I think my fiance is cheating on me: Advice?

Quit having babies with boyfriends

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He wants he cake and eat it to but because you’re pregnant with Bub number 2 he will play poor me I didn’t mean to do it I will never do it again bullshit that’s to keep you where he wants you find out the truth and leave on good terms because in the end if he has cheated you will lay awake wondering when his coming home who’s he with because he knows you are not going anywhere with two babies Let that sink in . They don’t change and we drive ourselves crazy always wondering what his doing

Confront him and call the number on
The phone

Call the number back and ask questions. Then ask him.

My ex had his side piece named “pet” in the phone i was letting him borrow…

Dont stay together for years for the kids… its more harmful then good :woman_shrugging:

Maybe ask him see his reaction

I would ask who Baby? I dont think i would marry him

Confront him. Or call the number and asked.

It’s easy to say “leave”, but personally, I wouldn’t know where to go pregnant with a toddler.

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If it was not baby it would be someone else. If you stay you will have to live with it.

Stop getting knocked up

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Get rid of him hez not woeth the trouble

My fiance of 12 yrs and twins. has my name as Baby in his phone.
He’s been cheating on me off and on. Tells why I won’t marry him yet.

Confront him about it, if it’s true…dump his sorry ass!! You don’t need the headache.

Maybe you butt dialed him…

What should you do??? Really??

See ya later alligator.

Kick him to the curb!

Keep your pants on an move on too next sucker

Find out. Then decide if you can fix things. If you can’t forgive and work on it leave.

Question them and ask them what’s up

You even had to ask ?

Answer back, yes sweetie.

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The funny thing is they be cheating with ugly woman, and then , they think there something, which they’re not!!! Cheaters will never be happy, or keep any woman!!! Unless you think your not worth more than that!!! Cause men don’t care, cheaters , I mean, all they care about is who they can get at next!!!

Prob his alarm to remember to check on the baby :baby:… silly lady :rofl:

Just leave lol. You dont need to prove anything to him.

Don’t think you can’t live without him. Run!

Once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater

Leopards do not change their spots.


Keep having kids with this jerk

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Ask him who the fuck is baby

Make sure it’s not a surprise for the new baby.

Someone trying to sell baby stuff.lol lol lol

When hes in the shower,look in his phone,get the # for Baby. Then when hes gone call Baby and tell her who you are and that you got 2 kids with him,and engaged. Then kick his ass out to the curb cause once a cheater always a cheater


Ditch him
While you can. He won’t change. The voice of experience!


You didn’t ask him? Call the damn number. Confront them both and kick his ass to the curb. Then go on with your life


Leave now. Why go through all the drama, heartache, distrust, etc… cheating is hard to heal from when you loved the person that did it you. Speaking from personal experience. I tried, he tried, he promised and I believed he didn’t want to cheat again, but I couldn’t shake the feelings if distrust and always wondering, feeling like I was useless bc if he wanted me then he wouldn’t have cheated and he’s only not cheating now because he was caught. Then to have to drag kids through that mess as well, just don’t. You can do better, bc there is always better. He found what he thought was better and you can too. Sorry, I’m not a candycoater and I hate to see women in this predicament, that’s just my opinion.

Leave now, that shit is never going to change. Who wants to spend their life baby sitting a grown man. Don’t waste your time on a loser. NO ONE SHOULD PLAY SECOND!!

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Find out who baby is and make sure he or she knows that you’re pregnant and have one child. Most decent people would leave. Could be that he is lying to whoever baby is about being single. Get a hold of that show called cheaters.

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I’m not going to tell you to stay or go,that is something totally up to you and only you.
No one else can chose that for you,nor should they be swaying you either way.
At the end of the day you have alot to think about,your kids, husband,your home,your life.
You need to sit him down and get it done,you will know of he is lieing to you.
Don’t go threw his phone cause that is just going to start drama and your family dosnt need more than it has to deal with right now.

First thing you should do is get a brain!!

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Why are assuming the worst? You.must have felt he wasn’t faithful at sone point prior to immediately go to a negative spot. What if it was a sweet surprise for the baby? Or he was planning planning a baby shower? You know the answers already. Go communicate with him instead of asking questions to strangers. Just have a plan or what you will say and how you react should the answer be your fear.

Figure out how to make it on your own…and go for BIG child support

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Lose him first, then go to court for child support. Be smart, he’s a loser.

Um!!! Leave his sorry ass. Nonononono… Don’t leave him actually… Make sure you are 1000% sure that hes cheating on you then go find yourself another man and then after u do make sure he knows that he was the reason why u did it. And The This way to do so is record yourself on your phone right now before you even consider talking to another man and explain All of what caused you to realise that hes cheating on you and then say about how you’ve been loyal up until this point and now you’re gonna look for another man so this way when he does find out you Have proof because you could just click on details on the video on your camera roll and it will show when you recorded the video

If you have access to his phone records start there and see how often he calls or texts a number and get those text records. There’s also a site called spy dialer where you can possibly get the name of the phone owner. He will not tell you if he’s cheating so don’t even waste your time with that. Follow him if you get a opportunity. Truth always comes out but if you believe he’s cheating he probably is.

Don’t u see what he’s using u for cannot believe all this stupid women out there

LEAVE and stay gone! Get an attorney for child support!

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Hire a private detective to follow him for a few days.

Drop him you don’t need that in your life

Ask him. I wouldn’t marry him though.

Find out. Don’t put up with it!

Baby momma, you can’t do anything.

