I think my toddler has an unhealthy attachments to my husband: Thoughts?

Girl i understand what you saying. And it will probably be very hard when he goes back to work… but you are a mommy and you will get through it.

Make her a special pillow with her dads picture on it so she will feel more secure when he goes back to work. She will grow out of clinging to him.

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To me it doesn’t sound unhealthy. Maybe a little spoiled but they are only little once. You didn’t mention any behavior problems. :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m not saying your not tired or don’t have a reason to be upset. It’s hard dealing with a toddler and baby. I know. But honestly I’ve almost raised all my kids by myself and would of bent over backwards to have someone help me. The only advice I can give is change the routine up. You start spending more time with her one on one. Start having dad have the toddler help with the baby. I have a feeling when he does go back to work you’re going to have your hands full. But as far as unhealthy I don’t see it.


It’s separation anxiety… She’ll be fine plus you have a newborn it will be worse for a while but she will out grow it

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Talk to your doctor about ppd. Soon.

I know that they are sweet when they are little and sleeping with them in your bed is nice. But it’s hard to get them put. My husband slept with his son till he was 10. Then we got married and he tried to put him on his own bed. He was just traumatized! It’s never easy on them whether they are 2 or 10. Start them out in their own bed

It’s great hes being an amazing dad. But having a 2 year old have a melt down over him not being next to her at all times isnt normal in my opinion. 2 is usually the age where some independence starts to form. Talking. Wanting to do things on their own. So maybe try to have dad coddle her a little less. Have him explain shes a big girl and has to be a big girl while he’s at work to show little sibling it’s ok too.

Omg I would hate to have any of you see how I run MY house and my MY kids! For this to be a group for supportive women y’all are so rude and judgemental turning your nose up at her, calling her jealous. Shes NOT JEALOUS SHES TIRED! Do you all not remember having a damn newborn it’s exhausting she just wants a breakamd some time to close her eyelids for a damn second. Y’all judgy Karen’s need to move on!

That’s what a child father relationship with a good father is girl stop complaining many women wish their husband was like that with their kids be thankful he helps at least with the toddler and your are not having to wake up and take care of a toddler and newborn at night also it seems like you are the one that pushes your toddler away being so cold toddlers are toddlers they don’t have their shit together and that’s ok they have a crisis because you gave them the wrong colored cup or anything else you need to have more patient with her my son is this way with my husband his 2 too maybe instead of daddy leaving to the living room with baby maybe try having big sister help out a little or for daddy to say baby is going to sleep with us my son is great at that he loves helping his daddy with baby brother my son and husband are like your husband and daughter he will cry for hours when his daddy leaves for work during the day but my son does come to me and will sleep with me too or do anything with me but he has always prefer daddy it sounds like daddy did most of the taking care of your daughter and that is why she doesn’t go to you

Lady babies , need to be babied. Its all in the name !!!

You’re literally mad that your husband is an outstanding father…?
I WISH my father was that emotional and hands on and cuddly with me when I was growing up.

I’m just gonna not say anything else because this really pissed me off and anything else I type is going to be incredibly rude😡


Ummm its called being a loving parent? Its not unhealthy that she is a daddys girl… she is aloud to be shown affection especially if she isn’t getting it from the other parent. It honestly sounds like you are jealous. I have a daughter who is very much attached to her daddy and things are just fine, yes she can throw tantrums and scream and cry but thats part of being a toddler! Does she need to understand when enough of the fit throwing is enough yes but at the same rate, she can’t understand why both act differently towards her and with a new child in the house its a culture shock pretty much.


All of u that are negative what’s the point of commenting… to make someone feel worse or just cause ur a jerk. Smh… it’s not unhealthy but can be frustrating at times. It sounds like while he was outta work and u sick he was just able to do more with her and became her new normal. First u need to talk to ur husband. There is a difference between comforting and over exaggerating. See if he can help her become a little more independent. Have him take the new baby and u play with 2yr old sometimes. Maybe try a weighted blanket so when he moves there she still feels like someone is still there. Or toddler bed next to yall then work on her own room.And just make sure u and her get some quality time together as well as make sure she is helping with the baby so she doesn’t feel left out and it will make her feel good she is helping. Give extra random love and snuggles. It will be a lil difficult once he’s back at work cause yall gave gotten use to him being there but try as good as u can to get on a routine. My husband was out of work since march just started back and my 2 yr old will cry for him randomly just tell her he is at work will be home at this time. Keep ur head up. You will get through this.


