I tested positive for an STD but haven't been unfaithful: Thoughts?

Look into goverment assults while u are asleep

Second test. My ex was supposedly at work when he wasn’t.

You can catch some STDs from toilet seats

It depends on what sdt

Without knowing the disease it’s hard to answer. Warts, herpes, can come out years after exposure. Tricnosis can be something you might not know you had. You are married and not recently single. So gonerea and syphilis can go without symptoms for awhile. It isn’t your first time at the gyno I’m sure. I think your husband is cheating. He says he’s at work and he isn’t.

Improper care of the area

What std is it? If it’s hpv you can get that shit from a toilet seat, but if it’s any other I’d say one of y’all cheated.

I mean it depends on the type of std too. I get coldsores, if i give my fiance a blowjob while I have an active cold sore there’s a good chance he will end up with full blown herpes and could easily pass that back to me. It’s one of those facts people never seem to believe.

Somebody cheated. Period!

probably a false positive

wash your twat then if yall are so honest

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Symptoms in Females.

Go ahead and get that vaccination

Sorry, someone cheated!

Either of you may have had it before marriage and not know, may have even gotten a false negative if yall got tested before marriage, weird shit happens. If you are convinced he didnt cheat, and you know you didnt, just keep rolling, be glad it was caught, and follow up with any further treatment.

Wow some of you need to really have talks with your doctors about what STD’s and STI’s are and how you get them. All this “toilet seat” bullshit is false. :woman_facepalming:t4::face_vomiting: called sexually transmitted diseases for a reason people.

Emilee Breeann Morgan

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If you were both tested before the relationship, then someone cheated. It’s called an std for a reason. It’s sexually transmitted. Don’t be an idiot.

Don’t trust him. He is cheating.

This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard :woman_facepalming:t2:

Some STDs can lie dormant


It depends on which kind. If you dont mind sharing which one, you will probably get better responses. Many of us have been in your shoes.

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Please don’t believe the cheating! I haven’t had sexual contact with anyone for 8 years and I had a terrible outbreak of herpes last week. It stayed dormant for at least that long. I am proof that cheating isn’t always the reason!


Baby. Unfortunately- men ain’t always at work when they say they are. They’re not always at the gym when they say they are. They’re not always at the homies like they say they are.


It’s an unfortunate reality but the STD didn’t climb in you and if you know it wasn’t you- he’s the only one left to blame. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Your husband obviously is cheating. Come on now.


I suppose it depends on the type of STD. It’s very unlikely to catch an STD from a non-person. The bacteria cannot survive outside the body. Chlamydia for eg can only be cought by touching the infected persons sexual fluid so you dont necessarily have to have penetrative sex in order to catch it. He may not have had sex with another woman but its possible his fingers might have wondered and then he touched himself? I know that sounds awful but if you are sure you are faithful then it’s only likely he isnt :pleading_face:

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Well someone cheated here???

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If this was the first time yall have been tested since being together someone could have had it before but that dont sound like the case. Someone is cheating rather its you or him time to be honest with each other

I think it depends on which std. I would discuss with your doctor to see if you can catch whichever std without cheating or if like others said it can be dormant for however long. I’d say if it’s viral, it could be from a long time ago. If it’s bacterial, i would say it’s recent. But that’s my unprofessional opinion.


Depends. If it’s an STD that can lay dormant then you could’ve had it years without knowing. If you’ve had an STD test in the previous 5 years and it was clear, then you definitely have reason to be concerned

It really depends on the std.

Or it could just mean that you caught it before you met your husband as stds can lay dormant for years !


I had the same thing happen to my husband and I. The most likely answer is, one of you got it before your were together. The std we had was one, like you, that shows little to no symptoms. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. :hugs::hugs:

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The std could’ve been dormant? Have you questioned the doc? Some STDs can be contracted non sexually as well

To truly know , one must know the STD it self . Chlamydia, hepatitis C, HIV, HSV (herpes simplex virus), and syphilis can lay dormant for sometime . Years for some of these . Honest and open discussion is the only way to find out !
Run through the conversation in your mind before you bring up the subject. You dont want to be accusing but you need the truth for both of your sakes.
Don’t feel guilty or bad or ashamed . Stay strong !

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You women just jumping the bandwagon saying not to trust the husband’s word :woman_facepalming:t3:

Not sure which STD it is but sometime you can get a STD earlier in life (from another partner years ago) and it can lay dormant in your system, for years without any type of symptoms. Then randomly it will surface, its possible that’s what happened. It’s not always worst case scenario, our bodies are just complicated.

I’d just talk to the hubby, do some research on which STD it is.

