I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

Ask him not the public
Then Confront her

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Whats gonna if it her number lol

Girl I would have answered that sooo fast. Get the number call baby and have a chat. Definitely leave him. He’s obviously cheating and not very smart
 Be thankful you aren’t married!!


Lmfao this reminds me of one my psycho exs thought i was cheating on her because of that same shit my friends name is baby and also had guy friends who thought it would be funny to put gf1 gf2 in phone but ya know y’all women always assume the worst how about you ask him rather than being a psycho and posting up on Facebook

If you seen it then that’s when you should of asked. His reaction would tell you everything!

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He’s not the sharpest crayon in the box smh . But if you didn’t answer
 either are you


Ask him who the f%#k baby is?! Then smack the crap out of him when he bullshits and throw his ass out!!

My fiance has pet names for some of the people in his phone, but with that being said, I know who they are. If I were you, I would take it and ask him who it is and ask to see the messages. No reason any woman other than you should have a pet name like that in his phone.

This totally sucks and I’m heart broke for you​:neutral_face:I definitely would write her number down and call her. Ask if She is aware that Your Fiance is very much a Fiance and that She needs to step back! Then I would confront your Fiance immediately! You know what you should do without any of Us telling you. I am So Very Sorry​:pray::pray:

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Call the number, confront him
 figure out how you want your future to be. It’s better to be alone then have your kids watch you fall about in depression. Children need a happy mom not a unhappy home.


Just confront him tell him u saw it and want answers or u will get them urself

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Makes a change from ‘pizza hut’.

Keep quiet and collect evidence before confronting him, most people find it hard to fess up and be wrong
 save the number that came up and put yourself in a stable neutral place mentally. You need to be there, for your baby and unborn. Don’t give him the opportunity of more info and him being able to just hide things better. I guess I mean, don’t show your “whole hand” before you get your ducks in a row first. If you call her before speaking to him she’ll probably tell him and he’ll have time to come up with a bs story and delete stuff. :person_shrugging:t2:


I’d b calling that number n having a chat


Here’s my thoughts. She may not know about you (If there is in fact another woman). I’d talk to him. If he lies leave him. He’d be really stupid so save another woman’s number as baby in his phone. And I mean stupid. Maybe he wants put and thought it would be an easy out. :thinking: but remember it’s not another woman you need to confront. It’s not her fault. It’s his.


Most of the time when you think he is cheating , He Is


What? He has her under baby?

 what you should’ve done is stick up for YOU & YOUR CHILDREN.
The only way to teach your children to love theirselves is to love YOURSELF.
And this ain’t it sis, I would’ve answered the damn phone, and if it turned out to be another woman I would’ve kicked him in the balls and packed our shit. :v:t3:

Above all else, take care of YOU and your babies. A man can be replaced. If he isn’t meeting expectations and he gives you reason to believe he’s cheating, then bring it up with him. Don’t accept anything he says without valid proof bc right now his word holds no value if he can’t back it up. If he’s a mess, then trash him. You got you and yours.

He’s on the wind up
 SURELY? Imagine it’s a pal just bammin the fiancĂ©e up see what her reaction is :see_no_evil::laughing:

Call her and tell her who you are
 She may think he’s single
 Atleast you both get to know the truth


I really don’t think he’s cheating cause if he was he wouldn’t have the name baby on his phone it’s to noticeable he would be hiding her cheating

I think you’d have to be a special kind of stupid to name your affair partner baby in your contact list. Confront him about it.


This happened to me with an ex. I got her number called her (wasnt rude to her) let her know i was engaged to him and had been forba few years. She had no idea! She helped me bust him out because at the end of the day he was cheating us both.

Take picture, phone recordings of her answering the phone and get all the proof. Then leave his ass and get child support!

You need to gather good factual evidence before accusing him first . Then bring it up and get out in the open . Why ? Bc communication and honesty is an A must any any relationship. Then decide if you want to forgive him and move on to step 2 and make things work . If it’s going to be one of those relationships were you have no trust at all end the relationship, never marry unless you have all your ducks in a roll :rofl::rofl:

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If you don’t want to confront him without more evidence. I would ask him one day to use his phone to call someone (whoever, someone he wouldn’t question) tell him for some reason it’s not going through on your phone. While “calling” someone, call baby instead or just see if you can find anything And even if no one answers turn the phone around and show him the contact n just say “who is this?!”. I would confront him immediately but I know some people can be scared to or feel like they need evidence with them. Act like you know more than you do. If they think you know everything, sometimes they’re more likely to break and tell you the truth.