Most think you are jealous I think that you are mad cause you want help with the baby but true is your are being helped you may not see it but you don’t have to wake up with toddler and baby during the night because daddy is taking care of one all you see he is not helping with baby but all you said about his relationship with your daughter we can all tell his is a great dad try being more involved less cold with your daughter and try having her help with baby maybe that helps

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Please go talk to your doctor about ppd.


Talk to your hub honestly about it.first though tell him you think he is an amazing daddy. Your kids are so blessed to have a daddy who is so loving.

Wow. A great father. One who actually loves and adores his child and isn’t mean and cold to them. Get your hormones in control and appreciate your husband


I see a divorce bitter woman in a few years blaming it on the daughter for the rest of her life caz he spoiled her and took care of you and her while you was pregnant again. Maybe he should of let you do it all?

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My youngest went through a phase when he was very attracted to his dad. Then turned it around and was very attached to me. That was when he was between the ages of 2-5. Kids see, hear, & know much more than what they let on. And your daughter most likely could feel your anxiety and stress. And I do agree that your hubby needs to chill out on the dramatics and stop spoiling your daughter so much. But… She’s only 2 and she IS his little girl so… Good luck with that!!!
Just breathe… Remind yourself that your hubby is helping as much as he can… That your daughter is only 2 and is dealing with a new baby coming into the home. And remind yourself that you’ve got this. And if you feel like you don’t at some point plz don’t be afraid to seek help. There’s nothing wrong with it.

Imagine being jealous of a toddler, your own toddler at that. Smh :woman_facepalming:t2:


Well this is just how toddlers act. Nothing seems unhealthy about this situation. Its a new situation. She looking for assurance from someone. Theres a newborn in the house her role is different now…

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Your not crazy or a witch. Your daughter has Daddy love♥️. Most fall for their Daddies by about 4, some earlier, some later. Hence the term “Daddies Girl”. No worries, you will be more significant to her later. Sad but true. You didn’t mention the sex of your newborn, as their is one relationship that is possibly even stronger than Daddy love and that’s the love of mother and son. But that’s another story. Sounds like your daughter is also experiencing some jealousy. It doesn’t always play out like you think but just try to routinely make some extra special mommy and me time for her so she can get more settled. You don’t want her becoming more envious of her sibling. Good luck to you and Dad. Loving hearts and hands full❤️

This is completely normal and not unhealthy at all. Would you think it was weird if her attachment like this was towards you?

This is a unique situation with him being home due to covid. Seems like they have had a chance to bond more, nothing wrong with that. Once you settle into a new routin her, she will adjust. Maybe try taking turns and switching off between the two. Help coach your husband how you like to parent them. I sure had to help mine. Some things he just didn’t know. Getting them to sleep in their own beds can be a start. Playing with her and her toys is great bonding. You could hype it all up, in her own room. Our son slept with us until he turned one and the transition to his bed took about a week. He cried and cried but his bed started off in our room, and after a while he got to move into his own room. It’s hard, but you can do it. Consistency is key.

Honestly i think you might just be a little jealous of how close she is to him. My kids are like that espicially in the spring because their dad is laid off all winter and they gets to spend that quality time with him. Everything else sounds like normal toddler stuff…


Its not an unhealthy attachment. Its just attachment. That usually happens with every child to their main caregiver. Its usuly the mom. But now through all this mess, dads one other parents are home more.
Tantrums and whining are typical toddler behavior. And having a new sibling is a big change for a kid.
She’s stressed to.
Sounds like your stressed and scared.
That’s ok and normal to.
These next few years are going to be crazy. Especially once the baby is walking. These are going to be hard stressful times.
Try talking to your partner and maybe a professional if necessary.