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You could of had it before being with him or he before being with you. Some can go years without being noticed esp if no symptoms that’s how some people end up with fertility problems from it.
He might also have cheated

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LOL what ya mean ya don’t know where it came from :rofl: if you didn’t cheat, he OBVIOUSLY DID, like damn :woman_facepalming:t2:

I swore up and down that my husband (now ex) would never cheat. Ever. Until he contacted an STD and passed it on to me. Turns out he’d gotten STDs before but got them treated before we had sex again.

Oh and before you say anything about it having been dormant… This was 20 yrs into our marriage

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Well someone cheated and isn’t be honest because you don’t just get a random STD if you’re saying you’ve been faithful then your husband’s definitely cheated. He could of cheated on his lunch break at work or never went to work and said he did :woman_shrugging:

Depends on the std and yes u can pik them up from objects like vibrators and other sex toys


It depends on the std. Some are dormant.


Depends what it is. Some can stay dormant or you may never have any symptoms. Hard to know without knowing what it came positive for.


i would ask your doctor if the STD you contracted even does lies dormant cuz if your doctor says no well you gor your answer


Clearly hes not as honest as you think :woman_shrugging: sorry to be harsh but that sort of thing doesnt happen by accident


Where does HE think it came from ?

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As Lillian said, ask your doctor if it could have been dormant in your body, picked up by an object, or is it strictly a result of recent sexual intercourse ?

People are so quick to assume. False positives happen, not often but it happens. I’d ask your doctor to retest you

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Std’s can lay dormant for many years without symptoms. Elther could have got from previous partners. If youve both had test in relasionship then you know one of you have been elsewhere

Either him or you could have had it for years. Don’t always have symptoms right away


Ok the lady’s are asking question I don’t want to answer with out exposing my self. So the Sti is chlymedia and yes I get my early Pap smears but being married they never tested for sti or stds before.
Also I tried to ask my dr if it could sit dormant and she couldn’t give me a exact answer
Also I do have hpv that I’ve had since birth I found out when I was pregnant 10yrs ago but I’ve never had problems with it beside giving my paps coming back irregular


He could have had it before and not be symptomatic

Your husband cheated on you girlfriend. Face it.


YOUR HUSBAND CHEATED ON YOU IF YOU DIDN’T CHEAT. That’s how I found out my boyfriend cheated on me. I tested positive for a STD while 7 months pregnant.


You can get crap to from sitting on a toilet seat in public ! Depends on std .

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It’s no miracle you got it. Men cheat everywhere. Work, on the way home, out to get groceries, visited a friend. I’m sorry. But if you didn’t cheat, he did.

Oh honey, your husband is definitely cheating​:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

Seriously? Um… HE CHEATED!!! kick him to the curb.

Before he got with you he could have had it all along and not :no_entry_sign: been tested. Until you got the systems. Doesn’t mean he cheated .he could have previously had it and not know it. Hope you feel better.


Men are SNEAKY. Some don’t even have a conscience. It’s very possible he’s sleeping with someone else either on break at work, when he’s running “errands”, or whatever. Believe me if there’s a will there’s a way. If he has it then I don’t doubt one bit that he gave it to you

One of you is guilty.

It can lay dormant for years for men without ever showing symptoms. It could also make him sterile if it goes on for too long untreated.

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If it’s HPV you can carry that for a long time before it shows up.
Along with herpes.
A lot of things can lay dormant before actually coming to the surface.
But if you haven’t done anything then talking to your husband would be your next best option.

I had a yeast infection so severe in 1 of my pregnancies it registered as a std I demanded they send it off for further testing bc I had already tested neg previously and had had no relations. Thats when they called and said yeast

Girl, you didn’t catch it from a toilet seat that’s all ima say.

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STDs can be dormant for a long time. You can go months or years without any symptoms.

He cheated happened to me, the bullshit that came from that man’s mouth. The dormant STDs was my favorite lmao

Okay so when was the last time you were tested? Your saying you didn’t have symptoms so you may have been a silent carrier or asymptomatic and had it for a longer time. I’m personally one of those people before I start a relationship we both get checked. If your not being unfaithful then most likely he is.

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There are several STD that can be dormant or have no symptoms for a long long time.It is possible one of you contracted this before your relationship started.


Your husband did you wrong… I hope that you wake up some time soon. FYI the exact same thing happened to me and years later I finally found out that he saw strippers. I should not have wasted so much time on him. Now I am free of him and so very happy :blush:

He’s not faithful sweetie. He found a way to cheat and made it seem like there’s no way he could of. My husband did the same thing. I was convinced and sure he wouldn’t ever do such a thing but he did. Remember you have choices and you don’t have to put up with his behavior. He slept around without using protection exposing you to stds. He doesn’t have any respect for you or your well being.

