I want to name my son Lucifer but my family has an issue with it: Advice?

Lucifer is a good name for a color you paint on your NAILS!

If you want to call him lucifer name him lucifer, he is your child. And didn’t he start as an angel anyway, and then rebelled so he was banished to hell and became the king of hell. I only know this because I also watch lucifer :heart_eyes::smiling_imp:


Listen! There are MANY shows that I WATCH but I would not DARE name my child them. You can legally change your name to LUCIFER and see what happens. Please don’t experiment with your child. I’m hoping you are joking.


Jezebel is also a name in the bible. Would anyone name their daughter this knowing wht it means?

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Your child your choice I know a child called Casper and he isn’t a ghost :ghost::ghost::ghost:


Girl name you baby what you want to name him! I believe in god an am not offended bye the name because it’s just a name! Judgment of others is a sin! They will love him anyways hopefully an if they choice not to because of a name they miss out because who need people like that in there lives anyways! Wow :open_mouth: some people… your baby your rules

I would just have to think about your child and what they might have to endure with that name. You say you don’t believe in God or the devil but you might change your opinion on that later on in life or your child might grow up and be a believer. Just some things to consider.


Call him wat ever you won’t

If you love the name so much why don’t you change your own name!? Don’t inflict this horror on a defenceless child!!!


Your son, your choice

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He’s your child name him what you want, my daughters name is khaleesi from game of thrones. Not everyone has the same religious beliefs either and if they don’t like it they aren’t worth being your friends anyway. Most people know nothing about Satanism anyway if they actually took the time and read up on it they would realize it’s not bad and makes way more sense than others. There are plenty of people who would like the name also, i think it’s cool.

I agree with your child, your choice although this is something he will have to live with and not you… so just be considerate of how this might affect his life. I see too many patents naming their children such random/obscene names and there’s just been no regard for what the child might experience due to it. Careless to me

What about hilter or chucky :thinking:


I like the name lucifer too but don’t set your child up to be made fun of by bad kids

No. Your baby. Name him/her whatever you want :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Dooooo it your it’s Baby! I was actually thinking of it too because of the same reason! I also liked Samael! But I ended up choosing the name Azrael from the show instead :joy:

That’s an ugly name :rofl::rofl::rofl:

What are you stupid? Why would you name your son after the devil?


Not for your family dude, but for your son…what the hell🤦


They say your name shapes who you become so 🤷🏽 if thats a risk you want to take :rofl:


In some states it’s illegal to name your child Lucifer so you might want to check on that before you are set on his name.

He will be bullied in school. Think about the outcome. My son name is Aaron and still sarcastically they ask aaron where is moses? He born in April during easter season so i choose the name


I would not name a child this just think when he goes to school or out in the world ,you are putting your child at risk of possibly being harmed.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I want to name my son Lucifer but my family has an issue with it: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

Your child name him as you wish… They can get over themselves

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Ultimately it’s your child, so do whatever you want. Personally I wouldn’t, just because I feel like your family won’t be the only ones who give your child a hard time. Other kids are ruthless, and I would hate for others to be mean to him.


The kid will get teased and hard to find a job later


Every name gets made fun of, how badly do you want your kid bullied?? Or else he has to constantly be the tough guy to protect his name.


You can name your child whatever you want. Just remember he has to live with that name. Go through school with that name and unfortunately he will more than likely get picked on for it.


Think about when your child starts school, will your child get bullied? We are here to protect our children.


It’s your child name him what you want but I feel tou are setting him up for future teasing and heck, when he’s an adult. Don’t think of the right now think of the future and how this will affect him.


That child will have to live with that name. Not you. I can’t imagine what all will be said to him. Please reconsider


Amiria Takarangi … did u post this?? Lol


Please consider your child and the challenges they will face when they go to school or later try to get a job. In my opinion your love for your child should be the most important factor

it is kind of creepy


he will have to live with that the rest of his life. how about another name from the show Michael or Gabriel


I wouldn’t because as an adult it would cause him issues. I would do it as a middle name though.


Its your child, but as a mom of 3 I know how mean kids can be and even adults too. He will be made fun and have to live with it. Have to think of his future.


You may not believe in God or the devil, but what if he chooses to be a believer one day and resents you for choosing that name?


your child has to live with all that comes with that name. just because you like it doesnt mean it’s a good idea.


I’m not about subjecting my children to being tormented for a moniker. Maybe just call him that as a pet name?

Think about how the child would feel in JR or high school. You may not see the reason if you don’t believe but half or more of the other kids your child will come into contact with will.


So then name him Damion. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Nope. Not their child, not their choice.

You can name him what you wish but please remember kids are so mean now adays and I would hate for your precious little one to be bullied etc due to his name best wishes to you


It’s not about your family. I’ve seen several storys from the children’s perspective, do not do this to him. This name will follow him forever and he will be treated differently because of it. Teachers, friends parents, employers, you don’t want to see your child treated that way.


As a teacher I can assure you that another name would be best


You name your child what you want.

Omg please don’t poor kid.

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To be honest words hold vibration whether you believe in God or the devil or not what you name your child is the essence of what they will be. Don’t be surprised if you name your child that and they drive you freaking crazy. For example there are women who name their children Damon which means demon and the child be as bad as hell. A name Lucifer has been used for hundreds of thousands of years and the essence of the name wouldn’t do a beautiful child Justice especially a pure soul. please pick another name


Put that name on a resume. Lol


I think Amenadiel is a neat name🤷🏼‍♀️

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Name him Gabriel instead❤️


Well the antichrist had to be born sometime I guess


If you hate your kid Lucifer is a great name. That poor kid will get bullied the rest of his life if you name him that.:exploding_head:


Why would you do that? Is this real? Like w that name you expect him to be a good decent person?

