I was being bullied at work and my husbands best friend did nothing: Advice?

I think there needs to be more context as far as how you were being bullied and by who and what was said and a lot of people separate work and personal life and do it very easily and sometimes that doesn’t come as easy to others myself included. But there’s just not enough information here and if this was a one off incident then I think you’re being a bit much


Stick and stones girl it is what it is not everyone is gonna like you. It is what it is. She has no obligation towards you

Sorry but she was minding her own business and not trying to jeopardize her job, there is nothing wrong with not getting involved in other’s problems that is what you have HR for


She may want to mind her own business but your husband should have your back.


You have to Stand up for Yourself ( No one else should fight your Battles & She was probably just protecting her job by not saying anything on your behalf. )…But Your Husband should Always stand by You & Choose You…Not his Friends.


While I feel that if you see anyone being bullied especially someone you know and are probably closer with that you should stand up for them not everyone always has the guts to do that… especially at a work place. You’re expecting her to stand up for you as a friend, but you’re not taking the time as her friend to think about her side of it… what if this could possibly affect her job in a negative way which could in turn affect her family also. I would say that I see your husband’s view on it all as a negative, but to be honest there are points of his view that I agree with. Yes I do believe that he should stand up for you, but that should be him listening to you vent and telling you that you need to stand up for yourself at your work place and being your support system. I don’t think that he should have to stop talking to 2 people that he is obviously good friends with because of a situation that happened at your place of work that has absolutely nothing to do with him… yet he’s basically getting punished for it and that I definitely don’t see as fair… it’s not like she did the worst things imaginable to you. Maybe try having a conversation about the situation with her instead of just instantly going in direction of cutting them completely out of your life


Why is your husband’s bf another female? I’d leave him w her to “hang out.” F that ( for me personally).


I would say put your.Big Girl panties on & a big smile. And say Fuck her :slight_smile: Don’t say anything & just go along

Ok, I never ever comment on these because, well I like to read them. This is how I feel, you cannot expect everyone to bend at your will. If the friend didn’t say anything she probably didn’t see it like you did. You say your husband won’t stand up for you, maybe he don’t see that the way you do. Now let’s take it a step further if what happened to you was so egregious that it warranted breaking up friendships why isn’t the husband of the friend standing up for you? Surely he knows the story. He still sees your husband as his friend, so apparently he’s not seeing it as him being shady towards you with his wife. Just because you feel justified doesn’t mean you are. Seems like you are taking work home with you. That’s not ok


Ditch him report her and ignore the trashy comments here


Stand up for yourself! If you don’t command / demand respect then others may not give it. Bullying no matter what the age or position is hurtful and wrong. Anyone who doesn’t support you when you are bullied in essence appears to support the bully. Unless it has happened to you it’s hard for others to imagine the pain, isolation, and depression that occurs.

Have you talked to the female friend & asked her about it? Is she not your close friend too? Don’t know what happened at work, some people say they are bullied, when they are not. If you was bullied, did you report it? Was it a fellow worker or boss? You left out so many details, hard to answer you. But, most men who love their wifes, will choose their wife over a friend, even BFF. Sounds like a marriage problem. If he’s not supported of you, the relationship will not work. He is letting you know how important you are to him.

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Let that shithole husband go by himself while you pack your shit

Were you being bullied? Or were you being a karen?
… I feel details about the work situation are needed.


And hence why bullying is rampant along with racism. Until we all stand up when we see other’s being harmed it will continue. Helping out doesn’t mean to whip out a gun, scream or physically attack anyone. Speaking up can be reaching for your friends hand and saying hey, I’m here, let’s go talk. It diffuses the situation and gets your friend into a safe space. As for the husband…if he hasn’t tried to find a way to support his wife over his friend, then he’s a jerk. His first commitment should be to his wife NOT his friend. If you have a friend that’s a bully, racist, pedophile etc., do you really want them as friends? If the wife knew her friend was a bully to others, then she needs to figure out why she never thought her friend would turn on her.

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Ouch touchy subject for sure

So you’re partner should cut of his best friend because yoy have a problem with her? That doesn’t seem right.
If your Husband had a problem with your Mother would you cut her off?

Personally, I feel like you need to talk to the friend yourself rather than your husband being stuck in the middle.

You’re not 5 you don’t need anyone else to fight your battles. She had nothing to do with it therefore you can’t be mad at her and like you said it’s your husbands best friend not yours. Therefore y’all are just associates and you can’t get mad at your husband because he choses to still hang out with his bf. It would be different if she was the one bulling you but she wasn’t. Get over it and grow up.

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Well you know where you stand with your husband. behind his friends but you need to learn to stand your own battles not have other people do it for you.

Not a good policy for man and wife to work at the same place allways causes problems

So she was minding her own business? Stick up for yourself! You should never rely on anybody but YOU!!! What you allow is what will continue, toughen up!


