me with 5 women and 1 girl. We were always together when not at work. The girl…i was in bed asleep while they were in our living room. Get checked again but dont believe it CANT happen. It most definatly can
Sometimes they can lie dormant, or maybe you or your husband had it prior to marriage and didn’t know it. Also, get a second test, I was told I was HepB positive and Iwasnt.
There are false positives. Get retested.
Um yeah he’s lying if your not cheating he is . He may have a “work wife”
Koalas… they have chlamydia
Could be a false positive test.