I think it’s totally normal. He needs to start setting boundaries with her( whatever you two think is best. Like her sleeping in her own bed so you can get some sleep) It may take a few weeks but sooner the better. You two girls should do something special and make it really fun. Go get a new toy or a special treat:) good luck :heart_eyes: two baby’s is hard to juggle

Most little ones revert back to acting like a baby when a baby is born. It is normal and common. She will get past it. Have her help you. You’re husband seems to get a great father and I’m sorry but you do sound jealous. You can talk ton your dr about ppd. Also talk to your husband and you guys work together to get her in her own bed and being independent. Let her help with the baby. Have him leave to the store or something each day to get her prepared for when he goes back to work.

Be glad your husband helps so much with the kids.


So many women would love to be in your spot! Having a dad that steps up for his kids no matter what doesn’t happen that often! Be grateful for what you have, it maybe exhausting sometimes but you rather have help then to do it all on your own while your spouse sits and does nothing! She’s definitely a daddy’s girl but as she gets older it will slowly fade.


“Daddy’s girl”… this is where that term came from. Relax. It’ll ease up.


My daughter was a nightmare at that age, she hated me and I damn near felt the same sometimes🤷🏻‍♀️ I was absolutely the only person she acted like a demon for and I’m grateful for that! I opted to take anti depressants because it really made me feel like a shit person and parent. She did grow out of that by the time she was 4. And is one of the best people that I know now at 17…So hang in there!

I don’t think that is unhealthy…I think a lot of these kids have grown to have attachment/separation anxieties due to being home with their parent for extended amounts of time.

My husband travels for work - and his work didn’t stop when the pandemic hit. I would do anything for my kids to have their dad like this all the time. He gets upset when he is home, that they only want ME…


Seems jealous of the relationship they have. Also give a little compassion and warmth after all it is your child. There is a reason she has clung to him more and by the tone set I believe she is more comfortable bc he shows her the love and patience she needs. You could possibly have ppd but I’m not a dr. Also when your children are upset that’s a normal reaction to comfort them.


My husband USED to complain about me “babying” my daughter, We co-slept often and I would show her more love and affection than anyone in my home. Because she is my only child, And will be a child for only a short time. I had very open, honest conversations with my husband (who is not her bio-father) and let him know waaayyyy before we were even married that my child will always be my very first priority, Period. He then started to understand why and he completely accepted it. Jealousy is normal when children start to receive more attention than spouses, But you need to be VERY CAREFUL as jealousy if not talked about can casques resentment toward the child receiving the attention.
Your little girl NEEDS exactly what her father is giving to her, You are clearly feeling neglected due to it. You are the grown up, Sort that out, Don’t make a father STOP showing his daughter love and affection to please you. It’s not unhealthy what so ever. In fact it’s very healthy.
Especially with a new baby in your home everyone needs to adjust and children need time, and reassurance to do that.


I don’t think it’s unhealthy but to prepare for when he goes back to work I would start having her sleep by herself to get used to it. And have him do it and deal with transitioning her since you are busy with the baby.

It’s not unhealthy lol he is just being a dad. I have 9 kids and the 2 toddlers also have a daddy attachment problem lol i just suck it up and deal with it. My youngest literally will climb in our bed at night and lay ontop of his daddy.


Dads are damned if they do and damned if they dont. Be happy he is a loving father and is actually there for her and hands on. It’s not unhealthy. Shes going thru alot of changes and if u think it’s a problem that hes spending time with her then you have issues. Maybe try bonding with both of your kids instead of just one bc shes not feeling love and affection from u obviously

So a toddler being a toddler. Also, if theres a new baby…shes used to all the attention for herself and now she has to share it. Its confusing and frustrating for kids and they all deal with it differently because at that age, they dont know how to. I have a 4 year old a 3 year old an 11 month old and am pregnant also. They get up between 430 and 530 EVERY day, so guess what? Our days start at that time. :person_shrugging::heart:

Sounds like they have an amazing relationship be grateful some little ppl don’t have a mom or dad


Start with you taking her out during the day without dad or baby, and slowly start trying to put her into her own bed. Let her scream it out.


He is an active and involved father and that is never a bad thing. But the co-sleeping isn’t that good and she should learn to self soothe at night and in her own bed. Dad should be preparing her for his eventual return to working outside of the home though by you doing more things with her without him.