Have a conversation; you know what to do.:expressionless:

I would answer it and tell that bitch to d
Fucking quit calling her man before u beat her damn ass then I would beat his

You already know! Now make your move


Kick him to the curb.Once a cheater,always a cheater.

GET OUT. Live with your parents or a good friend. RUNNNNNNNNNNNNN​:bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:

Talk to your fiance.

Take him to the cleaners if true

Castrate him then leave him

Best decide if u wanna share him.

Run dont get married

Answer it next time .

Talk to him instead of Facebook


I would get child support, and leave him. Better yet kick his ass out if he is cheating. Get a lawyer. He can’t have his cake and eat it too.

If you think he is cheating he is


Tell him the truth that you know.

I’m nosey. I would have answered the phone. I would have gotten her side of the story, then talked to him. Maybe he got her pregnant too. You never know. Best to have all your ducks in a row before you make a big decision. And yes… after talking to him… the best decision would be to leave him.

I was lying in bed, and he’s STILL not home. I feel lost and hopeless. There’s a nagging feeling of suspicion that’s been weighing me down for days. It’s time to put my doubts to bed and find out who is texting him. I talk to my sister and she said she know a hacker that can do the job for me cleanly without a trace she said I should talk to him elitecracker12 AT g mail I waste no time to mail “ elitecracker12 he told me this “ the way l will be able to view his background report and any unfamiliar social profiles, and then use Reverse Phone Lookup to identify the person behind almost any phone number.
If you’re trying see what your spouse is texting, your suspicions didn’t start out of the blue. You started to notice that he gets a lot of text messages. Sometimes late at night. Sometimes on the weekends. Most cheating happens when a man thinks he won’t ever get caught. But thanks to this new tool, you can blow the lid off a cheating husband’s affair. Once you have the number, name linked to a number. That will be the beginning of the work you will be able to read his text, see his calls! You could even access their Facebook page , whatsapp, snapchat to learn more about the person who’s trying to steal your man. You know that even if you busted your husband cheating, he wouldn’t tell you any of those details. But with a bit of sleuthing, you could find out for yourself without him even knowing!!!

Ask him directly who was that.

Dial 62 then your number then # from his phone and have his calls and texts routed to you :sunglasses:


You have answered the question there is no trust

Answer that phone! Then crush it, and clean house! Send him packing, boot in the ass!!

Do what I did. Block the bitch


Just be careful confronting. Don’t throw stuff in his face unless you have a person close by that can help you if you need it or do it quietly in public.

(I watch a bunch of murder shows and its usually the woman who tells off the man (who deserves worse) that gets killed. Women should not throw stuff in a man’s face unless she can 100% physically defend herself.

I agree with the people who say call her. Baby and belly bump pictures saying how happy you both are would work too. Set your camera up to video him without his knowledge and ask him about “baby”. Send her the video.

I don’t get women who allow the men in their lives have private phones. My vagina is my most private thing. If I’m gonna let my husband explore that, he better cool with me looking at his phone.

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Baby as a Contact name is so sus… like he wants to get caught. Might as well use mistress as contact name😏. Your man sounds pretty dumb. Hopefully your babies didn’t get his dumb ass genes…


Is this something you really need advice on?!

Get out and get child support

You may also thinks :thinking: …that the person on the other end could have gotten the wrong #… that is a possibility :thinking:


I actually knew a girl named baby. I know one named honey! I think I would ask questions before I blow up my world

Nobody puts baby in a corner, cowgirl up and ask him directly.

Answer his phone lol

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My grannies name was Baby so I can’t jump to the conclusion of he is cheating… best is to either call the number and ask the person yourself who and what they are to your finance and if it turns out he is cheating, he is a real dumb f*** saving her number under that…
If he is cheating, walk away from him now… Being pregnant is hard enough without the stress…

If he was dumb enough to store his side piece as baby in his phone, you don’t want him in your life anyways. Run. He can be a dad without you being played.


You shouldve answered the phone to be sure


Call the number back and find out for sure who it is. If it is a girl let her know you are pregnant and have kids.

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I don’t understand why you even have to ask “what should I do?” Ummm… ask him! Answer the phone! Call the number back! You’re really gonna sit there and wonder? That is your man, the father of your children! But on a second note even if he was cheating why would he have his side chick saved as baby? You need to get to the bottom of it.


Add the number to your contact and look it up on social media.

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Answer it. If he has a problem with it then leave his no good ass.

Answer next time see who calling or take the number down and have one of ya girls call her on speaker or reverse look up the number and see who she is and where she lives know your enemy love

Go with your gut feeling

Make a text me account. Text that number and say it’s your husband and its his new number and go for there


Unfortunately in my experience side pieces dont care if your pregnant, have kids, or have spent a significant amount of time with the guy. If he is cheating, im sorry you have to deal with this.


Get the number and call “baby”


The balls on this guy to not even put a fake name SMH. He does not respect you at all

Change Baby Name to your name and change your name to Baby :rofl: See how it plays out!


Confront him, sounds suspicious, but never know. Make it a discussion not any accusations. Based on his answer, you should know him well enough to find out if he is misleading.

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Once before I met my boyfriends family. I didn’t know they called (grandma ) bae … once he accidentally texted me instead of her …“have fun on your vacation bae”…and I flipped outtttttt bahahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl:now I laugh at how quick I was too jump too conclusions…you have alot of research to do Missy!

I would hav answered the phone and said who TF is this! This is the worst feeling. I’m so so sorry