I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

Reply of course :blush: confront it, heā€™s too blame. Heā€™s the one in the relationship with you, direct it to him if at the end he wants out, then set him free, he doesnā€™t sound worthy of you and the kids you both created.

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I think you know the answer and just need someone to push your back for a step out. What happened actually means good because you now have a chance for better life. Stand tall and release him and find out what kinds of supports you can get for your two children. Itā€™s better to prepare ahead of time.


You donā€™t say your age. Find out who ā€œbabyā€ is and make sure you have enough money and supports if you leave him. Are you in a relationship where they are controlling you emotionally, physically, financially by not giving you money, keep you isolated from your family & friends and keep you pregnant so you wonā€™t leave - time to get out of the relationship. Use protection so you donā€™t get pregnant anymore. Talk to someone.


Seriously ask him .If he is .Ask him to leave so you can have a normal life .It is his problem not yours.Yes you have a child and having a baby but if it continued they would find out and there would be unhappiness .Best to let him go now snd you can both still be winderful parents to your babies.

Just call ā€œbabyā€ and find out who they areā€¦ you know for definite thenā€¦ if asked and heā€™s cheating heā€™s not going to tell youā€¦itā€™s as simple as thatā€¦then you have a choice to make if he isā€¦ for you and your babiesā€¦ donā€™t put up with what you would never allow your babies toā€¦ youā€™re thier first teacheršŸ™ƒ


Call the number and ask who it is. And what their relationship is. Chances are she doesnā€™t know about you and is clueless. You can give her the 411ā€¦but experience is as someone said,he doesnā€™t think of you as permanent but baby mamma and I personally wouldnā€™t make it permanent at this time. If heā€™s doing cheating now whatā€™s later? Sometimes it can be repaired just depends on your level of trust and not nievity.


Give him the benefit of doubt. He canā€™t be that stupid! Maybe he misspelled his friend Bobby!


Do not marry him!! Makes things much harder in the long run. Find out of itā€™s true and if so leave him. Do not stay for the kids. Youā€™re teaching them whatā€™s ok by staying.


Listen to your gutā€¦I didnā€™t and I married a man that had a kid I didnā€™t know about, also a burner phone with 7 other women he was sleeping with. I learned the hard way.


Perhaps call the number and find out who it is
If it is a woman ask him


People ask for advice all the time , advice it like assholes everyone has one , You are going to do what you want in the end , I am 50 years old , I donā€™t play and say what is on my mind ā€¦Baby kick his ass to the curb there is plenty of Men out there whom acts right ā€¦Dont stay in this relationship cause yā€™all have a child , get out of it because You have a child and yalls happiness matters as well I say grow some balls and put Him out and donā€™t think twice about it do it know before it gets to lateā€¦and that is for everyone who is going through this ā€¦I love People , and I canā€™t stand it when they get hurt so do it for You and your child Baby Girl , take it from a 50 year old cause I donā€™t play like that I have been married 30 years and to this day I would mine put out if He done this ā€¦so make a stand Honey


Ask him who baby is and if he says this person is no one important have him call that number and give you the phone and you can ask questions.


If your already asking yourself if he is cheating
He isnā€™t the one your heart is asking for a reason


Why is he still your fiance? Iā€™d say he just demoted to baby daddy status. Get what you can and pass him off to ā€œbabyā€. It never changes.


Cheating is cheating. If you allow it, it will continue. Stand up for yourself and your babies. You will not regret it.


If he wants to stay with you and commit, he must leave her and go to counseling. If he chooses her, your choice is made for you. Heā€™ll probably regret it at some point and want you back. Tell him itā€™s a one time offer so make sure what he wants. If he thinks he can fool around and youā€™ll take him back when heā€™s had his fun he will never commit to you. Be strong, pray about it and be firm. Be brave enough to let him go if heā€™s going to be an unfaithful husband.

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Go threw his phone. If its locked and u canā€™t get in thatā€™s a sign heā€™s hiding something


Steal his phone and get number. No repairing. I disagree totally your pregnant with no 2. Where does he have timeā€™s? He should be helping with no 1. If not bounce him. But talk to lawyer first to see about support.

Call it back and see who it is!!


Donā€™t ask him. Call the number back or better yet text the number back. Youā€™ll get a true response. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re having to deal with this especially while be pregnant. Iā€™ve been there and there is nothing that compares with that type of pain.

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If you decide to leave do it privately. Do not tell him about.
He vould get violent, even though he is cheating he wouldnt like the idea of you leaving and could cause harm to you n yr child.
We hve hrd many stories where when a woman decides to leave they tell the man.
They gve a lot of time to plan and it ends up in tragedy.
Plz be safe for yrself n yr kids.

If he is cheating on you he will not stop if you marry him! Iā€™m praying for you hun and Iā€™m so sorry he is putting you through this. I know first hand how painful that is.