I don’t think there’s anything unhealthy about that. She’s simply a daddy’s girl.
If I were you I would just start spending more time with her and enhancing your relationship with her. :heart:


I’d set up her own bedroom and surprise her with her favorite theme ex. Minnie Mouse. She needs her own bedroom and space. As well as you and your husband. I would also start your baby as well. The earlier you begin the better. I know from experience. :two_hearts:

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cry. it .out. let the kid cry shell go to bed eventually. andnshell getused to it. shes attached cause hes been home since March and u was pregnant…my daughter got attatchdd to my husband when i was pregnant with both our kids


Be grateful he’s a loving, helpful father and not a deadbeat


This too shall pass. As she goes on to her next stage of development and doesn’t need him as much you will both look back at these moments fondly. I remember when my young son one day got sad and sad he never wanted to leave home (I was reading him the book Love you Forever”. ). Well, teen years rolled around and he couldn’t wait to get the hell out!!


Careful with them sharing a bed. I had a family members kid sleep with them until she was 9 because she was attached like that. :grimacing:


I mean my daughter is used to my husband home all the time and I figure tomorrow she’ll be a screaming mess wanting daddy home and he’ll be out for a week after her being used to him being home for her whole life

A grown woman jealous of a toddler. Yikes


Your daughter is 2. You’ve been unavailable (for good reasons). This is how it goes. She’ll balance out eventually. Lots of changes in a short amount of time.


Wow I just don’t know what to say I believe it’s normal my girls love they daddy like that my two year old is just like that with her daddy I don’t mind it I love seeing there connection like that it melts my heart :heart: so I don’t understand the problem here


Sounds like he is being a good father. Be grateful for that. These times are precious and should be adored.


Its not many of you are only parents to 1 child! Ignorance

Umm…i sense some jealously here. It seems like he’s a good father and loves his daughter very much. Be grateful. You could be in the other end wishing she had a wonderful dad in her life.


What is wrong with a man being a loving father?


She’s two and she has been unseated from her position as the baby. She needs all the support she can get right now, as do you. It will sort itself out as everyone adjusts. Hang in there momma, you’re doing great and it sounds like he’s a wonderful dad.


Not sure what’s unhealthy about their relationship sounds like a normal toddler to me. Because of the fact that you have been sick so you probably haven’t been able to spend as much time with her she’s just naturally attached to the parent who is giving her the most attention right now. It’s not an unhealthy relationship it’s called a loving father daughter relationship. I do however I think he/both of you guys need to try and nip the sleeping situation in the butt because if this goes on for a long time it’s going to be a long time and hard to get her to sleep in her own bed. I made that mistake with my son (my oldest) and I didn’t get him to sleep in his own bed until he was 4.


You also need to try and start spending more time with your daughter to build your relationship with her as well


She’s old enough to be in her big girl bed. I like the mommy and daughter date idea too and Dad needs a talking to .


Sounds like you’re jealous. But i haven’t figured out if it is towards your husband or daughter… Better figure it out before one of them pick up on that ugliness!


He’s such a fantastic daddy!!
He’s trying his best to be there for everyone
And ur moody becuz he hasn’t noticed you haven’t received any affection or attention from him.
It’s honestly normal that a toddler gets attached
My son was super attached to me and I was pregnant as well
He was extra emotional
Lots of changes and ur toddler has reverted to be clingy becuz she doesn’t want to feel left out with having a new sibling
Now all u need is to try and bond with ur daughter
Have date nights without kids to restore the balance


My kiddos are 16 months apart and I had to deal with everything on my own for half a month and I was so excited when he was on days off. It gave me to chance to have one on one time with each child. On his two weeks at work these things you are explaining still happened because the kiddos and the parents are adjusting. My oldest was potty trained and after new baby was born she backtracked and was having accidents. They are both babies. Give it time mama.