It’s illegal in a few places

You do you but the kid (and possibly you) will get made fun of/bullied.

The question should be do I give my son a name that he may hate just because I like a fad show

Think of how he will be with the name.

Obviously you can do whatever you want but your kid is the one that has to live with it. The likelihood of him being horribly teased during grade school and beyond is highly likely. When he applies to colleges and for employment later on there will be judgement as well. Not saying it’s right but it’s reality. Names matter in this world.


I wanted to name my daughter jessebell until I learned what it meant. I didn’t cause even though I liked it, its the child who has to carry it the rest of their life. Dont be selfish

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If you love the show so much why not samial???

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Being that the name means “Morning Star”… What a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning. Its your life, choose as u will. Teach your child to stand up for themselves if any challenges may come. Parents should do that anyways to teach their children resilience in the face of adversity.


I wouldn’t just worry about other kids I’d be concerned about the parents too.
I’m not sure many parents would want their kids to invite or attend parties, sleepovers, play dates ect. of kids named Lucifer.
But I’m almost positive it would also make it harder for him to fit in and stay off bullies radars.


Is it a name that you would call yourself?:thinking: Also, another suggestion can it be a middle name? :thinking:

It’s up to u bit just think about all the teasing being bullied and all the issues it will cause cause u made that decision. I’m sorry but I wouldn’t give my son that name just because of some TV show. Give him a nice name

It’s a nice name but better to think of the child trying to wear that name …. It may prove hard for him if your community is very religious

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Your child your choice. What you have to consider is what environment will you raise your child in and how will this name effect them growing up? Example- school, daycare, neighborhood, filling out legal documents… It’s not that its a bad name, it’s the repercussions that come with having it. And can you raise your child to deal with it. Don’t be hard on yourself, just look at the big picture.


Dont do it the poor kid wont have a chance


That show is my favorite as well but I wouldn’t name my son Lucifer. Now if I had a girl Maze would be my pick…

Its your child, name him what you want.

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Just not a good idea!!


Lucifer is an awesome name. Screw society


You will set up your child for bullying someday. He will live with the consequences that comes with that name, not you. Please, when you choose a name make the best choice FOR YOUR CHILD and not just because you find that name cute.


I love that name! My next boy​:orange_heart::orange_heart:

You should change your name to Lucifer since you like it, and give your son a name that he can Live with for the rest of his life.


Your child, you choice life’s too short to be anything but happy

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While you may not believe in God, ALOT of people do. Please dont do that to that baby. Lucifer is another name for the devil. Dont put that on your child. :disappointed:


For the record, I think it’s a nice name, unfortunately people are going to be assholes and judge him. Just look at some of the comments on here :unamused: as much as we may like it, think about what he’s going to have to go thru. Good luck!

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Maybe settle for something close like Lucious…Lucian

He’s YOUR child… name him whatever you want!

Go for it. Just don’t ask us to babysit

I know you like the name. But your son will get bullied not you And he will most likely suffer from depression because of being bullied. He will be judge and I’m sure he will change his name himself. I see a life of sadness all because you like the name.
I’m sure there is other names you could choose from.


So I was taught a long time ago when I was pregnant that you don’t own that child. You are helping to raise a person you don’t own a child. The name you give that person stays with them so you really need to think about what that person means and why you’re naming them that. You don’t want to name a little person after a t TV show that is going to be gone in another year otherwise I would have made my child Undertaker.

You may want to also check with your state laws, some names have been band

This child will be your greatest investment so think about them and their future.


That’s what you want then do it…its better than Apple!!

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You should change it because it is a bad name and your child will be bullied for it.

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Maybe make sure it’s one of those names that are not banned from being on a birth certificate.
Do I like the name no, however it’s your kid.
Lucifer was the devils proper name before he fell from grace according to Christina tradition.

Coming from someone with a “different” name. I was horribly teased by my family at home and until my peers were teenagers at school. Having a different name as an adult, does cause for people to pause. I was named after a song.

I had employee once her legal name was Kroyssaunt (yes croissant) she went by Kris…just go without the weird names…they hate explaining it OVER AND OVER …imho

Lucifer was an angel, but he fell. Can you really imagine women (or men) wanting to have a relationship with a man named Lucifer? I mean, seriously. And then it’s like, the posts or tweets or whatever will be around at your child’s age when he is grown… like, “red flag, his name was Lucifer.” Give your kid a better name. Please.


I agree with the comment that said change your name to that…but don’t set that baby up for a life of being bullied and made fun of. Just no.


Your kid. Name him what you want.
No worse than some of the bs that people name their children.

Maybe get an animal, Dog/ Cat then use that name. But a child … it’s ultimately your choice, but he has to live with it.


Can’t be worse than blanket.

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That name is a Tragedeigh 2.0


Think of the crap your poor son will have to go through with a name like that.


Lucifer was a fallen angel not the devil.


My cousin wanted to name her son “Damian” & my aunt (devout Catholic) had a fit for it’s association with Satan/The Omen. She didn’t name him Damian but he surely lived his life like a devil - always in trouble…

If you name your son Lucifer, you can call him “Luke” & only use his full name when your angry lol.

Can’t believe some of these comments :joy: it’s just a name!! Completely your choice x

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