When women get the feeling that their partner is cheating, usually itā€™s true. Without confrontation, ask him to explain the phone calls and any other questionable instances. Also ask him if he wants the relationship to continue. Often cheating is a result of being unable to accept the reality and added responsibility of another child. You will be able to tell by the tentative and uncertainty of his answers. You are not dependent on this man and/or this relationship. If his answers arenā€™t satisfactory, donā€™t stay. Make arrangements for child support payments and start over. I wish you well.

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Donā€™t wait for excuses, run away as fast as you can with no explanation. He doesnā€™t value you, respect you and is extremely selfish. Itā€™s not a mistake, itā€™s a choice.

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You already have your answer. Youā€™re just looking for affirmation by posting the question here. Leave now or youā€™ll regret it later. You and your children deserve better.

He must have it in his phone as ā€˜Babyā€™ to hide it. Maybe so if you saw it you would think it was you? He probably never thought you would SEE her call.

Thatā€™s the only thing thatā€™s happened? No changes in behavior or habits? Did he cheat on someone to be with you? I wouldnā€™t think anyone would be so stupid to list as Baby if it was a secret girlfriendā€¦

Just very calmly take a hammer and smash his phone. Then go back to what you were doing. When he asks about it; tell him heā€™s a two time father and he doesnā€™t have time for another woman. Keep real calm.

Ask to see his phone. If he does not give it over, there is your answer.
I accidentally shit tested a girl I was seeing as I was considering committing to her. She met my son. He wanted to play a game on her phone and she totally flipped out, refusing to let him play on it. She had a habit of seeing other guys. Gee, wonder why she was overprotective of her phone?:roll_eyes:

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Call the number back. Introduce yourself and ask who she is. Donā€™t work yourself up. Baby may be a real name of someone that is helping your husband get you a ring or some other present. Donā€™t throw away your relationship just yet. Talk straight to the named person. Get the facts then calmly set down with the facts and if he is cheating talk to him. Get his side of the story. Then you have a clear picture of reality. Think long and hard - is there a chance for therapy or just end it. Either way your children deserve a whole life with parents not just a single parent.

Think about the kids because what you do will affect them the rest of your life.

Think with your head not your heart.

Then get some counseling for yourself to help make the right decision but be mature you are responsible for 3 lives so make the best decision donā€™t act childish and retaliatory.

Show your children to trust till prove otherwise. Seek the truth. Try your best to work things out donā€™t just say well poof be gone. Their childhood with both parents is worth fighting for. Teach them good characterization not to be a quitter.

Be a grown up and sit down with him and have a conversation with him thats the problem in relationships people see stuff and assume the worst without really knowing the truth i hate that shit

Try not to think the worst straight away.
One is his mates could of changed their name to be a joke? Who knows but I would just simply say. Mehta your phone rang and it said baby, who is this? If he denies anything just ask for him to ring them back on loud speaker with you sitting beside him?

I would tell him what you saw and read his reaction. Or his non reaction. Lots of guilty men will retreat to take a few to make up a lie. Or they will get mad at you and try and make it your fault . Either of these reactions spells cheater. My bf and I were both cheated on. Believe me I know.

Call the number. Ask who she is. Tell her who you are a d that you have a nine month old and another on the way and when your wedding date is. She may not even know about you.
Then you pack up all of his belongings in trash bags while he is at work and toss them out the front door. Call a locksmith and get the locks changed. You donā€™t want anything more to do with this cheating rat other than the child support you will be demanding from him through your state appointed attorney.
Get busy young lady you have a lot to do. Call your girls and your Mom over to help. :sparkling_heart:

Ask him straight out if he looks down instead of looking at you kick him to touch

Make sure you have your own bank account and get some money in it. Gather things for the kids, diapers, clothes etc so you have what you need for them for a year. Meet with an attorney to find out your rights financially and custody wise. Let a professional guide you to be sure you and your children are taken care of. Buy some gift cards too to Walmart, Target etc for future use. Set up where you are going to live and for how long etc.

The first thing wrong is you call him fiance yet youā€™re pregnant with this second child? How about children coming after the marriage? You canā€™t even manage
not getting pregnant, how are?you going to manage your marriage or children?

I think if you suspect he is cheating you should talk to him about it. If he gets defensive and abusive and wonā€™t talk you have your answer

You can find out the number on the phone with the name baby look in his contacts. ā€¦then call her then if he is cheating ask him to chose you or her and you are ready to walk away and to tell you the truth but she needs to know

What oh what is the situation with a lot of males??? Cheating. Got to have that instrument in use other than voiding. I wouldnā€™t even think of marrying him. Are you engaged??? Let him know your exact feelings. You most likely love him. Oh he most likely loves you also. Think about this seriously before a marriage. The best of everything to the 2 (or 3 ) of you.