You are an adult with one child and another on the way. Ask him who baby is, have him call the number and verify he isnt lying. Remain calm. If he gets mad and defensive you have your answer.


I mean he’s probably cheating, but I do work with someone and her name is literally “Baby”. Lol. Sweet lady.

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I would just say to your partner that his phone rang twice while he was out the room and it popped up with the name ‘baby’ and see what his reaction is? Maybe it’s a nick name for one of his friends?

Next time answer it. If she asks for him ask if you can take a message for your husband

Talk to your man like an adult, maybe?

Some men are just flat out twat waffles! Emphasis on the twat :expressionless:


You should not be on your 2nd baby unmarried. If he didn’t marry you with the first why you think he will on the 2nd. Sure he’s cheating


Use his phone to call “baby”. Ask her how she knows him and if she knows about you.


Call the number and see who it is

I would just ask :woman_shrugging:. My husband’s friends do silly shit all the time and put cute nicknames for their number in his phone.

Call back and say “hi, I found this phone at the store and wanted to give it to the owner. Who are you?”


Ask him who the fuck is baby? And phone her yourself. Done deal

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Well you could confront him

That’s sad girl sorry. Glad I have a non cheater geeze

I would like to think if he was cheating hed be smarter than that and maybe “baby” is the big baby at work that calls in or complains a lot or maybe even a family member who he thinks is a big baby. But probably not
Id just tell him hey baby called you


Answer the phone I did🧐 than leave xx
Best of luck!


You gotta woman up and ask him yourself! If he’s a liar and a cheater w no respect, his body language will say it all. Never ignore red flags or gut feelings just bc you feel invested. Protect you and your kids from hurt and disappointment.


Just ask him who is baby why are they calling and why is that there contact name

Girl, why have a second child with a man that didnt marry you for the first . Cart before the horse. Just know you may end up a single mother
He isn’t married , feels no strings attached
 better be making plans for you and the kids
I’m sorry but someone should talk straight to you, not sugar coat
in future dont make babies with someone that’s not married to you, even then better get to know them a couple years
IM SORRY. Hope he will pay for this baby to be born and pay child support for both. If your working he should pay your Bill’s also till you can get well after the birth


Be smart
 getthe number and call to see who it is (might be a guy m8) if it isnt dont tell him u know 
 just get him in the mood 
 tie him up 
 deep Heaton your hands 
 finger up the bum and a ton on his willy and balls 
 then tell him 
 ring o fire 
 Johnny cash lol

Unless you were calling or your 9 month old has a phone you already know.


I’d be getting that phone and calling that number. Make up a story if you have to, to find out who the heck it is. Good luck :crossed_fingers:


I would ask! My phone has added someone that has called to my sister’s number before. I’m assuming I might have done it with out knowing, so you never know. But “baby” unless that is my number, I’d be all over figuring out who it was!

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Come right out and ask him because not knowing is more painful than knowing!

Call it back and ask what’s up.

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What a dumbass to cheat on a pregnant fiancĂ© but what an even bigger dumbass to put her as “baby” in his phone :roll_eyes:. Girl just confront him
.but get your proof first. Call the number.

You should have answered it

Get the number and put it into google and see is it linked to a Facebook or social media account.


Answer the phone yourself! I feel like a lot of men will come up with a sketchy excuse to try & hide it - which just puts you in more turmoil just wanting answers.
Or call back the number! See who answers and go from there. Good luck girl


Don’t let it go , go straight to him n ask him who is baby thats calling him n deal with it tonight not tomorrow don’t keep sitting there being their fool

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You can check the phone records if your on the bill


Hes not even trying to hide that shit saved as baby what a bitch . Definitely ask him now

if my partner got a call from “baby” i’d assume it was a guy friend of his that he always jokingly flirts with. is his sense of humor like that? do you have reason not to trust him?
this would be something i could easily ask my partner about cause we have communication, if you don’t have that it’s a problem in and of itself hun.


Make him call it back himself on speaker!