She minded her own business because she has a family to think about and didn’t want to lose her job.
You’re being petty and childish towards a bystander instead of actually dealing with the work place issue


She doesn’t have to back you up although she could have but then you should be able to stand your ground and back yourself up too…but your husband well he isn’t very supportive of you I’d be more concerned about that…

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Girl are you a grown adult or a child. You HAVE to stand up for yourself. Don’t expect other people to especially at your work place she could have just minded her business cause she might not have wanted to risk her job. Yes if you see someone being harassed or bullied say something but you can’t expect everyone else to stand up for you all the time when you won’t.


Sue the company for not protecting you and the harassment. It can be done. Own the company and start by firing her and the others. Sell the company and retire with a nice egg nest. Divorce that little boy you are married to and make damn sure he doesn’t get one thin dime. He should have thought of that. The best roads are those less travel.

the 3 of you need to grow up

So many rude comments but yes there isn’t enough info here. If it happened to me I would talk to my husband first and express how it made me feel. He should be supportive even if he doesn’t see it like you do. They’re your feelings. Then if the other couple are such good friends you should be able to approach them in the right manner about how it made you feel. In turn she can express how she felt and you should understand those are her feelings and move on. After the fact she might be thinking maybe I should have said something. You don’t know. Good friends are hard to find anymore so it would be ashame to throw it away. That’s what I would do anyway.

Well next time someone shit talks your husband, sit back and don’t say nothin. When he asks why, just tell him you were minding your business. Same goes for his “friend”

He didn’t care because it wasn’t him getting bullied🤦🏽‍♀️…

She is no friend , she is his woman.you don’t see it


Sounds like a great man :roll_eyes:

I’d leave my husband an let him hang around with another man’s all he wants or I’d go an hang with her husnand


Why on earth would you expect someone else to possibly jeopardize their job to defend you?


Why should she have to step in? She’s right at work you kind your own business and take that stuff to HR.

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If you have an issue with being bullied at work, go to your HR person and they will handle it.

I was being bullied as well. And I have a mouth on me that gets me in trouble. So, instead of cussing out the person who was bullying me, I went to HR. Problem solved.

What are you 13? Grow the f up.

This sounds childish you should be able to stand up for yourself now go on with the crew talk about it laugh about and move on

If you’re being bullied just threaten them with violence if they dont get the message see a superior

To began with, REPORT THE BULLY, second second if he, you’re husband chose best friends over you the wife. Tell him to go live with them. Let them take care of his needs. He showed you plain how important you are to him…o… so find someone that’s respectful, to you’re feelings. And to hell, with his butt

Well it kinda depends on what exactly was happening


Lol that’s not your husband that’s her husband :woman_shrugging:t3:


Being bullied is a form of abuse, and should not be tolerated in any shape or form. If you’re husband’s friend who is a co-worker and knew what hell you were going through, she’s not a friend and you are left with huge decisions to make. Surround yourself with people who support you, and are going to have your back. Go to management, and up the chain of command. If you work for a large enough company get the HR department involved. Make sure your voice is heard.


For one work is work being bullied at work is crossing the line have whoever terminated or fired look into the supervisor situation and talk to them don’t start mess with other peoples lives she doesn’t wanna get involved do the right thing go to the right person

If you’re being bullied at work then put your big girl panties on and go file a complaint with Human Resources. You cannot expect other ppl to jeopardize their job to help you because if she lost her job for standing up for you then there would be tension regardless one way or another.


Does the company have an HR department?


Separate your business from your personal life!


Dude…. Everyone has a boss. Grow up.

Go to HR over the bullying. And I would definitely watch that “friendship”. With him not respecting you or your feelings against her, there is most likely something going on there. I would probably just leave


My problem is your husband just told you to deal with another woman being around basically regardless if she was right or wrong he should not have put it like that


Your husband just said he’d exclude you to be with his friend and wife. Your problem isn’t being bullied at work so much as being bullied at home.
Go to HR and then a divorce attorney.


He’s wrong. AND if she was a true friend she would have stood up for you. Minding her own business? Well, it seems you aren’t her business. So, evidently, she is more of a friend to your husband than you. And the way I see it, she has more priority, to him, than you do. He’s your husband, he took a vow to be loyal to you, not her. I’d have nothing to do with them either. My true friends would never do that to me. And bully someone I love? Look out. I see anyone bullying another!!! I step in.


Did you really expect her to possibly lose her job? You’re being unfair to her and your husband sorry just my thoughts


Hmmm he forgot his vows? Forsaking ALL others ?


If your being bullied at work, go to higher management and fill out a harassment form. You think your friend wants to say something and possibly have them start in on her too? If you were her friend you wouldn’t drag her in the middle of it. Maybe she doesn’t want to get in the middle of drama at work and risk her own position as I’m sure she needs that paycheck. Just my opinion.