It could have been in your system for years. You had no symptoms so chances are its been there a while.

My mum at the age of 75 tested positive for one & trust me she had not had sex in like 40 years!! The doctor said some can be there but no symptoms

So this went longer than I thought it would. But I get tested every 30 days being in the adult industry and I happen to pretty informed kn the subject.
I know it depends on the std. If it’s a bacterial one (since you mentioned you’re being “treated” I’m assuming it is) he definitely cheated.
I’ve gotten frisky AT work. It’s not unheard of and literally takes only minutes. No one noticed we were missing for a few mins. So its not impossible.
Other stds can take a while to appear. I know hpv can take literal YEARS to be noticed. Also some have a symptomless first stage and you won’t know you have it for weeks or even months.
I know with herpes specifically, on your first “outbreak” you can experience flu like symptoms without even having noticeable sores. So you won’t know you’re having an outbreak until the next or even further subsequent ones. It’s possible you won’t know for months or even yrs if you dont have bad outbreaks. STDs are tricky business.

Sometimes it might happen …because of waxing… obviously the spatula for waxing is used in a number of people …please next time u go to parlor make use u have Ur own wax and spatula and towel…too

I have been married for 47 years to the same man. My dr said it can dormant for a long time and that’s how I got it. I have slept with no one else ever. Befor him or after him

This happened to someone I know. Test results were mixed up. Have a second test!

Did his come back negative or positive? It could have been a false positive. Before anyone starts ranting it is possible. But I wouldn’t start tripping just yet. But if you have that gut feeling then…

If you didn’t cheat, then he did. Sorry but you need to face reality.

Same situation and your husband obviously found the time to cheat. I know it hurts to to in that direction but it’s reality. It just didn’t appear outa nowhere. Sorry not sorry . Your hubby thought he would get away with it just like mine but the truth always comes out in the end

I’ve always heard you either forgive and forget and move on or you don’t. Sounds like you wouldn’t want to know if he was cheating anyways, guess he’s good to you. Get treated together, be happy if he makes you happy. You’ll be the downfall of your marriage if you pursue this course of interrogation with him and involve others. Sometimes mistakes happen. Forgive him and go on with your life.

It would be helpful to know which std you are talking about. If it’s something like hpv or bacterial vaginosis it’s possible that no one was cheating. Now if it’s like chlamydia or gonnorhea you need to seriously evaluate your marriage.

Also…I would have been asking the doc if it’s possible you carried whatever it was since before you met your husband.

My sister had this problem. Swore they were faithful to each other. Her husband swore it. He died 3 months later and his mistress showed up to the funeral. Now don’t accuse him but it happens.

Dr told me I had an STD when I haven’t been with someone for ten years . I was allergic to sun laundry soap!

Stds can stay dormant for a long time, especially herpes. It could be a false positive or it could be a situation I’ve been in. I got a bad infection and test showed I had herpes. When they did a closer examination its not the common state but one that can arise from a staph infection. Last, and this is rare, but could have gotten it from a public toilet

Your partner cheated and you got it. That’s all there is to it.

Everybody thinks the husband cheated how do you know if the wife isn’t telling the truth maybe she was the one cheating

If either weren’t tested before, they wouldn’t have known. Both take care of it and continue on with life.

If neither 1 of you got tested before the relationship started it could be from before. They can lurk like that. You need to tall about it bc its his problem too but don’t assume he cheated.


Only trichomoniasis and chlymedia lies dormant. Mostly in pregnant women. Either of them could have had it for years and not know it.

I have heard of men contracting it from not washing there hands working construction…

Take another test and then have your husband take a test to be on the safe side.

Did they retest you? Results can sometimes be wrong.

Did you have it before meeting?

If it is herpes, it can show up ten years later after exposure.

Did his test come back positive also? Or negative?

What std, if you don’t mind?

Have you or your husband been in the hospital? Years ago I got a STD from a dirty catheter while in the hospital…Needless to say my dr. did not charge me anything for the surgery I had and neither did the hospital.

I had chlamydia over 2 years ago, got treated immediately within a month of contracting it. I got in a relationship a year and a half later, tested negative after having sex with my new partner. months later i was having symptoms like bleeding, pain, got tested and came up positive again. i was not unfaithful, my partner got tested and got treated as a precaution. his test was negative. my dr said that was impossible and he basically planned it. I disagree. I asked another friend about it and the same exact thing happened to her. I know it wasnt a false positive bc i had symptoms that went away after treatment. Neither of us were unfaithful. Ive been paranoid the months onward bc learning that chlamydia CAN lie dormant without proper treatment is a thing i researched. Its very confusing, embarassing, and scary.