Ask the watch his behaviour if he denies it

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Answer it! Or call it back! :woman_shrugging:t3: you deserve to know


Confront that shit!!!

Ok?? Ask?? Or answer the phone yourself :woman_shrugging:

U sure it didn’t day say Bobby

Also did he answer in front of. You


Answer the phone! Are guys that dumb where they cheat and put the chicks name under Baby? Hopefully it’s not what you think! Good luck!

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Venting on social medias sure to help, man up n ask the source
 Rocket science


I feel for you Mama, but for your own peace of mind and the sake of that baby your carrying, either straight up ask him and make him redial the number, or check it yourself, but it needs to be done asap because you don’t need this stress!! Good luck and hugs


 My ass would have answered the first time it rang if it said something like that! You better hand him his phone and tell him to unlock it & call that number back on speaker. And if its a girl pack & be gone.

Go on the phone bill and look at incoming calls at that time


The name was baby what should I do?. Man that musta been tough grow in up with that name.


Dump him for being stupid enough to list his mistress as ‘‘baby’’ and not ‘‘steve’’ or some other shit. c’mon ladies.

answer that phone call ask dat Btch questions and confront his ass clearly wtf is baby it ain’t you clearly

I highly doubt it unless he’s an idiot and put their name under “baby” 


Tell her he has aids and go get checked


Maybe her really name is actually “Baby”

In my country it’s a common name

I’d just confront him by saying " who’s baby?“
 I see she’s been calling your phone”

It would be insane to actually label his mistress baby


Lol me and my hormonal pregnant ass would have answered the phone asking what’s up! :tipping_hand_woman:t3:I don’t actually think I would even need pregnancy hormones to answer the call :raising_hand_woman:

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Should’ve answered it


Kick him in the balls and be done with him

Now if it said pizza hut 
Baby may have to do with your being pregnant

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Leave. He will lie and say something stupid to try and keep you and if he can get you to stay then he knows that he can keep doing it because he’s now in control in his eyes :eyes: once a cheater always a cheater

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Call it back and find out for yourself

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

Sorry grow up stop asking for advice and use your brain . You are a strong woman with a strong mind use it. Be strong :muscle:


Stay calm. Ask him, calmly. You’ll know if he’s lying. Make your decision. Control the situation. Don’t be controlled by emotions, you have two children. There is help for smart women who want to get ahead. Make yourself proud.


Answer it and find out who it is!


Children don’t benefit living in an environment like that. Think of them and and not yourself, be the best single parent you can be. Big mistake if you stay!

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I think being a fiancé for two years would be a clue .


You are in the perfect place to kick him out and then tell him why. By that I mean, if he really isn’t cheating, you can blame your reaction on the insecurities of pregnancy. If he is cheating, you are ahead of the game.


Men never come clean. Even if you see them with the other women it is not what you think. If you forgive them be assured they will do it again


Alot of People can give you advice weather you choose to follow it is up to you, you have to do what you yourself feel is right, after you weigh everything out .


Ask him who baby is to start. Leaving his phone around for you to see who is calling him kinda shows he has nothing to hide. :woman_shrugging:


Yes don’t put up with more B’s not good for you or your baby’s I was there one time for 15 years he never change I more happy now then ever my kids too I did good racing my 3 kids so if he doesn’t wanted to change let him go it will be hard at first but you have to learn to love your self ,God help you to take a good decision

I don’t know why everyone is saying “ask him”. Oh right, yeah, like he’s gonna come clean. If you have two kids with a man and he hasn’t made you his wife,
that speaks volumes. He doesn’t see you as permanent. Don’t put yourself through hell, just leave.


Uhhhh sweetie, if you’re still a fiancĂ© after 2 yrs and yet you’re pregnant with kid #2
well there’s your sign! He obviously feels he can pretty much do whatever he wants in this relationship.


If you have to ask advice you already know ! Your hoping someone suggests you try and forgive him and work it out for the kids sake. Don’t! He’s cheating now he,ll cheat later and keep doing it because he knows you won’t leave him! Show that jerk you are stronger than that and kick his ass out let baby deal with his cheating when he does it to her to and he will!

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Call the number and make sure. Then leave. It’s scary I know but it’ll be better for you and the kids in the long run. Also, being engaged for 2 years isn’t a good sign.

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