You sound like a child. Being bullied?? For real?? Woman up, go to HR, then get a divorce. Cause those two are more than just friends!!


My question is this, could this be an entitled person who believes if anyone who has a difference of opinion is “bullying,” them?! I can’t honestly give an opinion with out knowing the person requesting my opinion. Based off of the way this story has been told, I’m getting vibes that “bullying,” wasn’t the actual scenario, because the “friend” or any other coworkers would have stepped in. If the author of this, is notorious for stirring the pot, I could see why a husband would not jump immediately to defend her. (Not saying he’s right because I feel there is big circumstantial information being left out, but you can only cry wolf so many times before nobody comes to help.)


Forgiveness is a healing process that developed joy.

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Bullying can be a spectrum of things with a lot of them maybe being something you deserved or needed to hear? Need more info on that honestly.
From your husband’s response he may be tired of your self victimizing tendencies?

Or I could be completely wrong and your friend is a ho and your husband is a dick and you need to get rid of both of them :woman_shrugging:t3:

Are you 5 yrs old. Are you seriously being serious right now :woozy_face:


Why did you marry a guy who has a “best friend as a girl”…there is no such thing between married people!!!


Wow…your husband is heartless and so is his friend! Wow, I am shocked by her ignorance. She should of had your back!!!

FIRST, your husband has zero business having another woman as a “best friend”. That’s crossing the line already. YOU should be his best friend.


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer …don’t let people bully you and if they do … stand up for yourself or leave and if friends don’t defend you that’s on them I would still go to the archery and show her my s***! And right or wrong your husband should always support you!


If you didn’t stand up for yourself then others may not come to your “Rescue”. If you feel someone is acting like a bully tell them or let it go


I am losing my mind reading these comments. If you’re confident in yourself and your marriage ladies then there’s no reason a man and woman can’t be friends or vice Versa. The cattiness is real on here. Unless this woman was being jumped and beat then there was no reason for anyone else to involve themselves. It’s a job not junior high school. There’s an HR department for a reason. Now hopefully the husbands friend asked her if she was ok but Grow up!!!


Personally I would stuck up for you of yall hang regularly!! I wouldn’t wanna be around her either and I guess it would be ridiculous to leave someone over that but that would really set me off if he disrespected me like that.


Yeah, just talk to the lady about what happened. Her perspective might be completely different from yours where she didn’t see it as bullying at all. If you need someone to corroborate what happened, ask her if she’d be willing to back you up when you talk to your boss/HR/confront the bully.

Depending on what happened you might just be being too sensitive. Did you grow up with a lot of boys? Maybe to her it seemed more like good natured ribbing when to you it felt like an attack. Having a thick skin helps in lots of life situations.

Is this a one-off or does this person regularly denigrate you or sabotage your work? What are the consequences of the bullying other than you feel bad? Will it affect your employment status, job performance, pay or performance review? Your best bet might be just letting this go. Do make a note in case this happens again so you can establish a pattern.

You have a problem with a bully at work. Now you have dragged a co-worker into it and your husband when they had nothing to do with it. If I were your husband I wouldn’t give up my best friend because she was peripheral to a problem you had with a completely different person.

Why couldn’t you stand up for yourself? Was this your boss or a person with authority over you? Why couldn’t you say something politely, like, “Wow, that was kind of harsh. You really hurt my feelings with that remark/action.” That way you let the person know they offended you and give them a chance to respond.

NO ONE CAN READ YOUR MIND. Not the bully, not your coworker, not your husband. Learn to speak up and be direct.

What if your best friend’s husband didn’t return something he borrowed from your husband. Would you give up your friendship if your husband asked you to?


I think that it was probably hard for her to make a stand but I think you can. I would go to archery and go on as normal but just be polite to her. There is no reason you should be bullied twice.

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I would feel betrayed as well. If your husband has a best friend that is a woman I guess it is what it is it sounds a little weird to me. More importantly if he and this woman are so close he should be sticking up for you and mention to this friend that he would really appreciate it if she would stick up for you if you are being bullied at work. The fact that he is being so nonchalant about it is a red flag toward you. He should care about your feelings. It is a red flag to me that he cares more about this friends feelings than yours.


Sounds like he loves her instead of you!


Omg seriously? Grow up!


Someone seeing another being bullied is usually afraid that they will too. In high school that is what happened to me and I never held it against my friends. Because they have the right to be afraid also. Woman up and turn the bully in or put it behind you. If you really want to be mad about the bully go and bully back that person. I turned in and threatened the school a lawyer and told them I’d stand up for my self and got documentation on that. Then I bullied the bully.


Why can’t you stand up for yourself? Why do you need someone to defend you?


Why would you expect someone else too stand up for you when you’re more than capable heck I don’t take nobody’s shit someone comes at me it’s game on

Read what you wrote. I think you can answer your own question.