Call the number and ask who this is , let them know who you are and about the kids, maybe he is playing you both

Do what u can to find out for youself who this ā€˜babyā€™ is, no point in asking because there is no way he will come clean. Do what u can and worry about u and those babies

Iā€™d get informed, get legal counsel,find out everything, bank accounts , work, personal history, a private detective, if heā€™s cheating youā€™ll be able to move forward with support from him much faster, get educated, use all services available to you, grants, scholarships, loans etc
Be the example to others and your children, itā€™s not only men that cheat

I once knew a lady called Mother Love. Everybody called her that like it was either her name or because she acted like a mother to a lot of people. I donā€™t know who baby is but unlike most of the ladies commenting, I think that one phone call from someone called baby is weak evidence to convict a man of cheating and destroy a marriage.

Answer it next time :woman_shrugging:. ā€¦
If your gut is telling you something is wrong something more than likely is wrongā€¦
Just remember the old saying curiosity killed the cat, if you are going to snoop be prepared for what you will find

Itā€™s his phone, not yours
Ask him if heā€™s cheating? Then youā€™ll know and tell him you snooped his phone. Youā€™re already insecure, so the youā€™ll probably only hear what you choose.

Confront him, youā€™ll have 2 babies and possibly some schmuck that is cheating on you? That is a headache you donā€™t need.

Tell him you want him to call the number with you there and put it on speaker phone. If its nothing it shouldnā€™t be a problem but if he says no or gets defensive you know something is up. If he is cheating then dont marry him because if hes doing it before your married hes not going to magically stop once your married.

You need more proof before confrontingā€¦ Find more evidence of it, then contact the other person if possible and get their take on it then go from there.

I wouldnā€™t marry him. Iā€™d leave. I made the mistake of marrying when I definitely shouldnt have.

Confront him in private. If you still think he is after you confront him he prob is then tell him to hit the road

Perhaps talk to him. Good place to start


Run! Do not walk to the nearest exit.

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Answer the phone and ask who it is and how they know him. Tell them youā€™re engaged with two kids, usually they donā€™t know theyā€™re the other woman.

I think you should cut your losses.Minute chance he will change.

Call baby and see who answers. Talk to your fiancƩ.


Be a door mat or not. Your choice.

If you cannot talk openly with him then there is no trust thereā€¦


Find out and if he is leave him.


Look at the cell phone bill. Find the number around the time of the calls & call back.

Get her number and ask her


Does he know you saw ?

Call the number and let her know the truth

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Why buy milk when its free

Ask if itā€™s true pack up and go u and your children deserve better


Go now it will never end,and trust is so important,you can do it i hope you have supportā€‹:blue_heart::green_heart::purple_heart:

Leave him before you have any more babies.He cannot be trusted.He will keep cheating.I wish you the best!!!:sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:

You should got the number or answered the phone.

Ask him to tell you the truth. If not, I would follow him if I were you that way you would know the truth yourself .

Confront him about it. You need to know.


Shove something nasty in his cocoa, l mean real nastnast


Better to learn this now then after you are married. Get out while you can!!!

Obviously no trust so the relationship wonā€™t work.

Only one answer
Fuck em off not worth it clearly had no respect trust or love

Donā€™t marry him! It wonā€™t work! Leave now.

Ask him is there someone else.

Take that phone, find out, then confront him.

1 st. Donā€™t look for answers on FB.


Listen to what Lisa is telling you!

Tell him u want to call that number and ask her who she is

Call the number first then confirm with himā€¦

Itā€™s sad you even asking. You KNOW.

Donā€™t ask him. Check his phone your self first.

Cut it off an then leave him

Donā€™t have children with a cheater


You should get married. Stop having babies.

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Donā€™t settle just bc heā€™s the father of your children. People donā€™t change. If you stay, youā€™re condoning his behavior and youā€™ll teach your kids to either act the same way or put up w it from someone else.
Do better for your babies.

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Iā€™d call back from his phone and ask her who the hell she is and how she knows your fianceā€¦ But from experience it sounds like he is cheating Iā€™m sorry u have to go through this hugs

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RUN!! It doesnā€™t get better, it only gets wose.

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I dont understand why people are telling HER to leave, she is pregnant and has another child, thatā€™s a huge upheaval for the poor woman. If its 100% he is cheating pack his bags and leave them on the doorstep, a very hurtful situation for anyone but itā€™s the best course of action for her, she will cope with the 2 children ( women are very resilient) just to make sure he pays his child maintenance and can see his children ( itā€™s not their fault) Iā€™ve been in this situation, its not easy but it is doable

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Kick him to the curb, donā€™t wait til you have more children. If heā€™s willing, try couples therapy first. But only if you feel you could ever trust him again. If not, you are wasting your time and your youth.

Probably should find a man who has a Brain. Who locks a sidechick in his phone as " Baby"? Seriously most lock them in as " Spam"


Itā€™s already past time to leave

Get on birth control and dump him

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Demand whos baby call it!!! You have all the right to know!!!

Definitely ask strangers on FB.

You need to talk to him. Pray 1st

Whip both assesā€¦leave him aloneā€¦co parent and collect your child support

Should have answered the phone.
The result could have told you a lot.

Uh ohā€¦donā€™t jump to conclusionsā€¦just ask him right out and start protecting yourself