I have three kids 4 year old 1 year old and 8 week old and my partner works from like 11 in the afternoon till 10 at night sometimes later 5 days a week and i dont get break just rountine honestly and spending time with the oldest when baby is down napping xxx

She sounds like a normal toddler and your husband sounds like an amazingly loving father… what more could you ask for?!..I mean a new baby requires adjustment on your part now being a parent if more than one child…be happy you have a great partner…I’m just saying. What more do you want…lol


Honey I think everything is fine but you might be going through post pardum depression, and your frustrated, just try and get her to sleep in her own bed but you lay down with her and give baby to daddy for awhile. She is 2 and needs attention from both of you. She will eventually grow out of it. I was a daddy’s girl too, Just take a break and breath heck go take a shower cry, and then come out smiling and take control of the situation. I hope everything works out for you.


I think it’s totally normal. He needs to start setting boundaries with her( whatever you two think is best. Like her sleeping in her own bed so you can get some sleep) It may take a few weeks but sooner the better. You two girls should do something special and make it really fun. Go get a new toy or a special

Post-partum. And I don’t mean from the newborn. I’m talking from the first one. And obviously it wasn’t dealt with leading to the new little one.

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Wow im sorry but nothing wrong with it shes 2 and just wants her dad i was the same when i was young all i wanted was my dad i cant believe what i just read actually show her more attention and affection! Sounds like u just brush her off unless its a big deal :frowning: how sad… i woundnt wanna spend time with u either and im a full grown adult with the way u worded this sounds like u actually dont give her any affection or attention. Id cry too tbh


He sounds AMAZING… There is nothing wrong with a father being loving and nurturing… Honestly y’all need some you time but at the same time what hes doing is great.


Family bed is the only thing to me that stuck out as unhealthy. She’s old enough to be in her own room if she has one.


She throws a fit gets what she wants (dad’s attention) it’s a vicious cycle only you can stop. As parents you’ve chosen where she sleeps so only you can fix that or suck up what it is.

I wish my guy spent this much time and paid this much attention to our toddler so he would get unattached to me :joy:. No seriously, this sounds great. What’s the problem?

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You and him need to have a talk about him setting boundaries with the toddler and expectations again is all

Listen,stop being jealous and see the love this father has for his child and you… wow!!


okay, honestly ? i can’t believe these comments. y’all are fucked up. she’s stressed out &’ asking for help on how relieve the situation … yes, it’s normal for children to love their father. AS THEY SHOULD. but, to be so cling to him that she can’t sleep without him ? he should at the very least be able to go to the bathroom without her … &’ help care for the other little one … SHE JUST WANTS SOME REST ! y’all don’t have to jump down her throat, damn !

to the girl that’s reaching out; i am so sorry for the way these ladies are making you feel. postpartum depression ? maybe. never hurts to double check. but, to me ? it sounds like you just need a break. a nap, a night out, for dad to help you get this situation under control before he heads back to work. that being said, h e should try to get her in her own room. give y’all time with your new baby &’ each other as well. do your best, &’ keep your head up ! you will figure this out.

not sure where they’re getting this “jealousy” thing from, but y’all need to realize how stressful this can be.

I was like this with my dad. She will be fine.

I think shes just stressed about him going back to work and the meltdowns that are going to ensue while caring for a newborn

I’m sorry mama, this is tough on top of a newborn. What it sounds like is that as long as she knows he is within heating distance she is going to exaggerate her tantrums. Kids can pick things up pretty quickly and it sounds like she realizes she can play daddy and get exactly what she wants from him, the less he is around and the more you show you don’t put up with that behavior the less she will do it with you. But until daddy gets on the same page with you, she will keep playing him.

I’m gonna get kicked out after this… but you take the same advice you have for your husband when he “babies” your daughter after a meltdown… it’s not a crisis. Don’t make it what it ain’t :wink:
It’s not unhealthy for her to depend on her father! When he goes back to work I suggest you buy some good coffee you like and some patience so you can be there for your little while the oldest relearns life with daddy working again.


How can any child have an ‘unhealthy’ attachment to their dad? I don’t understand she’s a baby and obviously loves being with her dad how is that a bad thing?


Thank God for giving you such a wonderful husband. Maybe you are jealous.


Im sorry that some people on here want to tear you down instead of lift you up. It is hard sometimes to ask for help and can be even harder when you get put down instead of constructive advise. Your doing a great job momma…it is tough but you will make it.