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Wow! Who needs enemies when you got a husband that won’t even stand up for you when bullies pick on you and a so called friend of your husband who just stand by and do nothing! Something wrong with hubby his friend and her husband something isn’t right about that special friendship hubby found a hobby called 3 in the the pool and it don’t include you​:face_with_hand_over_mouth::shushing_face::woozy_face:

  1. Consider how difficult it is in a work situation to intervene, she probably felt awkward a d didn’t know what to do.
  2. Talk to her about it, you babe an established relationship, you should be able to sort it out with her yourself.
  3. Follow procedure at work to deal with the bullies, if you don’t take a stand it won’t stop.
  4. Your husband is wrong for taking her side and should have tried to get you together to talk it out.
  5. Talk to your husband tel him he hurt you and how you would like it handled in future.
    Good luck mamma

Your mouth n hands cut na… a big woman like u cyah defend urself… you need to stand up for urself my dear…stop make ppl walk over u… cut dem down to size now


I’d be looking for a new job and a new husband!!


How old are you?? ain’t her job to be your mummy lol grow up


My husband says you should just get over it. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
You keep saying they’re your husband’s friends. Which means, they have no loyalties to you. And apparently you didn’t like them enough to talk to her about it to begin with since you’re more than ready to cut them off and make your husband do so as well, so really, why does it matter?? You don’t wanna associate with them?? Fine, don’t. But don’t be that woman that says who her man can and can’t be friends with.


First of all… why aren’t YOU your husband’s best friend?!


I think something is going on with this “friend” and unless you want an open marriage, I wouldn’t tolerate this.


What exactly was said or done by your coworkers ?? I need more info. Did you take up for yourself ? If not , why not ? May be the same reason she didn’t. Maybe she didn’t even feel like it was a big deal to stand up for you if you didn’t make it a big deal. How would she even know your feelings were hurt if you didn’t say anything ? Can grown people get “bullied” ???

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Some men like to make sink holes for themselves. Your friend watches your wife get bullied and her answer to you is i was just trying to mind my own business. And you are okay with that :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: ah friendship is over. She could have said break it off guys and not directly get involved with the situation.but for her to just stand by wow. And your husband is wrong he should always take your side and give u time to be okay with the whole situation before going out with his best friend.im sure u didn’t ask him to stop being friends but just to consider your feelings.


Does your job not have an HR department? Do you not have a grievance process available? My suggestion: secretly start keeping a record of everyday incidents that are similar to yours: date, day of week, time of day, how long the incident lasted, witnesses present, any other pertinent information. The incident you reference, your friend who “did nothing” is a witness. The key is for you to do this without telling ANYONE you are doing it. ANYONE. Because if it comes to a tipping point, you will need a lot more than your word against that of the bully(-ies). You will need solid, detailed facts. Been there, done that.


I just find it really odd for married men to be best friends with women. Idk I guess it’s because my husband doesn’t really have any female friends. At least not ones that he talks to or hangs out with on a regular basis. Is there more to the story? Were you okay with their friendship before that happened or is this kind of your way to try to get him to end the friendship? Is so, I totally understand. I would not want my husband being best friends with a woman. I am his best friend and he’s mine. I’d never choose another man over him and I like to think he’s the same. If someone wrongs him or is rude to him, I take it personal.

Shes your friend not your mom. Stand up for yourself or got to your boss. She shouldn’t have to risk her job for you friend or not.

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What a horrible husband you have.


Always stand up for yourself. Others aren’t going to have the same heart as you. Secondly, any man who would put “friends” before his wife, is questionable to me. Stand up for yourself more because hubby sounds like he ain’t giving what he’s supposed to give.


She doesn’t sound like a good friend, but also if my husband put another female before me he would be gone


Stand up for you!
No one else will

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Kick his ass to the curb

You should always stand up for yourself however, the simply fact that she stood by and said or did nothing proves she is a very shitty person and so is your husband because he is sticking by her and not you. I would divorce him because if this is how he acts you absolutely have no way to believe that he would ever be there for you in times of need. That’s just sad. Good luck!

Sounds like your husband is a dick. He chose them over you. You all should sit down and clear the air about how you feel. You need to feel validated especially by your husband. Maybe she didn’t speak up for another reason like losing her job for getting involved. Your husband shouldn’t have to give up his friend but he should still back you up.

Doesn’t matter he should have your back whether you are right or wrong, that’s how it goes!!! Just my opinion!


Further more he doesn’t need his best friend to be a woman he has you! Just my opinion! I’m 50 and old school so there’s no way in hell my husband would have a female best friend especially in these times!


He either lacks respect for you or has a huge crush on her. It all comes out in the wash eventually.


Seems like he care more for her than you.


Speak to her about it and understand her point of view. Look for another job. It’s on you to decide how to respond