Sooo… what’s the problem???


Be thankful hes even there at all.


Please remember it’s okay to have an opinion and be honest but it isn’t okay to bash someone. I’m going through comments.


I see nothing wrong with it. Let her be a daddys girl.

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It could be a lot worse. She could be clinging to you while ur dealing with a new born too. I would just try to have him sneak out of bed at 5am and keep the house dark. My hubby leaves like 530 usually (precovid) and thats what he does. Just cuts on bathroom light and closes room door on his way out.

I think maybe the more she sees that you won’t put up with her throwing a fit the less she will do it. My son was the same way with my dad, always wanted to be around him and would throw an absolute fit when we left to go back home. But I told my dad to not baby him and just tell him “you’ll be alright just listen to mom” and after a few times of seeing that he wouldn’t put up with it either, he finally stopped

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Green eyed monster in that house

Just grandma here, lol, I know it can be frustrating, but maybe also keep in mind it’s a transition for 2 year old as well, now the 2 year old will have to share mommy and daddy with this new little stranger who will require lots of their attention, not to mention new babies are the center of attention, maybe have a chat with dad, he may not even realize what he’s doing , it’s a hard job being a parent, also when baby comes I would let 2 year old help as much as possible, don’t be too surprised if 2 year old reverts back to baby things, like maybe wanting a bottle, normal, good luck with both your beautiful babies, ( yes, even 2 year olds still need a lot of care and attention!)


The poor woman needs advice here .its fantastic you have such a caring husband who’s brilliant with your daughter but not easy with new born and toddler when he heads back to work. Maybe next time he leaves house do it when baby asleep and you can do some fun stuff with toddler so she has fun with you too while daddy is gone .that way by time it’s time to go to work she will know daddy goes but always comes back aswell .small steps you can do this .they dont stay small forever .best of luck to your new beautiful family .take care

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Not Unhealthy all. Sounds like he is more nurturing than mom. Thank God for good dads…maybe mom is experiencing a little jealousy, enjoy and embrace…thier relationship instead of making it a problem. Its your problem, not theirs.


He sounds very loving and nurturing. Be thankful for that. A lot of men/dads don’t want to be bothered with screaming crying children. It’s not unhealthy. You’re tired. Can he take both of them once in awhile so you can sleep? Having a new baby is a huge adjustment for big sister and you and your husband. She’ll grow out of feeling left out, scared, etc. Try and include her a lot with helping with the baby. And praise her. ((Hugs)) :heart: Praying for you all. :gift_heart:


He needs to make some healthy adjustments. But one day she will be past this stage and you will look back together at Daddy’s grown up little girl who no longer needs him. Believe it or not. You will miss the innocence. Him meeting her emotional needs will help make a very secure young lady! Love and embrace it while you can.


I’d go ahead and break the cycle while he is still there. Sleep train the toddler and get her in her own room. She needs to learn independent sleep and how to self sooth. Giving her a sense of independence may help. I’d also include her more in helping take care of the baby. Create thay bond with her and the new baby.


To me, it sounds like your husband is a wonderful, affectionate father, you should feel blessed! Sometimes toddlers become attached to a parent and have separation anxiety, my daughter did, she let me go to the bathroom without her, cried if I was out of sight. My youngest son was close to the same, he was very hard to send to a sitter so I could go back to work. Sometimes it just happens. Don’t tell your husband not to be affectionate like he is doing, there is nothing wrong with that.


Its wonderful that she and dad are close but if he is getting ready to go back to work and be gone for most of the day maybe that will work itself out. Or he could possibly take a step back to prepare her a little for when he is gone. Right now he had been there and they grew close. Fantastic!! Soon he won’t be. Have her take on the role of big sissy and help with the baby. She will love that.

Watch Super Nanny. She has great techniques for similar situations. If dad goes back to work you may have a few rough mornings but it will force you & your daughter to have time together which may balance things back. Hang in there Mama, be as patient, loving & creative as you can!

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Get her out of your bed now! Let get come and cuddle at night before bed but go to sleep in her own room in her own bed. It will be hard but so worth it. You’ll see a major difference in behavior and respect even for a toddler. I know from experience and studies done. Good luck.

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